history notes, mt. olive paragon christian church, olive ... · pdf filehistory notes, mt....

History Notes, Mt. Olive Paragon Christian Church, Olive Church Road, Morgan County, Indiana

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Page 1: History Notes, Mt. Olive Paragon Christian Church, Olive ... · PDF fileHistory Notes, Mt. Olive Paragon Christian Church, Olive Church Road, Morgan County, Indiana

History Notes, Mt. Olive Paragon Christian Church, Olive Church Road, Morgan County, Indiana

Page 2: History Notes, Mt. Olive Paragon Christian Church, Olive ... · PDF fileHistory Notes, Mt. Olive Paragon Christian Church, Olive Church Road, Morgan County, Indiana

copy of the Original Records of ~. Oliv~ Church. Constitution.

we of the church or~od at ~ Olive.i meeting in Morgan Co. Indiana agree to live together as a congregation of Ch rist;to meet together as such, and to attend to the qrdiances of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as delivered to us by the Apostles. We also agree to take the Bible alone, as our only rule of faith and practice. We further agree to keep a record of such things as the congregation from time to time, shall deem necessary-­such as the appointment of its~officers, immersions, or other additions, exclusions, removals, deaths, etc. Our. coagregation to be known and desiJm§.~~~-.- ~.@~j;Q.e __ -9A!lrCh ... Q~ God at J1t!Lc..911vet.

A~ a meeting embraceing the 2nd Lord's Day in Sept. A._D. 1859 the congregation at Mt. Olivet was formally organized with 31 members to wit: John Shuler" Charlotte Hanes~ Ephriam Ra tts "" Nancy J. DennyV" William Warthen ,... Serelda Denny v

David B. Dov" Sarah Shuler,.... Absolem Hanes " Sarah Ratte~ James J. Shuler "' Kathrine Hanes .,. Wil·liBll J. wartheil Mary Hedrick " Isaah B. Warthen""' Elizabeth L. Denn.y,..Henry Ratte Jr. v Katherine Hedrick v Leonard Hedrick,, Linny Warthen v JamesWarthen ..... George ·Hanes Y . · Mary Denny "' John Hedricl v . Louisa J. LettermanVMary A. Rattsv Charlton ShulerY Sarah WarthenV" Vi111am Denny v Susan Warthen v

and Phoebe Shulerv. . .

After said meeting the church appoimted Wm. Denny, Wm. Warthen Epb; Ratta· ae overseers and Absolem Hanee1~'• deacon •

. ·OD Friday evening b ~:fore the 5th Lord's l:>4y in Oct. 1859 a several days meeting was commenced and conducted by brethren Wilhile Brown, Blankenship and Pruitt~ When the following persons were . added to the church to vit:(by relation) Joseph Lee, Martha Ann lee, Mary A~ Shuler, Philip Knoy, Delilah. Knoy and Charity Knoy: .from the Baptist Sophia FinchWB. ReclaiJlled .l.lllanda Hatta and Jessie· Hogera:im.rr.ersed Elizabeth A. Rogers. '.

Katherine Hedrick departed thia life on the 30th ot Nov. 1859. Altho it has been termed.the Church of God and the Church~

c~,i!lj an abs~ract of tiii<leed~sp~clf'1cally-states it .. is doaated tor the use of th~"Christian Church, :which ia a1so kn.own as the Deciples of Christ, toI!'Oliera- of the: Nev Testaaeat • . · An abstract of the deed atatea it is doiated tor -the use of the Christian Church. '. · _______ ,... , · ·· · ·---~·-~ .... -.. ·--

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Page 3: History Notes, Mt. Olive Paragon Christian Church, Olive ... · PDF fileHistory Notes, Mt. Olive Paragon Christian Church, Olive Church Road, Morgan County, Indiana


l!;;;!~ · ·· ~~ :. ~ m~ ~~~~:~i~! :· . · ~;~ h~ · . :;~l; Rebecca ~ .Grouncl ,_"" ~- --r-; ,. DF .. •

9 .. bc 1


721 BJ_ o·~~·· :·A·-llar. .. Ra·"~t-•• ::.:. . . · ~ : - -~ei· !• 1



:_ Blia-·ogiea:·=·· · · - a ~ " r Bd T~PP• . -.. > . Mai- 1890 , s~uii ;.J •. · Shuler'. · . 891 : Lida May Tipps -· ~ · eb 1882 x. ·t. Shuler · - ~ 1901 . M. 11. Ground Dec 1871 JohD A.~ Dow ~o.O' •. · s. R. Ground Oct 189~ De11lah Knoy (died Dec M. L. Ground Jan 1901 ally Dav M. R. Ground " • Verlinda Warthen Gracy Ground n 1899 George Warthen Perminter Ratte 1' " 1 901 Sadie Warthen Eli Shuler " " Graft Ratte Walter Ratte " v Xillard- Shuler Corna Shuler " · " Clark Shuler Corda Shuler Nerva Shuler Daisy P. _Ratts Nov 1901 A1exa».der Shuler G. c. Ratte " " Sarah Shuler Julia Tipps Oct 1879 -lfartha Grounds w. H. Miller llar 1890 Iva Knoy Olla E. Miller · ~an 1894 Sanford Knoy Henry Ratte Sep 185 Elizabeth Voshell Harriet Ratte Feb 1881 Henry Halfacre Ankey Ratte · " " Lousetta Shuler John A. Harper Nov 1901 Vina B. Henson Vicie Harper " " Charlie Ratte J. X. Shul.er Mar 1861 c. E. Hedrick Sarah J. Shuler " " '!'. B. Costin Fred Secrest Jan 1894 Rosa A. Walters Minnie Secrest " " Martin L. Dunigan Mary J. Warthen c. c. Dow Albert Warthen n 1901 W. s.·warthen Jimma -Warthen Nov ~877 Baker Letterman w. F. Warthen Feb 1881 Walter Ground

