hilltop council ~ senator elections & information...

Hilltop Council ~ Senator Elections & Information 2012-2013 Page | 1 Welcome to Hilltop Apartments! On behalf of the Hilltop Council Executive Board, Welcome to Hilltop Apartments! We consider Hilltop a “higher standard of living”, and we like to have fun. We would like to thank you for your interest in Hilltop Council. We would like you to read through this packet to learn more about whom we are, what we do, and the election process. Hello, my name is Hilltop Council Executive Board We are the Hilltop Council Executive Board and we are here to help develop senators into leaders, create an inclusive environment and positive atmosphere for the residents of Hilltop to live, learn, and grow. Listed below you will find the contact information for all of the current executive board members, so if you have any questions, feel free to contact us. President ~ Anthony Smetana Email: [email protected] Vice President ~ Ashlee Larkey Email: [email protected] Secretary ~ Susan Goley Email: [email protected] Treasurer ~ VACANT (more on this in the ‘Leadership Opportunities at Hilltopsection on page 5) Executive Director of Programming ~ Steve Ferris Email: [email protected] Executive Director of Special Programming ~ Phil Stewart Email: [email protected] Executive Director of Public Relations ~ Roxanne Schroeder Email: [email protected] Residence Hall Association Representative ~ Lucas Michael Email: [email protected] Residence Hall Association Representative ~ Pat Polowsky Email: [email protected]

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Hilltop Council ~ Senator Elections & Information 2012-2013

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Welcome to Hilltop Apartments!

On behalf of the Hilltop Council Executive Board, Welcome to Hilltop Apartments! We

consider Hilltop a “higher standard of living”, and we like to have fun. We would like to thank

you for your interest in Hilltop Council. We would like you to read through this packet to learn

more about whom we are, what we do, and the election process.

Hello, my name is Hilltop Council Executive Board

We are the Hilltop Council Executive Board and we are here to help develop senators

into leaders, create an inclusive environment and positive atmosphere for the residents of Hilltop

to live, learn, and grow. Listed below you will find the contact information for all of the current

executive board members, so if you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

President ~ Anthony Smetana

Email: [email protected]

Vice President ~ Ashlee Larkey

Email: [email protected]

Secretary ~ Susan Goley

Email: [email protected]

Treasurer ~ VACANT

(more on this in the ‘Leadership Opportunities at Hilltop’ section on page 5)

Executive Director of Programming ~ Steve Ferris

Email: [email protected]

Executive Director of Special Programming ~ Phil Stewart

Email: [email protected]

Executive Director of Public Relations ~ Roxanne Schroeder

Email: [email protected]

Residence Hall Association Representative ~ Lucas Michael

Email: [email protected]

Residence Hall Association Representative ~ Pat Polowsky

Email: [email protected]

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What is Hilltop Council?

All Residence Halls have their own organization. Hilltop Council is the organization for

Hilltop Apartments residents, run by Hilltop residents. The purpose of the Hilltop Council is to;

engender a deeper appreciation and respect for fellow members of our community, promote

personal pride and responsibility for living in Hilltop Apartments, and encourage intellectual,

physical, emotional, and social development.

Residents may either be executive members on the executive board, or senators of the

senate. Besides acting as one unit as the Senate, senators are also part of committees.

Committees are small groups of senators lead by executive members that work towards a

particular purpose and fulfill a function of the council.

Executive Board

The purpose of the Executive board is to coordinate the operations of the Hall Council,

train and supervise senators and directors, act as the communication links between residents,

administration, and residents of other halls, promote growth and outreach in Hilltop Apartments,

Purdue University Residence Halls, and the Greater Lafayette communities, and encourage

responsibility and self-governance in the Hilltop Apartments.

A complete detailed job description of each position is listed in the constitution. In a nut

shell, the President presides over the entire council. The Vice President oversees and runs the

senate meetings and is directly in charge of the Senate. The Secretary takes notes and presents

the Senate with minutes for approval and an agenda at the senate meetings. The Treasurer

prepares, tracks, and updates the budget weekly. Executive Director of Programming and Special

Programming are in charge of organizing events, programs, and projects of their respective

committees. Executive Director of Public Relations is in charge of advertising and promotions

around Hilltop, and oversees the public relations committee. R.H.A. Representatives go to an

extra separate meeting a week to meet with other hall representatives to organize multi-hall

programming, as well as talk about what each of the halls are doing, and enlighten the other halls

of our happenings.

