hade edge breeze newsletter - 2011 - winter

―Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year‖ to you all !!! NEW HADE EDGE VILLAGE WEBSITE A new website has been launched for the village to keep everyone up to date with events and notices etc. in the village. It also contains links to local pages, blogs, pictures and copies of the latest village newsletters. This is a site for everyone, so if you have anything you would like to add, please email [email protected], and we will try to accommodate your needs. hp://hadeedgevillage.webeden.co.uk/ he Hade Edge Breeze Where it’s always a good drying day !!!

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Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter from Winter 2011


Page 1: Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2011 - Winter

―Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year‖ to you all !!!


A new website has been launched for the village to keep everyone up to

date with events and notices etc. in the village. It also contains links to local

pages, blogs, pictures and copies of the latest village newsletters.

This is a site for everyone, so if you have anything you would like to add,

please email [email protected], and we will try to accommodate

your needs.


he Hade Edge

Breeze Where it’s always a good drying day !!!

Page 2: Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2011 - Winter

HEAR COMMITEE (Hade Edge Action for Residents)

Let me start these notes by offering a

huge THANK YOU to the 25 residents

who made it out for the morning of the

litter pick on the 6th November, this was a

great success. We managed to pick up

lots of litter, a whole trailer full, even a

―toilet‖ !!!). A big thank you too to J Brin-

don Addy for supplying the Bacon and

the Bay Horse for cooking the sandwich-

es for all the volunteers and to Kerry

Sykes for organising the event through

Keep Britain Tidy and the local council.


The men of Addys Butchers have been growing moustaches for charity throughout the month of

'Movember'. Joe Ribbons, Joe Brereton, Dave Cannon of Addy‘s Butchers along with Richard

Slack of DCM property matters are all going to be sporting fantastic facial hair for the rest of the

month, to raise funds for men‘s health awareness, in particular prostate cancer. If you wish to donate,

or just to chuckle at our moustaches just call into the shop and use one of the boxes provided. The

HEAR Committee has donated £50 to this great cause.

A BIG Thank you also to Bill Gamble for being secretary for the HEAR Committee for over 10 years,

and to introduce Leigh Rossi to the role, who I am sure will carry on and develop the role.

Meetings are held every second Tuesday in the month at the Bay Horse Pub, starting at 8pm. Every-

one is welcome, please come and find out what goes on, we are not a secret society and we don‘t

bite. Remember, it’s YOUR village.

A Big Thank you to Richard Slack, of DCM property matters, under the direction of the HEAR

committee, will be continuing to keep the common land and surrounding verges looking cared for


We would like to ask the question about people‘s opinion‘s on having a weekly Youth Club in the

village. There is a lot of work involved in setting one up, and before we go forward and set the ball

rolling I would love to know if anyone has any ideas about this. Especially the number many adult vol-

unteers and children we would have to help set this up; the more people to volunteer, the higher

chance of this being viable. There are a lot of things to consider: Venue (possibly the Sunday School

Room), find raising, equipment, volunteers (training and CRB checks),

Please speak to your children too, to see what they think, and their interest, their opinions mean a lot.


We would love as much feedback as possible, please email [email protected] marking your email “Youth club”, or please

use the blog set-up on the new website, which everyone can use. Or send a letter to Hade Edge Breeze Editor, 19a Bayfield Close,

Hade Edge, Holmfirth, HD9 2QX. If there is sufficient interest, this will then be raised at the January HEAR Committee meeting.

Page 3: Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2011 - Winter


Twenty three local senior citizens enjoyed a fantastic Christmas Lunch courtesy of fund raising efforts made by Hade Edge Action for

Residents and the support of local businesses. John and Dawn Sharp hosted the event at The Bay Horse. Older residents were

treated to a delicious meal. Each of the guests was offered a sherry on arrival and as well as enjoying the excellent turkey or beef

lunch meat donated by Brindon Addy. They also got gift bags which had been put together by Helen Cragg’s and Leigh Rossi and in-

cluded a number of festive treats.

Pam Moorhouse sorted out the invitations and also provided delicious mince pies and cheese all of which disappeared as the group

were entertained by the Hade Edge Community Choir conducted by Simon Wood. The choir sang a variety of songs which got feet

tapping and fingers drumming.

