guidance for every day of your year


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It's a daily numerology reading for the following year. Every day I'll give you a piece of personalized advice, as each day has its personal energy and overall energy - thus I'll make a personalized calendar for you, which is nearly 200 pages long. Every day you'll get the reading of your personal energy for that specific day. It's like you got a personalized horoscope every day for the next 1 year. Beyond containing personal messages for each day it also contains the energy of your personal year and month.Starting with your birthday, you get your big annual task for every year. Each month you'll get a personalized energetical message as well. It will see what motivations and emotional inputs you are getting in each month. This is a personal guidance for an entire year that will continuously help you experience yourself so that you can see whether your life is heading in the right direction.


Page 1: Guidance for every day of your year


Page 2: Guidance for every day of your year

Peter Schilling

Guidance for every dayof your year

A piece personal advice for every dayFor: Peter Schilling

Born in: 27 October, 1977

ISBN 978-963-88939-7-0


All rights reserved.


Page 3: Guidance for every day of your year

Recognize and take advantage of your

opportunities!Life lays countless opportunities at your feet. However, you cannot take advantage of most of thembecause you simply do not know they are there and that they were meant for you. Believe it or not,the basket of abundance is on your table every day. If you take from it, life will fill it up again for youevery day.

The only question concerns your awareness of this basket of abundance, as it will only show its trueface if you dare to ask and take from it. Life expects only one thing from you in exchange for thecontents of the basket of abundance: to do your daily tasks and learn your daily lessons like childrenat school.

Life is like school. Before starting to complain about having to tackle so many difficulties andchallenges every day, always remember that only good students get difficult tasks at school. If youonly ever received the easy tasks that you were already familiar with, then you would not be able togrow and be able to fulfill your earthly mission. Never complain and instead, look at what you maylearn from the situation you are in at the moment.

The calendar that you are holding in your hands has been written personally for you to show whatdiverse opportunities and tasks life will bring you year by year , month by month, and day to day.Observe yourself and observe the effects that touch you, and also attempt to unravel the deeperconnections with the help of your personal calendar.

“There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands. You seek problemsbecause you need their gifts.” - Richard Bach

Friendly greetings:

Peter Schilling

The hungarian numerology expert


Page 4: Guidance for every day of your year

How does the annual guide work?

Why is it worth studying the cycles of life?Your life consists of recurring cycles that continually present you with the same life situations whichbecome more and more complex so that you can learn from them. People exist in three dimensionsduring their earthly lives, and this does not necessarily mean only in the special sense. The triad iscomposed of our physical, emotional and intellectual entities at the same time.

Intellectuality expresses our thinking; emotionality expresses our feelings; the physical bodyexpresses our actions. This trinity builds upon each other exactingly; therefore, thinking definesemotions, emotions define actions and not the other way around. This is one of the most fundamentalintellectual laws through the course of our lives. This holy trinity defines not only our personality, butthe changes of the cycles of our lives as well.

The strongest and the most defining cycle in our life is the annual cycle, in other words, the vibrationof the personal year. This shows us the energetic effect on our intellect and on our thinking thatchanges year to year. The next cycle is the monthly cycle, which shows us the energetic effect on ouremotional lives and on our emotions and their changing month by month. The third cycle is the dailycycle that shows us the energetic effect on our physical bodies and our actions that change day today.

This triple cycle has a numerical value that can be counted from the date of birth. By defining itsmeaning, we may get daily guidance for our lives. This triple personal cycle starts from the momentof birth when you take your fist breath and expand your lungs.

As opposed to astrology, here we do not take the exact time into consideration; this takes nothingaway from the usability of the system. While astrology creates a technically precise self-knowledgesystem, numerology gives you a simple, easily understandable tourist map that is sufficient for you toeasily find your way in life.

What does the annual guide consist of?The guide that you are holding in your hands is based on the above mentioned triple cycle. Accordingto the date of your birth, I have calculated many things including your actual personal year and yournext personal year, your monthly changing personal cycle, and your daily changing daily cycle. Theyearly and daily cycles call forth a number between 1 and 22, while the monthly cycle is between 1and 18, as the number 18 has a close relationship with the Moon and through this, with emotionalchange as well.

Besides the above mentioned, I have calculated the general effect of the day for each and every dayof the next year which is actually valid for everyone. This will be very useful because changepresents itself throughout the year in as a new long-term task or perhaps a new relationship appearsin your life. The general effect shows you what lessons you should be looking out for on any givenday in your life. For example, when you start working at a new workplace or when you meet a newromantic interest, then by looking up the general description of the day, you can learn what to expector what you need to pay attention to.

You will find repetitions in the descriptions of the daily cycles, be they about personal or generaleffects, because the assigned number of a day can be between 1 and 22; therefore the same


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energetic effect may happen more times. I write down the repetitions again and again, so that youcan use this analysis as a personal calendar, comparing the personal and general effects of thedays. It may happen very rarely that the general and personal energy of the day correspond witheach other. At times like this, the two effects intensify each other.

Regarding the effect of your personal day, always focus on your current personal year and monthbecause these can be felt much more intensely in the course of your daily life.

How to read the annual guide?I intended this analysis to be first and foremost a personal calendar that is worth using even on adaily level, especially helpful if you have arrived at a very eventful period of your life or if there is a bigchange happening around you.

It is worth glancing at it if you need some extra guidance during a special period. During times likethis, it is worth looking at what the personal and general effects of the given day were at the end ofthe day. However, do not forget about the personal month or year either.

This analysis does not offer you a concrete prediction for the given time period; it cannot tell youwhether you will meet a man who would hand you a bundle of money on a certain day. You cannotfind out when you will become healthy again or when your finances will settle down exactly.

Unfortunately, I am not able to do such an analysis with the help of numbers. I can only show you theenergies that help you achieve your goals or prevent you from achieving them if you are swimmingagainst the stream.

How is the annual guide built up? This guide starts out with the analysis of your current personal year, even if your birthday is the nextday, when your new personal year starts. You find the analysis of your next personal year startingwith your birthday. At such a time, your personal month changes as well, and because of this wecalculate the personal month from the personal year taking the current month into account.

You find the analysis of your personal month before every first day of the month, showing you theemotional effects that you can experience in that month.

You can find the interpretation of the general effect of your personal day beneath each other underany given day. Every day you can find the analysis of your personal day first, then the interpretationof the general effects of the day. You can find enough analysis for three days on each page.

In order to be able to use this annual guide as a calendar, I put the days of the week and thename-days beside the date and the numbers of the current week on top of each page. Since thiscalendar has turned out to be very dense, we are using a below average size font so that the guidecan stay comfortably sized when printed and so that you can keep it on you for the sake of dailyusage.

It is not a coincidence if you find contradictions. You may easily find contradictions between your personal day and the general effects of the day.Often this is the reason why you feel tenser on certain days than others. This is normal, since reallybig things and serious emotional growth always develops from the energy caused by friction.


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You need to eliminate all illusions from your life If your personal year has been designated number 16, your year is about recognizing that there areideas in your life that you cannot take any further in their current form. We are all prone to chasingillusions in the hopes that our lives will be happier and more beautiful, but sooner or later it will turn outthat they do not lead anywhere.

This period is about having to examine all the areas of your life to see if you are building everythingon stable foundations. If it turns out that you have been chasing illusions, you need to eliminate thatsituation before your life will collapses in the given area burying you under the rubble.

Perhaps there are situations you should jump out of, like you would from a sinking ship, so that itdoes not pull you down into the depths with itself. This often requires a quick and determined decision,because a day later it may be too late. This period teaches you to eliminate the illusions and mistakenideas in the shortest time possible, and to always build on stable foundations in the future.

It is possible that you will not encounter the illusions you have created, but will come to realize thatothers have been trying to make you believe something that has appeared beautiful and real. Perhapsthe people themselves do not know that they live in a dream-world where they have lumped you in withthemselves.

The main point of the lesson is to get back to the ground of reality and build your life on stablefoundations, even if it seems much more difficult, exhausting and uncomfortable. Mistakes recognizedin time can always be corrected easily. You do not have to wait for everything to collapse around you.

You need to determine in your relationship whether you are simply building on fantasy and mist.Scrutinize whether you are expecting something that your partner cannot give you. Do not feed falsefantasies in your life because in a real relationship, you need to know for sure whether the person youare living with is truly the one for you. If you have not found the one yet, you need to examine whetheryou have false expectations for your future partner that would prevent you from attracting that personinto your life.

Such a false image makes it impossible for you to open up to a happy relationship, and it also makesyour happiness impossible as well.

It may happen in your work that you find yourself in a situation that forces you to change swiftly anddecisively. It is not for sure that the workplace itself will change. Perhaps you will only need to jump outof a given situation in order to minimalize the loss.

If you have not found your dream profession yet, you should examine whether mistaken ideas arerestricting you. You do not have to chase fantasies, but you need to create and implement plans stepby step by setting concrete goals. Study if it is necessary and do everything to make your dreamscome true instead of only daydreaming about it.


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You need to get to know a new side of yours

The number 10 personal month is about you dealing with a part of your soul that you may beunfamiliar with. This month is about you needing to discover and get to know a yet unknown emotionalarea. If you ignore it, you may feel as if you were sitting on a roller coaster, destined to go up and downad infinitum. This emotional rollercoaster is made possible because the areas of your life which you aretrying to keep submerged appear from time to time, dragging you down into the depths to confront allthe things you have previously swept under the carpet.

Everything that you are trying to avoid or get away from will sooner or later find you to demandcompensation. During this period, you will have to pay off your debts to life so that you can get rid ofthis onerous burden.

The emotions that you would prefer not surface frequently drain a lot of unnecessary energy fromyou, preventing you from being free and energetic. Everything that you are postponing is tying down anenormous emotional energy. It is time you took out those things that you have been sweeping underthe rug. This will be like an emotional spring cleaning.

In your relationship, you need to face everything that you have been trying to ignore. It is time youclarified the emotional misunderstandings and talked openly about how you were feeling. Perhaps ifyou dealt with a certain area more, your relationship would have even more depth. If you have notfound the one yet, the time has come to cleanse yourself emotionally and face the areas in your soulthat prevent you from opening up; perhaps you still have feelings towards an unresolved relationship,or some other emotional injury is preventing you from moving on.