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There are two senate members per building or building groups (as shown below)

2 Senate Member per Building/Designated Buildings

Building 1 & 2

Building 3 & 8

Building 4 & 5

Building 6 & 7

Building 9 & 10

Building 11 & 21

Building 12 & 22

Building 13 & 14

Building 15 & 16

Building 17 & 18

Building 19 & 20

Building 24, 25, & 26

Building 27 & Building 30 East

Building 28 East

Building 28 West & 29 East

Building 29 West

Building 30 West

Building 31 South

Building 31 North & 32 South

Building 32 North

Senate members are responsible for being the voice and acting in the best interest of their

respective building(s), and relaying information back to their respective building(s). As a

member of the senate, you have voting power, and the potential and opportunity to change the

lives of the residents in your building(s) and others. As with many aspects of life, it is what YOU

make it.


Our various committees include, but are not limited to; Programming, Public relations,

and Community Service.

Our Programming Committee is led by Steve Ferris, a returning executive board

member. The purpose of the programming committee is to plan, organize, and execute various

social programs and events throughout the school year for residents. The goals for the

programming committee include giving residents the opportunities to meet new people,

experience new things, and overall have a good time.

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Our Public Relations Committee is led by Roxanne Schroeder, new to the executive

board, but not new to council as she was a senator last year. The purpose of the Public Relations

committee is to innovate, create, and execute the advertising and promotional end of council‟s

business. This includes but is not limited to fliers, sidewalk chalking, and sheets for the gazebo

(the central point of Hilltop). The goals for the Public Relations committee include making sure

everyone is informed about and included in the many opportunities and activities Hilltop has to


Our Community Service Committee (also known as “Hill’s Angel’s”) is led by Phil

Stewart as a fourth year club/council member. The purpose of Hill‟s Angels is to plan, organize,

and provide community service opportunities for the residents of Hilltop Council. By attending,

organizing and being involved you can earn a t-shirt, as well as having fun while doing good

deeds for the Hilltop, Purdue, and Greater West Lafayette Area communities.

*Note: A senator is required to be part of at least one committee, but may be part of as many

committees as he/she chooses.

What are we looking for?

We are looking for individuals that are interested and passionate about being involved

and enhancing the living experience for the residents in their community, throughout hilltop, and

across campus by taking initiative. We are looking for individuals who are willing to help with

the many aspects of programming in the areas of social, community service, educational, and

diversity, as well as raising awareness over appropriate concerns and issues of life.

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Leadership Opportunities at Hilltop Apartments

There are many opportunities to get involved at Hilltop Apartments and we strongly

encourage all residents, especially those who are interested in being senators to attend the RA

and Council programs (i.e. Hillapalooza, Building Dinners, etc.) as regularly as possible, and

actually get to know your RA and the residents you represent. NOTE: You MUST be a current

Hilltop Resident to be a part of Hilltop Council, and you can only be senator of the building or

designated group of buildings that you have signed your housing contract for.

1. Vacant Treasurer Position

There is a vacancy in the Treasurer position. A basic job description is that the Treasurer

prepares, tracks, and updates the budget weekly. For a list of all of the duties and responsibilities

for the treasurer and executive board please refer to our constitution in the „About Us‟ section of

our website www.purdue.edu/hilltop .Keep in mind that you must have and keep a 2.5 GPA to be

an executive board member. If you are interested in being the treasurer or would like more

information please contact Anthony Smetana ([email protected]), or Ashlee Larkey

([email protected]) and let them know of your interest.

2. Vacant Director of Intramurals Position

The Director of Intramurals has the responsibilities of coordinating and directing the

intramural sports program and other athletic initiatives at Hilltop Apartments. This position does

not require a 2.5 GPA. Training will be provided by the Director of Special Programming. If you

are interested, or want more information contact Phil Stewart ([email protected])

3. Senator

As a senator you will have the opportunity to be the voice of the community and help be

a part of the productive, collaborative committees that help make the world go around at Hilltop.

