harry potter and deathly hallows

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‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’

• Arati Maheta

• Rasila Jambucha

• Saryu Baraiya

• Shital Italiya

• Shubhda Parmar

• Ankita Makwana


J. K. Rowling

TYPE OF WORK: Speculative fiction.

GENRE: Magic realism, Fiction, Bildungsroman,

Fantasy, Young adult fiction, Thriller, Mystery

LANGUAGE: English (It translated into 65


TIME AND PLACE WRITTEN: Scotland, 2005 –



PUBLISHER: Bloomsbury Publishing, London,

Berlin, New York and Sidney

NARRATOR: Third person

POINT OF VIEW: Subjective, showing Harry

Potter’s thoughts and feelings

TONE: Brooding, emotional, suspenseful


SETTING (TIME): Present day

SETTING (PLACE): Various locations in

the UK including London, Diagon

Alley, number twelve Grimmauld Place,

the Forest of Dean, Hogwarts, School of

Witchcraft and Wizardry


MAJOR CONFLICT: Harry potter must find and destroy

Voldemort’s Horcruxes, which are well hidden

and well defended, but he struggles with the fact that

Dumbledore’s instructions are extremely cryptic, and

rumors about Dumbledore undermine Harry’s confidence

in him.

CLIMAX: Harry sees Dumbledore talking to Snape in the

pensive and learns that Dumbledore planned Harry’s


FALLING ACTION: Harry doesn’t die and learns that

Dumbledore really loved him. Harry defeats Voldemort.

THEMES: The difficulty of loving the dead; the importance

of second chances; keeping faith with the dead

MOTIFS: Rumor and gossip; mastering death.

SYMBOLS: The Resurrection Stone; the Elder Wand; the

Invisible clock; Together they are Hallows of Death.


Harry Potter and the

Deathly Hallows

Part- 1

Harry Potter and the

Deathly Hallows

Part- 2

1) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

2) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret

3) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

4) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

5) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

6) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

7) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

• Harry has finally come of age, and finally started on his final journey to defeat Voldemort for good. The Dursely’s are forced to go into hiding so that Voldemort’s Death Eaters will not torture them for information, and Harry sets off with Ron and Hermione on a difficult quest to find and destroy the last of Voldemort’s Horcruxes. Only once those have been destroyed, Harry knows, can Voldemort truly be killed.

• It’s not easy. Harry is plagued with rumours of Dumbledore’s past, and begins to wonder if the Headmaster he so long revered might have had a much darker past than he ever let on. The three are frequently without food, and with winter coming their journey is no day at the beach. Because of their lack of plan, lack of food, and lack of progress, their spirits are often low, and Ron especially becomes argumentative. One night he and Harry get into an epic fight and Ron leaves to go back home.

• Harry and Hermione are devastated that he’d abandoned them. They finally decide to revisit Godric’s Hollow in search of clues, and once again they’re almost caught by Voldemort. Every step they make, it seems, he is there anticipating them. They’ve almost died too many times to count, and their spirits sink even lower when Harry discovers his wand was broken in the battle.

• Ron redeems himself a few weeks later by coming back and saving Harry’s life in the nick of time. They manage to destroy another Horcrux with Gryffindor’s sword, and they become excited again as they begin to learn about a mysterious trio of magical objects called the Deathly Hallows. Whomever possesses the three objects will be a master of death, and to Harry, it’s his one chance to beat Voldemort and live to tell the tale.

• As his adventures and the danger he’s in increases, Harry begins to truly understand what Dumbledore intended him to do. He realizes, almost at the last minute, that his own life will have to be sacrificed in order for Voldemort to truly be vanquished. Filled with love for his friends, he willingly gives his life so that they may live.

• His last act of heroism, however, saves his life. He meets Dumbledore again in death, and Dumbledore answers many of his questions. He is given a choice to stay or to go back, and he chooses to go back and fight.

• It’s all over between Harry and Voldemort with just one spell. Harry is left alive, the true master of the Hallows, and Voldemort is killed for good. He now understands more than he ever has about love (which he loves Ginny), and life, and sacrifice, and in spite of the loss of many of his friends during the last battle, is grateful for the second chance he’s been given at life, and love.




Perseverance power


Death Good vs. Evil

• Doubts Harry feels

-Dumbledore really loved him?

