her twenties (herrick)

December 2015 THE REACH ISSUE FIND THE TOOLS NEEDED TO REACH YOUR DREAMS WITH • Networking habit • Financial tips • Apartment guides • Health trends Budget finds • Relationship advice MORE &

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Page 1: Her Twenties (Herrick)

December 2015


• Networking habit• Financial tips• Apartment guides• Health trends• Budget finds• Relationship advice


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“Any challenge you face as a woman is just means to move forward.”





Meet the Her Twenties TeamLetter From the EditorYour December Lifestyle PicksWinter Decor on a Budget

20 The Future of Women in the Workplace

23 Oh, There’s No Such Thing As a Man’s Job

27 Debunking The Latest Health Trends

30 Relationships and Mental Health

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Section Editor- Haley WilliamDesigner- Andy JacksonContent Production- Sandra LinOnline Syndication- Jennifer Top

Section Editor- Haley WilliamDesigner- Andy JacksonContent Production- Sandra LinOnline Syndication- Jennifer Top

Section Editor- Haley WilliamDesigner- Andy JacksonContent Production- Sandra LinOnline Syndication- Jennifer Top





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and welcome to a new kind of women’s magazine. HELLO-From the moment you opened your first magazine as a girl, your mind started to absorb. You read the stories, swooned over the cute boys and wished you could get your braids to look as flawless as the tutorials. However, the subject matter, language and stereotypes only became increasingly demeaning as you grew in age and started picking up women’s magazines. The small notions feminist ideals through body positivity and an article on female independence seemed horrifically in vain as they lived beside images of photo-shopped foreign models and articles filled with tips for being better in bed.

Well, we aren’t that kind of magazine.

At Her Twenties, we seek to empower today’s young women. We aim to ignite the flames of originality, creativity, independence and ingenuity inside the hearts of our readers. We want to demonstrate the kind of qualities that compose a modern, ambitious woman in today’s world. That includes illustrating the images and stories of real young women. Its starting conversation and dialogue about real issues, with the kind of articulation fit for bright, college educated women. Its offering the kind of advice, insights and perspectives that can actually prove valuable to a woman in her twenties encountering decisions far more intricate than that of a lipstick tone.

We want your opinions and contributions. We want to talk about finding a job, navigating through apartment searches, travel adventures, relationships, health, networking, budgeting, social issues and anything you may be running into as a young women taking steps towards her dreams. We want to ride along with you on that journey, because this is a remarkable time to find yourself as a young woman. The world is different, young women are different, and so are we.




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phasellus laoreet aliquam.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, id nulla vestibulum justo phasellus laoreet aliquam, amet blandit nec lectus, donec viverra. Risus vitae eget natoque vivamus turpis. Magnis donec, purus id sodales, risus ante sed enim praesent tellus, massa erat montes praesent velit. Magna tempus, vel lobortis rhoncus recusandae eget, dui praesent orci leo malesuada leo, eu mus sapien. Lacinia mattis nunc. Nulla elit morbi ut. Aenean non cras vestibulum tristique quis egestas, consectetuer dictum purus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, id nulla vestibulum justo phasellus laoreet aliquam, amet blandit nec lectus, donec viverra. Risus vitae eget natoque vivamus turpis. Magnis donec, purus id sodales, risus ante sed enim praesent tellus, massa erat montes praesent velit. Magna tempus, vel lobortis rhoncus recusandae eget, dui praesent orci leo malesuada leo, eu mus sapien. Lacinia mattis nunc. Nulla elit morbi ut. Aenean non cras vestibulum tristique quis egestas, consectetuer dictum purus



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“Any challenge you face as a woman is just means to move forward.” “Being able to negotiate the best for yourself is the only way to move forward.” “To achieve the future of women in business we need to keep relentlessly moving forward.” “There are always going to be times of transition and discouragement. You just have to realize what you’re worth, never settle and continue to move forward.”


Several female professionals spoke about their experiences. They each had different job positions, backgrounds, home responsibilities, ethnicities, ages and perspectives. I even asked them different questions. Now, with those diversifying factors considered, they all had one thing in common. Every single woman used the phrase “move forward” at least once in our conversations. This is not by coincidence or happenstance. It’s not accidental. It means much more than that.

It’s the spirit inside the movements that never stop growing. It’s the quiet undertones of a much louder, intricate series of voices fighting to find clarity. It’s the unforeseen pieces of light that glow a little brighter in a sea of sparkling hope. To acknowledge the critical importance of moving forward is far more than considering a piece of advice. It’s understanding that the object of a certain destination is pure fiction and pales in comparison to the vast opportunity that lies in a never-ending journey toward a better humanity.

The quest for equality is an ongoing journey. Women have been fighting for fairness with men in various ways throughout history. Each time period has presented unique challenges and conversations about change. The current change is in the professional workforce. According to the 2014 US Census, “For the first time since measurement began in 1940, women are more likely than men to have a bachelor’s degree.”

