history of earth science society (hess)

270 GeoJournal 7.3/1983 Wetter und Klima in Deutschland Ein meteorologisches Jahreszeitenbuch mit aktuellen Wetterthemen und einer Wettertabelle von 1901 bis 1981 Von KARL ROCZNIK, Regensburg 1982. 148 Seiten. 20 Abb., 25 Tab. Kst. flex. DM 24,--. InhaltsObersicht: -- Vorwort - - Das Monatsklima in Deutschland (danuar bis De- zember in Darstetlungen markanter Wetterlagen im normalerweise zu erwartenden Witterungsablauf) -- Aktuelle Wetterthemen: Zw6lf Luftmassen gestal- ten das Wetter; Gro6wetterlagen; Schmutzige Atmo- sph&re; Sonnenflecken; Vorhersage von nassen und trockenen Sommern; Strenge Winter - hei6e Sommer; Wetterfehligkeit und was man dagegen tun kann; Das biologische Klima; Mond und Wetter; Rund um den ,,hundertj&hrigen Kalender"; Alte und neue Wetter- regel n -- Das Kfima yon Deutschland in Zahlen: Wandel der Temperatur- bzw. Niederschlagsverh&ltnisse im 20. Jhd.; Temperatur- bzw. Niederschlagsverh&ltnisse; Da- tumsgrenze yon Frost und Schneefa]l; W&rmste und k&lteste Monate und Jahreszeiten; Extreme Nieder- schlagsverh&ltnisse zwischen 1851 und 1980; Tempe- ratur- bzw. Niederschlagsverhb.ltnisse im mitteleuro- p~.ischen Bergland; Sonnenscheindauer in 8 deut. schen GroSst&dten; Sonnenscheinverh&ltnisse auf Mitteleuropas Bergen; Schneeh5he in den AIpen; Zehn-Jahres-Mittelwerte; Sonnenauf- und -untergangs- zeiten in sechs deutschen Gro6st&dten -- Literatu rverzeichnis. Zu diesem Buch H ier wird der normale dahresverlauf der Witterung dar- gestellt, mit alten und neuen Regeln versucht, dem Wetter auf die Spur zu kommen, Daten zu liefern und die wichtigsten Wettererscheinungen allgemeinver- st,~ndlich zu erklb.ren. Im Anhang ist das Wetterge- schehen ab 1901 registriert. Mit seinem Buch ,,Wetter und Klima in Bayern" land der Autor lebhaftes Echo bei allen am Wetter interes- sierten Lesern. In diesem neuen, auf ganz Deutsch- land bezogenen Buch bildet der Abschnitt 0ber das ,,Monatsklima" den Kern, der einer besonderen Nach- frage entspricht und dem Werk eber Tag und Jahr hin- aus G01tigkeit verleiht. Die Arbeit will dem Leser Freu- de am eigenen Beobachten des Wetters vermitteln und zum besseren Verst&ndnis des Wettergeschehens beitragen. S. Hirzel Verlag Stuttgart Postfach 347, D-7000 Stuttgart 1 Report History of Earth Science Society (HESS) An International Society devoted to the History of the Sciences of the Earth As an organized science, geology is about two centuries old. Almost from its inception, the pioneers in the field wrote of those who proceeded them and of their early ideas. Because geology is concerned with processes acting through time, many geologists are interested in an historical approach. In the same vein, various creation myths, arguments as to subterranean forces, and controversies on the age of the earth have been a fertile field of study for historians. The last few decades have seen an increase in the number of geologists interested in the history of their science. As a result of their efforts, an international commission, INHIGEO, with adherent national committees, was formed and is now affiliated with the International Union of Geological Sciences and the International Union for the History and Philosophy of Science. A later event was formation of the History of Geology Division of the Geological Society of America. The founding of the History of Earth Sciences Society in 1982 may be viewed as one more logical step in the increasing interest in this branch of the history of science. The History of Earth Sciences Society has come about in part to satisfy four needs. First, only a few historians of science interested in the earth, and a few geologists and geophysists interested in history, have been able to brigde the gap which separates their intellectual endeavors. A society to which both can join easily allows for the mutually beneficial exchange of ideas. Second, because study of the earth is a global topic, a national group or a commision with limited membership may not be suitably flexible. A society open to all and cosmopolitan in composition and outlook provides this element. Third, in the past it has been difficult to find an outlet for scholarly works in history of the earth sciences. A prime goal of the new society was immediate establishment of a reviewed journal to serve the needs of its members. Fourth, historical studies of ideas concerning the earth, institutions involved in such research, and prominent workers have never received much attention. This new society will focus attention on all aspects of earth sciences history, extending from history of planetology, through all parts of the earth's surface to history of seismology. With greater prominence and a journal dedicated to the field, more support for intellectual endeavors is likely to be forthcoming. Membership in the History of Earth Sciences Society is US $ 15.00. This includes receipt of the journal Earth Sciences History. volume l having been published within 10 months of the foundation of the society. As a rule there would be two issnes of about 80 pages each per year. Institutional and library subscription rate is US $ 20.00. Fees should be sent to: HESS c/o E.L. Yochelson, E-501, Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC 20560, USA

Post on 06-Jul-2016




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Page 1: History of earth science society (HESS)

270 GeoJournal 7.3/1983

Wetter und Klima in Deutschland Ein meteorologisches Jahreszeitenbuch mit aktuellen Wetterthemen und einer Wettertabelle von 1901 bis 1981

Von KARL ROCZNIK, Regensburg 1982. 148 Seiten. 20 Abb., 25 Tab. Kst. flex. DM 24,--.

