harrisburg telegraph. (harrisburg, pa.) 1914-01-24 [p 13]€¦ · lost lost on north second street,...

Lost LOST On North Second street, be- tween Locust and South streets, i "brown fur neckpiece, heads, tails and feet. A suitable regard if returned to 307 North Second street. City. LOST Brown leather wallet, con- taining sum of money, card and photo graphfbetween P. & R. RX- al }^ 1107 Wallace street. Please? r«turn to Henry Ward, newsboy. P. & R- Station. IJOST Will the lady who PJCLWJJ the black lynx muff in place *|er own at Royal Hall, Third street, Wednesday evening, please return to 317 Walnut Btreet and get her own? LOST Gold watch fob on Monday night Initials on charm. H. A. F. Re- ward If returned to H. A. Funk, 41» Hamilton street. Found FOUND On Friday evening, at Second and Pine streets. f "r neckpiece Dwner may have same by calling at 703 Second street, identifying prop- irty and paying for this advertisement. Help Wanted ?Male A SOLICITOR. *IO.OO a week and ommission. Address S? 912, care of Telegraph. A YOUNG man, employed In large es- ablisliment, to act as our representa- Ive. He can make good money wiin ut Interfering with his regular worn. tox 503. - BOY to learn manufacturing Jewelry rade. Paid while learning. Must DO onest and highly recommended, ln- ulre A. Mednik, 331 Market street, larrisburg, Pa. , FIRST-CLASS man to represent us In wn locality, whole or part time..SP'en- id opportunity for "Live Wire. Key tono Correspondence School, iteauui», 'a. FOREMAN" of tinisliing room with ex- erience on ladies' shoes. Address, ?ith reference, experience and wagis anted. Apply llarrisburg Shoe Mfg. 0., Harrisburg, Pa. GOVERNMENT E XAMI NAT I ONS , lOrough preparations, $5. Returned if ot appointed. Particulars free, merlcan Civil Service {school, Wash- igton, D. C. f GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy > get. My free booklet, Y-3i2, tells DW. Write to-day?NOW. Larl Hop- ins, Washington, D. C. HIGH-CLASS man to sell trees, lrub, roses, vines, berry bushes, bulbs, :c. Good wages. Permanent. Excni- ve territory. Brown Brothers Nur- iries, Rochester, New York. _ I WILL START YOU earning $4 dally t home In spare time, silvering mlr- irs; no capital; free instructive book- t, giving plans of operations. C*. t. edmond, Dept. 268, Boston, Mass. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANT- D. No canvassing or soliciting re- tired. Good income assured. Address itional Co-Operatlve Realty Co., \ - 0, Marden Building, Washington, v. c. MEN to sell seeds to farmers anil namental stock in towns. Apply at kce. Herrlck Seed Company, Roches- h N. -y. ?? ORGANIZERS to solicit members and ganize lodges. Order of Owls, South ?nd, Ind. « RAILWAY MAILCLERKS ajid Clerk- irriers. Thousands needed. Splendid laries. Examinations soon. 1 con- cted examinations. Trial Examtna- >n Free. Write Ozment. 54-D, St. mis. Mo. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED. 00 first year, promotion to ?i.»uo. ax- linatlons February 21 in every btate. mmon education sufficient with my aching. Full information free. r booklet C-372, Eaj-1 Hopkins, Wash- fton, D. C. RAILWAY MAIL examinations, Peb- iry 21. Thorough training, $5. Ke- rned if not appointed. Particulars ;e. American Civil foervice bchool, ishington, D. C. WHITE boy, 16 years of age, for neral light work. Apply In person, naidson Paper Company, 110-110 rth Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. i'OtJNG men, between the ages of -1 d 30, with selling ability, now em- lyed but not satisfied, can better sir opportunities by selling llfo lnsur- ce. Address P. O. Box 503, Harrls- rg. 1100.00 WEEKLY PROFIT in spare le at home. Mail order business j't worry about capital. Boyd 11. jwn, Omaha, Neb. i 3,000-SIO,OOO yearly easily made. Our item insures success. Unparalleled, :ome established. Valuable book e. Interstate Realty Co., Pittsbuigh. Help Wanted?Female l LADY can earn SIO.OO weekly copy- letters, spare time at home. Book- -10 cents in silver. Tells How. Lom- rcial Copying Association, AVashing- , D. C. lN energetic, educated woman, desir- a permanent position, with good in- le, will inquire F. D., 909, care of egraph. .NY lady can earn SIO.OO weekly, ying letters, spare time at home; iklet 10 cents in silver tells how. >!tal Letter Writing Co., Box 364, shington, D. C. ' iXPERIENCED soleing girls to -k on infants' soft sole shoes. Good res to right party. Steady employ- lt. Eureka Shoe Co., Calder and -ion streets. ADIES, sewing at home. Material uished. No canvassing. Steady ?k. Stamped envelope for partlcu- i. Calumet Supply Co., Dept. A-95, waukee, Wis. ADIES WANTED to stencil cards; manent home work evenings; sls ikly; strictly legitimate; no experi- e; no canvassing; excellent oppor- Ity; enclose stamp. International Co., Chicago. ADIES Work at home making kwear; $3 dozen; experience unnec- try; dime for pattern instruction, rl Mfg. Co., 25 Salamanca, i\. Y. ERSONS to do easy, pleasant col- g work at home; good pay; no can- iing; no experience required. Illus- ed particulars free. Helping Hand ?es. Hunter Building, Chicago. SWING MACHINE operators, also ners, to make aprons, etc. Harris- -1 Apparel Co., over City Star ndry. State street, rear entrance. VANTED l2 girls over 16 rs of age. Apply, Silk Mill. FOR RENT. HOUSES 30 Boas St., 2% s. b., 7 r., ...,*lO )6 N. Cameron St., 2 s. f., 6 r., $lO )8 Greenwood St., 3 s. f., 8 r., *ll 2 S. 20th St., 6 r. & b., sl2 1 Cowden St., 3 s. f 910 ! N. Third St., housekeeping apart- nents, 5 r. b? eity steam heat, 935 ?7 N. Second St., 3 s. b 947.50 )9 N. 3d St.. 3 s. b.. 10 r. b. N. Front St.. 3 s. b., 10 r. and 2 b. naltlMon Apartment*?Second, near jocust St.,. very desirable single ?ooms and suites of two, three md four rooms. rth of Went Fain leiv?2^-story Iramo 915 gkaplre, Second near Lombard St., 1% 8. b. &f. Lot 80x200 912 ilte Hill?Hummel Ave 912 HOUSES FROM APRIL 1 Mulberry St.. 2 s. 1)., 6 r 913 Camp St., 3 s. b? 10 r. & b .. 920 8 N. 3d St., 3 s. b., 9 r. & b., 935 4 N. 3d SC. 3 s. b., 9 r. & b. ... 930 iller Bros. & Baker leral Square Opp. I'ost Office i SATURDAY EVENING, Help Wanted ?Female WHITE woman for general house- work. Apply 702 North Sixth street. WHITE girl for child's nurse, and to do light housework. Address 8., 911, care of Telegraph. WHITE girl for general housework. Two in family. Must be able to cook. No washing. Inquire between 6 and 8, evenings, 229 Forster street. WHITE girl of 18 or 20 years, to help In light housework; small family; gooo home; no washing; references required. Reply by letter at once, 8., 907, care of Telegraph. Help Wanted ?Male and Female WILL pav Reliable Man or Woman ! $12.50 to distribute 100 FREE packages Perfumed Borax Soap Powder among friends. No money required. Ward Borax Co., 216 Institute Place, Chicago. Situations Wanted?Male MIDDLE-AGED man wants work in grocery store; three yeas' experience; speaks six foreign languages. Ad- dress P. O. Box 791, City. . YOUNG BAKER, experienced in all lines of baked goods, coming direct from New York, desires a position with a bakery that will appreciate the good service he can render. Let me do your baking for a profit. Reference from New York If necessary. Address J. W. F., care of Harrisburg Telegraph. YOUNG boy, 15 years old, desires po- sition of any kind. Call, or address, 1117 Grape avenue. Situations Wanted ?Female BY white woman, washing and iron- ing to do at home. Call 821 Myrtle avenue. BY colored woman, work by day or week. 315 Nectarine street. COLORED girl wants general house- work; no washing. Apply 107% Adams street, Steelton, Pa. COLORED woman wants position as cook in hotel or boardlnghouse, or to do general housework. Call, or address, 520 Brown avenue. DAY'S work of any kind by colored woman for Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; references. Call 616 Church avenue. DAY'S work, or work by the week. Call, or address, 1442 Derry street. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants posi- tion as assistant cook, dishwasher or chambermaid. Address Mrs. F. It., 214 North Arch street, Mechanlcsburg, Pa. WHITE woman wishes washing and ironing to do at home. Call, or address, 1533 Logan avenue. City. WOMAN, well connected, wants to find a home in a Christian family as companion and to assist in light house- work. Address C., 913, care of Tele- graph. Agents Wanted RELIABLE party, with small cash capital, to take agency for patented article; recommended by all who use it. Address The Safety Wire Gas Globe Co., Columbus, Ohio. MR. MAIL ORDER MAN. BEGINNERS. ESTABLISHED FIRMS, DEAL with responsible corporation. We manufacture and distribute best sell- ers. Factory prices. Classy proposi- tion. Start spare time. Quick returns. Small capital. Absolutely no fake scheme. Write for free prospectus. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY CO., INCORPORATED, -IB EAST FIFTH, PITTSBURG. KANSAS. MEN or women can earn $lO to SSO a week taking orders for our fast-selling seven-bar box, high-grade Toilet Soap. Big Seller?loo per cent, commission. Repeat orders assured. Credit given if desired. Write at once for full par- ticulars. Crofts & Reed Co., Chicago, Dept. S. WIDE-AWAKE agents are coining money with our easily demonstrated Specialties. Write to-day for particu- lars, Sample, and new Catalog. Snyder Economy Co., 50 Gorman avenue, Balti- more, Md. