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Post on 30-Oct-2015




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    q u a l i t t i s t u n s e r p r o g r a m m

    q u a l i t y i s o u r p r o g r a m | qualit tout un programme


  • UnternehmenCompany


    40 Jahre HEPU40 Jahre HEPU

    Seit mehr als 40 Jahren ist HEPU bekannt als Hersteller hochwertiger Wasserpumpen fr

    Kraftfahrzeuge. berall, wo Motoren laufen und Fahrzeuge fr Mobilitt und Bewegung

    sorgen, sind Original HEPU Markenprodukte gefragt.

    Gewachsenes Know-how, umfassende Produktqualitt, hohe Lieferzuverlssigkeit und eine

    partnerschaftliche Kundenbeziehung haben uns zum fhrenden deutschen Produzenten von

    Wasserpumpen werden lassen. HEPU Marken-Produkte finden Sie bei vielen KFZ-Spezialisten,

    Werksttten und Reparaturdiensten in der ganzen Welt.

    Kompetenz und PartnerschaftKompetenz und PartnerschaftFachkompetenz, persnliches Engagement sowie ein umfassendes Service-Angebot sind die

    Grundlagen unserer Leistungsfhigkeit. Ersatzteile der Marke HEPU berzeugen durch Ihre

    Erstausrsterqualitt und bieten mit einem umfangreichen Sortiment fr jedes Fahrzeug die

    richtige Wasserpumpe.

    Die Beziehung zu unseren Kunden ist uns sehr wichtig. Unsere familire Unternehmensstruktur

    bietet beste Voraussetzungen fr eine partnerschaftliche und persnliche Zusammenarbeit.

    Marken-Qualitt - Made in GermanyMarken-Qualitt - Made in GermanyUnser kunderorientiertes Denken und Arbeiten zeigt sich im Erfolg unserer Produkte und

    Dienstleistungen - wie auch im dauerhaften Erfolg unserer Kunden und Partner. Deshalb ist

    HEPU eine der begehrtesten Marken im Bereich Motorenteile.

    HEPU steht fr Qualitt, Sicherheit und Kontinuitt - Made in Germany! HEPU stands for quality, reliability and continuity - Made in Germany!

    40 Years of HEPU40 Years of HEPU

    HEPU can look back on more than 40 years as a well-known manufacturer of high quality

    water pumps for motor vehicles. Wherever motors run and vehicles are used for mobility

    and transport, genuine HEPU brand products are in demand.

    Our accumulated know-how, comprehensive product quality, high supply reliability and

    close customer relations have made us the leading German producer of water pumps. You

    will find HEPU products at vehicle accessory retailers, workshops and repair centres all

    over the world.

    Competence and PartnershipCompetence and PartnershipExpert competence, personal commitment and a comprehensive service program are the

    pillars of our success. The reputation of HEPU replacement parts is built upon their original

    equipment quality, while the comprehensive range ensures the right water pump is available for

    every vehicle.

    Our relationship with our customers is very important to us. Our convivial company structure creates

    the perfect conditions for friendly and personal collaboration.

    Brand Quality - Made in GermanyBrand Quality - Made in GermanyOur customer-oriented approach and philosophy is reflected in the success of our products and

    services - as well as in the sustained success of our customers and partners. That is what makes

    HEPU one of the most demanded brands in the engine parts sector.

  • ProdukteProducts


    HEPU Wasserpumpen - Die sichere EntscheidungHEPU Wasserpumpen - Die sichere EntscheidungWenn ein Motor ber Jahre hinweg einwandfrei arbeitet, verdankt er dies zu einem wesentlichen Teil

    der Wasserpumpe. Denn ein hoher Wirkungsgrad und bestmgliche Betriebsbedingungen bestehen fr

    den Motor nur bei optimalen Temperaturen. Werden diese nicht erreicht, leiden die Komponenten und

    damit der gesamte Motor. Aufgrund der Hochwertigkeit unserer HEPU Wasserpumpen erhalten Sie

    deshalb die Sicherheit, eine hchstmgliche Motor-Lebensdauer zu erzielen.

    Herausragender Khlmitteldurchsatz und maximaler WirkungsgradHerausragender Khlmitteldurchsatz und maximaler WirkungsgradHEPU Wasserpumpen bieten einen herausragenden Khlmitteldurchsatz nicht nur bei normalen

    Fahrbedingungen sondern auch bei stehendem Fahrzeug und hohen Geschwindigkeiten. Diese berzeugende

    Hydraulikleistung ist durch eine zuverlssige Dichtungstechnik, Korrosionsbestndigkeit, Kavitationsresistenz und

    die Verwendung hochwertiger Bauteile gewhrleistet. HEPU Wasserpumpen erreichen mit maximaler Druck-

    bestndigkeit einen optimalen Wirkungs-grad. Auf diese Weise schtzen HEPU Wasserpumpen nicht nur vor

    berhitzung, sondern verbessern gleichzeitig den Kraftstoffverbrauch und reduzieren die Schadstoffemissionen.

    Vielfalt und InnovationVielfalt und InnovationAls attraktiver Partner fr Kunden im Ersatzteilhandel bietet HEPU die richtige Erfolgsstrategie mit

    einem bedarfsgerechten Produktprogramm fr die Motorkhlung. Das umfangreiche Sortiment umfasst

    nahezu alle Wasserpumpen fr europische Fahrzeuge sowie ein breites Angebot fr asiatische Pkws. Als

    Vollsortimenter ergnzen wir unsere Produktpalette kontinuierlich um neue, innovative und erfolgsver-

    sprechende Modelle. Mit HEPU sind Sie und Ihre Kunden stets auf dem aktuellsten Stand der Technik.

    HEPU Water pumps - A safe decisionHEPU Water pumps - A safe decisionWhen an engine works perfectly for many years, it owes much to the water pump. An engine can

    only achieve a high degree of efficiency and optimal operating conditions if it is maintained at

    optimal temperatures. If this is not the case, the components suffer, and with them the entire

    engine. The high quality of our HEPU water pumps provide you with the peace of mind of

    enjoying the longest possible service life from your engine.

    Excellent coolant flow through maximum efficiencyExcellent coolant flow through maximum efficiencyHEPU water pumps offer an outstanding coolant flow rate whether in normal driving conditions,

    stationary or travelling at high speeds. This impressive hydraulic performance is guaranteed through

    reliable sealing technology, corrosion protection, cavitation resistance and the use of high quality

    components. HEPU water pumps achieve optimal efficiency with maximum pressure resistance. This not

    only enables HEPU water pumps to protect against over-heating, but at the same time improves fuel

    consumption and reduces pollutant emissions.

    Diversity and innovationDiversity and innovationAs an attractive partner for customers in the replacement parts sector, HEPU offers the right strategy for

    success with a range of products tailored to demands for engine cooling. The comprehensive range includes

    water pumps for almost every European vehicle as well as a wide range for Asian cars. As a comprehensive

    manufacturer, we expand our range of products continuously with new and innovative models which

    guarantee success. With HEPU, you and your customers benefit consistently from state of the art technology.

  • HerstellungProduction


    Hochwertige Bauteile und WerkstoffeHochwertige Bauteile und WerkstoffeHEPU Wasserpumpen sind geprgt von innovativem Engineering, hoher Materialkompetenz und einem

    herausragenden Qualittsanspruch. Die robusten Pumpengehuse bestehen fast ausnahmslos aus hoch-

    wertigem Aluminiumguss und garantieren durch eine przise Bearbeitung eine hohe Magenauigkeit.

    Durch die Verwendung der neuesten Dichtungsgenerationen mit Karbon- und Keramikring erfllen HEPU

    Wasserpumpen die Bestimmungen fr Erstausrster und gewhrleisten eine optimale Dichtheit und

    Langlebigkeit. Die massiven Lagereinheiten mit Kugel- und Rollenlagern sind fr hchste axiale und radiale

    Belastungen ausgelegt und sorgen selbst bei hochtourigem Dauerbetrieb fr einen wartungsfreien Lauf.

    Qualittssicherung nach TV ISO 9001Qualittssicherung nach TV ISO 9001HEPU Wasserpumpen unterliegen whrend des gesamten Fertigungsprozesses einer strengen

    Qualittskontrolle. Alle Wasserpumpen werden einem speziellen Druck- und Leckagetest

    unterzogen. Somit ist sichergestellt, dass jede ausgelieferte HEPU Wasserpumpe unsere

    hohen Ansprche an Qualitt und Zuverlssigkeit erfllt. Ein funktionierendes QM-System

    gem TV CERT DIN ISO 9001 ist die verbindliche Garantie fr unsere Kunden, dass sie auf

    uns als kompetenten Partner vertrauen knnen.

    Erstausrster QualittErstausrster QualittHEPU Wasserpumpen sind fabrikneu und erfllen die Anforderungen der Erstausrstung.

    Die przise Fertigung gewhrleistet absolute Passgenauigkeit sowie eine sichere und einfache

    Montage. HEPU Qualitt bedeutet weltweit und jederzeit erste Wahl.

    High quality components and materialsHigh quality components and materialsHEPU water pumps are characterised by innovative engineering, a high degree of material expertise and

    excellent standards in quality. The robust pump housings consist almost exclusively of high quality cast

    aluminium while their precision processing guarantees a high degree of dimensional accuracy. By using

    the most up to date superior unitised sealing technology with carbon and ceramic rings, HEPU water

    pumps fulfil the conditions for O.E. suppliers, guaranteeing optimal leak tightness and longevity. The mas-

    sive bearing units with ball and roller spindle bearings are designed for the highest axial and radial stres-

    ses, ensuring service-free use even with long-term operation at high revs. Flow-optimised and corrosion-

    resistant impellers offer maximum coolant flow and efficiency, guaranteeing optimal engine cooling.

    Quality assurance according to TV ISO 9001Quality assurance according to TV ISO 9001HEPU water pumps are subject to stringent quality control throughout the manufacturing process.

    All water pumps must pass a special pressure and leakage test. This ensures that every HEPU water

    pump sold has fulfilled our high standards in quality and reliability. An operational QM system in

    accordance with TV CERT DIN ISO 9001 is our binding guarantee to our customers that they have a

    competent partner they can trust.

    Original equipment qualityOriginal equipment qualityHEPU water pumps are fresh from the factory, fulfilling and exceeding the requirements for original

    equipment. The precision manufacture of all components assures proper fit, easier installation and super-

    ior performance. HEPU quality makes it first choice every time and around the world.

  • Benefit from our almost 100% availability and readiness for delivery. More than 200.000 water

    pumps including 1.200 different models for European and Asian vehicles are constantly

    available at our new central warehouse. Our international sales and logistics network

    guarantees that the right replacement part is available in the right place at the right time for

    you. This also gives HEPU customers the opportunity to optimise their own warehouse space

    while still guaranteeing prompt delivery. HEPU water pumps facilitate profitable and plan

    able business operations with optimised liquidity.

    Logistik & ServicesLogistics & Services


    200.000 HEPU Wasserpumpen auf 6.000 m2200.000 HEPU Wasserpumpen auf 6.000 m2

    Profitieren Sie von nahezu 100% Verfgbarkeit und Lieferbereitschaft. ber 1.200 verschie-

    dene Modelle fr europische und asiatische Fahrzeuge sind permanent in unserem neuen

    Zentrallager verfgbar. Unser internationales Vertriebs- und Logistiknetz garantiert Ihnen das

    richtige Ersatzteil, zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort. HEPU Kunden erffnet sich hierdurch

    die Mglichkeit, eigene Lagerkapazitten zu optimieren und gleichzeitig eine kurzfristige

    Belieferung zu gewhrleisten. HEPU Wasserpumpen ermglichen profitablen, liquidittsopti-

    mierten und planbaren Handel.

    Flexibilitt und KundenorientierungFlexibilitt und KundenorientierungUnsere Wasserpumpen erhalten Sie berall und zu jeder Zeit. Unsere umfassende logistische

    Erfahrung trgt dazu bei, dass auch komplizierte Aufgabenstellungen schnell und zuverlssig

    abgewickelt werden. Die Untersttzung bei Projektgeschften sowie die Versorgung mit Marketing

    und Informationsmaterial unterstreicht das exklusive Verhltnis zwischen Kunden und HEPU.

    Gemeinsamer Erfolg ist unser ZielGemeinsamer Erfolg ist unser ZielHEPU Wasserpumpen berzeugen durch exzellente Qualitt, ein hohes Markenimage und dauerhafte

    Verfgbarkeit - und durch bemerkenswerte Konditionen. Das bedarfsgerechte HEPU Produktprogramm

    und die marktorientierte, attraktive Preisgestaltung sind ideale Grundlagen fr eine erfolgreiche und part-

    nerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit. Der Handel mit HEPU Wasserpumpen erffnet unseren Kunden gewinn-

    bringende Margen fr ein dauerhaft erfolgreiche und profitable Marktprsenz.

    200.000 HEPU water pumps over 6.000 m2200.000 HEPU water pumps over 6.000 m2

    Flexibility and customer-orientationFlexibility and customer-orientationYou can obtain our water pumps anywhere at any time. Our comprehensive logistics experience

    enables us to overcome even complex challenges quickly and reliably. Our support with business

    projects, such as supplying marketing and information material, underlines the unique relationship

    between HEPU and our customers.

    Shared success is our aimShared success is our aimHEPU water pumps impress through their excellent quality, superior brand image and constant

    availability - as well as remarkable business opportunities for our customers! The custom-made HEPU

    product range and market-oriented, attractive price structure create the ideal conditions for a successful

    and friendly collaboration. Trading with HEPU water pumps enables our partners to realise profit-making

    returns for a sustained, successful and profitable market presence.

