halogenated metabolites in two marine polychaetes and their planktotrophic and lecithotrophic larvae

J. D. Cowart á K. T. Fielman S. A. Woodin á D. E. Lincoln Halogenated metabolites in two marine polychaetes and their planktotrophic and lecithotrophic larvae Received: 14 July 1999 / Accepted: 20 January 2000 Abstract This study investigated the occurrence and ontogenetic changes of halogenated secondary metabo- lites in planktotrophic and lecithotrophic larvae and adults of two common, infaunal polychaetes, Streblospio benedicti Spionidae) and Capitella sp. I Capitellidae), with dierent life-history traits. S. benedicti contains at least 11 chlorinated and brominated hydrocarbons alkyl halides) while Capitella sp. I contains 3 bromi- nated aromatic compounds. These halogenated metab- olites are potential defense compounds bene®ting both larvae and adults. We hypothesized that: 1) plankto- trophic larvae contain halogenated metabolites because they are not protected by adult defenses, 2) quantitative and qualitative variation of planktotrophic larval halo- genated metabolites parallels that of adults, and 3) brooded lecithotrophic larvae initiate the production of halogenated metabolites only after metamorphosis. To address these hypotheses, volatile halogenated com- pounds from polychaete extracts were separated using capillary gas chromatography and identi®ed and quan- ti®ed using mass spectrometry with selected ion moni- toring. All four life stages pre- and post-release larvae, new recruits, adults) of both S. benedicti and Capitella sp. I contained the halogenated metabolites previously identi®ed from adults. This is the ®rst report of halocompounds identi®ed and quanti®ed in polychaete larvae. Allocation of potential defense compounds to ospring varied as a function of species, feeding type and developmental stage. Pre-release larvae of S. bene- dicti with planktotrophic development contained the lowest concentration of total halogenated metabolites 1.75 0.65 ng mm )3 ), post-release and new recruits contained intermediate concentrations 8.29 1.72 and 4.73 2.63 ng mm )3 , respectively), and planktotrophic adults contained signi®cantly greater amounts 28.9 9.7 ng mm )3 ). This pattern of increasing concentrations with increasing stage of development suggests synthesis of metabolites during development. Lecithotrophic S. benedicti post-release larvae contained the greatest concentrations of halometabolites 71.1 10.6 ng mm )3 ) of all S. benedicti life stages and developmental types examined, while the amount was signi®cantly lower in new recruits 34.0 15.4 ng mm )3 ). This pattern is consistent with a previously proposed hy- pothesis suggesting a strategy of reducing potential autotoxicity during developmental transitions. Pre- release lecithotrophic larvae of Capitella sp. I contained the highest concentration of total halogenated metabo- lites 1150 681 ng mm )3 ), whereas the adults con- tained signi®cantly lower total amounts 126 68 ng mm )3 ). All concentrations of these haloaromatics are above those known to deter predation in previously conducted laboratory and ®eld trials. As a means of conferring higher larval survivorship, lecithotrophic fe- males of both species examined may be expending more energy on chemical defenses than their planktotrophic counterparts by supplying their lecithotrophic embryos with more of these compounds, their precursors, or with energy for their synthesis. This strategy appears common among marine lecithotrophic larval forms. Introduction Larval mortality in the plankton is considered one of the key factors mediating the trade-o of fecundity and egg Marine Biology 2000) 136: 993±1002 Ó Springer-Verlag 2000 Communicated by N. H. Marcus, Tallahassee J. D. Cowart á S. A. Woodin Marine Science Program, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina 29208, USA K. T. Fielman á D. E. Lincoln &) Department of Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina 29208, USA Fax: 001 0) 803 777-4002 e-mail: [email protected] Present address: J. D. Cowart Department of Zoology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA

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Page 1: Halogenated metabolites in two marine polychaetes and their planktotrophic and lecithotrophic larvae

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Page 2: Halogenated metabolites in two marine polychaetes and their planktotrophic and lecithotrophic larvae

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Page 3: Halogenated metabolites in two marine polychaetes and their planktotrophic and lecithotrophic larvae

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Page 4: Halogenated metabolites in two marine polychaetes and their planktotrophic and lecithotrophic larvae

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Page 5: Halogenated metabolites in two marine polychaetes and their planktotrophic and lecithotrophic larvae

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Page 6: Halogenated metabolites in two marine polychaetes and their planktotrophic and lecithotrophic larvae

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Page 7: Halogenated metabolites in two marine polychaetes and their planktotrophic and lecithotrophic larvae

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Page 8: Halogenated metabolites in two marine polychaetes and their planktotrophic and lecithotrophic larvae

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Page 9: Halogenated metabolites in two marine polychaetes and their planktotrophic and lecithotrophic larvae

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Page 10: Halogenated metabolites in two marine polychaetes and their planktotrophic and lecithotrophic larvae

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