" " Nov Jan Nov Jan Dec Jan


J. T • ."Stierwalt Martha Dow Nov Minnie Young Oct 1879 D. B. Dov bee L~cy E. Knoy Feb 1888 Mary E. Ratte ' Nov John Knoy ov 1877 T. J. Ratte (JermiahO Feb James Ratte·· eb 1882 Dot Burkhart ..... Nov Mary Ann Ratte~ n " Barbara A1ice McDowellv Oct William R. Ratte..- Jan " Fred Richard._, Jan J.t'anny A. Ratte v " 1880 Etta.Crone.,.. ~ .. eb Myrtle-Ratte r' " 1899 Adda Alexander v Alice Ratte " ec 1896 David Ground I' Bert Ratte "' an 1 901 Delilah Ground v I. G. Ratte v eb 1882 Sally Shuler.,. Elizabeth -Ratts y ov 187 Ephriam Shuler-,,_""'-.. H. C. Ratte v an 1 901 America Shuler,.. ' John Lee~ ov 1877 Alice Shuler ~ Mary Cathrine Lee r ar 1876 J. L. Secrest v James Rodgers ( eb 1882 Sarah Secrest r' Malinda Rodgers Dae 187 John o. Warthen



Mar ti

Dec ~·eb


Page 4: History Notes, Mt. Olive Paragon Christian Church, Olive ... · PDF fileHistory Notes, Mt. Olive Paragon Christian Church, Olive Church Road, Morgan County, Indiana


Jani 1894 Mary C Shuler I Sandy v

:' )!'eb ~ 881 • M. J. H. Guy ,/ ·Jan ~894 w. R. Crone (Dick) / !F1Sb 1882

· Ema.line Guy v Feb 1881 Minerva .t:t. Crone <•shug~Dec 1871 Rinehart Ratta v !l)ec 861 Cary c • .t:tatts #" IJan 1872 Louisa Miller


890 Ma1inda Harper y Sep 1882 .,/ ,,.

f Pearl L. Oliver ¥ 1898 ulia Murphy "' itun 1883 James J. Warthen v ov 1876 J)avid K. Shuler" Dec 1873 Nora Warthen "' • It 877 Basha Shuler / Mar 1861 ~·rank ,-r. Myrick Y 894 :Brvin Blake

,, It 1898 Minnie .. .. y 886 Sylvester Secrest r Nov 1901 Walter n V' 894 Permil.f a Myrick ,, Feb 1880

Mrs. Hattie {Wooden) r~r o Monrovia is a cousiil of· · yr . ie Ratte


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Page 5: History Notes, Mt. Olive Paragon Christian Church, Olive ... · PDF fileHistory Notes, Mt. Olive Paragon Christian Church, Olive Church Road, Morgan County, Indiana

It?' '''-~ ~~ .. ~,hei:d -.,. ~:\\1;r.t~~~~ ~~nee. 1'\"~~~r:- · by J3ro • .Jaso" hdor :at. Jilt ·Oli.Te there: was a~ded to .the -.church f. ( 6 ,by "immersion, 'reolaimeA : ~d 1 :tro• .the !aptist. · "' ADD• J>al.toa ~J .. Hal.lie ;S~e•t -~ ; . .. -'- · Etta · l:irowad : .. , · _, ihart~I , - Olona.: Tippa_ "t, -~ '···~,t ·1 ":, -, Mi•ai-d. ¥ao7 racla1ae4 , .Pr .-. • '~ ~!•: _ .-Ott. Seerest(:Baptl.st-) Les1ey :Dalto11. • ...

r ·: ~ , .. . : · ·. · :.. ~ · , , -. t Charley Halfacre . -. -• i.t .. a aeeti~ hel.d on· the setiond" Lords .i>ay in Marc~ .. the' a •. 1903

by Bro. Jason Tudor_ ·the ·church at this ·toe is 126 stroag. · "»ro. ( Tudor ended his work at this place and Bro. F. G. My•ick took his place for 1 yr. Commencing on the 2nd Lords Day in Apr. the 12, ' 1903. I

A call meeting held by Bro. Tudor at Mt. Olive night May 5, 1903 ther was added to the church at to wit By immersion :

commencing on Tues Mt. Olive - - -----.. .,

~--- 7

G. N. Fhares ~eo Phares Mary E. Shu1er /°"k~!:_!_!_;./ and there was Emma Phares, Gilbert Phares and Marie Phares was baptiaed by Bro. Tudor and they claimed the Methodist Church at the Crone House (Bethlehem).

Sister Sally Dow died Juae 29. 1903 " Hattie J. Crone died July 2, 1903.

Susie Ratte " Jan 16, 1928.

