hansel and gretelstory

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Post on 28-Feb-2018




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  • 7/25/2019 Hansel and GretelStory



    Once upon the time, there lived a very poor woodcutter, his wife, and his two

    children, Hansel and Gretel. They lived in a tiny cottage at the end of the village.

    One evening, Hansel and Gretel overheard their father and stepmotherarguing.

    "We don't have enough food to eat. Soon we will all starve." said the


    "ou're right, !ut don't #now what to do," their father answered.

    " have a plan," said their stepmother. "We have to leave the children in

    the forest. This is the only way to save on food."

    $inally, after much argument the father reluctantly agreed. Hansel went to

    !ed with a heavy heart.

    The ne%t morning, Hansel and Gretel were ta#en to the forest. Hansel #ept

    some !readcrum!s in his pac#et. He dropped them along the way without his

    parents' #nowledge. He hoped to &nd the way home.

    "hildren wait here. our father and are going to collect some &rewood,

    however, #new that they would never return.

  • 7/25/2019 Hansel and GretelStory


    Scared and all alone. Hansel and Gretel wal#ed deeper into the forest.

    They were cold, hungry, and tired.

    Suddenly, they saw a !eautiful !ut curious loo#ing cottage. They ran to the

    cottage. To surprise, it was made of chocolates, candies. ca#es, and sweets.

    Hungrily they go!!led down chocolate !ric#s from the walls and the candy #no!from the door.

    (ll of sudden, the door crea#ed and open and an old lady appeared. 'Who

    is eating my house)" as#ed the lady. "We are sorry." said Hansel and Gretel.

    ac#ling, the old lady replied, "*on't worry, help yourself to whatever you want.

    Then come inside for a nap," she said.

    Hansel and Gretel ate as much as they could and then went into the

    house. They were tired and soon feel asleep.

    The ne%t day, the old lady put Hansel in a cage and forced Gretel to do thehouse chores. Hansel and Gretel soon realised she was actually a witch.

  • 7/25/2019 Hansel and GretelStory


    +very day, the witch fed Hansel lots of food. She wanted to ma#e him fat,

    as she planned to eat him. +very morning she said, "Hansel, stic# out your &nger.

    want to see how fat you are today." Hansel #new she had poor eyesight, so he

    would stic# out a chic#en !one instead.

    "Why aren't you getting fat Hansel) Oh have to feed you more," said thewitch.

    $inally, the day came when the witch would wait no longer.

    " will not wait no longer. Gretel Go and start the &re. am going to coo#

    Hansel" shouted the evil witch.

    Gretel sat in front of the oven and pretended to start the &re.

    "Have you started the &re)" the witch shouted impatiently. "...... can't

    get it started," Gretel stuttered.

    "-ove aside" the witch shouted. This was the moment Gretel had !een

    waiting for, the moment she could save her !rother.

    (s the witch moved closer to the oven, Gretel gathered all her strength

    and pushed her, The witch fell into the oven.

    " did it did it" screamed Gretel with great e%citement. She rushed to

    the cage and freed Hansel. Hansel hugged his sister. He was proud of her. She

    was his hero.

    Hansel gra!!ed his sister's hand and they ran towards the door. (s they

    were running out, they stum!led upon a room full of treasure. They ran away and

    found their way !ac# home.

  • 7/25/2019 Hansel and GretelStory


    When they saw the father's house in the distance, they !egan to run,

    rushed inside, and threw their arms around the father's nec#.

    The man had not had even one happy hour since he had left the children in the

    woods. However, the woman had died. Gretel shoo# out her !as#et, scattering

    pearls and precious stones around the room, and Hansel added to them !y

    throwing one handful after the other from his poc#ets.

    "oo#, $ather We're rich now . . . ou'll never have to chop wood again."

    (nd they all lived happily together ever after.

  • 7/25/2019 Hansel and GretelStory


  • 7/25/2019 Hansel and GretelStory
