hole excitations in quantum antiferromagnets

Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 20 (1991) 689-693 689 North-Holland HOLE EXCITATIONS IN QUANTUM ANTIFERROMAGNETS Efstratios Manousakis Department of Physics Florida State University Tallahassee. FL 32306 U.S.A We explore certain aspects of the problem of a quantum antiferromagnet (QAF) with and without holes using an interesting analogy with the problem of helium liquids. Density fluctuations in Equid 4He correspond to spin-waves in the QAF; holes introduced in the QAF couple to the spin-fluctuations in a similar way that 3He impurities introduced in liquid 4He couple to the density fluctuations of the liquid. We generalize the ideas of Feynman-Cohen introduced for the problem of Helium liquids to the case of holes in a QAF. We find that the mobile-hole creates a long-range dipolar spin-back-flow which has interesting consequencesfor the hole-band and the hole-hole interaction. There are arguments suggesting that the copper oxygen based high temperature superconductors are systems involving strongly correlated electrons. In the simplest case, certain aspects of the behavior of correlated electrons could be described by the t - J model1 given by h = -~ ~ etch. + J Z: (~'" ~ - ~'~), (Z) iZ(0,~ <1i> and its generalizations. Here ci,~ is a bole creation operator, ~ is the spin-½ operator and t the electron hopping matrix element. The notation j(i.) means that the summation is over all four nearest neighbors (n.n) j of the site/,. The strong on-site Coulomb repulsion is taken into account by restricting the ac- tion of the Hamiltonian operator in a subspace of the Hilbert space having states with singly occu- pied sites. The t - J model can be supplied with a next-nearest hopping term as well as other addi- tional terms in order to more realistically represent both the strong-coupling limit of the Hubbard model and the physics of strongly correlated electrons. Our point here, however, can be made with the aid ¢f the above simpler model and our conclusions should be appropriately modified when such terms are taken into account. At half-filling the model reduces to the spin-½ Heisenberg antiferromagnet, which has significant phenomenological success with respect to certain magnetic properties of the undoped materials.2 A series of techniques and ideas have been applied to study the motion of a hole and the possibility of pairing between holes in the t - J model. In partic- ular, we wish to mention the work of Shraiman and Siggia 3 who have pointed out that a mobile-hole in a QAF causes a coherent rearrangement of the spin-background around the bole creating a coherent long-range dipolar distortion of the staggered mag- netiz~tion field. Such distortion has been thought to cause a transition to a spiral phase at any finit~ hole concentration in a quantum antiferromagneto 4 Here, we shall discuss an interesting analogy of the problem of holes in a QAF to that of 3He impuri- ties in liquid 4He and explore certain ideas which had been applied to study the latter problem. We gen- eralize the ideas of Feynman-Coben 5 for the motion of an impurity in a dense quantum Bose liquid to the problem of a hole excitation in the t - a T model, k is known that a mobile impurity, introduced in such a liquid, strongly couples to the density fluctuations of the system in a way that a coherent distortion of the density, field at long-distances occurs to accom- modate the impurity motion. This distortion has a classical analogy in hydrodymamics where it is known as backflow current. The same phenomenon occurs in the case of a hole in a quantum antlferromag- net, where its motion is hindered by the antiferro- magnetic alignment and thus the hole strongly cou- ples to the spin-fluctuations of the antiferromagnet. This results to a coherent rearrangement of the spin- 0920-5632/91/$3.50 © Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland)

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Page 1: Hole excitations in quantum antiferromagnets

Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 20 (1991) 689-693 689 North-Holland


Efstratios Manousakis Department of Physics Florida State University Tallahassee. FL 32306 U.S.A

We explore certain aspects of the problem of a quantum antiferromagnet (QAF) with and without holes using an interesting analogy with the problem of helium liquids. Density fluctuations in Equid 4He correspond to spin-waves in the QAF; holes introduced in the QAF couple to the spin-fluctuations in a similar way that 3He impurities introduced in liquid 4He couple to the density fluctuations of the liquid. We generalize the ideas of Feynman-Cohen introduced for the problem of Helium liquids to the case of holes in a QAF. We find that the mobile-hole creates a long-range dipolar spin-back-flow which has interesting consequences for the hole-band and the hole-hole interaction.