At a meeting hel.d Before the 2nd Lords church by immersion, Willie Shuler Chloe Myrick Cora Tipps

by Bro. Myrick commencing on Thursday night Day in Dec. 1903, there was added to the to wit:

Laura Secrest Hattie Ratts Sally warthen

Minnie Secrest Tina Ground Rosa Shuler

The church is 147 Strong. At a meeting held Dec. 10 elQ..4 by Hro Myrick • Bro. Moss

filled his place and onJ~an. 1905, there was added to the church Nora Crone Not baptized and Ralph Ground not baptized.

At a meeting held Oct 28, 1905 , there was added Susie Hatta · F'rank Richard Laf'Llichard Cleo Ratte Clarence Sykes Lizzy Guy Alva Guy Anna Slluler Oba Ratte John Ground willard Stierwalt Grant Cooper Earl Halfacre '!°oNA ooicl't Audra Williams Secrest (girl) Tom Blake Gracie DUnnigan Zenia .J)unnigan Vasie Shuler G. N. Phares Emma Phares Marie Phares Leo Phares El.la White Charlton Shuler George Sykes ~~?George Knoy __

4 -~

Maud Knoy Belle Bryant'f'W"I'>· ~ Rena Dunnigan TW"' ~ Earl Voshell Laura 0tierwalt Mary Voshell Greenberry Harper Mart Dunnigan Anna Ground Millard Shuler Susie ~olwell

7 - :i 7 -1'/ 7 :3 ~ ().A.A.- fl ~~ .h .,,<f,;Ltl ( ~) ~

Page 6: History Notes, Mt. Olive Paragon Christian Church, Olive ... · PDF fileHistory Notes, Mt. Olive Paragon Christian Church, Olive Church Road, Morgan County, Indiana

... · ... . •·

• . -:- _, A ~gwit . :. .1 860. -,_ -: , . .· .. . r· • , . - r ~

. . :< o_'.ll~ -~~ac,~.fl ·!':~~~: a~po~~~' , '11~;; _tv:9.r· 9;~~b9f~ ~,1.~hd.re.ir~ '-: c- ,. ,.

. ~ •:t.:. • · r _egalu aeetilag •~· the ::-.ChV.ch •• the?· 'rd· Lerd.a Day iit Jaa. -· :1860 ·the lt_oregoiag conat-itu~ioil iuld reeord vasre&d aild aancjioned and ~hi~ _ book adopted ~ 8.1p : ~he church record. : At the aame _tae David B~ Dow ·vas appoiated. · C1erk ·of the meetillg.

.. David B. Dov • . At a aeetiag oa Saturday before the .,rd.. l.Rrda Day 1• March the

Church appoiilted J&11ea J. Shul.er, Deacon. . At the same tim.~ tU,e church on acount of various charges with­

drew their fellowship from Amanda Hatta. . . David B. Dov Clerk •

. At a meeting held at Mt. 01~vet. including the 1st. Sun. and Sat. before in Aug. 186.0 held by !lrother Xenida to which was added by immersion, Robert Fiachum aad Celia Fiachum, hie wife.

David B. Dov, Clerk.

(5) 1st Record of Trustees O• Saturday tetore t he 4th Lord.a Day i n Dec. 1860 a several days

meeting commenced and continued by Brother Xeaedy when the ~ol­loving persons were added to the church by immersioning: Geo~ge Shuler and Sal1y Ratte, wife of Heng Ratte Jr. Reclailled ~da Ratte.

David B. Dov, Clerk. At a meeting held at. the church on the 16th day of Jan 1861

where of due notice have been given for the purpose of electing Trustees, whea the folling persons were chosen to wit: James J. Shuler, James J. Warthen and Henrz._!~tts Jr. (6) David B. Dov, Clerk.

At a aevera1 days meeting commenced on Sat-urday before the 1st Lord's Day in March 1861 and contiaued by Brothers Kennedy, Brown and Butterfield. The-followiag persons were added to the church. Wm. Hollis, Mary Hollis, Mary Willson, and Elizabeth Hawki•s. 'rom the Ba~tist - Deli1a Grounds and Sarah-Grounds.

Those immerced were Herod Adkins, Elijah Yinghum, Josephine . Murpl;l.y, Epriam Shu1er, Mary A. Shuler, Rebecca Rtttts, Basha Ratte

David Grounds ana· William Burkhart • .,. - - -· David B. Dow, Clerk.

/. We the -.embers of the church of Christ at Mt. Olivet met on the 22nd. day of August A. D. 1861 after reading and pr~er. The house organi£ed by appointing lra J. Warthen to the chair and David B. Dow Sect. After which the case of Sister Nancy J. Denny was taken up and discussed when we the members of said church said by a sign that we would withdraw from the same, said charge was for lieing.

After which the cases of Brother Wm. Denny and ::>iater Mary i.. Dennyand Elizabeth Denny was taken up for non fellowship. WE the Members of said church , said by a sign that we would withdraw from the same.

After which the cases of Htother George Hanes wastaken up for non fellowship. Said church said by sign that ve would

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i 1 .,

withdraw from the same. David B. Dow, Clerk.

Rebecca Ratte ~~parted this life Aug. 2§ 2 1?61. (8) Nov. 1861 Record of Elders.

