history for caesar, chartres was the capital city of the carnutes. that’s where the name «...


Post on 19-Dec-2015




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History For Caesar, Chartres was the capital city of the

Carnutes. That’s where the name « Chartres » comes from. This country was the center of the druids’ cult. A legend says that cave people venerated « La vierge qui devait enfanter ». The cult of « Notre-Dame-Sous-Terre », linked to this legend may have been existing since the 3rd century but there are no documents which prove it.

In 858, Chartres was burnt by the Normands, then reconstructed.In 963, it was destroyed again by Richard 1st of Normandy and rebuilt one more time.

Chartres’ motto is : « Servanti civem querna corona datur », which means : who saves a citizen wins an oak crown 

In 1000, bishop Fulbert planned the construction of a vast church to the glory of Mary. This disciple of Gerbert D’Aurillac (pope Sylvestre II) also found a religious school, which became in the 11th and 12th century one of the most important intellectual centers of west Europe. Fulbert, then Yves, Bernard and Thierry de Chartres, Gilbert de La Poree, Guillaume de Conches, Jean de Salisbury, by teaching philosophy and literacy and with a great originality expanded its influence to Toledo. The intense intellectual activity of this school explains the presence of Aristotle, Pythagoras, Ptolemy, and Cicero among the characters sculpted in the Porch of the cathedral.

In 1146, St. Bernard organized a council in Chartres to prepare the Second Crusade.

Chartres was annexed by the Burgundies in 1417 and gave back to the king of France by Dunois of Chateaudun in 1432. It was then sieged by the Huguenots, led by the Prince of Condé. Henry IV crowned king of France in Chartres the 27th of February 1594.

In June of 1940, Jean Moulin, prefect of Eure-et-Loire, defended the courageously the rights of the population against the German authorities. The city was hit by many violent plane bombings during the war and was liberated by American troops on the 16th of August 1944.

The Monuments of Chartres

In a second part of our presentation, we will talk to you about some different monuments in Chartres.

First of all, we will tackle the structure that gives Chartres. It's biggest purpose of visit: the Cathedral, Notre Dame de Chartres. The cathedral is a fine example of the French Gothic architecture. Which means, that it was mainly constructed in 1145 but then in 1195, a fire burnt the city down along with half of the Cathedral. It was then reconstructed from 1195 to 1220.

The Cathedral is a Medieval wonder, covering an area of 10875 sq m and constructed in such short time! Not only this but the dimensions of the Cathedral are appalling. It consists of two gigantic towering spires, one of 105 meters high dating from the 1140's and a second spire measuring 113 meters high erected in the 16th century.

The Cathedral

It's not only the exterior that is impressive, the inside holds many beautiful and amazing things. First of all, something that cannot be ignored once entered in the Cathedral are the stained glass windows that splash on the stone floor with vivid colors.

These stained glass windows were firstly installed in the 13th century and are known to belong to the best collection of Medieval stained glass in the world. Out of the 183 glass windows that existed, 152 of them have survived.

Secondly, there are the impressive carvings of statues with swords, crosses, and books estimated to be also sculptured in the 13th century. There are also many sculptures of Jesus Christ's ascension into heaven, episodes of his life, sculptures of saints and of apostles and of course Virgin Mary holding Christ. These religious sculptures are to be found high above in the building, whereas below them there are sculptures of Kings and Queens. There are now 264 statues in all.

In 876, a gift of French king Charles le Chauve (823–877), the « Voile de la Vierge », was at the beginning of an important movement of pilgrimages which made the prosperity of the city, and muscle of local religious institutions.

St Pierre church is one of the most important church in Chartres after the cathedral. First it was a little abbey. The bell tower didn’t exist first and it was built during the XI century as a refuge in case of wars .The fire of 1077 destroyed the church except the bell tower . Because of that , the original church was replaced by a new one ( the church that still exists today) built during the end of the XII century . All the building is one of the finest Gothic masterpieces ...Very well preserved its fourteenth century stained glass windows illuminate the interior and make this one of the most beautiful church of the town ...

St Pierre’s church

The Fine Arts Museum is the old episcopal palace dating from the XVth, XVIIth, XVIIIth centuries . Today, it’s a museum where you can see rich collections of old and modern art all year round, constituted of pictures and sculptures, including works by Zurbaran , Chardin , Vlaminck and Soutine and Oceanic collection . You can also take drawing lessons thanks to the association ‘les amis du musée des beaux arts “ ...

The Collégiale St André

The church was built on an antique amphitheater.The oldest parts of this building come from the 12th century. It is an administrated collegial by a chapter of twelve "Chanoines".In the beginning of the 13th century, a large arch of 14-meter length was built across a river to support the weight of a choir.The choir was reconstructed in the 16th century by Jehan de Beauce and then was upgraded a second time in 1612.In 1861, a fire destroyed it. It was therefore reconstructed in 1883, the church is, so, transformed in a material depot; et will be destroyed a second time by the Germans in World War 2, and the reconstructed to his original form.

• The actual building dates from the 16th century and is consisted of elements coming from the gothic time, just like the principal gate of the 14th century, but mostly of the Renaissance like the Left Gate constructed on 1541. The tower to the left erected in the 16th and 17th century: it is connected to the main building by an arch with stairs.

• The gallery comes from the 17th century as long as with the structure.

The rose comes from the beginning of the 17th century.• The stained glass-windows come from the 16th century

but many of them were damaged during the siege of Chartres in 1568, during the religious wars.

The church St Aignan