There may be areas in your work that you need to develop. If you want to be really successful, youstill have a lot to learn; you can never say that you are ready. Now you need to see what you haveneglected the most, because huge opportunities may open up for you if you start developing in theseareas. If you have not found your dream profession yet, then studying is essential, since it is notenough to have an excellent profession. Perhaps you need to learn something that you thought was faraway from you. The solution is often brought to your life by accepting things that have been beyondyour radar till now.


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March, 2014 - week #09March 01, 2014 - Saturday

Today will be passionate . The number of your personal day is 11, which brings out the best in youif you allow it. The instinctive powers that have been given to you since you were born will awaken. Bebrave and wise enough today to give space to this power. If you cannot express it, it will strain youfrom the inside. Plan on intense exercise today so that you can get rid of this excess energy.

This is the day of power . The number of today is 11. Whatever you start working on today will befull of power and passion. Everything starting today in your life teaches you passion and shows you thepowers you have inside. You get power for your tasks that start today, as if the powers above wereholding your hands and were telling you constantly what you needed to do in order to be healthy. Allyou need to do is never over judge your intuitions; you should not follow your common sense now.

March 02, 2014 - Sunday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.

March 03, 2014 - Monday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.


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March, 2014 - week #10March 04, 2014 - Tuesday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.

March 05, 2014 - Wednesday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.

March 06, 2014 - Thursday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.


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March, 2014 - week #10March 07, 2014 - Friday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

March 08, 2014 - Saturday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.

March 09, 2014 - Sunday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.


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March, 2014 - week #11March 10, 2014 - Monday

Today will be passionate . The number of your personal day is 11, which brings out the best in youif you allow it. The instinctive powers that have been given to you since you were born will awaken. Bebrave and wise enough today to give space to this power. If you cannot express it, it will strain youfrom the inside. Plan on intense exercise today so that you can get rid of this excess energy.

This is the day of power . The number of today is 11. Whatever you start working on today will befull of power and passion. Everything starting today in your life teaches you passion and shows you thepowers you have inside. You get power for your tasks that start today, as if the powers above wereholding your hands and were telling you constantly what you needed to do in order to be healthy. Allyou need to do is never over judge your intuitions; you should not follow your common sense now.

March 11, 2014 - Tuesday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.

March 12, 2014 - Wednesday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.


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March, 2014 - week #11March 13, 2014 - Thursday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.

March 14, 2014 - Friday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.

March 15, 2014 - Saturday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.


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March, 2014 - week #11March 16, 2014 - Sunday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

March 17, 2014 - Monday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.

March 18, 2014 - Tuesday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.


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March, 2014 - week #12March 19, 2014 - Wednesday

Today will be passionate . The number of your personal day is 11, which brings out the best in youif you allow it. The instinctive powers that have been given to you since you were born will awaken. Bebrave and wise enough today to give space to this power. If you cannot express it, it will strain youfrom the inside. Plan on intense exercise today so that you can get rid of this excess energy.

This is the day of power . The number of today is 11. Whatever you start working on today will befull of power and passion. Everything starting today in your life teaches you passion and shows you thepowers you have inside. You get power for your tasks that start today, as if the powers above wereholding your hands and were telling you constantly what you needed to do in order to be healthy. Allyou need to do is never over judge your intuitions; you should not follow your common sense now.

March 20, 2014 - Thursday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.

March 21, 2014 - Friday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.


Page 17: Guidance for every day of your year

March, 2014 - week #12March 22, 2014 - Saturday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.

March 23, 2014 - Sunday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.

March 24, 2014 - Monday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.


Page 18: Guidance for every day of your year

March, 2014 - week #13March 25, 2014 - Tuesday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

March 26, 2014 - Wednesday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.

March 27, 2014 - Thursday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.


Page 19: Guidance for every day of your year

March, 2014 - week #13March 28, 2014 - Friday

Today will be passionate . The number of your personal day is 11, which brings out the best in youif you allow it. The instinctive powers that have been given to you since you were born will awaken. Bebrave and wise enough today to give space to this power. If you cannot express it, it will strain youfrom the inside. Plan on intense exercise today so that you can get rid of this excess energy.

This is the day of power . The number of today is 11. Whatever you start working on today will befull of power and passion. Everything starting today in your life teaches you passion and shows you thepowers you have inside. You get power for your tasks that start today, as if the powers above wereholding your hands and were telling you constantly what you needed to do in order to be healthy. Allyou need to do is never over judge your intuitions; you should not follow your common sense now.

March 29, 2014 - Saturday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.

March 30, 2014 - Sunday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.


Page 20: Guidance for every day of your year

March, 2014 - week #14March 31, 2014 - Monday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.


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You can develop your passion this month The number 11 personal month is about moving the emotional powers inside you. Passion is not onlyabout love. Passion is a lifestyle you can make yours if you are fully aware of your inner emotionalenergies and have no blocks preventing the free flow of your energies.

For you, passionate life means that you are able to mobilize your inner powers and opportunities inevery conceivable way. When passion awakens in you, your whole life changes from it. You will nolonger be able to separate your private life from work, because they will become a unified whole.

In order for this flow to commence in your life, you will have an opportunity this month to make youremotions more conscious. Passionate life means that you are always able to act according to youremotions, and social expectations or fears do not hinder you.

A lower manifestation of passion is the instinctual world, which can rule your life if you prevent youremotions from flowing freely. You might suppress your emotions because you are afraid of whatpeople would think if you let your emotions go without restrictions.

Tremendous powers start moving within you this month. If you cannot give space to them, they willcause huge tension in you. I suggest you insert intensive exercise into your schedule so that you canget rid of this incredible tension and energy.

This power will affect your relationship as well. If you are able to make space for them, big changesmay happen in this area as well. If your relationship is strong and stable, this power may take you to aneven higher level. If you are experiencing problems and are having difficulties in accepting yourselvesand each other, then the conflicts may intensify. If you have not found the one yet, it is time you gavespace for your real emotions because these feelings may lead you to the person with whom you will beable to build a passionate relationship.

You need to make space for passion in your work as well. If your life is only about constant soulcrushing work, then the wish to change professions immediately may intensify in you. If you like whatyou are doing, you will be able to do special things during this period. Listen inwards and you will seewhat these powers bring out in you. If you have not found your dream profession yet, tear down yourinner boundaries and let something start moving within you. If your feelings are telling you to actspontaneously, break away from the usual rut because your inner powers will guide you to your goal.


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April, 2014 - week #14April 01, 2014 - Tuesday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.

April 02, 2014 - Wednesday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.

April 03, 2014 - Thursday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.


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April, 2014 - week #14April 04, 2014 - Friday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.

April 05, 2014 - Saturday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.

April 06, 2014 - Sunday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.


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April, 2014 - week #15April 07, 2014 - Monday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.

April 08, 2014 - Tuesday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.

April 09, 2014 - Wednesday

You may be reborn today . The number of your personal day is 20, which means that you may bereborn physically, emotionally and intellectually today. You will find an unexpected solution or remedyto your problem that resolves everything with a single blow. Be open and listen to your intuitions,because you may need to be at the right place at the right time, meet someone or have an unexpectedguest. Do not say no to anything today; be wise enough to recognize and accept help.

This is the day of big solutions . Today’s number is 20. Whatever happens today, it may provide asolution for a problem that has been going on for a long time. With the impact of the initiatives youbegin today, you may continue life with a new force, as if you resurrected from your ashes like aphoenix. You do not have to think too much about it because you will get the solutions intuitively.Listen to your intuition and set your common sense aside, even if this is not easy for you.


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April, 2014 - week #15April 10, 2014 - Thursday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.

April 11, 2014 - Friday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.

April 12, 2014 - Saturday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.


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April, 2014 - week #15April 13, 2014 - Sunday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.

April 14, 2014 - Monday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.

April 15, 2014 - Tuesday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.


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April, 2014 - week #16April 16, 2014 - Wednesday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.

April 17, 2014 - Thursday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.

April 18, 2014 - Friday

You may be reborn today . The number of your personal day is 20, which means that you may bereborn physically, emotionally and intellectually today. You will find an unexpected solution or remedyto your problem that resolves everything with a single blow. Be open and listen to your intuitions,because you may need to be at the right place at the right time, meet someone or have an unexpectedguest. Do not say no to anything today; be wise enough to recognize and accept help.

This is the day of big solutions . Today’s number is 20. Whatever happens today, it may provide asolution for a problem that has been going on for a long time. With the impact of the initiatives youbegin today, you may continue life with a new force, as if you resurrected from your ashes like aphoenix. You do not have to think too much about it because you will get the solutions intuitively.Listen to your intuition and set your common sense aside, even if this is not easy for you.


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April, 2014 - week #16April 19, 2014 - Saturday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.

April 20, 2014 - Sunday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.

April 21, 2014 - Monday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.


Page 30: Guidance for every day of your year

April, 2014 - week #17April 22, 2014 - Tuesday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.

April 23, 2014 - Wednesday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.

April 24, 2014 - Thursday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.


Page 31: Guidance for every day of your year

April, 2014 - week #17April 25, 2014 - Friday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.

April 26, 2014 - Saturday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.

April 27, 2014 - Sunday

You may be reborn today . The number of your personal day is 20, which means that you may bereborn physically, emotionally and intellectually today. You will find an unexpected solution or remedyto your problem that resolves everything with a single blow. Be open and listen to your intuitions,because you may need to be at the right place at the right time, meet someone or have an unexpectedguest. Do not say no to anything today; be wise enough to recognize and accept help.

This is the day of big solutions . Today’s number is 20. Whatever happens today, it may provide asolution for a problem that has been going on for a long time. With the impact of the initiatives youbegin today, you may continue life with a new force, as if you resurrected from your ashes like aphoenix. You do not have to think too much about it because you will get the solutions intuitively.Listen to your intuition and set your common sense aside, even if this is not easy for you.


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April, 2014 - week #18April 28, 2014 - Monday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.