  • D GB F ECH-N 123 ab Fahrgestellnummer from chassis No. de chssis no. desde no. de bastidorCH-N 123 bis Fahrgestellnummer till chassis No. au chssis no. hasta no. de bastidorMot-N 123 ab Motornummer from motor No. de moteur no. desde no. de motorMot-N 123 bis Motornummer till motor No. au moteur no. hasta no. de motorPR-N 123 ab Produktionsnummer from serial No. de no. de production desde no. de productionPR-N 123 bis Produktionsnummer till serial No. au no. de production hasta no. de productionGB-N 123 ab Getriebenummer from gear unit No. de bite de vitesse no. desde no. caja de cambioGB-N 123 bis Getriebenummer till gear unit No. au bite de vitesse no. hasta no. caja de cambiomit Gehuse mit Anbaugehuse with backhousing avec carter arrire con tapaAC mit Klimaanlage air conditioner climatisation aire acondicionadoAutomatik Automatikgetriebe automatic gearbox bite automatique transmisin automticaautom. Lfter mit automatischem Lfter disengaging fan ventilateur automatique ventilador automaticobef. Lfter befestigter Lfter fixed fan ventilateur fixe ventilador fijoKat Katalysator catalyser catalyseur catalizadorRS Riemenscheibe pulley poulie poleaSchaltgetriebe Schaltgetriebe manual gearbox bite manuelle transmisin manualServo mit Servolenkung power steering direction assiste direccin asistidaverst. Lager verstrktes Lager reinforced bearing roulement renforc rodamiento resorzado

    SECH-N 123 till ChassinummerCH-N 123 frn ChassinummerMot-N 123 till motornummerMot-N 123 frn motornummerPR-N 123 frn ProduktionsnummerPR-N 123 till ProduktionsnummerGB-N 123 till VxelldaGB-N 123 frn Vxelldamit Gehuse med husAC klimatorAutomatik automatisk vxelldaautom. Lfter automatisk ventilatorbef. Lfter mekanisk ventilatorKat katalysatorRS remskivaSchaltgetriebe manuell vxelldaServo servostyrningverst. Lager frstrkt lager

    PLod numeru podwoziado numeru podwoziaod numeru silnikado numeru silnikaod numeru produkcyjnydo numeru produkcyjnyod numeru skrzyni biegwdo numeru skrzyni biegwz osonklimatyzacjaautomatyczna skrzynia biegwautomatyczny wentylatorumocowany wentylatorkatalizatoremkoo pasowemanualna skrzynia biegwwspomaganieoysko wzmocnione

    RU N N N N N N N N

    Die Angaben von Ersatzteilnummern oder Typenbezeichnungen der Fahrzeughersteller dienen nur zu Vergleichszwecken.Eine Verwendung in Rechnungen an den Fahrzeugbesitzer und anderen Dokumenten ist nicht statthaft.

    Reference numbers of parts or designation of types by vehicle manufacturers are stated for purposes of comparison only.They may not be referred to in the invoices and other documents to vehicle owners.

    Les rfrences des pices dtaches ou la dsignation des types de constructeurs ne sont mentionnes qu tre indicatif.Ces donnes ne doivent en aucun cas apparatre sur les factures transmises aux clients.

    Abkrzungen und Erklrungen / Abbreviations and Explanation / Abrviation et Explication


    Fahrzeugtyp ccm Jahr KW/PS Motor Bemerkungen HEPU-No.Vehicle Type Year Engine Remarks

    w w w. h e p u . d e

  • 6 (119)2.0 1997 07/81 - 12/88 99/135 AR 019322.5 i.e. 2492 04/79 - 06/84 116/158 AR 019282.5 i.e. 2492 10/83 - 12/86 110/150 AR 01928

    33 (905)1.2 1186 06/83 - 12/89 50/68 AR 305851.3 1351 05/83 - 12/89 58/791.3 1351 10/84 - 12/89 63/86 AR 30168, AR 305871.3 1351 06/83 - 12/89 55/75 AR 30502, AR 305861.3 i.e. 1351 05/83 - 12/89 66/901.5 1490 05/83 - 12/93 70/95 AR 301821.5 1490 07/86 - 12/89 75/102 AR 305881.5 1490 06/83 - 12/85 62/84 AR 30143, AR 305041.5 1490 06/83 - 12/86 66/90 AR 305201.5 QV 1490 06/84 - 12/89 77/105 AR 30146, AR 30508, AR 305881.7 1717 01/86 - 12/89 95/1291.7 1717 01/86 - 12/89 87/118 AR 305501.7 i.e. 1717 09/88 - 12/89 77/105 AR 305581.7 QV 1717 03/88 - 12/89 84/114 AR 305501.8 TD 1779 01/86 - 06/90 54/73 VM 82 A

    33 (907A)1.4 1351 06/91 - 09/94 58/791.4 i.e. 1351 06/91 - 09/94 65/88 AR 30753, AR 307551.4 i.e. 1351 06/91 - 09/94 66/90 AR 30753, AR 307551.5 i.e 1490 01/90 - 09/94 71/97 AR 307511.5 i.e. 1490 07/90 - 08/91 74/101 AR 307501.7 16V 1712 01/90 - 03/92 101/137 AR 307461.7 16V 1712 01/90 - 09/94 95/129 AR 307471.7 16V 1712 01/90 - 03/92 97/132 AR 307471.7 i.e 1712 01/90 - 03/92 79/107 AR 30736, AR 307371.7 i.e. 1712 04/92 - 09/94 77/105 AR 30737 A1.7 i.e. 1712 01/90 - 03/92 79/107 AR 30736, AR 307371.8 TD 1779 07/90 - 09/94 62/84 VM 96 A

    33 SPORTWAGON (905A)1.5 1490 09/84 - 12/86 66/90 AR 305201.5 1490 12/86 - 12/89 77/105 AR 30146, AR 30508, AR 305881.5 4x4 1490 12/86 - 12/89 75/102 AR 305881.5 4x4 1490 09/84 - 12/87 70/95 AR 301821.5 4x4 1490 09/84 - 12/86 66/90 AR 305201.5 4x4 1490 12/86 - 03/89 77/105 AR 30146, AR 30508, AR 305881.7 1717 03/88 - 12/89 87/118 AR 305501.7 i.e. 1717 09/88 - 12/89 77/105 AR 305581.8 TD 1779 01/86 - 12/89 62/84

    33 SPORTWAGON (907B)1.4 i.e. 1351 06/91 - 09/94 65/88 AR 307551.4 i.e. 1351 06/91 - 09/94 66/90 AR 307551.4 i.e. 4x4 1351 06/91 - 09/94 66/90 AR 30587, AR 307551.5 i.e 1490 01/90 - 09/94 71/97 AR 307511.7 16V 1712 01/90 - 03/92 101/137 AR 307461.7 16V 1712 01/90 - 09/94 97/132 AR 307471.7 16V 1712 01/90 - 09/94 95/129 AR 307471.7 i.e. 1712 01/90 - 03/92 79/107 AR 30736, AR 307371.7 i.e. 1712 04/92 - 09/94 77/105 AR 30737

    75 (162B)1.6 1567 05/85 - 09/89 81/110 AR 061001.6 KAT 1567 05/89 - 02/92 81/110 AR 611011.8 1779 09/85 - 06/89 85/116 AR 062021.8 1779 08/89 - 02/92 90/122 AR 612011.8 1779 09/88 - 02/92 88/120 AR 06168, AR 611021.8 Turbo 1779 09/86 - 02/92 110/150 AR 061341.8 Turbo i.e. 1779 02/86 - 01/90 114/155 AR 061582.0 1962 05/85 - 10/88 94/128 AR 062122.0 T.S KAT 1962 05/85 - 02/92 109/148 AR 062242.0 T.S. 1962 01/87 - 02/92 107/146 AR 06166, AR 062242.0 T.S. 1962 01/87 - 12/88 109/148 AR 062242.0 TD 1995 05/85 - 09/92 70/95 VM 80 A







    Fahrzeugtyp ccm Jahr KW/PS Motor Bemerkungen HEPU-No.Vehicle Type Year Engine Remarks

    w w w. h e p u . d eALFA-ROMEO


  • Fahrzeugtyp ccm Jahr KW/PS Motor Bemerkungen HEPU-No.Vehicle Type Year Engine Remarks

    75 (162B)2.4 TD 2393 01/89 - 02/92 82/112 VM 81 A2.5 V6 2492 05/85 - 08/86 115/156 AR 01646, AR 019112.5 V6 KAT 2492 09/86 - 04/89 113/154 AR 016483.0 V6 2959 01/87 - 12/88 136/185 AR 06120

    2959 01/89 - 12/90 136/185 AR 061203.0 V6 KAT 2959 01/87 - 12/88 136/185 AR 06124

    2959 01/89 - 02/92 136/185 AR 061243.0 V6 2959 02/90 - 02/92 141/192 AR 61503

    90 (162)1.8 1779 10/84 - 07/87 89/1211.8 1779 10/84 - 07/87 85/116 AR 062022.0 i.e. 1997 10/84 - 07/87 97/132 AR 062102.0 i.e. 1962 10/84 - 07/87 94/128 AR 06212

    1962 10/84 - 07/87 94/128 AR 017132.4 TD 2393 02/87 - 07/87 81/110 VM 81 A2.5 i.e. V6 2492 10/84 - 07/87 114/156 AR 01646, AR 019112.5 i.e. V6 2492 10/84 - 07/87 110/150 AR 01646, AR 01911

    145 (930)1.4 i.e. 1351 07/94 - 12/96 66/90 AR 335011.4 i.e. 16V T.S. 1370 12/96 - 01/01 76/103 AR 33503, AR 385011.6 i.e. 1596 10/94 - 12/96 76/103 AR 332011.6 i.e. 16V T.S. 1598 12/96 - 01/01 88/120 AR 38201, AR 676011.7 i.e. 16V 1712 10/94 - 12/96 95/129 AR 334011.8 i.e. 16V 1747 03/98 - 01/01 106/144 AR 322011.8 i.e. 16V T.S. 1747 12/96 - 12/98 103/140 AR 38401, AR 671061.9 JTD 1910 02/99 - 01/01 77/105 AR 323021.9 TD 1929 10/94 - 02/99 66/90 AR 33601, AR 67501 Mot-N. 1.723.043, mit Gehuse / with housing

    1929 10/94 - 02/99 66/90 AR 33601, AR 67501 Mot-N. 1.723.044, mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 16V Quadrifoglio 1970 03/98 - 01/01 114/155 AR 323012.0 16V T.S. 1970 10/95 - 01/01 110/150 AR 67204

    146 (930)1.4 i.e. 1351 12/94 - 12/96 66/90 AR 335011.4 i.e. 16V T.S. 1370 11/96 - 01/01 76/103 AR 33503, AR 385011.6 i.e. 1596 12/94 - 12/96 76/103 AR 332011.6 i.e. 16V T.S. 1598 11/96 - 01/01 88/120 AR 38201, AR 676011.7 i.e. 16V 1712 12/94 - 12/96 95/129 AR 334011.8 i.e. 16V T.S. 1747 11/96 - 01/01 103/140 AR 38401, AR 671061.8 i.e. 16V T.S. 1747 03/98 - 01/01 106/144 AR 322011.9 JTD 1910 02/99 - 01/01 77/105 AR 323021.9 TD 1929 12/94 - 02/99 66/90 AR 33601, AR 67501 Mot-N. 1.723.043, mit Gehuse / with housing

    1929 12/94 - 02/99 66/90 AR 33601, AR 67501 Mot-N. 1.723.044, mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 16V Quadrifoglio 1970 03/98 - 01/01 114/155 AR 323012.0 16V T.S. 1970 10/95 - 01/01 110/150 AR 67204

    147 (937)1.6 16V T.SPARK 1598 01/01 - 88/120 AR 321041.6 16V T.SPARK ECO 1598 01/01 - 76/103 AR 372031.9 JTD 1910 06/03 - 74/1001.9 JTD 1910 04/01 - 85/115 937 A2.0001.9 JTD 16V 1910 11/02 - 103/1402.0 16V T.SPARK 1970 01/01 - 110/150 AR 323103.2 GTA 3179 02/03 - 184/250

    155 (167)1.6 16V T.S. 1598 05/96 - 01/98 88/120 AR 676011.7 T.S. 1748 04/93 - 04/96 83/113 AR 671031.7 T.S. 1748 04/93 - 04/96 85/115 AR 671051.7 T.S. 16V 1747 05/96 - 12/97 103/140 AR 671061.8 T.S. 1773 02/92 - 06/93 95/129 AR 671011.8 T.S. 1756 02/92 - 12/97 77/105 AR 674021.8 T.S. Sport 1773 01/92 - 12/96 93/127 AR 67101, AR 671021.9 TD 1929 04/93 - 12/97 66/90 AR 67501 Mot-N. 1.723.043, mit Gehuse / with housing

    1929 04/93 - 12/97 66/90 AR 67501 Mot-N. 1.723.044, mit Gehuse / with housing1929 04/93 - 06/96 66/90 AR 67501 mit Gehuse / with housing

    2.0 16V Turbo Q4 1995 01/92 - 12/97 140/190 AR 672032.0 16V Turbo Q4 1995 01/92 - 12/97 137/186 AR 672032.0 T.S. 1995 02/92 - 04/93 106/144 AR 67201








    w w w. h e p u . d eALFA-ROMEO

  • 155 (167)2.0 T.S. 1995 02/92 - 02/95 104/141 AR 672022.0 T.S. 16V 1970 03/95 - 12/97 110/150 AR 672042.5 TD 2499 04/93 - 12/94 92/125 VM 07 B, VM 31 B

    2499 01/95 - 12/97 92/125 VM 07 B, VM 31 B 71 mm Flgel / pulley2.5 V6 2492 02/92 - 09/96 121/165 AR 673012.5 V6 2492 10/92 - 12/97 120/163 AR 67302, AR 67303

    156 (932)1.6 16V T.SPARK 1598 09/97 - 88/120 AR 32102, AR 32103, AR 32104, AR 676011.8 16V T.SPARK 1747 09/97 - 10/00 106/144 AR 322011.8 16V T.SPARK 1747 10/00 - 103/140 AR 322051.9 JTD 1910 05/01 - 85/115 937 A2.0001.9 JTD 1910 10/00 - 05/01 81/110 AR 371011.9 JTD 1910 09/97 - 10/00 77/105 AR 323021.9 JTD 16V 1910 11/02 - 103/1402.0 16V T.SPARK 1970 09/97 - 10/00 114/155 AR 323012.0 16V T.SPARK 1970 10/00 - 03/02 110/150 AR 323102.0 JTS 1970 03/02 - 122/166 937 A1.0002.4 JTD 2387 10/03 - 129/1752.4 JTD 2387 10/00 - 103/140 839 A6.0002.4 JTD 2387 03/02 - 110/150 841 C0002.4 JTD 2387 09/97 - 10/00 100/136 AR 325012.5 V6 24V 2492 09/97 - 10/00 140/190 AR 324012.5 V6 24V 2492 10/00 - 141/192 AR 324053.2 GTA 3179 03/02 - 184/250 932 A000

    156 SPORTWAGON (932)1.6 16V T.SPARK. 1598 05/00 - 88/120 AR 32102, AR 32103, AR 32104, AR 676011.8 16V T.SPARK 1747 05/00 - 10/00 106/144 AR 322011.8 16V T.SPARK 1747 10/00 - 103/140 AR 322051.9 JTD 1910 05/00 - 10/00 77/105 AR 323021.9 JTD 1910 05/01 - 85/115 937 A2.0001.9 JTD 1910 10/00 - 05/01 81/110 AR 371011.9 JTD 16V 1910 11/02 - 103/1402.0 16V T.SPARK 1970 05/00 - 10/00 114/155 AR 323012.0 16V T.SPARK 1970 10/00 - 03/02 110/150 AR 323102.0 JTS 1970 03/02 - 122/166 937 A1.0002.4 JTD 2387 10/03 - 129/1752.4 JTD 2387 05/00 - 10/00 100/136 AR 325012.4 JTD 2387 10/00 - 103/140 839 A6.0002.4 JTD 2387 03/02 - 110/150 841 C0002.5 V6 24V 2492 05/00 - 10/00 140/190 AR 324012.5 V6 24V 2492 10/00 - 141/192 AR 324053.2 GTA 3179 03/02 - 184/250 932 A000