( when he learns Dumbledore had a mother and

sister buried in the same place as Harry’s parents)

• Once Snape was a death eaters

- earlier = working for Voldemort

- but then, helping Dumbledore in his mission

(when he knows, Voldemort kills Lily)

• Ron character

- earlier = help Harry

- then, when things get too tough he give up

because of some misunderstanding or jealousy. i.e.

wearing locate horcrux

- then he realizes his mistake and come back again

• Believing in Dumbledore’s quest after he is dead is not easy

for Harry

• Snape: loyal follower of Dumbledore but also he was loyal to

Lily Potter

- keeping faith with the women he loved after her


• Dobby the house-elf gets himself killed saving Harry and his


- and dies in Harry’s arms

- the process of burying Dobby helps put Harry

into a better frame of mind about his mission

- then Harry reminds that, he made a promise to

his dead friend that he needs to honor

• Tom Riddle

- grew without the unconditional love and care

- in early life because of lack of love = find



- he also murders his father and grandparents and


their death to create horcrux

• Snape loves Lily

- Voldemort kills Lily

( if he didn’t kill her, then he still have had a loyal

servant and Harry might have been successfully killed

• Harry has friend

(they believe in him and his mission)

• Voldemort has followers

(they have fear that he kill him)

• To create a horcrux is through the murder of another

• Voldemort greatest fear: killing others to save his life

• James and Lily Potter surrender to death to save

their son

• Harry face death bravely

(when at the end Voldemort invite him to meet in the

forest and he look ‘snitch’

“ I open at the close”

• He realizes that can only be opened as he is facing

his death

• Using Resurrection stone : recalls his loved ones

temporarily from death

- gains courage to face Voldemort and his own


• Dumbledore -

‘'Do not pity the dead Harry, pity the living.”

• Voldemort and Death Eaters represent the “Evil”

• Harry and his friend represent the “good”

• Snape character (c0mplex)

• Lily’s sacrifice herself for Harry

• Harry give up his life to save the world and others

• After Dumbledore’s death he’s lost the guiding light

and got chance to make his own decision

• If he might take wrong decision, then many people

affected by his decision

• Voldemort, at the end , is given a chance at

redemption but he refuse

• Dumbledore -

“ It is our choices Harry, that show us who we truly

are, far more than our abilities”.

• Voldemort’s thirst for power takes him on a torturing and

murdering spree.

Main character

11 year old

He lives with his aunt and uncle

Harry was an orphan child when

An evil wizard Lord Voldemort killed

his personal becomes Harry’s

personal goal to stop Lord Voldemort

from hurting anyone else.

Best friend.

He is good friend.

Ron comes from a large


He is shy and not very


He want to be a good


Hermione Granger

One of Harry’s closest friend

She is very good .

She was very studious and


Hermione first met Harry

Potter and Ron aboard the

Hogwarts Express.

The Good Guys




He is the headmaster of the

Wizarding school Hogwarts.

He is powerful wizard

He is a fictional character


The school key keeper

He is a semi giant

He is very kind and love

strange creatures.

He was also one of the first

characters to imply that the

idea of thinking of wizards

as “Pure bloods” and “half

bloods” is a dated concept.

Sirius Black

Harry’s parents best friend

He helps Harry to becomes

a good boy and an excellent


The Bad Guys


Draco Malfoy


The most evil


Hates Harry Potter

Wants to kill him

Killed Harry’s



Draco’s father

He is Voldemort’s friend

one of the death eaters.

Hates Harry Potter

He was a pure blood


DracoHe doesn’t like Harry Potter

He wants to beat him in

every competition


Draco is characterised as a

cowardly bully who

manipulates and hurts

people to get what he wants;

nevertheless, he is a cunning

user of magic.

Strange Creatures

Dobby is a house

elf owned by the

Malfoy Family, who

first appears

in Harry Potter and

the Chamber of

Secrets to discourage

Harry from

returning to






They have the

body of a horse,

and the torso,

arms and head of

a human man.

Giant serpent, also

known as the King of


It is a creature bred

by Dark Wizard.




Non being dark creature

As Harry struggles with his

reaction to the Dementors—

dark creatures with the

power to devour a human


About Deathly Hallows :

The Deathly Hallows are the three magical

objects that are the focus of Harry potter and

Deathly Hallows.

The first brother chose a wand that

could not be defeated in battle.

The second asked for a way to bring

back someone from the dead.

The third selected a cloak that made the

wearer invisible, even to Death himself.

Elder Wand

: Dumbledore arranged his own

death with Snape, he planned

Snape to "end up with the Elder


His death would not have been the

result of his defeat, Dumbledore hoped

this might crack the wand's power.