April 29, 2014 - Tuesday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.

April 30, 2014 - Wednesday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.


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You may feel that you are left no legs to stand on this month The number 12 personal year is about tests. You feel that everything is a little different than in reality.Life shows you a mirror with a distorted image of yourself in it. The solution is not to expect help fromthe outside world, but to look into yourself and notice that you and only you are responsible foreverything that is happening with your person. You may easily feel that you are left with no legs tostand on, as if everything has turned upside down. What has worked so far, has now seemingly failed.You feel lost and deserted, as if you were drifting with the events but had no effect on them.

In the previous period, you may have felt that your emotions depended on feedback from others. Youneed to put an end to this because you need to guide your life with your own inner compass. Youcannot always depend on what others think about you. Just live your life independent of everyone andeverything will be restored again.

This period is about needing to realize that every joy and beauty in your life springs from within.Everything will change around you if you can comprehend this. You will realize that it is you whocreates your own life and not life that defines you. This is a very important difference to note. It is timeyou realized that you are capable of anything in the world.

It is important in your relationship to notice that the sole source of life can only be you. If you expectyour partner to make you happy, you will always be disappointed because you can only make yourselfhappy. Everything that brings happiness into your relationship depends greatly on how muchhappiness you are putting into the relationship. If you have not found the one yet, it is time you lookedinto yourself, because perhaps you are expecting redemption from somebody else, while you need tostart the transformation from within first. You need to become happy with yourself. A happy personattracts other happy people like a magnet. Remember that the similar attracts the similar.

In your work you need to see whether you have become too dependent on the opinion of yourenvironment. The success you can achieve with your work only depends on how successful you thinkyou are. You experience success inside yourself, first and foremost, and you will only experience it forreal if you acknowledge that success too, stems from you. If you have not found your dream professionyet, then the time has come to be the controller of your life events. If you are always waiting for anoutside opportunity, it may never arrive … as if you were waiting for the roasted dove to fly into yourmouth. The opportunity is inside you; you need to create it with your own conscious will. Nothing elsehappens in the world but what you want. If you do not want anything, then do not be surprised if youwill really be the toy of “coincidences.”


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May, 2014 - week #18May 01, 2014 - Thursday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.

May 02, 2014 - Friday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.

May 03, 2014 - Saturday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.


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May, 2014 - week #18May 04, 2014 - Sunday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.

May 05, 2014 - Monday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

May 06, 2014 - Tuesday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.


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May, 2014 - week #19May 07, 2014 - Wednesday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.

May 08, 2014 - Thursday

You may be reborn today . The number of your personal day is 20, which means that you may bereborn physically, emotionally and intellectually today. You will find an unexpected solution or remedyto your problem that resolves everything with a single blow. Be open and listen to your intuitions,because you may need to be at the right place at the right time, meet someone or have an unexpectedguest. Do not say no to anything today; be wise enough to recognize and accept help.

This is the day of big solutions . Today’s number is 20. Whatever happens today, it may provide asolution for a problem that has been going on for a long time. With the impact of the initiatives youbegin today, you may continue life with a new force, as if you resurrected from your ashes like aphoenix. You do not have to think too much about it because you will get the solutions intuitively.Listen to your intuition and set your common sense aside, even if this is not easy for you.

May 09, 2014 - Friday

The world is lying at your feet today . The number of your personal day is 21, which endows youwith the creator power. If you have a big dream that you want to come true, start working onimplementing it today. You could not wish for a more energetic day than today; as if you have caughtthe goldfish from whom you could ask anything. Be open, meet people and talk with them, becausetoday promises miracles. You are necessary for these to happen, as you are the one creating themiracle.

This is the day of big opportunities . Today’s number is 21. It is worth starting something that youhave been planning for a long time because anything is possible today. Today promises huge successin the long-run. Every opportunity is given to make your initiatives that start today successful, becausethis day endows you with real creator power. Success is only up to you; you will not be lacking increative ideas and implementation. All you need to do is put all your diligence into it. Walk around withyour eyes open today. Do not lock yourself up into your room, because you may meet someone whowill help your success.


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May, 2014 - week #19May 10, 2014 - Saturday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.

May 11, 2014 - Sunday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.

May 12, 2014 - Monday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.


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May, 2014 - week #20May 13, 2014 - Tuesday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.

May 14, 2014 - Wednesday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

May 15, 2014 - Thursday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.


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May, 2014 - week #20May 16, 2014 - Friday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.

May 17, 2014 - Saturday

You may be reborn today . The number of your personal day is 20, which means that you may bereborn physically, emotionally and intellectually today. You will find an unexpected solution or remedyto your problem that resolves everything with a single blow. Be open and listen to your intuitions,because you may need to be at the right place at the right time, meet someone or have an unexpectedguest. Do not say no to anything today; be wise enough to recognize and accept help.

This is the day of big solutions . Today’s number is 20. Whatever happens today, it may provide asolution for a problem that has been going on for a long time. With the impact of the initiatives youbegin today, you may continue life with a new force, as if you resurrected from your ashes like aphoenix. You do not have to think too much about it because you will get the solutions intuitively.Listen to your intuition and set your common sense aside, even if this is not easy for you.

May 18, 2014 - Sunday

The world is lying at your feet today . The number of your personal day is 21, which endows youwith the creator power. If you have a big dream that you want to come true, start working onimplementing it today. You could not wish for a more energetic day than today; as if you have caughtthe goldfish from whom you could ask anything. Be open, meet people and talk with them, becausetoday promises miracles. You are necessary for these to happen, as you are the one creating themiracle.

This is the day of big opportunities . Today’s number is 21. It is worth starting something that youhave been planning for a long time because anything is possible today. Today promises huge successin the long-run. Every opportunity is given to make your initiatives that start today successful, becausethis day endows you with real creator power. Success is only up to you; you will not be lacking increative ideas and implementation. All you need to do is put all your diligence into it. Walk around withyour eyes open today. Do not lock yourself up into your room, because you may meet someone whowill help your success.


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May, 2014 - week #21May 19, 2014 - Monday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.

May 20, 2014 - Tuesday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.

May 21, 2014 - Wednesday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.


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May, 2014 - week #21May 22, 2014 - Thursday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.

May 23, 2014 - Friday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

May 24, 2014 - Saturday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.


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May, 2014 - week #21May 25, 2014 - Sunday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.

May 26, 2014 - Monday

You may be reborn today . The number of your personal day is 20, which means that you may bereborn physically, emotionally and intellectually today. You will find an unexpected solution or remedyto your problem that resolves everything with a single blow. Be open and listen to your intuitions,because you may need to be at the right place at the right time, meet someone or have an unexpectedguest. Do not say no to anything today; be wise enough to recognize and accept help.

This is the day of big solutions . Today’s number is 20. Whatever happens today, it may provide asolution for a problem that has been going on for a long time. With the impact of the initiatives youbegin today, you may continue life with a new force, as if you resurrected from your ashes like aphoenix. You do not have to think too much about it because you will get the solutions intuitively.Listen to your intuition and set your common sense aside, even if this is not easy for you.

May 27, 2014 - Tuesday

The world is lying at your feet today . The number of your personal day is 21, which endows youwith the creator power. If you have a big dream that you want to come true, start working onimplementing it today. You could not wish for a more energetic day than today; as if you have caughtthe goldfish from whom you could ask anything. Be open, meet people and talk with them, becausetoday promises miracles. You are necessary for these to happen, as you are the one creating themiracle.

This is the day of big opportunities . Today’s number is 21. It is worth starting something that youhave been planning for a long time because anything is possible today. Today promises huge successin the long-run. Every opportunity is given to make your initiatives that start today successful, becausethis day endows you with real creator power. Success is only up to you; you will not be lacking increative ideas and implementation. All you need to do is put all your diligence into it. Walk around withyour eyes open today. Do not lock yourself up into your room, because you may meet someone whowill help your success.


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May, 2014 - week #22May 28, 2014 - Wednesday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.

May 29, 2014 - Thursday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.

May 30, 2014 - Friday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.


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May, 2014 - week #22May 31, 2014 - Saturday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.


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You need to close certain parts of your life this month Number 13 is about the fact that there are areas in your life that cannot grow just through your ownworkings. In this case, it is about emotional attachments, injuries and open conflicts. It is time to put anend to them.

If you are carrying emotional baggage, that time has passed; they will drain your energies andprevent you from moving on. You are carrying plenty with yourself already; at least get rid of theunnecessary things from which you can no longer learn.

If you have unresolved conflicts, unclear human connections or conversations that have beeninterrupted, you need to close them one by one. See how much lighter and more energetic you will feelafter each closure.

Closure is often accompanied by pain. You may need to put an end to an emotional connection thathas been unresolved for years, but has been part of your life. It is like dying a little. Give yourself timeso that the wounds can heal. The energies will support you in letting go of what has already passed.

If there is an unresolved conflict in your relationship, then the time has come to see it through andafter a proper deep conversation, let go of everything that hurts. If you are in a relationship that is notworking anymore, you should end it now and let the other person go, even if this seems practicallyimpossible because you feel that you might die. Even if this is the case, the unavoidable shouldhappen sooner than later to avoid spending years with something that is not making you happy. If youhave not found the one yet, it is possible that you are attached to a previous relationship. If this is thecase, it is time you closed the door and let the wounds heal.

A period will end in your work as well. It is possible that you may need to look for another opportunity,especially if you are not satisfied with what you are doing. There may be conflicts in connection withyour work, and now is the proper moment for closing them. If you have not found your dreamprofession yet, then the time has come to start a new life. Let go of everything that is connected to yourold life, the things that made you soulless and unhappy. Let the hard feelings in connection with it goaway. Do not have pangs of conscience because you need to move on. Remember that you are theimportant one at all times. Never look at what you are leaving behind.


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June, 2014 - week #22June 01, 2014 - Sunday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.

June 02, 2014 - Monday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.

June 03, 2014 - Tuesday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.


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June, 2014 - week #23June 04, 2014 - Wednesday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

June 05, 2014 - Thursday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.

June 06, 2014 - Friday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.


