health and disease by iridology examination - professor serge jurasunas


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Page 1: Health and Disease by Iridology Examination - Professor Serge Jurasunas

Health and Disease by Iridology Examination

By Professor Serge Jurasunas

Today with all the recent developments and new devices found in

both conventional and alternative medicine, we may wonder if

Iridology is still as reliable and has kept a place in the diagnosis of

patient diseases, biological terrain and organic function. I

originally learned about Iridology when I first met Dr. Bernard

Jensen N.D., D.C., PhD., back in 1962 in Los Angeles. He was

probably the greatest or at least one of the greatest Iridologists

of his time, a true pioneer of the past century. I have always been

fascinated by Iridology, since observing an iris is like opening a

window on your patient's physical, psychological and hereditary

condition, which to me is critical in understanding your patient's


Over the past 50 years I have always used Iridology even if we

have other modern equipment at our disposal including molecular

markers testing because I feel that Iridology should remain the

main diagnostic tool for a true Naturopathic doctor. Lately many

medical doctors have been taking Iridology courses which really

favors this science.

A Brief View of Iridology:

We could say that looking into the iris is a relatively new science

but historically speaking, its not. Even if we refer to Ignazt Von

Peczely (1822-1911) as the father of Iridology, the oldest

archaeological records show a form of iris interpretation was used

in Mesopotamia as far back as 1000BC. I personally have a copy

of an iris chart dated from 600BC found in a cave in Israel. We

also have some references by the physician Philippus Meyers in

the year 1670, where in his book he described the division of the

iris according to the organ regions of the body. Dr. Henry Lindhar

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M.D., D.O. introduced Iridology in the USA and published his

first book Nature Cure Philosophy and Practice, a monumental

work in 1913 Other well known names include Dr. M. Mc Lain,

F.W. Collins, H. Kristzer. This does not even mention the German

pioneers and the enormous amount of publications made since

1913. So yes Iridology is not new. While we can say Iridology's

teaching and practice was done under an empirical state, the same

can be said for medicine and even oncology at the beginning.

Why the Iris can Reflect the Body's Organs:

Recent new discoveries in embryology are finally showing some

strong support regarding the relationship between the iris, the

brain, the nervous system and the position of the organs found in

the embryo. With regard to human embryology, iris tissue derives

from the same embryological layer as the nervous system, we call

the ectoderm. Since the eye is formed from embryonic brain

tissue, it has a real neurological umbilical cord in which the

written data derives from the parental body's condition and

nervous system. It is interesting to learn that the hypothalamus has

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a rich neural connection with all aspects of the eyes, including the

iris, pupil, pigmented retinal epithelium (IPB), retina and sclera

during the it's development and maturation in-utero. The

hypothalamus receives, processes and sends information to the

eyes and iris constantly. Observing both the brain area and the

hypothalamus remains one of the major examinations in Iridology.

In fact the eyes are connected directly with the sympathetic

nervous system and the spinal cord, while the optic tract extends

to the thalamus area of the brain itself functioning as a major relay

and integration station for the information that goes to all the areas

of the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, hypothalamus and brain stem.

Iris analysis can uncover hereditary parthenogenesis decades

before any symptoms occur or conventional diagnostic testing

may be able to reveal. In fact over my decades of practice I have

predicted physical disease and cognitive disorders, even cancer to

patients that came back to me after 4 years or even after 30 years

after their initial consultation with a diagnosed disease. I even

mention such an example in my book along with supporting iris


This was possible because all the parental inheritance was

included right at the beginning of embryonic development cycle

since the eyes are formed before the organs start to differentiate

with all the genes already being present in the mass of iris cells,

fully encoded with the genetic system. When we are born, all the

data related to the tissues of the organism, the nervous system, the

mechanical and psychological brain, the organs and the lymphatic

system are already imprinted in the iris stroma just like a map or


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Embryonic Development of the Nervous System and


This article can not describe the whole Science of Iridology since

this needs a book by itself. It does explain why or how health and

disease begin in the colon and the embryonic association between

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the gut and other organs of the body. Long before we associated

the intestine as our second brain, we utilized Iridology to make

this association quite visible in the iris provided one had the

knowledge and experience to do so. This is what I first observed

many years ago.

