hard news - borchard.faculty.unlv.eduborchard.faculty.unlv.edu/jour310/310sp20.pdf ·...

News Anatomy Hard News: Crime, money, disaster Soft News: Human interest, profile, features

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News Anatomy

Hard News:Crime, money, disaster

Soft News:Human interest, profile, features

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News Qualities

Community issues ProximityTimeliness ConflictNews = N-E-W-S Impact

Human interest

Also:Helpfulness Unusual natureEntertainment InspirationCelebrities Special InterestTrends

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News = Non-Fiction (!)Despite what you may have heard

elsewhere, your story does NOT revolve around your opinion

Balanced reporting = multiple sources (not just “two sides”)

“Facts” include but are not limited to people, places and things, proper nouns, numbers, dollar amounts, quotes, etc.

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A distinguishing feature of Hard News

Summary (blind) lead: First sentence = “lead” (w/w/w/w/w/h: summarized in first sentence)

Tells the reader important details ASAP.

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Hard News

Summary lead = w/w/w/w/w/h

Blind lead: Same as summary lead, but it leaves out the name of the main subject(s) in story. (“Who” identified anonymously in lead, named later.)

Again, keep it real: NO fiction leads.

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Hard News StyleWho? What? Where? When? Why? How?

Answered at top ASAP

Inverted Pyramid

(bottom of pyramid is expendable)Structure is NOT five-paragraph essay

additional information funnels down

prioritize inforelative

to importance

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Beginning News StyleSentencesShort: Less than 35 words per sentence

ParagraphsHard news stories: One or two sentence paragraphsFeatures news: More flexible but still short

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Feature Stories (soft news)

Not a “formula,” but it helps . . .

1) Lead: Less than three paragraphs (let’s start by using anecdotal or delayed leads)

2) Nut graph: 2 or 3 sentences3) First quote: Make it count4) Additional info: Supports all of the above5) Close with quote: Use effective quote for

human interest

At least two sources & at least three quotes.Attribution: Use “said” & “according to” appropriately—

“according to” only with documents.

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“Mothers of victims criticize group”Brian Haynes, REVIEW-JOURNAL

Sub-head: Lobbying effort for juvenile court trial for driver in fatal crashcauses anger

1) Lead: They don’t walk into their son’s room and weep for the childthey’ll never see again.

They aren’t haunted by a father’s mournful sobs.They didn’t have to turn over dental records so their son could

be identified.2) Nut Graph: So why, Tina Parry asked, is a group of women campaigning

for the teen charged with killing her son and two others to be tried injuvenile court, where he probably would face a maximum one-yearsentence at a youth facility?

3) Quote: “These women have no right doing what they’re doing,” Parrysaid. “It’s not their child they’re burying.”

4) Transition: Friends Josh Parry, Kyle Poff and Travis Dunning, all 15, diedNov. 10 when the car they were in smashed into a brick wall on awinding Henderson street. Authorities said the driver, 16-year-old SeanLarimer, was driving 80 mph in a 25 mph zone and had a blood-alcohollevel more than twice the legal limit.

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“A Home Away From Home for Dying Children”Laura Novak, NEW YORK TIMES

SAN LEANDRO, Calif. — If the house was a hard sell, the pitch might go like this: Hamptons-style estate on five gated acres above San Francisco Bay. Classic clapboard exterior; gabled roof with large stone chimneys. An open floor plan of 15,000 square feet. Eight-burner Wolf range. Great rooms, music, computer and TV rooms. Two guest suites, meditation sanctuary, pet kennels, rose garden and waterfall.

But the house, with its eight bedrooms and private bathrooms, has one final feature that distinguishes it from any other home: the temperature-controlled wake room for families who need several days to say goodbye to the child they have brought here to die.

When it opens its doors to the first pediatric patients and their families in March, the George Mark Children’s House will become the only independent site in the country to provide medical child care and end-of-life management for children.

“For Americans, death is a taboo,” said Dr. Kathy Hull, a psychologist in pediatric oncology who helped start the home named for her brothers. One died at 16 in a car accident; the other died at 30 from cancer. “I think we’re the only society in the world where everybody thinks they're getting out alive somehow. And for children, it’s much worse, and not because it doesn't happen but because it’s a topic people are not comfortable with.”

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Make sure your stories have these: 1) Soft lead and nut graph2) Use full, direct quotes (3 minimum) Weave quotes throughout Most effective quote early Use paraphrases and transitions Close with quote: Human interest

3) A newsy angle = a “so what?” Provide info for a wide audience, featuring a compelling set of events, timely and local angles.