There are arguments suggesting that the copper oxygen based high temperature superconductors are systems involving strongly correlated electrons. In the simplest case, certain aspects of the behavior of correlated electrons could be described by the t - J model 1 given by

h = -~ ~ etch. + J Z: (~'" ~ - ~ ' ~ ) , (Z) iZ(0,~ <1i>

and its generalizations. Here ci,~ is a bole creation operator, ~ is the spin-½ operator and t the electron hopping matrix element. The notation j(i.) means that the summation is over all four nearest neighbors (n.n) j of the site/,. The strong on-site Coulomb repulsion is taken into account by restricting the ac- tion of the Hamiltonian operator in a subspace of the Hilbert space having states with singly occu- pied sites. The t - J model can be supplied with a next-nearest hopping term as well as other addi- tional terms in order to more realistically represent both the strong-coupling limit of the Hubbard model and the physics of strongly correlated electrons. Our point here, however, can be made with the aid ¢f the above simpler model and our conclusions should be appropriately modified when such terms are taken into account.

At half-filling the model reduces to the spin-½ Heisenberg antiferromagnet, which has significant phenomenological success with respect to certain magnetic properties of the undoped materials. 2 A

series of techniques and ideas have been applied to study the motion of a hole and the possibility of pairing between holes in the t - J model. In partic- ular, we wish to mention the work of Shraiman and Siggia 3 who have pointed out that a mobile-hole in a QAF causes a coherent rearrangement of the spin-background around the bole creating a coherent long-range dipolar distortion of the staggered mag- netiz~tion field. Such distortion has been thought to cause a transition to a spiral phase at any finit~ hole concentration in a quantum antiferromagneto 4

Here, we shall discuss an interesting analogy of the problem of holes in a QAF to that of 3He impuri- ties in liquid 4He and explore certain ideas which had been applied to study the latter problem. We gen- eralize the ideas of Feynman-Coben 5 for the motion of an impurity in a dense quantum Bose liquid to the problem of a hole excitation in the t - a T model, k is known that a mobile impurity, introduced in such a liquid, strongly couples to the density fluctuations of the system in a way that a coherent distortion of the density, field at long-distances occurs to accom- modate the impurity motion. This distortion has a classical analogy in hydrodymamics where it is known as backflow current. The same phenomenon occurs in the case of a hole in a quantum antlferromag- net, where its motion is hindered by the antiferro- magnetic alignment and thus the hole strongly cou- ples to the spin-fluctuations of the antiferromagnet. This results to a coherent rearrangement of the spin-

0920-5632/91/$3.50 © Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland)

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690 E~ Manousakis / Hole excitations in quantum antiferromagnets

corresponding to a coherent long-range dipolar spin rotation. We also find that as a result of this long- range distortion, holes with opposite momenta, in a certain range of the angle 0 between the vectors and ~', feel an effective attraction.

The analogy of hard-core Bose fluids with spin systems was first pointed out by Matsubara and Matsuda 6 who have shown that liquid 4He, when approximated as a quantum lattice-gas model, is equivalent to the ferromagnetic spin-½ Heisenberg model. Here, using a unitary transformation of the basis 7, we make use of this analogy for quantum a~tiferromagnets (AF).

Let us consider the case of no-hole, where the elgenstates of this model can be expressed as l@ > = E{~,)~,C{~})C-z)~Co)l{~ } >, where the configura- tion Ic > is labeled by the location of the up-spins, i.e., Ic > = [~'~,~'~...~'N. > = a+s;~...s + IF >" IF >

1 h r ~ '

is the ferromagnetic state with all spins pointing down and N~ is the number of spins pointing up. The amplitude !b({~/}) is symmetric under exchange of any two coordinates ~ , ~ , and ~b({Fi}) = 0, if F/ = Fj for any pair i , j . Thus, in this formula- tion, spins pointing up can be regarded as "hard- core" bosons. The phase ( - 1 ) L(=) (/ ,(c) is the num- ber of up-spins in one sublattice) is separated from the amplitude ~b in order to have a non-negatlve ~b for any ground state configuration 7. In this rep- resentation, it can be shown that the eigenvalue problem, HI • > = E l • > , reduces to a difference equation, for ~b({~/}), identical to the many-particle Schr~dinger equation on a square lattice. It de- scribes a quantum lattice-gas of bosons with "mass"

= 2/J (we use units where the lattice constant = i and/i, = 1) interacting via a pair potential V/~

having an infinite on-site repulsion ( V ( ~ = 0) = oo), V~ = J if i j are n.n; otherwise ~ = 0.

