guilt presentation

Guilt Static Action Productions Mallory Hart, Aaron Lan, Prisma Lopez-Marin, Ivan Stetter Final Project: TEL-T206

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Final Project Presentation for T206: Guilt by Static Action Productions


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Static Action Productions

Mallory Hart, Aaron Lan, Prisma Lopez-Marin, Ivan Stetter

Final Project: TEL-T206

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We see four US soldiers inside of a Hummer, driving to Kabul. As they get closer to the city,

they see a burning car along the side of the road. When they get out to check the bodies, an IED

goes off, killing two of the soldiers. Of the remaining two, Jack lands in a nearby ditch and goes

unconscious while Pete is abducted by terrorists.

After returning home, Jack is clearly distressed. He meets with a fellow soldier named Allen in a

bar, who tells him that Pete has been declared dead. Before the conversation can continue, Jack

sees a man harassing a woman and, after exchanging words, proceeds to fight the man. Jack and

Allen escape after the woman thanks Jack and as police begin to arrive.

Back in his home, Jack thinks back to the bar fight and then to Pete getting abducted. In

frustration and grief, he decides to go to sleep.

We see Jack pacing near another bar when he hears a sound from an alley and sees a man

cornered by three men. He hesitates, and when he starts to walk towards the alley, a patrol car

shows up. Jack quickly walks away, passing the bar he was eying.

Jack says his goodbyes to family as he leaves for another tour of duty, and when he gets to the

barracks, he is with several younger soldiers. After one of them makes a joke, Jack berates them

with horror stories. As the silence draws on, Jack offers a game of basketball.

On the court, Jack is losing a game, but that doesn’t stop him from making fun of his opponent.

As one game draws to a close, another soldier comes running up to Jack, revealing that Pete has

been found alive in the custody of terrorists in a nearby village. We see Jack deliberating to

himself, imagining scenes of Pete’s torture and remembering when Pete was abducted, before

getting up and nodding as if to convince himself of his choice.

Jack is now briefing men on a mission. He emphasizes the immediacy, danger, and, most

importantly, the secrecy of the mission, and any doubts are quickly erased through Jack’s


The squad arrives at the terrorist-controlled village, and at first they manage not to raise an

alarm, but a civilian woman screams at the sight of the soldiers and a furious battle ensues. They

find Pete, ragged and senseless, who, in his stupor, shoots a us soldier in the arm before


We now find Jack outside a hospital room. A doctor come out and begins conversing with Jack

about Pete’s condition. As they approach the front desk, screams and gunshots are heard. Pete

walks out of his room, gun in hand and a nurse held hostage. Jack attempts to calm him down,

and Pete begins to. Jack then approaches Pete, whereupon Pete becomes agitated again. Before

Pete can do anything, Jack shoots Pete and rushes to his side.

Jack is now home again, and as he sits at a bar, nursing a drink, he remembers when he was

discharged from the military. He hears a commotion behind him and begins to get up.

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Research: Our research mostly consisted of looking at military information. For example, when writing the script, we looked up military ranks to make sure that we weren’t giving our characters ranks that would be too high for their situation. We settled on the main character (Jack) holding the rank of Lieutenant so he would not be too high ranking but still hold command over enough people to carry out his plan. Making sure we got correct terms was also part of our research. For example, we looked into the different types of discharges from the military as well as the types of awards and honors given to use in our story. We kept Jack at court marshaled although he probably could have been sent to prison. When we wrote out the treatment, we looked into different cities in the Afghanistan/Iraq area so we had an idea of what might make things more realistic. We also watched a war movies to get a better feel for certain details that make a war movie feel the way they do. To find a military our hospital in Afghanistan we followed the trail to this link ( We settled on using Bagram's SSG Heath N. Craig Joint Theater Hospital, a real and (unfortunately) very busy hospital.

