himachal pradesh science congress

Theme : Rural Upliment Through Science & Technology Intervenons Indian Institute of Technology Mandi Himachal Pradesh Science Congress rd 3 Venue: IIT, Mandi nd rd Dates: 22 - 23 October 2018 Indian Institute of Technology Mandi Rural Upliftment Through Science & Technology Interventions Himachal Pradesh Council for Science, Technology & Environment (HIMCOSTE) 34, SDA Complex, Kasump, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India. Pin code – 171009 E-mail: [email protected], Contact No. +91 177 2621992, 2620998 (Fax) Indian Instute of Technology Mandi Kamand Campus, VPO Kamand, Dis. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India Pin Code - 175005 E-mail: [email protected] Contact No. +91 1905-267001, 267009 (Fax) Websites: www.iitmandi.ac.in www.hpbiodiversity.gov.in www.himcoste.hp.gov.in Patron Patron Sh. Tarun Kapoor, IAS Prof. T.A. Gonsalves Chairman HIMCOSTE Director -cum-Addl. Chief Secretary Indian Instute of Technology Environment, Science & Mandi Technology Govt. of H.P Convenor Convenor Sh. Kunal Satyarthi, IFS Prof. Arghya Taraphder Member Secretary School of Basic Sciences Co-Convenor Co-Convenor Dr. Aparna Sharma Dr. Venkata Krishnan Sr. Scienfic Officer Associate Professor Dr. Rajendra K. Ray Associate Professor Organizing Commiee Organizing Commiee Dr. R.S Thapa Dr. Prem Felix Siril Principal Scienfic Officer Dean (SRIC) Dr. S.S Randhawa Dr. P. Parameswaran Principal Scienfic Officer Dean (Academics) Mrs. Shubhra Banerjee Dr. Suman Kalyan Pal Sr. Scienfic Officer Dean (Students) Mrs. Parnita Thakur Sr. Scienfic Officer Sh. Rajesh Chand Chauhan Assistant Controller (F&A) Sh. Umesh Pathania Technical Officer Dr. Venkata Krishnan +91-94184-25432 (IIT Mandi) Dr. Rajendra K. Ray +91-88940-67994 (IIT Mandi) Mr. Ajay Panwar +91 70180-67960 (HIMCOSTE) Ms. Rika Kanwar +91 98168-39448 (HIMCOSTE) Mr. Ankush Prakash Sharma +91 98054-84989 (HIMCOSTE) Ms. Archana Negi +91 88949-19768 (HIMCOSTE) Mrs. Monika Chauhan +91 98571-93117 (HIMCOSTE) Mr. Brij Bhushan +91 94592-79129 (HIMCOSTE) For any queries, contact: HIMCOSTE Shimla IIT Mandi

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Theme : Rural Upli�ment ThroughScience & Technology Interven�ons

IndianInstitute ofTechnology


Himachal Pradesh Science Congress



Venue: IIT, Mandi

nd rdDates: 22 - 23 October 2018

IndianInstitute ofTechnology


Rural Upliftment Through Science & Technology Interventions

Himachal Pradesh Council for Science, Technology & Environment (HIMCOSTE)34, SDA Complex, Kasump�, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India. Pin code – 171009E-mail: [email protected], Contact No. +91 177 2621992, 2620998 (Fax)

Indian Ins�tute of Technology MandiKamand Campus, VPO Kamand,Dis�. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, IndiaPin Code - 175005E-mail: [email protected] No. +91 1905-267001, 267009 (Fax)

Websites: www.iitmandi.ac.inwww.hpbiodiversity.gov.inwww.himcoste.hp.gov.in

Patron Patron

Sh. Tarun Kapoor, IAS Prof. T.A. GonsalvesChairman HIMCOSTE Director-cum-Addl. Chief Secretary Indian Ins�tute of TechnologyEnvironment, Science & MandiTechnology Govt. of H.P

Convenor Convenor

Sh. Kunal Satyarthi, IFS Prof. Arghya Taraphder

Member Secretary School of Basic Sciences

Co-Convenor Co-Convenor

Dr. Aparna Sharma Dr. Venkata Krishnan

Sr. Scien�fic Officer Associate Professor

Dr. Rajendra K. Ray Associate Professor

Organizing Commi�ee Organizing Commi�ee

Dr. R.S Thapa Dr. Prem Felix Siril Principal Scien�fic Officer Dean (SRIC)

Dr. S.S Randhawa Dr. P. Parameswaran Principal Scien�fic Officer Dean (Academics)

Mrs. Shubhra Banerjee Dr. Suman Kalyan Pal Sr. Scien�fic Officer Dean (Students)