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED to Sell our specialties. Big profits; quick sales. Write for particulars to-dav. The Argyle Specialty Co., 6419 Argyie avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS A great proposition. Easiest and best selling article on market. Large profits. Write to-day. Carbon Specialty Co., 22 East Ridge street, Lansford, Pa. SOAP AGENTS Our Sanitary Skin Soap has everything beat for profits; we protect you in territory; sample and premium list free. Daley Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. AGENTS for a money-maker. Some- thing new. Fast seller. Sure repeater. Particulars free. F. and M. Co., 736 Redgate avenue, Norfolk, Va. IN State of Pennsylvania to handle KLEENKOPIE carbon paper and type- writer ribbons. Particulars free. Rustic Sales Co., Rustic, N. J. TO sell to auto owners the best "Sparks Gaps" on earth. Address Roul E. Germain. 1715 North Robertson street. New Orleans, La. Salesmen Wanted EXPERIENCE unnecessary, easy work, big pay. Write for large list of openings ottering opportunities to earn SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn; position assured. Address Dept. 417, National Salesmen's Training Associa- tion, Chicago, New York, Kansas City, San Francisco. SALESMAN to sell well-known line of Fruit Ciders In small country towns 25 per cent, commission, $35.00 weekly drawing account. Oldest cider firm in the United States. Red Cross Company, 204 South Main street, St. Louis. Mo Dept. 6. FOR the Help-a-phone; almost every telephone user buys one to three; sells for $3; earn SIOS a week. Send for complete set of instructions in Sales- manship. free. W. J. Leavitt & Co., Em- porium, Pa. Dept. C. TRAVELING SALESMAN for our Spring product low priced Dress rabrics. \\ e sell tile retailer direct and pay good commission. Desirable side line. Schuylkill Mills, Box 1192, Philadelphia, Pa. CIGAR SALESMEN WANTED to carry line of cigars on road. SIOO per month and expenses. Experience not necessary. Continental Cigar Company. Wichita, Kansas. SIDE LINE, pocket samples; 10 min- utes, $lO commission; high-grade men only; no other need apply. Advertising Novelty Co., Newton, lowa. Business Opportunities WILL grant exclusive selling rights of nationally advertised high-grade patented specialty In big demand to party in position to operate on large scale. Very unuaual opportunity. Ad- dress Myrick Specialty Co., 42» Heed Building, Philadelphia, Pa. 'ADVERTISERS SPECIAL sc per word places your ads in 133 different magazines. Send copy now for next is- suo. King's Magazine, Box 1316, Little Silver, N. J. ANY Intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par- .-Iculars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock- port. N. Y. SIOO.OO WEEKLY PROFIT in spare tinio at home. Mail order business don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Dept. E, Omaha, Neb. I MADE sno,ooo In five years in the mall order business, began with $6. Send for free booklet. Tell* how, Hea. : cock, 366 Lockport, N. T, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Business Personals Harrisburg Paste Works ?. _ 128 X. Cameron Street .PAPERHANGERS', billposters', book- binders and all kinds of paste. Prompt Bhlpment. All paste guaranteed. Bell phone 1186 L. ? HAULING ?f. W. LATHK. Hoarding Stable and nitionia Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul- ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine street*. Bell phone No. FOR falling hair try Gross' Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa Telephone 1960? * lven Prompt attention. Bell, REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help, send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N. Cluck. 220 Woodbine street. HARDWOOD FLOORS Of all designs. Old floors made new. Ask for catalog. J. M. Smith, 2219 Brookwood street, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell phone 13911* Rooms For Rent UNFUTRNISHED ROOMS, suitable for llgjit housekeeping. Stoves fur- nished free. Laundry, phone and bath- room privileges. Also janitress service. Bishop Building, 429 Broad street. TWO furnished or unfurnisned rooms, lor light housekeeping, or boarding, if wished; all conveniences. 228 South Second street. FURNISHED ROOMS, single or en site; all conveniences, including phone; reference required. Apply 1015 North 1-ront street. SECOND FI<OOR front room; all con- yeniences; references required. Apply 406 North street. FURNISHED ROOMS. Apply 1601 Green street. Rooms Wanted TWO rooms, In private family, for light housekeeping; young married couple; best of reference. Address Box K., 914, care of Telegraph. FURNISHED ROOM, by gentleman, within short distance to city Square. Address G., 916, care of Telegraph. , FURNISHED ROOMS for light house- keeping, centrally located. Address Box 910, care of Telegraph. W anted SECOND-HAND safe and roll-top desk. Address K., 915, care of Tele- graph. Real Estate For Sale (200) ACRE (farm) East of Sunbury, (1) mile to Danville (12,000) business population, half mile to Trolley handy to Philadelphia and Reading Railroad main valley to Bloomsburg. Two houses, one ($2,000) fine home, bank barn for (20) head of stock, (new) outbuildings, large crystal springs, one part heavy timbered, (woodland) valued manufac- tured ($2,000). Cultivated two ways (600) Elberta peach orchard, apples, cherries, plums, quinces, grapes, (50,- 000) selected strawberry (500) rasp- berry plants, hot beds and crops in- cluded. Joins ($18,000) stock farm. Business demands moving away. Time is limited and (half price) sacrifice only (S2O) an acre. (Photographs). Inquire during special telephone hours (7 to 8) mornings and evenings (whether sold) before you start? Bell 11-R. and United 110-E. Geo. B. Ostrander, Dan- ville. Pa. FARM of A. S. Speece Estate, at Speeceville, Pa.; 200 acres, with good buildings; running water at buildings; lti acres orchard; 25 acres second growth timber; 175 acres cultivated land; N. C. R. R. runs through farm; station on border of farm; twelve miles from Harrisburg along Susquehanna river, S6O per acre. Apply Waiter and Howard Speece, Speeceville, Pa. A 36-ACRE FARM close to the P. & R. Yards at Rutherford, Pa. Large i- room frame dwelling, with large hall. Bank barn that will accommodate all the crops and 15 head of cattle, chicken house, pig sty, etc., all In good condi- tion. Nice apple and peach orchard. Price, $2,900. Morris Wagner, Hum- melstown, Pa. 74-ACRE property 4 miles'from Hali- fax; 7-room house; good barn; all other necessary outbuildings, all in first-class repair; 200 peach trees, first crop last year; 125 other mixed varieties. One of the finest farms in this section. If sold at once, possession given April 1. Price, $3,200. Inquire 648 Muench street. DESIRABLE FARM of 59 acres, lo- cated one mile south of Lewisberry, York county. House, of seven rooms, in good condition; also good barn, fine spring water. Price, $2,300. Inquire P. E. Coover, New Cumberland, Pa. NEW brick house. No. 2313 Derry street; large front and back porches; all improvements; steam heat; gas and electric lights; eight rooms and bath- hardwood finish; cemented cellar. Ap- ply 1432 Derry street. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES? Seven new houses in a good neighborhood brick construction all improvements ?rented to good tenants. Prices. $1 760 to *2,350. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. 322 EMERALD STREET 3-storv brick 7 rooms, bath and hot water heat porch front and rear lot 32x 86 Brinton-Packer Co., Second ' and Walnut streets. THREE-STORY brick dwelling; front and rear porches; all improvements- good condition. Possession at once' owner leaving city. Call 1948 Green street. 406% REILY STREET 2%-story frame 5 rooms lot. Price $1,400.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. Real Esta.te For Rent BUSINESS PROPERTY. No. 402 Wal- nut street, near F&urth street, three stories and basement, elevator service, size, 23x80. Lease for two years. Suit- able for most any business or manu- facturing, in heart of business section. Clias. Adler, 1002 North Third street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR RENT Large house and two acres tff land at Lawnton $25.00 7 North Thirteenth street, apart- ment 30.00 1628 Regina St 25.00 436 Nectarine St 13.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street 1831 MARKET STREET, beautiful, modern home: hardwood floors; steam heat; every convenience; best location. Rent, $35.00; less if rooms are reserved. Inquire 1833 Market street. NEW 6-room houses with stables, near Twenty-third street, at Edgemont, % mile north of Penbrook, and to cars. Rent, $6.00. Address G. S. Hartman, 38 North Twelfth street, Harrisburg, Pa. THREE-STORY brick house. No. 2110 Derry street; 8 rooms and bath; all conveniences; back and side yards; raost pleasant place in the East End. Call 2102 Derry street. THREE-STORY brick residence, 813 North Second street; nine rooms and baih; good condition; all improvements; possession April 1. Apply on premises. DWELLINGS NO. 42 and No. 44 South Court avenue, with conveniences; rent, $16.00. Chas. Adler, Real Estate ana insurance, 1002 North Third street. Real Estate For Sale or Rent PLOT 50x259 on South Cameron street, with three-story brick ware- house thereon; building well built; modernly equipped. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. 1103 NORTH THIRD STREET?Mov- ing Picture building, including improv- ed dwelling - steam heat Plot, 20x 131. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. J-'or Salt Fon SALE The Board of Commissioners of Pub- lic Grounds and Buildings will offer at public sale in front of the State Capi- tol Building;, at entrance Fourth and State streets, Harrisburg, I J a., at 10 o'clock, a. m., February 14, 1914, the following buildings and structures upon the premises within the boundaries of the proposed extension of Capitol Park, in Eighth Ward, City of llarrlgburg: State Street, 433-514-511 rear, Walnut Street, 414-630, Cowden Street. 