It was a really special lunch which saw so many local people coming together to support and respect older members of our

community. The lunch was made possible by funds raised at the Gala and the tremendous generosity of Hade Edge people.

Names from Left to Right…..

Robert Jessop - Micheal Kay - John Wright - Micheal Dickinson - Colin Wagstaff

Harold Bunny? - Leslie Tyas - Trevor Ramsden - Peter Ramsden?—Ken Longley - Les Maude

H B ?? - Ann Taylor - Shirley Netherwood - K Bunny - Rosemary Tinsdeall (Now Ward) - Beth Wag-


If anyone knows any of these faces and have any stories, please email [email protected], thank you !

Hade Edge School Picture - Late 1950’s

Matthew Milburn

Page 4: Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2011 - Winter

November the 5th went with a bang in more ways than one as Edgy Sessions welcomed a

hat rick of new performers together with the welcome return of a couple of favourites.

The night kicked off with Rob Sharp from The Coroners (www.myspace.com/coroners), whose hard edged style of folk music

combined with acoustic versions of some of the Coroners own songs got the night off to a fabulous start. Next up was Holmfirth‘s

very own Jimmy No pants Dare (www.myspace.com/nopantsdare), Jimmy‘s unique take on some well known song injected with a

good dose of fun and irony which brought laughter from all ages in the room.

One of our regular and most popular performers, singer, song writer and pianist Irene Pirrera, treated the enthusiastic and appre-

ciative audience to amongst other things some classic Joni Mitchell songs. If you like Joni, you‘ll love Irene.

The night just got better and better, with two jaw dropping acts that leave any X factor contenders you may stay in a Saturday

night to watch, well and truly in the shade. Stefan Melbourne, who normally plays drums with Manchester band ―Black lights‖,

showed just how versatile drummers can be with a powerful vocal performance backed up by some cracking finger picking on the

guitar which left this writer, for one, wanting more. Come back soon Stefan.

And last but by no means least Steph Stephenson (www.stephstephenson.com) and her band rounded off the night with perfor-

mances of tracks from her latest EP ―Pay what you want‖ plus a few extras. A local lass from New Mill, Steph is definitely a star in

the making and if you get chance to see her, take it!

Another great night and a big thank you to all the artists and those of you who came along and shared in the night.

Our legendary raffle raised £65.00 and entering into the spirit of the month, this money will be donated to the Movember Charity.

The next Session on December the 3rd has a distinctly Yule tide flavour with artists incorporating a dusting of Christmas magic

into their sets. Edgy Sessions is delighted to welcome back Hade Edges‘ very own ―The Collective‖, which includes local celebri-

ties, Dave Lloyd, Tom Craggs, and the one and only bad boy Joe Brereton from Brindon Addy‘s. Brindon has promised Joe a pay

rise and extra chipolata with his Christmas Turkey if we can beat the most money raised in the raffle at this session.

Making their first appearance and by their own admission serving up a slice of naive country, anti-folk and pie music!!! With some

faces you may recognise from around and about, the one and only Old Man Pie.

Also making a welcome return is Simon Woods (Hade Edge Band) and his family, who have promised to grate some seasonal

parmesan into their mix ofEuropean flavoured feel good tunes combined with their usual audience participation, guaranteed to

make anyone leave the night with a smile on their face.

Please support Edgy Sessions which takes place on the first Saturday of every month at The Bay Horse pub at 8.30 pm.

The night is a HEAR Initiative to provide a place for the community to come together and enjoy an evenings entertainment. It‘s

also to provide a space for those with hidden talents in and around our community to show us what they‘ve got. Music, Poetry,

and Comedy.

If you are interested in performing at one of the future Edgy Sessions or just want more information, please contact Stephen Mur-

ray on 07976 950 792.

Stephen Murray

Edgy Sessions – Hade Edges’ very own unplugged music night.