Mrs. Parnita ThakurSr. Scien�fic Officer

Sh. Rajesh Chand Chauhan Assistant Controller (F&A)

Sh. Umesh PathaniaTechnical Officer

Dr. Venkata Krishnan +91-94184-25432 (IIT Mandi)

Dr. Rajendra K. Ray +91-88940-67994 (IIT Mandi)

Mr. Ajay Panwar +91 70180-67960 (HIMCOSTE)

Ms. Ri�ka Kanwar +91 98168-39448(HIMCOSTE)

Mr. Ankush Prakash Sharma +91 98054-84989 (HIMCOSTE)

Ms. Archana Negi +91 88949-19768 (HIMCOSTE)

Mrs. Monika Chauhan +91 98571-93117 (HIMCOSTE)

Mr. Brij Bhushan +91 94592-79129 (HIMCOSTE)

For any queries, contact:



Himachal Pradesh Council for Science, Technology & Environment (HIMCOSTE) since its incep�on has been working in collabora�on with Ministries of Govt. of India like Ministry of Science & Technology (DST), Department of Space (DoS), Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change (MoEF&CC), Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), etc. The State Council is presently harnessing the poten�al of space technology, populariza�on of science, dissemina�on of appropriate technology, environment protec�on and conserva�on of biodiversity in the State. The Council has been taking various ini�a�ves for science populariza�on at various levels in the State. Major such ini�a�ves include disbursement of small and medium grant-based Research & Development Projects (R&D Projects), providing par�al travel assistance to deserving bright young Scien�sts and Research Scholars (PATSS) and organizing Popular Lecture Series (PLS) in colleges and Universi�es.

One of the major ac�vity for science populariza�on and outreach is the Himachal Pradesh Science Congress. This event offers a pla�orm to scien�sts, academicians, researchers and students from Universi�es, Research and Development Ins�tutes and colleges of Himachal Pradesh and its neighboring States in Northern India to interact and share knowledge and research findings on specific themes and subject areas.


The theme of the 3rd Himachal Pradesh Science Congress is “Rural Upli�ment Through Science & Technology Interven�ons”. This event aims to provide a pla�orm to all those working on rural innova�ons and to discuss recent progress and future trends in technologies/ products relevant for rural transforma�on. The Congress would feature popular lectures on contemporary issues by eminent scien�sts, paper presenta�ons by researchers and exhibi�on of various rural technologies as Science Fair. There would be a Vice Chancellor's Conclave involving VCs of all Universi�es and Directors of Ins�tutes in Himachal Pradesh and Panel discussion to deliberate upon the Science, Technology and Innova�on Policy of the State. Detailed discussion would also be held on the theme of this Congress, i.e., “Rural Upli�ment Through Science & Technology Interven�ons”.

OBJECTIVES: The main objec�ves of this year's Congress are:

Ÿ Iden�fica�on of cri�cal problems faced by people in rural areas

Ÿ Exploring poten�al solu�ons based on the problems iden�fied

Ÿ Providing a pla�orm for exchanging ideas Ÿ Exposure to young mindsŸ Showcasing of technologies, products and designs Ÿ Mentoring and Networking Ÿ Talk by speakers, panelists and experts



Scien�sts and students of Universi�es, Research Ins�tutes & Colleges are encouraged to submit their abstracts for this Congress. The abstract (250 words) men�oning the respec�ve sec�on should be sent through email ([email protected]) by or before 15th September, 2018 for submission.

Ÿ Agriculture & Hor�culture Sciences

Ÿ Biochemistry, Microbiology & Biotechnology

Ÿ Forestry, Climate Change & Environmental Sciences

Ÿ M a t h e m a � c a l , P h y s i c a l Sciences & Nano Technology

Ÿ Botany, Zoology & Animal Husbandry

Ÿ Chemical Sciences, Earth Sciences & Renewable Energy

Ÿ Engineering Sciences, IT & Computer Science & Innova�ons

The conference will be held at Indian Ins�tute of Technology, Mandi, VPO Kamand, Himachal Pradesh. It is one of the several new Indian Ins�tutes of Technology (IITs) established by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. IIT Mandi is a n a u t o n o m o u s p r e m i e r eng ineer ing and technology I n s � t u t e l o c a t e d i n M a n d i , Himachal Pradesh. The IIT Mandi came in to existence in 2009.

ACCESSMandi is a small town of Himachal Pradesh on the way to the famous resorts of Kullu and Manali. The main campus of IIT Mandi is situated in Kamand village, which is 14 kilometers away from Mandi town. IIT Mandi has several offices and a guest house in its transit campus in Mandi town.

