handout _2 intraorganizational communication handout _2 intraorganizational communicationhandout _2...

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  • 8/13/2019 Handout _2 Intraorganizational Communication Handout _2 Intraorganizational CommunicationHandout _2 Intraorg


    HANDOUT: # 2

    COURSE: Communication SkillsINSTRUCTOR: Kamil Siddiqi

    Intra-organizational Communiation

    T!" EHA$IORo% &"o&l" in organization' !a' gr"at in%lu"n"( T!" %undam"ntal qu"'tion

    i' on" o% )OTI$ATION( Ho* do *" motivate ot!"r' to +"!a," in t!" d"'ir"d mann"r

    Int"r&"r'onal +"!a,ior dra*' %ort! r"'&on'"'( Communiation i' a t*o-*a. a%%air/ noton" *a.0

    To und"r'tand !o* *" in%lu"n" t!" +"!a,ior o% ot!"r' *" n""d a +ri"%"1amination o% reinforcing and aversive'timuli( R"in%oring 'timuli ar" &l"a'ant and

    &o'iti," and an !a," a moti,ating "%%"t on +"!a,ior( A,"r'i," 'timuli !a," quit" an

    o&&o'it" "%%"t on our +"!a,ior( T!". ar" 'om"tim"' all"d n"gati," r"in%or"m"nt(

    "r!a&'/ 'om" o% t!" mo't %or"%ul 'timuli +ot! r"in%oring and a,"r'i," om" to u' a'

    AUDOTOR3 $ERA4 STI)U4I( 5or "1am&l"/ t!" 'tat"m"nt: 63ou ar" doing good *or7/8 an

    +" a r"in%oring 'timulu' t!at *ill "nourag" long/ !ard *or7( 4i7"*i'": 63ou r"all.

    mu%%"d t!at on"8 an !a," an a,"r'i," "%%"t t!at *ill au'" t!" &"r'on to r"du" "%%ortand &"r!a&' '7i& a da.9' *or7( 5r"qu"nt a,"r'i," 'timuli ma. au'" an "m&lo."" to

    "1&lor" ot!"r "m&lo.m"nt o&tion'(

    Int"rnal ommuniation %lo*' "it!"r !orizontall. or ,"rtiall. *it!in t!"

    organization( Horizontal ommuniation ta7"' &la" +"t*""n &""r'/ *!il" verticalommuniation i' +"t*""n 'u&"rior and 'u+ordinat"'( Communiation %rom t!" 'u&"rior

    to t!" 'u+ordinat" i' all"d downward communicationand t!at %rom t!" 'u+ordinat" tot!" 'u&"rior i' all"d upward communication.

    "r!a&'/ t!" mo't in%lu"ntial "l"m"nt o% t!" r"lation'!i& +"t*""n 'u&"rior' and'u+ordinat"' i' t!" communication climate. T!" 'u+ordinat"9' *illingn"'' to

    ommuniat" aurat" in%ormation to a 'u&"rior i' a%%"t"d +. t!" 'u+ordinat"9' d"'ir" to

    lim+ t!" organizational ladd"r( T!" 'u+ordinat" ma. distortt!" m"''ag" to di'a''oiat"

    !im'"l% %rom t!" +ad n"*'( T!i' di'tortion i' a r"'ult o% t!" 'u+ordinat"9' UARD)OI4IT3 ASIRATIONS( T!" "nd &rodut o% t!i' +"!a,ior i' t!at 'u&"rior' ar" o%t"n &oorl.

    in%orm"d or unin%orm"d a+out organizational ills. Ot!"r +arri"r' to u&*ardommuniation inlud":

    H3SICA4 DISTANCE+"t*""n t!" 'u&"rior and 'u+ordinat"

    TOO )AN3 4A3ERSo% t!" organization

    THE 4ACK O5 TRADITION o% u&*ard ommuniation(

  • 8/13/2019 Handout _2 Intraorganizational Communication Handout _2 Intraorganizational CommunicationHandout _2 Intraorg


    T!"'" +arri"r' gi," ri'" to t!" &rini&l" o% information inertia: Once information has

    come to rest at a certain level of the organization, it will tend to remain there for ever.

    Do*n*ard ommuniation i' u'uall. ;o+ r"lat"d and not &"r'onal( A ma;or '!ortoming

    o% do*n*ard ommuniation i' t!i' depersonalization o% t!" 'u&"rior-'u+ordinat"r"lation'!i&( It '!ould +" t!" t"nd"n. among 'u&"rior' to &rai'" 'in"r"l. and t!"r"+.

    r"in%or" t!"ir 'u+ordinat"' in %ront o% ot!"r &"o&l"(

    E%%"ti," ommuniation o%t"n d"&"nd' on a''uming t!" a&&ro&riat"

    ommuniation %or t!" oa'ion( T!"r" i' no agr""d-u&on num+"r o% at"gori"' o%

    CO))UNICATION ST34E()o't o% t!" 't.l"' lu't"r around %our dim"n'ion':( ERSUASION?( RO4E) SO4$IN=

    Blamingi' not al*a.' +ad and problem solvingi' not al*a.' good( T!"r" ar" oa'ion'

    *!"n .ou n""d to +" directiveand &"r!a&' ","n +laming( ro+l"m 'ol,ing an +" +ot!

    t"diou' and tim" on'uming: it i' not a ur" %or all ill'( "om" %amiliar *it! t!" %our't.l"' and *it! .our o*n 'tr"ngt!' and *"a7n"''"'/ t!"n tr. to '"l"t t!" a&&ro&riat"

    't.l" %or t!" oa'ion(



  • 8/13/2019 Handout _2 Intraorganizational Communication Handout _2 Intraorganizational CommunicationHandout _2 Intraorg