The ground state of a Bose-fluid has a broken symmetry, the Bose-condensate, which in the mag- netic language corresponds to AF long-range order. A simple and non-trivial ground state wave func- tion which takes into account short-range correla- tions due to the existence of the hard-core is the Jastrow wave function ~ 0 ( { ~ } ) = ]-[i<~ .fli, where f~ ---- 0 fo r i = j and .fi~ > 0 f o r i ~ j and it is

number operator counting the "particles" (up-spins) by a~ + ½ we can go back to the spin variables. We obtain the i~arshall 7 state

where the sum over i , j now runs over all pairs of sites. The summation over c is over spin configu- rations having ]V= spins pointing it, the positive z direction. If we extend the sum over all possible configurations, then the state (2) takes the follow- ing form

1 z z > = I , > (a)

- i<j

Here ]~ > is the N~el state with antiferromagnetic order in the z direction, i.e., a product over all sites

1 + l - > i ) which of states [ 4- ~ >i---- ~ ( [ + >~ are eigenstates of .~ with elgenvalues +1 /2 or -1/2 when the site i belongs to the A or B sublattice re- spectively. The variational state (3) is characterized by antiferromagnetic order with < ~ > = < ~ > = 0 and < ~ > = d-rot, where the value of the staggered magnetization mt depends on the function u. If we restrict the sum in (2) over configurations with zero z-component of the net spin (i.e. N= --- N/2), we find that < ~ >=< ~ >=< ~ >= O; however each of the two correlation functions < ~ . ~ > and < ~ . ~ > at large distances approaches the value ½(-1) i+Jm t2 while < ~ > approaches zero.

The elementary excitations in the Bose-system are densityfluctuations which in the magnetic system correspond to spin-waves. The zero-point motion of the long-wavelength modes of the Bose-system (zero-sound) gives rise to a long-range tail in the Jas- trow wave function. For a square lattice spin-½ quan-

tum antiferromagnet we obtain 8 u ( r --~ co) = j -~, c being the spin-wave velocity. The optimization of the Jastrov, wave function (u~;;) has been carried out by Liu and Manousakis 8 who used the varia- tional Monte Carlo (VMC) technique by both min- imizing the ground state energy and by satisfying sum-rules in a self-consistent way. Their wave func- tion gives -0 .6639J for the ground state energy per bond which compares well with the presumably exact

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The same wave function gives accurate values for the spin-wave velocity (c = 1.22 4- 0.02x/~Ja) and the moments of the Raman scattering intensity (Mz and M~), as compared with other techniques. 8 Us- ing the same value for the AF coupling J -- 1500°K found in Ref. 2 by fitting the temperature depen- dent correlation length in pure LgzO~O~ (a system presumably without holes), they obtain quite satis- factory agreement with the observed values of c, Mz and M~ for the same material.

In the Hilbert space with Aru up-spins and one hole a basis vector can be written as I /~ , {~} >, where R ~ ~ is the hole position and ~ the po- sitions of the up-spins. The most general eigen- state of (1) having ]Vu up-spins can be written as I~ >= ~,~,~(-1)~C~)~(R,{~})I~,{~} >- ,n this representation, the Hamiltonian includes the same boson kinetic energy and boson-boson interac- tion terms as in the no-hole case and three additional terms. The first two additional terms are the hole kinetic energy whose "mass" is m~ = 1/2g, and an interaction potential between the hole and the bo- son featuring an infinite on-slte repulsion, and it ;s equal to ,1/2 for nearest-neighbors and zero other- wise. This describes the lattice Hamiltonian of an interacting boson gas with an impurity and is anal- ogous to the problem of a SHe atom in liquid ~He. Lastly, there is a term which involves a two-"particle" exchange operator, and represents the exchange tak- ing place between the hole and a nearest-neighboring boson. A variational ansstz for the wave function is obtained by multiplying the Jastrow wave func- tion for spins by a correlation operator of the form



takes into account boson-impurity correlations. The imaginary part can describe "backflow" effects, as in the Feynman-Cohen treatment of the problem of a SHe impurity in liquid ~He; 5 there, eg describes the collective motion of ~He atoms which move out of the way in order to make room for a SHe impurity to pass through, filling the empty space it leaves be- hind. Due to this effect, the SHe atom inside liquid ~He has an effective mass which is larger than its true mass. The form of the function ~ g ( f / - R) can be determined by imposing on the wave function the

long-distance behavior of Cg(~ for two-dlmensions, is obtained as

~ C ~ ) = ( ) ~ . (4)