124, South Street, 426-500-i*. Cranberry Street. 408, West Avenue, 532, North Street, 715. The purchaser shall pay to the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania, throtTgh the office of the Superintendent of Pub- lic Grounds and Buildings, Harrlsburg, Pa., by certified check or United States Currency, the amount at which tlie said building or buildings and structures are awarded to them, as follows: A cash payment of 25 per cent, shall be made on day of sale and the balance before entering upon the property to remove the material purchased. In all cases where the premises are unoccupied, possession will be given tiie purchaser immediately. Where the premises are tenanted, possession will be given Immediately after the prem- ises are vacated. The Commonwealth will not be responsible for any damage to property after possession Is given. Purchaser shall state at the time of their offer the time required to remove the buildings and material after being given possession by the Common- wealth, which in no case shall be long- er than 60 days. All building refuse shall be carted away from the premises by the purchaser. All foundation walls must bo taken down and removed at least three feet below level of street. The Board of Commissioners of Pub- lic Grounds and Buildings reserves the right to accept or refect any or all bids. The work of removal shall be perform- ed under the direction of and to tlie satisfaction of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. NOTE: The sidewalks and street pavements are not to be removed by purchaser of buildings or structures under this schedule. By order of the board. C. P. RODGERS, Secretary. SAMUEL. B. RAMBO, Superintendent. VBtlß DEMONSTRATING CAR "FOR SAMS'* WE will sell our demonstrator to quick buyer, for very special price, be- cause of arrival of 1914 Mode). Fully equipped with Gray and Davis electric starter and lighting system. Car run less than 100 miles. Fully equipped in every way, demountable rims, with extra rim. Call and see same and get special price. Zimmerman Motor Car Co., Walnut and Linden streets, Har- rlsburg, Pa. FOR SALE FORTY FEET of oak office parti- tions, large safe, sanitary, double ped- estal. fiat-top desk, office tables, bent- wood chairs, cabinets, Royal typewriter, etc. All in first-class condition and can be bought at a money-saving price. Second Floor, 206 Market street. ONE Densmore No. 5 typewriter, 1 regulation army saddle, 1 12-gauge Winchester repeater, with case; 1 Bor- den Pipe machine, threading from 1 inch to 4 inches. All above in fine con- dition. It. E. Kramer, 912 North Third street. 6 PER CENT. First Mortgage Guar- anteed Real Estate Bonds on Pittsburg's largest department store building. De- nominations )100, SSOO, SI,OOO, $5,000. I For information address A. S. Wiest, Box 72, Harrlsburg, Pa. By Associated Press New York, Jan. 24. There was a marked improvement in feeling In the financial district this week, to which the stock market responded with a strong upward movement. The volume of business Increased largely. Of es- pecial significance was the amount of Investment U_uytng of bonds and high- grade stocks, which reached propor- tions greater than at any previous time within many months. The change in the securities market reflect distinct betterment in funda- mental condition*. President Wilson's message to Congress regarding anti- trust legislation relieved the market of administration as to the attitude of the admlinstratlon, and the tone of the message was regarded as encouraging. Improvement In monetary conditions was shown by the accumulation of funds at this center, lower rfetes for money and reduction in discount rates of foreign banks. Tlie change for the better in the Investment market was indicated by the striking success ol New York State's $51,000,000 issue of 4% per cent, bonds and their subse- quent rapid resale by the successful bidders. Sentiment was more hopeful, in re- gard to the outlook for business. While In many lines no marked Improvement was discernable, there were changes for the better in some cases. From the steel and copper trades come optimis- tic reports. Furnished by H. W. SNAVEI<Y, Areaile Building. New York, Jan. 24. Open. Cloa. Alaska Gold Mines . 23% 23 Amal. Copper 35% 34% American Beet Sugar 27% 27% American Can 34% 3 4% American Can pfd. .96 95% Am. C. & F 50% 49% American Cotton Oil 42% 42% American Smelting . 69 68%. American Sugar ... 109% 108% American T. & T. .. 123% 123% Atchison 99% 99% Baltimore & Ohio 97 97% Bethlehem Steel ... 37 37 Brooklyn R. T 92 91 % California Petroleum 28% 28 Canadian Pacific ... 211 210% Chesapeake & Ohio. 67% 67 C? M. & St. P 106 105% Chino Con. Copper . 41% 41 Col. F. & I 33% 33% Consolidated Gas .. 137% 148% Corn Products 11% 11% Distilling' Securities . 18 18 Erie 32 31% Erie Ist pfd 49% 49% General Electric Cp. 146% 147% Goodrich, B. F 43% 43% Great Northern pfd.. 129% 129% Great Nor. Ore subs. 38% 38 Illinois Central 114% 114% Interboro-Met 15% 16% Jnlerboro-Met. pfd.. 62 62% Lehigh Valley 155% 154% Mo., Kan. & Texas . 23% 23% Missouri Pacific ... 29% 29% Nev. Con. Copper .. 16% 16% New York Central . 94% 94% N. Y? N. H. &H. . . 76 75% Norfolk & Western. 104% 104% Northern Pacific ..116 115% Pacific Mail 27% 27% Penna. R. R 115% 114% Peo. Gas & Coke ... 124 124 Pressed Steel Car .. 34% 34% Ray. Con. Copper . 19% 18% Reading 170% 170% Rep. Iron & Steel .. 24% 24% Rep. Iron & S. pfd. 89 88% Rock Island lfi% 16% Rock Island pfd. .. 23% 24 Southern Pacific .. 98% ' 97% Southern Railway .26% 26% Southern Rwy. pfd. 83 84% Tonnessee Copper . 34% 34% Texas & Pacific .... 16 16 Texas Company ... 145 145 Union Pacific 161% 161 U. S. Rubber 16% 16% U. S. Steel 65% 64% U. S. Steel pfd 112 111% Utah Copper 53% 53% Wabash ~ 4 4 Western Union Tel.. 64% 6 4 Westinghouse Mfg.. 70% 71 Woolworth 91% 91% ATTENDED HEADLAND LECTURE Special to The Telegraph Mechanicsburg, Pa., Jan. 24.?Mem- bers of the Brotherhood of Trinity Lutheran Church enjoyed the lecture by the Rev. Dr. Isaac Headland, re- turned missionary from China, on "By-products of Missions," in Bethle- hem Lutheran Church, Harriaburg, on Thursday evening. Those who attend- ed were the Rev. H. Hall Sharp, George M. Wertz, George B. Hoover, Walter Gronbeck, Mayrial Stover, A. A. Arnold, Wilbur WertK, Jacob V. Weber, Chester Weber, Benjamin Lantz, Joseph M. Lemon, Abram S. Hertzler, William E. Rowles, Charles Nickev and Seymour Bittinger. Died SHOEMAKER On Friday, January' 23, 1914, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Rosanna R. Scheffer, Catherine Shoemaker, widow of George J. Shoemaker. Funeral from the residence, 1013 Green street, Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Burial private. Kindly omit flowers. Legal Notices IN THE COURT OF COMMON I'I.EAS OF DAUPHIN COUNTY No. 510 Equity Docket. Harriet Gardner, Plaintiff, against Lewis Starry, Seright Starry, Emory Coulson, Ivan Coulson, Elmer Coulson, Sarah Miller, George Starry, Irvin Starry and the heirs of Irene Starry Hink, deceased, defendants. To Elmer Hunter, Lewis Starry, and the heirs of Irene Starry Hink. deceas- ed. Take notice that the plaintiff in the above case alleges a mistake and omis- sion in the description of land intended to be conveyed by deed of Adam Starry to Harriet Gardner, the plaintiff, and John Y. Gardner, by deed dated April 13, 1906, said omission being the part of said premises fronting eleven (11) feet on North Second street, Ilarri.s- burg, Pa., and extending eastwardly fifty-two (52) feet to a line; and prays the court to decree the reformation of said description so that it shall be the correct description of the laud and premises, viz: No. 1327 North Second street, Harrlsburg. Pa., intended to be conveyed by said deed. That January 21, 1914, the court made an order that you. Elmer Hunter, Lewis Starry and the heirs of Irene Starry Hink. be and you are hereby required to cause an appearance to be entered for you and to file answers to said bill within twenty days after February 7, 1914. If you fall to comply with said or- der you will be liable to have the bill taken pro confesso, and a decree made against you in your absence. HARRY C. WELLS, Sheriff, Harrisburg, Pa. S. S. RUPP, A. M. BOWMAN, Solicitors for Plaintiff. niIBBER STAMnn Jill SEALS & STENCILS |#V HI ? MFG. BYHBG. STENCILWORKS \u25a0 |1 II 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. V THE Harrlsburg Polyclinic Dispen- sary will be open dally except Sunday at I P. M., at Its new location, 1701 North Second street, for the free treat- ment of the worthy poor. < HARDWARE and Housefurnishlng Store, strictly up-to-date; good estab- lished cash business, and a payer. Un- less you mean business, don't answer this ad. Addres "Hardware." care of Daily Telegraph. TWO typewriters. Excellent condi- tion and standard machines. An un- usual opportunity for some one. Call this evening or Monday all day. Room 302, Calder Building, Market Square. 88-NOTE Cecilian Piano Player, at sacrifice, account leaving city. Also one 3A Graflex Camera, B. & L. Zelss- Tessar lens; slightly used. L. E. Kra- mer, 912 North Third street. 4xß BRUNSWICK Pool Table and ac» cessories; good condition; cash or pav- ments; low price. Call on or address H. W. Norrls, 307 Market street, Second Floor. SECOND-HAND Oliver typewriter, in good condition; will sell cheap; have no further use. Address, or call, I. W. Appier, Lemoyne Trust Co., Lemoyne, Pa. I AT GABLE'S, 111. 