All the organs of our body are formed from the 3 layers embryonic

tissue which are the ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm. We are

going to see that the gut and other internal organs like the liver,

pancreas, heart, lung, bladder and kidney are made from the same

embryonic tissue as the endoderm that also keeps a link with the

nervous system and brain that comes from the ectoderm. The

position of the body's organs in the iris chart is corresponds

exactly to the same position of the body's organ development in

the embryo (See my book for more detail). Just to explain, in the

embryo the nervous system is developed right alone side of the

gut, called the spinal nervous system or notochord. The

anatomical position of the gut is located right in the middle of the

embryo and the central nervous system (brain) is located on the

top exactly as shown in the iris topography. The spinal cord has

little branches that go almost everywhere in the body even

extending to the organs including the gut and maintains a close

relationship. At 8 weeks internal organ buds are beginning to form

along the gut, extending as they develop, to feed them. (see


Therefore we have an embryologic relationship between the gut

and the internal organs made from the same tissue and a

relationship between the gut, the nervous system and the brain.

This is what the iris can show you since by referring to the iris

chart you realize that actually organs are situated according to

their position in the embryo (see figure). In placing the embryo

outline over the iris chart, we see the areas of the ectoderm, the

mesoderm and the endoderm developed as they are found in the

embryo and relate to the location of the various organs and body

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structures. Now if where the liver buds the tissue colon is weak

you probably have a bad liver and the iris will show some specific

signs. Since the beginning of my practice I always observe the

colon area first and then around what is called the collarette or the

autonomic nervous system that emerges from the bowel during the

development of the embryo, which represents our nervous,

physical and emotional constitution and it's relation with the colon

itself, the liver and pancreas.

The collarette is a main landmark within the iris and considered to

be one of our most important structures in the entire body. The

difference in collarette structure that goes all around the colon as a

circle in normal condition can appear contracted, restricted, in a

zig-zag pattern or even distended. This is indicative of our nervous

constitution, our hereditary status of emotional and physical

condition. This observation of the colon and collarette is crucial

since it may inform us about the origin of a lung, liver or pancreas

disease because there is an arc reflex existing between the colon,

the collarette and one particular organ. In Iridology practice we

found today that most patients have a bad liver that doesn't detox,

they have a bad pancreas but they don't know about these

conditions. Many non-sick patients show risk of pancreatic cancer

with an arc reflex syndrome visible in their iris. I remember

warning a patient about a high risk of ovarian cancer because her

left iris showed an arc reflex syndrome involving the ovary and

really a very intoxicated colon especially the sigmoid.

Unfortunately she didn't pay attention and never came back for

consultation. But 4 years later, what do you think ? She came in to

see me with the diagnosis of ovarian cancer and was undergoing

chemotherapy which she could have avoided by listening to my


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Often you may observe that the colon area is extended to one

particular organ like the liver or lung for instance. Why? Once

the organs of our body are formed they are covered with tissue

called peritoneum, which is itself generated from the intestine. So

all of our internal organs in the embryo are covered by this tissue

which originates from the colon wall. Therefore, we can say that

each one of our organs has an embryonic relationship with the

colon. All the organs are placed around the intestinal tract exactly

like in the embryo. This is why Iridology is important as a way to

diagnose a patient and know about his or her hereditary status, to

understand the whole condition and the cause of the disease.

Today we also realize that intestinal disorders are probably the

main problem in our society coming from unhealthy diet, stress

and bad bowel function. This is central in an iris examination

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because looking at the colon in the iris you can observe where the

weaker tissue zones are located that pick up more toxins and

always appear darker. We also look at the nearest opposite internal

organ by remembering the collarette's structure. First you observe

an intoxicated colon, maybe also with some inflammation, maybe

a spasmodic colon, a ballooned colon, a prolapse of the transverse

colon or sigmoid, maybe diverticulosis, a colitis or even a very

dark intoxicated colon resulting from chronic constipation.