    164 (164)2.0 1962 06/87 - 09/98 102/1382.0 T.S. 1995 06/87 - 09/92 105/143 AR 064162.0 T.S. 1995 06/87 - 12/90 109/148 AR 064202.0 T.S. 1995 09/92 - 09/98 106/144 AR 641032.0 Turbo 1995 10/87 - 09/92 128/174 AR 064762.0 V6 Turbo 1997 03/91 - 09/92 150/204 AR 641012.0 V6 Turbo 1996 09/92 - 09/98 148/201 AR 641022.5 TD 2500 06/87 - 09/89 84/114 VM 84 A

    2500 10/89 - 09/92 84/114 VM 84 A2.5 TD 2499 09/92 - 09/98 92/125 VM 08 B 76 mm Flgel / pulley2.5 V6 2492 09/92 - 09/98 120/163 AR 662013.0 i.e. QV 2959 09/90 - 09/92 147/200 AR 06430, AR 643013.0 V6 2959 06/87 - 09/92 141/192 AR 064103.0 V6 2959 06/87 - 09/92 135/184 AR 064123.0 V6 2959 09/92 - 09/98 132/180 AR 64305, AR 66303

    166 (936)2.0 T.Spark 1970 09/98 - 10/00 114/155 AR 341032.0 V6 1996 09/98 - 151/205 AR 341022.4 JTD 2387 04/02 - 110/150 841 C0002.4 JTD 2387 10/03 - 129/1752.4 JTD 2387 09/98 - 10/00 100/136 AR 342022.4 JTD 2387 10/00 - 103/140 AR 362022.5 V6 24V 2492 09/98 - 10/00 140/190 AR 34201






    Fahrzeugtyp ccm Jahr KW/PS Motor Bemerkungen HEPU-No.Vehicle Type Year Engine Remarks

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  • Fahrzeugtyp ccm Jahr KW/PS Motor Bemerkungen HEPU-No.Vehicle Type Year Engine Remarks

    166 (936)3.0 V6 24V 2959 09/98 - 10/00 166/226 AR 343013.0 V6 24V 2959 10/00 - 162/220 AR 361013.2 V6 24V 3179 10/03 - 176/239

    1750-20002000 (105) 1962 10/71 - 12/83 97/132 AR 10520

    ALFASUD 1.2 1186 06/72 - 09/84 46/63 AR 30102 CH-N. 5.051.903

    1186 06/72 - 09/84 46/63 AR 30102 CH-N. 5.051.904 1.2 1186 03/80 - 09/84 44/60 AR 30102 S CH-N. 5.051.903

    1186 03/80 - 09/84 44/60 AR 30102 S CH-N. 5.051.904 1.2 ti 1186 11/73 - 09/84 50/68 AR 30104 CH-N. 5.051.903

    1186 11/73 - 09/84 50/68 AR 30104 CH-N. 5.051.904 1.3 1286 01/78 - 02/80 50/68 AR 30180 CH-N. 5.051.903

    1286 01/78 - 02/80 50/68 AR 30180 CH-N. 5.051.904 1.3 SC/ti Super 1351 09/77 - 09/84 55/76 AR 30164 CH-N. 5.051.903

    1351 09/77 - 09/84 55/76 AR 30164 CH-N. 5.051.904 1.3 Super 1351 01/79 - 09/84 51/69 AR 30160 CH-N. 5.051.903

    1351 01/79 - 09/84 51/69 AR 30160 CH-N. 5.051.904 1.3 ti 1286 09/77 - 09/84 55/75 AR 30184 CH-N. 5.051.903

    1286 09/77 - 09/84 55/75 AR 30184 CH-N. 5.051.904 1.3 ti 1351 03/80 - 12/84 63/86 AR 30168 CH-N. 5.051.903

    1351 03/80 - 12/84 63/86 AR 30168 CH-N. 5.051.904 1.5 ti 1490 03/80 - 12/84 70/95 AR 30128 CH-N. 5.051.903

    1490 03/80 - 12/84 70/95 AR 30128 CH-N. 5.051.904 1.5 ti 1490 01/79 - 09/84 61/83 AR 30124 CH-N. 5.051.903

    1490 01/79 - 09/84 61/83 AR 30124 CH-N. 5.051.904 1.5 ti Sprint 1490 01/83 - 12/84 77/105 AR 30146 CH-N. 5.051.903

    1490 01/83 - 12/84 77/105 AR 30146 CH-N. 5.051.904

    ALFASUD SPRINT1.3 1286 09/76 - 12/81 55/76 AR 301841.4 1351 05/78 - 02/80 55/76 AR 301641.4 1351 07/79 - 12/89 63/85 AR 301681.5 1490 01/83 - 12/87 77/105 AR 301461.5 1490 05/78 - 12/81 61/83 AR 301241.5 1490 07/79 - 01/87 70/95 AR 301281.5 Veloce 1490 01/83 - 12/87 75/1021.7 1712 03/87 - 12/89 87/118 AR 305501.7 i.e. 1712 10/87 - 12/89 77/105 AR 30558

    ALFETTA1.6 1570 01/75 - 12/84 79/107 AR 016001.8 1779 07/74 - 12/77 85/116 AR 01608 X1.8 1779 10/79 - 12/84 89/121 AR 016081.8 1779 10/79 - 12/84 90/122 AR 016782.0 1962 03/77 - 02/80 89/121 AR 016232.0 1962 07/78 - 12/84 96/131 AR 01655, AR 01713, AR 105202.0 TD 1995 10/79 - 03/83 60/82 VM4HT/22.4 TD 2393 04/83 - 12/84 70/95 VM4HT 2.4

    ALFETTA GT1.6 1570 01/76 - 09/82 79/107 AR 016001.8 1779 01/74 - 12/76 85/116 AR 01608 X1.8 1779 01/74 - 12/76 89/121 AR 016082.0 1962 07/78 - 01/86 89/121 AR 016232.0 1962 06/77 - 12/84 96/131 AR 01655

    AR 62.4 TD 2445 09/86 - 12/89 68/92 Sofim-8144.21.220

    AR 82.4 D 2445 04/78 - 08/86 53/72 Sofim-8140.61.200

    ARNA 1.2 1186 03/83 - 12/86 46/63 AR 301021.2 1186 01/85 - 12/86 44/60 AR 310001.2 1186 01/85 - 12/86 50/68 AR 305001.3 1351 01/85 - 12/86 58/79











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  • ARNA 1.3 TI 1351 03/83 - 12/86 63/86 AR 30168, AR 310101.5 1490 01/85 - 12/86 70/95 AR 30182

    GIULIA1300 Super 1290 01/74 - 12/78 64/87 AR 005301600 Super 1570 01/74 - 12/78 76/103 AR 00526

    GIULIETTA1.3 1357 10/77 - 06/83 66/90 AR 016441.6 1570 10/77 - 04/85 79/107 AR 016001.8 1779 04/79 - 04/85 90/122 AR 016782.0 1962 06/80 - 04/85 96/131 AR 01655, AR 116712.0 Turbo 1962 07/83 - 06/84 125/170 AR 01699

    GT (105/115/116)1300 Junior 1290 01/66 - 12/77 64/87 AR 005301600 1570 03/63 - 12/66 75/102 AR 00526 S1600 1570 01/66 - 12/68 80/109 AR 005361600 1570 09/72 - 12/77 76/103 AR 00526 S1600 1570 06/71 - 12/77 80/109 AR 00536A 1600 1570 01/65 - 12/70 83/113V 1750 1779 01/67 - 12/72 83/113 AR 00548V 2000 1962 01/71 - 12/77 96/131 AR 10527

    GT2.0 JTS 1970 11/03 - 121/1653.2 GTA 3179 11/03 - 176/240

    GTV (116)2.0 1962 07/78 - 01/86 96/131 AR 01655, AR 062122.0 1962 01/85 - 12/85 94/128 AR 062122.0 Turbodelta 1962 01/78 - 12/80 111/1506 2.5 2492 11/80 - 02/87 116/158 AR 01646

    GTV (916)1.8 16V 1747 05/98 - 106/144 AR 322012.0 JTS 1970 04/03 - 121/1652.0 T.SPARK 16V 1970 06/95 - 110/150 AR 16201, AR 323102.0 T.SPARK 16V 1970 05/98 - 08/00 114/155 AR 323012.0 V6 Turbo 1996 06/95 - 148/202 AR 162023.0 V6 24V 2959 10/96 - 10/00 162/220 AR 161023.0 V6 24V 2959 10/00 - 160/218 AR 161053.2 V6 24V 3179 04/03 - 176/240

    SPIDER (105/115)1300 1290 07/72 - 12/77 64/87 AR 00530

    1290 01/68 - 06/72 64/87 AR 005301600 1570 03/66 - 12/68 80/109 AR 00526, AR 00536, AR 016001750 1779 01/67 - 12/71 83/113 AR 005482000 1962 01/71 - 12/77 96/131 AR 005121600 1570 03/76 - 06/77 76/103 AR 005261600 1570 03/71 - 06/77 80/109 AR 005361600 1579 01/90 - 12/93 79/107 AR 015632000 1962 08/86 - 12/90 85/116 AR 015442000 1962 08/86 - 12/90 92/125 AR 005152000 1962 01/90 - 12/93 88/120 AR 015882000 Veloce 1962 01/77 - 06/77 93/126 AR 00515, AR 01590

    SPIDER (916S)1.8 16V 1747 05/98 - 106/144 AR 32201 916S32.0 JTS 1970 04/03 - 121/1652.0 T.SPARK 16V 1970 05/98 - 08/00 114/155 AR 32301 916S2B2.0 T.SPARK 16V 1970 06/95 - 110/150 AR 16201, AR 32310 916S2C002.0 V6 Turbo 1996 05/98 - 148/202 AR 16202 916S2A3.0 V6 2959 06/95 - 141/192 AR 16101 916S13.0 V6 2959 10/00 - 160/218 AR 16105 916S1B003.0 V6 24V 2959 01/99 - 10/00 162/220 AR 161023.2 V6 24V 3179 04/03 - 176/240










    Fahrzeugtyp ccm Jahr KW/PS Motor Bemerkungen HEPU-No.Vehicle Type Year Engine Remarks

    w w w. h e p u . d eALFA-ROMEO


  • Fahrzeugtyp ccm Jahr KW/PS Motor Bemerkungen HEPU-No.Vehicle Type Year Engine Remarks

    500.8 771 01/76 - 07/78 25/34 HE1.1 1093 08/74 - 07/78 37/50 HB1.1 1093 08/74 - 07/77 44/60 HC1.3 1272 08/77 - 07/78 44/60 HH1.3 1272 01/77 - 07/78 43/58 HJ

    80 (80, 82, B1)1.3 1297 05/72 - 07/78 40/55 ZA

    1297 05/72 - 07/78 40/55 ZA mit Gehuse / with housing1.3 1297 05/72 - 07/78 44/60 ZF

    1297 05/72 - 07/78 44/60 ZF mit Gehuse / with housing1.5 1471 05/72 - 08/75 55/75 YJ, ZB

    1471 05/72 - 08/75 55/75 YJ, ZB mit Gehuse / with housing1.5 1471 05/72 - 07/76 63/85 ZC

    1471 05/72 - 07/76 63/85 ZC mit Gehuse / with housing1.6 1595 09/75 - 07/78 55/75 YN

    1595 09/75 - 07/78 55/75 YN mit Gehuse / with housing1.6 1595 09/75 - 07/78 63/85 YP

    1595 09/75 - 07/78 63/85 YP mit Gehuse / with housing1.6 GT 1595 09/73 - 07/76 74/101 XX

    1595 09/73 - 07/76 74/101 XX mit Gehuse / with housing1.6 GTE 1595 01/76 - 07/78 81/110 YS

    1595 01/76 - 07/78 81/110 YS mit Gehuse / with housing

    80 (81, 85, B2)1.3 1297 09/78 - 07/86 44/60 EP

    1297 09/78 - 07/86 44/60 EP mit Gehuse / with housing1297 09/78 - 07/86 44/60 FZ

    1.3 1272 09/78 - 07/81 40/55 FY1.6 1595 08/78 - 06/81 55/75 DT, WV, YN

    1595 07/81 - 07/86 55/75 DT, WV, YN mit Gehuse / with housing1595 07/81 - 07/86 55/75 DT, WV, YN1595 07/81 - 07/86 55/75 DT, WV, YN mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.6 1595 08/78 - 02/83 63/85 YP CH-N. F81-B-149 0001595 08/78 - 02/83 63/85 YP CH-N. F81-B-149 000, mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.6 1595 08/78 - 02/83 63/85 YP CH-N. F81-B-149 001 1595 08/78 - 02/83 63/85 YP CH-N. F81-B-149 001, mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.6 1595 08/78 - 07/81 51/70 YT, YY CH-N. F81-B-149 0001595 08/78 - 07/81 51/70 YT, YY CH-N. F81-B-149 000, mit Gehuse / with housing1595 08/78 - 07/81 51/70 YT, YY CH-N. F81-B-149 001 1595 08/78 - 07/81 51/70 YT, YY CH-N. F81-B-149 001, mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.6 D 1588 08/80 - 08/86 40/54 CR, JK CH-N. F81-B-149 0001588 08/80 - 08/86 40/54 CR, JK CH-N. F81-B-149 000, mit Gehuse / with housing1588 08/80 - 08/86 40/54 CR, JK CH-N. F81-B-149 001 1588 08/80 - 08/86 40/54 CR, JK CH-N. F81-B-149 001, mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.6 GLE 1595 01/79 - 12/86 81/110 YZ CH-N. F81-B-149 0001595 01/79 - 12/86 81/110 YZ CH-N. F81-B-149 000, mit Gehuse / with housing1595 01/79 - 12/86 81/110 YZ CH-N. F81-B-149 001 1595 01/79 - 12/86 81/110 YZ CH-N. F81-B-149 001, mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.6 TD 1588 08/81 - 05/86 51/70 CY1588 08/81 - 05/86 51/70 CY mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.8 1781 02/86 - 07/86 65/88 SF1781 02/86 - 07/86 65/88 SF mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.8 1781 01/83 - 08/86 66/90 DS1781 01/83 - 08/86 66/90 DS mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.8 1781 08/83 - 08/86 68/93 JN1781 08/83 - 08/86 68/93 JN mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.8 CC quattro (85Q) 1781 08/84 - 08/86 66/90 NE1781 08/84 - 08/86 66/90 NE mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.8 CC quattro (85Q) 1781 08/85 - 08/86 68/93 JN1781 08/85 - 08/86 68/93 JN mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.8 GTE 1781 10/84 - 08/86 82/112 DZ1781 10/84 - 08/86 82/112 DZ mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.8 GTE 1781 08/85 - 07/86 81/110 PV1781 08/85 - 07/86 81/110 PV mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.8 GTE quattro (85Q) 1781 08/84 - 08/86 82/112 DZ1781 08/84 - 08/86 82/112 DZ mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.8 GTE quattro (85Q) 1781 03/85 - 08/86 81/110 PV1781 03/85 - 08/86 81/110 PV mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.9 CD-5S 1921 09/81 - 07/83 85/115 WN