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June, 2014 - week #23June 07, 2014 - Saturday

You may be reborn today . The number of your personal day is 20, which means that you may bereborn physically, emotionally and intellectually today. You will find an unexpected solution or remedyto your problem that resolves everything with a single blow. Be open and listen to your intuitions,because you may need to be at the right place at the right time, meet someone or have an unexpectedguest. Do not say no to anything today; be wise enough to recognize and accept help.

This is the day of big solutions . Today’s number is 20. Whatever happens today, it may provide asolution for a problem that has been going on for a long time. With the impact of the initiatives youbegin today, you may continue life with a new force, as if you resurrected from your ashes like aphoenix. You do not have to think too much about it because you will get the solutions intuitively.Listen to your intuition and set your common sense aside, even if this is not easy for you.

June 08, 2014 - Sunday

The world is lying at your feet today . The number of your personal day is 21, which endows youwith the creator power. If you have a big dream that you want to come true, start working onimplementing it today. You could not wish for a more energetic day than today; as if you have caughtthe goldfish from whom you could ask anything. Be open, meet people and talk with them, becausetoday promises miracles. You are necessary for these to happen, as you are the one creating themiracle.

This is the day of big opportunities . Today’s number is 21. It is worth starting something that youhave been planning for a long time because anything is possible today. Today promises huge successin the long-run. Every opportunity is given to make your initiatives that start today successful, becausethis day endows you with real creator power. Success is only up to you; you will not be lacking increative ideas and implementation. All you need to do is put all your diligence into it. Walk around withyour eyes open today. Do not lock yourself up into your room, because you may meet someone whowill help your success.

June 09, 2014 - Monday

You have nothing to be afraid of today. The number of your personal day is 22, which means thatyou should feel free to relax and dare to act and make decisions freely as a child. You have absolutelynothing to be afraid of. If you dare to let go of your adult self, wonderful things may happen to youtoday. Look at the world in a slightly different light today. Security does not mean that things do notchange around you. Quite the opposite; if you are able to view changes with the eyes of a child, youmay feel security you have never felt before.

This is the day of your childlike self . Today’s number is 22. You have nothing to be scared fromtoday, whatever it is that you are planning to do. If you start doing it, you have everything that youneed. All you need for your initiatives that start today is you. You can be like a child today; everythingis left up to your playfulness. You do not have to wait for expensive tools or special circumstances,because everything that you need is given. You have more than enough experience; you should notover-complicate it. Be confident, you have nothing to be afraid of.


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June, 2014 - week #24June 10, 2014 - Tuesday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.

June 11, 2014 - Wednesday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.

June 12, 2014 - Thursday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.


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June, 2014 - week #24June 13, 2014 - Friday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

June 14, 2014 - Saturday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.

June 15, 2014 - Sunday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.


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June, 2014 - week #25June 16, 2014 - Monday

You may be reborn today . The number of your personal day is 20, which means that you may bereborn physically, emotionally and intellectually today. You will find an unexpected solution or remedyto your problem that resolves everything with a single blow. Be open and listen to your intuitions,because you may need to be at the right place at the right time, meet someone or have an unexpectedguest. Do not say no to anything today; be wise enough to recognize and accept help.

This is the day of big solutions . Today’s number is 20. Whatever happens today, it may provide asolution for a problem that has been going on for a long time. With the impact of the initiatives youbegin today, you may continue life with a new force, as if you resurrected from your ashes like aphoenix. You do not have to think too much about it because you will get the solutions intuitively.Listen to your intuition and set your common sense aside, even if this is not easy for you.

June 17, 2014 - Tuesday

The world is lying at your feet today . The number of your personal day is 21, which endows youwith the creator power. If you have a big dream that you want to come true, start working onimplementing it today. You could not wish for a more energetic day than today; as if you have caughtthe goldfish from whom you could ask anything. Be open, meet people and talk with them, becausetoday promises miracles. You are necessary for these to happen, as you are the one creating themiracle.

This is the day of big opportunities . Today’s number is 21. It is worth starting something that youhave been planning for a long time because anything is possible today. Today promises huge successin the long-run. Every opportunity is given to make your initiatives that start today successful, becausethis day endows you with real creator power. Success is only up to you; you will not be lacking increative ideas and implementation. All you need to do is put all your diligence into it. Walk around withyour eyes open today. Do not lock yourself up into your room, because you may meet someone whowill help your success.

June 18, 2014 - Wednesday

You have nothing to be afraid of today. The number of your personal day is 22, which means thatyou should feel free to relax and dare to act and make decisions freely as a child. You have absolutelynothing to be afraid of. If you dare to let go of your adult self, wonderful things may happen to youtoday. Look at the world in a slightly different light today. Security does not mean that things do notchange around you. Quite the opposite; if you are able to view changes with the eyes of a child, youmay feel security you have never felt before.

This is the day of your childlike self . Today’s number is 22. You have nothing to be scared fromtoday, whatever it is that you are planning to do. If you start doing it, you have everything that youneed. All you need for your initiatives that start today is you. You can be like a child today; everythingis left up to your playfulness. You do not have to wait for expensive tools or special circumstances,because everything that you need is given. You have more than enough experience; you should notover-complicate it. Be confident, you have nothing to be afraid of.


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June, 2014 - week #25June 19, 2014 - Thursday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.

June 20, 2014 - Friday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.

June 21, 2014 - Saturday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.


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June, 2014 - week #25June 22, 2014 - Sunday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

June 23, 2014 - Monday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.

June 24, 2014 - Tuesday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.


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June, 2014 - week #26June 25, 2014 - Wednesday

You may be reborn today . The number of your personal day is 20, which means that you may bereborn physically, emotionally and intellectually today. You will find an unexpected solution or remedyto your problem that resolves everything with a single blow. Be open and listen to your intuitions,because you may need to be at the right place at the right time, meet someone or have an unexpectedguest. Do not say no to anything today; be wise enough to recognize and accept help.

This is the day of big solutions . Today’s number is 20. Whatever happens today, it may provide asolution for a problem that has been going on for a long time. With the impact of the initiatives youbegin today, you may continue life with a new force, as if you resurrected from your ashes like aphoenix. You do not have to think too much about it because you will get the solutions intuitively.Listen to your intuition and set your common sense aside, even if this is not easy for you.

June 26, 2014 - Thursday

The world is lying at your feet today . The number of your personal day is 21, which endows youwith the creator power. If you have a big dream that you want to come true, start working onimplementing it today. You could not wish for a more energetic day than today; as if you have caughtthe goldfish from whom you could ask anything. Be open, meet people and talk with them, becausetoday promises miracles. You are necessary for these to happen, as you are the one creating themiracle.

This is the day of big opportunities . Today’s number is 21. It is worth starting something that youhave been planning for a long time because anything is possible today. Today promises huge successin the long-run. Every opportunity is given to make your initiatives that start today successful, becausethis day endows you with real creator power. Success is only up to you; you will not be lacking increative ideas and implementation. All you need to do is put all your diligence into it. Walk around withyour eyes open today. Do not lock yourself up into your room, because you may meet someone whowill help your success.

June 27, 2014 - Friday

You have nothing to be afraid of today. The number of your personal day is 22, which means thatyou should feel free to relax and dare to act and make decisions freely as a child. You have absolutelynothing to be afraid of. If you dare to let go of your adult self, wonderful things may happen to youtoday. Look at the world in a slightly different light today. Security does not mean that things do notchange around you. Quite the opposite; if you are able to view changes with the eyes of a child, youmay feel security you have never felt before.

This is the day of your childlike self . Today’s number is 22. You have nothing to be scared fromtoday, whatever it is that you are planning to do. If you start doing it, you have everything that youneed. All you need for your initiatives that start today is you. You can be like a child today; everythingis left up to your playfulness. You do not have to wait for expensive tools or special circumstances,because everything that you need is given. You have more than enough experience; you should notover-complicate it. Be confident, you have nothing to be afraid of.


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June, 2014 - week #26June 28, 2014 - Saturday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.

June 29, 2014 - Sunday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.

June 30, 2014 - Monday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.


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You need to find balance in your life this month The number 14 personal month is about finding emotional balance in life instead of extremes. Peopleare prone to falling from one emotional extreme to the other; from apathy or depression to euphoricjoy, you are able to experience a wide scale of emotions. Now you may find the balance you havebeen seeking for such a long time.

Finding a balance is always accompanied by a sort of developmental jump. When you understandsomething in your life, then you no longer need to balance between extremes. You will learn to handlethat area and may even progress forward in your maturity.

A phase of your life closed in the previous month and now new growth comes. At the end of everytask, you should reassess what you have learned. Successful conclusions usually involve suchself-tests or reassessments, and you will be rewarded by being able to handle things that used to bedifficult for you.

Remember that you must not turn back from here; once you have made a decision, never think aboutwhat would have happened had you made a different decision. The door of development has openedup for you, but you need to step through it.

You may find this balance successfully in your relationship as well. Even if there have beencoincidences in your relationship, the closed conflicts of the last period have opened new perspectivesfor you. You need to be able to move on and do not dwell in the past constantly, because by doing soyou only take away time from the nice things. If you have not found the one yet, then a door will openup for you so you can leave the past and all the bitterness that you have hopefully released behindyou. Take a step forward and see how the world looks like from there. By now you may be looking atthe world in a different way.

This month may bring a breakthrough in your work as well. You may get the long awaited opportunityfor stepping forward in the form of a new task or promotion. By now you may have become a newperson as well, who learnt from the event of the previous period and grew a lot professionally. Now youneed to live with the opportunities, which may seem like a bigger challenge than you think you arecapable of at the moment. If you have not found your dream profession yet, this month may bring theopportunity for growth. However, you may have to cut off more than you can chew and step out of thecomfort zone that has been holding you back from real breakthroughs.


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July, 2014 - week #27July 01, 2014 - Tuesday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.

July 02, 2014 - Wednesday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.

July 03, 2014 - Thursday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.


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July, 2014 - week #27July 04, 2014 - Friday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.

July 05, 2014 - Saturday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.

