hands-on training certificate

r口 g`JJ″ sfr纟 r Jicrf‘ I、 JJrt,‘ Irr CJJrI″gz乃 @JJ,「F,j″ 5Ⅰ J犭JJ Date: May6,2014 Handsˉ on Training Certificate To、VⅡ oM IT MAY CONCERN Ths is to certⅡ ˇth敲 M⒈ Alendra Arachchiε e Janitha sankal,ana (,assnort #: N2799222),graduate of(]uangzhou Civil Axiation College,has undcrgonc practicaI hands-on training in our coⅡ cgc as an Aircraft Maintenancc Tcchnician for 360 training hours, including modiflcations, repair. rcplacements, tcst, opcration and inspcction of aircraft componellts/items of cqopmclat durllag m句 or chCcks undσ supα 访sion of quali丘 cd lc∝ ulels on different typcs of aircraft such a$MD-82and Bocing737 DetaⅡ cd training sessions arc as attachcd

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Page 1: hands-on training certificate

r口 既 刂Ⅹ1α″g`JJ″ sfr纟纟r

Jicrf‘ I、思 JJrt,‘ Irr

CJJrI″gz乃 @JJ,「F,j″″


Date: May6,2014

Handsˉ on Training Certificate


Ths is to certⅡ ̌th敲 M⒈ Alendra Arachchiε e Janitha sankal,ana (,assnort #:

N2799222),graduate of(]uangzhou Civil Axiation College,has undcrgonc practicaI hands-on

training in our coⅡ cgc as an Aircraft Maintenancc Tcchnician for 360 training hours,

including modiflcations, repair. rcplacements, tcst, opcration and inspcction of aircraft

componellts/items of cqopmclat durllag m句 or chCcks undσ supα访sion of quali丘cd lc∝ulels

on different typcs of aircraft such a$MD-82and Bocing737 DetaⅡ cd training sessions arc as


Page 2: hands-on training certificate


HaⅡds-oⅡ Tralnlng sessloⅡ s

3.川rcra】 Au° n∶c/InstrumentaJon (24hours)



1.Tools us:ng&DisassemblV and assembIv of components(24h0u rs)

No Pr丬 ects Hours AdditionaI Hrs

1 The use ofscreWdrIˇ er 2 1hour fortheory

2 The use of wrench and torque wrench 4 1hourfortheon`

3 The use of rneasurement too!s 6 2hourfortheoγ

4Disassennbly and assembly of WPˉ 6eXhaust



5 DisassembIy and assembly of H-5panels 6 1hour fortheory

2. Introduct:on of fasteners&safetV methods of fasteners(24hours)

No Projects HOurs AdditionaI Hrs

1 IntroduCuon° f fasteners 2

2 safetv wire of fasteners 4 1hour for theory

3 safety wire of pipes 4 o5hour fortheory

4 safety wire of control cable 4 o5hour for theory

5 Cotter pins 4 o5hour for theory

6 safety rnethod of components 6 1hour for theory

No Projects Hours AddItional Hrs

1IntroduCe main electronic system and

power on aircraft4

2Disassemble`assemble and check VHF


3DIsassembIe`assembIe and check ADF


4 Pitot and static system leak test 4

5 EsD identification and notice 3

6 static discharge wick testing 3

7 evaluation 3

Page 3: hands-on training certificate

4. sheet Metal Repa:r (24hours)

No Pr丬 ect Tiue Hours Additional Hrs

1 Tools and material recognition; 3h

2Expansion dwg computation and sheet

metaI blanking;3h

3Bending`ro"bending`constriction and

stretch of sheet rnetal;6h

4Gripping` stretch the edge` beading

and correction;6h

5Fabricate a tray or a bucket` both of

thenη coverthe basIc sk"ls above,6h

5.川r condkion svstem(18hours)

No Pr丬 ect Tiue HOurs Add"ionaI Hrs


Disassembly`assembly and inspection ofthe

a∶r condition system on the No,7transport


4 1hourfor theory

2DisassembIy,assembly and inspection of air

condition system on the trident airp丨 ane4 1hourfortheon`

3inspedion and test ofthe air condition

system on the MDˉ 82airplane6 2hour for theory


Disassembly and assennb!y ofthe typical

pa"s on the air condition system on the

t"dent airplane

4 1hourfortheo冖 /

6.FueI svstem (18hour⑴

No Pr丬 ect Tide HOurs AdditionaI Hrs

1Disassembly`assembly and inspection ofthe

fuel sy$tem onthe No7transport airplane6 1hour fortheo冖 /

2DisassembIy`assembly and inspectIon ofthe

fueIsystem on the t"dent airplane6 1hourfortheoγ

3inspedion and test ofthe fueIsystem on the

MDˉ82airpIane6 1hourfortheon`





Page 4: hands-on training certificate

7. ControI sVstem (30hours)

No Pr丬 ect Πue HOurs Additional Hrs

1 Draw bar adJustment of the contrd system 4 1hourfortheoγ

2Disassembly`assembly and inspedion ofthe

a"eron system4 1hourfortheoγ

3Tension force inspedion of the steeltight

wIre4 1hourfortheoγ

4 Measure the a"eron angle on the plane 6 !h°urf° rtheoγ

5 Lubrication for the controI system 6 1hourfor theorv

6lnsρ ection ofthe contro!system on thθ

MD82airplane6 1hourfortheop`

8. "onˉ Damage Test (20hours)