A several days meeting commenced on Sat. before the first Lord's . Day in Oct. 1861and continued by Brother Kennedy and Watson. The followia.g- persons was added to the church from the the Baptist: W'm. · Bean, John R. Lacy, Jane Shook&lld :!!Sarah L. Bean. by immersion. David B. Dow, Clerk.

Nov. 22, 1861 . Accordin,g to . appOintment of the c~~cl'!..~J:..Qh~i~~ a portio• .

of the church met at Mt. Olivet on the day above written for -=-· . . the purpose of choosing Elders and Deacons for said chur9h. Wm~ Warthea vas chosen as moderator and Ephriam Ratte as Clerk. The reguiar . vlerk was not present and the ch~ch chose Joseph Lee as foreman of · said church and James J. Shuler as assistant eld'er. The church chose· Charleton Shule~ and Beary Ratte as Deacons of said church. . . .. · .

Ephriam Ratte, Clerk. (9)Kennedy , Preacher. (Dec·.) 3 by relation

4 ·from . 9 by immersion. . A aeeting commenced o~ Sat. before the first . Lord's Day in

Dec~ A. D. 1861 and continued several days by Br9ther Kelllledy, when tee foiiow:lng_pe~sons were adJed to the church.l~B7 relat­ion, J seph Stine, Levina Stine and Myra Myers. From the . baptist, Preeton · D. Wakelaad, Hugh. G. Bragg, Jane Bragg and · Sarah P. Wakel~d. l.llmersed was Joseph Shook, Philip Myers .Rhin.ehir' Ratts, Catharine Ratte, J&lle Baker, Ephriam ;· R. Myers• Slisan_ Hedrlci, Andrew Burkh~t an~ ja~ob Stines. . ...

. David B. _Dov, Clerk. We the mwmbers of the church of Christ of Mt. 011~ met

on-the 14th·dar of Dec.~· D. 1861 • . I?~er singing and prayer ·the house organized by appointing .Wm. Bean." to the .chair and D. B. Dov, Secretary~ after which there was a motioa· made aad carried that the church bo~k be read. After ·readiag it vas·eactioned, all that ia ·recorded up to~his date. . .. ... . ~ -. ·' _: .. D~ B. ·Dow; Cle.rk. ·

( 1 O) · . At·a socia1 .aeeting held ~n-the· ·Sth Lord·•a :_ Day' in Mar.1862,

David Dov called for a·· church · 1et·ter of recoamendation. • • Ii was then granted by the church and Preston D. wakel•nd appointed Clerk Pro. Tem. ~c.. · ·

on:the 4th Lord's Day in .April 1862 Absolum Hanes moved· his membership from 'the· · chur~h ~of God a'i"'Jlt. · Oiivet · by joiniag ' · -the M. E• . Church~ Preato• Wakel&Jld, Clerk ~o tem.

accoi-d~ng ~o · •ppoiatmeat ' the church aet oath~ 26th d&.7 . ~~·or- a:Pi-. 1862 ~ · ~ter·1 81itgint'j and · prijer~ · · · ~he house· organized'-·

bj-'·appdintlig V&lorili BUtter:ti$1d . chairaail-·aad· proceded to bf?''" sigtlasbf appoialing Pres·tolf-lillelaad church clerk. · i~·. ,.,-:,tb

: ·_; : 1·;;~ ~ r . r . !"-1 - r-~ :·i..)li ;!!1' : JtJ !!t·,~.Ul1::j ;j .& .. • • __ / : . ··\ . : J.

)): -Catharine ·Hedrici: · • vi:te·' o~· ·wiley Hedrick departed this life Jwae·f.l . : 1062,~ t ·. ) -" ·· · .! · : .;~ ·:: ..... • . :. · · . :. , · ., .. =.;.

f ,- ... ' ••• • -

• :.:t."'f~J.'.; , n J':f.S}i . ..:k.£J; ''Li· 1..l, ~- .--, .; -..;. ::. :;.~; .... ~·

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~ ( 11 ) Bro. XeJllledy or Canada ·

2 reclaimed 2 immersed Rhoda Warth•• . . _



. ~ . -... ~ ;:: . . .... ~, . ... . ,· .

At a me~tiag h~1d bT Bro~ Calllida on the 1st.- Lord's Day. in . Aug 1862 Wm. Fiachum and .Margaret. ¥inchWD were rec1ailled and ill-aersed Rhoda warthea. -·- ~, Pr,atoa :vakel~d-,cl~rk~ · '· , _

• . : · ~- . . .. . . ~ ·. . : •• l i • . ·. (

t.eoil·ara Hedri'~k departed. th"is· li.te ·oa-' the·· 25tti.t of Aug. :: 1862. : ' ' . . • . • • • •• i ~ ~ ~ • • " : t • • I . • ' '" , · • • • • • ' ' -'-~ • • ••

At a protracted aeet!Ji.g held b7 Bro~ C~a ea th 1st, Lord's Day in N6v·. 1862 , , HeDrJ· . Mo11roe. was imm!Jrsed •. _ . .: · . ·. · 1 ·

yakeland, ·Clerk.

on JUJle 15 i863; wife of Sarah Shuler departed this life Johli snun:r. · ( 12} : 1863

April 4th, 1863 the church of Crist aet acording to appoi~t­ment at Mt. Oiiveto attend to some church difficulty that was on hand. Pliriip ~frrs - was chosen as moderator.and ~phriaa tt~tts was chosen as clerk • The case of Brother Bagg and.Brother Varthea

(waa)~:•as tpken up and Brother ~arthens case broug _ht up and he ma~e ackn~wledgement to the satisfaction of the_ church . ana oroi;ne.1.· .tlagg was given _some tim~.