July 06, 2014 - Sunday

You may be reborn today . The number of your personal day is 20, which means that you may bereborn physically, emotionally and intellectually today. You will find an unexpected solution or remedyto your problem that resolves everything with a single blow. Be open and listen to your intuitions,because you may need to be at the right place at the right time, meet someone or have an unexpectedguest. Do not say no to anything today; be wise enough to recognize and accept help.

This is the day of big solutions . Today’s number is 20. Whatever happens today, it may provide asolution for a problem that has been going on for a long time. With the impact of the initiatives youbegin today, you may continue life with a new force, as if you resurrected from your ashes like aphoenix. You do not have to think too much about it because you will get the solutions intuitively.Listen to your intuition and set your common sense aside, even if this is not easy for you.


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July, 2014 - week #28July 07, 2014 - Monday

The world is lying at your feet today . The number of your personal day is 21, which endows youwith the creator power. If you have a big dream that you want to come true, start working onimplementing it today. You could not wish for a more energetic day than today; as if you have caughtthe goldfish from whom you could ask anything. Be open, meet people and talk with them, becausetoday promises miracles. You are necessary for these to happen, as you are the one creating themiracle.

This is the day of big opportunities . Today’s number is 21. It is worth starting something that youhave been planning for a long time because anything is possible today. Today promises huge successin the long-run. Every opportunity is given to make your initiatives that start today successful, becausethis day endows you with real creator power. Success is only up to you; you will not be lacking increative ideas and implementation. All you need to do is put all your diligence into it. Walk around withyour eyes open today. Do not lock yourself up into your room, because you may meet someone whowill help your success.

July 08, 2014 - Tuesday

You have nothing to be afraid of today. The number of your personal day is 22, which means thatyou should feel free to relax and dare to act and make decisions freely as a child. You have absolutelynothing to be afraid of. If you dare to let go of your adult self, wonderful things may happen to youtoday. Look at the world in a slightly different light today. Security does not mean that things do notchange around you. Quite the opposite; if you are able to view changes with the eyes of a child, youmay feel security you have never felt before.

This is the day of your childlike self . Today’s number is 22. You have nothing to be scared fromtoday, whatever it is that you are planning to do. If you start doing it, you have everything that youneed. All you need for your initiatives that start today is you. You can be like a child today; everythingis left up to your playfulness. You do not have to wait for expensive tools or special circumstances,because everything that you need is given. You have more than enough experience; you should notover-complicate it. Be confident, you have nothing to be afraid of.

July 09, 2014 - Wednesday

You may experience a lot of surprises today . Your personal day is 5, which makes your day busyand full of surprises. Anything you have planned for today will be turned upside down due to anunexpected event. Do not plan anything concrete today if you can, but let the events themselvesdictate your day. It is possible that an important change will take place that could move your lifeforward and will allow you to learn a lot. Do not get attached to anything today because nothing is forcertain.

This will be a busy day . Today’s number is 5. If you are planning on a big change or taking a trip, itis worth starting both today. Everything that you start doing today will make your life very busy and fullof surprises. Go with the flow if you need to make a decision today. If there is something that you wantto gain a lot of experience from, then it is worth starting today. Do not start doing anything long-termthat requires stability and predictability.


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July, 2014 - week #28July 10, 2014 - Thursday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.

July 11, 2014 - Friday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.

July 12, 2014 - Saturday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.


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July, 2014 - week #28July 13, 2014 - Sunday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.

July 14, 2014 - Monday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.

July 15, 2014 - Tuesday

You may be reborn today . The number of your personal day is 20, which means that you may bereborn physically, emotionally and intellectually today. You will find an unexpected solution or remedyto your problem that resolves everything with a single blow. Be open and listen to your intuitions,because you may need to be at the right place at the right time, meet someone or have an unexpectedguest. Do not say no to anything today; be wise enough to recognize and accept help.

This is the day of big solutions . Today’s number is 20. Whatever happens today, it may provide asolution for a problem that has been going on for a long time. With the impact of the initiatives youbegin today, you may continue life with a new force, as if you resurrected from your ashes like aphoenix. You do not have to think too much about it because you will get the solutions intuitively.Listen to your intuition and set your common sense aside, even if this is not easy for you.


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July, 2014 - week #29July 16, 2014 - Wednesday

The world is lying at your feet today . The number of your personal day is 21, which endows youwith the creator power. If you have a big dream that you want to come true, start working onimplementing it today. You could not wish for a more energetic day than today; as if you have caughtthe goldfish from whom you could ask anything. Be open, meet people and talk with them, becausetoday promises miracles. You are necessary for these to happen, as you are the one creating themiracle.

This is the day of big opportunities . Today’s number is 21. It is worth starting something that youhave been planning for a long time because anything is possible today. Today promises huge successin the long-run. Every opportunity is given to make your initiatives that start today successful, becausethis day endows you with real creator power. Success is only up to you; you will not be lacking increative ideas and implementation. All you need to do is put all your diligence into it. Walk around withyour eyes open today. Do not lock yourself up into your room, because you may meet someone whowill help your success.

July 17, 2014 - Thursday

You have nothing to be afraid of today. The number of your personal day is 22, which means thatyou should feel free to relax and dare to act and make decisions freely as a child. You have absolutelynothing to be afraid of. If you dare to let go of your adult self, wonderful things may happen to youtoday. Look at the world in a slightly different light today. Security does not mean that things do notchange around you. Quite the opposite; if you are able to view changes with the eyes of a child, youmay feel security you have never felt before.

This is the day of your childlike self . Today’s number is 22. You have nothing to be scared fromtoday, whatever it is that you are planning to do. If you start doing it, you have everything that youneed. All you need for your initiatives that start today is you. You can be like a child today; everythingis left up to your playfulness. You do not have to wait for expensive tools or special circumstances,because everything that you need is given. You have more than enough experience; you should notover-complicate it. Be confident, you have nothing to be afraid of.

July 18, 2014 - Friday

You may experience a lot of surprises today . Your personal day is 5, which makes your day busyand full of surprises. Anything you have planned for today will be turned upside down due to anunexpected event. Do not plan anything concrete today if you can, but let the events themselvesdictate your day. It is possible that an important change will take place that could move your lifeforward and will allow you to learn a lot. Do not get attached to anything today because nothing is forcertain.

This will be a busy day . Today’s number is 5. If you are planning on a big change or taking a trip, itis worth starting both today. Everything that you start doing today will make your life very busy and fullof surprises. Go with the flow if you need to make a decision today. If there is something that you wantto gain a lot of experience from, then it is worth starting today. Do not start doing anything long-termthat requires stability and predictability.


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July, 2014 - week #29July 19, 2014 - Saturday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.

July 20, 2014 - Sunday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.

July 21, 2014 - Monday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.


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July, 2014 - week #30July 22, 2014 - Tuesday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.

July 23, 2014 - Wednesday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.

July 24, 2014 - Thursday

You may be reborn today . The number of your personal day is 20, which means that you may bereborn physically, emotionally and intellectually today. You will find an unexpected solution or remedyto your problem that resolves everything with a single blow. Be open and listen to your intuitions,because you may need to be at the right place at the right time, meet someone or have an unexpectedguest. Do not say no to anything today; be wise enough to recognize and accept help.

This is the day of big solutions . Today’s number is 20. Whatever happens today, it may provide asolution for a problem that has been going on for a long time. With the impact of the initiatives youbegin today, you may continue life with a new force, as if you resurrected from your ashes like aphoenix. You do not have to think too much about it because you will get the solutions intuitively.Listen to your intuition and set your common sense aside, even if this is not easy for you.


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July, 2014 - week #30July 25, 2014 - Friday

The world is lying at your feet today . The number of your personal day is 21, which endows youwith the creator power. If you have a big dream that you want to come true, start working onimplementing it today. You could not wish for a more energetic day than today; as if you have caughtthe goldfish from whom you could ask anything. Be open, meet people and talk with them, becausetoday promises miracles. You are necessary for these to happen, as you are the one creating themiracle.

This is the day of big opportunities . Today’s number is 21. It is worth starting something that youhave been planning for a long time because anything is possible today. Today promises huge successin the long-run. Every opportunity is given to make your initiatives that start today successful, becausethis day endows you with real creator power. Success is only up to you; you will not be lacking increative ideas and implementation. All you need to do is put all your diligence into it. Walk around withyour eyes open today. Do not lock yourself up into your room, because you may meet someone whowill help your success.

July 26, 2014 - Saturday

You have nothing to be afraid of today. The number of your personal day is 22, which means thatyou should feel free to relax and dare to act and make decisions freely as a child. You have absolutelynothing to be afraid of. If you dare to let go of your adult self, wonderful things may happen to youtoday. Look at the world in a slightly different light today. Security does not mean that things do notchange around you. Quite the opposite; if you are able to view changes with the eyes of a child, youmay feel security you have never felt before.

This is the day of your childlike self . Today’s number is 22. You have nothing to be scared fromtoday, whatever it is that you are planning to do. If you start doing it, you have everything that youneed. All you need for your initiatives that start today is you. You can be like a child today; everythingis left up to your playfulness. You do not have to wait for expensive tools or special circumstances,because everything that you need is given. You have more than enough experience; you should notover-complicate it. Be confident, you have nothing to be afraid of.

July 27, 2014 - Sunday

You may experience a lot of surprises today . Your personal day is 5, which makes your day busyand full of surprises. Anything you have planned for today will be turned upside down due to anunexpected event. Do not plan anything concrete today if you can, but let the events themselvesdictate your day. It is possible that an important change will take place that could move your lifeforward and will allow you to learn a lot. Do not get attached to anything today because nothing is forcertain.

This will be a busy day . Today’s number is 5. If you are planning on a big change or taking a trip, itis worth starting both today. Everything that you start doing today will make your life very busy and fullof surprises. Go with the flow if you need to make a decision today. If there is something that you wantto gain a lot of experience from, then it is worth starting today. Do not start doing anything long-termthat requires stability and predictability.


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July, 2014 - week #31July 28, 2014 - Monday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.

July 29, 2014 - Tuesday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.

July 30, 2014 - Wednesday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.


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July, 2014 - week #31July 31, 2014 - Thursday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.