113 and 117 South Second street, Redtlps, Can't Slip, Sure Grip, Rowe and Always Sharp horseshoe calks, and emergency shoes. LADIES SEND US 15c and receive a package of our Silk Patches for your quilt. S. & D. Specialty Co., 100 Ham- ilton street, Harrlsburg, Pa. SMALL kerosene engine for sale cheap, 5-H.-P., to early buyer; like new. J. C. Morrison, West Fairview, Cum- berland county, Pa. ONE font of 10 pt. and one font of 12 pt. O. S., with Antique Linotype Matrices. The Telegraph Printing Co., Harrlsburg, Pa. POPCORN and Confectionery Store, crispette machine; good reason for sell- ing. Address 136 North Front street, Steelton, Pa. TWO 36x4%-lncli, two 37x5-inch quick detachable, Non-Skid tires, $100; new tires, never used. Apply 1408 North Third street. RESTAURANT in good section of city, doing A 1 business; no reasonable offer refused. Address X., 808, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE 25 shares Se- curity Trust Company stock. Ad- dress P. O. Box 783, City. AN Aquarium, about 3 feet square,* with table. Address A.. 402, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. For Rent FOR RENT Desirable officer In tka Telegraph Building, singly or en-anlte. Inquire at Business Office. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS "can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. Storage HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex- pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa- cilities for storing all kinds of mer- chandise. Low storage rates. South St. and Penr-. R. R. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri- vate rooms, $1 to S3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street Both phones. Money to Loan PROFIT-SHARING LOAN SOCIETY WE HAVE ORIGINATED a new plan of loaning money by which borrowers share profits of lenders. Legal rates, easy terms, confidential. Offices, Rooms 6-7, 9 North Market Square. Furniture Packing FURNITURE PACKING A. H. SHRENK, 1906 North Sixth street. Bell phone 399W, experienced Packer and Unpacker of Furniture, China and Bric-a-brac. Died NEUER Mrs. Jennie Neuer, wife of Edward Neuer, aged 69 years, died at the home of her son, Clyde Neuer, West Fairview. Will be burled from the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. Walter, 1010 Cowdcn street, Harrlsburg. Services will be held at the house Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Relatives and friends are in- vited to attend, without further notice. MARKED IMPROVEMENT IN FINANCIAL DISTRICT Change in Securities Reflects Distinct Betterment in Fun- damental Conditions CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE! Furnished br H. W. SUAVELY, Arcade Building. Chicago, 111., Jan. 24. . Open. Hlgb. Low. Clos. vvuoat?? "Srnli : \u25a0"»'»* 88 IVi 8* ill »* ?!* :::: 111 111 .'ft PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press T4i^hJ adol K? hla - Jan ' 24 - Wheat tri i i .2' 2? red ' export. »6%®97c; 102 ' Northern, Duluth, export, »I.ol@ nnVn£«l~i Stl "Ongar: nOW, No. 2. yellOW. v#l»A~ l 'J.? ca l , 6 »M.®TOV4c; new, No. 2, jellow, kiln dried. local. 71(@?3c. Oats?Firm; No. i', white, 46&@46c. tnn ?"o'tTa Jfe, rket flrni: winter, per IfS.'eo @27.0® : Bpr,n *' per ton- nnwril ne 3 « , s ««are Market firm; eonfi®r? 41 . 0C; Hne granulated, 4.05 c; 3 90c A - 3.35 c; Keystone, A. witV^l cr Tlle market is firm; srn ; creamery, extras, 32c; nearby prints, fanix 35c. PnnS? S i ~ . 6 market Is firm; #rt?L nsylvan 'a; and other nearby firsts, 0 50 per c **e; do., current ee cas es> $10.20 per case; nop ? ex i ra s, firsts, free cases, $10.60 per oa. 86 ' firsts, free cases, $10.20 Live Poultry Weak; fowls, 15® K-nii« chickens, 13® 16c; 1?£, 1 c .^ lc, S en,, ? 16H«fl7c; old roost- 18® 18c; do., spring 17@ll('c Steese, 16®17c; turkeys, n-Jo( C S aocl , Poultry Steady: fowls, ~?5.? rn ' ? an( -'y. heavy, 18®18%c; do., s ' z e®>. 15®17c; do., small, inffiii't, old roosters, 14c; roast- ?kK®'' fancy, 19®20c; broll- teßS' fanc /- 20®23c; do., fair Jii® t rkeys ' fa ncy. 24®28c; do.. ll®l7c ducks, Jl@l7c; geese. Potatoes Weak; Penn»ylvanla and Eastern, per bushel, 80®83c; New Torn and Eastern, per bushel, 78®80c; Jer- «6J\ Per basket, 20® 80c. market Is steady; winter, .lit 'i * «,. \u25a0tralghts, Penn- sylvania. [email protected]; western, *4.26® *.50; patents, $4.60®4.86: KansaT straight. Jute sacks, [email protected]; spring. ' «s, clear. $4.00®4.20; 4.40; patents. $4.80<n>4.56. .£* ay *r~ T he market Is weak; tim- othy No. 1, large bales. slß.oo® 19.60; y°'.h JKS?i un \ hales. $18.50®19.00; No. 2. $17.00® 17.60; No. 3, $14.00® 15.00 , Clover mixed; Light, mixed, $17.00® ®I6So ° *l6 00® 16.60; No. 2, $14.60 NEW YORK DANK STATEMENT By Associated Press Jan. 24. The statement of the actual condition of Clearing House Banks and Trust Companies for the week shows that they hold $38,065,- <?>o reserve in excess of legal require- ments. This is a decrease of $5,04u,»00 from last week. ' ' The statement follows: Actual CondlfloiiN noi J An!? s ' *1>986,150,000; increase, $73,- Uob.UOO. 000 POC ' e ' * 397 ' s2B '"®®! Increase, $27,423,- slll6B O0 t o" tlerß ' *U - 12SM0 - decrease, SBM3B^OO° S,tS ' !fl ' 9ol - 257 . 00 °; increase, $8?8,r 0 C 0 l i) latlOn ' ?43 ' 693 - 00 °: decrease, °ash reserve fn v ault, $409,- vauH U , 5 56?,176?0 a oO ieß ' Caßh r°"erVe in Aggregate cash reserve, $472,251,000 Excess lawful reserve, $38,065,750- de- crease, $5,045,900. ' '' o ae Companies' reserve with Clear- ing House members carrying 26 ner cent, cash reserve, $09,243,000. CHICAGO CATTLE Sv Associated Press Chicago. 111.. Jan. 24. Hogs RP- ? uik °* sa,ea ' $8.30®8.40; light, [email protected]; mixed mixed, $8.20<ai8.45; heavy, sß.2o(?x>B 50- rough *8.20® 8.25; pigs, $6.75®8.00 ' ..Cattle Receipts, 200; slow. Beeves [email protected]; Texas steers, $6.90@8 10 : Mockers and feeders. $5.60®8.20; cows 11 00 S ' 3 - 80 @ 8 - 6 ®! calves, $7.50® Receipts, 1,000; dull. Native. [email protected] yearlings, $6.80®7 15 : lambs, native, $6.90®8.00. ® 1 GRECIAN TOWN WRECKED Special to The Telegraph Athens, Jan. 24.?A severe earth- quake occurred yesterday at Lepanto. Almost every house in the town was more or less damaged and the fortress partially wrecked, but nobody was In- jured. JANUARY 24, 1914. "The Ladies of Cranford" Given by Society People Special to The Telegraph Lebanon, Pa., Jan. 24.?Local m- ciety turned out en masse to wltaeas the production of "The Ladies of Cranford, a pastoral playlet with a setting In a small New England vil- lage a century ago, presented by th« ladies of St. John's Reformed Church Guild. Hoop skirts and other Colonial attire was in evidence in the costumes and the play throughout was enacted with talent and skill. Mrs. William Lehman, Mrs. H. Rank Bickel, Mrs. Harry J. Shenk, Mrs. Ray A. Miller, Mrs. Ralph Coldren, Miss Harriet Case and other ladles widely known in so- cial circles of the city took leading parts. Carl Freed of Charge of Shooting M. F. Ellis Special to The Telegraph Somervllle, N. J., Jan. 24. ?Paul Carl, the young man who a week ago confessed that he was guilty of shoot- ing Monroe F. Ellis, a wealthy lumber man of Basking Ridge, N, J., was dis- charged from custody to-day. The county prosecutor told the court that Carl's confession had been proven false in every way. Ellis was shot two years ago Willi® sitting at dinner by somebody who fired a shot through the window. He recovered, but has been able to giv® the police no clue to his assailant. Mine Workers Decide to Drop Local Union By Associated Press Indianapolis, Jan. 24.?0n charges that it was an organization maintained by a detective agency solely for the purpose of getting a spy into the con- vention, Local Union 1179 of Pocahon- tas. W. Va., was expelled by the con- vention of the United Mine Workers of America here to-day. M. D. White- sell, the delegate accredited to the union, was not in the convention hall when the action was taken. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLH and others upon their own names. Cheap rates, easy payments, conflden* tlal. Adnm* & Co., R. 804, 8 N. Market Sq. f"~ " > This May Happen To You Life, limb and sight are of all capital the most exposed to annl- hllation or Impairment. Injuries and sickness cut down earnings and Increase expenses, One person in every seven is In- jured every year. t There are so many risks you must carry; why not let us carry the rlak of accident and sickness which you can't. The new policies of the General Accident are strictly up-to-date and will help the clouds roll by. I. MILLER General Agent 103 North Third Street V?\u25a0????\u25a0?»???J I NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS OUR SPECIALTY IS DON DING CONTRACTOR 9 Massachusetts Bonding & Insurance Company JOHN C.ORR, Agent Bell 084. 222 MARKET STREET 4 Valuable Property For Sale Second Street near Walnut Almost 30-foot Frontage Particulars at Our Office Bergner Building I Public Sale B I op | § Personal Property j q| Consisting of beds, bedding, dressers, car- |j pets, office furniture, barroom fixtures, chairs, {§| || electric piano, dishes, cooking utensils, stoves, re- || || frigerator, and other articles used in running a |j H hotel. Also a ten-year lease on 14 North Third IB jfj street, Harrisburg, Pa.. Sale to be held on prem- |j gjj ises, 512-30 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa., Janu- || HI ary sl, 1914, at 10 o'clock. Terms cash. JiJ | JOHN C. ORR I I Trustee , I 13