At a re~ar meeting held on the 5th of April 1863, Sarah Wakeland and Elizabeth Hallkens called for church letters of recomendations, it was thea granted by orders of the church.

· ·:· · ·Ephriaa Rat~s, Clerk~ . Bro. Bragg and Bro. Warthen settled their dificulties ·

satisfactory~· ... to :all.

(i13} · 1 immersed . First me~tion_ of ~f 01111 , July 1863 On the 5th of July Bro Greea L~ Canada or Kennedy) immersed

Green Jacob Hedeick · at ottr usua1 place of immersion. . . Brother Jacob Hedrick dep$rted ~his l+fe on lapt. 5, 1863.

· . ......-··:·-·At a church meetiag at ~t. Olive July 18, 1863 the case of . .. Chartoty Hanes was· taken up and her-case was taken up and left to

{ the church. She was let go ~ut a~ her. own rezuest of the "-church. . Ephriam ~atts, clerk.

At a meet~g Oct. 11,.1893 at Mt. Olive Joseph Shook and Jane Shook called for church lettersof recomendations. It was then ,,.,~ grant~d by orders ef the .. cl}.urch. Ephriam Ratte, clerk.

Bro._Wm. Hollie departed -this life Mar. 11, 1864

( 14) 1864

April 10, 1864, at a regular meeting Alexander R. Dow joined t the church at Mt: Olive.by letter from Lambe Creek church.

. Ephriam Ratte, Clerk! _ At a church meeting Aug. 6, .1864 at Mt. Olive and the church agreed to set Bro. Joseph Lee Down on the level with the other tit members and release him of his eldership, done by order of the church. Ephriam Ratts, Clerk.

Sept. 17, 1864 at a church meeting held at Mt. Olive · on said day and bro. Philip Myers was withdrawing from the church '9i( for non fellowship. This done· by orde.!' of t~e church.

~phriam Ratts, Clerk.

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) Bro. !{ugh L. Bragg departed this life Sept. 1, 1864. Sister Ja.:ie Bragg " " " Sept. 1 , 1864. Bro. John .Shuler " fl fl Jan. 30, 1878.

( 15) . 1.864;--5 At a church aeeting held Oct. 1, 1864 at Mt. Olive church for

the pur_pose ~f attending to ch~ch matters, Joseph L.ee, James J. Shuler, Mary Hedrick, Mary Ann Shuler and Martha A. Lee rose up in a mass and declared_· t~at they was none of us. Done by order of the church. Eph. Ratta, Clerk.

. . .. On ·jan •. 1, 1865 at a meeting at Mt. Olive, B -ro. ·Philip

Myer~ va~ reclaiiled back to th~ church. ___.-/' Dec. 1865. .

On Deq4, _ 196~ B~q. Philip !W!Yers and Bro. A. R. Dow was chosen bx the churcli and was ordained as Elders of the church at Mt. O~ive b' Bro. Green L. ·canada. ·This done by order of the church. · · Eph. Ratta, Clerk Pro tem.

(16) 1865---t866 · Mt. o·live -On Dec. 1 , ,=-eg_7 at a meeting held at Mt. Olivechurch,

Charity Knoy called for a letter of recoaendation which was granted. Eph. Ratte, Clerk.

March '' 1866 at a meeting for the purpose of attending to business the church took up the case of Merry A. Burkhart and the church withdraw ~em her for disorderly conduct. This done by order of the church. ~ ~ph. Ratte, Clerk.

Ambros Burkhart went into .the army, died 1964 or 1965. (17) 1866

Brother-john R. La~y left our Br6therhood ·and has gone to some other settlemen-=e-&nd has attached himself to tie church some where else. This·done by order of the church. - Henry Monroe moved his residence by jein.illg the Methodist.

verlinda Warthen and Josephie Taylor was removed by their own request. Thi~ done by order of the church.

.. . · Bph Ratte, Clerk. Sophia Finchum- removed her ·residence from Kt • . Olive and

attached herself -to Lambs --.dre~k. - -· · - · ·- · · ' ' March 4, 1866

Robert Finchum and Sealy 'Finch'tim has deserted this country and is gone from us. This done by order of the church and they are no more of us. · · Bph. Ra tta, Clerk.. ·

(18) 1866 Elijah Fillchum in.listed in the arm;y and deserted the army

· .- and his country and is gone from ua. This done by order of the church and he is no more of us. Bph. Ratts, clerk.

Wm. Finchum went to the army and died. Margaret Finchum went off froa here and is aot & .. ;resident of this. co-unity. This all doae by order of the .. dhurch; .Eph. · Rat_~a, clerk • ..