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Static Action Productions

Mallory Hart, Aaron Lan, Prisma Lopez-Marin, Ivan Stetter

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1 Int. Hummer - Midday 1

JACK and PETER, along with two other US soldiers are riding in a Hummer. They pass a sign saying “Kabul.” Jack and Peter converse with one another in the back seat

Peter About time we get back. Soldier 1 (turns to look at Jack and Peter) Yeah! I’m sick of looking at sand and rock and sand and rock… Jack (hits Soldier 1’s shoulder) Quit your complaining! You got to sit in the hummer while we did all the foot-patrolling. Driver (turns to look at Soldier 1) Yeah! Even I had to get out while you sat in here! JACK Hey you guys, come on! Keep an eye on the road. (turns to Peter) Have you heard from Sarah lately? Peter Yeah. I got a care pack from them yesterday—remind me when we get back, there’s something in it for you too. JACK I hope it’s a package of your mom’s signature cookies Peter Yeah well you’ll just have to wait and—Hey, stop the car! Soldier 1 Holy crap! What happened here?

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2 Ext. Desert Road – Day 2

The four soldiers get out of the Hummer to find a burning vehicle, with several bodies nearby. Peter

Spread out and look for signs of what happened here! Check to see if anyone is alive!

The driver kneels next to a burnt body and begins to roll it over.

Jack Wait! Don’t touch tha—

The buried IED explodes, throwing the soldiers, bodies, and debris outward. Jack lands in a ditch and fades in and out of consciousness. He wakes long enough to watch Peter be abducted by terrorists.

3 Int. Jack’s Apartment – Night 3

JACK, wearing rumpled civilian clothes and a duffel bag over one shoulder, walks in and drops his bag on the floor. JACK

(picks up phone and dials) Hey Mom, I just got back, call me when you get this. (hangs up phone, picks up Purple Heart award) I don’t deserve this, it was just a scratch. (tosses medal aside)

4 Int. Bar – Night 4 Jack and ALLEN are sitting at a bar, nursing drinks.

ALLEN (nervously glances at Jack) So, uh, I, uh, have news about Peter. Jack Really?! What?

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ALLEN Well, (takes a quick drink) he's, uh, been declared dead. Jack (slams hand on bar) Damn it! ALLEN Apparently some video came in. A bunch of executions. (pauses) Hey man, I’m real sorry. I know you guys were close. Jack Yeah.

(finishes drink and calls for another)

I’m going back for a second tour. ALLEN You sure about that? I mean, you just got back, and…

Jack briefly glances at Allen before turning on his stool and seeing a woman being harassed in the corner of the bar. Jack

(gets up and walks toward the commotion) Excuse me, sir, but I don’t think this lady appreciates your advances. THUG Oh yeah? What’re ya gonna do ‘bout it? It ain’t none o’ yer business, so fu—

Jack punches the man in the face, starting a brawl in which the two quickly end up on the floor. The rest of the bar’s patrons rush to pull the two fighters apart. Just before some of them set in on Jack, the harassed WOMAN rushes to his aide.

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WOMAN (tearfully) Thank you! God bles you and thank you! Jack Yeah. No problem. Jack quickly walks out of the crowd and through the front door of the bar. Allen catches up to him and grabs him from behind, almost prompting Jack to swing at him.

Allen Woah! Hey, what the fuck’re you doing? You can’t go around starting fights like that! JACK (shrugs Allen off) Yeah, whatever. Let go of me. Allen (lets go of Jack) Come on man! What’s gotten into you? Jack

(puts his head down and starts walking away)

Forget it, Allen. I just want to get home now.

Allen watches Jack walk half-way down the block and then runs to catch up with him. Allen (pats Jack on the shoulder)

It’s okay, man. Just… watch out for yourself, ok? Jack Ok.

5 Int. Jack’s Apartment – Night 5

Jack is sitting on the couch with a drink on the table in front of him, distraught over the night’s events. He flashes back to Peter being captured. He picks up his drink

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and then sets it down again. He flashes back and watches Peter being captured again. Jack Pete. I’m so sorry, Pete. Jack slams his fists down on the table with a grunt and then knocks his glass across the room. He sits with his head in his hands for a short while and then examines the mess he’s caused. Jack stands and walks off to his bedroom.

6 Ext. Outside Bar – Night 6

Jack paces near a light post across the street from a bar. JACK

(mutters to himself) What am I even doing here? It’s not like there’s gonna be another scene for me to help, and I can’t get in another fight. (stops pacing and looks at entrance to bar) Well, I guess it can’t hurt to just get a drink or two. MAN’s voice Help!