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Page 1: Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1914-01-24 [p 13]€¦ · Lost LOST On North Second street, be- tween Locust and South streets, i "brown fur neckpiece, heads, tails and feet


LOST On North Second street, be-

tween Locust and South streets, i"brown fur neckpiece,heads, tails and feet. A suitable regardif returned to 307 North Second street.City.

LOST Brown leather wallet, con-taining sum of money, card and photographfbetween P. & R. RX- al}^1107 Wallace street. Please? r«turn toHenry Ward, newsboy. P. & R- Station.

IJOST Will the lady who PJCLWJJthe black lynx muff in place *|er ownat Royal Hall, Third street, Wednesdayevening, please return to 317 WalnutBtreet and get her own?

LOST Gold watch fob on Mondaynight Initials on charm. H. A. F. Re-ward If returned to H. A. Funk, 41»

Hamilton street.

FoundFOUND On Friday evening, at

Second and Pine streets. f "r neckpieceDwner may have same by calling at 703

Second street, identifying prop-irty and paying for this advertisement.

Help Wanted ?Male

A SOLICITOR. *IO.OO a week and

ommission. Address S? 912, care of


A YOUNG man, employed In large es-

ablisliment, to act as our representa-Ive. He can make good money wiin

ut Interfering with his regular worn.tox 503.


BOY to learn manufacturing Jewelryrade. Paid while learning. Must DO

onest and highly recommended, ln-

ulre A. Mednik, 331 Market street,

larrisburg, Pa. ,

FIRST-CLASS man to represent us Inwn locality, whole or part time..SP'en-id opportunity for "Live Wire. Key

tono Correspondence School, iteauui»,


FOREMAN" of tinisliing room with ex-erience on ladies' shoes. Address,

?ith reference, experience and wagis

anted. Apply llarrisburg Shoe Mfg.0., Harrisburg, Pa.

GOVERNMENT E XAMINATI ONS ,lOrough preparations, $5. Returned if

ot appointed. Particulars free,

merlcan Civil Service {school, Wash-igton, D. C. f


> get. My free booklet, Y-3i2, tellsDW. Write to-day?NOW. Larl Hop-ins, Washington, D. C.

HIGH-CLASS man to sell trees,

lrub, roses, vines, berry bushes, bulbs,

:c. Good wages. Permanent. Excni-ve territory. Brown Brothers Nur-iries, Rochester, New York. _

I WILL START YOU earning $4 dally

t home In spare time, silvering mlr-irs; no capital; free instructive book-t, giving plans of operations. C*. t.

edmond, Dept. 268, Boston, Mass.

LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANT-D. No canvassing or soliciting re-

tired. Good income assured. Addressitional Co-Operatlve Realty Co., \ -

0, Marden Building, Washington, v. c.

MEN to sell seeds to farmers anil

namental stock in towns. Apply at

kce. Herrlck Seed Company, Roches-

h N. -y.??

ORGANIZERS to solicit members andganize lodges. Order of Owls, South?nd, Ind. «

RAILWAY MAILCLERKS ajid Clerk-irriers. Thousands needed. Splendidlaries. Examinations soon. 1 con-

cted examinations. Trial Examtna->n Free. Write Ozment. 54-D, St.

mis. Mo.

RAILWAYMAIL CLERKS WANTED.00 first year, promotion to ?i.»uo. ax-

linatlons February 21 in every btate.mmon education sufficient with myaching. Full information free.r booklet C-372, Eaj-1 Hopkins, Wash-fton, D. C.

RAILWAY MAIL examinations, Peb-iry 21. Thorough training, $5. Ke-

rned if not appointed. Particulars;e. American Civil foervice bchool,ishington, D. C.

WHITE boy, 16 years of age, forneral light work. Apply In person,

naidson Paper Company, 110-110rth Second street, Harrisburg, Pa.

i'OtJNG men, between the ages of -1d 30, with selling ability, now em-lyed but not satisfied, can bettersir opportunities by selling llfo lnsur-ce. Address P. O. Box 503, Harrls-rg.

1100.00 WEEKLY PROFIT in spare

le at home. Mail order businessj't worry about capital. Boyd 11.jwn, Omaha, Neb.


3,000-SIO,OOO yearly easily made. Our

item insures success. Unparalleled,:ome established. Valuable book

e. Interstate Realty Co., Pittsbuigh.

Help Wanted?FemalelLADY can earn SIO.OO weekly copy-

letters, spare time at home. Book--10 cents in silver. Tells How. Lom-

rcial Copying Association, AVashing-, D. C.

lN energetic, educated woman, desir-a permanent position, with good in-

le, will inquire F. D., 909, care ofegraph.

.NY lady can earn SIO.OO weekly,ying letters, spare time at home;iklet 10 cents in silver tells how.>!tal Letter Writing Co., Box 364,shington, D. C. '

iXPERIENCED soleing girls to-k on infants' soft sole shoes. Goodres to right party. Steady employ-lt. Eureka Shoe Co., Calder and-ion streets.

ADIES, sewing at home. Materialuished. No canvassing. Steady?k. Stamped envelope for partlcu-i. Calumet Supply Co., Dept. A-95,waukee, Wis.

ADIES WANTED to stencil cards;manent home work evenings; slsikly; strictly legitimate; no experi-e; no canvassing; excellent oppor-Ity; enclose stamp. InternationalCo., Chicago.

ADIES Work at home makingkwear; $3 dozen; experience unnec-try; dime for pattern instruction,

rl Mfg. Co., 25 Salamanca, i\. Y.

ERSONS to do easy, pleasant col-g work at home; good pay; no can-iing; no experience required. Illus-ed particulars free. Helping Hand?es. Hunter Building, Chicago.

SWING MACHINE operators, alsoners, to make aprons, etc. Harris--1 Apparel Co., over City Starndry. State street, rear entrance.

VANTED l2 girls over 16rs of age. Apply, Silk Mill.


30 Boas St., 2% s. b., 7 r., ...,*lO)6 N. Cameron St., 2 s. f., 6 r., $lO)8 Greenwood St., 3 s. f., 8 r., *ll2 S. 20th St., 6 r. & b., sl21 Cowden St., 3 s. f 910! N. Third St., housekeeping apart-nents, 5 r. b? eity steam heat, 935?7 N. Second St., 3 s. b 947.50)9 N. 3d St.. 3 s. b.. 10 r. b.N. Front St.. 3 s. b., 10 r. and 2 b.naltlMon Apartment*?Second, nearjocust St.,. very desirable single?ooms and suites of two, threemd four rooms.

rth of Went Fain leiv?2^-storyIramo 915gkaplre, Second near Lombard St.,1% 8. b. &f. Lot 80x200 912ilte Hill?Hummel Ave 912


Mulberry St.. 2 s. 1)., 6 r 913Camp St., 3 s. b? 10 r. & b .. 920

8 N. 3d St., 3 s. b., 9 r. & b., 9354 N. 3d SC. 3 s. b., 9 r. & b. ... 930

iller Bros. & Bakerleral Square Opp. I'ost Office



Help Wanted ?FemaleWHITE woman for general house-

work. Apply 702 North Sixth street.

WHITE girl for child's nurse, and todo light housework. Address 8., 911,care of Telegraph.

WHITE girl for general housework.Two in family. Must be able to cook.No washing. Inquire between 6 and 8,evenings, 229 Forster street.

WHITE girl of 18 or 20 years, to helpIn light housework; small family; gooo

home; no washing; references required.Reply by letter at once, 8., 907, care ofTelegraph.

Help Wanted ?Male and Female

WILL pav Reliable Man or Woman! $12.50 to distribute 100 FREE packagesPerfumed Borax Soap Powder amongfriends. No money required. WardBorax Co., 216 Institute Place, Chicago.

Situations Wanted?MaleMIDDLE-AGED man wants work in

grocery store; three yeas' experience;speaks six foreign languages. Ad-dress P. O. Box 791, City. .

YOUNG BAKER, experienced in alllines of baked goods, coming directfrom New York, desires a position witha bakery that will appreciate the goodservice he can render. Let me do yourbaking for a profit. Reference fromNew York If necessary. Address J. W.F., care of Harrisburg Telegraph.

YOUNG boy, 15 years old, desires po-sition of any kind. Call, or address,1117 Grape avenue.

Situations Wanted ?Female

BY white woman, washing and iron-ing to do at home. Call 821 Myrtleavenue.

BY colored woman, work by day orweek. 315 Nectarine street.

COLORED girl wants general house-work; no washing. Apply 107% Adamsstreet, Steelton, Pa.

COLORED woman wants position ascook in hotel or boardlnghouse, or to

do general housework. Call, or address,520 Brown avenue.

DAY'S work of any kind by coloredwoman for Wednesdays, Thursdays andSaturdays; references. Call 616 Churchavenue.

DAY'S work, or work by the week.Call, or address, 1442 Derry street.

MIDDLE-AGED woman wants posi-tion as assistant cook, dishwasher orchambermaid. Address Mrs. F. It., 214North Arch street, Mechanlcsburg, Pa.

WHITE woman wishes washing andironing to do at home. Call, or address,1533 Logan avenue. City.

WOMAN, well connected, wants tofind a home in a Christian family ascompanion and to assist in light house-work. Address C., 913, care of Tele-graph.

Agents Wanted

RELIABLE party, with small cashcapital, to take agency for patentedarticle; recommended by all who use it.Address The Safety Wire Gas Globe Co.,Columbus, Ohio.


DEAL with responsible corporation. Wemanufacture and distribute best sell-ers. Factory prices. Classy proposi-tion. Start spare time. Quick returns.Small capital. Absolutely no fakescheme. Write for free prospectus.



MEN or women can earn $lO to SSO aweek taking orders for our fast-sellingseven-bar box, high-grade Toilet Soap.Big Seller?loo per cent, commission.Repeat orders assured. Credit given ifdesired. Write at once for full par-ticulars. Crofts & Reed Co., Chicago,Dept. S.

WIDE-AWAKE agents are coiningmoney with our easily demonstratedSpecialties. Write to-day for particu-lars, Sample, and new Catalog. SnyderEconomy Co., 50 Gorman avenue, Balti-more, Md.

ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED to Sellour specialties. Big profits; quicksales. Write for particulars to-dav.The Argyle Specialty Co., 6419 Argyieavenue, Philadelphia, Pa.

AGENTS A great proposition.Easiest and best selling article onmarket. Large profits. Write to-day.Carbon Specialty Co., 22 East Ridgestreet, Lansford, Pa.

SOAP AGENTS Our Sanitary SkinSoap has everything beat for profits;we protect you in territory; sample andpremium list free. Daley Mfg. Co., St.Louis, Mo.

AGENTS for a money-maker. Some-thing new. Fast seller. Sure repeater.Particulars free. F. and M. Co., 736Redgate avenue, Norfolk, Va.

