h tit i. - chronicling america · 2017. 12. 15. · enginoera' hand, but hey travo upon by tho...

IT TZTZ I Hew IUm BXTmrIOW Vkh4 Ont A of CmmUAkDrs dlT of Rapid to la? oat routes for rapid In the annexed district, Maror yfatardar. Tha Board O. fltetiblns. Henrp P. O. Arnold, Lewis O. Morris. Filler. le doatcnatd aa tho Harlem and Kiv.-ri.til- route, and la at Eiglith ftwnue near and at a point In connection with Eli'tatod Hallway or the then cross ins to the toft orer and Tort Morris Ilallroad avenua to a point between and Bedffwlek avenue Q70 of Detoe street. The route Povoe street and tho avenues mentioned to south of Wolf atrot; It then left, crnsseR OfRf Commerce reverse curve comes hack and that avenue to a point 35 feet flrMf". Aeurvetotho eastward to tho weat Una of Commerce the routo to that of the New York I. Ilallroad. Tha two tot over two miles, tho Farmers Itrhltfa over the the route illvorirea to tha between tre New York and the Rpuytcn. Dur Morris Railroa-l- to a point of Proadway. From this point arpentlne. running weat of conforming to the natural Itaroeees Broadway at th o street and Moaholu avenue by a ami bv a la rarer reverse curve Yonkers Rapid Transit Company which H la coincident to the company conatru tins the road option of making certain changea. route begins st the Intersection of Beoond avenue, tha terminus avenue elevated road, croaaea tha to a point ninety feet south of tha curvos to tha west of and follows tho avenue to Another curve brings It to 130th avenue, over them and Morris Rider avenue, which It follows to From that point It runs to 153d It CTOiini the Harlem Railroad. runs diagonally under Morris street and to Fleetwood street. It entera Jerome Park of Jerome avenue, and through it where it eonncta with the east Above that point It crosaca tho t1a, and terminates at the Rm oily limit 1.185 feet enat or Hrondway. The enat side route stnrts from the aamn point ss the central, and. after the river. Hp rani west of Aleinnder and Willis avenues. HK The tieneral direction Is northeaeterly. and It L, pnf h through th hinds of St. John's OollasTa Lm and the I r i r estate. In the last mentioned cr audi it curves to the west, and croMlng tha MHr'em Railroad 1.075 feet north of the Int.r-L- r d of tha BoutnapR boulevard with thai r ad. connects with the central route In Potter r I a utM ve Jeron.e I'urk. Three brnni'heB are ipeclDod. namely; The Jerome avenue hraneh. T trt m Kitrhth avenue and River at rent, and con- - V ne- ting with the central route at L?6ta afreet: W tt, r rdhamavnos braaota i the Haot'a Point branch, and the branch. A route H f r 'T tho Harlem River la appended. The routes Include "crossings snd all intcr-rgfej- vn:ng straetS. highways, land, and places. an a width of land of fifty feet for railroad be 1 llf and dilchce. with auch additional witlths on anv part or parti of anld route as ahnll be beaded for proper alopes of cuttings and fillings an for the conatrutlon. operation, and main- - r r of said nillroad." H Themoit Intereating feature of the report t ft a routt laid out at the request of Edward Pierr pottt. Anruatua Hchnll. and n. J. Jew-t- They eaJl atuuti-- to the faet ttiat there ia great nood of a rapid transit road between tho r two line nw which shall run from tho upper part of tho city to the City H ThiHie gentlemen aubmitted their plana, and tha .; specified the following route: EViitniunf at ihr inUrarcilon of iht New Ymk ind TTr Urn Rilri.al at Ui Una oTlhr citr of SSW Y rk at Rrnx V Rn r ttirnrt aloft the Una tf tha Nrw V t k anJ Hr t uilrnad. saa eelMClaasS with mni rxitrnnJ to th rnrtli thore ef ttia lUrU-- Kirr and t f n- - aeroSI ttar-- kni Siar rutnrid-n- t with aaUi Nrw V a aod Harlam r liif.vi t" th- Uth Hla if Harlem River p k ' al sesasssi cmg at a point un u. northarlf tdla H of V fly fnnil wr t. tn'lnw the rraila of M t r i K it. trie uii'lt-r- , thrctuh. M arroaa ttri B ir.t ttitnei 'ithrlr nmlr. thrHih. arvl lona ih H att r!y ' At f rourth avrnna or fark avrnua. nd hetnw m Uit urli' of ut-- avrnua to Iht tenth iijr of I hiity K fourtli trrt-t- , awamlnut to the Mirfacr tA Fourth avmur . then ly iti ovrr, UuUi(h. and ).ntt ft urtfi mm "iithf rlv lo a pant beiwaen Rlithth ativct un I "'"'H Ninth ttfit. ttiriir u.f. tub tha bl k n tha wtila H ef Fouth avrnua le, eVSf , SM acro Ktchth tirriatul At r plSCf , to OVtr, SM Imut and throujch LatnyrtU pVL fluct to aar, sad '.o-- Jottri trrft. thronah F III block t. H n l itrei t evrr and SOrSfi Bond itrt. t ovar snd StroM lloerksr titrrat to cmii Ueri. and ihrosgl ind aleng Oroahy itroat to dried atraal H th' fi'f ovi r and ' Tom QfOSaj ttrrl. and throuah tha b k diagonally to a r- to' In F.'ni raat, nafir Mnwitrd t,'t inc uvei and serosi llowant wn. thence HL over, thruusb arm ajnuf Kim t I'carl mreet thOBOS pvsf V aif1 ssrooj Pearl atrret. and dlaaronalty icnM the It look B tolHiano atroat. ihenra arroaa, over, tiimuah and alona R- itreet to Centra atfooi : tajsess evof. itir uah and H Slonf Oontfi and Park raw to a lino drown aoat- - V erlv md waatorir arroaa Uio city at tho soutk lino of tha H CltT Mill H a alr with a brnrh (ginning at Ilia Interoectlon 4 m the hue the New York Central Hi' " River Rail- r with tho northerly line n tha elty d New fork Wx, i Budonn nr North Hiver. and thortOO anutherly K pons trie line t ai.l gow Yik ('antral nnd Hudaen H Riv r Rsl rov 1. and c4 cident f'erawitti. to tha ennnre B ton f ai1 New Yotk Central and Hudson K.ver Rail- H road with tin' RptijrtoM l'u vii and Frt Hurria Railroad , B trir c, line of id Hj uvten ltivll and fort H k nil Kailr ad. and SoiSSMSM thorewilli to the Haw fork r Hal' road. At tha reqaaat of Preai t W. R. Oarrfson of thsManhnttnn Knllway Company. theOimmia-t- i u have ate'ia.Ml a rnute through Fiftv-nlnt- str-- et fr tin the depot of the New York Elevatml rad in that street at Ninth avenue b. the nf thn sixth avenuo rad. President Oar rl son shy, that if his eompany can httve this rU'ht of why. the? will tiutld a fur as poosihle fr in th h'tunea. and will abandon their pres snt eonne lion through Fifty-thir- street. Alao at the !,. of the Manhattan Company, l the Hoard npoffy a ruto along the otith bank n( the HarMin Hlvaf, from the terinlnuo of the Be.N.n avenue line to thnt of the Third nvenue. and on to that of th- - Metropolitan r a In J E'u'h'h svaoua, Alao eroaoing over tha Harlom nnH liner at See. nj mid Kighih nvnres. report wa oarnsl In Wall at reft yesterday aftemo'-- to the eflf.wt that Mr. Vanderbtlt has I a- - Khglinh enpitnl to aid hint in building I ap underground mud from the Or.tnd Ontrul I bepoitottiH Battery. It aefaedad in Itaook; I lug the oto-- of ths New York Elevated I Hon from HO to lft.V When the report of the I CoBmlsatnDaff waagiren out It was learned I fr .in peraooa Ifttatwalad 'hat the route through I rourtn nyanua was probably m of the I! rumor. It wag reported alao thnj Mr. Tilden us HMillng his atoek in tho New Tori Road. It was learned that this was false, and r'so that Mr. Tild -- u is buying all tho in. nnd Impr "Vsmant RtOOK he ORD g"'- Tho I route apMeifiHd bv tha Com m is la n nrs h a vo t o I h i approval by the Hoard of Aldermen and the I Mi) r. The ConrmlKalonors will now turn their to the selection of the structure I to be built upon the routes. OS TliK BHi ft It H ti K, Htna H.ik Hnpld Tralt n Nli.tlon.u ir I nglnr, betwajen 900 and 4tn) men nt work Hrldge. sad thostonn work Is earrlad forward on the Hrooklyn men were aMting the Tho romnnesiue, granite masonry a massive appearance, dentals of granite beneath tha largely to the flnlahed The fottff great eablea have with atone at the anchorage, so projoet out of a solid mass of oarved out. A reportor, In peeping down a hole In tho a half nu In man with a sponge whlta lead, going over the of thaeablo nt toe point whore to tho IBOhot pint' s. Tho the cable tho last coat, placing of the huge stone laid, will probubiy not lor many yenra to noma, workmen yesterday laying the of ht-- no work on the Sew Tori over the cable at the point the tower. The arches on tha IWOnK MtWMB York and Mcin rapidly turoad, and workmen into auapo tlie uneven pieeo of Main and Washington streeta, in ktraet, have already begun to wall. Under the deep ar lies of it is aa ooo ns In an Ida cellar. refusal of several of tho eight to accept tho appointment, i unable to orgivnlas until Mayr Kelly, and tho I'reHiduntof Counell alet other. tha stool for tho auperatrueyira enginoera' hand, but hey travo upon by tho board. The for a hmg time studio t the concluded ttiat tho only feaalbU transit over'' bridge will be to an ondloe rope, 1.. Is to a stationary engin. It would take of greater weight than ia daalrtbla m tii and down the gru1eg of by the oudleos ropaantarn, ba saved locviaotlvos. the wol.ht gud the WArmmm wxmiva adtbmtvmm Mrs. nswkti Batrttat Asayteer U Oer rotniegj la Fit. Offloor Murphy of the WetThtrty-avent- h afreet police apt-eare- In Jefferson Market Po- lice Oourt at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, hav- ing In custody the Rev. Father Peter O'Neil of the Frannlacan Brothers In Hutler street. Brook- lyn, who waa found In suaplolous Intimacy on Friday night with the wife of Robert Hswkes of 279 West Thirty-nint- h street Justice Murray requnstcri the aocusod pi lest to sten Into tha private eiamlnatlon room until the complain- ant should arrive. Meantime a crowd of g nelghbore gathered In the court room to aee the denouement Offloor Murphy teat I (led that he heard screams from an upper room of the ITawkre residence atout 6 o'clock Friday afternoon, and ran up stairs to the bedroom of Mrs. Hawkes. Ho found her holding her hus- band at arm's length from the prleoner. Tha latter was trend. ling with fright and hogged the enraged mnsb r of the house not to shoot him. When the officer demanded an explanation of the disturbance, Mr. Iiawkns preforreda charge of disorderly conduct ngatnst Father O'Neil, who was at once arrested and taken to tho po- lice station. A crowd followed in the wake of the prlson r. ('apt. VSashhurne had noalternn-tv- e hut to lock up his clerical visitor, Katbar O'Neil ta 4M yonra of age. of slender build, nnd dresses earefully in tho conventional suit of black. Hie appearance in court the spectators unfavorably, for hla e bore untnlatakable murks of recent dlaet-tmtio- As no complainant npponred against hi in by the time the Court adjourned at noon, Jnstlea Murray dcehnnd to dcUitn him longer. Mr. Hawkea. it la said, refused to bring tho matter to publicity by putting in an appoarance as eoniplnlnant No eooncf hud Father O'Noll gone from the oourt room than a d woman, with a tear etui nod face, darted after him from tho Court House atei a. A girl of twelve followed her In pursuit of the priest. This novel spec-- I taele Induced a score of loungers to join In tho chaso, which took the direction of Groenwieh avnnue. O'Neil ran wildly through Ony street to Chrla-topbe- r. but In turning the corner he waa over- taken by tha woman, who proved to be Mrs. Robert Hawkea. Hhe grasped hla arm ami en- deavored to sav aomethtng to him, but he broke awav, thla time only for a few feet, for the un- fortunate it'-- ; fell in a fit. overcome by terror and confusion. Hia eyes rolled shout in their sockets, and for a time it was feared ho had insane. Mra. Hawkea entreated those about her to run for a physician, a request that waa rcepondnd to by half a dozen. Father O'Neil was carried Into ftrt Oar street, whora re- storatives were applied with eueeosa. Upon coming to consciousness the priest hogged M r. Hawkes to leave him. saying that he waa feetlng much better, and would be able to raeh DrpOK-ly- n alone. The lady's presence seemed to have a terrifying efTo-- l on his mind, for he agntn stnrtml to run away from her aa no reached the sidewalk. Tho exertion wna too much, and he fell heavily to the pnvutnent. Ho waa sent In a coaeh to the Northern Dispensary, at Wav-T- y place nnd Christopher street. Two slight con-tus- h ns ' f tho head iv re j. i,. nted snd hnnd'iired Half mi hour lat- r Father O'Neil. Mra. Hawkea. und her little daughter eutered u Blaeekff street car. and got oft at Fulton Ferry. Mra. Hawkea inatsted on going with her companion to hia Quarters, at 41 Uutlar street. It la aald that sho part'.'d with Father Q'N'ilat Mlddaghand Sick a streets and returned to her home in this city, after pledging a gold ring with tho Messrs. In Sands street the proceeds of which she offer d Fntht r O Nell, when the latter gt to ths Franciscan Brotnera noma he was re- fused admittance, by order f the Highop. One of the Franciscan Brothers attl Huller stroet. Brooklyn, says that Fsther Peter 0KeU came to their institution, the St. Francis e throe months ago, saving that he had authority from the Bishop to come and atay. The Rtehop is reported as saving that he sent him there simply to so If the Br there had anything for him to do. At one time, the Brothers said Father O'Neil waa attached to the Church of St. M try's Star of the a, In Brooklyn, and he had also been at another church Id tho same diocese. Lately, however, he hud bean under the censure of Bishop Loughlin. nnd the Brothers desire the public to understand that he In no wise represents thorn. TROVBLK ALOSO SHORE AO A IS, l.oni.horrmm nri rsiplarart le Dlapnte llemesleav Staot cat Meat. Another disagreement has taken place, between tho 'longshoremen and thoir employ- ers, and the long and tedious strike which It was hoped was ondol has been renewed. On Friday the men of the Inman, Ouion. and Na tlonal Unog of gteomers rofueed to work unless their demands wore complied with. They claim that when they returned to work a few days ago it was on the understanding that they were to have 25 cents an hour for day work, and 85 ccnta an hour for night work. Ths ooropsulos say they never made any auch agreement, and that the men in resuming work accepted tha terms offered. 25 ovnts an hour, day or night. Another source of disagreement, which was wanting In the first atrlke. has entered Into thla one. The oompanlcs. when their regular employees went away from their piers, hired men who knew nothing about loading or un- loading veaeele. Of course the vnat majority of these " greon hnnds " were almoet useless, and were discharged as soon as the old men re. turned. But some among them showed a suffi- cient aptitude for the work to be retained, and on Friday they wore employed with tha old hands. To this tho letter atrenuoualy objected, and notified their employers thai unices the grceu hands." who, they Insieted. wore worth-lea- were turned off the piers thov a knock off work whatever pay might be offered to them. The companies refused to do as the old men doeirod. and thereby furnished another oauae fur the strike now lu progress. "But what doeg it matter? aald one of the loadergof the 'longshoremen laat night. "We can't live on the wngeg they offer to pay us. nnd we should havo been obliged to strlkeany how." The strikers. In justification of their claim for higher wages, point to the fact that the p. cittc Mail. Havannnh. Fronch and Rod Star lines are payiug thoir 'longshoremen thirty cents an hour for day work, and more when they are employed at night The 'longshoremen attached to the Anchor line have not again atruck, but are working steadily at twenty five cents an hour, day or uiglit. But the company haa had endlesa trouble with the 'longshoremen whom It Im- ported from Glasgow. These men are not at all contented w ith the pay they havo been re- ceiving as they expected to be. They ground- ing out that it Is not sufficient to enable them to support thomeeiveg hero and tro-i- wives and children In Scotland. Half of them seem to havo grown homesick, and are anxious to the Atlantic. Their discontent reached a climax somo duys ago, and they asked to be sent home, but the company refused to allow them to go until they had complotud their Yesterday tha DffOMl of the Anchor line sailed from Pier 20. Hhewaa a little late In getting off. and just before she started ab ut twenty Are of thoHeotch 'tourehoremeo wont upon the pier, carrying their and baggage, and In every way prepared for a sea voyage. They said they were going home In the Iovonla. and made an attempt to go on board. They wore kept off by the crow, and the police were hastily notified. A aquad of ofttoore marched dowu upon the pier, and guarded it unttl the lvonla had sailed, when tho Hcotoh-me- n retired, complaining bitterly. Later in the dav it waa said that the Anchor lino ordered iui foroign 'longahor men to go to work on Mr fit bat the men. being ripe ' a strike, refuaed to n ft a thought that a num- ber of them will be sent homo next Saturday. Tho strikers so lar. have not hnd any mootiugs. or tunde demonstrations of auy kind. iitrkuA Lsseyg Thief raae. At about 1 o'clock yesterday morning. Mr. Aoam Clark, tha editor of tha of Metamora, til acroitipanied l, his )fa aad dautfhUT. arrtvt d at Iha New York aide ut tha CortUndt street terry, Tha party was on its a ay to N.,va SrntU, and Mr Clark hired a hack bSloagtSi la Martin CaMU tg talc them lo a hotel Tha driver of Ota hark, an active yeUSf fsUeW known ai Kdwird l.onny, gt upon his aeat whila Cahill helped tha ladles late ths vrtnrla Is this ho was assisted hy a WSlMfSSStl tnas w loun ha had SOt SStsSS4 twfore. and aim, he MSSa S4 aa or Si the partv ot IrSVSllsra, lie m i al"ut U e a I'lata to Mr t'Urk lliat as tin re WSFS fiur pvrSona InstaSd "I three to t.a taki to the hUl. ha Mould h ohlU'i'd to prororUeiiately im renao the tare, when 'a nnfloed dial tna strangi-- IimiI iliasppsared io vi f Igrk, ha said, " Was that man with sour" wh no." replied Mr Clark womleringly. " I IhSSjfbt ha was a ftla AS (if vour " " Haw eitlo r of the ladles ntivthltiKf' aked tha nwm r nt the hark, nnd a rapid Starch ihoWSS thai tha yOlingfl ISdy, Mill I. IK1)' Clark, had loot hSf purae. Cnhtli snd Loony at unre pursued the thtn up Cort- landl itret t. whiilier ht had lied nt flrnt, hut nt had turnsd sad when Uis two sntn cgmt back titer g frals Utt thsat they saw him hauuinin with snothtf hgCS man 10 li'ki him up iwn b' ny telzrd him b the rid lar, Snd, a tlie thief shoe id lanU d Ins tUl under hia aar with auflS forre to hi lrg loin to terms 1 ht puraa was reeiverel. atid tha mnn. s ho said his nnma wsijoha Orswfora, and was was recognised a pro rssattoial pick pocket, was taken by Dnlosr Rtsvsiigon of Ilia Hleaml'onl hijiind tw the Tomhs Pellog Curt, w I. era Jutic KUitnntr In him br tr Jul la deiault ol l,'sj hail. Are yon tiulng to ihs i uuntryf !( me Journal, with new luppteintnt. has large list Ol liuldl umiiierlitg plnres. giving pricrt. dltnncel, and Ollltr partifiilMra H.dd everywhere; pin cenla Mums ii.tilip a Co s Psrs pises, ww yoik.-4- J. Sliacdy Keller frssa ths Ksiiaeia of pregnane t is insured h) the list ol thai delighthll pici-fla- uf tha iVuniach. Milk tt Magutala Ad: llrnadwny TallorV Mlaflta t Heir Prlee. t alias 1ST SSI tfruoint and O'OSVJ IU atJa. The Rysalag Telegrass's RalarpHaaa 9ii Monday the gats lag fW prsai will receive hv special cable deopnfi he lull ptrtleulnra snd re ml ot (he co at iuternallMiial !.-- mntch DStWSSB Hnlau nnd hlliott. and will lo tiiilli tin every two hour during the week the time and an" made hv the contestant in thu walk-in- match at Agriculturnl llall, l.oinloti, for the champion slop of I tin woral A fr- Why thsst Malluw hi. to r Ton ara bilious, boa t delay, hut takf a dost of Uulrk't ind Tea. SolU l druggltta. Price id MtttaattfS The tMggsja and elegant ere on the northeast corner ol M;iideii lane and Nas.tnu at. will be oicaid to- morrow a hi'Ntlipiarters for irentlemea's hats hy Abbott k llfhsoa, rortnerly of !irj RroNdway. Their uptown tttsbliatltUSI t IS berated at -- 2H 5tti iv , appogta llwtel llrunawuk Aite. T" morrow tht learners OM t'olnny and Newport runmiiK tn Uoafna for a dollar, via Newport, R. I , from PIS! f. R. K.. al V M Peppcrell Jean drawers, all siaes, 30 lo Vi tn VW best In market, siiunm r unterhirt. :f7. .oc J W Jvliu Itoa, !MkJ Ursnd st also 37V Oih SV 3,1 door above XM st. -- .Jr. Pr Satea f'atan h R nirdy curat tht worst cases Only U) ct Ills a bottle Atc. .ISusinris lloticcs. a Fine Ttitai rer the. Teetk. Wl.ate'i r BSsUsl fOU OhSsV e to want, Mr'er tall Oioit ol so.nia)NT. Out keep it slWSri ku your , A aoiirce of lienulv and delight, To clemiae your b StS till with yottf entile Tht must rssttUloai yea ssf mis. Dea'l fergei lbs Maese4antH Rut use It regularly after every meal It imparts a plenaut flavor to Hie mouth chnngrs SgsntlVS Seere-tion- into tn althhil. in bfirate. Iht gums, and BlSSnStl the Intsrsttesi ef thu teeth i.ike o'j Usrculsii it purtdsi tht Augean stuhles wbli h toine haVf in their luoulli. Riiklui e Pares hi llr. Mwratra I renimeot, (be oiil v aitfe and r linlife curt 4" venra' prae Ileal i gpfl. risnca oaiy oAos, i v svy at oppositg sl raui s Cburcb When J oil are henled lo ml take nay eold drink without druptol AKUOSTl RA HI I lis It is s suit iNTSVSlttVJ ul uniiiier dis aaet- 9nfefBBl Jffttlttft Cwglewrtk. SliOD AND SKIN HTMOfta TIIR SfVH'RflK OF KANKIfh) Of II MFTHOpS OF TRF.ATMKNT AND RRM F.DIKS A F All.l' RR Cl'TttH'RA RRHOl.VKNT. the Oreat Rlood I'urtriersn4 I.ivrr SUtnulant. tt tha rnnet ttarrhlns!. rleanatne. ana purifying agi nt of thla eenturj. It may h delected in (he saliva, sweat, milk. and arlae la fortv mlnutca after uklng the flrat dose, no wins that It hst entered tht ttrrulsUnn and been carried to rvery part nf Uit aya tm, II forever tradk-atc-t the vlrua of Rvi. hills. Scrof- ula, t'aneer. ane Tanker, those Irrrlhle tilnot poona that mt out the mtchtnery of Ufa, filling the body with font eorrni'tlona. Taken rutcrnallv in coat unction with the tlternal SpplleaUon o t'l'TH't'RA. the Ureal Skin Cure. It speed tir cures Scrofuhmt lllcert and old Sail Rheum. Psorl iat". Ti tter, Rlnaworm Srald Head, Dandrurf. and all Itching and Scaly Diaeaatt of tha Skirt and Scat p. b;ibma on tub sraTrT nRRAST. and mmrb QCttlD. Messra WFFKR A POTT KR Oentlemen I cannot re (rain Irom adiltng my dt bt of gmtltude vu for having laced within my reach the wonderful! I'tli'l'RA RKW f on h which have rendered unneceaaary all further ta- pe nment of phi stciana. il fn s remarkaidy ahort tpact of time have rbl mt of a lonthsnme diaeaae. I dlsiienaed with all phj aiclana two years si", believing thev did me no good. The t'lh if i has stopped thla tapenae, even If It were neceatsrv and I had the cursus any longer to follow their advice, snd brought ths for cure and happiness. I have been afTkctrd with F.eerma or Salt Rheum on my ealp, hreasi, and Unite for flv rears flunua sttk lime 1 have been Ulster the tr atment of oh v icians. or tt mineral apnnaa, or taklns some kind of niedtcine I have been treated by Dra. of -- , Dr. of . and viatbd anliduir aiirin(S and taken numbrrt of patent medlclnea. all witfiont the on i apt roai h to a curt. I ln- 1 began the tTTlt't'RA. which wst tniinciltatetv u ci aMtil In mjf cse, entirely cutlng me. 1 have not had a clean scalp lor 15 years nntll the n is the Ct'TKM HA entirety healed IL and left It r. an and healthy Tlie other parts ef mv Inaly wrre affected ta a more aggmvated form, but are now completely healed I believe myaelf completely cured. I ahall continue the M'TtrnitA KKSOLVRNT us direrhd. for Its wonderful action on the atomarh and bowels ami cooling influenca on the hloral. It will afford me pleasure, as t nave dona In many aaea to ur e the aftttcted tn ue tin m wonder-hi- remedies Yours. Ac STKPIIKN ORUWKLL. Ntw Bedford. Sept 80, IHTK A RI'NNINO RottR ri'RKO IN (INK WKKK. Mrasra WFFRM A I'liTTFR Some three nr fonr wtekt Skto t ordered a boa irt tU'TK'I'RA tor a had caae of Salt Rheum The back of one mv wife's hsndt waa s run Hint sort. In one week from the day it arrived bar hand was well, and hat remained so up to todav. P. DAOORTT. Mnfi.rd. Mt .June in, 1ST how. Header, don't you think these torts rtmtrkablt t ct'Tiri RA aokP. MRDll'tN Al. AND TOI1.KT. a prepared from PItHTRa In a modified form, and tt aeatUvi iv tndup usaide in the treatment of skin and tcalp deeaaco We ret oinnienit it (or tlit irestrvunn of th" skins of Infant, for gentlemen who shave and art troubled with b BfBSr face, those who desire a elean and wliotcaome skin and scalp, and 'or all purposes o' tht toilet, balli. and nursery, lu delttcbtful and relresh Ing hagrauct equals or urpasaet tht finest Parisiaa sos pa rONSri.TATKiM ROOMS rr Chronic Mstsjti of the Hkln and Valp, Especmlly ol Women and t'tuldrcn, 71 v i, sv M ARV P. JOSSV4LTN, M P The rlTirtiRA RKMFOIK.Saee prepared hy WKERfl A roTTKR. rhrmiau ami I'i iiu'i-i.