Page 5: Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2011 - Winter



It has been proposed that the small tree to the LEFT of the bottom entrance to the play-

ing field should be removed, or substantially chopped back.. When exiting the bottom

entrance to the park, this tree dramatically reduces your vision of the road on your

right, and is in essence is an additional hazard when trying to cross the road. Kirklees

council can remove/cut back the tree, but we would like to see if anyone has any

objections and their reasons why.

Please email [email protected], all emails will be discussed in the HEAR

committee meeting in January, to give people time to reply, then a decision made.

Tree to the Left of this picture


Just to update people about this issue, Donald Firth our local councillor is arranging for

us to have a temporary light up sign, this will come to the village soon. This may help in

our fight to slow people down who speed through the village.


There is no issue about anyone exercising their dogs in the playing field, but the only

request is to make sure that any dog dirt is picked up, this area is used by children, es-

pecially lately as the pupils at the school temporarily have not had their own play field.

There are fines in place, so anyone caught not picking up can be reported to Kirklees

council. Signs have been put up around the village to remind people, and dog poo bags

have been put up on some lampposts and goal posts etc., new signs have also been

put up around the village.

The bags are being used already, which is absolutely fantastic, the bags of course can

be put in any bin, thank you to everyone so far for their support.


Kirklees have been contacted about the missing furniture from the children‘s play-

ground (frog rocker) which were taken out. They are currently awaiting stock of new

equipment, and replacements will come as soon as possible.

Page 6: Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2011 - Winter


Senior football Secretary Edward Dalton 688689.

Junior football Secretary Audrey Dalton 684924


Senior winter training is on

Wednesady evenings at 8.00pm at Newsome High Sports Centre.

Junior winter training:-

U13 Tuesday 6:00pm

U 15 Thursday 7.00pm

U 10 Thursday 5.00pm

U 8 Thursday 5.30pm


The senior teams are holding their own in the middle of the tables and a good sense of camara-

derie prevails between the players. We have been lucky so far with the weather and even the

spectators are enjoying the football.

The U 15’s are battling hard in a higher division than last year and the U 13’s are doing very well

and have just gone into the next round of the cup having won their cup match 10 - 2.

In the mini soccer league the U 10’s are beginning to gel together as a team, the U 8’s are hav-

ing great matches and the new team of U 7’s are raring to go each week.

New Club House.

We have received planning permission for our replacement club house and are now on with build-

ing regulations.

Fund Raising is ongoing and thanks to any of you who joined us at our highly successful and en-

joyable Harvest Auction. Thanks to Richard for auctioneering and the Bay Horse for hosting it.

We raised almost £900.

Thank you

A big thank you to the HEAR committee for donating £75 towards equipment for the Football


Audrey Dalton

Page 7: Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2011 - Winter


Photo’s of our fantastic Hade Edge Football Junior Teams

Under 10’s—Photo Courtesy of Iain Caselton

Under 8’s—Photo Courtesy of Lisa Dalton Photography

Under 7’s—Photo Courtesy of Lisa Dalton Photography

Page 8: Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2011 - Winter


Services are held every Sunday at 2.30pm.

Minister: Rev Charlotte Lorimer – 686826

1) Mrs Charlotte Earnshaw

Readers will be pleased to know that following Charlottes recent major surgery, she is making steady progress. We continue to hold Charlotte in our hearts and pray that the lord will place his healing hands upon her during this very difficult time.

2) Good News from the Pews

Jacobs Ladder

The chapel is continuing to host these highly successful family services on the first Sunday of each month. You

and your children are most welcomed to these 45 minute family services, full of fun, games and music. Please

make a note in your diary of the next dates:-

8th January (Family Party)

5th February (Plough Sunday)

4th March

1st April (Palm Sunday)

All services are followed by coffee, tea, soft drinks and biscuits in the Sunday School Hall.

Harvest Festival Produce

We regret that owing to a number of exceptional circumstances we were unable to hold our traditional Harvest

Auction at the Bay Horse Pub. As a result all our produce was donated to the Huddersfield Methodist Mission

and I quote from their thank you letter-

“This year has been, sadly, the busiest year we have had and although the community have continued to support us

wonderfully, we have had very low stocks these last few months.