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  • 80 (81, 85, B2)2.0 1994 10/83 - 09/84 85/115 HP, JS2.0 quattro (85Q) 1994 10/83 - 09/84 85/115 JS

    1994 10/83 - 09/84 85/115 JS mit Gehuse / with housing2.2 2144 10/80 - 07/83 85/115 WE2.2 quattro (85Q) 2226 08/82 - 07/84 100/136 KK

    80 (89, 89Q, 8A, B3)1.6 1595 09/86 - 08/91 55/75 RN

    1595 09/86 - 08/91 55/75 RN mit Gehuse / with housing1.6 1595 08/87 - 09/91 51/70 PP

    1595 08/87 - 09/91 51/70 PP mit Gehuse / with housing1.6 D 1588 09/86 - 08/91 40/54 JK

    1588 09/86 - 08/91 40/54 JK mit Gehuse / with housing1.6 TD 1588 09/86 - 08/91 59/80 RA, SB

    1588 09/86 - 08/91 59/80 RA, SB mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 1781 10/86 - 01/90 55/75 RU

    1781 10/86 - 01/90 55/75 RU mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 1847 09/86 - 07/88 83/113 SD

    1847 09/86 - 07/88 83/113 SD mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 quattro 1847 09/86 - 08/90 83/113 SD

    1847 09/86 - 08/90 83/113 SD mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 E 1781 06/86 - 08/91 82/112 DZ

    1781 06/86 - 08/91 82/112 DZ mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 E quattro 1781 09/86 - 08/91 82/112 DZ

    1781 09/86 - 08/91 82/112 DZ mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 S 1781 09/86 - 12/90 65/88 SF

    1781 09/86 - 12/90 65/88 SF mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 S 1781 09/86 - 10/91 66/90 JN, NE, PM

    1781 09/86 - 10/91 66/90 JN, NE, PM mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 S quattro 1781 09/86 - 07/90 65/88 SF

    1781 09/86 - 07/90 65/88 SF mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 S quattro 1781 09/86 - 09/91 66/90 JN, NE, PM

    1781 09/86 - 09/91 66/90 JN, NE, PM mit Gehuse / with housing1.9 D 1896 08/89 - 08/91 50/68 1Y

    1896 08/89 - 08/91 50/68 1Y mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 1984 10/90 - 08/91 82/112 AAD

    1984 10/90 - 08/91 82/112 AAD mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 quattro 1984 10/90 - 08/91 85/115 AAD

    1984 10/90 - 08/91 85/115 AAD mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 quattro 1984 10/90 - 08/91 82/112 3A

    1984 10/90 - 08/91 82/112 3A mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 E 1984 08/88 - 10/90 83/113 3A

    1984 08/88 - 10/90 83/113 3A mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 E 16V 1984 03/90 - 09/91 101/137 6A

    1984 03/90 - 09/91 101/137 6A mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 E 16V quattro 1984 03/90 - 08/91 101/137 6A

    1984 03/90 - 08/91 101/137 6A mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 E quattro 1984 08/88 - 09/90 83/113 3A

    1984 08/88 - 09/90 83/113 3A mit Gehuse / with housing

    80 (8C, B4)1.6 1595 09/91 - 12/94 52/71 ABM

    1595 09/91 - 12/94 52/71 ABM mit Gehuse / with housing1.6 E 1595 06/93 - 12/94 74/101 ADA

    1595 06/93 - 12/94 74/101 ADA mit Gehuse / with housing1.9 TD 1896 09/91 - 12/94 55/75 AAZ

    1896 09/91 - 12/94 55/75 AAZ mit Gehuse / with housing1.9 TDI 1896 09/91 - 12/94 66/90 1Z

    1896 09/91 - 12/94 66/90 1Z mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 1984 09/91 - 12/94 66/90 ABT

    1984 09/91 - 12/94 66/90 ABT mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 E 1984 09/91 - 12/94 85/115 ABK

    1984 09/91 - 12/94 85/115 ABK mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 E 16V 1984 08/92 - 12/94 103/140 ACE

    1984 08/92 - 12/94 103/140 ACE mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 E 16V quattro 1984 04/92 - 12/94 103/140 ACE

    1984 04/92 - 12/94 103/140 ACE mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 E quattro 1984 09/91 - 12/94 85/115 ABK

    1984 09/91 - 12/94 85/115 ABK mit Gehuse / with housing2.3 E 2309 09/91 - 12/94 98/133 NG




    AUDIFahrzeugtyp ccm Jahr KW/PS Motor Bemerkungen HEPU-No.Vehicle Type Year Engine Remarks

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  • Fahrzeugtyp ccm Jahr KW/PS Motor Bemerkungen HEPU-No.Vehicle Type Year Engine Remarks

    80 (8C, B4)2.3 E quattro 2309 09/91 - 12/94 98/133 NG2.6 2598 07/92 - 12/94 110/150 ABC CH-N. BC-S-025821 2.6 quattro 2598 06/92 - 12/94 110/150 ABC2.8 2771 09/91 - 12/94 128/174 AAH CH-N. BC-S-025821 2.8 quattro 2771 09/91 - 12/94 128/174 AAHS2 quattro 2226 02/93 - 12/94 169/230 ABY

    80 AVANT (8C, B4)1.6 E 1595 06/93 - 01/96 74/101 ADA

    1595 06/93 - 01/96 74/101 ADA mit Gehuse / with housing1.9 TD 1896 09/91 - 12/94 55/75 AAZ

    1896 09/91 - 12/94 55/75 AAZ mit Gehuse / with housing1.9 TDI 1896 07/92 - 01/96 66/90 1Z

    1896 07/92 - 01/96 66/90 1Z mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 1984 07/92 - 01/96 66/90 ABT

    1984 07/92 - 01/96 66/90 ABT mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 E 1984 07/92 - 01/96 85/115 ABK

    1984 07/92 - 01/96 85/115 ABK mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 E 16V 1984 02/93 - 01/96 103/140 ACE

    1984 02/93 - 01/96 103/140 ACE mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 E 16V quattro 1984 12/92 - 07/95 103/140 ACE

    1984 12/92 - 07/95 103/140 ACE mit Gehuse / with housing2.3 E 2309 07/92 - 01/96 98/133 NG2.3 E quattro 2309 09/91 - 11/94 98/133 NG2.6 2598 07/92 - 01/96 110/150 ABC2.6 quattro 2598 07/92 - 07/95 110/150 ABC2.8 2771 09/91 - 01/96 128/174 AAH2.8 quattro 2771 08/92 - 07/95 128/174 AAHRS2 quattro (P1) 2226 03/94 - 05/95 232/315 ADUS2 quattro 2226 02/93 - 07/95 169/230 ABY

    90 (81, 85, B2)2.0 1994 10/84 - 03/87 85/115 HP, JS2.0 1994 03/86 - 03/87 83/113 SK2.2 2229 01/85 - 03/87 85/115 KX2.2 2226 10/84 - 03/87 100/136 HY, KV2.2 E quattro 2226 11/84 - 03/87 100/136 KV2.2 E quattro 2226 08/85 - 03/87 88/120 JT

    90 (89, 89Q, 8A, B3)1.6 TD 1588 04/87 - 09/91 59/80 RA, SB

    1588 04/87 - 09/91 59/80 RA, SB mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 1994 07/88 - 09/91 85/115 PS CH-N. F89-J-394 742

    1994 07/88 - 09/91 85/115 PS CH-N. F89-J-394 743 2.0 20 V 1994 08/89 - 07/91 118/160 NM2.0 20 V quattro 1994 08/88 - 09/91 118/160 NM2.2 E quattro 2226 04/87 - 09/91 100/136 KV2.3 E 2309 04/87 - 07/91 100/136 NG CH-N. F89-J-396 702

    2309 04/87 - 07/91 100/136 NG CH-N. F89-J-396 703 2.3 E 2309 03/90 - 07/91 98/133 NG CH-N. F89-J-396 702

    2309 03/90 - 07/91 98/133 NG CH-N. F89-J-396 703 2.3 E 20V 2309 04/90 - 07/91 123/167 7A2.3 E 20V 2309 08/88 - 07/91 125/170 7A2.3 E 20V quattro 2309 06/88 - 09/91 125/170 7A2.3 E 20V quattro 2309 04/90 - 09/91 123/167 7A2.3 E quattro 2309 04/87 - 07/91 100/136 NG CH-N. F89-J-394 742

    2309 04/87 - 07/91 100/136 NG CH-N. F89-J-394 743 2.3 E quattro 2309 04/90 - 09/91 98/133 NG CH-N. F89-J-394 742

    2309 04/90 - 09/91 98/133 NG CH-N. F89-J-394 743

    100 (43, C2)1.6 1588 08/76 - 07/82 63/85 YV CH-N. F43-B-070 000

    1588 08/76 - 07/82 63/85 YV CH-N. F43-B-070 000, mit Gehuse / with housing1588 08/76 - 07/82 63/85 YV CH-N. F43-B-070 001 1588 08/76 - 07/82 63/85 YV CH-N. F43-B-070 001, mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.9 1921 08/80 - 07/82 74/100 WH2.0 1984 06/76 - 08/78 85/115 WA2.0 D 1986 08/78 - 07/82 51/70 CN2.1 2144 10/77 - 07/82 85/115 WB, WE2.1 2144 03/77 - 07/82 100/136 WC, WG







    w w w. h e p u . d eAUDI

  • 100 (43, C2)1.8 1781 02/86 - 07/88 65/88 SH

    1781 02/86 - 07/88 65/88 SH mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 1781 08/82 - 08/87 55/75 DR, RS

    1781 08/82 - 08/87 55/75 DR, RS mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 1781 08/83 - 07/89 66/90 DS, JW, NP

    1781 08/83 - 07/89 66/90 DS, JW, NP mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 KAT 1781 03/85 - 11/90 66/90 4B, PH

    1781 03/85 - 11/90 66/90 4B, PH mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 quattro 1781 08/86 - 07/90 65/88 SH

    1781 08/86 - 07/90 65/88 SH mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 quattro 1781 10/84 - 07/88 66/90 JW, NP

    1781 10/84 - 07/88 66/90 JW, NP mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 quattro KAT 1781 08/85 - 11/90 66/90 4B, PH

    1781 08/85 - 11/90 66/90 4B, PH mit Gehuse / with housing1.9 1921 08/82 - 07/84 74/100 WH CH-N. F43-A-0090 246 - F44-D-200 000

    1921 08/82 - 07/84 74/100 WH CH-N. F44-E-000 001 2.0 1994 08/86 - 11/87 83/113 SL2.0 1994 08/84 - 12/87 85/115 KP2.0 KAT 1994 01/88 - 11/90 85/115 RT Mot-N. 010 235

    1994 01/88 - 11/90 85/115 RT Mot-N. 010 236 2.0 D 1986 08/82 - 07/88 51/70 CN2.0 D Turbo 1986 08/82 - 02/88 64/87 DE2.0 D Turbo 1986 03/88 - 11/90 74/100 NC CH-N. F44-L-100 000

    1986 03/88 - 11/90 74/100 NC CH-N. F44-L-100 001 2.1 2144 08/82 - 07/84 100/136 KF, WC2.2 2226 10/84 - 09/86 85/115 KZ2.2 2226 08/84 - 12/88 101/137 KU Mot-N. 077 115

    2226 08/84 - 12/88 101/137 KU Mot-N. 077 116 2.2 2144 08/82 - 07/84 79/107 WU2.2 KAT 2226 06/89 - 11/90 101/137 KU Mot-N. 077 115

    2226 06/89 - 11/90 101/137 KU Mot-N. 077 116 2.2 quattro 2226 08/84 - 04/88 101/137 KU

    2226 05/88 - 12/88 101/137 KU2.2 quattro KAT 2226 06/89 - 11/90 101/137 KU2.2 E quattro 2226 08/85 - 07/86 88/120 PX2.2 E Turbo quattro 2226 08/86 - 04/88 121/165 MC

    2226 05/88 - 11/90 121/165 MC2.2 Turbo 2226 08/86 - 11/90 121/165 MC Mot-N. 039 950

    2226 08/86 - 11/90 121/165 MC Mot-N. 039 951 2.3 quattro 2309 01/90 - 11/90 98/134 CH-N. F44-J-246 281

    2309 01/90 - 11/90 98/134 CH-N. F44-J-246 282 2.3 E 2309 10/86 - 11/90 100/136 NF Mot-N. 063 968

    2309 10/86 - 11/90 100/136 NF Mot-N. 063 969 2.3 E 2309 01/90 - 11/90 98/1332.3 E quattro 2309 08/86 - 11/90 100/136 NF CH-N. F44-J-246 281

    2309 08/86 - 11/90 100/136 NF CH-N. F44-J-246 282 2.4 D 2370 08/89 - 07/91 60/82 3D CH-N. F44-L-100 000

    2370 08/89 - 07/91 60/82 3D CH-N. F44-L-100 001 2.5 TDI 2461 01/90 - 11/90 88/120 1T

    100 (4A, C4)2.0 1984 12/90 - 06/94 74/100 AAE

    1984 12/90 - 06/94 74/100 AAE mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 E 1984 12/90 - 06/94 85/115 AAD, ABK

    1984 12/90 - 06/94 85/115 AAD, ABK mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 E 16V 1984 01/92 - 06/94 101/137 ACE

    1984 01/92 - 06/94 101/137 ACE mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 E 16V quattro 1984 07/92 - 06/94 103/140 ACE

    1984 07/92 - 06/94 103/140 ACE mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 E quattro 1984 12/90 - 07/92 85/115 AAD

    1984 12/90 - 07/92 85/115 AAD mit Gehuse / with housing2.3 E 2309 12/90 - 06/94 98/134 AAR2.3 E quattro 2309 12/90 - 06/94 98/134 AAR2.4 D 2370 12/90 - 06/94 60/82 AAS2.5 TDI 2461 12/90 - 06/94 85/115 AAT, ABP2.6 2598 03/92 - 06/94 110/150 ABC2.6 2598 07/93 - 06/94 102/139 ACZ2.6 quattro 2598 04/92 - 06/94 110/150 ABC2.8 E 2771 12/90 - 06/94 128/174 AAH2.8 E quattro 2771 12/90 - 06/94 128/174 AAH



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  • Fahrzeugtyp ccm Jahr KW/PS Motor Bemerkungen HEPU-No.Vehicle Type Year Engine Remarks