Not only is the number of women in professional careers increasing, but so is the diversity of the fields women are pursuing, such as the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields.

One of those ways is in the assertiveness of female professionals. Sheri Chandler, a senior-level graphic designer, weighed in on her own conflicts from fifteen years prior. She once had been told she didn’t deserve the same bonus every man on her team received for a brand elevation project because the boss believed that “a woman couldn’t possibly have a direct impact on the brand.” Though she had clear evidence of the opposite, she couldn’t bring herself to argue her case. She now regrets looking back at a long career tarnished by gender inequality.

Kristin Miller, a social media analyst, began her career much later than Chandler, and therefore wasn’t subjected to the same outright sexism. That being said, she, too, could reflect on moments she knew her lack of assertiveness put her at a disadvantage. She recalled a male co-worker from a former position negotiating his salary and achieving it due to his firmness.

“Business isn’t personal. If we, as women, want to be paid and respected equal to men, we have to advocate for ourselves. ” Miller said. “It really is black and white. In the end, your job isn’t a friend. It’s a business.” Women have historically been expected to maintain relationships including marriages, families and friends. Women also have not been historically respected to argue with men for business advances. It’s not surprising that some women find it challenging to fight for things like compensation and fairness if it means added confrontation or negativity with others. However, we desperately need an assertiveness toward equal compensation and promotion across the board to achieve equality.


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Another battle is that of equal regard in home and family matters. The societal pressures of motherhood often leave working women feeling the sting of guilt that they don’t deserve when their male counterpart is also working toward a career. Therefore one must advocate for fairness in regards to family matters too. Becoming a mother should ignite respect and compromise. Often women are expected to build a full-time career while accounting for the majority of household and parenting duties. This is a battle inside marriages and also in the workplace to negotiate an understanding for family duties. Too often women feel they have to skip meetings for doctor’s appointments or can’t attend conventions because of watching their children, when many men still don’t feel the same pressure. Forbes Magazine found in a 2013 study that many women answered felt they could never get a break, but 97% stated that their partners could. Young mother and Lead Generation Specialist Emily Sechrist said “You have to find a work-life balance, and also learn to demand the kind of respect and happiness in your job that you would want to demonstrate to your children for their own futures. I know I want that for my own daughter.”

Lastly, one of the largest steps in moving forward is the expansion into largely male-dominated fields. Not only does it give young girls and women a possibility to advance in industries previously not considered for women, but it also helps the economic prosperity as a whole. “Diversity of thought is so important. I think in any situation it’s important to gain advice and opinion from people from varying backgrounds, ethnicities and genders. This can lead to people making decisions based on all perspectives, all aspects, or all avenues of an issue, problem or situation,” said Rachel Benson, marketing specialist, regarding the importance of women in the STEM fields. Miller added how unique and intricate each professional’s brain functions. Her skills in writing and journalism differed vastly from the preferences of the female engineers she worked with on stories. She found it enlightening to be exposed to women that have prospered and excelled in fields previously deemed unfit for females. Stepping outside the comfort zone of certain professions into “less feminine” careers is vastly important in the ways women progress toward a world with equal contribution of thought, talent and perspective from both genders. The possibilities for moving forward are truly infinite. As young female professionals, the question is not what you can do, but rather how you can do more.


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Young women are knocked down every day and told that they should stick to the status quo when it comes to their careers. It takes a lot for a woman to be successful in a male-dominated world and especially a male-dominated profession. Often a woman has to overcome specific obstacles that still exist due to gender, and that occurs in all stages of one’s career. I was able to encounter two different perspectives from women in male-dominated careers from different places in their occupational journeys.

Two women demonstrated first-hand their experiences of being a woman surrounded by male perspective on a daily basis. Savannah Beeler is a young woman recently graduated from Shippensburg University who got involved in an internship the spring semester of her senior year, January 2014. “My last semester of college

I interned at the Republican Party of Pennsylvania right when the Corbett election was kicking off. I had success as an intern and was offered a position as a Field Staffer in York County. I eagerly began working a week after I graduated.” After only a short two years in her field surronded by the male dominance of politics, she is now the Executive Director of Dauphin County Republican Committee.

A differing perspective comes from Zhana Johnson, a mother of three from York, Pennsylvania. She started her career after graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Temple University and going on to earn a license as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). She has been with a few different companies over the course of her career and finally found her dream job as a forensic accountant for the federal government.



