hello decorah happy july forth

Hello Decorah Happy July 4th,2016 http://www.vkh.legalshieldqassociATE.com Val Heike Littlewolf 6/10/2016 Ellen I’m just a poet but still your biggest fan I get that you were just trying to help that always hurts in the end Im still your biggest fan you will pull through I have faith you are loved tears will not stop people that want what you have I know that I had my mom Ill have her safe at home again before the one that has her kills her you will be ok I have nothing but all I have is yours if you need it. 1

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Page 1: Hello Decorah happy july forth

Hello Decorah Happy July 4th,2016


Val Heike Littlewolf



I’m just a poet

but still your biggest fan

I get that you were just trying to help

that always hurts in the end

Im still your biggest fan

you will pull through

I have faith

you are loved

tears will not stop people that want what you have

I know that

I had my mom

Ill have her safe at home again before the one that has her kills her

you will be ok I have nothing but

all I have is yours if you need it.


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Large eathquake a 6?

In California I might be wrong but in the pass two months that is the sixth largest quake.


This morning on CBS news it was suggested mine you

just a suggession mind you that in the South American countries

Yeppers the South American Catholic countries that simply

Abstain from getting pregnate

Catholics men are like Amish men if they want nooky

no woman’s pants are allowed to keep held up

There are not place for headaches

No not now honey!

Its lay there and take my sperm that’s how your GOD wants it!!!!

Damn to the babies who lifes are seen as worthless as my going onto 88 year old mom

in Granbury Texas with her harrasser.

The women of child bearing age will have to suffer through the anguish of retarded children

just like my mom has to take living with an abuser.

No one cares but poets



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Never More , Never More

calls of the raven

Edgar Allen Poe's bird would say

Need Air,Need Air

That's what I wanted gasping for it yesterday

No window that opens

no screen on the door

the air conditioning

just hanging upon

the wall.


Its fun to se e

It is fun to see on TV stars entend the life of batteries

You do it

Be honest!

Dr. Odette from Luther College Education department

said she does it

so cool

Love truth in others.


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Chinese take out as American as Apple pie

From box to food like nothing you will find in China,

forty thousand Chinese resteraunt in America

more then Mac Donald's.

Love CBS Sunday Mornings Show

learn alot hate the note book more and more

not a writers friend.

In 2014 my half sister the nutbag accused me of erasing the games on mom's note pad

erased the IP address

in a bit when on campus I will check to see if thats even possible for a non computer



eat fiber good shit for

good shit

fiber assists in evicting toxens from your body

Sweeting or as my mom calls it perspiring

also benificial to your body

your body takes in toxens orally as well as topagraphical(through the skin)

This is serious shit!

cleanse your body

think of your body as a car.


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I do

when I was 16 I drove to my favorite town within a hundred miles

Prairie du Chine,Wisconsin in one of my favorite of three states

Wisconsin home of The Cheeseheads nah!

The Green Bay Packers and Hayward,Wisconsin.

We my nephew Robbie and I had gone to see a movie.

When we got back into the car I saw the sign check oil.

Off to Wal Mart we went and I poured a container into the engine

we smoked black smoke all the way back to Waukon,IA.

We were like James Bond

Next day I took to the car to my mechanic

at Jim's DX (The only full service gas station I know of owned by a truely good guy)

After Jim changed my oil and sahow me the picture he filled nearly twice

Jim told me Val dont, please don't do that again.

And so I have not.

The lesson taught is too much of anything gunks up the works.

Three horses died yesterday at the Pretness race

Exaggerator winner

sloppy mess this horse was like a Green Bay Packer

They excel playing in soggy,or freezing snowy cold.


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According to Good Morning America

A poll to end all polls

There has never been a poll in America's history

of two more hated politians running for the

presidency, then Trumph and Hillary!

These two politians are thought of as the worse of two


As a historian I doubt that statement.

People but not historians recall Lincolns second term.

Lincoln a racist who never imagine African American's living beside whites.

Made a hero with time.

I read yesterday when seeking news

"was Lincoln Gay?'

No Lincoln was not Gay!