If we go back to spin variables, the hole wave func- tion, within a multiplicative constant, is given by

I g'r, > = ~ e-~k'~e- ~'C~'+~')~t I ~ >, (5)

where I¢~ > is given by (2) with the difference that there is no spin at site _~. The functions ~ and ~, are abbreviations for ~ ( ~ - R) and ~ ( ~ - R) respectively and we should keep in mind that they are functions of both the vector joining the hole with the spin at i and of the momentum k. ff we allow the sum over configurations in the expression for I ~ ~> to run over all possible configurations rather than just those with fixed number of bosons, we should use (3) for ~¢.~ > with a hole at ~ This state has a well defined direction of the staggered magnetization (z direction).

Next, we show that the Ag and ~ correlations can also be interpreted as local spin rotations and are necessary in order to relieve the local spin envi- ronment from the incoherence created by the hole motion. First, we set u = 0 in the state (5) which can be written as

I~,~ > = ~ e-~'~l ~ > ] ] IX(~) >~, (6)


and i 4- ~ ~>i are dgenstates of ~/. The state X(~) after normalization can be expressed as iX(~) > + = e~pC-~e?~ - a - ~ ,~ )14 - ~ >, , where a a,e the eauli matrices and 6~ = (-8in(q~,), eos(~,), 0). This state can be interpreted as a local rotation of the spin vector which points in the 4-~ direction by an angle ~i around the positive z axis and subsequently by an angle 0~ around the vector fzl out of the z - y plane towards the positive direction. The angle 0~ is related to the parameter ~ as follows 0 + =

2~:a~z-' (~:on/z(-~))and 0~- -- - , , ~ n - ~ (eogh(~)) .

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6 9 2 E. Manousakis / Hole excitations in quantum antiferromagnets

the problem can be solved analytically. The wave function (7) can he parametrized as follows

Ix(,~) >~=p,l±~ >, + ~ - P~e~'l + ~ > ' ' (8)

The states (7) and (8) apart from a muitipiica- tive constant can be made identical provided that the functions A¢, ~bi, pl, ¢o~ are related in the fol-

lowing way ~b, = - - f ~ a n - z [ ~ a i ~ w , ~ and ~, ~,- ' ) '

2 L l _ 2 p i 1~,/~_~/ . . . . ) . In this form, the ex-

pectation value of the ./-term of (1) apart from a 3J ~ 2 constant is given by < V > = --~-2-.,iPi and is

independent of ~ . Therefore, the re[atlve phase u~ can be found by minimizing the hopping energy onty. In an antiferromagneticaliy aligned spin sys- tem, when a hole moves to a nearest-neighboring site it creates a state which is orthogonal to the original state, in order to minimize the hopping energy, one has to allow for maximum overlap be- tween the initial and the final state, and this can be achieved if the spins around the hoie are in a non-pure spin state. The overlap between the state obtained by acting with H on (6) and the state (6) itself atl:ains its maximum magnitude by choosing w~ = --/¢ • ~. Choosing p~ = p, the expectation value of the Hamiitonlan (1), within a constant, is obtained as < H~_~ > = -8¢p~ l v ~ - ~ - p ~ - 6Jp ~ and the optimal value of the parameter p lies in the inter- val pc < p < 1 and depends monotonically on ~/J with p(~/J = O) = 1 a n d p(~/J ~ oo) -- p= = vi~. F~

The expectation values of the n.n. spin operators is obtained as < ~ > ± = 4-½(2p ~ - 1), < aE > ~ =

, v ~ - ~ , i - ( E - ~ ) . < ,;- >~= ~ zv~:-~-~,cos(E, g). Far away from the hole, the problem can be

solved by expanding the energy expectation value and keeping up to terms quadratic in ,~, q~ and ~,~ and ~ . Minimizing the resulting expression we find that the function /~ should decay within a few lat- tice spacings from the hole, whereas the function has the behavior given by Eq. ~a~ T~. planar dis- ~ / - , , ,~

tortion a 1/~ power-law at long distances from the hole. There is a magnetization along the direction orthogonal to plane which decays exponentially with the distance from the hole and thus it is confined

In summary, the operator, e - i ~ rotates the spin, wtl;ch points in the ¢ direction in the uncor- related sta~e, by an angle ~b~ which behaves, at large distances, as in (4), whereas e-~i~ generates the magnetization along the z-direction.