Would you please pass on our grateful thanks to the people who have given the donations and let them know we

couldn’t support the people who use our service without them”

In addition the Chapel has donated the sum of £100 to the Methodist Relief and Development fund, for the use

in famine relief. God Bless you all for your generosity.

3) Candlelit Carols—Christmas Eve

45 minutes of carols and Christmas readings at 11:30pm Christmas Eve to which you are most warmly wel-

come. Christmas starts here !!!

4) New Years Family Party

3:30pm until 5:30pm Sunday 8th January (After Jacobs Ladder service), in the Sunday School room. Quizzes,

games and music will help ensure a fun time !

Families are most warmly welcome to this action packed party. Admission is free, but help with cakes and buns

for the buffet tea would be appreciated.

Smiles from the Aisles

Lord Caernarvon and Howard Carter entered the tomb of Tutankhamen. Slowly they lifted the lid from the coffin

to reveal the unspoiled mummy of the great Pharoah. ―Wouldn‘t it be wonderful if we could discover the cause

of his death,‖ said Caernarvon, ―Let‘s perform a post-mortem !‖ As they gently lifted out the body, Tutenkha-

mens hand slowly opened to reveal a small slip of paper. ―Come on‖ said Caernarvon ―Let‘s get on with the

examination!‖. ―No need‖ said Carter, ―I think he died from shock‖, ― how do you know that‖ said Caernarvon .

―This slip of paper‖ Said Carter, ―It says Goliath 10,000 shekels win!‖

David Elliott (A Church Member)

Page 9: Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2011 - Winter


Hade Edge is in the Parish of Holy Trinity, Holmfirth.


8.00am B.C.P. Communion, every other week. 10.30am Parish

Eucharist every week.

Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals;

Rev Keith Griffin 682644

We run a Sunday Club for four to ten year olds, 10.30 till 11.45 am during term time.


The new central heating boiler is up and running and the chairlift has been replaced. In the

kitchen a new hot water boiler has been installed. All these items had broken down and were

unable to be replaced as they had all passed their sell-by date! So we are now warm but broke!!

Christmas Services and events.

On Saturday 3rd December at 7.30pm we are pleased to welcome ‘Miscellany’ a group of profes-

sional and semi professional singers and actors who are going to entertain us with a ‘Christmas

Miscellany’ Tickets are £6 and are available from the Tourist Information office or Audrey


On Sunday 11th December at 6.30pm Choppards will be holding their annual Carols by Can-


On December 18th at the church at 10.30am is ‘The Christmas Story’ a family service for

everyone. Then in the evening of the 18th there will be the Carol Service at 6.30pm.

The Annual ‘Carols Round the Tree’ will take place on 24th December at 3.30pm, an informal

gathering to sing popular carols followed by mulled wine and mince pies.

Midnight Mass is at 11.30pm on the 24th.

On the 25th December at 10.30am there will be a Christmas Eucharist

with Carols.

Everyone is very welcome to any of the above and may we wish all of you a

Very Happy Christmas.

Page 10: Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2011 - Winter



Contact:- Simon Wood:- 07973 426039


Instrumental Tuition

ROCK SCHOOL (Guitar, bass, drums, keyboards)

Accordion or concertina lessons


Sat 10 Dec Senior Band Christmas Concert in the band room 7:30 £5

Tues 20 Dec, 6.30pm onwards carols round the village.

Sat 17 Dec Youth Groups Christmas Concert at Holmfirth Town Hall.


The hall is available for hire for only £25 for 2 hours, this is ideal for Children‘s

Birthday Parties etc.

Contact: Sarah Pursehouse on on 688861 or 07746 145631


Are you aware that Hade Edge has some facebook sites?, these are worth checking

out !!!

Hade Edge Residents Group

Hade Edge Parent, Baby & Toddler Group

Hade Edge Methodist Church

Holmfirth What’s On Calendar – this is a new site for Holmfirth with lots of event listings, this can also be accessed without access to facebook.


Helen Heaton (Band Member)

Page 11: Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2011 - Winter


Our lovely, small, welcoming & stimulating Pre-school has places for children aged 2 to school age.