- . noo Wahinaton st . Roton. and are for sale by all DrustMsta I'n of i'1'TI-i- l It A. aaiMll bosea. .Vj cent. Urgt bona. 91. RKsoU VKNT. $1 er bottle. I'l'Ttt'l'RA KOAP. 33 CtoU par cake, by mall, SO cents. 3 rakes, 7i cents. I.oulslitnn. nmce l.wltcry Csa. TUB 1.01'IKIANA STATU LOTTKRV WAS CltAB-U-ra- by the Sbate ten years ago. with a capital of ft.ftMVfski. to which It ha nince added a reserve fund of g.'iO,(k"V R blea lu KM monthly drawings. It has rcgu Isrly held a semi annual draw ing under tha personal and menasemcut of lien, O T HKAl'RKHARD ami On Jl'RAl, A. RAHf.T upon the 7th of June. The capital prize hat been fKBMssi The price of tickets has always remained ten 0 10) dollars, halves. Are (.'; dollar, Aflht, two (B3, , tenth, one f dollar. 1 CAPITAL Patltl of 400yOQO ino.isii I ORAND PRIZE OP rwi.rtk) IWi.ian 1 liRAND PRI7.K OF So.iSX) t I.AR..K PRIKS OF lo.tas IVjOOO 4 LaJWI PsttSM OP IJ300 30. so PRIZES OP l.'isi.. B000 SO PBIXBH OP MA BOO0 100 PRIZFS OP 9ur 10,090 2ft PH1ZKS op fJTA SO.isO en prup.s of too eo.iuo lo.tajo raiiKs op m. luo.uoo APPIMX1M ATMS PRIZES. no Appr. unii ton PTsSSS St S3"" ao.non Hit Approtnnation PftBtl of luo ItVDO Mi Approximation PrlSSSSf 73 7.VJ0 Ittfll Prlaes, amouiiUnc lo Soi'j.VfC lien, o T ACBJJOABO si lAulviant, Oen J A KARLY of Virginia, Commissioners For lull psrticulsrt apply to M A. DAt'PHIS. P. O Boa ewa. New nriean. La., Or aarnt at :o Rrnsdwsy, Ntw York. To i ii"iriu llcwlerw. During the lsst few daj s thr re haa sprung ap, u though by magic so grttt a demand tor my PCOI fJlOARBTTM no doubt In conseiutnct of the entire absence of opium in their manufacture, the SSS of which drug is Invaria- bly productive ( headaoiie- thst I am unable to All or- ders as pi no tly as I would Slsth I tm now coinplrting eiU nslve arrangemcnli wlurti will enable mt to deliver tbt PVdC CIOAMTTBI on call, and would ak the further Indulgence of the trade for a few days only. Vary respectfully. R PoLLAC, Manufacturer. Tswsiesd'i Phoephafed t real I onic, a pre. paratp n ot health jivlnj and vitalizing phmphatea in perfect solution 1' in quailed fog d pe pi.i, ncr ounea. w ekt fulness, a ,id debility, and invtlu.iblt St S spring MVkysrstof and proti ctton against malaria tin I'm I of the Teeth and Breath. A fragrant, healthful. vflVartoii mouth wah SV, only. Ol druggiats and dep.-t- W QrAM it, Ut w York. The ssre Jiilc nf she grape la better thaa ariifli isl '.iminniiU. try Or rnlerniH' wines from the Point Vineyarda For aalt by druggists and grocers .o rruaoaable persass ss III Jeopardise litre by exp'tetng thrniarlvi s to thf i riU ot untroVe v hen a tun umbrclis can be bought of IS A At SMITH tor WSSntS, Whit lllajh Mats, tKI( worth 4 Mimlla ant Maekmw atrawki lt Sr w hurrh st up t ' i's cepttixl Jrjdttfs, -re. rii.ee. ru.KB PtuX PILBS PTLBUl if fs FILES. PI1.KS OR nJIMOBHttOlDfl. Br. STODDARD of HI West 31tt tt positively tflkeki a tare without tht knife, ligature, eanstle. clamp falvane sr actual ctutary. or any nf the old and painful and methmlt or rtmtdlea ucd bv other physicians Tht treatment fa tntiraly original, aral Skfferent from anything employed by tnr other prtctiUoner, tnd its pottUvt tocceta having been teh d in ovtr 4. fan cases in tht last flvt ytsrt. snd hst not fsi led to effect s perfect cure In a single Instance. Di set ass ot the rectum and anus made a tptclalty. Bo chargt for eiamlnaUon Office hours, 0 A. at to P M 7 to S P kf. ComptWnt lady stslitsnt a (tmalea Dr. 8. P. BTftDDARD, ltl West2ltt tt, Ntw Toih. We rlslm for onr treatmenl rSSl advantage! over thai parsued by other shyttclans and turgtona ft It tbo lutrly a snre snd radical curs. It ta perfectly snd posi- tively free from all danger of hemorrhata. Itlmprovtt Uit tonicity ofithe macoot membrane and sphincter mut-cle- a It tt devoid of til pain in a largo majority of ctstt, snd occasions nont but what can ht controlled; tnd, Itttly, whtt ts a great desideratum, patients can attend to business without lost of tuna or Inconvenience, and without Interference with the treatment At a general rule, patients Miffering from this dltttao sr liable to neglect itt BfeBSI treatment, frequently through temerity, tnd often throngh s fsle delicacy, tnd Content themselves by the uae of palliatives or other aim-pi- t rtmealet tttgfesWd bv frtemls. Thlt often tesdt to pernicious resulu, st thla disc sat It tt all timet Habit to, and frequently doet. ttrniluau In other and mora terlout dltettei. tuch ss flstula In aim, ulceration, periproctitis, or tub mucous abscesa, permanent and organic tthcturs, induration, tnd very probably cancer of rectum. Wt claim that tht cure effecb d by us through (hit treatment it s perfect and rmanent one, aa It must nec tssarily bt from tht very nature of its pathology, and tlit sbtolute removsl of tht tumors themselves. As to tht length of time tt takes to cnrtacttt.lt de pendt much upon the rsae itM-f- and the sire and number of the tumors present, but usually lakes from two to als wtcks, the average case requiring from four to flra weeks, Ptrtontdeslrlng further information will pleas enclose stamp, tnd all letters will be promptly answered. Dr. B P. STODDARD, ltl Wrtt 21st tt. hi tween Sth tnd 7th avs. Mew Torh city. TESTIMnStAl.S. Sew York, Feb SO. ISTS From personal supervision of a case of hemorrhoids tn a patient of my own, I ctn tcMJfy to tht ability of Dr. 8 P Stoddard of Ml West list at.snd the success of his methial In SBSk ctsaa He la careful, thoroiufh. safe, and scientific, tnd tht retulttof his system art permanent. A. II. LAlliLAW, M D . I MR Broadway. Saw York. Dr. Stoddtrd tuccstsfully treated one of inv patients ! r littmorrhoidi of tn aggrtated character last year, tnd the 1 hat been no return of the disease. Dr A PITMAS. Matawan. H. J. I am taniiliar with Dr. new method In piles, having tven s down of tits patltnls after s radical cure has been accomplished. Dr. c l s DAVIS. Menden. Coan. After t spending kBnJfStlt (M dollars w ithout even ob- taining relief. Dr Stoildard has cured me of ti e SitSi la the in- ssrrlbla form. The tivmiarhage previous to my beginning his trcstmeut bad rcteattdly threaU-n- Bf smounting to teveml ptuU in s dty. I can onlv say In behalf of til who suffer tliat I leet it my duty to give Mm this certificate. L PALCOTT, National Ufhter Company. 101 Hrnad at Sew York. After tpendlag huntred of dollars with VSItOSJ 'quacks,'' I found Pr Stl.tard s meihod to be s perfect curs, ill prtvlout trettn eat having aggravated Hit . I heartily rcccmmcnd htm A W TILI.OTSOS, Ctptaln of tout V it hard, care John Alport. 17 South st. New York. Dr Stoddard cured mt of ihronic hwmorrhotdal '.nn. t a nt many cars' standing Iftsff my ae at pron. um ed hope lest by other physicians. FRANK BROCK, Builder. MB Kast TatB st. New Tork. Dr SblJard o( 141 West Slt st saw J my life after other pbyaiciaiis despaired of my caae, and cured ine ot tht wort case of kSISkSfrrttgaUtt I ever heard of. capt OtOAl A HALL, Caro KsCart a Logan. t7 Pearl ht . New York. New York. Itpi 17H. PreB SSrtMnAl SSSartsnot t trongly BStlf) to the per- manent rflVt t. patn1ctties, ai.d stioit course oi Dr. Stod dard't o stem in hemorrhoids. j. w. day, ot Day, rarrtattea t co . Lock Maiiulsciurrrt. BM :d av Sew York " New York. Feb 7, 1ST0 I wit severely afflicted with hBBOrThoMa Dr. st"d- dird ot West .'1st st. whom I g OS tatted, sue rssfuHy treated them without surgn al operation, coosttc, lira turo. or anv pain CHAS A BJOLP, F DTtmSS Ktlglne Co So S. Kchidunce. US Rati fJOth st Sew T rk Sew Tork. OSt lwtt Dr Stivtdtrd painlessly tSttfSStew h.e i.ji jUi an I overcame intense sufTeriu lit a tbret weeks' course treatment, for w lib h I SB Sri It 'I P. HACKKTT, Police OAkSf its, IT;", KtSelaskS t. Brooklyn Office rtssintr Ktcort fisst 'f Harrl-o- t i New Jerk ta Calskill. Juat ISTii Pur fourteen rssrt hare unied wiiti hsgrusrrrlnliti drawing worse a II the tune. gtl4 r'nding tm relief. I at la-- t aipl ed to Or ShaMird H Wet J 1st t , hoping, onlv fur palliation To mv surprise, lit cured me ia tour titatincals, aad I hsvg been a well man ever sine. It I AI' LP A CU II, PUot FROM TUB LEAD1SU JKWi:i.l.F.R OpKRWAM N I New Yoik. A Ui5 14. After spending over f tn mu attemj'ts lo nun rt lief 'in ditrcstinii r timer il ittut, tnd tehittlttiig ihs btt known practitioner ill nUrotw and Amen. D) has cured me In tli ret w ceks without pain 01 intviiiiniion oi hnine. RICHARD IXITII, TrtT Broad st Kewart After fifteen rears' lUffkrtng from I' .Tuion holds of a mntt axtravateil inrm, ami ei ending ovsi fl.1' in o called cures, which left nt worse than before, Dr. stit dard hts euied me periectly in four weeks w ilh.uil uy InBrrapdeB n By bnines4 I would ... hit tn it meiit t" all aufferers who would a old the old find pstn-fil- l nu tho-l- s oi k title ligature, ie. OMOMIK SAUHCitv. Fnrelgn F relch t Office. IroStlwSP, Ko lo.k Sew York. AllgUtl 3. T7 Dr sTfilU4RH, 141 Wtst3ttt t Sir I (eel entirely like a new man aiuce oiir treat inellt Thniikimt on fur the kind and efficient uwitirer la which you ae tiented un-- and Mluiig yon the gicatekt ot I am, tu r tmlh yntirt. Jul Ik m a ii r tt :n-- 2.1 av between and bt- New York-U- r ITOODARD ltl Wtil llltl hi h nr Sir It It will he of an hi tic fit to yo'l in FOIIF pnieti. e. yoii are perfectly WeleoniS to e my name. I vi as once well known in tins city, lietna BVi ml yesri in the old polk Department, and x yegri officer uf ttiS) Court ol ilsnersl esioin for ss van nun i lunvren terribly with piles, snd was rentiwllcil to gv in all i ualntii i.'r two vosrt. Pleass eepi iny lhanki lul lln Wulidi)ul ure tffi tU I'V vo ir t ruUinc ut. A Ki If (HALO vVII.S'iS. H CuilMlta It Sew V rk Pnen gpttllfstten rslsranes will hg vi n to fort differ-- nt in m i. inv grsitiistog oi all ihg d IrTe rent wnaolg is medicine, w ho etklni sg tnd gpi ruvg pp. Mo. Maid t urn thud in tin Uttf Ileal to in nf euiisjy. A FEW HORN itKPKRRNCBI Avriuit. Qenrift, st k rslter, I'tiugliksepgis. V. Hurd. i' W coal dealer, iNi Tin av. Clown, hi .1 w ii: Mil us Colt. ir II It . Si i II i veil. Conn. Coiiilticrtnid, M Kliglllf I'OIHI MJ No P, Kant Hi ' w ., K rr. Mrs, K :t" fbryittt st liihuc Jgniet, No ;i Hook i'id Cumpunv. re si dence aii A' A Unlhl, .) i oi Porter Rrntherg. iii Broadway tlrgVtt, flllbtslll 0SI Fiio ton Me Mnh nit. 'J t usiillrg slip J.ihiihioii j h Ujiwi Her, lVi How rv. cor lli ooinv st. hih hen . II H- - Uet JSd St Uue, W in. r. as weg iaih art. ti Seii. J tiiies, PorUthvstti N V iisSertt.W II i nntnin oi I., nt It It P indee 7 S..ii(h st he it. Joh M nl SeiU Brolln i Lit WtrS, RSItoU, Pa , gild ii... others Dr s p STODDARD, ltl Wtstlllt si, N w York. JffSSli rat Tft, OOtslO PAIBB. (HASPS. SICK tlBADAOnR, SOT'H STOMACH, DTSPtrsU, Snd RHRUkfATIBM ara read- ily cored hy nelnsj BRBNK'S PAIS KtMJSO MAOTC OXU Do not letvt tinms this summer withoot providlnf yoorself with a fsmlly botthv of RKNNR'S MAdIO OTU It will tavt msch aufferlng tnd sickness, lotg of time going for a doctor In tht mlddlt of Uit night, tnd much money. PaBl Header. If yon have never tried this mot valuable remedy, tnd have any dmihts about ltl dning all we claim for it. esll and get s asmple bottle, Vret of charge, st depot, e Mnrrsy tt .H PKIV U K IHiariTAL POtt Tit M tnttmeaiof stricture, hemorrhoid, m I arlcocele, un- - pJJJJ d. r the esehMtve control of KliVV Kl II IHXOS. M U BBBBB editor of Uie He ftl i e For deaeriptioii of the treatment tnd tha Influence of tobacco on the nervous nyslem of Rlllj onratnr life, ft pages. Inclne a amp to an Mh av offico hours from hi a and 2 to 4 nnd to (ip M. I WM Ki sniiia rtiR OOMV M PTtOlP. The e m M asstfiva remedie remove the Aral attack vnoth bine fit confirmed eases, tmr prolong n WMM Krinsucti'.lv, ties. The nee nf either one glvet sails- - faaaw factory Impinvenient Depot, I flrest iewtt si. ifaRH Al I.MiBI HI 14 IBIRIl Kll KIOIBt. TOMS Refer to the prinetpsl privste residi ii es, hotels, ' retsuranta. wine moina. mtrketa. Ac. In New York, ppH Philadelphia, snd other cities Call or send for MM rlrnibir The A'legrrttl Refriueratnr Co . iij 4th SV. I fMjM A l.t.rN Hotrtiile il t'xtran. trensthent tht Braid Lm Hit MS and increase Ihr priK reative powers tgTSV FOOD. Price. I All drugitlsta Depot. MWm ALLEN'S Pharmacy. Istsv and ISth ti i WRm ii ROBI I M r. W fsTOK Y. " TH R El Count a Hteret. will lie commenced in No Sltl of ths ri RRH PIBKNIDK CDMPAMOV. BsH AiL mmis Of BOOK ASt "job Vff prtntliit al low rates, at ROL MAN'S, enrner Ontre tnd sH White Itt Tirliciions lofrrei. Ami nn i TF.tl PF.R t t'K r.Tf riH, U llall. I'Uh tt, tx twet a M and tth m - kfRRJ Thin arteriKHin, 3 o'eloek, subject for n " Pro I j ral nlmtfjon versus Moral But "Inn " The elntjesnt lady ore ll tor. Mrs Dr lwrencc. di hvera the "n i.ni.1 u Idreaa mmm 4. H OIHI1S. Chairman pro b in. "11 A" t p rti p i, v: in rch. aettt .( ate av., ttst Rev c C Oott 7:4(1 o'eloek, on 'Our Ds mm parUd Frienda, Do Thev Still Mvrt Where AreTheyf Wh it Are The Dolru: " The Bev Fsther i olem in, R fMM o'clock, " Wns Ht Pen r the Founder of the r n lie- t RJRRJ hci o Miss Kmma aAnsstn, SMOtsfJ ami precentor. A l nil hi:hi h a i.i., .th ..v corner IStS ti -- The fnbn fl tervlcea. -- The Rev W.ivlani IH llnyt. D. D. ot Hrookhn. will nnach at :tl4 Sunday fl sfternoon. Siairins by M I., n and the large choir. SLLH All aeata tree. Kerboty cordinlly Invited. BH AN THtVI M I MUKI II. 1111 K!t7th'" or dth a The Rev R Ilelier Ne wton, rector. H(,RH Ssrviots nt A M Sni4fJ0P M H (1 II t If II (P I II i: RSyg Ml. mi r at i, u tni Pstk av -- The Rev Fn dk A Parnv, D D will IH preai h. Murulng at II. Public invited No evening SfteTdsl service. 1 BkwwwwV I it I I I PPa iiPtl, 4 if ( Kf II of thr RerorT. r elhstten, ttfl Rati list ! near 'id av -- Services SISl I RBBBBR teneoe by the Rev K S Wlddemer. atl':tiiA. M nnd I ffffV 7 P M . Sunday SAM. A OOrtlltJ wekuuie t R3j)JJJJJjl ' nifl lAn lT iirnni, h.i 39. h u.if. 1 twf n 7lh nml Mil, ,v I'n hti.ir mtlfttlllg miiiI rvvn ll llu l '.Ii. Rev tl t' WdUTin.n of Nrw Uftfltpftlltn. 111 imitH catholic .n mi i. Kiel iS Jt A Namarf. ri'iiiinriicf.. hjwht m tvmu InU aiU'fW'iiiil M I fSBW a ,1 tn Hi.- Svw Turk Ctitrrr.it. c.t n r lnniM.'B llitV t- m ....... . Hiiliji-i- .it to 4 ' rnii.il! IH "Ilrulil. ill Ailimi'll frr.. IpH Ma DiMM a vr.n v m eiie Sen S iha mkC ffjSl rori.. r tBtll M t.ir U- . tv l( Pfiv., ir I Homiiajl, " Th,. Imm- hv In. h All TIhim W,.rk Tnw llirr If fot Rrvnttid, 'Tlw tmIim id n Man Viatnaj ISVaH turn inv it. C A ilnlny ..nl i'.itvrraati.iii.'tl Hit U, IH rli. at 3. laW .1 in in i. rti ii e n ii mm m" yjm Nrw Hftlh In twtan I'htk nn i la.aliit1'41 av., JakW tin Rrv tt. n lwM, i.M.ti.i Mrrlfl.1 nt il A M Tits lAH Rrr i' II. Matin nf Or.niir. N I, ill jit h June W i H Hnt.lrrt "Tl.r trmium m Klrltu.l Trullt. Hi nd ay fW Kin ml at P l A. M. I B Sirs DAY aiHVtt i. i 11 an, ml 41. Pr.i .al, n. K l , H Mr. s S.iii.rl.v. M H.nill lltrl Uir HrrM B tor th. I'hiii'tiirttiriti A.N'i.ttiin. Nbkt't: - .1 H trl..ilnti" Mn.lr by MlMal t'ariictitrr Hj.. akrr. Id vr.,1. rVal. airl pl.ti..rin fr.p B ll'IIH l'll I'll I RI II. m .,.! .'J7i tt I' at Hj fttblir.it Hail, :ii-- n.nr lln. rt ay, Trot Bnrhaiinlt a iJ.it d Uiacuurar. " Dtv tt.r !.,. uathv La.v B Amiistintnls. y.(n.oinTlii:.tTlli:,iii ad IN at f M KNiAi.KMI..NT BXTI ti.KPIN ARV. A ItlultriJ - it., ii Artlauc Mlttftn l.y. SMITH Vi.RlOII. THF. ORIHINAI. HI t MINSTRKI.K jl valobom. martin. u mm Avltai! hvasalar of Ilia SB uiiEATi:xr MissiRRi. NAati IN THF. OOCatCS M IRWai Bll.t.V IWIAtnAM, KIMK VT MORTflM. 1 laH IIARISlii A I'Hti'i, CHAJI in i'''" Ii. II taVjaVJ tiiih JAt'KHnM, 'ti I'.RKni I.. I XaWB JAMES stl INN. MAMkH MAK1IM. II TWM Kntiprirtail by a ltB crsss AaBAi W nfiuialtt ARTitiTii. y Vim aAostrtoaai oaoBSarnu. c tj-- SI'Vi ltl. RFlll'i'TKlN IN n I r: t.,t tl.i.i ii.'aif mnl J Jfesl ..i SltSB v.riM.i.- - iiniynim -- mi i no .ti mm OXDAjr, Inn :l I'll RIMINKV ami HII.I.V IUHKT. j 'ftBlJ A Ut 1 1 . KMTKI . i i ItWPJB roFctaia oovorti araar SfxatM s Mu.tral i nn.'urt. r RCDOLf BUI bVS Fur ma y Pirart. r of Krull'. ilai ilen In Brrliu 3' IH Pi... r, oti.it at 7 f M r pommani ... at f, M. immw JlOMIMIUII SB Tl.e rriirtaturi bafl t ntm. itn r ttiat thr nrwlv milled iik v i. vhi.kn mmt will If iiiaitvurui.il f Ml KUAN. Jam Jl mm Tlii i',taliii. mailt arilj lb. N ba tonul tlif r.t. nt""l g ' 1 n h ill t .. i. Mi ri.itvuuunt ii km.! in tha rilltrit HUtrl QKRMAM MtDRRKBAIlK URAXO I'ONi'FRT AMI PI MVIFRNli MT 'a FfTITAL iVRl ATMAUIikJN tiJi'AKK li.HUKN la Ol Ituon at. mmm Tiit'itKHAv. ji nk in i;o. tmm In ii n tt. t . ti With Itn Mriirtti'a Hanrl an.l a crand mmm AiMtin Tifm r iii Rim, ia amki. mar t taln.,1 t. ..m st. inv av A NtMift, : Kat Mth at, ami t'....l,tnlin s In, .i t. TI Rioit M alau Iruin lb BMtmbi r. ,,l tl.a Mtcafty, an.l al llir ban t ITlra. IUI Mill II RH uiWAt .1 .ril bt S NV. OftS IR'iM n A M TIIXIII r, M. IB Tli. tiiu.l in.anl" rtil ihu.v ,.t RB NATIVK INi t't.KklilN FISH lH r. i t i.t Mi- iv if si'ii'irr. mm thk m vHt i i.i in s ii. i.i sii ni- -t mmj IVrlurniaiiri-.lail- nt .' SUKIial r M H A l.nt.ttti ' rrni.. .iiMrvn ii.li prtre. 1 H A llimit HQ I K y ft t K I) KR . jj ORAXOM RBA1 ..si i nr -- sunt ruor.RAMMB. i'im.i.km i'i. .1 k in nr i irv n mmt MOKPAT aiM) vr RVKMN'i. UltAXD rojJftRRT, i. Mt ftt ihnrwlay. Mrd ritraitA Ii ttmi. Tin tu .1 roa rr.uiM. W& S Admlaatw He DIIW aNn rri'tli l A M In 11 1. f Mmm itf Atiiaox Mil o:f i in iiki. ltl t w,i tell at, ii .ni'v rnt:i ontu. flotai mmi 'uiu.ko.i:k .. t. ' tmm rnNiiNiKu mmt SAVll.l t RN.1I.ISH lll'KKA 00 f Umt n m s I'lNvin.i'. ,? mu KTRRT r.VKMSU Os AT1'RIiaV MATIXRi AT a tH nnfTKKT in e flit k. HH II KF.RIilN iMi iv llilFKI.X Mana:rr Kimtntviv f IXAFORK t OMrAN'T In niRsrt A nl- - ltW In, ii'. t .r i.n' itv,.,a. M vi FISArilHR tattb R IB nd Ravuif eatit Krcttrv ; at tfttl'ivaliyi inv vttKtalnuif fl Ml IMI'. I.lillli tni: Nut IIIN'i.. Mid Ut IB RRAXP 'IF I'i ii nrt Mat WrdlMtadd) ittll S,ilin.lav. IH D.a FIMM INI il M INS III I IS' itl'KRA O iiiii'- K RRii.IiWaY RKT anTll INU'JhTHATR (TH PualUvth i.i kSCJI I MK F,-ll- li in i HI.R f il mil rW, 'taaW Stl.slU'Ut S TKUI'll Vli.il IISH In 11. air lAUMtiaftta an.l i l,ai uillui n.ii. Itv, Till. lllluiiK I'lltjB Uvt ilraul Klt'KiK RtTLNRR ATI'ROAT, n NF 21. iaH I'NI.IN al ir.i: TRE.ITUb VII" "Rsi rTrfff "Tr I'- - ir "ijinm mmi XKw Kil l - m'RI'RISF " IV ilaSW HiiltPiiR.a In Ilia Puaillv a N... in- lllttH KRW HllHHunil NF.". It KX. I. IH HORROR Rvar y avt'iiltttt Faittri!av M ttmraalA. ''flll " 11 i.K I. vh I.Teei'M Til I. v rut:. n kvkry iTrKxiNu nt hi mmt WKIlNrturnr a.irl Trl!pA M ATI N I Km nt 'J P M II At KIll.V s Nat, Vrk iltlMn it Final. .r, .niiiany. :l IH nil Raautirt.l IIIB 'ivtNr i"f iiH's. rViNv lH I ril inal I. RUN,, i H HH'MFI's lilt, I th. ir rlrhtaU'd mW dtartlnr IHiWaRO and Tinnirsii... oi'A HILL, LA mm bALLR, an.l a l.t nl Ultra MATINKI K rtTPAV ami I IURAV fmm II ll I ti k'- -. nl' iii.n i ItKi.lXA ATS tt l.v.rv Klr'ilnil ml - 'in i, Mr r .t ;ti H mis- - ii i t'kVKMMsii mmt in wtiLt. t'ni tn.'. i. in waj.n druiMdof mmt II I U K V II I 1. 1. 'at. I. Nl .'I I' !.. r.al Jilhilt 11 Haul..! Hhnnlltltt t'diltn Mi, t. ny Ultuert til Rtstrr Ft anriv iii tin ir ii nn Ii r til Hi i n,r :,. tir. lllN.lll. in lit U i.i i.t atil utH'ttnaiil; I'ltblla 'Ittr.l t .i tin t taa i.illM M ii km It ami JOHN II. Fl I.I.EK. i. nr i iirlnclpal mW Bowrry. II t .1 (I. .ii lar altd .In..-- n. nn. fliftl lanc. I':..- tiwtlit. IIIINKt C pii:.-"N- '. 1.JJ7 UrnudWty, H wo t i.i.iiH i tii .10 l t ,li'- - ....... , roil.. ( JH to f.' I " .tl, r.' MCkt'ta, tl fat lu tjljla, al Mill. A S. outnir mml Ki. ... ma ami l , "J ninmtr Btiorfii ju I I. 1 Ml V .11 I! A lllll'l ., I . LllStl III! II ll. AjW iH KATUIIPAl i. nt ll llrVTT) An III vm: .v (.Kim i s .. Rnakawt Mbtl II Rrach f'nvlUtlll. Hi l.m Mint. IF llui.,1 station, L i. It. LlaVSI K npfll lor Ml f pt'alOII thr IM1. ol Julia. LlaiaiBB Fir.l , Iui,. ri'il.nii aul nn, I h iruom. IlBBiaiH . Jltuj j.Hiblic;itiom. wAmi i tiou fM-r- a m it n i m v MAUAleiNrior ' July, mill liraiiiiiiil illu. trail in, ant. n tt .tori.a. IHaiae i uhmh tinval and Ntirai liva rtiiunta pu nni mil in lH tin- .pi. mini July nuiuiHir. iii.iv ruady. Krlva, SA cmta. 'atSBiH Noul rvrti ii In ir. or in. lint iio.i ti. a. Addrvaa ' aH W Jh.N.NIMiii UfcMltllFsT, 17 Fn-- t Kilt .1., N f. mmt iftNBCONIiV ini.ami it in. y KKWRt ' 'mm "ubllahrtl avarv aftaruoon un Riiihloii Bi.kU. Tha DaaV tii.t .,ii. nli ill i .., u fl ABBAVITMD MR WABBtRSTOR BQVABBX Sffles Tleterhae Tm bawtet'i TTnleA.i Meet-tait- a sa ripn4 Ylotorlna Van Haulat, an attractive bru- nette, about 19 yaare old. waa aaaaulted by an nnknewn man In Washington aqnsre, on Friday night, between 10 and 11 o'clock, and was Infured. Bhe lives with her mother, now Mrs. Oravnn. at 1A3 Prince street. On Fri- day afternoon sho went out to make a call on a friend living on the west side. Rhe did not re- turn ' In the evening, aa she waa "xpcted to do, and yesterday afternoon Mrs. Oraven waa In- formed that her daughter wna lying In the Now York Hospital, In Fifteenth stroet. seriously hurt Mrs. Oraven want to her daughter nnd found her very weak. The young woman's left ear was badly bruised. Her head above the ear was much swollen, and her left eyo was black- ened. Tho Imprint of Angers showed on her throat. Her answers to her mother's Inquiries gave th story of the assault aa followa: "I stayed later titan I exoected to, and did not start for home till QH o'chn k. 1 started to walk through Washington sonar". As I entered a pathway leadfrtg from West Washington phvco to the southeast corner of that souare, I saw a man. wearing a light atraw hat, walking briakly In another pathway toward the centre of tho square. I qulckoned mi step, and thought no more nf the man. When I was near the centre of the squarn. close to the fountain. I felt a terrible blow mi the left aid of my head, and then a tight grip upon my throat. 