handout for writing the essays

essays for writing Handout LiguaClub 2015

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Handout was formed in Youth Association DRONI, Tbilisi, Georgia in frames of the project LinguaClub. It is a basic guide for writing the essays in English.


Page 1: Handout for writing the essays

essaysfor writing

HandoutLiguaClub 2015

Page 2: Handout for writing the essays

Writing withParagraphs

One of the most important thing forwriting the essays is setting the basicstructure. One of the methods of structurizingthe essays is building it with theparagraphs.Paragraphs give us the path anddirection to constract what we want tosay.Generally the essays consist of 3 mainparagraphs -1. Introduction, 2. Body, 3. Conclusion.each of them includes severalsubparagraphs which we will explainfurthermore.

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1. Set the toneand hook theaudience

the opening linemust immediatelyengage audience

Examples:generalization of the topic;


little anecdote;


don't write intentions;

no "National dictionarydefines..."

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2. Introducethe topic

Say somethingabout your topic ina few sentences

3. Stateyour THESIS

States what weare up to.

1-2 sentences thatsummarizes your argumentand briefly tells what themain text is going to beabout

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4. Transitionsentence

movesintroduction tothe nextparagraph

try to stay in theactive voice andkeep your readeron the hook

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this paragraph should consistat least from following threesub paragraphs

1. FirstStrongestArgument

2. WeakestArgument

3. SecondStrongestArgument

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Introductory Sentence

Each must contain:

paragraph theme

how it is connected to the thesis

2-3 Specific examplesproves thesis

is a fact or an evidence

Commentaryexplains the example, discusseswhat it means to the topicand/or to the thesis

shows what the example proves

is 2-3 sentences

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Conclusion sentenceincludes the theme of theparagraphs

shows how the subparagraphproves the thesis

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1. Restatethe thesis

Explain how the bodyparagraphs providethe evidence forconclusion that wasdone

tie up the loose endsfrom theintroduction andbody paragraphs,but be careful not torepeat what isalready written

2. Summerizeyour points

be powerful!

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what to do after:

WALK AWAY,Have a break!

Go over the paper withgrammar, spelling andpunctuation

Edit the essay! ask your friend, edit format(margins, fonts, headers) done!

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don't plagiarize

avoid using banal words, like "toconlude", "in conclusion" etc

use different synonyms, use#LOGOGRAPH.

Connect paragraphs with thelinking words, phrases

be creative!10

don't repeat

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linking words:

listingfirst, second, thirdfirst, furthermore, finallynext,firstly, secondly, thirdly

Reinforcealso,and,furthermore,moreover,what is more, in addition,besides,still, yet anotherabove all,as well (as),in the same way.

Similarityequally,likewise,simirarly,correspondingly,in the same way.

Transition tothe next pointnow,as far as ... is concernedwith regard,reference to,as for...it follows that,turning to.

Summaryin conclusion,to conclude,in brief,to summarize,overall,therefore.

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linking words:

giving examplesfor example,for instance,as follows:that is,in this case,namely,in other words

Cause-effectso,thus,therefore,hence,concequently,as a result,as a concequence,accordingly,to this/that end,because of,because,since,as,given,cause,result in,lead to,bring about,result from,arise from,stem from,ascribed to,attributed to,owing to,thanks to.

deductionthen,in the other words,in that case,otherwise,this implies that...if not/so

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linking words:

stating it obviousobviously,clearly,naturally,of course,as can be expressed,surely,after all.

Highlightingin particular,particularly,especially,mainly.

generalizationin general,generally,on the whole,as a rule,for the most part,in most cases,usually,majorly.

reformulationin the other words,rather,to put it more simply.

alternativealternatively,rather,on the other hand,the alternative is,another possibility would beContrast


despite,yet,different,instead,rather,even though,nevertheless,

nonetheless,notwithstanding,on the contrary,by/in contrast,in spite of

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