Opening Times

Monday & Wednesday - 9am-3pm

Thursday & Friday - 9am-1pm

Session costs

Children in receipt of funding can claim 15 hours per week (first term after their 3rd


Any additional hours will be charged at £2.50 per hour. All other children charged at £2.50 per hour.

Contact Details

Cath Till on 07884 355713 or Sharon Taylor on 688040.


Friendly drop-in sessions

Our group is run as a friendly informal coffee morning (drop-in basis), so new people are welcome to pop in for a chat and a coffee while their babies and young children play. Mums, Dads, grandpar-ents or carers with young children are all welcome at our group. New members are welcome too, just turn up during any of our sessions. We provide a great safe environment for babies and chil-dren to play and to meet new friends. Bottle warming facilities also available.

Drinks and Snacks

Drinks and snacks are included in the entrance fee.

There is a tea, coffee, squash or hot chocolate and cake/biscuits for all adults.

Water or squash for each of the children, plus fruit and biscuits.

Open Tuesday Mornings 10.30am till 12.00am

Session costs Contact Details

£1 per adult Kerry Sykes

50p per Child (young babies are free) 07769 536612 / 01484 680235

The Halloween Party on the 1st November was very well attended, all the

children had a wonderful time.

The next main event is the Christmas Party, which will be on the 13th December 2011

at 10:30 till 12, see facebook for further details, or ring Kerry.

Pre-School Christmas Raffle

The Pre-school are doing a Christmas raffle to raise funds for much needed

new outdoor equipment and storage,

All donations for the raffle are greatly appreciated and all are welcome to

buy raffle tickets f(£1 a strip) or themselves and their friends and family .

To buy tickets please call at 19a Bayfield Close, Hade Edge (Kerry), or at

the Pre-School


1st prize is a Christmas hamper

2nd prize a cut and blow dry

3rd prize a voucher for Brindon‘s

4th and 5th prizes Bottles of wine

6th prize is Christmas cake

Cath Till / Jane Higginson

Page 12: Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2011 - Winter

HADE EDGE JUNIOR AND INFANT SCHOOL http://www.hadeedgeschool.co.uk/ tel: 01484 222470

Friends of Hade Edge (FOHE)

Firstly the Friends of Hade Edge School (FOHE) would like to thank you for all your support with the Bags to School collection in October. We are awaiting the cheque with the final amount but it’s a welcome bonus to the funds for the school whatever it is. The next collection is scheduled for May and bags are available in school or from Angela Vernoum in the school playground if you would like to start collecting and clearing out early!

This half term at school is certainly a busy one and there will be the usual fabulous school production by the children. The FOHE will be organising a raffle of a Christmas food & drink hamper over the few days of the production so if anyone has anything they could donate please contact [email protected] or see Angela in the playground, or Kerry at 19a Bayfield Close. Raffle tickets will be on sale on the days of the performances and the winner will be drawn after the final performance.

A new venture for school fundraising has been set up this year and FOHE is pleased to have joined up with thegivingmachine. By registering at www.thegivingmachine.co.uk you can help raise money for the school without it costing you a penny! Just register, select Hade Edge school as your beneficiary and then go through this website to do your online shopping with one of it’s many partners. These include eBay, Argos, amazon and many, many more. If you need any help then please contact us on the above email.

The FOHE fundraising efforts continue into the new year when on the 6th February we have arranged a fan-tastic, family evening of magic. Marks Magic Kingdom will be returning to the Sunday School/Village Hall with his new family magic show. Tickets and further details will be released nearer the time but get the date in your diaries now so you don’t miss out! All the village are invited to this event.

Unfortunately the recipe book we were hoping to put together to raise funds for the school has had to be postponed but we hope to put something together next year for all those who did contribute recipes.

The Macmillan Coffee afternoon that was held in school was a great success and enjoyed by everyone who came. Thanks to everyone’s generosity a massive £176.70 was raised. Every year this event gets great support and we hope that it continues to do so.

All your support for FOHE events have meant that in the last few months we have been able to buy 4 picnic benches for the lovely side garden at school for the children to use as an outdoor classroom. We have also provided them with new stage lights to enhance their wonderful performances which we hope to see in use at the Christmas production. Thank you everyone.