Jack rushes to the entrance of a nearby alley where a man is cornered by three muggers. Jack struggles to move into the alley but finally decides to help. Just as he steps into the alley, a patrol car stops at the opposite end and two police officers assist the man in need. Jack turns quickly, walks out of the alley and heads back towards his apartment.

7 Ext. House Driveway – Day 7

JACK, in uniform with a sack slung over a shoulder, is hugging SUSAN, his mother. SUSAN (pulls Jack closer)

Do you have to go already? You just got back, and you haven’t even

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(Susan continued) visited everyone yet. JACK (pulls himself away a bit) I know Mom, but I can’t just sit around. I have to go back. SUSAN (lets go of Jack) Are you sure you don’t want to stay and rest for a little while longer? JACK (leans down to kiss her forehead) Yes Mom, I’m very sure. I need to get going. (walks off porch toward car) SUSAN (waves to Jack) Ok dear, take care of yourself. Love you! JACK (gets into car) Love you too, Mom.

8 Int. Army Barracks – Day 8

JACK, closing his locker, falls onto his cot while younger soldiers bustle around. SOLDIER

Hey old geezer, you need to sleep already? (other soldiers start laughing) JACK You think it’s easy out here? Why dontcha fight a real battle first, and then try making jokes? (sits up) Go watch your best friend die, or get

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(Jack continued) your legs blown off. See if there’s anything to laugh at after that.

The soldiers fall silent. One of the soldiers juggles a basketball around and then accidently drops it. It rolls across the room where Jack sticks out his foot to stop it from rolling under his bed.

Jack (picks up ball) Aw, hell, I didn’t mean to say it like that… Now which one o’ you little punks thinks you can take me on?

9 Ext. Basketball Court – Day 9

JACK is playing an intense yet friendly one-on-one game of basketball against a younger man while more soldiers watch from the sidelines. Jack appears to be losing badly. OPPONENT SOLDIER (checks the ball to Jack)

What’s the matter old man, can’t keep up? JACK (dribbles the ball a few times) No point in trying to catch an overexcited puppy!

(shoots the ball from half court and scores a basket)

Especially when that puppy ain’t got nothin’ on me! (walks off court) You guys can’t play for shit.

The crowd jeers as Jack walks off the court. Another more formally dressed soldier, BRET, runs up to Jack.

Bret Jack! Jack! I’ve got some news for you! It’s about Peter! JACK

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What? What is it? Bret New intel just came in. They found Pete. He’s still alive. He was just captured. JACK What?! They told me he was dead. Bret Yeah, a recon group spotted him being held in a small village not far from here. (pauses) They’ve been torturing him, Jack. They said he looks pretty beat up. Jack (runs his hands over his face) Thanks… Bret Look, I’ve got to get back. Hell, I shouldn’t have left in the first place. I just know what this means to you. Just don’t go and do anything stupid now, ok? Jack

(nods) Yeah, thanks Bret. Don’t worry about me.

Bret runs off in the direction he came from and Jack trudges back to his barracks. In the barracks, Jack collapses on his cot where he falls asleep.

10 Int. Jack’s Dream Abandoned Building – Day 10

Jack is standing over Peter who is being tortured by some militants, screaming in pain. He screams out several unintelligible things and then looks straight into Jack’s eyes. Peter Jack! You let them take me Jack!

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11 Int. Barracks – Day 11

JACK, tossing and turning on his cot, bolts upright. Jack NO! Jack lies back down. He stares at the ceiling, breathing heavily before quickly looking around, nodding to himself, and getting off of his cot. He straightens his clothes and marches out of the barracks.

12 Int. Barracks – Night 12

Eight soldiers are huddled around JACK, who is briefing them on their upcoming mission.

JACK (points at a map on an overhead) Our objective is to secure this house and the prisoners being held therein. (gestures at a few soldiers) You three will move in from the east, and you two will come with me and approach from the south.