De . 18 -. . f ....16 .. . -· • ~ · ' 1 • ·~'-1 · -· ; ... •• . - . . . •• ••

Beary Ratte A. R. Dov Sarah Ratte

-~Ratte - ;:=::-:: . • _3~

0 • _. • . 0 • · . . _ . i- . . • _ · ; r Phil.ip J117erw·' ' J. X; .Shuler David Grounds Amanda Ratts Pheba Shuler Sarah Dov Delila Grouada


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D•c~ ·1a ' 1 -861 ~ ~- z: .i... ·-- ·· ;.. '._:_- B~h}: Ratu, iel.erii~ :, .. v~ . f. t-. f ! t • ·~~-t; f; ~ l,,... -:.·.'°''"! ': A r'! 1-'"f . ..,.~ -i1.-~ ).'

,,.; ... -- . -- ..... ~ .... . ·- ~ - ~ ~

Henry Ra-its . · · .._ , Philip. Myers · John 'it. ·shUler A. · R. Dow David Grounds Va. Warthea ---~----Rinehart Ratte _Bph. Ratt.a . ~ ·r •. c:9.1 Batta j~ .. Elizabeth 1io.ctge-rs • · . Aa&nda R&t-til , 0 .L\ ~ ..... L~ "Rat~•' · - ·: .. ....,..'Jl+ou."4

Phebe 'sh1tier t· ;,_ · 0 '-· • · ~ s-~ah !Y~:;_l>ov · "'' :.-:::· Kary A. Ratte ·· . Delila 'Grou:ada ROda Warthea · · -· · SU&an "Hedri"ck · · L'I _ 0 _a~... ·D ~4rd · · Sophj_a Finch~. ~ \ ~Wa.4-' :->~- · · 1'~ ~o-~ ~ • . " . . . J• . ".) . J ~

-~~ 18~4""1 ,; .. : . - · Mary Hed~ick~ Mary A.aa·Shuler and lllartha Ann.~e rose ·up (

and declared they were none of us. Bragg was taken up 1663. · March 8, 1903 church 126 s~rong. ·

Minnie Shuler ·born A'Ug 21, 1884 ~ Died Nov. 27, 1901. · . - . - ,. ~

Preachers Green Kennedy 1863, .1865, H~62, 1861, 1860. " Watson 1 .1 861 • · " Butterfield 1861 .

" "Eli Pruitt 1859, · 18'{1 , 1872, . 1873 " · Blankenship 1859 ·

Wilhite 1859 . Sug. Holbora 1885,

" n 1883 " Lockhart 1883 " Mares 1893, 1880. " . Smith 1 871 . :·~ . " "

I. G. Tomilson ~ov. 1890, 1891 1887, 1888, 1886. · Bill Runyan .filarch .1877, 1879, . 1876, 1881, 188~, i~o,,

I e83 , 1 884, 1 889, 1 888, 1 890 " in MarchRev. ,)iayes (traveling preacher 1891 • " Ha7es 1891 ; in Oct. " JasoJJ. Tudor " Frank ·Myrick " Roscoe Moss

1 902, 1 903. : 1904, 1905. 1 901 ' 1 903 1 905.

Ed Thia.as died in jail at Spencer Jan. 27, 1905 · for shooting Chockey Bowman. Records didn't say so but every one thought so •

• I i!!J_g 5 ta iW I igz oL r 7 I

Susie (Shuler) Ratts born Apr. B, 1876. Wm. Henry Burkhart born Sept. 9, 1869. Roscoe Ray Ratte born Jun.e 20~ 1877. Alice Ratts " Jan 31, 1879. Latira ttatts " Aug. 10, 1880 Minter Rat'b§ " Jan 13, 1882 My!ie " " Feb. 22, 1884. 'Walter " " Feb. 8, · 18~6.

Ben Ratts born oct. 9, 1897. Francis Hatts born Aug. 26, 1847. Flo 011 ver '' July 22, 1 903 ---· ·

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) Uncle Eli Pruitt passed away May 29, 1905. The year Myrtie began teacl':!ing.

urban Brewer passed away Mar. 12, 1915. A. D. Haase passed away after 1913.

John Hayes, mares 1. '1. ·1·omelson, Bill Rugan, James ~mall. of the 21 ministers listed in the earlier period , Myrtie rem­embered a.

Added .to the church : Qan-··1&• 190t; ~~ :..:·:: .

Lulu G-rounds. Minnie Grounds(M. M. Minnie Shuler Milard ShUler Bert Ratte Graft Ratte Walter Ratte Perminte~ Ratte Henry Halfache Albert Warthen Fred Richard


Grounds's daughter.) Corna Shuler Charlie Ratts Henry _~Clay R..§tts Clark~Shuler

Jan. 1 7 , 1 901 Minnie & James Grounds, husband and wife Minnie (Ratte~ Grounds.

Jan. 18, 1901 Leslie Dalton. Added to the church. Jan. 16, 1901 Charlie Halfacre, Minard Knoy and Roy Grounds were added to the church by baptism. · · ·

Jan 16, 1901 ~ttie Crone Moved • Tobie _gostin moved. •oved aembership to the church ~..:..:·: .

Jan. 14, 1901 Martin Dunigan confessed. Was added to the church.

Meeting began on Sat •. night b~fore the.. 1st. Sun. in Jan.and e ended Fri. before the 3rd Sun~ Preacher Jason Tudor.

Charlie Ratte, Clerk. . . " Dec. 20, 1902. • Added to the church: Anna Dalton Hallie Secrest Ettie Grounds Charlie Knoy Minard Knoy Leslie Dalton Aggie Warthen Hattie Ratta Lora Roland Laura Secrest Minnie Secrest Rosa Shuler Chloe Myrick Sally Warthen Cora Tipps Tina Grounds Jason Tudor, minister.