    100 (4A, C4)S4 Turbo quattro 2226 08/91 - 06/94 169/230 AANS4 V8 quattro 4172 03/94 - 06/94 213/290 AECS4 V8 quattro 4172 10/92 - 06/94 206/280 ABH

    100 (C1)1.6 1588 01/75 - 07/76 63/85 YM1.8 1760 09/71 - 07/74 63/85 ZU1.8 1760 11/68 - 11/71 59/801.8 1760 11/68 - 11/71 66/901.8 LS 1760 10/70 - 07/76 74/100 ZZ1.9 GL 1871 09/71 - 07/76 82/112 ZJ

    100 AVANT (43, C2)1.6 1588 07/77 - 02/83 63/85 YV CH-N. F43-B-070 000

    1588 07/77 - 02/83 63/85 YV CH-N. F43-B-070 000, mit Gehuse / with housing1588 07/77 - 02/83 63/85 YV CH-N. F43-B-070 001 1588 07/77 - 02/83 63/85 YV CH-N. F43-B-070 001, mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.9 1921 08/80 - 07/82 74/101 WH2.0 1984 08/77 - 07/80 85/116 WA2.0 D 1986 08/78 - 02/83 51/70 CN2.1 2144 07/77 - 02/83 85/115 WB, WE2.1 2144 07/77 - 02/83 100/136 WC, WG

    100 AVANT (44, 44Q, C3)1.8 1781 08/82 - 10/86 55/75 DR, RS

    1781 08/82 - 10/86 55/75 DR, RS mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 1781 02/86 - 07/90 65/88 SH

    1781 02/86 - 07/90 65/88 SH mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 1781 08/83 - 07/89 66/90 JW, NP

    1781 08/83 - 07/89 66/90 JW, NP mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 KAT 1781 03/85 - 11/90 66/90 4B, PH

    1781 03/85 - 11/90 66/90 4B, PH mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 quattro 1781 08/86 - 07/90 65/88 SH

    1781 08/86 - 07/90 65/88 SH mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 quattro 1781 10/84 - 07/88 66/90 JW, NP

    1781 10/84 - 07/88 66/90 JW, NP mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 quattro KAT 1781 08/85 - 10/90 66/90 4B, PH

    1781 08/85 - 10/90 66/90 4B, PH mit Gehuse / with housing1.9 1921 02/83 - 07/84 74/100 WH CH-N. F43-A-0090 246F44-D-200 000

    1921 02/83 - 07/84 74/100 WH CH-N. F44-E-000 001 2.0 1994 09/86 - 11/87 83/113 SL2.0 D 1986 03/83 - 11/90 51/70 CN2.0 E 1994 01/85 - 12/87 85/115 KP2.0 E KAT 1994 01/88 - 11/90 85/115 RT Mot-N. 010 235

    1994 01/88 - 11/90 85/115 RT Mot-N. 010 236 2.0 TD 1986 03/83 - 10/87 64/87 DE2.0 TD 1986 03/88 - 11/90 74/100 NC CH-N. F44-L-100 000

    1986 03/88 - 11/90 74/100 NC CH-N. F44-L-100 001 2.1 2144 08/82 - 07/84 100/136 WC2.2 2226 10/84 - 09/86 85/115 KZ2.2 2226 08/84 - 12/88 101/137 KU Mot-N. 077 115

    2226 08/84 - 12/88 101/137 KU Mot-N. 077 116 2.2 KAT 2226 06/89 - 11/90 101/137 KU Mot-N. 077 115

    2226 06/89 - 11/90 101/137 KU Mot-N. 077 116 2.2 quattro 2226 08/84 - 04/88 101/137 KU2.2 quattro KAT 2226 05/88 - 11/90 101/137 KU2.2 E quattro 2226 08/85 - 07/86 88/120 PX2.2 Turbo 2226 08/86 - 11/90 121/165 MC Mot-N. 039 950

    2226 08/86 - 11/90 121/165 MC Mot-N. 039 951 2.2 Turbo quattro 2226 08/86 - 04/88 121/165 MC

    2226 05/88 - 11/90 121/165 MC2.3 2309 08/86 - 11/90 100/136 NF Mot-N. 063 968

    2309 08/86 - 11/90 100/136 NF Mot-N. 063 969 2.3 2309 03/90 - 11/90 98/1332.3 quattro 2309 01/90 - 11/90 98/134 CH-N. F44-J-246 281

    2309 01/90 - 11/90 98/134 CH-N. F44-J-246 282 2.3 E quattro 2309 08/86 - 11/90 100/136 NF CH-N. F44-J-246 281

    2309 08/86 - 11/90 100/136 NF CH-N. F44-J-246 282






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  • 100 AVANT (44, 44Q, C3)2.4 D 2370 08/89 - 11/90 60/82 3D CH-N. F44-L-100 000

    2370 08/89 - 11/90 60/82 3D CH-N. F44-L-100 001 2.5 TDI 2461 01/90 - 11/90 88/120 1T

    100 AVANT (4A, C4)2.0 E 1984 09/91 - 06/94 74/100 AAE

    1984 09/91 - 06/94 74/100 AAE mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 E 1984 09/91 - 06/94 85/115 AAD, ABK

    1984 09/91 - 06/94 85/115 AAD, ABK mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 E quattro 1984 12/90 - 07/92 85/115 AAD

    1984 12/90 - 07/92 85/115 AAD mit Gehuse / with housing2.3 E 2309 09/91 - 06/94 98/133 AAR2.3 E quattro 2309 09/91 - 06/94 98/134 AAR2.4 D 2370 12/90 - 06/94 60/82 AAS2.5 TDI 2461 12/90 - 06/94 85/115 AAT, ABP2.6 2598 03/92 - 06/94 110/150 ABC2.6 2598 07/93 - 06/94 102/139 ACZ2.6 quattro 2598 07/92 - 06/94 110/150 ABC2.8 E 2771 09/91 - 06/94 128/174 AAH2.8 E quattro 2771 09/91 - 06/94 128/174 AAHS4 Turbo quattro 2226 09/91 - 06/94 169/230 AANS4 V8 quattro 4172 03/94 - 06/94 213/290 AECS4 V8 quattro 4172 10/92 - 06/94 206/280 ABH

    100 COUPE (C1)1.9 1871 01/70 - 12/76 82/112 ZJ1.9 1871 07/70 - 07/71 85/116 ZP

    200 (43)2.1 5 E 2144 10/79 - 09/82 100/136 WC2.1 5 T 2144 10/79 - 08/82 125/170 WJ

    200 (44, 44Q)2.1 5 E 2144 08/83 - 07/84 100/136 WC2.1 Turbo 2144 08/83 - 01/88 134/182 KG2.1 Turbo quattro 2144 08/83 - 09/86 134/182 KG2.2 2226 08/84 - 07/85 101/137 KU2.2 20V Turbo quattro 2226 03/89 - 12/90 162/220 3B2.2 Turbo 2226 08/85 - 09/91 121/165 MC Mot-N. 039 950

    2226 08/85 - 09/91 121/165 MC Mot-N. 039 951 2.2 Turbo 2226 02/88 - 12/90 140/190 2B Mot-N. 001 068

    2226 02/88 - 12/90 140/190 2B Mot-N. 001 069 2.2 Turbo 2226 02/88 - 12/90 147/200 1B Mot-N. 001 570

    2226 02/88 - 12/90 147/200 1B CH-N. 001 571 2.2 Turbo quattro 2226 01/85 - 12/91 121/165 MC CH-N. F44-J-246 281

    2226 01/85 - 12/91 121/165 MC CH-N. F44-J-246-282 2.2 Turbo quattro 2226 02/88 - 11/90 147/200 1B CH-N. F44-J-246 281

    2226 02/88 - 11/90 147/200 1B CH-N. F44-J-246-282 2.3 2309 11/86 - 09/91 100/136 NF Mot-N. 063 968

    2309 11/86 - 09/91 100/136 NF Mot-N. 063 969

    200 AVANT (44, 44Q)2.1 Turbo quattro 2144 09/83 - 01/88 134/182 KG2.2 20V Turbo quattro 2226 07/89 - 12/90 162/220 3B2.2 Turbo 2226 08/85 - 09/91 121/165 MC Mot-N. 039 950

    2226 08/85 - 09/91 121/165 MC Mot-N. 039 951 2.2 Turbo quattro 2226 09/83 - 12/90 121/165 MC CH-N. F44-J-246 281

    2226 09/83 - 12/90 121/165 MC CH-N. F44-J-246-282 2.2 Turbo quattro 2226 02/88 - 12/91 147/200 1B CH-N. F44-J-246 281

    2226 02/88 - 12/91 147/200 1B CH-N. F44-J-246-282 2.3 2309 11/86 - 09/91 100/136 NF Mot-N. 063 968

    2309 11/86 - 09/91 100/136 NF Mot-N. 063 969

    A2 (8Z0)1.2 TDI 1191 03/01 - 45/61 ANY CH-N. 8Z-2-070.000

    1191 03/01 - 45/61 ANY CH-N. 8Z-3-070.001 1.4 1390 02/00 - 55/75 AUA, BBY1.4 TDI 1422 11/03 - 66/90 ATL CH-N. 8Z-2-070.000

    1422 11/03 - 66/90 ATL CH-N. 8Z-3-000.001








    AUDIFahrzeugtyp ccm Jahr KW/PS Motor Bemerkungen HEPU-No.Vehicle Type Year Engine Remarks

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  • Fahrzeugtyp ccm Jahr KW/PS Motor Bemerkungen HEPU-No.Vehicle Type Year Engine Remarks

    A2 (8Z0)1.4 TDI 1422 02/00 - 55/75 AMF CH-N. 8Z-2-070.000

    1422 02/00 - 55/75 AMF CH-N. 8Z-2-070.001 1.6 FSI 1598 05/02 - 81/110 BAD

    A3 (8L1)1.6 1595 08/00 - 75/102 AVU1.6 1595 09/96 - 08/00 74/101 AEH, AKL, APF1.8 1781 09/96 - 92/125 AGN, APG1.8 quattro 1781 08/98 - 92/125 AGN1.8 T 1781 12/98 - 132/180 AJQ, APP, ARY, AUQ1.8 T 1781 12/96 - 110/150 AGU, AQA, ARZ, AUM1.8 T quattro 1781 10/98 - 132/180 AJQ, ARY1.8 T quattro 1781 12/96 - 110/150 AGU, AQA, ARX1.9 TDI 1896 09/96 - 07/01 66/90 AGR, ALH1.9 TDI 1896 08/97 - 07/01 81/110 AHF, ASV1.9 TDI 1896 10/00 - 74/100 ATD, AXR CH-N. 8L-2-150.000

    1896 10/00 - 74/100 ATD, AXR CH-N. 8L-3-000.001 1.9 TDI 1896 08/00 - 96/130 ASZ1.9 TDI quattro 1896 08/00 - 96/130 ASZS3 quattro 1781 03/99 - 154/210 AMK, APY, AULS3 quattro 1781 10/01 - 165/224 BAM

    A3 (8P1)1.6 1595 05/03 - 75/102 BGU1.9 TDI 1896 05/03 - 77/105 BKC2.0 FSI 1984 05/03 - 110/150 AXW2.0 TDI 1968 05/03 - 103/140 BKD2.0 TDI 1968 05/03 - 100/136 AZV3.2 quattro 3189 07/03 - 184/250 BDB

    A4 (8D2, B5)1.6 1595 01/95 - 07/00 74/100 ANA, ARM, ADP, AHL1.6 1595 07/00 - 11/00 75/102 ALZ1.8 1781 04/95 - 11/00 85/115 AFY

    1781 04/95 - 11/00 85/115 AFY mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 1781 01/95 - 11/00 92/125 ADR, APT, ARG, AVV

    1781 01/95 - 11/00 92/125 ADR, APT, ARG, AVV mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 quattro 1781 07/95 - 11/00 85/115 AFY

    1781 07/95 - 11/00 85/115 AFY mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 quattro 1781 01/95 - 11/00 92/125 ADR, APT, ARG

    1781 01/95 - 11/00 92/125 ADR, APT, ARG mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 T 1781 01/95 - 11/00 110/150 ANB, APU, ARK, AEB

    1781 01/95 - 11/00 110/150 ANB, APU, ARK, AEB mit Gehuse / with housing1781 01/95 - 11/00 110/150 AWT

    1.8 T 1781 12/97 - 11/00 132/180 AJL1781 12/97 - 11/00 132/180 AJL mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.8 T quattro 1781 01/95 - 11/00 110/150 ANB, APU, ARK, AEB1781 01/95 - 11/00 110/150 ANB, APU, ARK, AEB mit Gehuse / with housing1781 01/95 - 11/00 110/150 AWT

    1.8 T quattro 1781 12/97 - 11/00 132/180 AJL1781 12/97 - 11/00 132/180 AJL mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.9 Di1.9 TDI 1896 12/95 - 11/00 55/75 AFF1.9 TDI 1896 01/95 - 11/00 66/90 1Z

    1896 01/95 - 11/00 66/90 1Z mit Gehuse / with housing1896 01/95 - 11/00 66/90 AHH, AHU

    1.9 TDI 1896 10/95 - 11/00 81/110 AFN, AVG1.9 TDI 1896 03/00 - 11/00 85/116 AJM CH-N. 8E-2-285.000

    1896 03/00 - 11/00 85/116 AJM CH-N. 8E-2-295.001 1.9 TDI quattro 1896 09/96 - 11/00 81/110 AFN, AVG1.9 TDI quattro 1896 03/00 - 11/00 85/116 AJM, ATJ CH-N. 8E-2-285.000

    1896 03/00 - 11/00 85/116 AJM, ATJ CH-N. 8E-2-295.001 2.4 2393 03/97 - 11/00 121/165 AGA, ALF, AML, APS, ARJ2.4 2393 08/97 - 11/00 120/163 AJG, AMM, APZ2.4 quattro 2393 03/97 - 11/00 121/165 AGA, ALF, AML, APS, ARJ2.4 quattro 2393 08/97 - 11/00 120/163 APZ2.5 TDI 2496 09/97 - 11/00 110/150 AFB

    2496 09/97 - 11/00 110/150 AKN2.5 TDI quattro 2496 09/97 - 11/00 110/150 AFB

    2496 09/97 - 11/00 110/150 AKN2.6 2598 01/95 - 11/00 110/150 ABC






    w w w. h e p u . d eAUDI

  • A4 (8D2, B5)2.6 quattro 2598 01/95 - 11/00 110/150 ABC2.7 T quattro 2671 02/99 - 11/00 169/230 AJK2.8 2771 09/95 - 07/97 128/174 AAH2.8 2771 10/96 - 11/00 142/193 ACK, ALG, AMX, APR, AQD2.8 quattro 2771 01/95 - 07/97 128/174 AAH2.8 quattro 2771 10/96 - 11/00 142/193 ACK, ALG, AMX, APR, AQDS4 quattro 2671 09/97 - 11/00 195/265 AGB