(gestures at the other soldiers and back at the map)

You remaining three will approach from the north. You’ll have to dispatch the guards at the entrance of the village very quietly. (pauses and takes a deep breath) This is a high risk mission. The militants stationed in the village are well armed. Some of us might not make it back tonight. But this mission is vital to our success here. That is why you have all been hand-picked. You have all shown talent and promise on and off of the battlefield and it is that talent and promise on which we are relying. Also, this is a classified mission. You can’t discuss this with anyone. Not grandma, not your girlfriend,

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nobody. You hear? This mission and its specifics are strictly classified and if any of you breathe a word of it, so help me God, you will be court-martialed before you finish your sentence. Are we clear? Soldiers Sir, yes sir! Jack All right then. Get your shit together.

The soldiers break from their huddle and begin collecting their necessary equipment.

SOLDIER 1 (leans toward neighboring soldier and whispers) Hey, does this sound a bit sketchy to you? I mean, why is this so hush-hush? SOLDIER 2 What’re you talking about? This is our big break. Did you hear the Lieutenant? Hand-picked! Hot damn! I can already feel the weight of that medal in my hand. Soldier 1 Well, yeah, but, I guess I’m just a little suspicious I guess. Think about it. Nine guys taking on a village of who knows how many militants. What are our chances, seriously? Soldier 2 Come on. The Lieutenant’s one of the best men in this army. He wouldn’t do a damn thing out of line and he would not lead us astray. Have a little confidence man. Soldier 1

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Nah, you’re right man. I was just sayin'… Soldier 2 (interrupts Soldier 1) Yeah? Well, just keep it to yourself, ok?

13 Ext. Village – Night 13

JACK and the squad stalk to a nearby hill, where they stop and examine the scene before them. The village is patrolled by several militants, all of them carrying weapons. After giving the order to move out, the soldiers sneak into the village, taking out a few of the militants quietly by hand. A woman walks around a corner and, despite frantic gesturing by a soldier to keep quiet, screams loudly. A firefight breaks out in which the soldiers move through the town, house to house, and eventually come upon their target. After the battle ends, JACK and his squad assess the situation.

JACK (pulls a soldier close) Is everyone all right? SOLDIER 1 We have a few wounded, but no casualties. JACK Good. (moves up to door) Be ready for anything.

14 Int. House – Night 14

JACK kicks the door open, surprising two remaining militants who are quickly dispatched. Peter is lying on the floor, pointing a gun at his own head.

JACK Pete! (dives onto Peter) Give me the gun! You’re safe now. (wrestles with Peter)

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Peter, give me the gun! Peter Let me go! JACK Pete, it’s me, Jack. Give me the gun. We’re gonna—

The gun fires, hitting the leg of a soldier who is just walking in. The soldier falls to the ground, clutching his leg and Peter recoils in horror, dropping the gun.

JACK (hugs Peter close to him)

That’s it Pete, you’re safe now, we’re gonna take you back and get you patched up. Come on, let’s go.

15 Int. Hospital – Day 15

Jack is standing outside a hospital room, waiting. A soldier walks past Jack and into the room as a DOCTOR walks out. JACK falls into step with the DOCTOR.

JACK Doc, how is he? DOCTOR He seems to be calming down. He’s pretty shaken up, though. Whatever they did to him, he’s as restless as a wild animal. Jack What’s with the armed guard in the room? Doctor Well, like I said, he’s awfully agitated. The guard is there for his own protection, as well as ours. Jack Really Doc? There’s no way! Pete wouldn’t do a thing!

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Doctor He’s been through hell. We won’t know exactly how much until he’s recovered and until that time comes, I’m not taking any chances.

JACK (shakes head) Fine, I understand. How long until he can leave? DOCTOR With his current rate of recovery, he should be free to go in a day or two. JACK That’s good to hear, is there anything—

The two men stop and turn around as a gunshot rings out and screaming erupts from the hallway they just came from. Jack runs down the hall as a second gunshot rings out and the screaming stops. Peter stumbles out of a doorway and into the hall, holding a gun. JACK

Peter, calm down! Put the gun down. (draws own gun out of holster) Peter (fires a shot in Jack's direction) Get back! You won’t get anything out of me! JACK (leans around corner) Peter, please! You’re safe now, we’re here to help you. Now put the gun down! We can—

Peter No! (spots nurse hiding behind a door, pulls her up, and points the gun at her head) Now get back! Or else she gets it!

