heritage kalka shimla railway

Kalka Shimla Railway

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Post on 21-Mar-2017




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Page 2: Heritage Kalka Shimla Railway

Kalka Shimla Railway is not just a transportation mode

for the people of Himachal, it is the very personification

of their culture, their labours ,pains and the hardships

they endured in the British era.

Kalka Shimla Railway

A Cursory Look On Shimla Toy Train:A Word PictureTravelling with kids? Wish to give them a culture rich

yet fun experience? If yes, then Kalka Shimla Railway is

your best bet. At a first glance the Shimla toy train looks

like a huge snake winding on the hillsides, creeping its

way to meet the Queen of Hills, that is Shimla.

Page 3: Heritage Kalka Shimla Railway

Kalka Shimla railway has a

curious history. By 1830

Shimla emerged as an

important base for the

Britishers in India. Hence,

Britishers put all their energies

to develop this strategic point

in an all round manner.

Eventually, in 1864 Shimla was

made the summer-capital of

British India. Obviously, a

viable link between Shimla and

Delhi as well as the northern

plains of India became



Page 4: Heritage Kalka Shimla Railway

There is no doubt that Shimla

railway is a marvelous piece of

human endeavor. In 2007, it was

proclaimed as a heritage site by

the Government of Himachal

Pradesh. Likewise, UNESCO has

also recognized the grandeur of

this monumental feat of humans

in the form of Shimla toy train.

Subsequently, Shimla railway

was included amongst the

world heritage sites by UNESCO

in 2008.

Shimla Railway As WorldHeritage

Page 5: Heritage Kalka Shimla Railway

Originally there were 107

tunnels in Kalka Shimla railway ,

but at present only 103 tunnels

are in use. The longest one out

of these is the ‘Barog Tunnel’.

This tunnel has a rather

interesting history. At the end of

digging of the Barog tunnel, the

two sides of the tunnel did not

coincide with each other

because of their wrong


Tunnels of Kalka-ShimlaRailway

Page 6: Heritage Kalka Shimla Railway

Shiwalik Dillux is a luxurious train

to travel from Kalka to Shimla.

Reservation in this train is

possible through IRTC or from

the Railway Station counter.

Kalka Shimla Toy TrainBooking