You do not need to have the 2.5 GPA to be a member of the senate. If you have questions please

contact Ashlee Larkey ([email protected])

4. Other

Unfortunately with elections the honest truth is that if enough people run for a position,

there will be winners, and there will be runner ups. In advance, congrats to the winners! For the

others, do not be discouraged. We have other ways that you can still be involved, and we still

want and would love for you to be a part of the Hilltop community. On the next page, is an

outline of many ways you can specifically get involved if you are not voted into a position.

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Senate Meetings

Our meetings are open to Hilltop Apartments residents, so anyone can show up and voice

what they feel should be done, and add to the conversation. Even though you may not have a

vote, you can still make an impact by standing in what you believe in and voicing what you

believe is in the best interest of the community.

Attendance and Participation at Programs and Events

We always extend a warm welcome to any hilltop residents at our programs and events.

Our programs and events are not exclusive to only senate members; the entire purpose of our

programming is to get residents involved and together with the community. You may participate

in as many programs, events, and projects as you desire.

Help Organize Events

Hilltop Council puts on many different kinds of events. Please contact the specific

executive board member for your interest in their particular area of a council function to find out

more on how you can get involved. (Social Programs – Steve Ferris, Public Relations – Roxanne

Schroeder, Community Service – Phil Stewart)

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Why Would You Want To Be A Senator &

Get Involved with Hilltop Council?

Reason #1. Social Aspect

Getting involved with an organization like Hilltop Council is a great way to meet new people!

When you get involved with Hilltop Council you will meet all sorts of new people from various

different backgrounds and different majors at Purdue.

Reason #2. Make A Difference

You may think that one student organization cannot make any sort of a difference at a University

such as Purdue, however, through community service somebody somewhere would benefit from

any amount of service we provide. Our social programs create the opportunity for residents to

mingle and get to know each other better, and meet people you may have never had the

opportunity to meet otherwise.

Reason #3. Networking

You never know who you might rub elbows with while working with council, some

circumstances may open opportunities with future employers.

Reason #4. Understand People

Enhance your ability to communicate, understand and work with people towards a common goal.

Reason #5. Learn Something New!

The programs, events, and projects we will do this year will help you develop skill, whether it be

interpersonal, communication, organization, or something more hands on.

Reason #6. Resume & Future Career

Many employers look highly upon those who can balance academics and extracurricular


Reason #7. Student Leadership Experience

The best way to gain experience with anything is to do it, joining Hilltop Council is a way to

gain experience and is something you can work towards a higher position. Even if you may only

be at Hilltop Apartments for one year that is one year‟s experience that could open doors for you

later down the road at other residence halls, other organizations, and potentially job situations

down the road.

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Senate Expectations & Authority

The expectations described below are listed in Hilltop Council‟s Constitution that we use

as a set of guidelines and regulations. The Senate has the authority to initiate and act upon any

and all rules/regulations necessary and proper under the constitution. The Senate also has the

authority and responsibility of approving the budget, calling for special elections, the final vote

on impeachment of any executive officer, and to serve as a member of at least one committee.

The expectations of a senator include attending senate meetings, unless excused by the

Secretary. Senators shall report the senate proceedings and events of their respective community.

Senators shall report all information received at the Senate meetings to their respective

constituents and fellow residents. Senators shall sit on one committee. Quorum is needed to pass

proposals as needed over $500. When a senator is going to miss a meeting, it is REQUIRED that

they inform the secretary at least 24 hours in advance before the meeting. It is a joined

responsibility of the senators, to be in communication with each other to fill each other in on the

proceedings in each other‟s absence. If senators from a particular area are consistently having

problems with unexcused absence from meetings, the executive board will be required to look

into the case and possibly remove the senator from office.

In short, the Senate is the main part of the council that has the potential to make an

organization a great one versus a mediocre or “average” organization. If you have any questions

or concerns about the expectations feel free to contact Anthony Smetana

([email protected]), or Ashlee Larkey ([email protected]).