    A4 (8E2, B6)1.6 1595 11/00 - 75/102 ALZ1.8 T 1781 11/02 - 140/190 BEX1.8 T 1781 11/00 - 07/02 110/150 AVJ1.8 T 1781 07/02 - 120/163 BFB1.8 T quattro 1781 11/02 - 140/190 BEX1.8 T quattro 1781 11/00 - 07/02 110/150 AVJ1.8 T quattro 1781 07/02 - 120/163 BFB1.9 TDI 1896 11/00 - 96/130 AVF, AWX CH-N. 8E-2-295.000

    1896 11/00 - 96/130 AWX CH-N. 8E-2-295.001 1.9 TDI 1896 05/01 - 74/101 AVB CH-N. 8E-2-295.0001.9 TDI quattro 1896 11/01 - 96/130 AVF CH-N. 8E-2-295.001 2.0 1984 11/00 - 96/130 ALT2.0 FSI 1984 07/02 - 110/150 AWA2.4 2393 09/01 - 120/163 AMM2.4 2393 09/01 - 125/170 BDV2.5 TDI 2496 08/01 - 07/02 114/155 AYM2.5 TDI 2496 07/02 - 120/163 BCZ, BDG, BFC2.5 TDI quattro 2496 11/00 - 132/180 AKE, BAU, BDH3.0 2976 11/00 - 162/220 ASN3.0 quattro 2976 11/00 - 162/220 ASN

    A4 AVANT (8D5, B5)1.6 1595 03/96 - 07/00 74/100 ADP

    1595 03/96 - 07/00 74/100 ADP, AHL mit Gehuse / with housing1595 03/96 - 07/00 74/100 ANA, ARM

    1.6 1595 07/00 - 09/01 75/102 ALZ1.8 1781 02/96 - 09/01 92/125 ADR, APT, ARG, AVV

    1781 02/96 - 09/01 92/125 ADR, APT, ARG, AVV mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 1781 07/95 - 09/01 85/115 AFY

    1781 07/95 - 09/01 85/115 AFY mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 quattro 1781 01/96 - 09/01 92/125 ADR, APT, ARG

    1781 01/96 - 09/01 92/125 ADR, APT, ARG mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 quattro 1781 07/95 - 09/01 85/115 AFY

    1781 07/95 - 09/01 85/115 AFY mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 T 1781 03/96 - 09/01 110/150 ANB, APU, ARK, AEB

    1781 03/96 - 09/01 110/150 ANB, APU, ARK, AEB mit Gehuse / with housing1781 03/96 - 09/01 110/150 AWT

    1.8 T 1781 12/97 - 09/01 132/180 AJL1781 12/97 - 09/01 132/180 AJL mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.8 T quattro 1781 01/96 - 09/01 110/150 ANB, APU, ARK, AEB1781 01/96 - 09/01 110/150 ANB, APU, ARK, AEB mit Gehuse / with housing1781 01/96 - 09/01 110/150 AWT

    1.8 T quattro 1781 12/97 - 09/01 132/180 AJL1781 12/97 - 09/01 132/180 AJL mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.9 Di1.9 TDI 1896 03/96 - 09/01 55/75 AFF1.9 TDI 1896 02/96 - 09/01 66/90 1Z

    1896 02/96 - 09/01 66/90 1Z mit Gehuse / with housing1896 02/96 - 09/01 66/90 AHH, AHU

    1.9 TDI 1896 02/96 - 09/01 81/110 AFN, AVG1.9 TDI 1896 03/00 - 09/01 85/115 AJM CH-N. 8E-2-285.000

    1896 03/00 - 09/01 85/115 AJM CH-N. 8E-2-295.001 1.9 TDI quattro 1896 09/96 - 09/01 81/110 AFN, AVG1.9 TDI quattro 1896 03/00 - 09/01 85/115 ATJ, AJM CH-N. 8E-2-285.000

    1896 03/00 - 09/01 85/115 ATJ, AJM CH-N. 8E-2-295.001 2.4 2393 03/97 - 09/01 121/165 AGA, ALF, AML, APS, ARJ2.4 2393 08/97 - 09/01 120/163 AJG, AMM, APZ2.4 quattro 2393 03/97 - 09/01 121/165 AGA, ALF, AML, APS, ARJ2.4 quattro 2393 08/97 - 09/01 120/163 APZ2.5 TDI 2496 09/97 - 09/01 110/150 AFB

    2496 09/97 - 09/01 110/150 AKN




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  • Fahrzeugtyp ccm Jahr KW/PS Motor Bemerkungen HEPU-No.Vehicle Type Year Engine Remarks

    A4 AVANT (8D5, B5)2.5 TDI quattro 2496 09/97 - 09/01 110/150 AFB

    2496 09/97 - 09/01 110/150 AKN2.6 2598 02/96 - 09/01 110/150 ABC2.6 quattro 2598 01/96 - 09/01 110/150 ABC2.8 2771 03/96 - 09/96 128/174 AAH2.8 2771 10/96 - 09/01 142/193 ACK, ALG, AMX, APR, AQD2.8 quattro 2771 01/96 - 09/96 128/174 AAH2.8 quattro 2771 10/96 - 09/01 142/193 ACK, ALG, AMX, APR, AQDRS4 quattro 2671 05/00 - 09/01 280/380 ASJ, AZRS4 quattro 2671 09/97 - 09/01 195/265 AGB

    A4 AVANT (8E5, B6)1.6 1595 09/01 - 75/102 ALZ1.8 T 1781 11/02 - 140/190 BEX1.8 T 1781 09/01 - 07/02 110/150 AVJ1.8 T 1781 07/02 - 120/163 BFB1.8 T quattro 1781 11/02 - 140/190 BEX1.8 T quattro 1781 09/01 - 07/02 110/150 AVJ1.8 T quattro 1781 07/02 - 120/163 BFB1.9 TDI 1896 09/01 - 96/130 AVF CH-N. 8E-2-295.0001.9 TDI 1896 11/01 - 74/101 AVB CH-N. 8E-2-295.001 1.9 TDI quattro 1896 11/01 - 96/130 AVF CH-N. 8E-2-295.001 2.0 1984 09/01 - 96/130 ALT2.0 FSI 1984 07/02 - 110/150 AWA2.4 2393 09/01 - 120/163 AMM2.4 2393 09/01 - 125/170 BDV2.5 TDI 2496 09/01 - 07/02 114/155 AYM2.5 TDI 2496 07/02 - 120/163 BCZ, BDG, BFC2.5 TDI quattro 2496 09/01 - 132/180 AKE, BAU, BDH3.0 2976 09/01 - 162/220 ASN3.0 quattro 2976 09/01 - 162/220 ASN

    A4 CABRIOLET (8H7)1.8 T 1781 07/02 - 120/163 BFB1.8 T quattro 1781 05/03 - 120/163 BFB2.4 2393 04/02 - 125/170 BDV2.4 2393 04/02 - 120/163 AMM2.5 TDI 2496 08/02 - 120/163 BCZ, BDG, BFC3.0 2976 04/02 - 162/220 ASN3.0 quattro 2976 05/03 - 162/220 ASN

    A6 (4A, C4)1.8 1781 12/95 - 02/97 92/125 ADR

    1781 12/95 - 02/97 92/125 ADR mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 quattro 1781 12/95 - 02/97 92/125 ADR

    1781 12/95 - 02/97 92/125 ADR mit Gehuse / with housing1.9 TDI 1896 06/94 - 02/97 66/90 1Z, AHU

    1896 06/94 - 02/97 66/90 1Z, AHU mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 1984 06/94 - 02/97 74/101 AAE

    1984 06/94 - 02/97 74/101 AAE mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 1984 06/94 - 02/97 85/115 ABK

    1984 06/94 - 02/97 85/115 ABK mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 16V 1984 06/94 - 02/97 103/140 ACE

    1984 06/94 - 02/97 103/140 ACE mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 16V quattro 1984 06/94 - 02/97 103/140 ACE

    1984 06/94 - 02/97 103/140 ACE mit Gehuse / with housing2.3 2309 06/94 - 12/95 98/133 AAR2.3 quattro 2309 06/94 - 12/95 98/133 AAR2.5 TDI 2461 08/94 - 02/97 103/140 AEL2.5 TDI 2461 06/94 - 02/97 85/116 AAT2.5 TDI 2461 01/95 - 02/97 84/114 AAT2.5 TDI quattro 2461 10/95 - 02/97 103/140 AEL2.6 2598 06/94 - 02/97 110/150 ABC CH-N. F4A-S-026 714

    2598 06/94 - 02/97 110/150 ABC CH-N. F4A-S-026 715 2.6 2598 06/94 - 02/97 102/139 ACZ CH-N. F4A-S-026 714

    2598 06/94 - 02/97 102/139 ACZ CH-N. F4A-S-026 715 2.6 quattro 2598 06/94 - 02/97 110/150 ABC CH-N. F4A-S-026 714

    2598 06/94 - 02/97 110/150 ABC CH-N. F4A-S-026 715 2.8 2771 06/94 - 02/97 128/174 AAH, AEJ CH-N. F4A-S-026 714

    2771 06/94 - 02/97 128/174 AAH, AEJ CH-N. F4A-S-026 715






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  • A6 (4A, C4)2.8 2771 12/95 - 02/97 142/193 ACK2.8 quattro 2771 06/94 - 02/97 128/174 AAH, AEJ CH-N. F4A-S-026 714

    2771 06/94 - 02/97 128/174 AAH, AEJ CH-N. F4A-S-026 715 2.8 quattro 2771 12/95 - 02/97 142/193 ACKS6 4.2 quattro 4172 06/94 - 02/97 213/290 AECS6 Plus quattro 4172 04/96 - 02/97 240/326 AHKS6 Turbo quattro 2226 06/94 - 02/97 169/230 AAN

    A6 (4B, C5)1.8 1781 05/97 - 85/116 AFY

    1781 05/97 - 85/116 AFY mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 1781 07/97 - 92/125 ARH

    1781 07/97 - 92/125 ARH mit Gehuse / with housing1781 07/97 - 92/125 AJP, AQE

    1.8 T 1781 01/97 - 110/150 AEB, ANB, APU, ARK1781 01/97 - 110/150 AEB, ANB, APU, ARK mit Gehuse / with housing1781 01/97 - 110/150 AWT

    1.8 T 1781 12/97 - 132/180 AJL1781 12/97 - 132/180 AJL mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.8 T quattro 1781 02/97 - 110/150 AEB, ANB, APU, ARK1781 02/97 - 110/150 AEB, ANB, APU, ARK mit Gehuse / with housing1781 02/97 - 110/150 AWT

    1.8 T quattro 1781 12/97 - 132/180 AJL mit Gehuse / with housing1781 12/97 - 132/180 AJL

    1.9 TDI 1896 02/97 - 81/110 AFN1.9 TDI 1896 08/01 - 96/130 AVF, AWX CH-N. 4B-2-125.000

    1896 08/01 - 96/130 AVF, AWX CH-N. 4B-2-125.001 1.9 TDI 1896 07/00 - 85/115 AJM2.0 1984 08/01 - 96/130 ALT2.4 2393 07/98 - 100/136 ALW, ARN, ASM2.4 2393 02/97 - 115/156 APC2.4 2393 02/97 - 120/163 AJG, AMM, APZ2.4 2393 02/97 - 121/165 AGA, ALF, AML, APS, ARJ2.4 2393 08/01 - 125/170 BDV2.4 quattro 2393 02/97 - 120/163 AJG, APZ2.4 quattro 2393 08/98 - 07/99 115/156 APC2.4 quattro 2393 02/97 - 121/165 AGA, ALF, AML, APS, ARJ2.4 quattro 2393 08/01 - 125/170 BDV2.5 TDI 2496 07/97 - 110/150 AFB

    2496 07/97 - 110/150 AKN CH-N. 4B-X-037.0002496 07/97 - 110/150 AKN CH-N. 4B-X-037.001

    2.5 TDI 2496 02/00 - 132/180 AKE, BAU, BDH2.5 TDI 2496 08/01 - 114/155 AYM2.5 TDI 2496 07/02 - 120/163 BCZ, BDG, BFC2.5 TDI quattro 2496 07/97 - 110/150 AFB

    2496 07/97 - 110/150 AKN CH-N. 4B-X-037.0002496 07/97 - 110/150 AKN CH-N. 4B-X-037.001

    2.5 TDI quattro 2496 02/00 - 132/180 AKE, BAU, BDH2.7 T 2671 02/99 - 169/230 AJK2.7 T quattro 2671 12/97 - 169/230 AJK2.7 T quattro 2671 08/01 - 184/250 ARE, BES2.8 2771 07/99 - 140/190 ATX2.8 2771 02/97 - 142/193 ACK, ALG, AMX, APR, AQD2.8 2771 10/97 - 07/98 132/180 AGE2.8 quattro 2771 02/97 - 142/193 ACK, ALG, AMX, APR, AQD3.0 2976 08/01 - 162/220 ASN3.0 quattro 2976 08/01 - 162/220 ASN3.7 3697 03/99 - 191/2603.7 quattro 3697 03/99 - 191/2604.2 quattro 4172 11/98 - 220/300 ARS, ASG, AWNS6 quattro 4172 09/99 - 250/340 ANK, AQJ

    A6 AVANT (4A, C4)1.8 1781 12/95 - 12/97 92/125 ADR

    1781 12/95 - 12/97 92/125 ADR mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 quattro 1781 12/95 - 12/97 92/125 ADR

    1781 12/95 - 12/97 92/125 ADR mit Gehuse / with housing1.9 TDI 1896 06/94 - 12/97 66/90 1Z, AHU

    1896 06/94 - 12/97 66/90 1Z, AHU mit Gehuse / with housing




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  • Fahrzeugtyp ccm Jahr KW/PS Motor Bemerkungen HEPU-No.Vehicle Type Year Engine Remarks

    A6 AVANT (4A, C4)2.0 1984 06/94 - 12/97 74/100 AAE

    1984 06/94 - 12/97 74/100 AAE mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 1984 06/94 - 12/97 85/115 ABK

    1984 06/94 - 12/97 85/115 ABK mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 16V 1984 06/94 - 12/97 103/140 ACE

    1984 06/94 - 12/97 103/140 ACE mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 16V quattro 1984 06/94 - 12/97 103/140 ACE

    1984 06/94 - 12/97 103/140 ACE mit Gehuse / with housing2.3 2309 06/94 - 12/95 98/133 AAR2.3 quattro 2309 06/94 - 12/95 98/133 AAR2.5 TDI 2461 08/94 - 12/97 103/140 AEL2.5 TDI 2461 01/95 - 12/97 84/114 AAT2.5 TDI 2461 06/94 - 12/97 85/116 AAT2.5 TDI quattro 2461 07/95 - 12/97 103/140 AEL2.6 2598 06/94 - 12/97 110/150 ABC CH-N. F4A-S-026 714