This is the one subject of my book addressing the introduction of

intestinal disease and how to treat it with natural remedies and

diet. Besides local disease we need to also observe for an arc

reflex syndrome that may be the cause of a chronic hepatitis, lung

cancer, lung fibrosis, ovary cancer, kidney dysfunction and also

other organic dysfunctions or symptoms. I am speaking of cancer

since many readers may know my long term involvement with this

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disease. Every year I still handle 200-300 cancer cases while 20

years ago it was double or more. Even with using other modern

diagnostics and for the past 10 years molecular markers testing, I

still feel that Iridology is always a good diagnostic approach for

cancer patients.

A few years ago I developed an iris chart showing a breast cancer

profile being the number one cancer coming to our clinic. Being a

very emotional disease I discovered over the past 40 years, the

relationship between breast cancer with constipation which is the

subject of a whole chapter in my book. As I explain chronic

constipation is responsible for a number of symptoms, organic

disorders and even disease from toxemia and auto-intoxication

which for Naturopaths may be seen as the prime cause of disease.

More recently I heard about the report from Filip Scheperjans, a

researcher at the Department of Neurology at the Hospital

University of Helsinki (Finland) saying that constipation precedes

several years before the manifestation of nervous motor symptoms

related to Parkinson disease. Is this anything new ? I have been

claiming this for years, where Iridology can really show how

intoxicated patients are with Parkinsons disease.

Just remember that 70 million Americans suffer from constipation

with a bowel movement every 2 or 3 days or even 4 or 5 days as it

happens with many patients coming to see me. It means 4 pounds

of toxic waste and feces are stored in the colon that sticks to the

wall developing putrefaction with infiltration of toxins into blood

circulation. Some reports show that the average American

accumulates up to 6 kg of feces in the colon, sometimes even

more. It creates conditions for the formation of gas and flatulence

which are visible in an iris examination. Pains, headaches ,

nervousness, irritability, bladder infection not even mentioning

ovarian cysts, colon ulcers, bad circulation in legs and so many

other disorders can be discovered.

This gave me the opportunity to develop an iris chart showing the

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relationship between the colon reflex points and the body organ

dysfunctions which represent the long road of my experience with

Clinical Iridology. Of course we cannot forget about the brain

since we are talking about the intestine as our second brain but

even long before we were observing this mechanism since

Iridology really shows the relationship between the colon and the

brain which in the iris chart is situated above the intestinal tract

between 11:00 o'clock and 1:00 o'clock. Often we observe the

presence of Radii Solaris or radical furrows coming up from the

transverse colon and going through the brain area especially on the

hypothalamus zone. First it shows an infiltration of toxins into the

brain area and affecting the hypothalamus a gland associated with

various interactions of psychoneuroimmunology, not to mention

the regulation of different systems in our body, being central to

appetite, energy level, etc. One other hypothesis is that neuro-

toxins produced by intestinal bacteria can stimulate the neurons of

the intestine that in turn activate the vagus nerve going to the brain

causing nervous dysfunction.

When you use Live Blood Analysis along with an iris examination

Hypothalamus-Radial Sign

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it is amazing to see just how intoxicated the blood of patients with

chronic constipation can become, along with other diseases that

include breast cancer, which always indicates bacterial invasion. It

shows what you see in irises with congestion of the lymphatic

system, of the Extra Cellular Matrix (E.C.M.) or bad kidney

function offers a visual record of accumulated toxins, bacteria,

yeast forms like candida, heavy crystals or oxidized fats.

Intoxicated blood circulates to the brain and we know that bacteria

release neuro-toxins that develop inflammation of neurons, but it

also can affect our cells since intoxicated blood with lower oxygen

reaches the cells and nourishes them deficiently. Cells make up

tissues and tissues make up organs and organs make up the body.

So to be healthy we need healthy cells, we need a healthy E.C.M.

(cellular environment) and especially healthy mitochondria. If you

look at the the figure of the Iris embryology map you'll find in the

ciliary zone the E.C.M., connective tissue and the lymphatic

circulation just next to the periphery of the iris is often congested,

also called lymphopathy (See my book). This is the basis of

Naturopathic principles but today with support from modern

research concerning the relation of the cells with the E.C.M. We

find in the case of chronic toxicity or inflammation the fluid

consistency of the matrix becomes stiffer causing the connective

tissue to become more gelatinous and even causing an edema in

the E.C.M. This can further cause a blockage in the exchange

between the cells and the rest of the body which can provoke a

total collapse of the cell's mitochondria and may initiate a process

of cancer.