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At this point you are hopefully convinced that this is a good thing to become a part of and

that it is really worth your time. If you are interested in being elected as a senator the election

process is described below.

Election Process (7 Steps)

1. Inform

RA‟s will announce and inform their residents about the opportunities, by emailing

everyone. Council will also be putting fliers and promotional material throughout Hilltop.

2. Feedback

Residents that are interested will be able to sign up to run anytime by emailing Ashlee

Larkey ([email protected]) or on Tuesday August 28th

at our Call Out in the Owen,

East Activity Room (EAR) from 8:00 pm till 9:00 pm.

3. Campaign (Optional)

All candidates will have the option to campaign for themselves if they want. It is not

required, but could help and is encouraged. As far as rules and regulations, all candidates

are responsible for checking that their campaign activities comply with all University,

University Residences, and Hilltop Apartments rules and regulations. If you would like to

use sidewalk chalk, fliers/posters, or any other type of promotional material or activity

please refer to the link and make sure that your actions and activities comply with

University Policy. http://www.purdue.edu/policies/facilities-safety/ivb2.html if you still

have questions about where in your building you can post fliers, ask your Residential

Assistant (RA).

It is strongly encouraged that all senator candidates get to know the residents they would

be representing. Remember to be courteous, not everyone will want to talk, and to respect

the rules and wishes of the apartment they are visiting.

September 1st – Hilltop Council Tailgate – We will be having a tailgate on September

1st before, during, and for a brief period after the first home football game of the year.

This would be a GREAT opportunity to come out, meet some of the exec board, and meet

other senator candidates, as well as get your name out to the residents who will be voting

for you.

4. Voting

Voting will be available on the Hilltop Council website on Tuesday September 4th


midnight. Follow the link on the home page, and it will lead you through the process. The

elections will close at 9 pm on Tuesday September 4th


5. Results

After the votes have been recorded and verified, the results will be posted on the website,

RA‟s will be informed, and all candidates will be notified via email.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What if I am not sure if Hilltop Council is the right organization for me?

A: Here at Hilltop we like to believe we are an organization for all types of people, however if

you are really unsure, we encourage you to attend our callout on August 28, 2012 at 8 pm in the

East Activity Room (EAR) of Owen Hall. Try us out, and find out for yourself if it is something

you would like to do!

Q: What is the relationship between RA’s and Hilltop Council?

A: RA’s are indirectly involved with Hilltop Council; they are there to support the senators and

help develop them as leaders.

Q: I didn’t get voted in, but I really want to be involved, what should I do?

A: If you are really interested in helping you should contact the respective exec board member

that leads the committee you are interested in, if you aren’t sure contact Anthony Smetana

([email protected])

Q: Where and how does Hilltop Council receive money for events?

A: There is a special section of the housing cost that amounts to $16.00 per resident (this is the

same for any residence hall). Out of this $16.00, $2.00 of it goes to R.H.A. as the halls dues

towards being a part of R.H.A. So in reality every hall receives $14.00 per resident, and its

purpose is to give the hall organization money to provide activities, events, programs, and

opportunities for the residents.

Q: What does “R.H.A.” stand for?

A: Residence Hall Association

Q: What does R.H.A. as an organization do?

A: R.H.A. is the organization that unites all of the Residence Hall Organizations. At their

meetings they discuss what is happening in the halls, any big events that may be coming up, and

issues that may be affecting all of the halls as a whole.

Q: What is “Quorum”?

A: Quorum is the needed amount of senators to vote on a particular item. As defined for Hilltop

Council by the Hilltop Constitution, there must be 2/3 of the total senators in attendance (25 out

of 38 senators) to pass anything over $500.00

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More Information & Resources

* All Contact Information is listed on the first page of this document

* For more information and updates on what is going on around Hilltop Apartments see our

website: www.purdue.edu/hilltop

* If you are interested in a copy of the Constitution, go to our website, link is provided below.


* If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to email any executive member and

we will answer your question or forward it to the appropriate person who can answer your


…And remember, if anyone asks, “Who‟s on top?” You should always reply, “Hilltop!”