    2598 06/94 - 12/97 110/150 ABC CH-N. F4A-S-026 715 2.6 2598 06/94 - 102/139 ACZ CH-N. F4A-S-026 714

    2598 06/94 - 102/139 ACZ CH-N. F4A-S-026 715 2.6 quattro 2598 06/94 - 12/97 110/150 ABC CH-N. F4A-S-026 714

    2598 06/94 - 12/97 110/150 ABC CH-N. F4A-S-026 715 2.8 2771 06/94 - 12/97 128/174 AAH, AEJ CH-N. F4A-S-026 714

    2771 06/94 - 12/97 128/174 AAH, AEJ CH-N. F4A-S-026 715 2.8 2771 12/95 - 12/97 142/193 ACK2.8 quattro 2771 06/94 - 12/97 128/174 AAH, AEJ CH-N. F4A-S-026 714

    2771 06/94 - 12/97 128/174 AAH, AEJ CH-N. F4A-S-026 715 2.8 quattro 2771 12/95 - 12/97 142/193 ACKS6 4.2 quattro 4172 06/94 - 12/97 213/290 AECS6 Plus quattro 4172 04/96 - 12/97 240/326 AHKS6 Turbo quattro 2226 06/94 - 12/97 169/230 AAN

    A6 AVANT (4B, C5)1.8 1781 02/98 - 85/116 AFY

    1781 02/98 - 85/116 AFY mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 1781 12/97 - 92/125 ARH

    1781 12/97 - 92/125 ARH mit Gehuse / with housing1781 12/97 - 92/125 AJP, AQE

    1.8 T 1781 12/97 - 110/150 AEB, ANB, APU, ARK1781 12/97 - 110/150 AEB, ANB, APU, ARK mit Gehuse / with housing1781 12/97 - 110/150 AWT

    1.8 T 1781 04/99 - 132/180 AJL1781 04/99 - 132/180 AJL mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.8 T quattro 1781 12/97 - 110/150 AEB, ANB, APU, ARK1781 12/97 - 110/150 AEB, ANB, APU, ARK mit Gehuse / with housing1781 12/97 - 110/150 AWT

    1.8 T quattro 1781 12/97 - 132/180 AJL1781 12/97 - 132/180 AJL mit Gehuse / with housing

    1.9 TDI 1896 12/97 - 81/110 AFN1.9 TDI 1896 08/01 - 96/130 AVF, AWX CH-N. 4B-2-125.000

    1896 08/01 - 96/130 AVF, AWX CH-N. 4B-2-125.001 1.9 TDI 1896 07/00 - 85/115 AJM2.0 1984 08/01 - 96/130 ALT2.4 2393 07/98 - 100/136 ALW, ARN, ASM2.4 2393 12/97 - 115/156 APC2.4 2393 08/01 - 125/170 BDV2.4 2393 12/97 - 120/163 AJG, AMM, APZ2.4 2393 12/97 - 121/165 AGA, ALF, AML, APS, ARJ2.4 quattro 2393 08/01 - 125/170 BDV2.4 quattro 2393 12/97 - 120/163 AJG, APZ2.4 quattro 2393 08/98 - 05/01 115/156 APC2.4 quattro 2393 12/97 - 121/165 AGA, ALF, AML, APS, ARJ2.5 TDI 2496 12/97 - 110/150 AFB

    2496 12/97 - 110/150 AKN CH-N. 4B-X-037.0002496 12/97 - 110/150 AKN CH-N. 4B-X-037.001

    2.5 TDI 2496 02/00 - 132/180 AKE, BAU, BDH2.5 TDI 2496 08/01 - 114/155 AYM2.5 TDI 2496 07/02 - 120/163 BCZ, BDG, BFC2.5 TDI quattro 2496 12/97 - 110/150 AFB

    2496 12/97 - 110/150 AKN CH-N. 4B-X-037.0002496 12/97 - 110/150 AKN CH-N. 4B-X-037.001

    2.5 TDI quattro 2496 02/00 - 132/180 AKE, BAU, BDH




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  • A6 AVANT (4B, C5)2.7 T 2671 02/99 - 169/230 AJK2.7 T quattro 2671 12/97 - 169/230 AJK2.7 T quattro 2671 08/01 - 184/250 ARE, BES2.8 2771 07/99 - 140/190 ATX2.8 2771 12/97 - 142/193 ACK, ALG, AMX, APR, AQD2.8 2771 12/97 - 07/98 132/180 AGE2.8 quattro 2771 12/97 - 142/193 ACK, ALG, AMX, APR, AQD3.0 2976 08/01 - 162/220 ASN3.0 quattro 2976 08/01 - 162/220 ASN3.7 3697 03/99 - 191/2603.7 quattro 3697 03/99 - 191/2604.2 quattro 4172 11/98 - 220/299 ARS, ASG, AWNS6 quattro 4172 09/99 - 250/340 ANK, AQJ

    A8 (4D2, 4D8)2.5 TDI 2496 01/97 - 110/150 AFB

    2496 01/97 - 110/150 AKN CH-N. 4D-X-005.5002496 01/97 - 110/150 AKN CH-N. 4D-X-005.501

    2.5 TDI 2496 09/00 - 132/180 AKE CH-N. 4D-X-005.501 2.5 TDI quattro 2496 07/97 - 110/150 AFB

    2496 07/97 - 110/150 AKN CH-N. 4D-X-005.5002496 07/97 - 110/150 AKN CH-N. 4D-X-005.501

    2.5 TDI quattro 2496 09/00 - 132/180 AKE CH-N. 4D-X-005.501 2.8 2771 04/96 - 142/193 ACK CH-N. 4D-S-000.496

    2771 04/96 - 142/193 ACK CH-N. 4D-S-000.497 2771 04/96 - 142/193 ALG, AMX, APR, AQD

    2.8 2771 03/94 - 128/174 AAH CH-N. F4D-S-000 4962771 03/94 - 128/174 AAH CH-N. F4D-S-000 497

    2.8 2771 07/95 - 120/163 AEJ CH-N. F4D-S-000 4962771 07/95 - 120/163 AEJ CH-N. F4D-S-000 497

    2.8 quattro 2771 04/96 - 142/193 ACK CH-N. 4D-S-000.4962771 04/96 - 142/193 ACK CH-N. 4D-S-000.497 2771 04/96 - 142/193 AMX, APR, AQD

    2.8 quattro 2771 03/94 - 03/96 128/174 AAH CH-N. F4D-S-000 4962771 03/94 - 03/96 128/174 AAH CH-N. F4D-S-000 497

    2.8 quattro 2771 07/95 - 120/163 AEJ CH-N. F4D-S-000 4962771 07/95 - 120/163 AEJ CH-N. F4D-S-000 497

    3.7 3697 07/95 - 169/230 AEW3.7 3697 11/98 - 191/260 AKC, AQG3.7 quattro 3697 07/95 - 11/98 169/230 AEW3.7 quattro 3697 11/98 - 191/260 AKC, AQG4.2 quattro 4172 03/94 - 11/98 220/299 ABZ4.2 quattro 4172 03/94 - 07/96 180/245 AEM4.2 quattro 4172 02/99 - 175/238 ARU4.2 quattro 4172 11/98 - 228/310 AQF, AUW, AUXS 8 quattro 4172 07/96 - 06/99 250/340 AHC, AKHS 8 quattro 4172 06/99 - 265/360 AQH, AVP

    A8 (4E_)3.0 2976 08/03 - 162/220 ASN3.7 quattro 3697 10/02 - 206/280 BFL4.2 quattro 4172 10/02 - 246/335 BFM

    ALLROAD (4BH)2.5 TDI quattro 2496 05/00 - 132/180 BAU

    2496 05/00 - 132/180 AKE2.5 TDI quattro 2496 05/03 - 120/163 BCZ2.7 T quattro 2671 05/00 - 184/250 ARE, BES

    CABRIOLET (8G7, B4)1.8 1781 01/97 - 08/00 92/125 ADR

    1781 01/97 - 08/00 92/125 ADR mit Gehuse / with housing1.9 TDI 1896 06/95 - 08/00 66/90 1Z, AHU

    1896 06/95 - 08/00 66/90 1Z, AHU mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 16V 1984 06/95 - 07/96 103/140 ACE

    1984 06/95 - 07/96 103/140 ACE mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 E 1984 01/93 - 07/98 85/115 ABK

    1984 01/93 - 07/98 85/115 ABK mit Gehuse / with housing2.3 E 2309 05/91 - 07/94 98/133 NG






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  • Fahrzeugtyp ccm Jahr KW/PS Motor Bemerkungen HEPU-No.Vehicle Type Year Engine Remarks

    CABRIOLET (8G7, B4)2.6 2598 06/93 - 08/00 110/150 ABC CH-N. F8G-S-001 302

    2598 06/93 - 08/00 110/150 ABC CH-N. F8G-S-001 303 2.6 2598 05/95 - 08/00 102/139 ACZ CH-N. F8G-S-001 302

    2598 05/95 - 08/00 102/139 ACZ CH-N. F8G-S-001 303 2.8 2771 11/92 - 08/00 128/174 AAH CH-N. F8G-S-001 302

    2771 11/92 - 08/00 128/174 AAH CH-N. F8G-S-001 303

    COUPE (81, 85)1.6 1595 07/80 - 08/81 55/75 YN

    1595 07/80 - 08/81 55/75 YN mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 1781 08/81 - 07/83 55/75 DD

    1781 08/81 - 07/83 55/75 DD mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 GT 1781 04/86 - 10/88 65/88 SF

    1781 04/86 - 10/88 65/88 SF mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 GT 1781 09/82 - 10/88 66/90 DS, JV

    1781 09/82 - 10/88 66/90 DS, JV mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 GT 1781 08/86 - 10/87 79/107 PV

    1781 08/86 - 10/87 79/107 PV mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 GT 1781 08/86 - 10/88 82/112 DZ

    1781 08/86 - 10/88 82/112 DZ mit Gehuse / with housing1.8 GT 1781 01/85 - 07/88 68/93 JN

    1781 01/85 - 07/88 68/93 JN mit Gehuse / with housing1.9 1921 08/80 - 07/83 85/115 WN2.0 1994 03/86 - 04/88 83/113 SK

    1994 03/86 - 04/88 83/113 SK mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 1994 09/83 - 07/86 85/115 HP, JS2.1 GT 2144 01/81 - 07/83 79/107 WE2.2 quattro 2226 10/84 - 06/87 100/136 KV2.2 quattro 2226 08/85 - 06/87 88/120 JT2.2 GT 2229 07/81 - 06/87 85/115 KX2.2 GT 2226 09/84 - 06/87 100/136 KV2.3 2309 01/87 - 07/88 100/136 NG

    2309 08/88 - 10/88 100/136 NG CH-N. F88-M-033 0002309 01/87 - 10/88 100/136 NG CH-N. F88-M-033 001

    2.3 quattro 2309 01/87 - 07/88 100/136 NG2309 08/88 - 10/88 100/136 NG CH-N. F88-M-033 0002309 01/87 - 10/88 100/136 NG CH-N. F88-M-033 001

    COUPE (89, 8B)1.8 1781 08/89 - 07/91 82/112 DZ

    1781 08/89 - 07/91 82/112 DZ mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 1984 05/89 - 12/96 85/115 3A, AAD, ABK

    1984 05/89 - 12/96 85/115 3A, AAD, ABK mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 16 V 1984 01/92 - 07/92 101/137 6A

    1984 01/92 - 07/92 101/137 6A mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 16 V 1984 08/92 - 12/96 103/140 ACE

    1984 08/92 - 12/96 103/140 ACE mit Gehuse / with housing2.0 20 V quattro 1994 08/89 - 07/91 118/160 NM CH-N. F88-M-033 000

    1994 08/89 - 07/91 118/160 NM CH-N. F88-M-033 001 2.3 2309 10/88 - 07/94 100/136 NG CH-N. F88-M-033 000

    2309 10/88 - 07/94 100/136 NG CH-N. F88-M-033 001 2.3 2309 03/90 - 12/96 98/133 NG CH-N. F88-M-033 000

    2309 03/90 - 12/96 98/133 NG CH-N. F88-M-033 001 2.3 quattro 2309 11/88 - 12/92 100/136 NG CH-N. F88-M-033 000

    2309 11/88 - 12/92 100/136 NG CH-N. F88-M-033 001 2.3 quattro 2309 05/90 - 12/96 98/134 NG CH-N. F88-M-033 000

    2309 05/90 - 12/96 98/134 NG CH-N. F88-M-033 001 2.3 20V 2309 08/90 - 07/91 123/167 7A CH-N. F88-M-033 000

    2309 08/90 - 07/91 123/167 7A CH-N. F88-M-033 001 2.3 20V 2309 08/89 - 07/91 125/170 7A CH-N. F88-M-033 000

    2309 08/89 - 07/91 125/170 7A CH-N. F88-M-033 001 2.3 20V quattro 2309 11/88 - 07/91 125/170 7A CH-N. F88-M-033 000

    2309 11/88 - 07/91 125/170 7A CH-N. F88-M-033 001 2.3 20V quattro 2309 05/90 - 12/96 123/167 7A CH-N. F88-M-033 000

    2309 05/90 - 12/96 123/167 7A CH-N. F88-M-033 001 2.6 2598 08/92 - 12/94 110/150 ABC

    2598 01/95 - 12/96 110/150 ABC2.6 quattro 2598 08/92 - 12/95 110/150 ABC

    2598 01/96 - 12/96 110/150 ABC





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  • AUDIFahrzeugtyp ccm Jahr KW/PS Motor Bemerkungen HEPU-No.Vehicle Type Year Engine Remarks

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    COUPE (89, 8B)2.8 2771 09/91 - 12/95 128/174 AAH

    2771 01/96 - 12/96 128/174 AAH2.8 quattro 2771 08/91 - 12/94 128/174 AAH

    2771 01/95 - 12/96 128/174 AAHS2 quattro 2226 10/92 - 04/95 169/230 ABY

    2226 05/95 - 12/96 169/230 ABYS2 quattro 2226 09/90 - 09/92 162/220 3B

    QUATTRO (85)2.1 20V Turbo 2144 05/84 - 07/87 225/306 KW CH-N. F85-J-900 643

    2144 05/84 - 07/87 225/306 KW CH-N. F85-J-900 644 2.1 Turbo 2144 07/80 - 07/87 147/200 GV, WR CH-N. F85-J-900 643

    2144 07/80 - 07/87 147/200 GV, WR CH-N. F85-J-900 644 2.2 20V 2226 08/89 - 07/91 162/220 RR CH-N. F85-J-900 643

    2226 08/89 - 07/91 162/220 RR CH-N. F85-J-900 644 2.2 Turbo 2226 08/87 - 07/89 147/200 1B, MB CH-N. F85-J-900 643