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(takes deep breath and walks out into the hallway) Pete, don’t do this! Please. Look, it’s me, Jack. Don’t you remember? We spent our childhood together. Please remember, Peter. Don’t you remember when we put that fake spider in Sarah’s (Jack continued) bed? Or when we skipped class to go swimming in the lake? We enlisted together, Pete! Please, put the gun down! Peter (pauses) Jack?

(lowers gun) Is that really you, Jack? JACK Yes Pete, now c’mon, put the— Peter (shakes head vigorously) No. No! Get back! Bastards!

(points the gun at Jack) I won’t—

Jack snaps his arm up, firing a shot. As Peter crumples to the floor, Jack rushes to his side.

JACK Pete. I’m so sorry, Pete. Peter Jack? (groggily lifts head) You let them take me, Jack. Why? JACK No! I didn’t let them, Pete. I couldn’t stop them!

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Peter Why Jack? Jack I’m sorry, Pete. I’m so sorry. Peter (lies head back) Oh yeah, I forgot to give you that gift from my family. Maybe when we get back, eh? Jack Pete!

Doctors and nurses begin to rush down the hall towards Jack and Peter, escorting the walking out and attending to the wounded.

Peter (pulls Jack close) Don’t let them take me Jack! Please! (closes eyes) Please…

(falls limp) Jack (whispers) I won’t Pete. I promise.

A doctor rushes forward, moves Jack aside and begins checking Peter’s vitals. Jack, amidst all the commotion, stands up and walks away, head down.

16 Ext. Sidewalk – Night 16

JACK, in ragged clothes, walks down a dimly lit sidewalk past several closed shops.

17 Int. Funeral – Day 17

JACK, in ruffled casual clothes, stands in the back of a church where Peter's eulogy is being delivered.

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18 Int. Bar – Night 18

JACK, in ragged clothes, is sitting at the bar nursing a drink, and several empty cups can be seen in front of him.

19 Int. Courtroom – Day 19

JACK in the defendant’s seat, listens as he is discharged from the military.

20 Int. Bar – Night 20

Jack, hearing a commotion behind him, downs his drink, slams some money on the counter, and starts walking towards two men pinning another against the wall.

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“Guilt”ShotListScene Shot Description Elements1 1 Medium Soldiers1 2 Full Hummer1 3 Close/POV “Kabul”sign1 4 Close Jack1 5 Close Pete1 6 POV BurningCar1 7 Close Deadbodiesontheground1 8 Close Soldiersfeetgettingoutofthe

Hummer1 9 Close/Low‐angle Jackgettingoutofthecar2 10 Medium/POV Burningcar,deadbodies2 11 Highangle Unnamedsoldierkneelsover

body2 12 Medium/POV JackspotsanIED2 13 Medium Jackyelling2 14 Medium IEDexplosion2 15 Medium Jackbeingthrownbyexplosion2 16 Close Jacklandingandgettinghitby

burningdebris2 17 POV BlurredvisionofJack2 18 Close Jackcrawlsuptotheedgeof

theditch2 19 POV Petegettinghitmyterrorists

nearby2 20 Long Jackremainsinditch,while


2 21 Close Jackscramblestopullouthisweapon

2 22 Medium Petebeingputintoatruckwiththeterrorists

2 23 Medium Jackextendshishandwithagonizingpain,butisunabletohelphisfriend(internalstruggle)

2 24 Medium Jackslipsdownintotheditch;Peteisnolongerinsight

2 25 Medium TruckpullsawaywithPeteinit

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2 26 Medium Jackclimbsoutoftheditch,a


