horror alice in wonderland edits

Horror Alice in Wonderland Edits Paige Ward

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Horror Alice in Wonderland


Paige Ward

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Photoshoot 1

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1. I uploaded a photograph onto Photoshop and then went to Image; Adjustments; Black & White to make the photograph B&W.

2. I went to Image; Adjustments; Shadows/Highlights and Turned the amount of shadows amount down and the highlight amount up to darken the photograph.

3. Then I went to Image; Adjustments; Brightness/Contrast and changed them until I liked the edited photograph.

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I edited this photograph in a few different ways because it is my favourite shot from my first horror Alice in wonderland Photoshoot, I wanted to see how I preferred the photograph when edited. Edited the first one by making it black and white and then changing the contrast and brightness to see how it looked best, I like this photograph in black and white but I do prefer the middle photograph with a filter off Photoshop on, I wanted the photograph to look like before sunrise or during sunrise and I think this worked well, even though it didn’t turn out how I wanted to it do like the edit and it is my favourite. For the last edit I wanted to make the photograph have a ‘fantasy’ edit look, I looked online for tutorial and step by steps to see how to add snow to my photograph, once I added the snow I thought it looked too bright so I turned the contrast up and the brightness down.

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I edited this photograph because I like the angle and depth of field, while editing I blurred the background out more to get a better depth of field. I also added a filter and changed the contrast and brightness to get the colour of the photograph. I think the edit has made the photograph look sunnier than the original and I prefer this.

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I edited this photograph by adding filters to it and changing the contrast, I think this photograph tells the story. I also like how the photograph is taken with a ‘natural’ look, even though it’s obviously been set-up no one is looking at the camera and they all look like they’re just having a tea party. I also wanted my photograph to be different than the ‘typical’ Alice in Wonderland photographs.

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I edited this photograph completely different to the others, instead of adding filters and changing the brightness/contrast I followed a tutorial and cut around the model and added her into another photograph. Then I used the brush to change the colour of the model so she went well with the edit. I like this photograph because I think it shows the Alice in wonderland and horror theme together really well.

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I edited this photograph wanting a lost look, I took a photograph in the woods with just the background and edited the photograph to give it a darker fantasy/horror look, once doing this I cute the model out of the other photograph and made her slightly transparent. I think it works really well with the ghostly/ lost look.

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Instead of just taking portraiture photographs I also wanted some of the props so I got a few books and opened them up and added the pocket watch and some cards and taken the photograph on different angles and this was my favourite. I like the angle and depth of field in this photograph, while editing this photograph I changed it to black and white and then change three brightness and contrast. Once I did this I added a light reddish colour to the photograph with the brush, I think it worked out really well.

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1. I added a photograph to Photoshop and then cropped it down to the size I wanted, then I went to Image; Adjustment; Black and White

2. Then I added a reddish tint to the photograph.

3. I added a new layer and turned the background of the new layer black.

4. Clicked on the Elliptical Marquee tool and then changed the feather to 200px before selecting the photograph with a circle.

5. Then went from the right corner to opposite left to make a perfect circle on the photograph.

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6. I deleted the circle from the photograph.

7. Then I put the opacity where I wanted it, I kept it on 100% because that’s how it looked best.

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This is one of my favourite photographs with the props in but I don’t like the angle or the background, so I cropped the photograph down to what I wanted to see. And then I tried different ways in how to edit and I found this is how it looks best. I’m happy with my final edit and it falling cards make the picture.


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I edited this photograph the same as one of my other prop photographs, but instead of changing the photograph to black and white I just turned the photographs contrast up slightly and the brightness up aswell. I did this using the Elliptical Marquee tool, I made the circle grey instead of black like my other photograph. I my final edit of this photograph and I also like the angle of this photograph.


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This is the third prop photograph I’ve edited this way, I think it looks good and I am going to use this on my final edits, I added a purple tint into this photograph aswell as editing it using the Elliptical Marquee tool. I think the angle of the clock is good, I also think editing this photograph with either the clock or books blurred would look good and would give the photograph good depth of field.


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I gave this photograph a depth of field while editing, I used the blur tool on Photoshop on the background to make the photograph look slightly 3D and I think this worked compared to the original. Once I did this I added a filter to make the colours brighter.

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This photograph was a simple edit I just added a filter and changed the contrast and brightness, I like the original but I just thought it could be brightened up because it looked slightly dull since I did photograph on quite a dull day.

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I wanted this photograph to look ‘obviously’ edited, I also wanted to give it a fantasy look. I did this by adding a brighter green to the grass and then adding some white to the model, once I did this I changed the brightness and contrast and I like the final result.

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I’ve edited other photographs like this and I like how the final edit looks, I changed the brightness and contrast and added a filter off Photoshop and then started messing around with the colours to, I mainly just added reddish tints to this photograph and I think this works well. I also like the angle of this photograph, I haven’t taken many like this.


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Photoshoot 2

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1. I uploaded a photograph onto Photoshop and then went to the crop tool because I caught too much in the photographs background.

2. I went to Image; Adjustments; photo filter and added a cooling filter to my photograph which added a blue tint. I think the blueness gives it a bit of a ‘Disney/ fantasy’ look.

3. I went to Image; Adjustments; Brightness/ Contrast and turned the contrast down which slightly darkened my photograph.