    2226 08/87 - 07/89 147/200 1B, MB CH-N. F85-J-900 644

    TT (8N3)1.8 T 1781 10/98 - 132/180 AJQ, APP, ARY, AUQ, AWP1.8 T 1781 09/02 - 110/150 AUM1.8 T quattro 1781 10/98 - 132/180 AJQ, ARY, AWP1.8 T quattro 1781 10/98 - 165/224 APX, BAM, AMU3.2 VR6 quattro 3189 07/03 - 184/250 BHE

    TT ROADSTER (8N9)1.8 T 1781 10/99 - 132/180 AJQ, APP, AUQ, AWP1.8 T 1781 01/01 - 110/150 AUM1.8 T quattro 1781 02/00 - 132/180 AJQ, ARY, AWP1.8 T quattro 1781 10/99 - 165/224 APX, BAM, AMU3.2 VR6 quattro 3189 07/03 - 184/250 BHE

    V8 (D1)3.6 quattro 3562 04/93 - 02/94 180/245 PT3.6 quattro 3562 10/88 - 02/94 184/250 PT4.2 quattro 4172 10/91 - 02/94 206/280 ABH

  • Fahrzeugtyp ccm Jahr KW/PS Motor Bemerkungen HEPU-No.Vehicle Type Year Engine Remarks

    BLITZ2.3 D 2260 01/85 - 10/87 46/63 23D

    2260 01/83 - 12/84 46/63 23D

    CHEVANNE1.3 1256 06/76 - 02/80 39/531.3 1256 03/80 - 12/82 40/54




    w w w. h e p u . d eBEDFORD

  • 1500-20001500 1499 10/62 - 07/66 59/80 M 10 B 151500 1.6 1573 09/63 - 07/66 59/80 M 10 B 161600 1573 04/64 - 04/68 61/83 M 10 B 161800 1773 08/63 - 09/69 66/90 M 10 B 18 1800 1766 07/69 - 09/71 66/90 M 10 B 18 1800 Ti 1773 10/63 - 04/68 81/110 M 10 B 18 1800 Ti (TISA) 1773 10/63 - 04/68 96/131 M 10 B 18 2000 1990 09/68 - 07/72 74/100 M 10 B 20 2000 1.8 1766 01/70 - 11/72 66/90 M 10 B 18 2000 Ti / Tilux 1990 01/66 - 07/72 88/120 M 10 B 20 2000 Tii 1990 12/69 - 07/72 96/131 M 10 B 20

    1600 GT COUPE1.6 1573 10/67 - 05/69 77/105 M 10 B 16

    1600-2002 TOURING (E6)1600 1573 05/71 - 04/73 63/85 M 10 B 161802 1766 05/71 - 07/75 66/90 M 10 B 18 2002 1990 05/71 - 07/75 74/100 M 10 B 20 2002 Tii 1990 01/71 - 07/75 96/130 M 10 B 20

    1502-2002 (E10)1502 1.6 1573 01/75 - 07/77 55/75 M 10 B 16 1600 Ti 1573 09/67 - 11/69 77/105 M 10 B 16 1600/2 1573 12/67 - 12/71 63/85 M 10 B 16 1602 1573 04/71 - 07/75 63/85 M 10 B 16 1802 1766 05/71 - 07/75 66/90 M 10 B 18 2002 1990 02/68 - 07/75 74/100 M 10 B 20 2002 Ti 1990 06/68 - 04/72 88/120 M 10 B 20 2002 Tii 1990 05/71 - 07/75 96/130 M 10 B 202002 Turbo 1990 01/74 - 07/75 125/170 M 10 B 20

    1600-2002 CABRIOLET (E10)1600-2 1573 12/67 - 10/71 63/86 M 10 B 16 2002 1990 05/71 - 07/75 74/100 M 10 B 20

    2000-3.2 COUPE (E9)2.5 CS 2494 09/74 - 03/76 110/150 M 30 B 25 2800 CS 2788 01/69 - 04/71 125/170 M 30 B 28 3.0 CS 2985 05/71 - 03/76 132/180 M 30 B 30 3.0 Csi 2985 07/71 - 03/76 147/200 M 30 B 30 (L-Jetronic)3.2 CSL 3153 01/74 - 12/75 152/206 M 30 B 32 (L-Jetronic)

    2500-3.3 (E3)2500 2494 10/68 - 04/77 110/150 M 30 B 25 2800 2788 10/68 - 07/75 125/170 M 30 B 28 2.8 L 2788 02/75 - 04/77 125/170 M 30 B 28 3.0 L 2985 02/75 - 04/77 132/180 M 30 B 30 3.0 S 2985 05/71 - 04/77 132/180 M 30 B 30 3.0 Si 2985 10/75 - 04/77 143/194 M 30 B 30 (L-Jetronic)3.0 Si 2985 07/71 - 09/75 147/200 M 30 B 30 (L-Jetronic)3.3 L 3295 01/74 - 09/76 140/190 M 30 B 33

    315-323 (E21)315 1573 03/81 - 03/84 55/75 M 10 B 16 316 1573 08/75 - 08/80 66/90 M 10 B 16 316 1766 09/80 - 08/82 66/90 M 10 B 18 318 1766 08/75 - 08/80 72/98 M 10 B 18 318 i 1766 11/79 - 08/82 77/105 M 10 B 18 (K-Jetronic)320 1990 08/75 - 08/77 80/109 M 10 B 20 320 i 1990 06/75 - 08/82 92/125 M 10 B 20 (K-Jetronic)320/6 1990 09/77 - 09/81 90/122 M 20 B 20

    1990 10/81 - 08/82 90/122 M 20 B 20 323 i 2316 01/78 - 09/81 105/143 M 20 B 23 (K-Jetronic)

    2316 10/81 - 08/82 105/143 M 20 B 23 (K-Jetronic)

    315-325 (E30)315 1573 09/82 - 10/83 55/75 M 10 B 16 316 1766 09/82 - 12/87 66/90 M 10 B 18 316 (Ecotronic) 1766 09/83 - 09/88 66/90 M 10 B 18










    BMWFahrzeugtyp ccm Jahr KW/PS Motor Bemerkungen HEPU-No.Vehicle Type Year Engine Remarks

    w w w. h e p u . d e


  • Fahrzeugtyp ccm Jahr KW/PS Motor Bemerkungen HEPU-No.Vehicle Type Year Engine Remarks

    315-325 (E30)316 i 1596 09/87 - 09/88 73/100 M 40 B 16 (Kat.)

    1596 10/88 - 06/91 73/100 M 40 B 16 (Kat.)316 i 1596 07/88 - 09/88 75/102 M 40 B 16

    1596 10/88 - 06/91 75/102 M 40 B 16316 i 1.8 1766 08/87 - 09/87 75/102 M 10 B 18 (L-Jetronic,Kat.)318 i 1796 10/87 - 06/91 85/115 M 40 B 18318 i 1766 12/84 - 09/87 75/102 M 10 B 18 (L-Jetronic / Kat.)318 i 1796 10/87 - 06/91 83/113 M 40 B 18 (Kat.)318 i 1766 09/82 - 08/87 77/105 M 10 B 18 (K-Jetronic)318 is 1796 09/89 - 08/91 100/136 M 42 B 18320 i 1991 10/87 - 06/91 95/129 M 20 B 20 (L-Jetronic)320 i 1991 12/85 - 09/87 95/129 M 20 B 20 (L-Jetronic)

    1991 12/85 - 09/87 95/129 M 20 B 20 (Motronic,Kat.)1991 10/87 - 06/91 95/129 M 20 B 20 (Motronic,Kat.)

    320 i 1990 09/82 - 12/85 92/125 M 20 B 20 (L-Jetronic)320 i 1990 12/85 - 06/90 110/150323 i 2316 09/82 - 08/83 102/139 M 20 B 23 (L-Jetronic)323 i 2316 09/83 - 08/86 110/150 M 20 B 23 (L-Jetronic)324 d 2443 09/85 - 08/91 63/86 M 21 D 24324 td 2443 09/87 - 08/91 85/115 M 21 D 24 /Kat.325 e 2.7 2693 10/83 - 09/87 90/122 M 20 B 27 (Kat)

    2693 10/87 - 12/88 90/122 M 20 B 27 (Kat)325 e 2.7 2693 01/85 - 08/87 95/129 M 20 B 27325 i 2494 09/87 - 06/91 125/170 M 20 B 25 (Kat.)

    2494 12/86 - 10/87 125/170 M 20 B 25 (Kat.)325 i 2494 09/83 - 09/87 126/171 M 20 B 25

    2494 10/87 - 11/89 126/171 M 20 B 25325 i X 2494 12/86 - 09/87 125/170 M 20 B 25 (Kat.)

    2494 10/87 - 08/91 125/170 M 20 B 25 (Kat.)325 i X 2494 03/86 - 12/87 126/171 M 20 B 25M3 2.3 2303 07/86 - 06/91 143/195 S 14 B 23 (Kat)M3 2.3 2303 02/87 - 05/89 147/200 S 14 B 23M3 2.3 2303 06/89 - 06/91 158/215 S 14 B 23 (Kat)M3 EVO I 2.3 2302 10/88 - 10/90 162/220 S 14 B 23 (EVO I)M3 EVO II 2.5 2467 01/90 - 01/92 175/238 S 14 B 25 (EVO II)

    318 - 325 CABRIOLET (E30)318 i 1796 09/90 - 10/93 83/113 M 40 B 18 (Kat.)320 i 1990 04/86 - 09/87 95/129 M 20 B 20 (Motronic,Kat.)

    1990 10/87 - 10/93 95/129 M 20 B 20 (Motronic,Kat.)325 i 2494 10/87 - 10/93 125/170 M 20 B 25 (Kat.)325 i 2494 12/85 - 09/87 126/171 M 20 B 25

    2494 10/87 - 12/87 126/171 M 20 B 25M3 2.3 2303 06/88 - 06/91 143/195 S 14 B 23 (Kat)

    316-328 TOURING (E30)316 i 1596 09/91 - 06/94 73/100 M 40 B 16 (Kat.)316 i 1596 09/91 - 06/94 75/102318 i 1796 10/87 - 06/91 85/115 M 40 B 18318 i 1796 04/89 - 06/94 83/113 M 40 B 18 (Kat.)320 i 1991 01/88 - 12/91 95/129 M 20 B 20 (Motronic,Kat.)324 td 2443 01/88 - 06/93 85/115 M 21 D 24, M 21 D 24 (Kat.)325 i 2494 07/87 - 03/93 125/170 M 20 B 25 (Kat.)325 i X 2494 06/88 - 10/93 125/170 M 20 B 25 (Kat.)

    316 - 328 (E36)316 i 1596 07/93 - 02/98 75/102 M 43 B 16316 i 1596 09/90 - 09/93 73/100 M 40 B 16 (Kat.)316 i 1596 09/90 - 09/93 75/102 M 40 B 16318 i 1796 10/93 - 02/98 85/115 M 43 B 18318 i 1796 12/90 - 10/93 83/113 M 40 B 18 (Kat.)318 is 1796 03/93 - 09/97 103/140 M 42 B 18318 is 1895 09/95 - 02/98 103/140 M 44 B 19318 tds 1665 01/95 - 02/98 66/90 M 41 D 18 (Inter.)320 i 1991 09/90 - 02/98 110/150 M 50 B 20 6 S1/S2/S3 Vanos323 i 2.5 2494 03/95 - 02/98 125/170 M 52 B 25 (Vanos)325 i 2494 09/90 - 09/95 141/192 M 50 B 25, M 52 B 25 (Vanos)325 td 2497 09/91 - 02/98 85/115 M 51 D 25325 tds 2503 05/93 - 02/98 105/143 M 51 D 25 (Inter.)328 i 2793 01/95 - 02/98 142/193 M 52 B 28






    w w w. h e p u . d eBMW

  • 316 - 328 (E36)M3 3.0 2990 08/94 - 09/95 210/286 S 50 B 30M3 3.2 3201 09/95 - 02/98 236/321 S 50 B 32

    318-328 CABRIOLET (E36)318 i 1796 01/94 - 04/99 85/115 M 43 B 18320 i 1991 12/93 - 04/99 110/150 M 50 B 20 6 S1/S2/S3 Vanos323 i 2.5 2494 06/95 - 04/99 125/170 M 52 B 25 (Vanos)325 i 2494 03/93 - 03/95 141/192 M 52 B 25 (Vanos)328 i 2793 03/95 - 04/99 142/193 M 52 B 28M3 3.0 2990 01/94 - 10/95 210/286 S 50 B 30M3 3.2 3201 10/95 - 04/99 236/321 S 50 B 32

    316-323 COMPACT (E36)316 g 1596 12/95 - 08/00 75/102316 i 1596 03/94 - 08/00 75/102 M 43 B 16316 i 1895 12/98 - 08/00 77/105318 tds 1665 01/95 - 08/00 66/90 M 41 D 18 (Inter.)318 ti 1796 11/94 - 08/95 103/140 M 42 B 18318 ti 1895 07/95 - 08/00 103/140 M 44 B 19323 ti 2494 08/97 - 08/00 125/170 M 52 B 25 (Vanos)

    316-328 COUPE (E36)316 i 1596 09/93 - 04/99 75/102 M 43 B 16318 is 1796 03/92 - 10/95 103/140 M 42 B 18318 is 1895 09/95 - 04/99 103/140 M 44 B 19320 i 1991 03/92 - 04/99 110/150 M 50 B (20 6 S1), M 50 B (20 6 S2) Vanos, M 52 B (20 6 S3) Vanos323 i 2.5 2494 03/95 - 04/99 125/170 M 52 B 25 (Vanos)325 i 2494 03/92 - 04/99 141/192 M 52 B 25 (Vanos)328 i 2793 01/95 - 04/99 142/193 M 52 B 28M3 3.0 2990 10/92 - 01/95 210/286 S 50 B 30M3 3.0 2990 01/95 - 10/95 217/295 S 50 B 30M3 3.2 3201 10/95 - 04/99 236/321 S 50 B 32

    316-328 TOURING (E36)316 i 1596 01/96 - 10/99 75/102 M 43 B 16318 i 1796 07/95 - 10/99 85/116 M 43 B 18318 tds 1665 01/95 - 10/99 66/90 M 41 D 18 (Inter.)320 i 1991 01/95 - 10/99 110/150 M 52 B (20 6 S3) Vanos323 i 2.5 2494 09/95 - 10/99 125/170 M 52 B 25 (Vanos)325 tds 2503 01/95 - 10/99 105/143 M 51 D 25 (Inter.)328 i 2793 01/95 - 10/99 142/193 M 52 B 28

    316-330 (E46)316 i 1895 09/98 - 77/105316 i 1596 04/00 - 77/105 M 43 B 16 (16 4 E3)316 i 1796 02/02 - 85/115 N 42 B 18318 d 1951 09/01 - 85/11