InhaltsObersicht: - - Vorwort - - Das Monatsk l ima in Deu tsch land (danuar bis De- zember in Darstetlungen markanter Wetterlagen im normalerweise zu erwartenden Witterungsablauf) - - Aktue l le Wetter themen: Zw6lf Luftmassen gestal- ten das Wetter; Gro6wetterlagen; Schmutzige Atmo- sph&re; Sonnenflecken; Vorhersage von nassen und trockenen Sommern; Strenge Winter - hei6e Sommer; Wetterfehligkeit und was man dagegen tun kann; Das biologische Klima; Mond und Wetter; Rund um den ,,hundertj&hrigen Kalender"; Alte und neue Wetter- regel n - - Das Kf ima yon Deu tsch land in Zahlen: Wandel der Temperatur- bzw. Niederschlagsverh&ltnisse im 20. Jhd.; Temperatur- bzw. Niederschlagsverh&ltnisse; Da- tumsgrenze yon Frost und Schneefa]l; W&rmste und k&lteste Monate und Jahreszeiten; Extreme Nieder- schlagsverh&ltnisse zwischen 1851 und 1980; Tempe- ratur- bzw. Niederschlagsverhb.ltnisse im mitteleuro- p~.ischen Bergland; Sonnenscheindauer in 8 deut. schen GroSst&dten; Sonnenscheinverh&ltnisse auf Mitteleuropas Bergen; Schneeh5he in den AIpen; Zehn-Jahres-Mittelwerte; Sonnenauf- und -untergangs- zeiten in sechs deutschen Gro6st&dten - - Literatu rverzeichnis.

Z u d i e s e m B u c h

H ier wird der normale dahresverlauf der Witterung dar- gestellt, mit alten und neuen Regeln versucht, dem Wetter auf die Spur zu kommen, Daten zu liefern und die wichtigsten Wettererscheinungen allgemeinver- st,~ndlich zu erklb.ren. Im Anhang ist das Wetterge- schehen ab 1901 registriert. M i t seinem Buch ,,Wetter und Klima in Bayern" land der Autor lebhaftes Echo bei allen am Wetter interes- sierten Lesern. In diesem neuen, auf ganz Deutsch- land bezogenen Buch bildet der Abschnitt 0ber das ,,Monatsklima" den Kern, der einer besonderen Nach- frage entspricht und dem Werk eber Tag und Jahr hin- aus G01tigkeit verleiht. Die Arbeit will dem Leser Freu- de am eigenen Beobachten des Wetters vermitteln und zum besseren Verst&ndnis des Wettergeschehens beitragen.

S. Hirzel Verlag Stuttgart Postfach 347, D-7000 Stuttgart 1


History of Earth Science Society (HESS)

An International Society devoted to the History of the Sciences of the Earth

As an organized science, geology is about two centuries old. Almost from its inception, the pioneers in the field wrote of those who proceeded them and of their early ideas. Because geology is concerned with processes acting through time, many geologists are interested in an historical approach. In the same vein, various creation myths, arguments as to subterranean forces, and controversies on the age of the earth have been a fertile field of study for historians.

The last few decades have seen an increase in the number of geologists interested in the history of their science. As a result of their efforts, an international commission, INHIGEO, with adherent national committees, was formed and is now affiliated with the International Union of Geological Sciences and the International Union for the History and Philosophy of Science. A later event was formation of the History of Geology Division of the Geological Society of America. The founding of the History of Earth Sciences Society in 1982 may be viewed as one more logical step in the increasing interest in this branch of the history of science.

The History of Earth Sciences Society has come about in part to satisfy four needs. First, only a few historians of science interested in the earth, and a few geologists and geophysists interested in history, have been able to brigde the gap which separates their intellectual endeavors. A society to which both can join easily allows for the mutually beneficial exchange of ideas. Second, because study of the earth is a global topic, a national group or a commision with limited membership may not be suitably flexible. A society open to all and cosmopolitan in composition and outlook provides this element. Third, in the past it has been difficult to find an outlet for scholarly works in history of the earth sciences. A prime goal of the new society was immediate establishment of a reviewed journal to serve the needs of its members. Fourth, historical studies of ideas concerning the earth, institutions involved in such research, and prominent workers have never received much attention. This new society will focus attention on all aspects of earth sciences history, extending from history of planetology, through all parts of the earth's surface to history of seismology. With greater prominence and a journal dedicated to the field, more support for intellectual endeavors is likely to be forthcoming.

Membership in the History of Earth Sciences Society is US $ 15.00. This includes receipt of the journal Earth Sciences History. volume l having been published within 10 months of the foundation of the society. As a rule there would be two issnes of about 80 pages each per year. Institutional and library subscription rate is US $ 20.00. Fees should be sent to:

HESS c/o E.L. Yochelson, E-501, Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC 20560, USA