1 remember no more until I found myaelf at Fifth avenuo and Hlxtennth street, lean- ing upon a gentleman's arm. Ho kindly took me to a drugstore In Itroadway. and tho wounds on my bead were bathed. 1 was taken to the Thirtieth street police station. There the officer in charge asked me whether 1 had lost anything. I romcmlwredthat when I entered Washington equnre I carried my pock rt book, containing somo change, in my right hand. It was gone. It waa probably the pockotbook that temptetl some one to attaek me. Ktewart 0, Pond, a eon of tha senior member of tho firm of Whllnm A. Pond A Co.. of 25 Union square, aald that at about 11 o'eloek on Kmiay night he waa riding In nn omnibus up Filth avenue, and at tho corner of Hlxteenth stroet ho heard a women call ont as tbough ahe waa In dletress. H went to her and asked whether he could assist her. and she eccmeU to b dazed and at first made no reply. He took her to a drug store, and then to the police sta- tion. The police think that the person who as- saulted Miss Van Haulat strtfk her with a sand club, nnd that her assailant wna nttrit- ted hy the pockcthook thnt she enrried In her hand. 1 hero Ts another theory, that ahe was mistaken for her sister, whom she etotalf reeomblee, and was aeaailed by her brother-in-law- . The hospital phyetcians are unable to ssy wbsther bor skull ia fraurod. RICH MKX'H $ORM OS POSIES. Co at pro sa lain m with the Ilrnnhlye Hnll IMayert liiokiht Um r Folo. The liveliest play ground In the lTnlto Htatea yesterday was that Bet apart for DakM ball, cricket, and Inb-l- polOi in Proa-pec- t Park. BffOOklfSi The Park Commies!' ra compromised between tho polo players an base ball batters by having the polo boundaries pla-'e- aep-s- the upper end of the large fleld Instead of through the centre, where It de- stroyed nine out of the thirteen bell grounds. This gave the polo players and t all toesers atn-pl- room all round. The polo Held is now 750 feet br 100. This area yeeterday wna surround- ed by a black Una of spectators, three or four deep, while hundred nf carriages, filled with ladieg and gentlemen, lined the outside row of on three sides. Thorn were also six games of baa bnll and one of cricket going on at the same time, all attrailng The me tn he re of the West 'heater Club in a rattling series of games between two sides sel-te- from their own players, called the Itluea and Hods. The Iteda were: A. He!, mont. Jr.. Captain, and Messrs. Pl-r- re Iiril-lard- . Jr.. and V. Ciray Oriawold : the ploasj were C'ipi. Carroll Hoc, and H. S. Herbert. William Oothout. F. T. laelln, and C. Rtteheock. They had several retavs of lively muatanga on the grotind. under the care of Mr. IVaa Poke, aekilful Mexiean muatang breaker. All the ponies have been lobduad except two. Mr. Poke flew over the field on the backs of those like Capt. Carter after a Piute's scalp. While exerelslng before the games, one of the ponies reared straight in the air, turning over on his haunches nnd trying to roll on Mr. August Belmont. Jr.. bis rider. Mr. ltelmonf slmt his fe.t out from hie stirruos. and had the beet of the brute In two second. All the young men rodn their ponies 1n a dashing manner. Meawrs. Lorillard and t were the most dnrlng rblers. and Mr. Oriswold was the most graceful In the sadale and In handling his mallet. The first bowl waa well eontceted for ten min- utes, tha Blues atendily drl-in- the ball toward their opponents' goal. Finally Mr. Belmont sent It through with a wirar. scoring one for the Blues He rep4stod this in the second rueh in just five minutes two for the Blues. This warmed up the Beds for the third dash. It took them juat one minute and fifty seeonds to drive tho ball through the blue goal. The fin- ishing stroke was given by Mr. Iselln. The fourth and laat contest was well fought on both Shleg all over the fleld. At the lapse of fifteen minutes the ball had tcn worked up to the red goal, nnd Mr. Oriswold sent it flying between the posts, thus counting three guiues fur the Blues and ono for tho Beds. The Mew BrALln Theatre, The new Brooklyn Theatre, now being con- structs! oa th siu- nt the olJ one. tuirnrd down tn ISM, will tie substantially anl ikegasttl batlli and in a manner calrulated If limir prrfn I Mf t U Its future patrons Tha lhaatrt Will SfSSSal a handaeme and rather tni poaing front, and gia wsll dividing tha stag from r main buMdtnn l to te carried gtgSf to tha Msfi thus pre venting tha possibility of tlie flaiin-- jreaditig lato the tuditoruiia in rase ol a fire on th ttstm The provtalnna for auardina flra 111 apnrnsrh sa near to perfr-h- aa DOStlbsi There wpl ! tm larac tanks ol watvr In ttt rot, ty means sj wht. h tht entire theatre SSS le iiiatsntanroiily loeta d The atate will be m r II aupi'lltd with Sre kactsll and MbSSSk l Sr eiUnauiahera, and os ca h ef ttie tiers of - tts rll le placed a riril or hose, attached to a water pipe, sup plied from the tanaa Tlierv Wttl te an eait from each Ur tn the adjoining hotel a nr lite and to an alley on ttia other gile. in front will be thret wl e nlares 4 eait lo the atrt-e- t Ttia statrcaeg to the and calUry wtk b- hfegg) tnd of Iren, each encased In a separata than of Uih a. soi.d krkk. Thf will contain el boget, a parqin lta. bal cony, gallery, aad ainphitheMtre. and will aeat per tona The InU rtSf Is tn tag naudaouiely decorated and luauriously upholstered Finy.Hlril Match. Cehtretii.t.e. N. J.. Juno H. Messrs. IT. Punlevy and A. H Isratrr id tha Nrw Y rk linn t'lub shot a match this morning near thia place, for t a slite. at flfly birds Mr Prater save Pun ev fmtr live bird and rtva yards, the former shootm nt ttnrtv ysids and the latter at twt-nl- five mrds rise. Purine the matti Punlevy killed h iratsht. lister kilrl la straUht, and 4 of hla misat-- birds were 1fd ut of hound, beats ey killed a out of M and In ater 43 out ol So bird, the former sinning by J birds. FOOTLWIIT FLASHES. Mist angle schntt and Prof g W Sawyer will supply the entertainment at the Aijuarium this week. Tha Hrooklyn Park Theatre wi have no stt-- rom pany ' i eaon. ttia maiiageaitnt to play onlv cmuhtnaUnna The Ueearkraei featleal will take place on neit Thur day evening tn the Madiaou Sijnare 4.nuicn. Tha SSSaV tbn prnmlats tn be one of sp- - lal lnteret Tha laSsaSS Brother! and their tb Tiger. gears fsw ard and Thompson, and ottier aperinhsts will tn- Hie at traction this week in Tony PsstSf! Theatre. At tlit Kwndard Theatre, to mnrriw evi iiing. a aerle of summer performances will l'gin M t - v w bt tlia ditiniuishn. feature and tin- priti a will ba lowgred to a decidedly popular scale Mesara Ktllith, Waldrull. Martin, and Mm ton are tht leading stars. Tlie Sav ills F.sglih (iera t'oiiiputi) hasderldid to re mam another week at ttia Madiaon Sqimre Tlnatre in Twenty fourth utoet 111 couw qMSBjCg the en OUrSging audiences tliat thev have in nttractiiiti during tin- rtst week. They alve a spirited mid highly enUr taming performance of "II M riSefofS.' " Pinafore" bv the New ork Children s Pmarore t in pany will fontmue to hg the attraction at Harrl LyeSttsn Tlieatre Tha terfoi mitnce n r brlaht ami tnterttdiif, and the httls peopla give the piece with grc.it sprivlitlinas and effectiveness. Mutiuec p rfi-- maiic I are givtu gVSII Wfdueailay and Satuolay. "Pinafore" will not down The Bowery la to hSVS ttromi " Piaafore this wttk, for which a arofletstii ami canabla company has engaged It Mm Kliiel Lvntoii. who will he the MtmJMag, Miss HStsllg M.iiiin-- a tf!' Hu'ir, Miaa Amy as Mr William as the AAmtrnl, Mr. ROksrt as m (l a Weeks as Onjri fbrsawas, sag Mr. Bwu as Ih k piayteys At popular pnCi the How. rv a VUJ orootSIMl lively "J'luafuie" should dvfy any fttorta oi Start temperature. Aim ng things that survive and defy the season i "ii1 rrors at the Dnton sqasrs Theatre, srhsrs that tstrgvaganss iii enter ieniorrow sytnins upon It nt'th Sreelf It bruht ami gmiltinat. full uf grntSMUS and ordinal UtSSS. and is put Upos the stiik'e with a h tiers II ty ol drssslns tnd gem rui n, . u nt srs ttldom accnided at the end of the seiotoii A number ol neveltisi trstobg liitrodueetl this wttk byttii snitr ii m inatft'iiieni and II is protmbia Hint "llorrnra" will hold ihf public favor until (he tune amvit fill the sompany to luim its sostos sswafsav l HlSI Ada 0STSn4ltli ctiarming lmi.eronntlon of RUt the excelh ui rendition of Sir Wllkte Oelllaa'g reinarknhl drama thnt is given bv the comtinv m Wal lack's I'l.utiuue to attract large aiultencta The g Veiling! liavt been mild and alii lidam thu tlnntre gntsllf. much UrMdUooinforl tlinn Is uuiiilly to h for at this leStos. Miss t'avemli'li is In rut ill a ted up n loi oig won gu pronounei da siicctaa under gendlUoai which ordinarily would lia e proved aimoat latal. and aha OA II cuNilt' SSlUrf liei w It ol n wniin reception when slit shall again appear in Now Yoik in tlit lagular season MBTTt.tNG nimRKRCMB. Betaesmtte ! ths fSeaate win Cwaagtrwaate ths Wtareer Mnr Bill. WAflHTWOTOw, June 14. Tho frirmoll among ttia Demoeratte Benatora relative to tha passage of the Warner HlWer bill haa, to all ap- pearances, ceased. The ap- pointed at yesterday's caorus to harmonise differences hss dono its work well. No sttcmpt has been made to effort a compromise between Mr. Dnynrd and tho champions of the Ooke resolution to discharge the Committee- on Fi- nance from oons!dornton of the Warner bill. Tho Henator from Delaware voted in committee to postpone action oe the measure until next Oocrmber. He also Informed his party asso- ciates In caucus thnt ho should not bo bound by caucus dictation to report tho bill. Therefore, hs could not consistently compromise In A mannor satisfactory to the followers of Mr. Ooke. One faction or the other had necessarily to hnck down. The friends of tho Warner lull will perform this nnpleasant part. A nvctlng of the on harmony was held to- day. No lett'-- written by Mr. Itayard .tender- ing his resignation, waa plarvd In the bands of Mr. Thur man. Chairman of the The metnbera Mfe of one opinion : First, thnt no dissensions In the ranks of tha partv should bo permitted ; second, that thorn was really no occasion for a split ; third, that there waa no censure of Henator Bayard Intended in the votes of the li- nioernts who favored dis- charging tho (Vimmltten on Finance from con- sideration of the hill ; fourth, that Henator Bay- ard could bo niado to understand that no cen- sure of his action wns Intended; fifth, that as thero Is an evident majority In tho Hervate agafn-- t the passage of the Coke resolutlon.lt would be wisdom to let tho whole mutter drop without further contention. A caucus nf Penioeratlc Henatnra will be held nrnhnMy on Monday next to hoar the report of the nnd there msr be a dispo- sition on the part of some of the silver enthu- siasts to contest tho recommendations of tho Warner Is positive In hie ss sertlons that the bill will bo acted upon before Congress adjourns. KELLOUO ASH si " U IK Brsvoka Dewylnc thst he Mssae sa .flMlt KrlMt Ins lo IhO NriiNlni litl I I. ell., n Wahiiinoton. Juno 14. Tho Commlttoo on Privileges and Klootloos met thla morning nt 1" o'clock, when K J. Brooks was recalled by agreement of counsel of Kellogg snd Hpofford roepctlvoly. In reply to Mr. Merrick, he satd ho did not make an nfTlilnvlt In relation to his participation In ths election of Kellogg, and did not say that he received $UiH) for hia vote. Mr. Merrick infrd his information waa that Brooks received such consideration, and had made an afTHavit to that effect hefore Notary PuMie IjiiroWio and other pers-iis- The witness asked: At whose Instance did I make the affidavit ? Mr. Merrick I don't know. You will have an opportunity to ascertain when tho meet In New Orleans. Mr. KelWara ii,, the witness) Were yen a wit- ness before the Committee of the Ituislana House of )t"presentattves which Investigated tho suhje-- of alleged corruption In procuring my election ? The Witness Yes. TheCommlttee held and I was regularly tw.-rn- Mr. MerrUk said hi information, came from Mr. Walker of New Orleans that an affidavit lOcfa aa he had mentioned bad been made by Brooke, and that it had toen mailed to him. Tho Inking of testimony In tho case was de- clared ended. MERi; MRU II OS. Three e nmrslons to R.tthaway. bf tht Orand KepuMtr atiil Uie t .tmntaa. Tlie atraaitxMit Long H. anri makes an excursion trip u Mwseraa aas retu-- toiav. In la1i'n - foten this eve nine there is tn be a eomert The slsSttsC inrtit is to be urtritureI this wet a I title tie n (teat OfSf f nf K.ireters" 'trnlr.Benlera Sehuet gn I'aik. Si at- tin rtl street nnd Last kier. on Wrd.net lay neat, afternoon an tvvnhiff. The Manhattan BsSSk BsSal nnierrri reeterilty from a Co., g iiai rmtoii street, St un of beef an-- other aaiall SSSSla on Thurelae aiWrnn the eiabteen montha pt,iM at P.iniel ilfattt ii ! S.. iithe.lt. T. I till lato a tub ol hulling water and was sralJed b death The bark Monrovia, muter rinn anl of rapt Richard-ten- . for ria. U nut flftv it eiiUiiranU from Arkansa, Virginia. atd North raroMna Tlie lloh.'ki ii Turtle t'aih's flrt 1inn r nf the season Is to be given le the grove a liootnu: I'ate's M'tl i" Jerome avenue, on Thursit iy. the las ti of June, nt 4 I' M Mr William BHI1 Off Fe street, deal-- r In poultrv. gets the mesl if bis pnultrv from I ndiana n Vat. in a lot i puitr. he fotin.1 s hen with a pjuirrvl a face. Pi uttersnre ia a wgaeak Jrremiah Sullivan of street. ipleton, died nn Friday tiight from the eferta of ehlorofnrm that he had Liken In order to have one ef hit legs amputated He leaves a SfW nd SfVSB children The LSjSfSSSi matrh tm the Hroklvn AthVtte Dub's tr rounds. Mttortley, Imiwssb the Iseaelerg end Mat OH k'a of the Club reulted in a Vtctnry tor the ,. the mnin three gmnca out of five. Judgr Harna'd. In roitutikeepMe. rterdav, tranhM an applirnUon tor pernnaatnn to Nf. the roeSJS), F:attuh. anil Cetat Island Railroad Ci m;any tn restrsio them from runninc their ear in Atlantic avenue At o'clock on Friday tv nmg Frederick Atwayt boarded a Third aenue car at 1'iMi) aireer and throwing the irlVSI from the plairor a tSM the lines and dro e ttie car nt break neck speed down the avenue. irfTlcer Jani"s Tall ot Leonard atrcet was before Justice Maniiner yseh rda and Roundsman i rr harked that Tully tiad assaulted hmi. The rouialvtaaii had strips ol plaater en Ins ni'Se .tnd a bandiige over hit head. A Slsatty and eacirlnt match at baas ball was pisvcd m Frsegect nrs, reaatrtlsy, In Uit presence of uboiil a""' pcrsnna. It waa tlie flrl tame if ttir I'ark rhami in"hli aertea. b twren tlie Nameless and Insiltiita atsea Aftrstwo lioura' Lat tie, the I'tiiyuchntc nine nn by to 4. Dykman. in the rae f Daniel Dempaer and Clan nra T Harn-tf- . has derd d Ihnl rVmpa y was elected Superintend lit of the P i rm Stolen in 174 for a term of five )ears. and that l nipary may hnid las office until 1NMI Hatrctt was t:. r. last tall, but liempary re'uaed to vacatv it A malt infimt a oiotith o'.d. prettll) dreaaed in white, waa 'oil lid mi the stenn f Mr JSSMI II Oilliert t ri st- denes, at 17 irk avenue, rooalya, at i n m yes terdav. and bv its aide wag a wall tSnckSS inini'e of lothuttf A woman, drcaard In dark elothSI and wearing S heavy veil, hint been teen nitliilg uneaally about the bliK'k in the evt nine. Martin J CSSBSStSgS. the wiMSSJ In tht Saiith nin'der caae, who swore that he saw Hetinelt in a Lafayette tmrat car at s'l eck os the sthl "f the sisraei was arretted WatSfffsy. In Jersey City, on complaint of W N Wallon. Walton alleges that while tlie tr at washing on t'uinmwitfB met turn outi le kg Cosri an smhtvlts In his face th enteiu profanely to net Hlfjars witti htm fur SOSSfl kSMgll arv 'rong. DSSNHVS Itshhatvl wairhrd a aatw f pickpockets In Foiirb entli atrt et. near Man '. on Fri lav aiteruoon He saw Pur bovs opera tins BfMSr the dire U.. not a man They took rregfl him and tin n sepaab d Tha muii, havid rulien. wn.ki-- on the north fide of ttia Street, while the lii'Ta 'MM to gtWOSS the croud on ttia Botith tide When Oiev picki da piwkct the- ran over to ullen. nnd lltOS returned to their WOrBa Trie drtecUvt arrt sled CststS ami the hoy as auiered. Rnundaman Walah took Elb a Maloney into the Cs-e- a Market roltSS yesu-nlav- . and utie was ac used of atabtiint her hustiand nn Friday inn Tit. She satd. "My biohatid mine down from the p niteiitiary eterdae. w tiere tie had b en committed (or t month for breek log my hend I am hflaralSJ life Mrs onUn at i'i Hamilton atrert When my bualiand cume to the h- uaa on t oday night he was ver drunk He fell ter the tet. and ilien attacked me and Mra fouian " Mra Maloiiey kerS thoWtd JuUc Smith tlie drtaashr wore at the time It a as b i n to hr da " I did not ub uir huaband," aht said, she as held She it 5"ytartold. MA in i IRTKLLiaKNOM miAVsaS esaac tsis bst. Run rlstt 4 Kan set 7 an Moos rise a 1 31 H ll.ll WATsa TSISOST andy Uook... 4 13, Oov Island 6 0BllsUOaB.t a 24 ArrlTd-s- ii Hi'r, June ia 8 Raplilan. How ker. Henniids. Sa Aii emnrle. nibbs, Lewsa st Ihenfa. llori-.r- ' Sn Kriinci nla. am PnrilNtiT Am lb dry Fdve. Kvler, Su nde land. - Mm. In. Kalriloth. St. Thoinav Junt 1. at.d St Jnhn't, I K . ftl. Ss Acadia, gontg. nn rv, Ksggtns Ma W, and ii)tru!t.ir 37lh llurk Kacna. r'llerts. n. It. I'UrsooSi Utter. I'litaeoa. Murk HluhOtlS, letllafia. (WltS HiiW Stral-nn- d Ik BDONrft Antwerp. Hr'n Myrvnus. JsrvTs, satua iohl OlJ lie, LSUgbtORt Mutiinua, MAHHIEO. roi.K-P.t.- -- On the 13th mat by the Rev Willi am M P.ntleth w Kits ot Hftlumire. Iluwh L. Cole u Ikten, dant hier oi John W BUiSial tht city. rOt'Slga PL! ST. At the residence of the bride's another, ou Thursday, .luna 13. b the Rev. Dr Bi llows. Thomas Cotinins to t'ora L . daughter of tht late OyrSI Plint. all si Rrooklrn ib Tut i.sTRi'p .tuLt.Y it kvoil t.T -- on Tasalsy, June S at the Chttreh ol the Sallity. New Yi rk.Thurt de Tnuletrup to Lucie. daugl.U r ol t'hailct and Auais Jolly Bavolllot tit NTHKR -- rt'RTIS On Thurwtav. June 12. in ChrUt Church, statfof.l, t'onn , by us Bee Mr Lounthgrv, I'tiri'Uan O (iunther. Jr. ol this city, to Adelaide A . danght. r of Curtis Hol.DKS-HASk- lN --on Thuradav. June 13. at Mali ton. N. J . by tt.s Bev BoU rt Airman. Ii D.. Ahbv M datwibb r of tbt late Rev V Rsukin Niag po, China tw llwra-- a Holden of Sew York IMWK- - SARSKR -- on Ws4net4sy, June 11. at tha reHetii e of the bride's iunther. bf MS Rev Dr. John M. Ii. iw. Usorgs a news ai Pstests, n J.toi. me a . dauatibrr ef Hie late Pari Harbi r wf llmrr. N Y III MK saYKBS -- on W.dnestlav. Jinn- Il l y ti c Rev I Y keartsy. Charle R Hume to Mary A of ttiu i it No rarila J 4 S KW A YSW KT. On Wednedav tune ati'hnt Oiureh. Sew Rruvswtek. S J br the Re II KtlaoM iU lie lie V a. S Y, assist bv the Re F II Stubbs of the r - . II. Janeway bi Ktmtieib Chtw, dtun titer ot McRcs t vt ift if Sew Brituswick IMISI.4SD TB4t KS -- At Belleville S J., on - II at tie lemitiuee .4 the bride nucle. W II BsketSf, ftta., hir the Re r s recttr nf Chnt cuureb. Miaa Mav lireSCCS ol Belle- ville le Bager Iiitfaiesd itf Fisnklin N J K4SUAI.L- - P4BBoTr -- n fhurtgay, June 13. at St John's Chun h. Tlie lireenwuuda. OrSSgt Oessty, S Y bv the Rev W n Del. tiranuia, asib-- by tin Re Sam in I U ran Mia Maniiah Farter, daiuuter U Mr Pi ur P Parrot, to Mr .lohs Wirt Ramlall of Aauapulia, Ml STRVKNS- - wORKIKM'S -- In Chicago. Ill June IS, by the Rev Clinton UerkS, D. D. Mr Kiank I. Stevens, tastlkr of the Palmer HMI at, to Miaa Pranklt Motatious. flgaghttroj Mr Philo MjersheSI The bride wore u asltu ilreaa. sisile in autniue t le, with an oruie ehirrcd front, and irin.med w ith point ISSS, ut roi.vre in the ASCki tktSVrl Pompadour, along tram, hsadtotnslV iriimned with alatS ntin. veil flowing to tlte of the dyttt, and arinuaed over the face, rAsttlHM w th imtural flowers; h.nlr dreed higb kiiftcrb diann ti i o. nsmtnta DJVORVKP, Ytt'SO--I- tha eitv sj Sew York, on the 12th dav nl tins, inv, bv ttir Hon Joieph Y Oalv. a Judge ol tlit Court "I Common Plea" UitlitmH Young lioin AUgttttl M h Young i sets .adultery. Oil IK A KF.HMAS -- Oa Frldsv. the tltfe Insl . SABS Amelia, wife ol Frederick A kerman File nd- - at lit senustlltsnt c, alao members of I.afa m tte UmbSj P. tod a m . No as. ars eorutstty Invttvd to st-- nd her fuui'iul fro. n lor stff rsstttvnvs. We tt B9d hi Mondav, imie nl P M lnt rinciit ui " Has u RIImW.s I'm Prioajr, June IS. I'lm.lotto A Blown, widotv ot the Lite John Brow n Retstivsi and rn n.ls an- rstpretfelly invited to attend tlie luntrsl loin her Itte reaidelice, 3SS Ik. an e ht , corner ol Cannon, at o olock DAY -- At ItruoMla. a Prtdsy, IUI) lnf K.lwni l t Dav. CSS. son of the late Mrs K A la in the :lt year ' hi age liouhwiN - in isekson Connty, Kit. May k0api Th- iinift Iloodwtri, age. ts vtsra KKi.l.Y -- June Id. V.iruu Si' tly, aged TD, of Urji Co, ion a in l.etb rk liny, Puis gal, land. FneuiU U? dvCtati'd nn te;.ei lltil Invlts'ti to .ttctiil the luneral at alt t n inii'itcs, Ten Rati imii it.st o'l'lm k th.irn en Sun. Inv. the loth. Mi is 4 11 4 R.Suddtnty, on Frnlay. the nth int J inn s j in io d huabsiiu "i i gttii line noiislign. sit ' yi'sri it lallvei aii ie nd .ne rsspi i tm U Itivittd to litltllQ the I UIH' rsl oui M Mm r J g of Hit itiiuisculuts Coacetb lion, arm Ltoiisrd and Maujer tit , Broeklva. Y. 1 , oa HolUlsy. Juut in, at I n clock A. Si tliciice to Cab vnrv I'eiiieli rv Mi Ml KKaY -- At PSU. rrSneg, on the It in-- CI. John Mr luriui of hi) N foi k. SI l iNS u Sin PrSllcigOSi Juat !V, Josoidi K. Sim-ti- ut Fl ov. N Y VAN HI Kl'.N - 4t Ins frsile.ue Sggf A tir lesv.lle, Mniltgoilisry Conntv S Y, VSII Huren, in his trj t m nt, a iltataiil illative ol PrtW0nl Yan Unre a. m A IK K It Juat I. .a in r rtttdi nee, .' i;t hi , Ann, wile oi John Wrtikei biitiipUce, stoi kort. KllglgnJ Fiineriil from hgf late I'i nd UCS On Moinln. June Ifl, at P M AaaoiiAVtOg or RlSMIf PlBSMSI The membert ol tilt Sbnvs SISOClilHiin ure hi'Mliy iiobhid to unit ut HS Cliiittoutisr ti ihin (Sunday after tiuou, st i o'clock, tor tia- purpoag oi pa ving tin last tribttte or rstpsot ta stir lab. member, Chailat Ulrsid. i UANilS aAviAilOUS, p, a.