Angela Vernoum FOHE Chair

“There‘s a strange new sight in Hade Edge School. A

spokesman for the school was coy about the new structure,

and would only say, ‗The school is going through a fantastic

and brilliant period of development, something we hope the

people of Hade Edge will be able to join in with shortly‘.‖

Page 13: Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2011 - Winter


Remember this motto to live by:

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave, with the

intention of arriving safely ,in an attractive and well

preserved body. But rather to skid in sideways,

chocolate in one hand,wine in the other:; body

thoroughly used up, totally worn out

and screaming “WOO HOO, what a Ride”

“Bad Santa Jokes”

What does Santa suffer from if he gets stuck in a chimney?


Why does Santa have three gardens?

So he can 'ho ho ho'!

Why did Santa's helper see the doctor?

Because he had a low "elf" esteem!

What kind of motorbike does

Santa ride?

A Holly Davidson!

What do you call a cat in the desert?

Sandy Claws!

What do you call Father Christmas in the beach?

Sandy Clause!

What does Santa do with fat elves?

He sends them to an Elf Farm!

What do you get if you cross Santa with a duck?

A Christmas Quacker!

Who delivers presents to baby sharks at Christmas?

Santa Jaws

Page 14: Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2011 - Winter


We collected a fantastic £219.66 from selling poppies for this years Royal British

Legion Appeal. We wish to thank all those who bought poppies and hope to be doing it

again next year. Thank you

Michael Moorhouse and Roy Malkin


Halloween - I need to say how well mannered and polite the children of Hade Edge

were on trick or treat night, The effort put into the costumes were amazing, from

Zombies, Dracula and a Dalek to Dr Who ! The children are a credit to the parents, and

I am sure you are proud of how wonderful your children are.

Michael Henderson


I would like to say a big thank you to Diane Tatchell for organising with the council the

bin for next to the bus stop, this should make a big difference with litter.

By Kerry Sykes


A Big thank you to the Pre school for raising £35 towards Children in Need.

Children In Need


James Slack has been nominated for a Care in the Community Award from Kirklees for

his efforts of keeping the Hade Edge green looking nice with his dad Richard ! You may

see James in summertime with his lawn mower on a Sunday ! It is an anonymous nom-

ination from someone in Hade Edge !

Richard Slack

Doris Calvert — My Gran

My Gran was born before the car was invented and lived long enough to see men land

on the moon and a lot more besides.

When she was 15, she ran away from home and lied about her age and joined the Roy-

al Flying Corps, now called the RAF. She was an air frame fitter on fighter planes for

the 1st World War.

She had a saying and I would like to share it with you, it is called ―Money Talks‖

Money talks, that what people say, money talks to someone every day, I tried to get on

speaking terms with money, but the only thing it ever said to me was ―goodbye‖.

By Michael Henderson

Page 15: Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2011 - Winter


Should anyone wish to advertise with us, the costs are £10 per year for the small size and £20 for large.

The breeze appears 4 times a year, with an extra issue at the Gala.Circulation is around 350 with quite a few more at Ga-

la time. All enquiries to [email protected] or telephone Kerry Sykes on 01484 680235 / 07769 536612

The Breeze also now goes online on the new Hade Edge Village Website, if you require a link on the website to your own

site for additional advertisement, please ring Kerry Sykes on 01484 680235, a small charge will be applied for this service.

DCM Property Matters


Roofing Garden Maintenance Pointing Patios Plastering Block Paving Guttering Decking Decorating Landscaping General Repairs Ground Work Call : 01484 520059 Or 07871 959102

M Maude

Wall and Floor Tiling

Kitchens, Bathrooms, Conservatories etc.

For a free quote call Mick on

07771 7552676

P & A Plastering

All types of plastering.

Domestic and Contract work undertaken.