But if he was what of it?

Why dose that consume any intellect?


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You should never loose your mom

until she dies

You loose you mom because someone hates you with her whole heart

that's not loosing

they have no right to keep you from chatting with your mom

they have no right not to acknowledge your mom as the intelligent self aware individual she is!




That's what my older half sister did

Diana Lee stold mom from her family

mom cowards before her and she controls my mom

She has mom not talking to me because its easier then fighting with Diana

Mom corruperated out of the same fear that Diana instilled in her in August of 2014.

Mom was told either Val stepped out of Luther College or Diana would force our mom into a home or to Granbury Texas

And my kid sister who was made execator of mom's will when I was working in Virginia


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Diana forced mom after the fire she set in December 2014 to sell her home at a lost of $13000 imagining that the house with all the proof of how Marian Heike's laundry room started on fire nearly killed Diana's half sister and her 86 year old mom.

I write to sell my story,get mom back home with her family and to sue the bitch for mauliciuos slander accusing me of Elder Abuse. The Human Services of Iowa were told four times by mom that Val never did anything but care and love her. No one cared for the truth!

I care. I stand for mom and me!


Never underestimate the power of a hug!

one of my favorite things

I think of sound of Music but thats not my favorite movie of Julie Adrews that would be Victor/Victoria

One of my favorite things is talking or spending time with mom,

Wasn't allowed to see my mom before she was whisked away to Granbury,Texas

three months ago my half sister stopped me from taking to my mom because

Diana Lee the narcisstic socialpath nutbag fears me and the truth.



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Good to know

Apples are better then coffee while driving the crunch keeps you awake and they are good for you.

And just because a spring has gone bank in the back of your truck long term if not fixed bad for truck but it will not kill you to drive.


When seeking

Say an apartment after all your belongings burnt in a fire

when all you have to lean on is you

look under the sink

if there is a container under the sink pipe

and the previous renter is standing there ask him why its there

he will not come out and tell you

the before you know it

your floor is a swampland.

If there is a florencent light in the ceiling and a hole the size of your fist

Ask why?

I'll tell you why because when you use that light all the flies and gnats within


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miles will swarm to that hole and zoom on in.

You will do as I do rather stumble around in the dark the use that light,

when I brought this concern last year to my landlord

he simply said can't you stick something on your cane and ram it into the hole.

Lets slouch to the bathroom


did I mentioned the apartment wasn't built to code

so at the doorways you have to step up then step down

The shower is filthy

it wobbles

behind it theres a hole I can stick my fist.

one window

in the kitchen you get to see the ceiling of the roller rink

doesn't open

no railing

the heating gas stove is on the landing

fire means death

check the tires

always be wary

stay in your vehical.

save the money.

I have lived in this apartment for a year

trust me soon as I sell

I will buy a house without these issues


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then my cats and I will be happier

then mom in Texas will have a bedroom not a closet

while my half sister with NPD has bedroom.

Renting an apartment "Check the tires!"


We is a control mechanisum

All the fifty plus years I was mom's companion,friend

caretaker we were always Val and I

A few short months mom went from ? and I to


That's not my mom thats someone telling her over and over "Mom We are doing this or that!"

In sisty years of marriage with dad

Mom never once said "We"

Mom always said Lee (dad's name Dr. L.N.Heike) and I

What changed other then Diana constantly in mom's face.

I'm just a student of psychology however this is insane

like Sheldon on Big Bang would say

"That's crazy on the face of it!"

like mom I use to coward from dad and Diana

it was a family pass time

bully Val make her cry

Diana always bullied mom and Ellen and me,

Ellen figured out years ago make kissy,kissy with Diana be her pal


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mom after being kicked over and over by Diana then mom becomes a "yes,Ok,whatever sort of person". That's not mom.

I use to cry,

then I died

Now I fight back with knowledge



My passion is the freedom of mom back home safe from Diana!

Sunday, May 22, 2016,503 am

Would you leave your mom in this circumstance?

I do not want my mom praying for death mom did that through out dad and mom's marriage.