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  • IT TZTZ IHew IUm


    Vkh4 Ont A

    of CmmUAkDrsdlT

    of Rapidto la? oat routes for rapid

    In the annexed district,Maror yfatardar. Tha Board

    O. fltetiblns. Henrp P.O. Arnold, Lewis O. Morris.

    Filler.le doatcnatd aa tho Harlem

    and Kiv.-ri.til- route, and laat Eiglith ftwnue near

    and at a point In connection withEli'tatod Hallway or the

    then cross ins to the toft orerand Tort Morris Ilallroad

    avenua to a point betweenand Bedffwlek avenue Q70

    of Detoe street. The routePovoe street and

    tho avenues mentioned tosouth of Wolf atrot; It then

    left, crnsseR OfRf Commercereverse curve comes hack andthat avenue to a point 35 feet

    flrMf". Aeurvetotho eastwardto tho weat Una of Commerce

    the routo to that of the New YorkI. Ilallroad. Tha twotot over two miles,tho Farmers Itrhltfa over thethe route illvorirea to thabetween tre New Yorkand the Rpuytcn. DurMorris Railroa-l- to a pointof Proadway. From this pointarpentlne. running weat ofconforming to the natural

    Itaroeees Broadway at th ostreet and Moaholu avenue by a

    ami bv a la rarer reverse curveYonkers Rapid Transit Company

    which H la coincident to thecompany conatru tins the road

    option of making certain changea.route begins st the Intersection of

    Beoond avenue, tha terminusavenue elevated road, croaaea thato a point ninety feet south of tha

    curvos to tha west ofand follows tho avenue to

    Another curve brings It to 130thavenue, over them and Morris

    Rider avenue, which It follows toFrom that point It runs to 153dIt CTOiini the Harlem Railroad.

    runs diagonally under Morrisstreet and to Fleetwood

    street. It entera Jerome Parkof Jerome avenue, and through it

    where it eonncta with the eastAbove that point It crosaca thot1a, and terminates at the

    Rm oily limit 1.185 feet enat or Hrondway.The enat side route stnrts from the aamn point

    ss the central, and. after the river.Hp rani west of Aleinnder and Willis avenues.HK The tieneral direction Is northeaeterly. and ItL, pnf h through th hinds of St. John's OollasTaLm and the I r i r estate. In the last mentioned

    cr audi it curves to the west, and croMlng thaMHr'em Railroad 1.075 feet north of the Int.r-L- r

    d of tha BoutnapR boulevard with thair ad. connects with the central route In Potter

    r I a utM ve Jeron.e I'urk. Three brnni'heB areipeclDod. namely; The Jerome avenue hraneh.