Tel: 01484 683677 or 07712 854388



Manufacturers of U.P.V.C. Windows-

Doors to the trade

Unit 4, Perseverance Mill Lockwood, Huddersfield, HD4 6BW


TEL: 01484 519676

Page 16: Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2011 - Winter



Specialist in the Treatment of:

Cerebral Palsy

Developmental Delay

Co-ordination Disorders (Dyspraxia)

18 years‘ experience, in children‘s


Treatments in your own home, half to one hour


Ring for more information to Penny Townsend

MSCP HPC APCP Borath Trained

Tel: 07775 556499

Hazlehead Hall Farm Shop


Kevin Irving welcomes customers old and new

For high quality meats, pies, cooked meats - local produce

Tel: 01226 764800

Hazlehead Hall, Lee Lane, Millhouse Green, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S36 9NN

L & CA Tyas

Local plumber and Heating Engineer

Boiler changes and full heating systems. Bath-

rooms and Kitchens fitted. Tiling.

Please call Les on 01484 690486

Barn House, Bowshaw, Hade Edge

Page 17: Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2011 - Winter

Allen Hollingworth & Son

All types of metal work Private &


Gates Balustrade’s Railings

Work Address: Bridge Mills

New Road



Postal Address:

6 Abbey Close

Hade Edge



Tel: 01484 688008 / 07770 617911

Presented by Keith Hollingworth


Home from Home For Pets

Small furry animals or huge horses

walkies or talkies

I can care for your animals the way you would

Whether you‘re at work or on Holiday

I‘ll come to you and take care of your animal

Reasonable rates and reliable service

Contact Laura Murray on

01484 680684 or 07813 586147

Holmfirth area only

Les Heywood & Sons Ltd

Plumbing and Heating Engineers

Prickleden Works

Woodhead Road





Fax: 01484 688224 Mobile: 07801 469636

Email: [email protected]


Manicure, pedicure, waxing

eye treatments, and more

Katrina Gamble

Mobile Beautician

07702 550209

01484 680619

[email protected]

3 for 2 on all Treatments with this advert

Page 18: Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2011 - Winter



Hade Edge, Holmfirth

All outdoor events catered for

Very competitive prices

Fully Insured

For all prices and enquiries:-

Tel: Shaun Heap — 01484 682547

With an eye on fashion

Dispensing Optician - Christine Henderson

Ophthalmic Optician - Stephen Allott

Together we offer 40 years experience are committed to:

The highest standards of professional eye care.

To book an examination (NHS or Private) call: 01484 686060

Open Tuesday to Saturday

104 School Street, Holmfirth

Website:- www.hendersonopticians.co.uk

SEW 4 YOU Local service,

Based in Hade Edge

* Curtains made to measure

* Curtain Alterations

* Horse Blanket Repairs

* Clothing Alterations

Skirts and Dresses

Jackets and Coats




(Various Altera-

tions, tapering, pockets, linings,

zips etc).

Price List available.

Call Janet on 01484 688856

Page 19: Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2011 - Winter

Village Committee Chairman Matthew Milburn 680767

Deputy Chairman Richard Slack 07871 959102

Deputy Chairman Charlotte Earnshaw 683737

Treasurer Michael Moorhouse 683629

Secretary Leigh Milburn 680767

Newsletter Editors Kerry Sykes/Bill Gamble 680235/680619

Advertising Sec retary Janet Johnston 687677

Chapel Liaison Charlotte Earnshaw 683737

School Liaison Ian Lavan -

Pre-School Liaison Kerry Sykes 680235

Band Liaison Paul Turner 687179

Football Liaison David Dalton 684924

Committee Members

Audrey Dalton 684924

Steve and Penny Sykes 681061

Les Tyas 690486

Howard Johnston 687677

Pam Moorhouse 683629

Katrina Gamble 680619

Stephen Murray 680684

Daniel Northcott 506282

Diana Hoyle

David Lloyd

Berenice Wormald

Copy Dates:- April 15

th for end of April, June 20

th for beg of July, Sept 15

th for end Sept & Nov 21

st for 1

th December

If you have anything you would like included in The Hade Edge Breeze, any stories / comments /

letters / interesting photographs etc, then don‘t hesitate to contact the newsletter editor on 680619 or

email [email protected] and tell us about it.

Cakes for all occasions

Christmas cakes made to order.

All dietary needs catered for.

Contact Kate on 680619

Or email: [email protected]

Kate’s Cakes

“Taste as good as they look”

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