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You need to shake off your chains of captivity this month The number 15 personal year is about the instances of emotional dependence that are holding youcaptive, and the time has finally come to get rid of these in your life. Always remember that it was yourown free will that put you in such a situation to begin with, and only through the same will can youremove the emotional leaches that are draining your energy.

You may often find yourself in situations throughout the course of your life when you becomeemotionally dependent on someone or something. It does not start off that way, of course, since youintend every decision of yours to make your life better. However, things often do not work out the wayyou want them to and freeing yourself can seem very difficult.

Remember what you based your decision on when you agreed to participate in the situation. Alsoremember that the road leading out of it can only be your decision as well. Never take the otherperson’s thoughts into consideration when making such a decision, or feel anything in connection withit. You have to live your life and no one else can make decisions for you.

If someone or something else is influencing your decision, it is as if you were in chains … as if therewas no way out. You put the chains of captivity of your own wrists and ankles, but the keys are in yourpocket. It is time you opened them and walked away freely.

You may have easily developed co-dependency in your relationship as well. If your relationship isworking well and you are happy, then all you need to examine is whether you are restricting yourself inanything because of the relationship. If you have serious problems, perhaps it is time you broke off theco-dependency and went on your own independent way. If you have not found the one yet, you mayhave already chained yourself to the image of you being alone. It is possible that it is you who isholding yourself captive with the illusion of loneliness which you took on voluntarily. It is only up to youwhen to put an end to it.

It is possible that a task you would love to get rid of is holding you captive in your work. However, youdo not dare to take steps to change your situation. Always remember that it is only you who can makedecisions about your life. If you want to change something, you need to utter the last word. If you havenot found your dream profession yet, you may have attached yourself to a task that caused happinessin the beginning but feels more like slave labor now. If you want to change this, it is only up to you. Noone will do it for you.


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August, 2014 - week #31August 01, 2014 - Friday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.

August 02, 2014 - Saturday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

August 03, 2014 - Sunday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.


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August, 2014 - week #32August 04, 2014 - Monday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.

August 05, 2014 - Tuesday

You may be reborn today . The number of your personal day is 20, which means that you may bereborn physically, emotionally and intellectually today. You will find an unexpected solution or remedyto your problem that resolves everything with a single blow. Be open and listen to your intuitions,because you may need to be at the right place at the right time, meet someone or have an unexpectedguest. Do not say no to anything today; be wise enough to recognize and accept help.

This is the day of big solutions . Today’s number is 20. Whatever happens today, it may provide asolution for a problem that has been going on for a long time. With the impact of the initiatives youbegin today, you may continue life with a new force, as if you resurrected from your ashes like aphoenix. You do not have to think too much about it because you will get the solutions intuitively.Listen to your intuition and set your common sense aside, even if this is not easy for you.

August 06, 2014 - Wednesday

The world is lying at your feet today . The number of your personal day is 21, which endows youwith the creator power. If you have a big dream that you want to come true, start working onimplementing it today. You could not wish for a more energetic day than today; as if you have caughtthe goldfish from whom you could ask anything. Be open, meet people and talk with them, becausetoday promises miracles. You are necessary for these to happen, as you are the one creating themiracle.

This is the day of big opportunities . Today’s number is 21. It is worth starting something that youhave been planning for a long time because anything is possible today. Today promises huge successin the long-run. Every opportunity is given to make your initiatives that start today successful, becausethis day endows you with real creator power. Success is only up to you; you will not be lacking increative ideas and implementation. All you need to do is put all your diligence into it. Walk around withyour eyes open today. Do not lock yourself up into your room, because you may meet someone whowill help your success.


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August, 2014 - week #32August 07, 2014 - Thursday

You have nothing to be afraid of today. The number of your personal day is 22, which means thatyou should feel free to relax and dare to act and make decisions freely as a child. You have absolutelynothing to be afraid of. If you dare to let go of your adult self, wonderful things may happen to youtoday. Look at the world in a slightly different light today. Security does not mean that things do notchange around you. Quite the opposite; if you are able to view changes with the eyes of a child, youmay feel security you have never felt before.

This is the day of your childlike self . Today’s number is 22. You have nothing to be scared fromtoday, whatever it is that you are planning to do. If you start doing it, you have everything that youneed. All you need for your initiatives that start today is you. You can be like a child today; everythingis left up to your playfulness. You do not have to wait for expensive tools or special circumstances,because everything that you need is given. You have more than enough experience; you should notover-complicate it. Be confident, you have nothing to be afraid of.

August 08, 2014 - Friday

You may experience a lot of surprises today . Your personal day is 5, which makes your day busyand full of surprises. Anything you have planned for today will be turned upside down due to anunexpected event. Do not plan anything concrete today if you can, but let the events themselvesdictate your day. It is possible that an important change will take place that could move your lifeforward and will allow you to learn a lot. Do not get attached to anything today because nothing is forcertain.

This will be a busy day . Today’s number is 5. If you are planning on a big change or taking a trip, itis worth starting both today. Everything that you start doing today will make your life very busy and fullof surprises. Go with the flow if you need to make a decision today. If there is something that you wantto gain a lot of experience from, then it is worth starting today. Do not start doing anything long-termthat requires stability and predictability.

August 09, 2014 - Saturday

You need a lot of love today . The number of your personal day is 6, which is about your lovingrelationships. You will have an above-average need to be among the people you love the most. Staywith your closest family or meet with your best friends. You will need intimate conversations andembraces today. Slow down and let others pamper you. Do not plan on running around today.

This will be the day of the heart . Today’s number is 6. Listen to your heart if you need to make adecision, and do not let yourself be talked out of it by common sense. You may make one of yourdreams come true with a decision you are making today, but only if the decision is coming from within.Anything you start doing today will have an effect on not just your private life, but your connections withyour friends and family also. Do not try to envision any smart ideas today because you may findyourself on the wrong path.


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August, 2014 - week #32August 10, 2014 - Sunday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.

August 11, 2014 - Monday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

August 12, 2014 - Tuesday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.


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August, 2014 - week #33August 13, 2014 - Wednesday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.

August 14, 2014 - Thursday

You may be reborn today . The number of your personal day is 20, which means that you may bereborn physically, emotionally and intellectually today. You will find an unexpected solution or remedyto your problem that resolves everything with a single blow. Be open and listen to your intuitions,because you may need to be at the right place at the right time, meet someone or have an unexpectedguest. Do not say no to anything today; be wise enough to recognize and accept help.

This is the day of big solutions . Today’s number is 20. Whatever happens today, it may provide asolution for a problem that has been going on for a long time. With the impact of the initiatives youbegin today, you may continue life with a new force, as if you resurrected from your ashes like aphoenix. You do not have to think too much about it because you will get the solutions intuitively.Listen to your intuition and set your common sense aside, even if this is not easy for you.

August 15, 2014 - Friday

The world is lying at your feet today . The number of your personal day is 21, which endows youwith the creator power. If you have a big dream that you want to come true, start working onimplementing it today. You could not wish for a more energetic day than today; as if you have caughtthe goldfish from whom you could ask anything. Be open, meet people and talk with them, becausetoday promises miracles. You are necessary for these to happen, as you are the one creating themiracle.

This is the day of big opportunities . Today’s number is 21. It is worth starting something that youhave been planning for a long time because anything is possible today. Today promises huge successin the long-run. Every opportunity is given to make your initiatives that start today successful, becausethis day endows you with real creator power. Success is only up to you; you will not be lacking increative ideas and implementation. All you need to do is put all your diligence into it. Walk around withyour eyes open today. Do not lock yourself up into your room, because you may meet someone whowill help your success.


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August, 2014 - week #33August 16, 2014 - Saturday

You have nothing to be afraid of today. The number of your personal day is 22, which means thatyou should feel free to relax and dare to act and make decisions freely as a child. You have absolutelynothing to be afraid of. If you dare to let go of your adult self, wonderful things may happen to youtoday. Look at the world in a slightly different light today. Security does not mean that things do notchange around you. Quite the opposite; if you are able to view changes with the eyes of a child, youmay feel security you have never felt before.

This is the day of your childlike self . Today’s number is 22. You have nothing to be scared fromtoday, whatever it is that you are planning to do. If you start doing it, you have everything that youneed. All you need for your initiatives that start today is you. You can be like a child today; everythingis left up to your playfulness. You do not have to wait for expensive tools or special circumstances,because everything that you need is given. You have more than enough experience; you should notover-complicate it. Be confident, you have nothing to be afraid of.

August 17, 2014 - Sunday

You may experience a lot of surprises today . Your personal day is 5, which makes your day busyand full of surprises. Anything you have planned for today will be turned upside down due to anunexpected event. Do not plan anything concrete today if you can, but let the events themselvesdictate your day. It is possible that an important change will take place that could move your lifeforward and will allow you to learn a lot. Do not get attached to anything today because nothing is forcertain.

This will be a busy day . Today’s number is 5. If you are planning on a big change or taking a trip, itis worth starting both today. Everything that you start doing today will make your life very busy and fullof surprises. Go with the flow if you need to make a decision today. If there is something that you wantto gain a lot of experience from, then it is worth starting today. Do not start doing anything long-termthat requires stability and predictability.

August 18, 2014 - Monday

You need a lot of love today . The number of your personal day is 6, which is about your lovingrelationships. You will have an above-average need to be among the people you love the most. Staywith your closest family or meet with your best friends. You will need intimate conversations andembraces today. Slow down and let others pamper you. Do not plan on running around today.

This will be the day of the heart . Today’s number is 6. Listen to your heart if you need to make adecision, and do not let yourself be talked out of it by common sense. You may make one of yourdreams come true with a decision you are making today, but only if the decision is coming from within.Anything you start doing today will have an effect on not just your private life, but your connections withyour friends and family also. Do not try to envision any smart ideas today because you may findyourself on the wrong path.


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August, 2014 - week #34August 19, 2014 - Tuesday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.

August 20, 2014 - Wednesday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

August 21, 2014 - Thursday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.


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August, 2014 - week #34August 22, 2014 - Friday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.