    T trt m Kitrhth avenue and River at rent, and con- -V ne- ting with the central route at L?6ta afreet:W tt, r rdhamavnos braaota i the Haot'a Point

    branch, and the branch. A routeH f r 'T tho Harlem River la appended.The routes Include "crossings snd all intcr-rgfej-vn:ng straetS. highways, land, and places.an a width of land of fifty feet for railroad be 1

    llf and dilchce. with auch additional witlths onanv part or parti of anld route as ahnll bebeaded for proper alopes of cuttings and fillingsan for the conatrutlon. operation, and main- -r r of said nillroad."H Themoit Intereating feature of the report tft a routt laid out at the request of EdwardPierr pottt. Anruatua Hchnll. and n. J. Jew-t-They eaJl atuuti-- to the faet ttiat there iagreat nood of a rapid transit road between thor two line nw which shall run fromtho upper part of tho city to the City HThiHie gentlemen aubmitted their plana, and tha

    .; specified the following route:EViitniunf at ihr inUrarcilon of iht New Ymk ind TTr

    Urn Rilri.al at Ui Una oTlhr citr of SSW Y rk at RrnxV Rn r ttirnrt aloft the Una tf tha Nrw V t k anJ Hr

    t uilrnad. saa eelMClaasS with mni rxitrnnJ to thrnrtli thore ef ttia lUrU-- Kirr and t f n- - aeroSI ttar--kni Siar rutnrid-n- t with aaUi Nrw V a aod Harlamr liif.vi t" th- Uth Hla if Harlem Riverp k ' al sesasssi cmg at a point un u. northarlf tdla

    H of V fly fnnil wr t. tn'lnw the rraila of M t r iK it. trie uii'lt-r- , thrctuh. M arroaa ttriB ir.t ttitnei 'ithrlr nmlr. thrHih. arvl lona ihH att r!y ' At f rourth avrnna or fark avrnua. nd hetnwm Uit urli' of ut-- avrnua to Iht tenth iijr of I hiityK fourtli trrt-t- , awamlnut to the Mirfacr tA Fourth avmur .

    then ly iti ovrr, UuUi(h. and ).ntt ft urtfimm "iithf rlv lo a pant beiwaen Rlithth ativct un I"'"'H Ninth ttfit. ttiriir u.f. tub tha bl k n tha wtilaH ef Fouth avrnua le, eVSf, SM acro Ktchth tirriatul

    At r plSCf , to OVtr, SM Imut and throujch LatnyrtUpVL fluct to aar, sad '.o-- Jottri trrft. thronahF III block t. H n l itrei t evrr and SOrSfi Bond itrt. tovar snd StroM lloerksr titrrat to cmii Ueri. and

    ihrosgl ind aleng Oroahy itroat to dried atraalH th' fi'f ovi r and ' Tom QfOSaj ttrrl. and throuah thab k diagonally to a r- to' In F.'ni raat, nafir Mnwitrdt,'t inc uvei and serosi llowant wn. thenceHL over, thruusb arm ajnuf Kim t I'carl mreet thOBOS pvsfV aif1 ssrooj Pearl atrret. and dlaaronalty icnM the It lookB tolHiano atroat. ihenra arroaa, over, tiimuah and alona

    R- itreet to Centra atfooi : tajsess evof. itir uah andH Slonf Oontfi and Park raw to a lino drown aoat- -V erlv md waatorir arroaa Uio city at tho soutk lino of thaH CltT MillH a alr with a brnrh (ginning at Ilia Interoectlon 4m the hue the New York Central Hi' " River Rail-

    r with tho northerly line n tha elty d New forkWx, i Budonn nr North Hiver. and thortOO anutherly

    K pons trie line t ai.l gow Yik ('antral nnd HudaenH Riv r Rsl rov 1. and c 4 cident f'erawitti. to tha ennnreB ton f ai1 New Yotk Central and Hudson K.ver Rail-H road with tin' RptijrtoM l'u vii and Frt Hurria Railroad ,B trir c, line of id Hj uvten ltivll and fortH k nil Kailr ad. and SoiSSMSM thorewilli to the Haw

    fork r Hal' road.At tha reqaaat of Preai t W. R. Oarrfson of

    thsManhnttnn Knllway Company. theOimmia-t- iu have ate'ia.Ml a rnute through Fiftv-nlnt-

    str-- et fr tin the depot of the New York Elevatmlrad in that street at Ninth avenue b. the

    nf thn sixth avenuo rad. PresidentOar rlson shy, that if his eompany can httve thisrU'ht of why. the? will tiutld a fur as poosihlefr in th h'tunea. and will abandon their pressnt eonne lion through Fifty-thir- street.Alao at the !,. of the Manhattan Company,l the Hoard npoffy a ruto along the otith bankn( the HarMin Hlvaf, from the terinlnuo of theBe.N.n avenue line to thnt of the Third nvenue.and on to that of th- - Metropolitan r a In

    J E'u'h'h svaoua, Alao eroaoing over tha HarlomnnH liner at See. nj mid Kighih nvnres.report wa oarnsl In Wall at reft yesterday

    aftemo'-- to the eflf.wt that Mr. Vanderbtlt hasI a- - Khglinh enpitnl to aid hint in buildingI ap underground mud from the Or.tnd OntrulI bepoitottiH Battery. It aefaedad in Itaook;I lug the oto-- of ths New York ElevatedI Hon from HO to lft.V When the report of theI CoBmlsatnDaff waagiren out It was learnedI fr .in peraooa Ifttatwalad 'hat the route throughI rourtn nyanua was probably m of theI! rumor. It wag reported alao thnj Mr. Tildenus HMillng his atoek in tho New ToriRoad. It was learned that this was false, andr'so that Mr. Tild -- u is buying all tho in. nndImpr "Vsmant RtOOK he ORD g"'- ThoI route apMeifiHd bv tha Com m is la n nrs h a vo t oI h i approval by the Hoard of Aldermen and theI Mi) r. The ConrmlKalonors will now turn

    their to the selection of the structureI to be built upon the routes.

    OS TliK BHi ft It H ti K,Htna H.ik Hnpld Tralt

    n Nli.tlon.u ir I nglnr,betwajen 900 and 4tn) men nt work

    Hrldge. sad thostonn work Isearrlad forward on the Hrooklyn

    men were aMting theTho romnnesiue, granitemasonry a massive appearance,dentals of granite beneath thalargely to the flnlahed

    The fottff great eablea havewith atone at the anchorage, soprojoet out of a solid mass of

    oarved out. A reportor,In peeping down a hole In tho

    a half nu In man with a spongewhlta lead, going over the

    of thaeablo nt toe point whoreto tho IBOhot pint' s. Tho

    the cable tho last coat,placing of the huge stone

    laid, will probubiy notlor many yenra to noma,

    workmen yesterday laying theof ht-- no work on the Sew Tori

    over the cable at the pointthe tower. The arches on thaIWOnK MtWMB York and Mcinrapidly turoad, and workmeninto auapo tlie uneven pieeo ofMain and Washington streeta,

    in ktraet, have already begun towall. Under the deep ar lies ofit is aa ooo ns In an Ida cellar.

    refusal of several of tho eightto accept tho appointment,

    i unable to orgivnlas until MayrKelly, and tho I'reHiduntof

    Counell alet other.tha stool for tho auperatrueyiraenginoera' hand, but hey travoupon by tho board. The

    for a hmg time studio t theconcluded ttiat tho only feaalbU

    transit over'' bridge will beto an ondloe rope, 1.. Is to

    a stationary engin. It would takeof greater weight than ia daalrtbla

    m tii and down the gru1eg ofby the oudleos ropaantarn,ba saved

    locviaotlvos.the wol.ht gud the

    WArmmm wxmiva adtbmtvmmMrs. nswkti Batrttat Asayteer U Oer

    rotniegj la Fit.Offloor Murphy of the WetThtrty-avent- h

    afreet police apt-eare- In Jefferson Market Po-lice Oourt at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, hav-ing In custody the Rev. Father Peter O'Neil ofthe Frannlacan Brothers In Hutler street. Brook-lyn, who waa found In suaplolous Intimacy onFriday night with the wife of Robert Hswkes of279 West Thirty-nint- h street Justice Murrayrequnstcri the aocusod pi lest to sten Into thaprivate eiamlnatlon room until the complain-ant should arrive. Meantime a crowd of g

    nelghbore gathered In the court room toaee the denouement Offloor Murphy teat I (ledthat he heard screams from an upper room ofthe ITawkre residence atout 6 o'clock Fridayafternoon, and ran up stairs to the bedroom ofMrs. Hawkes. Ho found her holding her hus-band at arm's length from the prleoner. Thalatter was trend. ling with fright and hogged theenraged mnsb r of the house not to shoot him.When the officer demanded an explanation ofthe disturbance, Mr. Iiawkns preforreda chargeof disorderly conduct ngatnst Father O'Neil,who was at once arrested and taken to tho po-lice station. A crowd followed in the wake ofthe prlson r. ('apt. VSashhurne had noalternn-tv- e

    hut to lock up his clerical visitor,Katbar O'Neil ta 4M yonra of age. of slender

    build, nnd dresses earefully in tho conventionalsuit of black. Hie appearance in court

    the spectators unfavorably, for hla ebore untnlatakable murks of recent dlaet-tmtio-

    As no complainant npponred againsthi in by the time the Court adjourned at noon,Jnstlea Murray dcehnnd to dcUitn him longer.Mr. Hawkea. it la said, refused to bring thomatter to publicity by putting in an appoaranceas eoniplnlnant

    No eooncf hud Father O'Noll gone from theoourt room than a d woman, with atear etui nod face, darted after him from thoCourt House atei a. A girl of twelve followedher In pursuit of the priest. This novel spec-- Itaele Induced a score of loungers tojoin In tho chaso, which took thedirection of Groenwieh avnnue. O'Neilran wildly through Ony street to Chrla-topbe- r.

    but In turning the corner he waa over-taken by tha woman, who proved to be Mrs.Robert Hawkea. Hhe grasped hla arm ami en-deavored to sav aomethtng to him, but he brokeawav, thla time only for a few feet, for the un-fortunate it'-- ; fell in a fit. overcome by terrorand confusion. Hia eyes rolled shout in theirsockets, and for a time it was feared ho had

    insane. Mra. Hawkea entreated thoseabout her to run for a physician, a request thatwaa rcepondnd to by half a dozen. FatherO'Neil was carried Into ftrt Oar street, whora re-storatives were applied with eueeosa. Uponcoming to consciousness the priest hogged M r.Hawkes to leave him. saying that he waa feetlngmuch better, and would be able to raeh DrpOK-ly- n

    alone. The lady's presence seemed to havea terrifying efTo-- l on his mind, for he agntnstnrtml to run away from her aa no reached thesidewalk. Tho exertion wna too much, and hefell heavily to the pnvutnent. Ho waa sent In acoaeh to the Northern Dispensary, at Wav-T- yplace nnd Christopher street. Two slight con-tus- h

    ns ' f tho head iv re j. i,. nted snd hnnd'iiredHalf mi hour lat- r Father O'Neil. Mra. Hawkea.und her little daughter eutered u Blaeekff streetcar. and got oft at Fulton Ferry. Mra. Hawkeainatsted on going with her companion to hiaQuarters, at 41 Uutlar street. It la aald that shopart'.'d with Father Q'N'ilat Mlddaghand Sick astreets and returned to her home in this city,after pledging a gold ring with tho Messrs.

    In Sands street the proceeds of whichshe offer d Fntht r O Nell, when the latter gtto ths Franciscan Brotnera noma he was re-fused admittance, by order f the Highop.

    One of the Franciscan Brothers attl Hullerstroet. Brooklyn, says that Fsther Peter 0KeUcame to their institution, the St. Francis

    e throe months ago, saving that hehad authority from the Bishop to come andatay. The Rtehop is reported as saving that hesent him there simply to so If the Br there hadanything for him to do. At one time, theBrothers said Father O'Neil waa attached tothe Church of St. M try's Star of the a, InBrooklyn, and he had also been at anotherchurch Id tho same diocese. Lately, however,he hud bean under the censure of BishopLoughlin. nnd the Brothers desire the public tounderstand that he In no wise represents thorn.


    l.oni.horrmm nri rsiplarart le Dlapntellemesleav Staot cat Meat.

    Another disagreement has taken place,between tho 'longshoremen and thoir employ-ers, and the long and tedious strike which Itwas hoped was ondol has been renewed. OnFriday the men of the Inman, Ouion. and Natlonal Unog of gteomers rofueed to work unlesstheir demands wore complied with. Theyclaim that when they returned to work a fewdays ago it was on the understanding that theywere to have 25 cents an hour for day work, and85 ccnta an hour for night work. Ths ooropsulossay they never made any auch agreement, andthat the men in resuming work accepted thaterms offered. 25 ovnts an hour, day or night.

    Another source of disagreement, which waswanting In the first atrlke. has entered Intothla one. The oompanlcs. when their regularemployees went away from their piers, hiredmen who knew nothing about loading or un-loading veaeele. Of course the vnat majority ofthese " greon hnnds " were almoet useless, andwere discharged as soon as the old men re.turned. But some among them showed a suffi-cient aptitude for the work to be retained, andon Friday they wore employed with tha oldhands. To this tho letter atrenuoualy objected,and notified their employers thai unices the

    grceu hands." who, they Insieted. wore worth-lea-were turned off the piers thov a knock

    off work whatever pay might be offered tothem. The companies refused to do as the oldmen doeirod. and thereby furnished anotheroauae fur the strike now lu progress.

    "But what doeg it matter? aald one of theloadergof the 'longshoremen laat night. "Wecan't live on the wngeg they offer to pay us. nndwe should havo been obliged to strlkeany how."

    The strikers. In justification of their claimfor higher wages, point to the fact that the p.cittc Mail. Havannnh. Fronch and Rod Star linesare payiug thoir 'longshoremen thirty cents anhour for day work, and more when they areemployed at night

    The 'longshoremen attached to the Anchorline have not again atruck, but are workingsteadily at twenty five cents an hour, day oruiglit. But the company haa had endlesatrouble with the 'longshoremen whom It Im-ported from Glasgow. These men are not atall contented w ith the pay they havo been re-ceiving as they expected to be. They ground-ing out that it Is not sufficient to enable them tosupport thomeeiveg hero and tro-i- wives andchildren In Scotland. Half of them seem tohavo grown homesick, and are anxious to

    the Atlantic. Their discontent reached aclimax somo duys ago, and they asked to besent home, but the company refused to allowthem to go until they had complotud their

    Yesterday tha DffOMl of the Anchor linesailed from Pier 20. Hhewaa a little late Ingetting off. and just before she started ab uttwenty Are of thoHeotch 'tourehoremeo wontupon the pier, carrying their and baggage,and In every way prepared for a sea voyage.They said they were going home In theIovonla. and made an attempt to go on board.They wore kept off by the crow, and the policewere hastily notified. A aquad of ofttooremarched dowu upon the pier, and guarded itunttl the lvonla had sailed, when tho Hcotoh-me- n

    retired, complaining bitterly.Later in the dav it waa said that the Anchor

    lino ordered iui foroign 'longahor men to go towork on Mr fit bat the men. being ripe ' astrike, refuaed to n ft a thought that a num-ber of them will be sent homo next Saturday.Tho strikers so lar. have not hnd any mootiugs.or tunde demonstrations of auy kind.

    iitrkuA Lsseyg Thief raae.At about 1 o'clock yesterday morning. Mr.

    Aoam Clark, tha editor of tha of Metamora, tilacroitipanied l, his )fa aad dautfhUT. arrtvt d at IhaNew York aide ut tha CortUndt street terry, Tha partywas on its a ay to N.,va SrntU, and Mr Clark hired ahack bSloagtSi la Martin CaMU tg talc them lo a hotelTha driver of Ota hark, an active yeUSf fsUeW known aiKdwird l.onny, gt upon his aeat whila Cahill helped thaladles late ths vrtnrla Is this ho was assisted hy aWSlMfSSStl tnas w loun ha had SOt SStsSS4 twfore. andaim, he MSSa S4 aa or Si the partv ot IrSVSllsra, liem i al"ut U e a I'lata to Mr t'Urk lliat as tin re WSFSfiur pvrSona InstaSd "I three to t.a taki to the hUl. haMould h ohlU'i'd to prororUeiiately im renao the tare,when 'a nnfloed dial tna strangi-- IimiI iliasppsared

    io vi f Igrk, ha said, " Was that manwith sour"

    wh no." replied Mr Clark womleringly. " I IhSSjfbtha was a ftla AS (if vour "

    " Haw eitlo r of the ladles ntivthltiKf' aked thanwm r nt the hark, nnd a rapid Starch ihoWSS thai thayOlingfl ISdy, Mill I. IK1)' Clark, had loot hSf purae.

    Cnhtli snd Loony at unre pursued the thtn up Cort-landl itret t. whiilier ht had lied nt flrnt, hut nt hadturnsd sad when Uis two sntn cgmt back titer g fralsUtt thsat they saw him hauuinin with snothtf hgCSman 10 li'ki him up iwn b' ny telzrd him b the ridlar, Snd, a tlie thief shoe id lanU d Ins tUl underhia aar with auflS forre to hi lrg loin to terms 1 htpuraa was reeiverel. atid tha mnn. s ho said his nnmawsijoha Orswfora, and was was recognised a prorssattoial pick pocket, was taken by Dnlosr Rtsvsiigon ofIlia Hleaml'onl hijiind tw the Tomhs Pellog Curt, w I. eraJutic KUitnntr In him b r tr Jul la deiault ol l,'sjhail.

    Are yon tiulng to ihs i uuntryf!( me Journal, with new luppteintnt. has large list

    Ol liuldl umiiierlitg plnres. giving pricrt. dltnncel,and Ollltr partifiilMra H.dd everywhere; pin cenlaMums ii.tilip a Co s Psrs pises, ww yoik.-4- J.

    Sliacdy Keller frssa ths Ksiiaeiaof pregnane t is insured h) the list ol thai delighthll pici-fla-

    uf tha iVuniach. Milk tt Magutala Ad:

    llrnadwny TallorV Mlaflta t Heir Prlee.t alias 1ST SSI tfruoint and O'OSVJ IU atJa.

    The Rysalag Telegrass's RalarpHaaa9ii Monday the gats lag fW prsai will receive hv special

    cable deopnfi he lull ptrtleulnra snd re ml ot (he co atiuternallMiial !.-- mntch DStWSSB Hnlau nnd hlliott.and will lo tiiilli tin every two hour during the weekthe time and an" made hv the contestant in thu walk-in-

    match at Agriculturnl llall, l.oinloti, for the championslop of I tin woral A fr-

    Why thsst Malluw hi. to rTon ara bilious, boa t delay, hut takf a dost of Uulrk'tind Tea. SolU l druggltta. Price id MtttaattfS

    The tMggsja and elegant ere on the northeast cornerol M;iideii lane and Nas.tnu at. will be oicaid to-morrow a hi'Ntlipiarters for irentlemea's hats hy Abbottk llfhsoa, rortnerly of !irj RroNdway. Their uptowntttsbliatltUSI t IS berated at -- 2H 5tti iv , appogta llwtelllrunawuk Aite.