2 27 Medium Deadbodiesofhisother2friends

2 28 High‐angle Jackinspectstoseeifhisfriendshavepulses

2 29 POV Jacktakestheirdogtagsoffoftheirnecks

2 30 Close Jackslowlystandsupfromakneelingposition

2 31 Close Jackwipestwotearsrollingdownhisface

2 32 Long Jackwalksalonedownabeatenpath,withhisbacktothecamera

3 33 Medium Jackunlocksthedoortohishome

3 34 Medium Front‐viewofJackashewalksthroughthedoorofhisunlithome

3 35 Close MailinJack’shand3 36 Medium Jackwalkingthroughahallway3 37 Medium Jacksetshisduffelbagonhis

bed3 38 Medium Jacksetshismailonhisdining

roomtable3 39 Close Jackrunshishandsthroughhis


3 40 Medium Jackreachesforhisphoneonthewall

3 41 Close Jackpicksuphisphoneandbeginstodial

3 42 Close Jacktalkstosomeoneonthephonesomberly

3 43 Medium Jackhangsupthephoneslowly3 44 Medium Jackwalksovertothedining

roomtable3 45 Close Jacksitsatthetablewithhis

headinhishands4 46 Long Jackwalksdownacitysidewalk


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4 47 POV Jackwalksbythewindowofalocalrestaurantwherecouplesareeatingdinner

4 48 Medium Jackspotsanearbysignofhisfavoritebar/hangout

4 49 Medium Jackwalksintothisbar4 50 Close Jackhesitatestomakeanyeye‐

contactwithothersinthebar4 51 Medium Jacksitsdownatthebar4 52 POV Jacklooksoverhisshoulder,


4 53 POV Jacknoticesamanaroundhisagesittingtotherightofhim(thebegintoconverse)

4 54 Medium Bartenderhandsthetwomentheirdrinks,withtheirbackstothecamera

4 55 Medium JackandAllenfindoutthattheybothsharePeteasamutualfriend

4 56 Close/Low‐angle AllenrevealstoJackthatPeteisdead

4 57 Close Jackclencheshisfistsinangerofwhathappened

4 58 Medium Jackpoundshisfistsonthecounterwithanger

4 59 Medium AllensitsinsilenceandunderstandsJack’semotions

4 60 Medium Jackfinishesthelastsipofhisdrink,andasksthebartenderforanotherdrink

4 61 Close JackabruptlytellsAllenthatheisgoingbackforasecondtour

4 62 Close,low‐angle Allenquestionshisdecisionandaskshimifheissurethatiswhathewantstodo

4 63 Medium JacklooksbackatAllen4 64 Medium Jacklooksoverhisshoulderand

turnsonhisstool4 65 Long Jackspotsawomanacrossthe

barbeingharassedinacorner4 66 Long Jacksgetsoffofhisstooland


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4 67 Medium Jackapproachesthe“THUG”andtellshimnicelytoback‐offofthewoman

4 68 Close ThuggetsdefensiveandaggressivetowardJack

4 69 Medium Jackpunchestheman(thug)intheface

4 70 Medium Jackandthemanbothenduponthefloor,fighting

4 71 Long Otherguestsofthebarrushtopullthetwoawayfromeachother

4 72 Medium JustassomeofthepatronsgettoJack,thewomanrushestoJack’sside

4 73 Close,High‐angle WomanthanksJack,whiletearingup

4 74 Medium Jackgetsupquicklyandwalksthroughthecrowdandoutofthedoor

4 75 Medium AllengoesoutofthedoorandcatchesuptoJack.Hegrabshimfrombehind

4 76 Close JackreactsandalmostswingsatAlleninreactiontohimgrabbinghim

4 77 Medium,Low‐angle Allenaskshimwhathewasdoing,andexplainstohimthathecan’tbestartingfights

4 78 Medium JackisuncooperativeandtellsAllentoletgoofhim

4 79 Medium AllenasksJackwhathisproblemis

4 80 Long Jackputshisheaddown,startswalkingawayandtellsAllenhejustwantstogohomenow

4 81 Long AllenwatchesJackwalkdowntheblockhalf‐waythenrunstocatchuptohim

4 82 Close AllencomfortsJackandexplainsjusttowatchoutforhimself

4 83 Close Jackagreesandsaysokay5 84 Medium,low‐angle Jackissittingonhiscouchand


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5 85 Medium JackhasaflashofmemoryofPeterbeingcaptured