I'm surprised Not that heteralsexual fools imagine they know what it is to be

bullied children, or to be gay.

What about the homefront warriors of WWII?

My mom is going onto 88 Nov. 4th of 2016

I became her full time care giver Sept. 1st


My mom had been harrassed to tears by my older half sister in Granbury,Texas

My mom is as emotional and intelligent as I am.

Diana Lee would never leave her family to move back to Iowa

Diana's course of action was bully mom to Texas

First it was annual visits so she could make her half gay sister look stupid.


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Then the visits evolved usually times during testing or exams

Her gay sister was in college trying for a better life for mom and herself

Diana the controlling narsissistic socialpath hated that anology a college degree mom no longer having to worry.

Diana had to nip it in the bud.

That's when Diana decided to harrass mom a warrior a homefront hero of WWII.

Seventy times a day Diana called mom

mom Heike would be between the bathroom and the den

and dinggle ling,dingle ling

Diana was calling, Again!

Diana wanted more me time (That's what the medical term for narcississ mean,me)

Diana sent mom a jiggerbug so mom would have an emergency number to call

her gay sister was with mom all the time except trips to the groccery store

not once

Not once after Diana's altanative to force mom from her home

and family in August,2014,

this was Diana's literal and physical threat to mom's welfare!

"If Val returns to Luther College ,I will come to Waukon, Iowa and place you into a nursing home or force you Marian D Bittenger Heike from your home ,daughters,grandchildren and great grandchildren to live with me (Diana Lee HD)."

No one looked into this harrassment neigh bulling of a WWII homefront warrior

wasn't a life time of giving up enough?

wasn't being a punching bag for Diana's wife beating father enough?

my dad was a troubled youth,alcoholic whose weapon was verbal abuse and

punching his gay daughter.


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Then because her elder daughter of her first abuser ,a control freak could not keep her

any of her five husband and league of boyfriends all ran screaming into the night. Diana thought force mom to Texas she will not be able to devorce me.

Ellen will not do anything to stop her and make Val guilty with lies of abuse no one will hear her when she protests.

But Val valued mom more then a good future, or anything she might desire

when mom stood before Val in tears

Asking her to not return to Luther College.

I only have one best friend,

one person to lean on

mom was leaning on me

That was a bigger honor then standing in my dress uniform after grafduation into the

USARMY in 1978.

I think Diana had no idea the love I had for mom.

The moment stood still for this poet as mom to her why she made the request.

If Val had a vehical that could have got her to Texas Diana would be at the bottom of Bill Ferrings pond right beside the bags of baby puppies he drawned instead of findging them homes. Farmers with hound dogs drawn puppies thinking the having puppies

makes a momma dog a better hound dog.

I'm Diana Lee's worse nightmare I'm that one daughter that will not go on with her life

and simply forget mom.

Not once from September to December 3rdid my did my younger sister

call the house and say "I'll go groccery shopping for you!"


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Where are the poor?

It loath the rederec "We" need to save the middle class!(Whose We!)

I want to know "What ever happened to Poor America?"

Poor America dream of being wealthy because only then will we be seen.

I learn after 56 years of being a good hearted loyal trusting striving for a better

life for mom and me had no value

I was an easy mark by the bully of the Heike family

So funny so very funny

Dad and mom were always worried that at their death

the Heike cousins would mow us done because their bullies

mom and dad were wrong the bully in the families Diana

Diana makes a Heike cousins look like Saints.

Diana makes all dad did to me growing up "Nothing!"


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Unshave and wealthy is not handsome

Unshaved doesn't make me think

boy that fellows cute|

Might make me think "That guy on TV must not being paid well!

or maybe "Pity that guys not poor,poor teaches stretch what you have!""

It's rare a poor man unshaved.

Poor unshaved men don't care to emmulate bumbs or derilecks

men wealthy anyone that makes over $10000 a year

for me is wealthy.

People have no business

Who are those people?