IN State of Pennsylvania to handleKLEENKOPIE carbon paper and type-writer ribbons. Particulars free. RusticSales Co., Rustic, N. J.

TO sell to auto owners the best"Sparks Gaps" on earth. Address RoulE. Germain. 1715 North Robertsonstreet. New Orleans, La.

Salesmen WantedEXPERIENCE unnecessary, easywork, big pay. Write for large list of

openings ottering opportunities to earnSIOO to SSOO a month while you learn;position assured. Address Dept. 417,National Salesmen's Training Associa-tion, Chicago, New York, Kansas City,San Francisco.

SALESMAN to sell well-known lineof Fruit Ciders In small country towns25 per cent, commission, $35.00 weeklydrawing account. Oldest cider firm inthe United States. Red Cross Company,204 South Main street, St. Louis. MoDept. 6.

FOR the Help-a-phone; almost everytelephone user buys one to three; sellsfor $3; earn SIOS a week. Send forcomplete set of instructions in Sales-manship. free. W. J. Leavitt & Co., Em-porium, Pa. Dept. C.

TRAVELING SALESMAN for ourSpring product low priced Dressrabrics. \\ e sell tile retailer directand pay good commission. Desirableside line. Schuylkill Mills, Box 1192,Philadelphia, Pa.

CIGAR SALESMEN WANTED tocarry line of cigars on road. SIOO permonth and expenses. Experience notnecessary. Continental Cigar Company.Wichita, Kansas.

SIDE LINE, pocket samples; 10 min-utes, $lO commission; high-grade menonly; no other need apply. AdvertisingNovelty Co., Newton, lowa.

Business OpportunitiesWILL grant exclusive selling rights

of nationally advertised high-gradepatented specialty In big demand toparty in position to operate on largescale. Very unuaual opportunity. Ad-dress Myrick Specialty Co., 42» HeedBuilding, Philadelphia, Pa.

'ADVERTISERS SPECIAL sc perword places your ads in 133 differentmagazines. Send copy now for next is-suo. King's Magazine, Box 1316, LittleSilver, N. J.

ANY Intelligent person can earn goodincome corresponding for newspapers;experience unnecessary. Send for par-.-Iculars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock-port. N. Y.

SIOO.OO WEEKLY PROFIT in sparetinio at home. Mail order businessdon't worry about capital. Boyd H.Brown, Dept. E, Omaha, Neb.

I MADE sno,ooo In five years in themall order business, began with $6.Send for free booklet. Tell* how, Hea.

: cock, 366 Lockport, N. T,


Harrisburg Paste Works?. _

128 X. Cameron Street.PAPERHANGERS', billposters', book-binders and all kinds of paste. PromptBhlpment. All paste guaranteed. Bellphone 1186 L.


?f. W. LATHK. Hoarding Stable andnitionia Transfer Co. Movers ofpianos, safes, boilers and general haul-ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth andWoodbine street*. Bell phone No.

FOR falling hair try Gross' QuinineHair Tonic, prepared by Gross, theDruggist and Apothecary. 119 Marketstreet, Harrisburg, Pa Telephone

1960? *lven Prompt attention. Bell,

REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERINGwith best material and by expert help,send us your worn furniture. Our bestefforts insure your satisfaction. S. N.Cluck. 220 Woodbine street.

HARDWOOD FLOORSOf all designs. Old floors made new.Ask for catalog. J. M. Smith, 2219Brookwood street, Harrisburg, Pa. Bellphone 13911*

Rooms For RentUNFUTRNISHED ROOMS, suitable

for llgjit housekeeping. Stoves fur-nished free. Laundry, phone and bath-room privileges. Also janitress service.Bishop Building, 429 Broad street.

TWO furnished or unfurnisned rooms,lor light housekeeping, or boarding, ifwished; all conveniences. 228 SouthSecond street.

FURNISHED ROOMS, single or ensite; all conveniences, including phone;reference required. Apply 1015 North1-ront street.

SECOND FI<OOR front room; all con-yeniences; references required. Apply406 North street.

FURNISHED ROOMS. Apply 1601Green street.

Rooms WantedTWO rooms, In private family, for

light housekeeping; young marriedcouple; best of reference. Address BoxK., 914, care of Telegraph.

FURNISHED ROOM, by gentleman,within short distance to city Square.Address G., 916, care of Telegraph.

, FURNISHED ROOMS for light house-keeping, centrally located. AddressBox 910, care of Telegraph.

W anted

SECOND-HAND safe and roll-topdesk. Address K., 915, care of Tele-graph.

Real Estate For Sale(200) ACRE (farm) East of Sunbury,

(1) mile to Danville (12,000) businesspopulation, half mile to Trolley handyto Philadelphia and Reading Railroadmain valley to Bloomsburg. Two houses,one ($2,000) fine home, bank barn for(20) head of stock, (new) outbuildings,large crystal springs, one part heavytimbered, (woodland) valued manufac-tured ($2,000). Cultivated two ways(600) Elberta peach orchard, apples,cherries, plums, quinces, grapes, (50,-000) selected strawberry (500) rasp-berry plants, hot beds and crops in-cluded. Joins ($18,000) stock farm.Business demands moving away. Timeis limited and (half price) sacrifice only(S2O) an acre. (Photographs). Inquireduring special telephone hours (7 to 8)mornings and evenings (whether sold)before you start? Bell 11-R. andUnited 110-E. Geo. B. Ostrander, Dan-ville. Pa.

FARM of A. S. Speece Estate, atSpeeceville, Pa.; 200 acres, with goodbuildings; running water at buildings;lti acres orchard; 25 acres secondgrowth timber; 175 acres cultivatedland; N. C. R. R. runs through farm;station on border of farm; twelve milesfrom Harrisburg along Susquehannariver, S6O per acre. Apply Waiter andHoward Speece, Speeceville, Pa.

A 36-ACRE FARM close to the P. &R. Yards at Rutherford, Pa. Large i-room frame dwelling, with large hall.Bank barn that will accommodate allthe crops and 15 head of cattle, chickenhouse, pig sty, etc., all In good condi-tion. Nice apple and peach orchard.Price, $2,900. Morris Wagner, Hum-melstown, Pa.

74-ACRE property 4 miles'from Hali-fax; 7-room house; good barn; all othernecessary outbuildings, all in first-classrepair; 200 peach trees, first crop lastyear; 125 other mixed varieties. Oneof the finest farms in this section. Ifsold at once, possession given April 1.Price, $3,200. Inquire 648 Muenchstreet.

DESIRABLE FARM of 59 acres, lo-cated one mile south of Lewisberry,York county. House, of seven rooms,in good condition; also good barn, finespring water. Price, $2,300. Inquire P.E. Coover, New Cumberland, Pa.

NEW brick house. No. 2313 Derrystreet; large front and back porches;all improvements; steam heat; gas andelectric lights; eight rooms and bath-hardwood finish; cemented cellar. Ap-ply 1432 Derry street.

INVESTMENT PROPERTIES? Sevennew houses in a good neighborhoodbrick construction all improvements?rented to good tenants. Prices. $1 760to *2,350. Bell Realty Co., BergnerBuilding.

322 EMERALD STREET 3-storvbrick 7 rooms, bath and hot waterheat porch front and rear lot 32x86 Brinton-Packer Co., Second ' andWalnut streets.

THREE-STORY brick dwelling; frontand rear porches; all improvements-good condition. Possession at once'owner leaving city. Call 1948 Greenstreet.

406% REILY STREET 2%-storyframe 5 rooms lot. Price$1,400.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Secondand Walnut streets.

Real Esta.te For RentBUSINESS PROPERTY. No. 402 Wal-

nut street, near F&urth street, threestories and basement, elevator service,size, 23x80. Lease for two years. Suit-able for most any business or manu-facturing, in heart of business section.Clias. Adler, 1002 North Third street,Harrisburg, Pa.

FOR RENTLarge house and two acres tff

land at Lawnton $25.007 North Thirteenth street, apart-

ment 30.001628 Regina St 25.00436 Nectarine St 13.00

J. E. GIPPLE,1251 Market Street

1831 MARKET STREET, beautiful,modern home: hardwood floors; steamheat; every convenience; best location.Rent, $35.00; less if rooms are reserved.Inquire 1833 Market street.

NEW 6-room houses with stables,near Twenty-third street, at Edgemont,% mile north of Penbrook, and to cars.Rent, $6.00. Address G. S. Hartman, 38North Twelfth street, Harrisburg, Pa.

THREE-STORY brick house. No. 2110Derry street; 8 rooms and bath; allconveniences; back and side yards;raost pleasant place in the East End.Call 2102 Derry street.

THREE-STORY brick residence, 813North Second street; nine rooms andbaih; good condition; all improvements;possession April 1. Apply on premises.

DWELLINGS NO. 42 and No. 44 SouthCourt avenue, with conveniences; rent,$16.00. Chas. Adler, Real Estate anainsurance, 1002 North Third street.

Real Estate For Sale or RentPLOT 50x259 on South Cameron

street, with three-story brick ware-house thereon; building well built;modernly equipped. Bell Realty Co.,Bergner Building.

1103 NORTH THIRD STREET?Mov-ing Picture building, including improv-ed dwelling -steam heat Plot, 20x131. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building.

J-'or SaltFon SALE

The Board of Commissioners of Pub-lic Grounds and Buildings will offer atpublic sale in front of the State Capi-tol Building;, at entrance Fourth andState streets, Harrisburg, I Ja., at 10o'clock, a. m., February 14, 1914, thefollowing buildings and structures uponthe premises within the boundaries ofthe proposed extension of Capitol Park,in Eighth Ward, City of llarrlgburg:

State Street, 433-514-511 rear,Walnut Street, 414-630,Cowden Street. 124,South Street, 426-500-i*.Cranberry Street. 408,West Avenue, 532,North Street, 715.The purchaser shall pay to the Com-

monwealth of Pennsylvania, throtTghthe office of the Superintendent of Pub-lic Grounds and Buildings, Harrlsburg,Pa., by certified check or United StatesCurrency, the amount at which tlie saidbuilding or buildings and structuresare awarded to them, as follows: Acash payment of 25 per cent, shall bemade on day of sale and the balancebefore entering upon the property toremove the material purchased.