August 23, 2014 - Saturday

You may be reborn today . The number of your personal day is 20, which means that you may bereborn physically, emotionally and intellectually today. You will find an unexpected solution or remedyto your problem that resolves everything with a single blow. Be open and listen to your intuitions,because you may need to be at the right place at the right time, meet someone or have an unexpectedguest. Do not say no to anything today; be wise enough to recognize and accept help.

This is the day of big solutions . Today’s number is 20. Whatever happens today, it may provide asolution for a problem that has been going on for a long time. With the impact of the initiatives youbegin today, you may continue life with a new force, as if you resurrected from your ashes like aphoenix. You do not have to think too much about it because you will get the solutions intuitively.Listen to your intuition and set your common sense aside, even if this is not easy for you.

August 24, 2014 - Sunday

The world is lying at your feet today . The number of your personal day is 21, which endows youwith the creator power. If you have a big dream that you want to come true, start working onimplementing it today. You could not wish for a more energetic day than today; as if you have caughtthe goldfish from whom you could ask anything. Be open, meet people and talk with them, becausetoday promises miracles. You are necessary for these to happen, as you are the one creating themiracle.

This is the day of big opportunities . Today’s number is 21. It is worth starting something that youhave been planning for a long time because anything is possible today. Today promises huge successin the long-run. Every opportunity is given to make your initiatives that start today successful, becausethis day endows you with real creator power. Success is only up to you; you will not be lacking increative ideas and implementation. All you need to do is put all your diligence into it. Walk around withyour eyes open today. Do not lock yourself up into your room, because you may meet someone whowill help your success.


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August, 2014 - week #35August 25, 2014 - Monday

You have nothing to be afraid of today. The number of your personal day is 22, which means thatyou should feel free to relax and dare to act and make decisions freely as a child. You have absolutelynothing to be afraid of. If you dare to let go of your adult self, wonderful things may happen to youtoday. Look at the world in a slightly different light today. Security does not mean that things do notchange around you. Quite the opposite; if you are able to view changes with the eyes of a child, youmay feel security you have never felt before.

This is the day of your childlike self . Today’s number is 22. You have nothing to be scared fromtoday, whatever it is that you are planning to do. If you start doing it, you have everything that youneed. All you need for your initiatives that start today is you. You can be like a child today; everythingis left up to your playfulness. You do not have to wait for expensive tools or special circumstances,because everything that you need is given. You have more than enough experience; you should notover-complicate it. Be confident, you have nothing to be afraid of.

August 26, 2014 - Tuesday

You may experience a lot of surprises today . Your personal day is 5, which makes your day busyand full of surprises. Anything you have planned for today will be turned upside down due to anunexpected event. Do not plan anything concrete today if you can, but let the events themselvesdictate your day. It is possible that an important change will take place that could move your lifeforward and will allow you to learn a lot. Do not get attached to anything today because nothing is forcertain.

This will be a busy day . Today’s number is 5. If you are planning on a big change or taking a trip, itis worth starting both today. Everything that you start doing today will make your life very busy and fullof surprises. Go with the flow if you need to make a decision today. If there is something that you wantto gain a lot of experience from, then it is worth starting today. Do not start doing anything long-termthat requires stability and predictability.

August 27, 2014 - Wednesday

You need a lot of love today . The number of your personal day is 6, which is about your lovingrelationships. You will have an above-average need to be among the people you love the most. Staywith your closest family or meet with your best friends. You will need intimate conversations andembraces today. Slow down and let others pamper you. Do not plan on running around today.

This will be the day of the heart . Today’s number is 6. Listen to your heart if you need to make adecision, and do not let yourself be talked out of it by common sense. You may make one of yourdreams come true with a decision you are making today, but only if the decision is coming from within.Anything you start doing today will have an effect on not just your private life, but your connections withyour friends and family also. Do not try to envision any smart ideas today because you may findyourself on the wrong path.


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August, 2014 - week #35August 28, 2014 - Thursday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.

August 29, 2014 - Friday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

August 30, 2014 - Saturday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.


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August, 2014 - week #35August 31, 2014 - Sunday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.


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You need to eliminate an illusion thismonth The number 16 personal year is about you building illusionary castles from time to time. These arehouses of cards that are swept away by the first breeze. You need to examine whether there are falseemotions in your life that you are deluding yourself with. If you can get away from this, you will be ableto get away with minimal loss. If you wait any longer, everything may easily come crashing down onyou.

People are prone to deluding themselves with things that take them down the wrong paths. This maymanifest itself when you deny your feelings and pretend as if you were not feeling anything or as if theywere not your feelings.

We have intuitions in all areas of life that help us stay on the right path. You either take these feelingsseriously or you sweep them under the carpet. You usually do the latter when they are threateningyour comfort zone, taking them so seriously that you even change your life.

In cases like this, you create illusions with which you try to cover up your emerging feelings. Thismonth you cannot cover these feelings anymore, because if you do, the house of cards that you builtfor your own protection will collapse.

You need to examine your relationship as well to see whether you are feeding false images in yourmind. If you find things that you have not dared to admit to yourself, then it is time you faced them.Perhaps a conversation with yourself will be needed, but you may have to make more seriouschanges. Remember that whatever it is you are sweeping under the carpet, it will bury you with fullforce. If you have not found the one yet, you need to examine yourself to see whether you are feedingfalse expectations to your future partner. It is possible that these prevent your happiness and thenotion you have built will fall on you in the future.

You need to examine the tasks looming over you in your work as well. Which are the tasks that needto be done right away? Start solving them immediately, otherwise you may get into big trouble becausethe task you have been putting off may cause serious damage. If you have not found your dreamprofession yet, it is time you eliminated all your illusions in connection with it. It is possible that youhave unrealistic expectations for yourself and your profession. If you do not set things right in this area,you may easily fall flat on your face.


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September, 2014 - week #36September 01, 2014 - Monday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

September 02, 2014 - Tuesday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.

September 03, 2014 - Wednesday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.


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September, 2014 - week #36September 04, 2014 - Thursday

You may be reborn today . The number of your personal day is 20, which means that you may bereborn physically, emotionally and intellectually today. You will find an unexpected solution or remedyto your problem that resolves everything with a single blow. Be open and listen to your intuitions,because you may need to be at the right place at the right time, meet someone or have an unexpectedguest. Do not say no to anything today; be wise enough to recognize and accept help.

This is the day of big solutions . Today’s number is 20. Whatever happens today, it may provide asolution for a problem that has been going on for a long time. With the impact of the initiatives youbegin today, you may continue life with a new force, as if you resurrected from your ashes like aphoenix. You do not have to think too much about it because you will get the solutions intuitively.Listen to your intuition and set your common sense aside, even if this is not easy for you.

September 05, 2014 - Friday

The world is lying at your feet today . The number of your personal day is 21, which endows youwith the creator power. If you have a big dream that you want to come true, start working onimplementing it today. You could not wish for a more energetic day than today; as if you have caughtthe goldfish from whom you could ask anything. Be open, meet people and talk with them, becausetoday promises miracles. You are necessary for these to happen, as you are the one creating themiracle.

This is the day of big opportunities . Today’s number is 21. It is worth starting something that youhave been planning for a long time because anything is possible today. Today promises huge successin the long-run. Every opportunity is given to make your initiatives that start today successful, becausethis day endows you with real creator power. Success is only up to you; you will not be lacking increative ideas and implementation. All you need to do is put all your diligence into it. Walk around withyour eyes open today. Do not lock yourself up into your room, because you may meet someone whowill help your success.

September 06, 2014 - Saturday

You have nothing to be afraid of today. The number of your personal day is 22, which means thatyou should feel free to relax and dare to act and make decisions freely as a child. You have absolutelynothing to be afraid of. If you dare to let go of your adult self, wonderful things may happen to youtoday. Look at the world in a slightly different light today. Security does not mean that things do notchange around you. Quite the opposite; if you are able to view changes with the eyes of a child, youmay feel security you have never felt before.

This is the day of your childlike self . Today’s number is 22. You have nothing to be scared fromtoday, whatever it is that you are planning to do. If you start doing it, you have everything that youneed. All you need for your initiatives that start today is you. You can be like a child today; everythingis left up to your playfulness. You do not have to wait for expensive tools or special circumstances,because everything that you need is given. You have more than enough experience; you should notover-complicate it. Be confident, you have nothing to be afraid of.


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September, 2014 - week #36September 07, 2014 - Sunday

You may experience a lot of surprises today . Your personal day is 5, which makes your day busyand full of surprises. Anything you have planned for today will be turned upside down due to anunexpected event. Do not plan anything concrete today if you can, but let the events themselvesdictate your day. It is possible that an important change will take place that could move your lifeforward and will allow you to learn a lot. Do not get attached to anything today because nothing is forcertain.

This will be a busy day . Today’s number is 5. If you are planning on a big change or taking a trip, itis worth starting both today. Everything that you start doing today will make your life very busy and fullof surprises. Go with the flow if you need to make a decision today. If there is something that you wantto gain a lot of experience from, then it is worth starting today. Do not start doing anything long-termthat requires stability and predictability.

September 08, 2014 - Monday

You need a lot of love today . The number of your personal day is 6, which is about your lovingrelationships. You will have an above-average need to be among the people you love the most. Staywith your closest family or meet with your best friends. You will need intimate conversations andembraces today. Slow down and let others pamper you. Do not plan on running around today.

This will be the day of the heart . Today’s number is 6. Listen to your heart if you need to make adecision, and do not let yourself be talked out of it by common sense. You may make one of yourdreams come true with a decision you are making today, but only if the decision is coming from within.Anything you start doing today will have an effect on not just your private life, but your connections withyour friends and family also. Do not try to envision any smart ideas today because you may findyourself on the wrong path.

September 09, 2014 - Tuesday

You need to retreat today . The number of your personal day is 7, which means that your day isabout reflection and turning inside. Stay at home today if you can or at least do your tasks alone,because you need engagement and cleanness. You may contemplate the burdens that you no longerwant to keep carrying and decide to get rid of them. Today you will need to be by yourself. Postponeany gatherings of friends and family to another day.