These people are the ones that tell me its been enough

move on

when even I need a shoulder to lean on there she was my mom

I never thought I'd feel this deep down emptiness

I feel lost and empty all the time

Annie Lenex singing in concert on P Broadcast Great Performance

still even her voice will not quite my soul

people who had the love of a partner

a companion

only they know this deep down abiding lonesomeness 16

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yesterday at the food band on Broadway in Decorah

Judy was talking about her Chiropractor in WAUKON,IA

Dr. Haag (pronounced Hog) her mom and dad and brother own State farm

I simply asked if she had heard me tell what Scott had

told me once about my half sister who had ignited fear in the recessess of

our intelligent mom who now sits and waits for death as Diana Lee in Granbury Texas keeps mom Marian Heike from family in Iowa and uses mom's few bucks to keep her home

after burning mom's home,killing her cat,two years of verbal harrassment on the phone

with seventy phone calls a week,then threats in August 2014 after slandering with maulice

mom's Gay caretaker her eldest daughter in her second marriage.

You my dear reader , you dare to tell me that my gay poetic heart and soul will ever

could ever forget this pain that seared me to the


Slavery and me

My family were ripped from me with lies of another family member

the feelings of the American African American slave of over

two hundred years ago still vibrant and alive\corsing through

my veins are anger , pain

it is intense,mind numming and seems unreachable

Today I will reach out with a lawyers hand and grasp

the Heike family bully around her neck

and try to involke simular pain on the whore whom is my mom's captor!


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In historic phanatic terms reign Sherman all

over her ass!



Is abuse

Harrassing on the phone is a Federal Crime

Next area of research that of abuse

Mom is as if still being abused by her eldest daughter

Mom for over two years was called and harrassed over and over

Literally 70 times a week

that's insane!!!!

Thats bullying!

Keeping me from talking to my mom makes mom a weapon of bulling me.

My always always says she is happy for a gift. My sending a special gift

and mom not sending a card or calling me tells me I am correct;


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Diana reads mom's mail.

I need assistance correcting what Diana did to me and is doing to mom.

Google Glue

Used on cars

allows things and people if hit to stick to car

the theory is that this will allow the car to

absorb the force of being struck.

The asorbtion will cause less trauma

internally to all concerned.

21 year program

In Minnesota Sex offenders are being released the state

found their encarseration unconstiutional

And yet in Iowa I was placed on Elder Abuse without any evidence

and my own mother telling that department three times that the accusation was a lie.

I will fight this and the bitch and her son that malicously 19

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accused me in order to force our mom to Texas when

constant harrassing was not getting mom to Texas.


Over fifty years a news man

Announced his retirement on Sunday

dead before Thursday

use to be men or care taker loose the once cared for

its like they can not survive the stress of niot carring

die soon after .

Once I get working toward my goals again

I will never quit till those I love are safely

back home and those that harmed us are dead.


Tormented harmed beyound pain

Emotional from tormented and lied about is detramentle to education

From Jan 1,2015 -

Should never had returned to college classes

after being placed with lies on Elder Abuse

Emotional from abuse

is also a LD (Learning Disability)20

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Castle was axed

Next year no Castle

Was that because Kate


Conway West

Hell Yes , Ellen!

Ellen told Conway his wife thinks he should think

or maybe it should be edited.

He was good to hear until he thought everyone should be on


Conway believes people are in a Renaissonce Period21

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people change their careers.

Smart man I too believe we make differences

Conway thinks we as a human raise we need to stop bullying to grow!


Have you had them yet?

The shot can only be given before you had them!

I take alergy medication after I get it.

I have had it 5 times since 2014 summer

I believe that stress awakes the dorment virus.

The alergy medication makes it less

first the rash that burns

then the water blisters

if they pop they heal faster

however it will spead that way like posin ivy.

Mom and I

I and my mom love hard and recall the one we loved through the good times and bad22

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Mom had Don Bender whom she has been in love with

head over heels for fifty years

I love mom

Only a fool would willingly believe I ever harmed or tormented her.

Its that love that makes me stronger then Diana Lee's filthy lies

Its that faith that others who read me will see the injustice and evilness of Diana Lees actions.

One day I look forward to the advertisement for the comming attractions

"Evil comes to town in a small Iowan town."

The Heike murder!