No Project TitIe Hours AdditionaI Hrs

1 Permeating test 4 1hourfor theory

2 Magnetic test 4 1hourfortheorv

3 VltrasonIc test 6 2hours fortheoγ

4 Vortex test 6 2hours fortheorv

9. HvdrauI:c sVstem (30hours)

No Pr丬ects Hours Additional Hrs


Disassennbly and assembly ofthe hydrau"c

pump`a钍 enJon forthe safety of hydrau"c



2 Inspedion ofthe accumuhtor presq竺 二E 4

3 CIean the f"ter e∶ ement ofthe ΥL-28f"ter 4

4MaintenanCe forthe main f"terin the

hVdrau"c system4

一bReplace the hydrau"c piρ e"nein the wheel

We"ofthe landing gear4

6Inspection ofthe moisture proof sand in the



7 lnspectbn the return"ne】 kerin the tank 2

8lnspection ofthe main ac0Vmulator pressure

and refi"ing the accumulator


Page 5: hands-on training certificate

10.日 ect"Cal sVstem l36HOurs)

No Pr丬 ect Ⅱde hours AdditionalaI Hrs

1 Introduction of power suppIy system 2

2 Maintenance0f DC generator 2

3 Maintenance of AC generator 3

4 Maintenance ofinverter 2

5 MaintenanCe of TR 2

6AnaIVzing p0Wer supply mode of

BOdng/Airbus h a"kndj ofc0nd由on3

7 Maintenance of aircra仕 bo⒒eγ 4


supply ρoWerto MD82aircraft on ground2

9lntroduction of eIeCtricaI elements and lights



10IdentifVing and measu"ng of eled"caI



11Connecti0n` checking and energizing of Υ7

aircra仕 taxing and Ianding|ight


12Connection、 CheCkIng and energizing of other

aircraR landing"ght


△3 Exam 2

11.struCture Repair (18h° u rs)



ProjeCt TitIe

Page 6: hands-on training certificate

12.fue∶、 lubr∶ cat∶ng o"on the engine (30hours)

No Pr丬 ect Tiue hours AdditionalaI Hrs

1 maintenance ofthe fuelf"ter 2

2DisassembIy`assembIy and insρ edi0n ofthe

fuel nozzIe on the W6engine3

3DisassembIy`assembly and inspection ofthe

fuel nozzh on the fa"et2


Doassembly,assennbly and inspection of fuel

nozzle on the engine of the No,7transpo"



5 maintenance ofthe low pressure fue!f"ter 2

6 Inspection ofthe magneJc plug on the fanlet 3

7Disassemb丨y`assemnbly and inspedion of the

lubricating o"tank on the W6engine4

8Disassembly,assembly and inspection of the

mediunn fue丨 pu"np onthe W6engine4

9Disassennbly`assembly and inspection of the

lubricating part on the VV6engine4

10Disassembly`assemb!y ond inspedion of

Iubricating oⅡ ρurnp on the CFM56-3engine4

13.landing gear (36h° u rs)

No Project T∶ tIe hours AdditionaIaI Hrs

1 inspect the landing gear carefu"y 2

2disassembly and assemblV of the tˇ re on the

737airρ lane3

3d‘ assemblV and assembly of th只 brake pan

on the737airplane3

4disassembly and assembly of the neutra丨 part

on the front wheel4

5 speciaIinspection of the torsionρ roof arm 4

6 IubriCation ofthe nose Wheelsystem 2

7disassembIy and assembly of the brake part

onthe AN-ˉ 24airplane2

Page 7: hands-on training certificate

8Disassembly`assembly and inspedion of the

brake part4

9sρecialinspection of the main shock absorber


10 inspedion ofthe wheeland the tyre ρresure 1

11Disassemnbly,assennbIy and inspection of the

upρ erlock of the landing gear3

12inspedion of the hand crank for pu仗 ing d°wn

the Ianding gearto rneet an emergency2

13 inspection ofthe Ianding gear svsteln 4

14.Pneuma刂 c/ˇacuum&oxvgen svstem(16hours)

No Pr叼 ect TkIe hours AdditionaIal Hrs


Disassembly、 assennbIy and inspedion ofthe

Pneumauc/Vacuum&oxygen system on the

trident airρ Iane

4 1hour for the°γ

2Disassembly, assembIy and inspection of

subsystem LRu4 1hourfortheoγ

3serVer、 inspedion and test of VaCuum

&oXygen system on the t"dent airplane4 1hourfortheoγ

4Disassembly and assembly ofthe typical pa仗 s

system4 1hourfortheoγ


No Pr丬 ect Tiue hours AdditionaIaI Hrs

1D‘assemb丨y`assembly and inspe¢ bn ρf thePropeller on the CuJao-6

5 1hourfortheoγ

2DisassennbIy`assembly and inspeCtion of the

Prope"er component on the Υu-7airplane5 1hourfortheoγ

3inspection and test of subsystem anti-ice on

the prope"er, ∶2 1hourfor theorV