In all cases where the premises areunoccupied, possession will be giventiie purchaser immediately. Where thepremises are tenanted, possession willbe given Immediately after the prem-ises are vacated. The Commonwealthwill not be responsible for any damageto property after possession Is given.Purchaser shall state at the time oftheir offer the time required to removethe buildings and material after beinggiven possession by the Common-wealth, which in no case shall be long-er than 60 days. All building refuseshall be carted away from the premisesby the purchaser. Allfoundation wallsmust bo taken down and removed atleast three feet below level of street.

The Board of Commissioners of Pub-lic Grounds and Buildings reserves theright to accept or refect any or all bids.The work of removal shall be perform-ed under the direction of and to tliesatisfaction of the Superintendent ofPublic Grounds and Buildings.

NOTE: The sidewalks and streetpavements are not to be removed bypurchaser of buildings or structuresunder this schedule.

By order of the board.C. P. RODGERS, Secretary.

SAMUEL. B. RAMBO,Superintendent.


WE will sell our demonstrator toquick buyer, for very special price, be-cause of arrival of 1914 Mode). Fullyequipped with Gray and Davis electricstarter and lighting system. Car runless than 100 miles. Fully equipped inevery way, demountable rims, withextra rim. Call and see same and getspecial price. Zimmerman Motor CarCo., Walnut and Linden streets, Har-rlsburg, Pa.

FOR SALEFORTY FEET of oak office parti-

tions, large safe, sanitary, double ped-estal. fiat-top desk, office tables, bent-wood chairs, cabinets, Royal typewriter,etc. All in first-class condition and canbe bought at a money-saving price.Second Floor, 206 Market street.

ONE Densmore No. 5 typewriter, 1regulation army saddle, 1 12-gaugeWinchester repeater, with case; 1 Bor-den Pipe machine, threading from 1inch to 4 inches. Allabove in fine con-dition. It. E. Kramer, 912 North Thirdstreet.

6 PER CENT. First Mortgage Guar-anteed Real Estate Bonds on Pittsburg'slargest department store building. De-nominations )100, SSOO, SI,OOO, $5,000.

I For information address A. S. Wiest,Box 72, Harrlsburg, Pa.

By Associated PressNew York, Jan. 24. There was a

marked improvement in feeling In thefinancial district this week, to whichthe stock market responded with astrong upward movement. The volumeof business Increased largely. Of es-pecial significance was the amount of

Investment U_uytng of bonds and high-grade stocks, which reached propor-tions greater than at any previous timewithin many months.

The change in the securities marketreflect distinct betterment in funda-mental condition*. President Wilson'smessage to Congress regarding anti-trust legislation relieved the market ofadministration as to the attitude of theadmlinstratlon, and the tone of themessage was regarded as encouraging.Improvement In monetary conditionswas shown by the accumulation offunds at this center, lower rfetes formoney and reduction in discount ratesof foreign banks. Tlie change for thebetter in the Investment market wasindicated by the striking success ol

New York State's $51,000,000 issue of4% per cent, bonds and their subse-quent rapid resale by the successfulbidders.

Sentiment was more hopeful, in re-gard to the outlook for business. WhileIn many lines no marked Improvementwas discernable, there were changes forthe better in some cases. From thesteel and copper trades come optimis-tic reports.

Furnished by H. W. SNAVEI<Y,Areaile Building.

New York, Jan. 24.Open. Cloa.

Alaska Gold Mines . 23% 23Amal. Copper 35% 34%American Beet Sugar 27% 27%American Can 34% 3 4%American Can pfd. .96 95%Am. C. & F 50% 49%American Cotton Oil 42% 42%American Smelting . 69 68%.American Sugar ... 109% 108%American T. & T. .. 123% 123%Atchison 99% 99%Baltimore & Ohio 97 97%Bethlehem Steel ... 37 37Brooklyn R. T 92 91 %California Petroleum 28% 28Canadian Pacific ... 211 210%Chesapeake & Ohio. 67% 67C? M. & St. P 106 105%Chino Con. Copper . 41% 41Col. F. & I 33% 33%Consolidated Gas .. 137% 148%Corn Products 11% 11%Distilling' Securities . 18 18Erie 32 31%Erie Ist pfd 49% 49%General Electric Cp. 146% 147%Goodrich, B. F 43% 43%Great Northern pfd.. 129% 129%Great Nor. Ore subs. 38% 38Illinois Central 114% 114%Interboro-Met 15% 16%Jnlerboro-Met. pfd.. 62 62%Lehigh Valley 155% 154%Mo., Kan. & Texas . 23% 23%Missouri Pacific ... 29% 29%Nev. Con. Copper .. 16% 16%New York Central . 94% 94%N. Y? N. H. &H. . . 76 75%Norfolk & Western. 104% 104%Northern Pacific ..116 115%Pacific Mail 27% 27%Penna. R. R 115% 114%Peo. Gas & Coke ... 124 124Pressed Steel Car .. 34% 34%Ray. Con. Copper . 19% 18%Reading 170% 170%Rep. Iron & Steel .. 24% 24%Rep. Iron & S. pfd. 89 88%Rock Island lfi% 16%Rock Island pfd. .. 23% 24Southern Pacific .. 98% ' 97%Southern Railway .26% 26%Southern Rwy. pfd. 83 84%Tonnessee Copper . 34% 34%Texas & Pacific .... 16 16Texas Company ... 145 145Union Pacific 161% 161U. S. Rubber 16% 16%U. S. Steel 65% 64%U. S. Steel pfd 112 111%Utah Copper 53% 53%Wabash ~ 4 4Western Union Tel.. 64% 6 4Westinghouse Mfg.. 70% 71Woolworth 91% 91%


Special to The Telegraph

Mechanicsburg, Pa., Jan. 24.?Mem-bers of the Brotherhood of Trinity

Lutheran Church enjoyed the lectureby the Rev. Dr. Isaac Headland, re-turned missionary from China, on"By-products of Missions," in Bethle-hem Lutheran Church, Harriaburg, onThursday evening. Those who attend-ed were the Rev. H. Hall Sharp,George M. Wertz, George B. Hoover,Walter Gronbeck, Mayrial Stover, A.A. Arnold, Wilbur WertK, Jacob V.Weber, Chester Weber, BenjaminLantz, Joseph M. Lemon, Abram S.Hertzler, William E. Rowles, CharlesNickev and Seymour Bittinger.


SHOEMAKER On Friday, January'23, 1914, at the residence of herdaughter, Mrs. Rosanna R. Scheffer,Catherine Shoemaker, widow ofGeorge J. Shoemaker.Funeral from the residence, 1013

Green street, Monday afternoon, at 2o'clock. Burial private. Kindly omitflowers.

Legal Notices


No. 510 Equity Docket.Harriet Gardner, Plaintiff, against

Lewis Starry, Seright Starry, EmoryCoulson, Ivan Coulson, Elmer Coulson,Sarah Miller, George Starry, IrvinStarry and the heirs of Irene StarryHink, deceased, defendants.

To Elmer Hunter, Lewis Starry, andthe heirs of Irene Starry Hink. deceas-ed.

Take notice that the plaintiff in theabove case alleges a mistake and omis-sion in the description of land intendedto be conveyed by deed of Adam Starryto Harriet Gardner, the plaintiff, andJohn Y. Gardner, by deed dated April13, 1906, said omission being the partof said premises fronting eleven (11)feet on North Second street, Ilarri.s-burg, Pa., and extending eastwardlyfifty-two (52) feet to a line; and praysthe court to decree the reformation ofsaid description so that it shall be thecorrect description of the laud andpremises, viz: No. 1327 North Secondstreet, Harrlsburg. Pa., intended to beconveyed by said deed.

That January 21, 1914, the court madean order that you. Elmer Hunter, LewisStarry and the heirs of Irene StarryHink. be and you are hereby requiredto cause an appearance to be entered foryou and to file answers to said billwithin twenty days after February 7,1914.

If you fall to comply with said or-der you will be liable to have the billtaken pro confesso, and a decree madeagainst you in your absence.HARRY C. WELLS, Sheriff,

Harrisburg, Pa.S. S. RUPP,A. M. BOWMAN,

Solicitors for Plaintiff.


THE Harrlsburg Polyclinic Dispen-sary will be open dally except Sundayat I P. M., at Its new location, 1701North Second street, for the free treat-ment of the worthy poor. <

HARDWARE and HousefurnishlngStore, strictly up-to-date; good estab-lished cash business, and a payer. Un-less you mean business, don't answerthis ad. Addres "Hardware." care ofDaily Telegraph.

TWO typewriters. Excellent condi-tion and standard machines. An un-usual opportunity for some one. Callthis evening or Monday all day. Room302, Calder Building, Market Square.

88-NOTE Cecilian Piano Player, atsacrifice, account leaving city. Alsoone 3A Graflex Camera, B. & L. Zelss-Tessar lens; slightly used. L. E. Kra-mer, 912 North Third street.

4xß BRUNSWICK Pool Table and ac»cessories; good condition; cash or pav-ments; low price. Call on or address H.W. Norrls, 307 Market street, SecondFloor.

SECOND-HAND Oliver typewriter, ingood condition; will sell cheap; haveno further use. Address, or call, I. W.Appier, Lemoyne Trust Co., Lemoyne,Pa.

I AT GABLE'S, 111. 113 and 117 SouthSecond street, Redtlps, Can't Slip,Sure Grip, Rowe and Always Sharphorseshoe calks, and emergency shoes.

LADIES SEND US 15c and receive apackage of our Silk Patches for yourquilt. S. & D. Specialty Co., 100 Ham-ilton street, Harrlsburg, Pa.

SMALL kerosene engine for salecheap, 5-H.-P., to early buyer; like new.J. C. Morrison, West Fairview, Cum-berland county, Pa.

ONE font of 10 pt. and one font of12 pt. O. S., with Antique LinotypeMatrices. The Telegraph Printing Co.,Harrlsburg, Pa.