The minimization of the hole energy with the full wave function (5) which includes background fluctuations has been carried out by Boninsegni and Manousakis 10 who used the VMC technique. Their results have been compared with exact diagonaliza- tion results available only on small size lattices and they are in reasonable agreement; the VMC calcula- tion, however, has been carried out on much larger size lattices also. They ~nd that the minimum of the hole energy-band is at (-~,~) and the effective mass of the hole for the perpendicular directions around the minimum is different. In fact, the hole effec- tive masses in the direction (~r, 0) to (0,1r) is much larger than that in the perpendicular direction (0, 0) to (~-,~r). Similar band-structure has been revealed by a number of other approaches. 3, 11, 12 In addi- son, Ln¢ aong-ra•ge uiSLortlon of the staggers, mag-

netization, given by (4), remains after the inclusion of the quantum fluctuations by allowing z~ij to be dif- ferent from zero. The ferromagnetic moment which is perpendicular to the direction of the staggered magnetization also remains and is localized in the immediate neighborhood of the hole. However, the ferromagnetic moment depends on ~¢ and it is zero at the minimum of the band.

This type of distortion of the spin background has been thought to cause a spiral phase 4 at any finite fraction of holes. The order parameter in such phase is proportional to 4= = FrLt × 0=~;zt. Using our wave function for the case of a single-hole, we find that at distances far away from the hole (~=

f(/¢ 2 (£'~'~- &] where a ^ ^

Our qualitative picture of a single-hole excitation in a quantum antiferromagnet is the following: We separate the region around the hole into two parts, the "core" region of approximate radius re and the region outside the core. The length scale rc is of the order of the average length of the path of the hole in the "string"-Iike picture of the Brinkman-Rice approach and is an increasing function of t / ] . This

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energy excitations in the hole spectrum. For ~- > re, the spin background is coherently distorted from the antiferromagnetic alignment by an angle given be Eq. (4). The region of the "core" is characterized by a ferromagnetic moment perpendicular to the plane of the staggered magnetization which vanishes at the minima of the hole band. If there is only a hopping matrix element t ~ between different sublattices and t = O, there is no need for the creation of such long-range distortion. However, when the hole is delocalized and t ~ O, the presence of the long- range distortion is necessary in order for the overlap between two displaced hole states to be non-zero.

Within this picture of the quaslhole, we find that there is an effective long-range dipolar attraction be- tween two holes. The origin of the attraction be- tween holes with opposite momenta is the fact that the least amount of damage due to the long-range dipolar distortion of the staggered magnetization is caused when the holes stay at opposite valleys of the reduced BriUouin-Zone and dose to each other. The long-range part of the _c_=ffective interaction can be es- timated by using the non-linear ~r model to describe the long wavelength limit of the Heisenberg antifer- romagnet. From a semiclassical point of view, we can estimate the long-distance part of the effective interaction by calculating the difference between the energy cost to create two quasiholes with opposite momenta at infinite distance and at finite distance r >> re. We find

~ . ( , - > > r=,O) : --cCE)ff°s~ e), (g)

where 8 is the angle between the vectors/~ and ~'o Here, c(/;) is a constant of order i which depends on k. Hence, there is a 1/ r 2 attraction for - ~ < 8 < and ~ _< 8 _< ~'u" This attraction is caused by the dipolar distortion and as argued previously, is expected to exist on more general grounds when a hole is delocalized in an AF background. In addition, the interaction given by (9) between a pair of holes and other holes is weak once the holes in the pair come sufficiently close to each other because the distortion of the Background is repaired. Thus, this part of the interaction favors pairing and not phase sepa ration.

This work is supported in part by the Supercom- puter Computations Research Institute which is par- tially supported by the U.S. Department of Energy through contract No. DE-FC05-85ER250000.

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