4. Then I turned up the amount of shadows which made the skin slightly paler.

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This photograph looks ‘obviously’ edited and has a ‘instagram filter’ look even though I edited myself using no filters, I like the bluish tint I’ve put into it and I think it gives it more of a fantasy look. Also the model has a purplish ‘dead’ look even though it doesn’t look real it still goes well with the photograph, I’ve edited another photograph like this from my first photoshoot and thought the ‘filter’ look looks good and I am planning on using it in different ways with my final edited photographs.


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I edited this photograph in a variety of different ways these two are my favourite edits. I like the angle of this photograph and it is one of my favourite out of my second photoshoot. For the first photograph I used the blur tool to blur the background and to focus the camera on the models face, and then I added a blueish and purple tint to the photograph to give it a ‘filter’ effect look. For the second photograph I made it black and white and then changed the brightness and contrast. Then I got the brush tool and went over her skin with a white with the to make her face look slightly paler. The brush tool’s ocopacity was on 25% so it didn’t look ‘over edited.’ Once I did this and was happy with my result I changed her eyes to red because I wanted the horror theme to come into the photograph and when someone see’s red eyes they automatically think ‘devil/vampire.’


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1. I added a photograph to Photoshop and then went to Image; Adjustments; Black and White.

2. When I clicked Black and white a window opened to add tints to the photograph, I gave it a yellowish tint which made it look like an old fashioned photograph.

3. Then I cropped the photograph down slightly.

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This photograph was taken in the college studio and I liked the lighting on the original, I obviously told them how to stand and it’s a ‘set-up’ photograph. I edited the photograph to give it a ‘older’ look than the original. I think this works well and the angle of the photograph is also good. Next time I take a photograph like this I should be careful with the high because of the models head being cut off slighting but I don’t think it looks like it was accidently done.


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In this photograph I was thinking about the rule of thirds technique, because of how close the camera taken the photograph this isn’t clear. I thought this photograph would look good as a vampire/ gothic edit, so I made the models skin paler and added red eyes. I am happy with my overall result and think it works well with my horror/ Alice in wonderland theme. I did this on another photograph but I changed the photograph black and white instead, I think this way works better.


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There isn’t much different between the original and edited photograph, when editing I made her skin paler using the colour replacement tool and then used the same tool to make her eyes red like I have done on a few other edited photographs. I keep making the eyes red because I think it shows the ‘horror’ theme into my photoshoot and it works well. I also cropped this photograph down and I am pleased with my final result.


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I tried to change the make-up with the colour replacement tool on Photoshop on this photograph, I don’t think the skin worked well because it’s given him a ‘metalic’ look, but I do think the ginger hair, green eyes and purple make up looks good. I don’t like the final edit of this photograph but it is one of my favourite photographs because of his ‘mad’ facial expression it goes well with his character. I tried turning the brightness and contrast up and down to improve the skin colour but this is the best I could get it. After my first edit I edited it again to make the photograph black and white and I think this works well on the photograph. On both photographs I gave him green eyes because I think it looks good and it’s the mad hatters actual eye colour. original

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For this photograph I wanted it to have a ‘filter’ look I went to Image; Adjustments; Colour balance and then went through different colours to see which one I preferred. I also cropped the photograph because I thought their was too much background and it didn’t need that much also because of the right and left corner on the original you can see props which aren’t meant to be in the photograph. I like how this photograph has turned out mainly because it shows the ‘mad hatters’ mad side and it was also taken naturally.


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I didn’t like the original photograph because I thought it was boring but I like the male models face and what he’s doing. So I cropped the photograph so he was only in the shot, then I used the clone stamp tool to make the whole of the background black but I didn’t like it so I turned the contrast up to turn the photograph darker. Then I added a new layer and copied the photograph onto it, so I could rub the model out and the original colour of him was on the background because he was too dark. Then I changed the brightness and contrast of the model to make him suit the photograph better. I like my final result and like the other photographs I used the colour replacement tool to make his eyes green like the mad hatters eye colour.


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There isn’t a big difference between both of these, I think the edit looks more professional though. I edited it on Photoshop and put a artistic filter on it, it brings the colours out more. Once I did this I changed the brightness and contrast until I thought it looked good. I also used the colour replacement tool to turn his eyes green, I’ve been doing this throughout my edits because I think it works well and it’s the mad hatters eye colour.


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I cropped the photograph down because I didn’t like the composition of the photograph, then I messed around with the colours in adjustments to see if I can get it like a ‘filter’ look but without looking like the others,. Once I did this I turned the brightness down and the contrast up because the photograph was too bright and then I made her eyes red which you can only see slightly because of how her face is. I like this photograph and I achieved the look I wanted for it.

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I’ve edited some of my other photographs like this but only my prop photographs, I’ve also included a step-by-step showing how I did it, instead of using a black or grey to blend the photograph in I used a turquoise colour. Once I changed the circle to the colour I wanted I started messing around with the tints in the photograph I turned the brightness up and the contrast slightly up aswell, then I added greenish tint into the photograph and I thought it worked well together.


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I like this photograph because it shows the ‘mad’ in mad hatter, and he also does this stare throughout the film and also in other photographs which I’ve seen online. I went to Image; Adjustment; Black and white and then I went to Image; Adjustments; Brightness/ Contrast. I turned the contrast and brightness slightly up. Once I did this I thought it worked well with the photograph and I prefer it in B&W. I thought his eyes would look green again so I tried that and was happy with my final result.