POPCORN and Confectionery Store,crispette machine; good reason for sell-ing. Address 136 North Front street,Steelton, Pa.

TWO 36x4%-lncli, two 37x5-inchquick detachable, Non-Skid tires, $100;new tires, never used. Apply 1408 NorthThird street.

RESTAURANT in good section ofcity, doing A 1 business; no reasonableoffer refused. Address X., 808, care ofTelegraph.

FOR SALE 25 shares Se-curity Trust Company stock. Ad-dress P. O. Box 783, City.

AN Aquarium, about 3 feet square,*with table. Address A.. 402, care ofTelegraph.

FOR SALE CARDS on sale at theTelegraph Business Office.

For Rent

FOR RENT Desirable officer In tkaTelegraph Building, singly or en-anlte.Inquire at Business Office.

ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS "can besecured at the Telegraph BusinessOffice.


large brick warehouses, built ex-pressly for storage. Private roomsfor household goods and unexcelled fa-cilities for storing all kinds of mer-chandise. Low storage rates. SouthSt. and Penr-. R. R.

STORAGE 419 Broad street, forhousehold goods and merchandise. Pri-vate rooms, $1 to S3. Wagons, 75 centsper month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411Broad street Both phones.


of loaning money by which borrowersshare profits of lenders. Legal rates,easy terms, confidential. Offices, Rooms6-7, 9 North Market Square.


A. H. SHRENK, 1906 North Sixthstreet. Bell phone 399W, experiencedPacker and Unpacker of Furniture,China and Bric-a-brac.


NEUER Mrs. Jennie Neuer, wife ofEdward Neuer, aged 69 years, diedat the home of her son, Clyde Neuer,West Fairview.Will be burled from the home of her

daughter, Mrs. E. Walter, 1010 Cowdcnstreet, Harrlsburg. Services will beheld at the house Monday afternoon, at2 o'clock. Relatives and friends are in-vited to attend, without further notice.


Change in Securities Reflects Distinct Betterment in Fun-damental Conditions


Arcade Building.Chicago, 111., Jan. 24.

.Open. Hlgb. Low. Clos.


"Srnli: \u25a0"»'»* 88 IVi 8*ill »* ?!*


By Associated Press

T4i^hJ adol K? hla- Jan ' 24 - Wheattri i i .2' 2? red ' export. »6%®97c;102 ' Northern, Duluth, export, »I.ol@

nnVn£«l~i Stl"Ongar: nOW, No. 2. yellOW.v#l»A~ l 'J.? cal ,6 »M.®TOV4c; new, No. 2,jellow, kiln dried. local. 71(@?3c.

Oats?Firm; No. i', white, 46&@46c.tnn ?"o'tTa Jfe, rket flrni: winter, per

IfS.'eo @27.0® : Bpr,n *' per ton-

nnwrilne 3 « ,

s ««are Market firm;eonfi®r? 41 .0C; Hne granulated, 4.05 c;3 90c A- 3.35 c; Keystone, A.

witV^lcr Tlle market is firm;srn ; creamery, extras, 32c; nearbyprints, fanix 35c.PnnS? S i ~ . 6 market Is firm;#rt?Lnsylvan 'a; and other nearby firsts,0 50 per c**e; do., currentee cas es> $10.20 per case;nop ? ex ira s, firsts, free cases, $10.60per oa.

86 ' firsts, free cases, $10.20Live Poultry Weak; fowls, 15®

K-nii« chickens, 13® 16c;1?£, 1

c.^lc,Sen,, ? 16H«fl7c; old roost-18® 18c; do., spring

17@ll('c Steese, 16®17c; turkeys,

n-Jo( CSaocl,Poultry Steady: fowls,

~?5.? rn ' ?an( -'y. heavy, 18®18%c; do.,s ' ze®>. 15®17c; do., small,

inffiii't, old roosters, 14c; roast-?kK®'' fancy, 19®20c; broll-

teßS' fanc /- 20®23c; do., fairJii® ts«

rkeys ' fa ncy. 24®28c; do..ll®l7c

ducks, Jl@l7c; geese.

Potatoes Weak; Penn»ylvanla andEastern, per bushel, 80®83c; New Tornand Eastern, per bushel, 78®80c; Jer-«6J\ Per basket, 20® 80c.market Is steady; winter,

.lit 'i *«,.

\u25a0tralghts, Penn-sylvania. [email protected]; western, *4.26®*.50; patents, $4.60®4.86: KansaTstraight. Jute sacks, [email protected]; spring.' «s, clear. $4.00®4.20;4.40; patents. $4.80<n>4.56.

.£*ay *r~ The market Is weak; tim-othy No. 1, large bales. slß.oo® 19.60;y°'.h JKS?i un\ hales. $18.50®19.00; No.2. $17.00® 17.60; No. 3, $14.00® 15.00,

Clover mixed; Light, mixed, $17.00®

®I6So° *l6 00® 16.60; No. 2, $14.60


Jan. 24. The statementof the actual condition of ClearingHouse Banks and Trust Companies forthe week shows that they hold $38,065,-<?>o reserve in excess of legal require-ments. This is a decrease of $5,04u,»00from last week. ' '

The statement follows:Actual CondlfloiiN

noiJ An!?s ' *1>986,150,000; increase, $73,-Uob.UOO.

000POC ' e ' * 397 ' s2B '"®®! Increase, $27,423,-

slll6B O0to"tlerß ' *U- 12SM0 - decrease,

SBM3B^OO° S,tS' !fl ' 9ol - 257 . 00 °; increase,

$8?8,r 0C

0li)latlOn ' ?43 ' 693 -00 °: decrease,

°ash reserve fn v ault, $409,-

vauHU,5 56?,176?0 aoO

ieß ' Caßh r°"erVe inAggregate cash reserve, $472,251,000Excess lawful reserve, $38,065,750- de-crease, $5,045,900. ' ''o ae

Companies' reserve with Clear-ing House members carrying 26 nercent, cash reserve, $09,243,000.


Sv Associated PressChicago. 111.. Jan. 24. Hogs RP-

? uik °* sa,ea '$8.30®8.40; light, [email protected]; mixedmixed, $8.20<ai8.45; heavy, sß.2o(?x>B 50-rough *8.20® 8.25; pigs, $6.75®8.00 '..Cattle Receipts, 200; slow. [email protected]; Texas steers, $6.90@8 10 :Mockers and feeders. $5.60®8.20; cows11 00

S ' 3 - 80 @ 8 - 6 ®! calves, $7.50®

Receipts, 1,000; dull. [email protected] yearlings, $6.80®7 15 :lambs, native, $6.90®8.00.

® 1

GRECIAN TOWN WRECKEDSpecial to The Telegraph

Athens, Jan. 24.?A severe earth-quake occurred yesterday at Lepanto.Almost every house in the town wasmore or less damaged and the fortresspartially wrecked, but nobody was In-jured.

JANUARY 24, 1914.

"The Ladies of Cranford"Given by Society People

Special to The TelegraphLebanon, Pa., Jan. 24.?Local m-

ciety turned out en masse to wltaeasthe production of "The Ladies ofCranford, a pastoral playlet with asetting In a small New England vil-lage a century ago, presented by th«ladies of St. John's Reformed ChurchGuild. Hoop skirts and other Colonialattire was in evidence in the costumesand the play throughout was enactedwith talent and skill. Mrs. WilliamLehman, Mrs. H. Rank Bickel, Mrs.Harry J. Shenk, Mrs. Ray A. Miller,Mrs. Ralph Coldren, Miss Harriet Caseand other ladles widely known in so-cial circles of the city took leadingparts.

Carl Freed of Chargeof Shooting M. F. EllisSpecial to The Telegraph

Somervllle, N. J., Jan. 24. ?PaulCarl, the young man who a week agoconfessed that he was guilty of shoot-ing Monroe F. Ellis, a wealthy lumberman of Basking Ridge, N, J., was dis-charged from custody to-day. Thecounty prosecutor told the court thatCarl's confession had been provenfalse in every way.

Ellis was shot two years ago Willi®sitting at dinner by somebody whofired a shot through the window. Herecovered, but has been able to giv®the police no clue to his assailant.

Mine Workers Decideto Drop Local Union

By Associated PressIndianapolis, Jan. 24.?0n charges

that it was an organization maintainedby a detective agency solely for thepurpose of getting a spy into the con-vention, Local Union 1179 of Pocahon-tas. W. Va., was expelled by the con-vention of the United Mine Workersof America here to-day. M. D. White-sell, the delegate accredited to theunion, was not in the convention hallwhen the action was taken.

MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLHand others upon their own names.Cheap rates, easy payments, conflden*tlal.

Adnm* & Co., R. 804, 8 N. Market Sq.

f"~ " >

This May HappenTo You

Life, limb and sight are of allcapital the most exposed to annl-hllation or Impairment.

Injuries and sickness cut downearnings and Increase expenses,

One person in every seven is In-jured every year.

tThere are so many risks you

must carry; why not let us carrythe rlak of accident and sicknesswhich you can't.

The new policies of the GeneralAccident are strictly up-to-date andwill help the clouds roll by.

I. MILLERGeneral Agent

103 North Third StreetV?\u25a0????\u25a0?»???J




MassachusettsBonding & Insurance

CompanyJOHN C.ORR, AgentBell 084. 222 MARKET STREET

4Valuable Property

For SaleSecond Street near WalnutAlmost 30-foot Frontage

Particulars at Our Office

Bergner Building

I Public Sale BI op |

§ Personal Property jq| Consisting of beds, bedding, dressers, car- |j

pets, office furniture, barroom fixtures, chairs, {§|

|| electric piano, dishes, cooking utensils, stoves, re- |||| frigerator, and other articles used in running a |jH hotel. Also a ten-year lease on 14 North Third IBjfj street, Harrisburg, Pa.. Sale to be held on prem- |jgjj ises, 512-30 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa., Janu- ||HI ary sl, 1914, at 10 o'clock. Terms cash. JiJ

| JOHN C. ORR II Trustee