    T" morrow tht learners OM t'olnny and NewportrunmiiK tn Uoafna for a dollar, via Newport, R. I ,

    from PIS! f. R. K.. al V MPeppcrell Jean drawers, all siaes, 30 lo Vi tn VW best

    In market, siiunm r unterhirt. :f7. .oc J W JvliuItoa, !MkJ Ursnd st also 37V Oih SV 3,1 door above XM st.-- .Jr.

    Pr Satea f'atan h R nirdy curat tht worst casesOnly U) ct Ills a bottle Atc.

    .ISusinris lloticcs.a Fine Ttitai rer the. Teetk.

    Wl.ate'i r BSsUsl fOU OhSsV e to want,

    Mr'er tall Oioit ol so.nia)NT.Out keep it slWSri ku your ,

    A aoiirce of lienulv and delight,

    To clemiae your b StS till with yottf entile

    Tht must rssttUloai yea ssf mis.

    Dea'l fergei lbs Maese4antHRut use It regularly after every meal It imparts a

    plenaut flavor to Hie mouth chnngrs SgsntlVS Seere-tion-into tn althhil. in bfirate. Iht gums, and BlSSnStl

    the Intsrsttesi ef thu teeth i.ike o'j Usrculsii it purtdsitht Augean stuhles wbli h toine haVf in their luoulli.

    Riiklui e Pares hi llr. Mwratra I renimeot,(be oiil v aitfe and r linlife curt 4" venra' prae Ileal i gpfl.risnca oaiy oAos, i v svy at oppositg sl raui s Cburcb

    When J oil are henled lo ml take nay eolddrink without druptol AKUOSTl RA HI I lis Itis s suit iNTSVSlttVJ ul uniiiier dis aaet-

    9nfefBBl Jffttlttft

    Cwglewrtk.SliOD AND SKIN HTMOfta


    Cl'TttH'RA RRHOl.VKNT. the Oreat Rlood I'urtriersn4I.ivrr SUtnulant. tt tha rnnet ttarrhlns!. rleanatne. anapurifying agi nt of thla eenturj. It may h delected in(he saliva, sweat, milk. and arlae la fortv mlnutcaafter uklng the flrat dose, no wins that It hst enteredtht ttrrulsUnn and been carried to rvery part nf Uit ayatm, II forever tradk-atc-t the vlrua of Rvi. hills. Scrof-

    ula, t'aneer. ane Tanker, those Irrrlhle tilnot poonathat mt out the mtchtnery of Ufa, filling the body withfont eorrni'tlona. Taken rutcrnallv in coat unction withthe tlternal SpplleaUon o t'l'TH't'RA. the Ureal SkinCure. It speed tir cures Scrofuhmt lllcert and oldSail Rheum. Psorl iat". Ti tter, Rlnaworm Srald Head,Dandrurf. and all Itching and Scaly Diaeaatt of tha Skirtand Scat p.

    b;ibma on tub sraTrT nRRAST. and mmrbQCttlD.Messra WFFKR A POTT KR Oentlemen I cannot re

    (rain Irom adiltng my dt bt of gmtltude vu for havinglaced within my reach the wonderful! I'tli'l'RA RKWf on h which have rendered unneceaaary all further ta-

    pe nment of phi stciana. il fn s remarkaidy ahort tpactof time have rbl mt of a lonthsnme diaeaae. I dlsiienaedwith all phj aiclana two years si", believing thev did meno good. The t'lh if i has stopped thlatapenae, even If It were neceatsrv and I had the cursusany longer to follow their advice, snd brought ths

    for cure and happiness.I have been afTkctrd with F.eerma or Salt Rheum on

    my ealp, hreasi, and Unite for flv rears flunua sttklime 1 have been Ulster the tr atment of oh v icians. ortt mineral apnnaa, or taklns some kind of niedtcine Ihave been treated by Dra. of -- , Dr. of . andviatbd anliduir aiirin(S and taken numbrrt of patentmedlclnea. all witfiont the on i apt roai h to a curt.

    I ln- 1 began the tTTlt't'RA. which wsttniinciltatetv u ci aMtil In mjf cse, entirely cutlng me.1 have not had a clean scalp lor 15 years nntll the n isthe Ct'TKM HA entirety healed IL and left It r. an andhealthy Tlie other parts ef mv Inaly wrre affected ta amore aggmvated form, but are now completely healed Ibelieve myaelf completely cured. I ahall continue theM'TtrnitA KKSOLVRNT us direrhd. for Its wonderfulaction on the atomarh and bowels ami cooling influencaon the hloral. It will afford me pleasure, as t nave donaIn many aaea to ur e the aftttcted tn ue tin m wonder-hi-

    remedies Yours. Ac STKPIIKN ORUWKLL.Ntw Bedford. Sept 80, IHTK


    Mrasra WFFRM A I'liTTFR Some three nr fonr wtektSkto t ordered a boa irt tU'TK'I'RA tor a had caae of SaltRheum The back of one mv wife's hsndt waa s runHint sort. In one week from the day it arrived bar handwas well, and hat remained so up to todav.

    P. DAOORTT.Mnfi.rd. Mt .June in, 1SThow. Header, don't you think these torts rtmtrkablt t

    ct'Tiri RA aokP.MRDll'tN Al. AND TOI1.KT.

    a prepared from PItHTRa In a modified form, and ttaeatUvi iv tndup usaide in the treatment of skin andtcalp deeaaco We ret oinnienit it (or tlit irestrvunn ofth" skins of Infant, for gentlemen who shave and arttroubled with b BfBSr face, those who desire a eleanand wliotcaome skin and scalp, and 'or all purposes o'tht toilet, balli. and nursery, lu delttcbtful and relreshIng hagrauct equals or urpasaet tht finest Parisiaasos pa

    rONSri.TATKiM ROOMSrr Chronic Mstsjti of the Hkln and Valp,Especmlly ol Women and t'tuldrcn,

    71 v i, svM ARV P. JOSSV4LTN, M P

    The rlTirtiRA RKMFOIK.Saee prepared hy WKERfl AroTTKR. rhrmiau ami I'i iiu'i-i.- . noo Wahinaton st .Roton. and are for sale by all DrustMsta I'n of i'1'TI-i- l

    It A. aaiMll bosea. .Vj cent. Urgt bona. 91. RKsoUVKNT. $1 er bottle. I'l'Ttt'l'RA KOAP. 33 CtoU parcake, by mall, SO cents. 3 rakes, 7i cents.

    I.oulslitnn. nmce l.wltcry Csa.TUB 1.01'IKIANA STATU LOTTKRV WAS CltAB-U-ra-

    by the Sbate ten years ago. with a capital offt.ftMVfski. to which It ha nince added a reserve fund ofg.'iO,(k"V R blea lu KM monthly drawings. It has rcguIsrly held a semi annual draw ing under tha personal

    and menasemcut oflien, O T HKAl'RKHARD ami On Jl'RAl, A. RAHf.Tupon the 7th of June. The capital prize hat beenfKBMssi The price of tickets has always remained ten0 10) dollars, halves. Are (.'; dollar, Aflht, two (B3, ,

    tenth, one f dollar.1 CAPITAL Patltl of 400yOQO ino.isiiI ORAND PRIZE OP rwi.rtk) IWi.ian1 liRAND PRI7.K OF So.iSX)t I.AR..K PRIKS OF lo.tas IVjOOO4 LaJWI PsttSM OP IJ300 30. so


    100 PRIZFS OP 9ur 10,0902ft PH1ZKS op fJTA SO.isOen prup.s of too eo.iuo

    lo.tajo raiiKs op m. luo.uooAPPIMX1M ATMS PRIZES.

    no Appr. unii ton PTsSSS St S3"" ao.nonHit Approtnnation PftBtl of luo ItVDOMi Approximation PrlSSSSf 73 7.VJ0

    Ittfll Prlaes, amouiiUnc lo Soi'j.VfClien, o T ACBJJOABO si lAulviant,Oen J A KARLY of Virginia, Commissioners

    For lull psrticulsrt apply toM A. DAt'PHIS.

    P. O Boa ewa. New nriean. La.,Or aarnt at :o Rrnsdwsy, Ntw York.

    To i ii"iriu llcwlerw.During the lsst few daj s thr re haa sprung ap, u though

    by magic so grttt a demand tor myPCOI fJlOARBTTM

    no doubt In conseiutnct of the entire absence of opiumin their manufacture, the SSS of which drug is Invaria-bly productive ( headaoiie- thst I am unable to All or-ders as pi no tly as I would Slsth I tm now coinplrtingeiU nslve arrangemcnli wlurti will enable mt to delivertbt

    PVdC CIOAMTTBIon call, and would ak the further Indulgence of thetrade for a few days only.

    Vary respectfully.R PoLLAC, Manufacturer.

    Tswsiesd'i Phoephafed t real I onic, a pre.paratp n ot health jivlnj and vitalizing phmphatea inperfect solution 1' in quailed fog d pe pi.i, ncr ounea.w ekt fulness, a ,id debility, and invtlu.iblt St Sspring MVkysrstof and proti ctton against malaria

    tin I'm I of the Teeth and Breath.A fragrant, healthful. vflVartoii mouth wah SV,

    only. Ol druggiats and dep.-t- W QrAM it, Ut w York.

    The ssre Jiilc nf she grape la better thaaariifli isl '.iminniiU. try Or rnlerniH' wines from the

    Point Vineyarda For aalt by druggists and grocers

    .o rruaoaable persass ss III Jeopardise litreby exp'tetng thrniarlvi s to thf i riU ot untroVe v hen atun umbrclis can be bought of IS A At SMITH tor WSSntS,

    Whit lllajh Mats, tKI( worth 4 Mimllaant Maekmw atrawki lt Sr w hurrh st up t ' i's

    cepttixl Jrjdttfs,

    -re. rii.ee.ru.KB PtuXPILBS PTLBUl

    if fs FILES.PI1.KS



    Br. STODDARD of HI West 31tt tt positively tflkeki atare without tht knife, ligature, eanstle. clamp falvanesr actual ctutary. or any nf the old and painful and

    methmlt or rtmtdlea ucd bv other physicians

    Tht treatment fa tntiraly original, aral Skfferent fromanything employed by tnr other prtctiUoner, tnd itspottUvt tocceta having been teh d in ovtr 4. fan cases intht last flvt ytsrt. snd hst not fsi led to effect s perfectcure In a single Instance.

    Di set ass ot the rectum and anus made a tptclalty.

    Bo chargt for eiamlnaUonOffice hours, 0 A. at to P M 7 to S P kf.

    ComptWnt lady stslitsnt a (tmaleaDr. 8. P. BTftDDARD,

    ltl West2ltt tt,Ntw Toih.

    We rlslm for onr treatmenl rSSl advantage! over thaiparsued by other shyttclans and turgtona ft It tbolutrly a snre snd radical curs. It ta perfectly snd posi-

    tively free from all danger of hemorrhata. Itlmprovtt

    Uit tonicity ofithe macoot membrane and sphincter mut-cle- a

    It tt devoid of til pain in a largo majority of ctstt,snd occasions nont but what can ht controlled; tnd,Itttly, whtt ts a great desideratum, patients can attend

    to business without lost of tuna or Inconvenience, and

    without Interference with the treatment

    At a general rule, patients Miffering from this dltttao

    sr liable to neglect itt BfeBSI treatment, frequentlythrough temerity, tnd often throngh s fsle delicacy, tndContent themselves by the uae of palliatives or other aim-pi- t

    rtmealet tttgfesWd bv frtemls. Thlt often tesdt to

    pernicious resulu, st thla disc sat It tt all timet Habit to,and frequently doet. ttrniluau In other and mora terlout

    dltettei. tuch ss flstula In aim, ulceration, periproctitis,or tub mucous abscesa, permanent and organic tthcturs,induration, tnd very probably cancer of rectum.

    Wt claim that tht cure effecb d by us through (hit

    treatment it s perfect and rmanent one, aa It must nec

    tssarily bt from tht very nature of its pathology, and tlit

    sbtolute removsl of tht tumors themselves.

    As to tht length of time tt takes to cnrtacttt.lt dependt much upon the rsae itM-f- and the sire and number

    of the tumors present, but usually lakes from two to als

    wtcks, the average case requiring from four to flra weeks,

    Ptrtontdeslrlng further information will pleas enclose

    stamp, tnd all letters will be promptly answered.

    Dr. B P. STODDARD,

    ltl Wrtt 21st tt. hi tween Sth tnd 7th avs.Mew Torh city.


    Sew York, Feb SO. ISTS

    From personal supervision of a case of hemorrhoids tn

    a patient of my own, I ctn tcMJfy to tht ability of Dr. 8

    P Stoddard of Ml West list at.snd the success of hismethial In SBSk ctsaa He la careful, thoroiufh. safe, and

    scientific, tnd tht retulttof his system art permanent.

    A. II. LAlliLAW, M D . I MR Broadway. Saw York.

    Dr. Stoddtrd tuccstsfully treated one of inv patients ! r

    littmorrhoidi of tn aggrtated character last year, tndthe 1 hat been no return of the disease.

    Dr A PITMAS. Matawan. H. J.

    I am taniiliar with Dr. new method In piles,

    having tven s down of tits patltnls after s radical cure

    has been accomplished.

    Dr. c l s DAVIS. Menden. Coan.

    After t spending kBnJfStlt (M dollars w ithout even ob-taining relief. Dr Stoildard has cured me of ti e SitSi lathe in- ssrrlbla form. The tivmiarhage previous to my

    beginning his trcstmeut bad rcteattdly threaU-n- Bfsmounting to teveml ptuU in s dty. I can onlv say

    In behalf of til who suffer tliat I leet it my duty to giveMm this certificate. L PALCOTT,

    National Ufhter Company. 101 Hrnad at Sew York.

    After tpendlag huntred of dollars with VSItOSJ

    'quacks,'' I found Pr Stl.tard s meihod to be s perfectcurs, ill prtvlout trettn eat having aggravated Hit .

    I heartily rcccmmcnd htmA W TILI.OTSOS,

    Ctptaln of tout V it hard, care John Alport. 17 South st.New York.

    Dr Stoddard cured mt of ihronic hwmorrhotdal '.nn. t ant many cars' standing Iftsff my ae at pron. um edhope lest by other physicians. FRANK BROCK,

    Builder. MB Kast TatB st. New Tork.Dr SblJard o( 141 West Slt st saw J my life after

    other pbyaiciaiis despaired of my caae, and cured ine ot

    tht wort case of kSISkSfrrttgaUtt I ever heard of.capt OtOAl A HALL,

    Caro KsCart a Logan. t7 Pearl ht . New York.

    New York. Itpi 17H.PreB SSrtMnAl SSSartsnot t trongly BStlf) to the per-

    manent rflVt t. patn1ctties, ai.d stioit course oi Dr. Stod

    dard't o stem in hemorrhoids.j. w. day, ot Day, rarrtattea t co .

    Lock Maiiulsciurrrt. BM :d av Sew York"

    New York. Feb 7, 1ST0

    I wit severely afflicted with hBBOrThoMa Dr. st"d-dird ot West .'1st st. whom I gOStatted, sue rssfuHytreated them without surgn al operation, coosttc, liraturo. or anv pain

    CHAS A BJOLP, F DTtmSS Ktlglne Co So S.

    Kchidunce. US Rati fJOth st Sew T rkSew Tork. OSt lwtt

    Dr Stivtdtrd painlessly tSttfSStew h.e i.ji jUi an I

    overcame intense sufTeriu lit a tbret weeks' course

    treatment, for w lib h I SB Sri It 'IP. HACKKTT, Police OAkSf its,

    IT;", KtSelaskS t. BrooklynOffice rtssintr Ktcort fisst 'f Harrl-o- t i

    New Jerk ta Calskill. Juat ISTiiPur fourteen rssrt hare unied wiiti hsgrusrrrlnliti

    drawing worse a II the tune. gtl4 r'nding tm relief. I atla-- t aipl ed to Or ShaMird H Wet J 1st t , hoping,onlv fur palliation To mv surprise, lit cured me

    ia tour titatincals, aad I hsvg been a well manever sine. It IA I' LP A CU II, PUotFROM TUB LEAD1SU JKWi:i.l.F.R OpKRWAM N I

    New Yoik. A Ui5 14.After spending over f tn mu attemj'ts lo nun rt

    lief 'in ditrcstinii r timer il ittut, tnd tehittlttiig ihsbtt known practitioner ill nUrotw and Amen. D)has cured me In tli ret w ceks without pain 01

    intviiiiniion oi hnine.RICHARD IXITII, TrtT Broad st Kewart

    After fifteen rears' lUffkrtng from I' .Tuion holds of amntt axtravateil inrm, ami ei ending ovsi fl.1' in ocalled cures, which left nt worse than before, Dr. stitdard hts euied me periectly in four weeks w ilh.uil uyInBrrapdeB n By bnines4 I would ... hit tn itmeiit t" all aufferers who would a old the old find pstn-fil- l

    nu tho-l- s oi k title ligature, ie.OMOMIK SAUHCitv.

    Fnrelgn F relch t Office. IroStlwSP, Ko lo.kSew York. AllgUtl 3. T7

    Dr sTfilU4RH, 141 Wtst3ttt tSir I (eel entirely like a new man aiuce oiir treat

    inellt Thniikimt on fur the kind and efficient uwitirerla which you ae tiented un-- and Mluiig yon thegicatekt ot I am, tu r tmlh yntirt.

    Jul Ik m a ii r tt:n-- 2.1 av between and bt- New York-U- r

    ITOODARD ltl Wtil llltl hih nr Sir It It will he of an hi tic fit to yo'l in FOIIF

    pnieti. e. yoii are perfectly WeleoniS to e my name. Ivi as once well known in tins city, lietna BVi ml yesri inthe old polk Department, and x yegri officer uf ttiS)Court ol ilsnersl esioin for ss van nun i lunvrenterribly with piles, snd was rentiwllcil to gv in alli ualntii i.'r two vosrt. Pleass eepi iny lhanki lul llnWulidi)ul ure tffi tU I'V vo ir t ruUinc ut.

    A Ki If (HALO vVII.S'iS. H CuilMlta It Sew V rk

    Pnen gpttllfstten rslsranes will hg vi n to fort differ--nt in m i. inv grsitiistog oi all ihg d IrTe rent wnaolg is

    medicine, w ho etklni sg tnd gpi ruvg pp. Mo. Maid turn thud in tin UttfIleal to in nf euiisjy.

    A FEW HORN itKPKRRNCBIAvriuit. Qenrift, st k rslter, I'tiugliksepgis. V.Hurd. i' W coal dealer, iNi Tin av.Clown, hi .1 w ii: Mil usColt. ir II It . Si i II i veil. Conn.Coiiilticrtnid, M Kliglllf I'OIHI MJ No P, Kant Hi '

    w .,

    K rr. Mrs, K :t" fbryittt stliihuc Jgniet, No ;i Hook i'id Cumpunv. re si

    dence aii A' AUnlhl, .) i oi Porter Rrntherg. iii BroadwaytlrgVtt, flllbtslll 0SI Fiio ton Me Mnh nit. 'J t usiillrg slipJ.ihiihioii j h Ujiwi Her, lVi How rv. cor lli ooinv st.hih hen . II H- - Uet JSd StUue, W in. r. as weg iaih art.ti Seii. J tiiies, PorUthvstti N ViisSertt.W II i nntnin oi I., nt It It P indee 7 S..ii(h sthe it. Joh M nl SeiU Brolln i Lit WtrS, RSItoU, Pa ,gild ii... others

    Dr s p STODDARD,ltl Wtstlllt si, N w York.

    JffSSlirat Tft,OOtslO PAIBB. (HASPS. SICK tlBADAOnR, SOT'HSTOMACH, DTSPtrsU, Snd RHRUkfATIBM ara read-ily cored hy nelnsj

    BRBNK'S PAIS KtMJSO MAOTC OXUDo not letvt tinms this summer withoot providlnf

    yoorself with a fsmlly botthv ofRKNNR'S MAdIO OTU

    It will tavt msch aufferlng tnd sickness, lotg of timegoing for a doctor In tht mlddlt of Uit night, tnd muchmoney. PaBl

    Header. If yon have never tried this mot valuableremedy, tnd have any dmihts about ltl dning all we claimfor it. esll and get s asmple bottle, Vret of charge, stdepot, e Mnrrsy tt .H

    PKIV U K IHiariTAL POtt Tit Mtnttmeaiof stricture, hemorrhoid, m I arlcocele, un- - pJJJJd. r the esehMtve control of KliVV Kl II IHXOS. M U BBBBBeditor of Uie He ftl i e For deaeriptioii of the treatmenttnd tha Influence of tobacco on the nervous nyslem of Rllljonratnr life, ft pages. Inclne a amp to an Mh av officohours from hi a and 2 to 4 nnd to (ip M. I WM

    Ki sniiia rtiR OOMV M PTtOlP.The e m M asstfiva remedie remove the Aral attack

    vnoth bine fit confirmed eases, tmr prolong n WMMKrinsucti'.lv, ties. The nee nf either one glvet sails- - faaawfactory Impinvenient Depot, I flrest iewtt si. ifaRH

    Al I.MiBI HI 14 IBIRIl Kll KIOIBt.TOMS Refer to the prinetpsl privste residi ii es, hotels, 'retsuranta. wine moina. mtrketa. Ac. In New York, ppHPhiladelphia, snd other cities Call or send for MM

    rlrnibir The A'legrrttl Refriueratnr Co . iij 4th SV. I fMjMA l.t.rN Hotrtiile il t'xtran. trensthent tht Braid LmHit MS and increase Ihr priK reative powers tgTSV

    FOOD. Price. I All drugitlsta Depot. MWmALLEN'S Pharmacy. Istsv and ISth ti i WRm

    ii ROBI I M r. W fsTOK Y. " TH R ElCount a Hteret. will lie commenced in No Sltl of ths ri RRHPIBKNIDK CDMPAMOV. BsHAiL mmis Of BOOK ASt "job Vffprtntliit al low rates, at ROL MAN'S, enrner Ontre tnd sHWhite Itt

    Tirliciions lofrrei.