Today science is studying the variation of the human genome and

has come to the conclusion that four letters of the alphabet of the

gene ACGT is responsible for disease and cancer. But who or what

is responsible for this? Toxic environment! Yes but also a bad

colon or a bad liver. A bad nervous system, chronic constipation

can even adversely affect your immune system. So yes, Health

and Disease Begin in the Colon as Seen through Iridology, and

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remember that the gut is the first soft tissue organ developed in the

embryo. Also we should consider that the intestine or gut with

original embryonic development is in the middle of the organism

and everything else derived from it. Every organ, gland and tissue

in the body depends on it and what comes from it, including food,

digestion and elimination. Everything depends on this and so do

our cells and our health status, even possible future diseases .

The beginning of each treatment should be concerned with the

balancing of the embryonic germinal tissue layers such as the

ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm, speaking of the colon and

internal organs. Such an approach also includes protocols for

detoxifying the colon, liver, kidney, lymphatic system and E.C.M.

This is then followed by regeneration of the tissue cells, DNA of

the intestine which including the microbiome situated in the small

intestine, all well defined in the iris chart. Then we address any

internal organ making an arc reflex condition that involves the

collarette needing a specific treatment. See my book for

detoxification protocols and associated therapies,vegetable juice

cure and natural supplementation.

The contribution which iris diagnosis can offer to medicine and

thus to the individual in health and disease, lies in that very field

of preventive medicine making an essential distinction between a

healthy iris and person and a sick person. It can establish the

constitutional weakness of a patient, his or her genetic

individuality and the family predisposition pathology before

manifestation of the disease. When you observe a very bad colon

and collarette in a patient you are also looking at the colon and

nervous system of parents and grandparents. In my book you will

see iris photos of a bad colon and the associated symptoms in the

case of a young woman next to the iris photo of her mother having

the same problem. Even better we could say the genetic

predisposition the daughter inherited from the mother.

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Often we look to holistic medicine because the whole body is one

with the physical, mental and spiritual status which today already

has been proven. This new science is called

psychoneuroimmunology, but since Iridology has always shown

that all the organs of the body are connected with each other that

more importantly you are observing the genetic condition of your

patient. From the study of embryology and the observation of the

organs and systems connecting with each other, we can say by

looking at the real condition that the iris is a vital and highly

credible dynamic tool for analysis and diagnostics.

Here are the words of Hippocrates: “The whole is more than the

parts but the part belongs to the whole”.


Bernard Jensen D.C. PhD. Embryo Throughout Life. Text


John Andrew. Embryology in Iridology. Text book. UK.2004.

J. Deck Differentiation of iris marking. *Book published by the

author, 1980.

Serge Jurasunas M.D.(Hom) N.D. The Biological Approach to

Breast Cancer. Deutscher Heilpraktikertag Congress 2004

Dusseldorf. Germany. (Available online)

Serge Jurasunas M.D.(Hom) N.D. Health and Disease Begin in

the Colon. Featuring Prof. Jurasunas' Natural Medicine. Ingram

Spark USA. UK. 2016

Serge Jurasunas is an internationally well-known doctor of

Naturopathic Medicine and Professor of Naturopathic Oncology,

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with 50 years of clinical experience in the treatment of cancer. He

is a pioneer in developing innovative therapies in cancer treatment

and an expert in Live blood Analysis, Dried Blood Oxidative

Stress testing and Iridology. Serge Jurasunas has now become a

specialist in Molecular Markers testing related to cancer patients

and patients with high risk of cancer. He is a internationally

known lecturer and frequent contributor to The Townsend Letter.

For more information and to learn about cancer treatment, colon

detox, Iridology and Molecular Markers , please visit www. or E-mail [email protected].

Skype: Serge Jurasunas. Phone. 351-912565038 in Lisbon,