5 86 Close,low‐angle Jackputshisheaddownandwhisperstohimself

5 87 Medium Jackthrowshisfistonthetableandknockshisglassoff

5 88 Close,low‐angle Jacksitswithhisheadinhishandsandlooksaroundatthemesshemade

5 89 Medium Jackstandsupandwalkstohisbedroom

6 90 Long Jackpacesnearalightpostacrossfromthebar

6 91 Close Jackmutterstohimself6 92 Medium Jackgoesbackandforthtrying


6 93 Close Jackdecidestoenterthebar6 94 Long Amanyells“Help”andJack


6 95 Medium Jackcontemplateshelpingtheman‐thenwhenhefinallydecidesto,heseesapatrolcarpullattheoppositesideofthealley

6 96 Medium Theofficersassisttheman6 97 Medium Jackleavesthescenequickly

andgoesbacktohishouse7 98 Medium Jackhugshismother,SUSAN7 99 Close SusanasksJackwhyhehasto

leavealready7 100 Medium,low‐angle JackpullsawayfromSusanand

heexplainsheneedstogoback7 101 Medium SusanletsgoofJackandasks


7 102 Close JackleansintokissSusan7 103 Medium Jackwalkstowardshiscar7 104 Medium SusanwavestoJackandtells


7 105 Medium Jackgetsintothecarandtellshersheloveshim

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8 106 Medium,Highangle Jackfallsintohiscot8 107 Medium SoldierasksJackifheneeds

sleepalready8 108 Close Jacksitsupinbedandgets

defensive8 109 Long Soldiersfallsilentacrossthe

room8 110 Long Onesoldierdropsaballthat


8 111 Close Jackpicksuptheballandaskswhothinkstheycanbeathiminbasketball

9 112 Medium,highangle Jackplaysbasketballandappearstobelosing

9 113 Medium Hisopponentaskswhat’sthematter

9 114 Long Jackdribblestheball,shootsandmakeshisbasket,thenwalksoffthecourt

9 115 Long BRETrunsuptoJohnandtellshimhehassomenewsforJack

9 116 Close JackasksBretwhatisit,andBretexplainsthattheyhavefoundPetealive

9 117 Close Jackisinshock9 118 Medium Bretexplainsthatagroupfound


9 119 Close,Low‐angle Jackrunshishandsthroughhishairindistress

9 120 Medium BretexplainstoJackhehastogetbackandwarnshimnottodoanythingstupid

9 121 Close JacknodshisheadandsaysthankyoutoBret

9 122 Long Bretrunsinthedirectionwherehecamefrom

9 123 Medium Jackgoestosleeponhiscot10 124 Medium,high‐angle (Jack’sdream)Jackisstanding


10 125 Medium PeteblamesJackforlettinghimbetakenaway

11 126 Close,high‐angle Jacktossesandturnsinhis

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11 127 Close,high‐angle Jackliesdownandstaresattheceiling,standsupandbeginstoheadtothebarracks

12 128 Medium,low‐angle 8soldiershuddlearoundJack;heexplainstothemtheirmission

12 129 Close Allofthesoldiersagreetheyareready,andJacktellsthemtogettheirbelongingstogether

12 130 Long Thesoldiersseparateandcollecttheirequipment

12 131 Close Soldier1whisperstoanotherandquestionsthebasisofthismission

12 132 Close Soldier2reassureshimandsaysheiscrazybecauseJackhadtoldthemtheywereallhand‐picked

12 133 Close Soldier1tellsSoldierthathe’salittlesuspicious

12 134 Close Soldier2tellsSoldier1tohavealittleconfidenceandgowiththeflow

12 135 Close Soldier1agreesheshouldn’thavesaidanythingandSoldier2tellshimtoshuthismouth

13 136 Long,low‐angle Jackandhissquadheadtoanearbyhillandobserveavillage

13 137 Medium Thesoldierssneakintothevillage,fightafewmilitantsbyhand,andawomanpassingbyseesthemandscreamsloudly

13 138 Long Afirefightbegins,andthesoldiersgofromhousetohouseandfinallyfindtheirtarget

13 139 Medium Jackandhissquadmoveintothehouse

13 140 Medium Jackasksifeveryoneisokay13 141 Medium Soldier1tellsJackafeware

onlywounded13 142 Medium Jacktellsthemtobereadyfor

anything14 143 Medium Jackkicksadooropen,two

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15 151 Medium ThedoctorexplainstoJackthatheismessedupfrombeingtorturedandthatthereisanarmedguardintheroomandthatitisforeveryone’ssafety