Under the meeting held by Brother A. D. Haase, in the year 1912 the following members were added to the church. AIValrnoy . · Eli Stierwa1 t Charlie Stierwalt Aven Stierwalt Luah Harper Lizzie Hatta Ethel Costin Ella Grounds Edyth Ratte Loia Stierwal.t Verda Stierwalt Opal Harper ~ilda Guy Forest Miller Rebecca Warthen.

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Meeting held by Brother ~oss. in Bov. 1i, 1917 • A.dd•d to the church: . :: 1 .. ·: -.-. _ '· } .: : ':; • ·: - • Cora .ttat'N . t<. . .-. ~ ;, .- _ :ToJlllJIY. W~thea ~ • t. . bed Grounds Gurn.ey Batta . . ·1 i_: • Mos.ea Ratte .: h• ; - ' : , -1 ! .

U-is Batta, now .;;_~s~~/ti.1\i,.>j·:-:.n:~~tth~: ~h~~h Nov. 1923.;;


\ '

Oba and Cleo Ratts saw and read the :original church book ( 1859 in the home of their sister,' Myrti~ Ratte ·1 959. -

Minnie (Ratts) Grounds has the care ~ the origi_nal church book.

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r·1ary Ann Btirkhart died .Nov.1873 her baby Dec. 17, 1873. Wm. Warthen " Nov. 1, 1875. Rhoda Warthen " . Mar. 31 , 1 880.

Mrica Mannon (America Mannon) died Luly 9, 1886. Anna. Dow died May 3, . 1889.

1876 Bro. R}lDYan minister Added to church:

Lydia aatts - Louisa A. Myers SolettaMyers John Richard Sarah J. Burkhart Lucy A. Ratte, Mary A. Richard .......... ""'tQ~~ Sarah A. Shuler Wm. Shuler Manerva Urounds, Elizabeth .Knoy, married Tom Vorshell, Loyed P. Stierwalt and Elizabeth Stierwalt.

Susan Hedrick died July 12. 1877. 1877. - -

Added to the church by immersion to vitt: Polly(Ratts)Knoy4't John Knoy . Jamima Sechrest(Warthen) Andy Pettit Martha A. Dov Dora Ritesman Nancy Warthen Martha J. Sandy

James Sechrest John c •. Le.e Elizabeth Knoy Mary Ann Lee


Elizabeth Lee Susan Moore Amma Dov later Chriamore Ellen Grounds later Burge

~llen Grounds Burge died Aug. 7, 1897.

In Dec.1877 added and immersed 1 Lilly Stierwalt. . In Mar .1878 Adam Stienal t a.a a.i.aed to tne church • 1879 and in. June his" wire .Emil.y was_ immersed and added to the ChUrch.

The ame year M. H. · ·p1a1ne was ·added • . ·rhe Third Lvrds" Day Oct 1879 there •as added · to

the; .church. to. witt: Tabitha Ratte · Julia Hice later Tipps, Liza Wakeland Lucetta Dov later .Shuler, Nancy Dov Mary A. Ratte

.. ~ . . Jan 1880 at · a seNeral days · meeting held Bro. Marris , there was

added to"""tiie church at At. Olive ¥anny. Ann Ratte froa the Methodis.:t ~hurch. James ~arthen was added to the church at Mt. o,1ve in -the year -1880. .

Rev. Runyan:.. 1881 · 1 08 members 25 additions. Mary Knoy va·s added to the church 1880.

Added byJmmersion, Wm. F. Warthen David Wellman Ankey E. Ratte Rhoda H. Ratte (Harrie.:t·) Bashabee J .. itattslater ~huler Cathrine Shuler &nelineshuler' " Guy Martha E. St1l.es • . .Rhoda· Ann Hand Mary· M. R. : Shuler Raman Welbnan · ·-· ;. ~ · Hattie · J. Shiler later Crone .1$1;ta Lacy Dow . Basha' An n .Shuler, ." Hamm Hi~ A. G:rounda .. . , . - .AJlerica Knoy (daughter ,of.· Philip Knoy) Geor~oy_t _- . . ~ - Caildacy Ratte later: aoae·;;aitera. : _ .·· Reclilj@f~· v•r_:J:ibda~1'~~h~~- '-·- o-.:.. s~n·-~ , QJto~g., s11,'1].er,c ~ : ·---~---Je:r:rer~son· i!il:l'el- and : B&ker ~.ttenail~: · · . . .:. '--· ., . · !

Ii(: :1 ear- "'~ - .. ·. 108. membeJ:ij·.~· ~ti ;; ._ .!..i:-..~;'_r. ~ . ·: -.: ' --:' ;,

Sept.· 22~ i8a1', Pheb. ~~,µin).il _and_ -~erry P. Ratts were ~E!~-~ed.

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Hancock departed this E1len Letterman :. Perry Ratte A.11a11da Ratte Siller Myers ·

l.ife . ' r • 'Oct. 1·2' 1881. "Clied tJo~. ;j.8, '. 1.881~··· -~ "· :··:

... ··Jail., :- 28. 1882. • Oct. 1881.(25.1 ~ Bo•,· 8~ 1888~

' .