    Ami nn i TF.tl PF.R t t'K r.Tf riH, Ullall. I'Uh tt, tx twet a M and tth m - kfRRJThin arteriKHin, 3 o'eloek, subject for n " Pro I j ralnlmtfjon versus Moral But "Inn " The elntjesnt lady ore lltor. Mrs Dr lwrencc. di hvera the "n i.ni.1 u Idreaa mmm4. H OIHI1S. Chairman pro b in. "11A" t p rti p i, v: in rch. aettt .( ate av., ttstRev c C Oott 7:4(1 o'eloek, on 'Our Ds mmparUd Frienda, Do Thev Still Mvrt Where AreTheyfWh it Are The Dolru: " The Bev Fsther i olem in, R fMMo'clock, " Wns Ht Pen r the Founder of the r n lie- t RJRRJhci o Miss Kmma aAnsstn, SMOtsfJ ami precentor.

    A l nil hi:hi h a i.i., .th ..v corner IStSti -- The fnbn fl tervlcea. -- The Rev W.ivlani IHllnyt. D. D. ot Hrookhn. will nnach at :tl4 Sunday flsfternoon. Siairins by M I., n and the large choir. SLLHAll aeata tree. Kerboty cordinlly Invited. BHAN THtVI M I MUKI II. 1111 K!t7th'"or dth a The Rev R Ilelier Ne wton, rector. H(,RHSsrviots nt A M Sni4fJ0P M H(1 II t If II (P I II i: RSyg Ml. mi r at i, utni Pstk av -- The Rev Fn dk A Parnv, D D will IHpreai h. Murulng at II. Public invited No evening SfteTdslservice. 1 BkwwwwV

    I it I I I PPa iiPtl, 4 if ( Kf II of thr RerorT.r elhstten, ttfl Rati list ! near 'id av -- Services SISl I RBBBBRteneoe by the Rev K S Wlddemer. atl':tiiA. M nnd I ffffV7 P M . Sunday SAM. A OOrtlltJ wekuuie t R3j)JJJJJjl'

    nifl lAn lT iirnni, h.i 39. h u.if.1 twf n 7lh nml Mil, ,v I'n hti.ir mtlfttlllg miiiI rvvn llllu l '.Ii. Rev tl t' WdUTin.n of Nrw Uftfltpftlltn. 111imitH catholic .n mi i. Kiel iS JtA Namarf. ri'iiiinriicf.. hjwht m tvmu InU aiU'fW'iiiil M I fSBWa ,1 tn Hi.- Svw Turk Ctitrrr.it. c.t n r lnniM.'B llitVt- m ....... . Hiiliji-i- .it to 4 ' rnii.il! IH"Ilrulil. ill Ailimi'll frr.. IpHMa DiMM a vr.n v m eiie Sen S iha mkC ffjSlrori.. r tBtll M t.ir U- . tv l( Pfiv., ir IHomiiajl, " Th,. Imm- hv In. h All TIhim W,.rk Tnw llirr Iffot Rrvnttid, 'Tlw tmIim id n Man Viatnaj ISVaHturn inv it. C A ilnlny ..nl i'.itvrraati.iii.'tl Hit U, IHrli. at 3. laW

    .1 in i n i. rti ii e n ii mm m" yjmNrw Hftlh In twtan I'htk nn i la.aliit1'41 av., JakWtin Rrv tt. n lwM, i.M.ti.i Mrrlfl.1 nt il A M Tits lAHRrr i' II. Matin nf Or.niir. N I, ill jit h June W i HHnt.lrrt "Tl.r trmium m Klrltu.l Trullt. Hi nd ay fWKin ml at P l A. M. I BSirs DAY aiHVtt i. i 11an, ml 41. Pr.i .al, n. K l , HMr. s S.iii.rl.v. M H.nill lltrl Uir HrrM Btor th. I'hiii'tiirttiriti A.N'i.ttiin. Nbkt't: - .1H trl..ilnti" Mn.lr by MlMal t'ariictitrr Hj.. akrr. Idvr.,1. rVal. airl pl.ti..rin fr.p Bll'IIH l'll I'll I RI II. m .,.! .'J7itt I' at Hj fttblir.it Hail, :ii-- n.nr lln. rt ay,Trot Bnrhaiinlt a iJ.it d Uiacuurar. " Dtv tt.r !.,. uathvLa.v B


    y.(n.oinTlii:.tTlli:,iii ad IN at f MKNiAi.KMI..NT BXTI ti.KPIN ARV.

    A ItlultriJ - it., ii Artlauc Mlttftn l.y.SMITH Vi.RlOII.

    THF. ORIHINAI. HI t MINSTRKI.K jlvalobom. martin. u mm

    Avltai! hvasalar of Ilia SBuiiEATi:xr MissiRRi. NAati IN THF. OOCatCS M IRWaiBll.t.V IWIAtnAM, KIMK VT MORTflM. 1 laHIIARISlii A I'Hti'i, CHAJI in i'''" Ii. II taVjaVJtiiih JAt'KHnM, 'ti I'.RKni I.. I XaWBJAMES stl INN. MAMkH MAK1IM. II TWM

    Kntiprirtail by a ltBcrsss AaBAi W nfiuialtt ARTitiTii. y VimaAostrtoaai oaoBSarnu. c tj--

    SI'Vi ltl. RFlll'i'TKlN IN n I r: t.,t tl.i.i ii.'aif mnl J Jfesl..i SltSBv.riM.i.- - iiniynim -- mi i no .ti mm

    OXDAjr, Inn :l I'll RIMINKV ami HII.I.V IUHKT. j 'ftBlJA Ut 1 1 .KMTKI . i i ItWPJB

    roFctaia oovorti araar SfxatM sMu.tral i nn.'urt. r RCDOLf BUI bVS

    Fur ma y Pirart. r of Krull'. ilai ilen In Brrliu 3' IHPi... r, oti.it at 7 f M r pommani ... at f, M. immwJlOMIMIUII SB

    Tl.e rriirtaturi bafl t ntm. itn r ttiat thr nrwlv millediik v i. vhi.kn mmtwill If iiiaitvurui.il f Ml KUAN. Jam Jl mm

    Tlii i',taliii. mailt arilj lb. N ba tonul tlif r.t. nt""l g' 1 n h ill t .. i. Mi ri.itvuuunt ii km.! in tha

    rilltrit HUtrl


    ATMAUIikJN tiJi'AKK li.HUKN la Ol Ituon at. mmmTiit'itKHAv. ji nk in i;o. tmm

    In ii n tt. t . ti With Itn Mriirtti'a Hanrl an.l a crandmmm

    AiMtin Tifm r iii Rim, ia amki.mar t taln.,1 t. ..m st. inv av A NtMift, : Kat Mth at,ami t'....l,tnlin s In, .i t. TI Rioit M alau Iruin lbBMtmbi r. ,,l tl.a Mtcafty, an.l al llir ban t ITlra.

    IUI Mill II RH uiWAt .1 .ril bt SNV. OftS IR'iM n A M TIIXIII r, M. IBTli. tiiu.l in.anl" rtil ihu.v ,.t RBNATIVK INi t't.KklilN FISH lHr. i t i.t Mi- iv if si'ii'irr. mm

    thk m vHt i i.i in s ii. i.i sii ni- -t mmjIVrlurniaiiri-.lail- nt .' SUKIial r M H

    A l.nt.ttti ' rrni.. .iiMrvn ii.li prtre. 1 HA llimit HQ I K y ft t K I) KR . jj

    ORAXOM RBA1 ..si i nr -- sunt ruor.RAMMB.i'im.i.km i'i. .1 k in nr i irv n mmt

    MOKPAT aiM) vr RVKMN'i. UltAXD rojJftRRT, i.Mt ftt ihnrwlay. Mrd ritraitA Ii ttmi. Tin tu .1 roa

    rr.uiM. W& SAdmlaatw He DIIW aNn rri'tli l A M In 11 1. f Mmmitf Atiiaox Mil o:f i in iiki.ltl t w,i tell at, ii .ni'v rnt:i ontu. flotai mmi'uiu.ko.i:k .. t. ' tmmrnNiiNiKu mmt

    SAVll.l t RN.1I.ISH lll'KKA 00 f Umtn m s I'lNvin.i'. ,? muKTRRT r.VKMSU Os AT1'RIiaV MATIXRi AT a tHnnfTKKT in e flit k. HHII KF.RIilN iMi iv llilFKI.X Mana:rrKimtntviv f IXAFORK t OMrAN'T In niRsrt A nl- - ltWIn, ii'. t .r i.n' itv,.,a. M vi FISArilHR tattb R IBnd Ravuif eatit Krcttrv ; at tfttl'ivaliyi inv vttKtalnuif flMl IMI'. I.lillli tni: Nut IIIN'i.. Mid Ut IBRRAXP 'IF

    I'i ii nrt Mat WrdlMtadd) ittll S,ilin.lav. IHD.a FIMM INI il M INS III I IS' itl'KRAO iiiii'- K RRii.IiWaY RKT anTll INU'JhTHATR (THPualUvth i.i kSCJI

    I MK F,-ll- li in i HI.R f il mil rW, 'taaWStl.slU'Ut S TKUI'll Vli.il IISH

    In 11. air lAUMtiaftta an.l i l,ai uillui n.ii. Itv,Till. lllluiiK I'lltjB

    Uvt ilraul Klt'KiK RtTLNRR ATI'ROAT, n NF 21. iaHI'NI.IN al ir.i: TRE.ITUbVII" "Rsi rTrfff "Tr I'- - ir "ijinm mmi

    XKw Kil l - m'RI'RISF " IV ilaSWHiiltPiiR.a In Ilia Puaillv a N... in- lllttHKRW HllHHunil NF.". It KX. I. IHHORROR Rvar y avt'iiltttt Faittri!av M ttmraalA. ''flll"1 1 i.K I. vh I.Teei'M Til I. v rut:.n kvkry iTrKxiNu nt hi mmt

    WKIlNrturnr a.irl Trl!pA M ATI N I Km nt 'J P MII At KIll.V s Nat, Vrk iltlMn it Final. .r, .niiiany. :l IHnil Raautirt.l IIIB'ivtNr i"f iiH's. rViNv lHI ril inal I. RUN,, i H HH'MFI's lilt, I th. ir rlrhtaU'd mWdtartlnr IHiWaRO and Tinnirsii... oi'A HILL, LA mmbALLR, an.l a l.t nl UltraMATINKI K rtTPAV ami I IURAV fmmII ll I ti k'- -. nl' iii.n i ItKi.lXA ATStt l.v.rv Klr'ilnil ml - 'in i, Mr r .t ;ti H

    mis- - ii i t'kVKMMsii mmtin wtiLt. t'ni tn.'. i. in waj.n druiMdof mmt

    II I U K V II I 1. 1. 'at. I. Nl .'I I' !.. r.al Jilhilt11 Haul..! Hhnnlltltt t'diltn Mi, t. ny Ultuert til RtstrrFt anriv iii tin ir ii nn Ii r til Hi i n,r :,. tir.lllN.lll. in litU i.i i.t atil utH'ttnaiil; I'ltblla 'Ittr.l t .i tin t taa i.illM

    M ii km It ami JOHN II. Fl I.I.EK. i. nr i iirlnclpal mWBowrry.

    II t .1 (I. .ii lar altd .In..-- n. nn. fliftl lanc.I':..- tiwtlit. IIIINKt C pii:.-"N- '. 1.JJ7 UrnudWty,H

    wo t i.i.iiH i tii .10l t ,li'- - ....... , roil.. ( JH to f.' I" .tl, r.' MCkt'ta, tl fat lu tjljla, al Mill. A S. outnir mmlKi. ... ma ami l


    "J ninmtr Btiorfii juI I. 1 Ml V .11 I! A lllll'l .,I . LllStl III! II ll. AjWiHKATUIIPAl i. nt ll llrVTT) An

    III vm: .v (.Kim i s .. Rnakawt MbtlII Rrach f'nvlUtlll. Hi l.m Mint. IF llui.,1 station, L i. It. LlaVSIK npfll lor Ml f pt'alOII thr IM1. ol Julia. LlaiaiBB

    Fir.l , Iui,. ri'il.nii aul nn, I h iruom. IlBBiaiH.

    Jltuj j.Hiblic;itiom. wAmii tiou fM-r- a m it n im v MAUAleiNrior' July, mill liraiiiiiiil illu. trail in, ant. n tt .tori.a. IHaiaei uhmh tinval and Ntirai liva rtiiunta pu nni mil in lHtin- .pi. mini July nuiuiHir. iii.iv ruady. Krlva, SA cmta. 'atSBiH

    Noul rvrti ii In ir. or in. lint iio.i ti. a. Addrvaa ' aHW Jh.N.NIMiii UfcMltllFsT, 17 Fn-- t Kilt .1., N f. mmtiftNBCONIiV ini.ami it in. y KKWRt ' 'mm

    "ubllahrtl avarv aftaruoon un Riiihloii Bi.kU. Tha DaaVtii.t .,ii. nli ill i .., u fl


    Sffles Tleterhae Tm bawtet'i TTnleA.i Meet-tait- asa ripn4

    Ylotorlna Van Haulat, an attractive bru-nette, about 19 yaare old. waa aaaaulted by annnknewn man In Washington aqnsre, on Fridaynight, between 10 and 11 o'clock, and was

    Infured. Bhe lives with her mother,now Mrs. Oravnn. at 1A3 Prince street. On Fri-day afternoon sho went out to make a call on afriend living on the west side. Rhe did not re-turn


    In the evening, aa she waa "xpcted to do,and yesterday afternoon Mrs. Oraven waa In-formed that her daughter wna lying In the NowYork Hospital, In Fifteenth stroet. seriouslyhurt

    Mrs. Oraven want to her daughter nnd foundher very weak. The young woman's left earwas badly bruised. Her head above the earwas much swollen, and her left eyo was black-ened. Tho Imprint of Angers showed on herthroat. Her answers to her mother's Inquiriesgave th story of the assault aa followa: "Istayed later titan I exoected to, and did notstart for home till QH o'chn k. 1 started to walkthrough Washington sonar". As I entered apathway leadfrtg from West Washington phvcoto the southeast corner of that souare, I saw aman. wearing a light atraw hat, walkingbriakly In another pathway toward thecentre of tho square. I qulckoned mistep, and thought no more nf the man. When Iwas near the centre of the squarn. close to thefountain. I felt a terrible blow mi the left aid ofmy head, and then a tight grip upon my throat.1 remember no more until I found myaelf atFifth avenuo and Hlxtennth street, lean-ing upon a gentleman's arm. Ho kindlytook me to a drugstore In Itroadway. and thowounds on my bead were bathed. 1 was takento the Thirtieth street police station. Therethe officer in charge asked me whether 1 hadlost anything. I romcmlwredthat when I enteredWashington equnre I carried my pock rt book,containing somo change, in my right hand. Itwas gone. It waa probably the pockotbook thattemptetl some one to attaek me.

    Ktewart 0, Pond, a eon of tha senior memberof tho firm of Whllnm A. Pond A Co.. of 25Union square, aald that at about 11 o'eloek onKmiay night he waa riding In nn omnibus upFilth avenue, and at tho corner of Hlxteenthstroet ho heard a women call ont as tbough ahewaa In dletress. H went to her and askedwhether he could assist her. and she eccmeU tob dazed and at first made no reply. He tookher to a drug store, and then to the police sta-tion.

    The police think that the person who as-saulted Miss Van Haulat strtfk her with asand club, nnd that her assailant wna nttrit- tedhy the pockcthook thnt she enrried In her hand.1 hero Ts another theory, that ahe was mistakenfor her sister, whom she etotalf reeomblee, andwas aeaailed by her brother-in-law- .

    The hospital phyetcians are unable to ssywbsther bor skull ia fraurod.


    Co atpro sa lain m with the Ilrnnhlye Hnll IMayertliiokiht Um r Folo.

    The liveliest play ground In the lTnltoHtatea yesterday was that Bet apartfor DakM ball, cricket, and Inb-l- polOi in Proa-pec- t

    Park. BffOOklfSi The Park Commies!' racompromised between tho polo players anbase ball batters by having the polo boundariespla-'e- aep-s- the upper end of the large fleldInstead of through the centre, where It de-stroyed nine out of the thirteen bell grounds.This gave the polo players and t all toesers atn-pl-

    room all round. The polo Held is now 750feet br 100. This area yeeterday wna surround-ed by a black Una of spectators, three or fourdeep, while hundred nf carriages, filled withladieg and gentlemen, lined the outside row of

    on three sides. Thorn were also sixgames of baa bnll and one of cricket going onat the same time, all attrailng

    The me tn he re of the West 'heater Clubin a rattling series of games between two

    sides sel-te- from their own players, calledthe Itluea and Hods. The Iteda were: A. He!,mont. Jr.. Captain, and Messrs. Pl-r- re Iiril-lard- .

    Jr.. and V. Ciray Oriawold : the ploasj wereC'ipi. Carroll Hoc, and H. S. Herbert.William Oothout. F. T. laelln, and C. Rtteheock.

    They had several retavs of lively muatangaon the grotind. under the care of Mr. IVaaPoke, aekilful Mexiean muatang breaker. Allthe ponies have been lobduad except two. Mr.Poke flew over the field on the backs of thoselike Capt. Carter after a Piute's scalp.

    While exerelslng before the games, one ofthe ponies reared straight in the air, turningover on his haunches nnd trying to roll on Mr.August Belmont. Jr.. bis rider. Mr. ltelmonfslmt his fe.t out from hie stirruos. and had thebeet of the brute In two second.

    All the young men rodn their ponies 1n adashing manner. Meawrs. Lorillard and t

    were the most dnrlng rblers. and Mr.Oriswold was the most graceful In the sadaleand In handling his mallet.

    The first bowl waa well eontceted for ten min-utes, tha Blues atendily drl-in- the ball towardtheir opponents' goal. Finally Mr. Belmontsent It through with a wirar. scoring one for theBlues He rep4stod this in the second rueh injust five minutes two for the Blues. Thiswarmed up the Beds for the third dash. Ittook them juat one minute and fifty seeonds todrive tho ball through the blue goal. The fin-ishing stroke was given by Mr. Iselln. Thefourth and laat contest was well fought on bothShleg all over the fleld. At the lapse of fifteenminutes the ball had tcn worked up to the redgoal, nnd Mr. Oriswold sent it flying betweenthe posts, thus counting three guiues fur theBlues and ono for tho Beds.

    The Mew BrALln Theatre,The new Brooklyn Theatre, now being con-

    structs! oa th siu- nt the olJ one. tuirnrd down tn ISM,will tie substantially anl ikegasttl batlli and in a mannercalrulated If limir prrfn I Mf t U Its future patrons

    Tha lhaatrt Will SfSSSal a handaeme and rather tnipoaing front, and gia wsll dividing tha stag from rmain buMdtnn l to te carried gtgSf to tha Msfi thus preventing tha possibility of tlie flaiin-- jreaditig lato thetuditoruiia in rase ol a fire on th ttstm

    The provtalnna for auardina flra 111 apnrnsrhsa near to perfr-h- aa DOStlbsi There wpl ! tmlarac tanks ol watvr In ttt rot, ty means sj wht. h thtentire theatre SSS le iiiatsntanroiily loeta d The atatewill be m r II aupi'lltd with Sre kactsll and MbSSSk lSr eiUnauiahera, and os ca h ef ttie tiers of - tts rllle placed a riril or hose, attached to a water pipe, supplied from the tanaa Tlierv Wttl te an eait from eachUr tn the adjoining hotel a nr lite and to an alley onttia other gile. in front will be thret wl e nlares 4 eait lothe atrt-e- t Ttia statrcaeg to the and calUrywtk b- hfegg) tnd of Iren, each encased In a separatathan of Uih a. soi.d krkk.

    Thf will contain el boget, a parqin lta. balcony, gallery, aad ainphitheMtre. and will aeat pertona The InU rtSf Is tn tag naudaouiely decorated andluauriously upholstered

    Finy.Hlril Match.Cehtretii.t.e. N. J.. Juno H. Messrs. IT.