15 152 Close JackreassuresthedoctorthatPetewouldneverhurtanyone,andthedoctortellshimthathehasbeenthroughhellandtheydon’twanttotakeanychances

15 153 Medium JacktellsthedoctorheunderstandsandaskshowlonguntilPetewillbeout;thedoctorassureshimthatheshouldbegoodtogoinadayortwo

15 154 Medium AsJackandtheDoctorareabouttoendtheirconversation,theybothhearagunshotandscreamscomingfromthehallway

15 155 Medium JackrunsdownthehallandfindsPetestumblingoutofthehallwaywithaguninhishand

15 156 Close JacktellsPetetocalmdownand

14 143 Medium Jackkicksadooropen,twomilitantsrunaway,andJackseesPetelyingonthefloorwithagunpointingathishead

14 144 Close JackyellsPete’snameandtellshimheissafenow

14 145 Close PetetellsJacktolethimgo14 146 Medium JackexplainstoPetethatitis


14 147 Medium Thegunfiresandhitsasoldierwalkingintheroomintheleg;thesoldierfallstothegroundandPetedropsthegun

14 148 Close,high‐angle JackhugsPeteandtellshimthatheissafenowandthattheyaregoingbacktotheircamp

15 149 Medium Jackstandsoutsideahospitalroom,whileJackapproachestheDoctor

15 150 Close JackaskstheDoctorifheisokay

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15 157 Medium PetetellsJacktobackoff,andJackexplainstoPetethatheissafenow

15 158 Close,low‐angle PetethreatensJackandtellshimtobackoff

15 159 Medium JackasksPetenottodothisandremindshimoftheirchildhoodmemories

15 160 Close,low‐angle PetebeginstosnapoutofitandasksJackifitisreallyhim

15 161 Close JackreassuresPeteandtellshimtoputdownhisgun

15 162 Medium PeteshakesheadandtellseveryonetobackoffandpointsthegunatJack

15 163 Medium AsPeteisabouttospeak,JackraiseshisarmandfiresashotatPeteashecrumblestothefloor

15 164 Close,high‐angle JackrushestoPete’ssideandexplainstohimthatheissosorry

15 165 Close,high‐angle AsPetecontinuestoclaimthatJacklettheterroriststakehim,Jackbeginstoexplainthathedidn’tandthatheissosorry

15 166 Medium,high‐angle PetetellsJackheforgottogivehimagiftfromhisfamily

15 167 Long DoctorsandnursesrushdownthehalltoattendtothewoundedwhilePetetellsJacknottoletthemtakehim;Jack’sbodyslowlyfallslimp

15 168 Medium,high‐angle AsJackpromisesPetehewon’tletthemtakehimback,doctorsrushtowardthemandpushJackaside

15 169 Medium,low‐angle Amidstthecommotion,Jackwalksawayfromthescenewithhisheaddown

16 170 Long,high‐angle Jackwalksdownadimalleywayallalone

17 171 Long JackappearstoPete’sfuneral

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18 172 Medium Jackisatthebarsippingonadrinkslowlyinraggedclothes,withseveralemptycupsinfrontofhim

19 173 Medium Jackissittinginthedefendantseat,asheisbeingdischargedfromthemilitary

20 174 Long Jackhearsacommotionbehindhim,slamshisglassdownonthecounteralongwithmoney,andwalkstowardtwomenpinninganotheragainstthewall

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Music War ~ Edwin Starr 

(Tropic Thunder)  Opening Scene 

Leave No Man Behind ~ Hans Zimmer 

(Black Hawk Down)  Peter's Capture 

Here Comes the Boom ~ Nelly 

(The Longest Yard)  Basketball Game 

Stinkfist ~ Tool 

Shootout in Village 

Adagio for Strings ~ Samuel Barber 

(Platoon)  Peter's Death 

Pavane for a Dead Princess ~ Maurice Ravel  

Ending Scene and/or Credits 


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Static Action Productions  

Mallory Hart  ‐  [email protected] 

Prisma Lopez‐Marin  ‐  [email protected] 

Aaron Lan  ‐  [email protected] 

Ivan Stetter  ‐  [email protected]