" ' ... . . . .

. ·. •··. "' ·. ~

·At . a several days meeting held at Mt. Olive by Bro. Runyan commencing on .sat night before the second Lords ·· 'Day in. Feb •.. 1882 • There was added to ·the .church by Immersion : James G. Wilson Douglas Haase · ~ · Wm. Crismore

·· . .. Wm. R. Ra tts · Henry Marsh ~ .Juret ta. Knoy Mary Dawson Mary E. MEDrSh Ira G. Ratts J!:pbriam Shuler John A. Ratte L~ Dumont Murphy Ann Warthen later Goss Lidd warthen . tf Violy Dawson Vina Sandy James Jiam Anna May Dow Henry Lee - Fraak Shuler .fl Alison· Bishop James M. c •. Ratte . Joseph Lee George Dawson Merica Ann Ham Newton .Bandy Martin Dunigan

... Mary Ann Hatta . James ·(Rodgers John Ham Richard crone Malinda Knoy Milka Ann Wingler (Costin) wife of John ~~gler_,_ .. M~_;r_chant and

. post:liaster on N. Main st in the little ~urg of Wakeland, I~d • w 2&4


At a meeting .. held at Mt. Olive on March 5, H~82 Bro: Philip Myers re.signed the office o:f deacon ·and Bro. F. G. Ratte .(Francis ·

· Godfrey) was appointed in his stead as · Deacon and Bro. Hiram Grounds as assistant deacon and Bro. Baker Letterman ana Bro. Philip Myers were appointed as assistant Elder :for the church.

Ephriam Ratte, Clerk. At a meet~ng Mar 1882 two were added by relation D. w. Ham and.Mary Ham. In April a Ms. Callahan. ,and in Jul.y Louisa Shuler , sister of W. R. Crone.


In Sept. ·Malinda Harper. In Feb., 1883 Lawrence Harperw was added • . In June , by immerson , Edgar Murphy and Julia Murphy. . ·

In Oct.1884 two were added: Sarah E. Ratte· and Barbara Dow. 139 people were members of the .. church in April 20, 1884.

In oct. 1885 there was added to the church by immersion, John Warthen •

Mi~ Ann Wingler died 2 Mar 20, 1884. Aug.· 21, 1884

July 1' 1885. Sarah Ratte Philip. Myers Laura J. Dow

" n n

Basha Shuler (Hamm) May 28, 1886 daughter

Bied Feb. 3, 1887. of A1ex and Sally

At a several days meeting at Mt. Olive held by Bro. I.J. Tomilson, starting on Mon. after the 2nd Sun. in Feb. 1886 and laste . several days there was added to the church by immersion: James Berge Frank Whitson Deede Buerdly Charlie Shuler Minnie Brick who lived at H. A. Grounds Permealy Shuler. Sally Ann Dow.

Qca Shuler died Dec. 29, 1900.

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On the third Lords Day 1887 in Feo., held by Bro Tomilson · there was added and immersed: . Silas Dow, Ephriam o. Shul.er, Mary J. Warthen & Florence G. Shaler. and Mi1ton Mannan.

Sister Elizabeth Dov called for a letter of recommendation which was granted and written and sent to her in Colorado by order of the church this Jan. 1888 • Ephriam Ratte, clerk.

Feb. 20, 1888 there was added to the church to witt: Lucy Knoy - ·. Netta Marsh later Washburn Addaline· Ratts, later Alexander, Anna Kirkwood Lilly Warthen " Tipps Charlie Hedrick su8an .Shuler " Murphy W. Henry Burkhart Sammie Dill Lewis . Wingler Walter Grounds Emmit Murphy Perry oow ' Jerry Mire Ratt~ {Jeremi~J

Mary Warthen died May 27, 1889. Jane Roland Joined . the ch~ch fom the Baptist church Oct. 20, 1889,

. At a meeting held. by Bro. Brown Nov. 1889 , Rosy Lingle and Etta Warthen and Anna tlarperf were ~ .. ersed by aev. Runyan.

Rev. Runyan 1890 aev. To•elson 1890 to 1891. : In Mar. 1890 there was added to the church by immersion: Cora Hedrick later Hensley William Miller · · · ~illy Moran " Warthen , Ed Tipps and wife (by relation}. Also Louisa Miller. '

In Nov. Susan Warthen Later Caldwell. mn Rarch 18, 1891,. members added were: Rev. Hayes,Min.

Sonny Blake c:· --:.-:-- ~ Charley ·now Ed Burkhart Blanch Blake later Wingler Samuel Shul.er My~tie .Burkhart Effie Shuler " Stevens · Zula Mannan ~dded by immersion : .

. Hattie Steirwal t Ma·tilda Collier Metta Mannan Sina Grounds by relation.· · . By reasons of a fire Jan 1 2, · 199..2*_ the church records were toi;aly destroyed • Members met on Dec. 20, 1902 to mike a new recQrd of said church. ~ollowing named officers: H. A. Grounds, Rinehart .,,Rat·ts and Hen!_l..._llatts as trustees. · M. M. Grounds, N. J. Sanay and Ephriam Shuler as ~lders. Ed. Tipps.. W. H. Ra tta, · Sammy Shu1er & Henry Shuler , Deacons. w. H• Miller as Clerk. Aas~t , James Grounds •


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