henry vii - the early years

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  • 8/13/2019 Henry VII - The Early Years


    Henry VII - the early years

    Henry VIIwas born in Pembroke Castle, Wales, on January 28th, 1457 Henry was the only !hil" o#$"mun" %u"or, $arl o# &i!hmon", an" 'ar(aret )eau#ort $"mun" "ie" three months be#ore Henry was

    born *#i(htin( the +uke o# ork who was tryin( to win !ontrol o# West Wales- an" his mother 'ar(aret was

    only #ourteen when she (a.e birth to the #uture kin( Henry took his #ather/s title when he was born 0 Henry

    o# &i!hmon" 0 an" he sent the bulk o# his early years at Pembroke Castle Howe.er, in 141, the !astle was

    sei3e" by or" Herbert #ollowin( the "e#eat o# Henry VI %he new kin( was $"war" IV an" be!ause o#

    Henry/s a(e, the kin( be!ame his #eu"al lor" In 142, $"war" sol" the (uar"ianshi o# Henry to or"Herbert #or 1666 %he +uke o# lou!ester, the kin(/s brother, was (i.en the o.erlor"shi o# the &i!hmon"

    lan"s +urin( this time o# his li#e, Henry saw little o# his mother In 144, 'ar(aret remarrie" Henry staye"

    at Pembroke Castle an" was brou(ht u in the Herbert/s househol" His !ir!umstan!es !han(e" in 14 when

    ambert was e9e!ute" to be #ollowe" a year later by Henry VI retakin( the throne In 1471 both Henry VI

    an" his only son, Prin!e $"war", "ie" :u""enly a(e" ;ust #ourteen, Henry be!ame the main an!astrian

    !laimant to the throne %his ut him in a .ery .ulnerable osition an" Jaser %u"or, $arl o# Pembroke,

    re!o(nise" this an" ha" him sent to