    Punlevy and A. H Isratrr id tha Nrw Y rk linn t'lubshot a match this morning near thia place, for t a slite.at flfly birds Mr Prater save Pun ev fmtr live birdand rtva yards, the former shootm nt ttnrtv ysids andthe latter at twt-nl- five mrds rise. Purine the mattiPunlevy killed h iratsht. lister kilrl la straUht, and4 of hla misat-- birds were 1fd ut of hound, beats eykilled a out of M and In ater 43 out ol So bird, theformer sinning by J birds.


    Mist angle schntt and Prof g W Sawyer will supplythe entertainment at the Aijuarium this week.

    Tha Hrooklyn Park Theatre wi have no stt-- rompany ' i eaon. ttia maiiageaitnt to playonlv cmuhtnaUnna

    The Ueearkraei featleal will take place on neit Thurday evening tn the Madiaou Sijnare 4.nuicn. Tha SSSaVtbn prnmlats tn be one of sp- - lal lnteret

    Tha laSsaSS Brother! and their tb Tiger. gears fsward and Thompson, and ottier aperinhsts will tn- Hie attraction this week in Tony PsstSf! Theatre.

    At tlit Kwndard Theatre, to mnrriw evi iiing. a aerleof summer performances will l'gin M t - v w bttlia ditiniuishn. feature and tin- priti a will ba lowgredto a decidedly popular scale Mesara Ktllith, Waldrull.Martin, and Mm ton are tht leading stars.

    Tlie Sav ills F.sglih (iera t'oiiiputi) hasderldid to remam another week at ttia Madiaon Sqimre Tlnatre inTwenty fourth utoet 111 couw qMSBjCg the en OUrSgingaudiences tliat thev have in nttractiiiti duringtin- rtst week. They alve a spirited mid highly enUrtaming performance of "II M riSefofS.'

    " Pinafore" bv the New ork Children s Pmarore t inpany will fontmue to hg the attraction at HarrlLyeSttsn Tlieatre Tha terfoi mitnce n r brlaht amitnterttdiif, and the httls peopla give the piece with grc.itsprivlitlinas and effectiveness. Mutiuec p rfi-- maiic Iare givtu gVSII Wfdueailay and Satuolay.

    "Pinafore" will not down The Bowery la to hSVSttromi " Piaafore this wttk, for which a arofletstii amicanabla company has engaged It MmKliiel Lvntoii. who will he the MtmJMag, Miss HStsllgM.iiiin-- a tf!' Hu'ir, Miaa Amy as MrWilliam as the AAmtrnl, Mr. ROksrt as

    m (l a Weeks as Onjri fbrsawas, sag Mr. Bwuas Ih k piayteys At popular pnCi the How. rv a VUJorootSIMl lively "J'luafuie" should dvfy any fttorta oiStart temperature.

    Aim ng things that survive and defy the season i"ii1 rrors at the Dnton sqasrs Theatre, srhsrs that

    tstrgvaganss iii enter ieniorrow sytnins uponIt nt'th Sreelf It bruht ami gmiltinat. full uf grntSMUSand ordinal UtSSS. and is put Upos the stiik'e with ahtiers II ty ol drssslns tnd gem rui n, . u nt srsttldom accnided at the end of the seiotoii A number ol

    neveltisi trstobg liitrodueetl this wttk byttii snitrii m inatft'iiieni and II is protmbia Hint "llorrnra"

    will hold ihf public favor until (he tune amvit fill thesompany to luim its sostos sswafsav l

    HlSI Ada 0STSn4ltli ctiarming lmi.eronntlon of RUtthe excelh ui rendition of Sir Wllkte Oelllaa'g

    reinarknhl drama thnt is given bv the comtinv m Wallack's I'l.utiuue to attract large aiultencta Theg Veiling! liavt been mild and alii lidam

    thu tlnntre gntsllf. much UrMdUooinforl tlinn Is uuiiillyto h for at this leStos. Miss t'avemli'li is In

    rut ill a ted up n loi oig won gu pronounei d a siicctaaunder gendlUoai which ordinarily would lia e provedaimoat latal. and aha OA II cuNilt' SSlUrf liei w It ol n wniinreception when slit shall again appear in Now Yoik intlit lagular season

    MBTTt.tNG nimRKRCMB.

    Betaesmtte ! ths fSeaate win Cwaagtrwaateths Wtareer Mnr Bill.

    WAflHTWOTOw, June 14. Tho frirmollamong ttia Demoeratte Benatora relative to thapassage of the Warner HlWer bill haa, to all ap-pearances, ceased. The ap-pointed at yesterday's caorus to harmonisedifferences hss dono its work well. No sttcmpthas been made to effort a compromise betweenMr. Dnynrd and tho champions of the Ookeresolution to discharge the Committee- on Fi-nance from oons!dornton of the Warner bill.Tho Henator from Delaware voted in committeeto postpone action oe the measure until nextOocrmber. He also Informed his party asso-ciates In caucus thnt ho should not bo bound bycaucus dictation to report tho bill. Therefore,hs could not consistently compromise In Amannor satisfactory to the followers of Mr.Ooke. One faction or the other had necessarilyto hnck down. The friends of tho Warner lullwill perform this nnpleasant part. A nvctlngof the on harmony was held to-day. No lett'-- written by Mr. Itayard .tender-ing his resignation, waa plarvd In the bands ofMr. Thur man. Chairman of the

    The metnbera Mfe of one opinion : First,thnt no dissensions In the ranks of tha partvshould bo permitted ; second, that thorn wasreally no occasion for a split ; third, that therewaa no censure of Henator Bayard Intended inthe votes of the li- nioernts who favored dis-charging tho (Vimmltten on Finance from con-sideration of the hill ; fourth, that Henator Bay-ard could bo niado to understand that no cen-sure of his action wns Intended; fifth, that asthero Is an evident majority In tho Hervateagafn-- t the passage of the Coke resolutlon.ltwould be wisdom to let tho whole mutter dropwithout further contention.

    A caucus nf Penioeratlc Henatnra will be heldnrnhnMy on Monday next to hoar the report ofthe nnd there msr be a dispo-sition on the part of some of the silver enthu-siasts to contest tho recommendations of tho

    Warner Is positive In hie sssertlons that the bill will bo acted upon beforeCongress adjourns.


    Brsvoka Dewylnc thst he Mssae sa .flMltKrlMt Ins lo IhO NriiNlni litl I I. ell., n

    Wahiiinoton. Juno 14. Tho Commlttoo onPrivileges and Klootloos met thla morning nt1" o'clock, when K J. Brooks was recalled byagreement of counsel of Kellogg snd Hpoffordroepctlvoly. In reply to Mr. Merrick, he satdho did not make an nfTlilnvlt In relation to hisparticipation In ths election of Kellogg, and didnot say that he received $UiH) for hia vote.

    Mr. Merrick infrd his information waa thatBrooks received such consideration, and hadmade an afTHavit to that effect hefore NotaryPuMie IjiiroWio and other pers-iis-

    The witness asked: At whose Instance did Imake the affidavit ?

    Mr. Merrick I don't know. You will have anopportunity to ascertain when tho

    meet In New Orleans.Mr. KelWara ii,, the witness) Were yen a wit-

    ness before the Committee of the ItuislanaHouse of )t"presentattves which Investigatedtho suhje-- of alleged corruption In procuringmy election ?

    The Witness Yes. TheCommlttee heldand I was regularly tw.-rn-

    Mr. MerrUk said hi information, came fromMr. Walker of New Orleans that an affidavitlOcfa aa he had mentioned bad been made byBrooke, and that it had toen mailed to him.

    Tho Inking of testimony In tho case was de-clared ended.

    MERi; MRU II OS.Three e nmrslons to R.tthaway. bf tht Orand

    KepuMtr atiil Uie t .tmntaa.Tlie atraaitxMit Long H. anri makes an excursion tripu Mwseraa aas retu-- toiav.In la1i'n - foten this eve nine there is tn be a

    eomert The slsSttsC inrtit is to be urtritureI this wet aI title tie n (teat OfSf f nf K.ireters" 'trnlr.Benlera Sehuet

    gn I'aik. Si at- tin rtl street nnd Last kier. on Wrd.netlay neat, afternoon an tvvnhiff.

    The Manhattan BsSSk BsSal nnierrri reeterilty froma Co., g iiai rmtoii street,

    St un of beef an-- other aaiall SSSSlaon Thurelae aiWrnn the eiabteen montha pt,iM

    at P.iniel ilfattt ii ! S.. iithe.lt. T. I till lato a tub olhulling water and was sralJed b death

    The bark Monrovia, muter rinn anl of rapt Richard-ten- .for ria. U nut flftv it eiiUiiranU from

    Arkansa, Virginia. atd North raroMnaTlie lloh.'ki ii Turtle t'aih's flrt 1inn r nf the season Is

    to be given le the grove a liootnu: I'ate's M'tl i" Jeromeavenue, on Thursit iy. the las ti of June, nt 4 I' M

    Mr William BHI1 Off Fe street, deal-- r In poultrv.gets the mesl if bis pnultrv from I ndiana nVat. in a lot i puitr. he fotin.1 s hen with a pjuirrvl aface. Pi uttersnre ia a wgaeak

    Jrremiah Sullivan of street. ipleton, died nnFriday tiight from the eferta of ehlorofnrm that he hadLiken In order to have one ef hit legs amputated Heleaves a SfW nd SfVSB children

    The LSjSfSSSi matrh tm the Hroklvn AthVtte Dub'str rounds. Mttortley, Imiwssb the Iseaelerg end MatOH k'a of the Club reulted in a Vtctnry tor the ,.the mnin three gmnca out of five.

    Judgr Harna'd. In roitutikeepMe. rterdav, tranhM anapplirnUon tor pernnaatnn to Nf. the roeSJS), F:attuh.anil Cetat Island Railroad Ci m;any tn restrsio themfrom runninc their ear in Atlantic avenue

    At o'clock on Friday tv nmg Frederick Atwaytboarded a Third aenue car at 1'iMi) aireer and throwingthe irlVSI from the plairor a tSM the lines and dro ettie car nt break neck speed down the avenue.

    irfTlcer Jani"s Tall ot Leonard atrcet was beforeJustice Maniiner yseh rda and Roundsman i rr harkedthat Tully tiad assaulted hmi. The rouialvtaaii had stripsol plaater en Ins ni'Se .tnd a bandiige over hit head.

    A Slsatty and eacirlnt match at baas ball waspisvcd m Frsegect nrs, reaatrtlsy, In Uit presence ofuboiil a""' pcrsnna. It waa tlie flrl tame if ttir I'arkrhami in"hli aertea. b twren tlie Nameless and

    Insiltiita atsea Aftrstwo lioura' Lat tie, theI'tiiyuchntc nine nn by to 4.

    Dykman. in the rae f Daniel Dempaer andClan nra T Harn-tf- . has derd d Ihnl rVmpa y waselected Superintend lit of the P i r m Stolen in174 for a term of five )ears. and that l nipary may hnidlas office until 1NMI Hatrctt was t:. r.last tall, but liempary re'uaed to vacatv it

    A malt infimt a oiotith o'.d. prettll) dreaaed in white,waa 'oil lid mi the stenn f Mr JSSMI II Oilliert t ri st-denes, at 17 irk avenue, rooalya, at i n m yesterdav. and bv its aide wag a wall tSnckSS inini'e of

    lothuttf A woman, drcaard In dark elothSI and wearingS heavy veil, hint been teen nitliilg uneaally about thebliK'k in the evt nine.

    Martin J CSSBSStSgS. the wiMSSJ In tht Saiith nin'dercaae, who swore that he saw Hetinelt in a Lafayettetmrat car at s'l eck os the sthl "f the sisraei wasarretted WatSfffsy. In Jersey City, on complaint of W NWallon. Walton alleges that while tlie tr at washingon t'uinmwitfB met turn outi le kg Cosri

    an smhtvlts In his face th enteiu profanely tonet Hlfjars witti htm fur SOSSfl kSMgll arv 'rong.

    DSSNHVS Itshhatvl wairhrd a aatw f pickpockets InFoiirb entli atrt et. near Man '. on Fri lav aiteruoon Hesaw Pur bovs opera tins BfMSr the dire U.. not a manThey took rregfl him and tin n sepaab d Thamuii, havid rulien. wn.ki-- on the north fide of ttiaStreet, while the lii'Ta 'MM to gtWOSS the croud on ttiaBotith tide When Oiev picki d a piwkct the- ran over to

    ullen. nnd lltOS returned to their WOrBa Trie drtecUvtarrt sled CststS ami the hoy a s auiered.

    Rnundaman Walah took Elb a Maloney into the Cs-e- aMarket roltSS yesu-nlav-. and utie was ac used ofatabtiint her hustiand nn Friday inn Tit. She satd. "Mybiohatid mine down from the p niteiitiary eterdae.w tiere tie had b en committed (or t month for breeklog my hend I am hflaralSJ life Mrs onUn at i'iHamilton atrert When my bualiand cume to the h- uaaon t oday night he was ver drunk He fell ter thetet. and ilien attacked me and Mra fouian " Mra

    Maloiiey kerS thoWtd JuUc Smith tlie drtaashr woreat the time It a as b i n to hr da " I did not ub uirhuaband," aht said, she as held She it 5"ytartold.

    MA in i IRTKLLiaKNOMmiAVsaS esaac tsis bst.

    Run rlstt 4 Kan set 7 an Moos rise a 1 31H ll.ll WATsa TSISOST

    andy Uook... 4 13, Oov Island 6 0BllsUOaB.t a 24

    ArrlTd-s- ii Hi'r, June ia8 Raplilan. How ker. Henniids.Sa Aii emnrle. nibbs, Lewsast Ihenfa. llori-.r- 'Sn Kriinci nla. am PnrilNtiTAm lb dry Fdve. Kvler, Su nde land.

    - Mm. In. Kalriloth. St. Thoinav Junt 1. at.d St Jnhn't,I K . ftl.

    Ss Acadia, gontg. nn rv, Ksggtns Ma W, and ii)tru!t.ir37lh

    llurk Kacna. r'llerts. n.It. I'UrsooSi Utter. I'litaeoa.Murk HluhOtlS, letllafia. (WltSHiiW Stral-nn- d Ik BDONrft Antwerp.Hr'n Myrvnus. JsrvTs, satuaiohl OlJ lie, LSUgbtORt Mutiinua,

    MAHHIEO.roi.K-P.t.- -- On the 13th mat by the Rev Willi am

    M P.ntleth w Kits ot Hftlumire. Iluwh L. Cole u Ikten,dant hier oi John W BUiSial tht city.rOt'Slga PL! ST. At the residence of the bride'sanother, ou Thursday, .luna 13. b the Rev. Dr Bi llows.Thomas Cotinins to t'ora L . daughter of tht late OyrSIPlint. all si Rrooklrn

    ib Tut i.sTRi'p .tuLt.Y it kvoil t.T --on Tasalsy,June S at the Chttreh ol the Sallity. New Yi rk.Thurtde Tnuletrup to Lucie. daugl.U r ol t'hailct and AuaisJolly Bavolllot

    tit NTHKR -- rt'RTIS On Thurwtav. June 12. in ChrUtChurch, statfof.l, t'onn , by us Bee Mr Lounthgrv,I'tiri'Uan O (iunther. Jr. ol this city, to Adelaide A .danght. r of Curtis

    Hol.DKS-HASk- lN --on Thuradav. June 13. at Maliton. N. J . by tt.s Bev BoU rt Airman. Ii D.. Ahbv Mdatwibb r of tbt late Rev V Rsukin Niag po,China tw llwra-- a Holden of Sew York

    IMWK- - SARSKR -- on Ws4net4sy, June 11. at thareHetii e of the bride's iunther. bf MS Rev Dr. John M.Ii. iw. Usorgs a news ai Pstests, n J.toi. me a .dauatibrr ef Hie late Pari Harbi r wf llmrr. N Y

    III MK saYKBS -- on W.dnestlav. Jinn- Il l y ti c RevI Y keartsy. Charle R Hume to Mary Aof ttiu i it No rarila

    J 4 S K W A YSW KT. On Wednedav tune ati'hntOiureh. Sew Rruvswtek. S J br the Re II KtlaoMiU lie lie V a. S Y, assist bv the Re F II Stubbs of ther - . II. Janeway bi Ktmtieib Chtw, dtun titerot McRcs t vt ift if Sew Brituswick

    IMISI.4SD TB4t KS -- At Belleville S J., on- II at tie lemitiuee .4 the

    bride nucle. W II BsketSf, ftta., hir the Re r srecttr nf Chnt cuureb. Miaa Mav lireSCCS ol Belle-

    ville le Bager Iiitfaiesd itf Fisnklin N JK4SUAI.L- - P4BBoTr -- n fhurtgay, June 13. at St

    John's Chun h. Tlie lireenwuuda. OrSSgt Oessty, S Ybv the Rev W n Del. tiranuia, asib-- by tin ReSam in I U ran Mia Maniiah Farter, daiuuter U MrPi ur P Parrot, to Mr .lohs Wirt Ramlall of Aauapulia,Ml

    STRVKNS- - wORKIKM'S -- In Chicago. Ill June IS, bythe Rev Clinton UerkS, D. D. Mr Kiank I. Stevens,tastlkr of the Palmer HMI at, to Miaa Pranklt Motatious.flgaghttroj Mr Philo MjersheSI The bride wore u

    asltu ilreaa. sisile in autniue t le, with anoruie ehirrcd front, and irin.med w ith point ISSS, utroi.vre in the ASCki tktSVrl Pompadour, along tram,hsadtotnslV iriimned with alatS ntin. veil flowing totlte of the dyttt, and arinuaed over the face,rAsttlHM w th imtural flowers; h.nlr dreed higb kiiftcrbdiann ti i o. nsmtnta

    DJVORVKP,Ytt'SO--I- tha eitv sj Sew York, on the 12th dav

    nl tins, inv, bv ttir Hon Joieph Y Oalv. a Judge ol tlitCourt "I Common Plea" UitlitmH Young lioin AUgttttlM h Young i sets .adultery.

    Oil IKA KF.HMAS -- Oa Frldsv. the tltfe Insl . SABS Amelia,

    wife ol Frederick A kermanFile nd- - at lit senustlltsnt c, alao members of I.afa m tte

    UmbSj P. tod a m . No as. ars eorutstty Invttvd to st--nd her fuui'iul fro. n lor stff rsstttvnvs. We tt B9d

    hi Mondav, imie nl P M lnt rinciit ui " Has uRIImW.s I'm Prioajr, June IS. I'lm.lotto A Blown,

    widotv ot the Lite John Brow nRetstivsi and rn n.ls an- rstpretfelly invited to attend

    tlie luntrsl loin her Itte reaidelice, 3SS Ik. an e ht ,corner ol Cannon, at o olock

    DAY -- At ItruoMla. a Prtdsy, IUI) lnf K.lwni l tDav. CSS. son of the late Mrs K A la in the :ltyear ' hi age

    liouhwiN - in isekson Connty, Kit. May k0apiTh- iinift Iloodwtri, age. ts vtsra

    KKi.l.Y -- June Id. V.iruu Si' tly, aged TD, ofUrji Co, ion a in l.etb rk liny, Puis gal, land.

    FneuiU U? dvCtati'd nn te;.ei lltil Invlts'ti to .ttctiilthe luneral at alt t n inii'itcs, Ten Rati imii it.sto'l'lm k th.irn en Sun. Inv. the loth.

    Mi is 4 11 4 R.Suddtnty, on Frnlay. the nth int J inn sj in io d huabsiiu "i i gttii line noiislign. sit ' yi'sriit lallvei aii ie nd .ne rsspi i tm U Itivittd to litltllQ

    the I UIH' rsl oui M Mm r J g of Hit itiiuisculuts Coacetblion, arm Ltoiisrd and Maujer tit , Broeklva. Y. 1 ,oa HolUlsy. Juut in, at I n clock A. Si tliciice to Cabvnrv I'eiiieli rv

    Mi Ml KKaY -- At PSU. rrSneg, on the It in-- CI.John Mr luriui of hi) N foi k.

    SI l iNS u Sin PrSllcigOSi Juat !V, Josoidi K. Sim-ti-ut Fl ov. N Y

    VAN HI Kl'.N - 4t Ins frsile.ue Sggf A tir lesv.lle,Mniltgoilisry Conntv S Y, VSII Huren, in histrj t m nt, a iltataiil illative ol PrtW0nl Yan Unre a.

    m A IK K It Juat I. .a in r rtttdi nee, .' i;t hi , Ann,wile oi John Wrtikei biitiipUce, stoi kort. KllglgnJ

    Fiineriil from hgf late I'i nd UCS On Moinln. June Ifl,at P M

    AaaoiiAVtOg or RlSMIf PlBSMSI The membert ol tiltSbnvs SISOClilHiin ure hi'Mliy iiobhid to unit ut HSCliiittoutisr ti ihin (Sunday after tiuou, st i o'clock, tortia- purpoag oi pa ving tin last tribttte or rstpsot ta stirlab. member, Chailat Ulrsid.

    i UANilS aAviAilOUS, p, a.