handbook for escm account application and management -for vendor-

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Post on 13-Dec-2015




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Handbook For eSCM Account Application and management -For Vendor- Slide 2 STEP1: Click Account Application to enter the application page You may inquire the information of contact window of each site by clicking this item Log in Account Password Slide 3 Slide 4 STEP2: Click Vendor! STEP3: Enter your vendor code, then click Next! Next Please choose your classification of applicant Please enter your vendor code Slide 5 Please enter each site buyer e-mail 00001 MITAC STEP4: Click Send after filling out your personal information Name Mobile Tel Email = Login Account MIC MKL MSL Send Slide 6 STEP5: The application will be done after clicking confirmed P.S: To as sure the security of you account, youll be requested to modify your password every 3 months by the system Confirm Dear Supplier, Your application of account for authority of using Mitac has been approved, wellcome to escm portal!Thank you! Login password Please modify your password after your first logging in Slide 7 E-SCM NEW! You may see the connection of the system function of each site, and you may simultaneously use the system function of each site without logging in form different logging interface P.S: Youre entitled to use the system function which your application of such has been approved. MSLMKL MIC Slide 8 1.Modify personal information: (1)You may modify personal information (2)You may apply for the authority of other company. As the illustration below, you may also apply for MKL Hubweb. Please fill in the company authority as you need and designate buyers e-mail, Afterwards please click Send to complete your application. : Application of new authority MKL Send Slide 9 2. : Enter your original and new password as requested, and then click Send to complete the modification process. Attention: Modification of password should comply with the principle of password setting. Slide 10 Fill in you e-mail and click OK, password will be automatically sent to your e- mail box by system : Forget your password