To reach IIT Mandi's main campus from Mandi town:There would be buses and small vehicles to ferry par�cipants from Mandi Bus Stand to IIT campus at regular intervals.

To reach Mandi by Road: The usual travel route to Mandi is via Delhi or Chandigarh. From Chandigarh, buses to Mandi are available at Sector 43 bus stand. The other choice from Chandigarh to Mandi is to travel by taxi. The distance between Chandigarh and Mandi is ~200 kms. This distance can be covered in approximately 6 hrs by bus. By taxi, it usually takes around 5 hrs.

To reach Mandi by Air:The most convenient way to travel by air is via Chandigarh airport. It is at the distance of 214 Kms and takes around 6 hours to reach IIT campus. Chandigarh is well-connected with non-stop flights from Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bangalore and direct flights from Kolkata and Chennai. Two other nearby airports are: Dharamshala airport, Gaggal which is around 150 Kms (3.5 hours) and Kullu airport, Bhuntar, at the distance of 50 Kms (1.5 hours).

ACCOMMODATIONPar�cipants would be provided accommoda�on on sharing basis at the IIT Mandi campus. You are advised to carry light woolens with you as the weather would be cold during this �me in Himachal Pradesh.


Kindly follow the instruc�ons as under in dra�ing your abstract:ABSTRACT TITLE (IN CAPITAL LETTERS/UPPER CASE & BOLD ONLY) FONT: CAMBRIA, SIZE: 10 PTAuthor Name (In Title Case & Bold Only) Font: Calibri, Size: 10 PTIns�tu�on Name (In Title Case) Font: Calibri, Size: 10 PTText in Title Case Font: Calibri, Size: 10 PT

KEY DATESthEarly Bird Registra�on: Upto 15 September, 2018thExtended Registra�on: Upto 30 September, 2018

ORAL PRESENTATIONAmong the accepted abstracts, selected papers will be considered for oral presenta�on under each technical session. Each Oral presenta�on would be allo�ed 10 minutes for presenta�on and 5 minutes for discussion. There would be a best paper award in each session.

POSTER PRESENTATIONOther contributed papers will be selected for poster presenta�on. Each par�cipant for poster session will be provided with a board measuring 100cm (horizontal) x 70cm (ver�cal), for moun�ng the wri�en material, diagram, photograph, etc. Author(s) of the posters are requested to be present at the venue during the respec�ve poster session. Best three posters would be selected for award.


Registra�on fee includes: Conference registra�on kit, access to scien�fic sessions and boarding and lodging arrangements

¯ One registra�on form is to be filled for one abstract only. For mul�ple abstracts, as many forms would have to be filled.

¯ One form must be filled by one author. If co-authors also want to a�end the event, they would have to register separately.

¯ Each Reg ist ra�on Form should be accompanied by Cheque/Demand Dra�.

¯ Scanned copy of the Cheque / Demand Dra�, Registra�on F o r m a l o n g w i t h a b s t r a c t m u s t b e m a i l e d t o

[email protected]. The hard copy should be sent at the address men�oned in the form.

Registra�on Type Faculty Students

Early Bird Registra�on (Upto 15th September, 2018) Rs. 2500/- Rs. 1000/-

Extended Registra�on (Upto 30th September, 2018) Rs. 3000/- Rs. 1500/-

Spot Registra�on Rs. 3500/- Rs. 2000/-

Name: ………………………………………………..................................................………

Designa�on: ...…………………………………….................................................………

Address: ……………………………………………….................................................……


Telephone (Mobile): ……………...……………...............................................………

(Office): ………………..............................................………….…………

E-mail: ………………………………................................................………………………

Paper: Poster:

Title of the paper/poster: ……….....................................................………………


Subject Area: …………………………...............................................………...............

Registra�on Fee: ………………….................................................….....................

Cheque/Demand Dra� No: ……................................................………...............

Dated: …………………………………………….............................................................

(i) Tenta�ve Date & Time of Arrival: ………...........................................…

(ii) Tenta�ve Date & Time of Departure: …..........................................…

Himachal Pradesh Science Congress


nd rdDates: 22 - 23 October 2018 Venue: IIT, Mandi

Theme : Rural Upliftment ThroughScience & Technology Interventions

*Kindly prepare Cheque/Demand Dra� in favour of Member Secretary, HP Council for Science, Technology & Environment, Shimla and email it along with this duly filled form to [email protected]. Send both documents in original to the following address.

Himachal Pradesh Council for Science, Technology & Environment (HIMCOSTE)34, SDA Complex, Kasump�, Shimla, HP, India, Pin code – 171009Contact No.: +91-177-2621992, 2620998, Fax – 2620998

SignatureDate & Place:

Member Secretary