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Both are in very different stages of their compelling careers. Johnson has 15+ years of experience in her work while Beeler is just starting out. The levels of success both women have found in their fields are impressive, and not without hard work and the ability to overcome adversity. For some women who may be interested in a career in politics, Beeler answered a few questions about her experiences as the Executive Director of Dauphin County Republican Committee. “Just like in any field, you have to start out at the bottom of the totem pole. The first campaign I worked, (2014 gubernatorial cycle) I worked 70-80 hours a week. It was a big commitment but it really helped me advance my career and get a better job after the election,” Beeler said when asked about her personal challenges.

In the case of gender barriers she agrees that she has definitely experienced being objectified and undermined because of her looks and gender. “Some men in politics don’t think that a young girl can do her job accurately and vastly underestimate women in politics. The reality is that men can be just as sucessful as women in politics, and in my experience I have found they can even be better because they’ve had more to overcome in order to obtain respect.”

Overall Beeler considers herself a professional in her field but admits there’s still so much to learn. “There are a lot of things I have yet to learn in politics. I have always worked on the non-official side. There are many other opportunities in politics besides campaigns. Such as lobbying, consulting, working at the county and national level for the government, etc. Ideally I would like to explore other avenues and further my career in politics.”

Johnson is on a higher level of her career with over 15 years of experience in accounting. It took a while for her to find what emphasis to take on and like Savannah had to take those little steps to make it to where she is today. As a forensic accountant for the federal government, Johnson does everything she could ever wanted in a career and plans to stick with it until she chooses to retire.

Both women were faced with the opportunities to overcome the difficulties of establishing a career in a field dominated by men. Politics and accounting are statistically occupied by males, and breaking that barrier takes years of work for women everywhere. Beeler is at the beginning of that journey, while Johnson nears the end. Both encountered different experiences and bring intriguing perspectives to the workforce. The overall notion was able to gain from both was that of constant dedication. Neither woman was willing to accept that a passion or interest of theirs was dedicated to a specific gender. There has never really been a man’s job, then and now, and as we keep moving forward it is evident that there never will be.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, id nulla vestibulum justo phasellus laoreet aliquam, amet blandit nec lectus, donec viverra. Risus vitae eget natoque vivamus turpis. Magnis donec, purus id sodales, risus ante sed enim praesent tellus, massa erat montes praesent velit. Magna tempus, vel lobortis rhoncus recusandae eget, dui praesent orci leo malesuada leo, eu mus sapien. Lacinia mattis nunc. Nulla elit morbi ut. Aenean non cras vestibulum tristique quis egestas, consectetuer dictum purus rhoncus justo at. Ac risus luctus lacus vel eget leo, nec et lobortis faucibus ridiculus adipiscing, litora vivamus lacus aliquet morbi felis egestas, placerat nonummy mauris nec, vehicula ultrices nulla orci eu etiam non. Nulla mattis semper a consequat, ea eu, at senectus convallis, diam turpis justo augue vitae eget ligula. Quis scelerisque penatibus, adipiscing sed donec amet dolor proin. Lorem vestibulum nibh do blandit id nulla, nullam gravida ut et accumsan nam, fames dui lacus vestibulum et. Elit sit eleifend mattis.

Ligula tellus nec. Magna vestibulum commodo, eros amet vulputate pellentesque tortor suspendisse, at nisl tempor pede. Vulputate metus eget, ornare purus vivamus erat lorem elit, posuere ac rutrum dignissim vehicula, cras duis mollis consectetuer integer eleifend in. Enim nunc, velit ipsum tincidunt magnis morbi, Risus sed, erat adipiscing ipsum mi, interdum duis et.

sagittis tellus quis donec dolor vel. Tellus ipsum sed fusce sit urna, sem sem, iaculis pellentesque dictumst mattis nonummy integer hac, etiam cursus mauris ut eget nulla fringilla, gravida urna eros mauris consequuntur in. Maecenas felis sit ullamcorper quam sed, wisi nascetur libero vel.

Cras ut justo velit consectetuer nibh, ac dolor. Inceptos interdum consectetuer vehicula, dolor mauris, eleifend rutrum hac consectetuer curabitur, blandit in tellus. Praesent laoreet arcu curabitur enim, et quis, hac congue mi ac, est tortor eu vestibulum vel sapien. leo.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, id nulla vestibulum justo phasellus laoreet aliquam, amet blandit nec lectus, donec viverra. Risus vitae eget natoque vivamus turpis. Magnis donec, purus id sodales, risus ante sed enim praesent tellus, massa erat montes praesent velit. Magna tempus, vel lobortis rhoncus recusandae eget, dui praesent orci leo malesuada leo, eu mus sapien. Lacinia mattis nunc. Nulla elit morbi ut. Aenean non cras vestibulum tristique quis egestas, consectetuer dictum purus rhoncus justo at. Ac risus luctus lacus vel eget leo, nec et lobortis faucibus ridiculus adipiscing, litora vivamus lacus aliquet morbi felis egestas, placerat nonummy mauris nec, vehicula ultrices nulla orci eu etiam non. Nulla mattis semper a consequat, ea eu, at senectus convallis, diam turpis justo augue vitae eget ligula. Quis scelerisque penatibus, adipiscing sed donec amet dolor proin. Lorem vestibulum nibh do blandit id nulla, nullam gravida ut et accumsan nam, fames dui lacus vestibulum et. Elit sit eleifend mattis.