In 7th part, Voldemort learns about the

wand and goes on a search for it, and

finally learns Dumbledore had overcome

the wand. He breaks into Dumbledore's

tomb and claims the wand as his own.

Resurrection Stone :

The stone was in a while passed

to Harry during Dumbledore's will,

hidden inside the Golden snitch that

Harry caught with his mouth, nearly

swallowing it, in his first-

ever quidditch match.

The Snitch revealed the

message "I open at the close"

when touched by Harry's lips.

Harry uses the Stone to call

his parents to comfort him before

he confronts Voldemort.

Invisibility Cloak :

Harry Potter’s world,

an Invisibility Clock is used to

create the wearer invisible.

Invisibility cloaks concern for the

wearer from visual detection only,

meaning that even though the

wearer cannot be seen they are still

solid, and can as a result be felt by

physical contact.

Four Horcruxes


Ravenclaw’s Diadem


Harry Potter

Hufflepuff’s Cup :

This Hufflepuff’s Cup removed by


She used one of the fangs to

destroy the cup inside the chamber .


Ravenclaw’s Diadem

: The Diadem was a piece

of jewellery, it is highly likely

Voldemort put curses on the


This horcruxes

removed by Harry potter .

Nagini :

Nagini was a long, green

female snake belonging to

Voldemort .

Voldemort had a special

relationship with Nagini, as she was

his pet and one of his Horcruxes .

Deluminator :

It is used to remove or attract

the light from any light source to

give cover to the user.

In Deathly Hallows, it is

bequeathed to Ron by Dumbledore.


• 1) The film opens with a nice

series of vignettes showing

Hermione, Ron and Harry

each preparing for their

coming journey.

• 2) It's a sad and really

touching way to start off the

film, and a reminder that the

movies are often as much

about Ron and Hermione as

they are about Harry.

While the text only

described as Hermione,

holding back tears, wipes

her parents' memories to

protect them.



• Movie doesn’t spent more

time to spend trio for

watching , we can see it is

just for the musical


• No emphasize given to the



• when in the book they spent

weeks figuring out every

single detail. It makes the

whole thing feel a little more

slipshod, but then again, a lot

more suspenseful, since you

have no idea when the trio

stops knowing exactly what

they're doing. Well, make that

Hermione– Ron and Harry

never really did seem to know

how the plot was supposed to



• Hermione usually isn't into things like dancing and needing comforting, unless Viktor Krum is involved– but when Harry and Hermione are depressed about Ron running away, they tune into a song on the radio and share a silly, friendly dance together. It says so much about the level of their relationship, which is especially important given Ron's Horcrux nightmare later that puts Harry and Hermione together kissing-- we know completely from the dance that theirs is a deep, platonic friendship, something the books have much more time to explain but is done nicely and quickly in the movie.

• It's a scene that never

could have worked in

the book.


They barely use the invisibility cloak.As they escape Death Eaters and go back and forth

from Grimmauld Place and apparate to a new camping spot

every night, Harry, Ron and Hermione constantly duck under

the invisibility cloak for extra protection. Not only does the

invisibility never actually look that great on film, but it allows for

a lot fewer close calls, which are more fun to watch in the

movie. The invisibility cloak isn't forgotten, of course-- they trio

share a significant look when it's revealed as one of the Deathly

Hallows-- but everything moves a lot faster and easier to watch

without it.

The Tale of the Three Brothers is animated.

This isn't so much a change as something that

was added for the sake of the movie, since Hermione

reads the story aloud the same way she did in the

book. But the animation does a great job of telling the

story visually, and in a style even creepier than the

real-life stuff we see in the movies. It's a nice little

surprise treat near the end of the movie, even for the

people with no interest in the fairy tale behind the

Deathly Hallows.


• We see in the movie

Harry broke the elder

wand and through away.

• In the text we may find the

idea that Harry put the

elder wand on the grave

of Dumbledore.


Annotated Bibliographyhttp://www.cinemablend.com/new/10-Big-Differences-Between-The-Harry-

Potter-And-The-Deathly-Hallows-Book-And-Movie-21819.html By Katey


We can read difference between movie and the text from this site


We can find Characters and Plot summary from this site


hallows-by-j-k-rowling/ by J.K. Rowling


In this link we find minor themes, motif and symbol. And it was by Dr. Robert R.


here in this site three major themes I found