4) At least three pages in length.

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InterviewsBefore Interviews: Background ResearchRemarkable or newsworthy aspects of subject?Will it require additional explanation? History?

Arrange interviews ASAPSpecific time, place, appropriate atmosphere:

Do NOT wait until the last minute.

Prepare questions – memo and researchAllow for improvisation; Magic # = 10 questions

InterviewBring gear: Reporter’s notebook – NO legal pads

Tape recorder: Check batteries.

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Ask open-ended questions: “yes/no” ineffective.

Take detailed notes: No such thing as too many.Tape recorder ok, but don’t rely on it.

Listen: “Between the lines”Maintain eye contact, deviate from the “script.”Expressions or mannerisms noteworthy? (for developing context and clarification only).

Ask follow up questions:Anything else source would like to have featured?

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DIRECT QUOTESUse them wisely and to add color to story.

Gather, write, add appropriate quotes with appropriate sources.

When to use them:To substantiate information (credibility)To back up your lead (helps tell the story)To build a rhythm to the story (weave them)

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Reporter’s Test“Quoteworthiness”

Before you use a quote, ask yourself:• Is the quote memorable without checking notes?• Is it public record? Necessary to attribute?• Can the quote work better as a paraphrase?• Do your quotes repeat your transitions?• Does the quote add to story by supplying emotion,

interest or new information?• Is it necessary? Should it be revised/deleted?• Who benefits from having the quote?

Answer: Readers!

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Two Kinds of Quotes:Direct vs. Paraphrased

BOTH are literally accurate.

Direct: Words are verbatim, as spoken by source – no “doctoring.”

Paraphrased: Writer revises information from source for clarity.

Note: Not all paraphrases must be attributed,but ALL direct quotes must include source.

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From Direct to Paraphrase

First Person/Second Person:“I’m glad the instructor told me to

proofread,” she said. (note punctuation)

Paraphrased: Use third person (he/she/it/they)• The professor told her to proofread, she said.• Also: The professor told her to proofread.

Note: Source is third person.

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First/Second Reference

First reference:“I do not expect interest rates to rise or fall in the next month,” said Jerome Powell, chairman of the Federal Reserve.

Second reference:“I do not expect interest rates to rise or fall in the next month,” Powell said.

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After the Interview

Arrange notes in story form ASAP.Allow time to write draft and revise.

Remember: Every person is interesting.

Your job is to tell a story, but let your source help.

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Preparing the Final Draft

With source: Verify notes, quotes, facts

Confirm name to be used in storyMike vs. MichaelSara Beth vs. SarahbethAnderson vs. Andersen (F.E.)

Note: Last name only 2nd reference

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The game was played by children.Children played the game.

The man from Henderson was bitten by a rattlesnake.A rattlesnake bit the Henderson man.

Look for “to be” verbs and convert them into action verbs.To be verbs often suggest the subject simply is

—we want the subject doing something.

Note: Some “to be” constructions work,and not all passive constructions use “to be” verbs.

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With an outside reader – NOT the person you interviewed – discuss the story:

“In 25 words or less, what is my story about?” (Is it approximately the nut

graph? If not, you need to revise.)

Find focus, newsworthy angle and follow up on publication potential.

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Proofing TechniquesRead your text out loud. Listen for missing or

extra words, or awkward phrasing.Check each word in every sentence, and

double check all nouns, verifying in particular proper nouns.

Begin at the end of your story and check backwards for appropriate placement of punctuation.

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A note on commas, etc.Use simple punctuation, commas and periods.

Editing Technique:If punctuation marks other than commas orperiods appear in your sentences, i.e.,

? -- ; : ! ( ) / & …revise so you no longer use that punctuation.

Formatting:Do not use italics, CAPS, underline, etc.

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Omit Needless Words

Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence shouldcontain no unnecessary words, a paragraph nounnecessary sentences, for the same reason that adrawing should have no unnecessary lines and amachine no unnecessary parts. This requires notthat the writer make all his sentences short, orthat he avoid all detail and treat his subject onlyin outline, but that every word tell.

William Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White, The Elements of Style, Macmillan, 1959, Rule No. 13.

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Final Draft

Verify focus, newsworthy angle and follow up on publication potential.

Make sure you have identified the correct target audience and have an appropriate target publication.

Be prepared for additional revisions.