honors japanese american internment camp research presentation

Ansel Adams, 1943 et al. Ansel Adams Manzanar Collection, Library of Congress) nation of Soils Used by Japanese Issei and Adolesce d Before the Japanese American Concentration Camps rs: 401W Contemporary Investigation of nese American Internment Camps a Magnusson

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Page 1: Honors Japanese American Internment Camp Research Presentation

Manzanar, Ansel Adams, 1943 et al. Ansel Adams Manzanar Collection, Library of Congress)

The Examination of Soils Used by Japanese Issei and Adolescent Nisei During and Before the Japanese American Concentration Camps

Honors: 401W Contemporary Investigation of Japanese American Internment CampsErika Magnusson

Page 2: Honors Japanese American Internment Camp Research Presentation

Alien land law et al. University of Washington

Page 3: Honors Japanese American Internment Camp Research Presentation

Woodcut of “No Japs Wanted Any More” (Photo courtesy of Masao Masuda and Susan Shoho Uyehara, Japanese American Living Legacy/Nikkei Writers Guild) et al http://www.discovernikkei.org

Page 4: Honors Japanese American Internment Camp Research Presentation

The War Relocation Authority officials looked for areas with:– good soil – dependable water supply– a good growing climate

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Page 6: Honors Japanese American Internment Camp Research Presentation

Table 1. Physical Geography of 8 Western Japanese American concentration camps. et al. Lillquist, 80.

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“Corn Field, Indian Farm near Tuba City, Arizona, in Rain, 1941.”by Adams, Ansel, 1902-1984Photo: U.S. National Archives

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Chrysanthemum harvestPhoto by: GIO PhotographerThe Government Information Office, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. et al

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Dr. Gina Wenger

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Dr. Gina Wenger

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Ansel Adams Manzanar Collection, Library of Congress

Page 13: Honors Japanese American Internment Camp Research Presentation

Japanese Farmer. Ansel Adams Manzanar Collection, Library of Congress

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Internees at Manzanar War Relocation Center. Owens Valley, California. Ansel Adams, 1943 et al. Ansel Adams Manzanar Collection, Library of Congress

Page 15: Honors Japanese American Internment Camp Research Presentation

Crisis in the Sahel et al The Fao at Washington.

Page 16: Honors Japanese American Internment Camp Research Presentation

Willcox, Barbara. "Young boys working in a newly cropped field in Africa."

Page 17: Honors Japanese American Internment Camp Research Presentation

Works Cited• Chrysanthemum harvest. The Government Information Office,

Executive Yuan, R.O.C. Web. 6 May 2013. <http://culture.teldap.tw/culture_jp/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=296>.

• Alien land law. University of Washington. Web. 6 May 2013. <http://depts.washington.edu/>.

• Willcox, Barbara. "Young boys working in a newly cropped field in Africa." Evapotranspiration studies could help keep Africa’s Sahel green . Web. 6 May 2013. <http://www.usgs.gov/blogs/features/files/2012/04/Featured.jpg>.

• Windwolf.org. (2007, April). Feet on the ground: ...Soil. In Windwolf. Retrieved May 2,

• 2013, from http://sci.windwolf.org/soil/orders2.htm