Ligula tellus nec. Magna vestibulum commodo, eros amet vulputate pellentesque tortor suspendisse, at nisl tempor pede. Vulputate metus eget, ornare purus vivamus erat lorem elit, posuere ac rutrum dignissim vehicula, cras duis mollis consectetuer integer eleifend

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, id nulla vestibulum justo phasellus laoreet aliquam, amet blandit nec lectus, donec viverra. Risus vitae eget natoque vivamus turpis. Magnis donec, purus id sodales, risus ante sed enim praesent tellus, massa erat montes praesent velit. Magna tempus, vel lobortis rhoncus recusandae eget, dui praesent orci leo malesuada leo, eu mus sapien. Lacinia mattis nunc. Nulla elit morbi ut. Aenean non cras vestibulum tristique quis egestas, consectetuer dictum purus rhoncus justo at. Ac risus luctus lacus vel eget leo, nec et lobortis faucibus ridiculus adipiscing, litora vivamus lacus aliquet morbi felis egestas, placerat nonummy mauris nec, vehicula ultrices nulla orci eu etiam non. Nulla mattis semper a consequat, ea eu, at senectus convallis, diam turpis justo augue vitae eget ligula. Quis scelerisque penatibus, adipiscing sed donec amet dolor proin. Lorem vestibulum nibh do blandit id nulla, nullam gravida ut et accumsan nam, fames dui lacus vestibulum et. Elit sit eleifend mattis.

Ligula tellus nec. Magna vestibulum commodo, eros amet vulputate pellentesque tortor suspendisse, at nisl tempor pede. Vulputate metus eget, ornare purus vivamus erat lorem elit, posuere ac rutrum dignissim vehicula, cras duis mollis consectetuer integer eleifend

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, id nulla vestibulum justo phasellus laoreet aliquam, amet blandit nec lectus, donec viverra. Risus vitae eget natoque vivamus turpis. Magnis donec, purus id sodales, risus ante sed enim praesent tellus, massa erat montes praesent velit. Magna tempus, vel lobortis rhoncus recusandae eget,

dui praesent orci leo malesuada leo, eu mus sapien. Lacinia mattis nunc. Nulla elit morbi ut. Aenean non cras vestibulum tristique quis egestas, consectetuer dictum purus rhoncus justo at. Ac risus luctus lacus vel eget leo, nec et lobortis faucibus ridiculus adipiscing, litora vivamus lacus aliquet morbi felis egestas, placerat nonummy mauris nec, vehicula ultrices nulla orci eu etiam non. Nulla mattis semper a consequat, ea eu, at senectus convallis, diam turpis justo augue vitae eget ligula. Quis scelerisque penatibus, adipiscing sed donec amet dolor proin. Lorem vestibulum nibh do blandit id nulla, nullam gravida ut et accumsan nam, fames dui lacus vestibulum et. Elit sit eleifend mattis.

Ligula tellus nec. Magna vestibulum commodo, eros amet vulputate pellentesque tortor suspendisse, at nisl tempor pede. Vulputate metus eget, ornare purus vivamus erat lorem elit, posuere ac rutrum dignissim vehicula, cras duis mollis consectetuer integer eleifend in. Enim nunc, velit ipsum tincidunt magnis morbi, Risus sed, erat adipiscing ipsum mi, interdum duis et.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, id nulla vestibulum justo phasellus laoreet aliquam, amet blandit nec lectus, donec viverra. Risus vitae eget natoque vivamus turpis. Magnis donec, purus id sodales, risus ante sed enim praesent tellus, massa erat montes praesent velit. Magna tempus, vel lobortis rhoncus recusandae eget, dui praesent orci leo malesuada leo, eu mus sapien. Lacinia mattis nunc. Nulla elit morbi ut. Aenean non

cras vestibulum tristique quis egestas, consectetuer dictum purus rhoncus justo at. Ac risus luctus lacus vel eget leo, nec et lobortis faucibus ridiculus adipiscing, litora vivamus lacus aliquet morbi felis egestas, placerat nonummy mauris nec, vehicula ultrices nulla orci eu etiam non. Nulla mattis semper a consequat, ea eu, at senectus convallis, diam turpis justo augue vitae eget ligula. Quis scelerisque penatibus, adipiscing sed donec

amet dolor proin. Lorem vestibulum nibh do blandit id nulla, nullam gravida ut et accumsan nam, fames dui lacus vestibulum et. Elit sit eleifend mattis.



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