This will be the day of immersion . Today’s number is 7. Anything that you start working on todaywill serve your emotional growth. The long-term commitments you agree to take part in today will bringengagement into your life. If you need to get rid of something (i.e., excess weight), or someone (i.e., abad relationship) that is holding you back, today will be perfect for starting that process. If you need tomake a serious decision today where precision and a clear head are needed, you should feelcomfortable doing it today. Today will not be good for initiating light relationships, or steps that requireyour inner dynamic energies. Today is about deliberation.


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September, 2014 - week #37September 10, 2014 - Wednesday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

September 11, 2014 - Thursday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.

September 12, 2014 - Friday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.


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September, 2014 - week #37September 13, 2014 - Saturday

You may be reborn today . The number of your personal day is 20, which means that you may bereborn physically, emotionally and intellectually today. You will find an unexpected solution or remedyto your problem that resolves everything with a single blow. Be open and listen to your intuitions,because you may need to be at the right place at the right time, meet someone or have an unexpectedguest. Do not say no to anything today; be wise enough to recognize and accept help.

This is the day of big solutions . Today’s number is 20. Whatever happens today, it may provide asolution for a problem that has been going on for a long time. With the impact of the initiatives youbegin today, you may continue life with a new force, as if you resurrected from your ashes like aphoenix. You do not have to think too much about it because you will get the solutions intuitively.Listen to your intuition and set your common sense aside, even if this is not easy for you.

September 14, 2014 - Sunday

The world is lying at your feet today . The number of your personal day is 21, which endows youwith the creator power. If you have a big dream that you want to come true, start working onimplementing it today. You could not wish for a more energetic day than today; as if you have caughtthe goldfish from whom you could ask anything. Be open, meet people and talk with them, becausetoday promises miracles. You are necessary for these to happen, as you are the one creating themiracle.

This is the day of big opportunities . Today’s number is 21. It is worth starting something that youhave been planning for a long time because anything is possible today. Today promises huge successin the long-run. Every opportunity is given to make your initiatives that start today successful, becausethis day endows you with real creator power. Success is only up to you; you will not be lacking increative ideas and implementation. All you need to do is put all your diligence into it. Walk around withyour eyes open today. Do not lock yourself up into your room, because you may meet someone whowill help your success.

September 15, 2014 - Monday

You have nothing to be afraid of today. The number of your personal day is 22, which means thatyou should feel free to relax and dare to act and make decisions freely as a child. You have absolutelynothing to be afraid of. If you dare to let go of your adult self, wonderful things may happen to youtoday. Look at the world in a slightly different light today. Security does not mean that things do notchange around you. Quite the opposite; if you are able to view changes with the eyes of a child, youmay feel security you have never felt before.

This is the day of your childlike self . Today’s number is 22. You have nothing to be scared fromtoday, whatever it is that you are planning to do. If you start doing it, you have everything that youneed. All you need for your initiatives that start today is you. You can be like a child today; everythingis left up to your playfulness. You do not have to wait for expensive tools or special circumstances,because everything that you need is given. You have more than enough experience; you should notover-complicate it. Be confident, you have nothing to be afraid of.


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September, 2014 - week #38September 16, 2014 - Tuesday

You may experience a lot of surprises today . Your personal day is 5, which makes your day busyand full of surprises. Anything you have planned for today will be turned upside down due to anunexpected event. Do not plan anything concrete today if you can, but let the events themselvesdictate your day. It is possible that an important change will take place that could move your lifeforward and will allow you to learn a lot. Do not get attached to anything today because nothing is forcertain.

This will be a busy day . Today’s number is 5. If you are planning on a big change or taking a trip, itis worth starting both today. Everything that you start doing today will make your life very busy and fullof surprises. Go with the flow if you need to make a decision today. If there is something that you wantto gain a lot of experience from, then it is worth starting today. Do not start doing anything long-termthat requires stability and predictability.

September 17, 2014 - Wednesday

You need a lot of love today . The number of your personal day is 6, which is about your lovingrelationships. You will have an above-average need to be among the people you love the most. Staywith your closest family or meet with your best friends. You will need intimate conversations andembraces today. Slow down and let others pamper you. Do not plan on running around today.

This will be the day of the heart . Today’s number is 6. Listen to your heart if you need to make adecision, and do not let yourself be talked out of it by common sense. You may make one of yourdreams come true with a decision you are making today, but only if the decision is coming from within.Anything you start doing today will have an effect on not just your private life, but your connections withyour friends and family also. Do not try to envision any smart ideas today because you may findyourself on the wrong path.

September 18, 2014 - Thursday

You need to retreat today . The number of your personal day is 7, which means that your day isabout reflection and turning inside. Stay at home today if you can or at least do your tasks alone,because you need engagement and cleanness. You may contemplate the burdens that you no longerwant to keep carrying and decide to get rid of them. Today you will need to be by yourself. Postponeany gatherings of friends and family to another day.

This will be the day of immersion . Today’s number is 7. Anything that you start working on todaywill serve your emotional growth. The long-term commitments you agree to take part in today will bringengagement into your life. If you need to get rid of something (i.e., excess weight), or someone (i.e., abad relationship) that is holding you back, today will be perfect for starting that process. If you need tomake a serious decision today where precision and a clear head are needed, you should feelcomfortable doing it today. Today will not be good for initiating light relationships, or steps that requireyour inner dynamic energies. Today is about deliberation.


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September, 2014 - week #38September 19, 2014 - Friday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

September 20, 2014 - Saturday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.

September 21, 2014 - Sunday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.


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September, 2014 - week #39September 22, 2014 - Monday

You may be reborn today . The number of your personal day is 20, which means that you may bereborn physically, emotionally and intellectually today. You will find an unexpected solution or remedyto your problem that resolves everything with a single blow. Be open and listen to your intuitions,because you may need to be at the right place at the right time, meet someone or have an unexpectedguest. Do not say no to anything today; be wise enough to recognize and accept help.

This is the day of big solutions . Today’s number is 20. Whatever happens today, it may provide asolution for a problem that has been going on for a long time. With the impact of the initiatives youbegin today, you may continue life with a new force, as if you resurrected from your ashes like aphoenix. You do not have to think too much about it because you will get the solutions intuitively.Listen to your intuition and set your common sense aside, even if this is not easy for you.

September 23, 2014 - Tuesday

The world is lying at your feet today . The number of your personal day is 21, which endows youwith the creator power. If you have a big dream that you want to come true, start working onimplementing it today. You could not wish for a more energetic day than today; as if you have caughtthe goldfish from whom you could ask anything. Be open, meet people and talk with them, becausetoday promises miracles. You are necessary for these to happen, as you are the one creating themiracle.

This is the day of big opportunities . Today’s number is 21. It is worth starting something that youhave been planning for a long time because anything is possible today. Today promises huge successin the long-run. Every opportunity is given to make your initiatives that start today successful, becausethis day endows you with real creator power. Success is only up to you; you will not be lacking increative ideas and implementation. All you need to do is put all your diligence into it. Walk around withyour eyes open today. Do not lock yourself up into your room, because you may meet someone whowill help your success.

September 24, 2014 - Wednesday

You have nothing to be afraid of today. The number of your personal day is 22, which means thatyou should feel free to relax and dare to act and make decisions freely as a child. You have absolutelynothing to be afraid of. If you dare to let go of your adult self, wonderful things may happen to youtoday. Look at the world in a slightly different light today. Security does not mean that things do notchange around you. Quite the opposite; if you are able to view changes with the eyes of a child, youmay feel security you have never felt before.

This is the day of your childlike self . Today’s number is 22. You have nothing to be scared fromtoday, whatever it is that you are planning to do. If you start doing it, you have everything that youneed. All you need for your initiatives that start today is you. You can be like a child today; everythingis left up to your playfulness. You do not have to wait for expensive tools or special circumstances,because everything that you need is given. You have more than enough experience; you should notover-complicate it. Be confident, you have nothing to be afraid of.


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September, 2014 - week #39September 25, 2014 - Thursday

You may experience a lot of surprises today . Your personal day is 5, which makes your day busyand full of surprises. Anything you have planned for today will be turned upside down due to anunexpected event. Do not plan anything concrete today if you can, but let the events themselvesdictate your day. It is possible that an important change will take place that could move your lifeforward and will allow you to learn a lot. Do not get attached to anything today because nothing is forcertain.

This will be a busy day . Today’s number is 5. If you are planning on a big change or taking a trip, itis worth starting both today. Everything that you start doing today will make your life very busy and fullof surprises. Go with the flow if you need to make a decision today. If there is something that you wantto gain a lot of experience from, then it is worth starting today. Do not start doing anything long-termthat requires stability and predictability.

September 26, 2014 - Friday

You need a lot of love today . The number of your personal day is 6, which is about your lovingrelationships. You will have an above-average need to be among the people you love the most. Staywith your closest family or meet with your best friends. You will need intimate conversations andembraces today. Slow down and let others pamper you. Do not plan on running around today.

This will be the day of the heart . Today’s number is 6. Listen to your heart if you need to make adecision, and do not let yourself be talked out of it by common sense. You may make one of yourdreams come true with a decision you are making today, but only if the decision is coming from within.Anything you start doing today will have an effect on not just your private life, but your connections withyour friends and family also. Do not try to envision any smart ideas today because you may findyourself on the wrong path.

September 27, 2014 - Saturday

You need to retreat today . The number of your personal day is 7, which means that your day isabout reflection and turning inside. Stay at home today if you can or at least do your tasks alone,because you need engagement and cleanness. You may contemplate the burdens that you no longerwant to keep carrying and decide to get rid of them. Today you will need to be by yourself. Postponeany gatherings of friends and family to another day.

This will be the day of immersion . Today’s number is 7. Anything that you start working on todaywill serve your emotional growth. The long-term commitments you agree to take part in today will bringengagement into your life. If you need to get rid of something (i.e., excess weight), or someone (i.e., abad relationship) that is holding you back, today will be perfect for starting that process. If you need tomake a serious decision today where precision and a clear head are needed, you should feelcomfortable doing it today. Today will not be good for initiating light relationships, or steps that requireyour inner dynamic energies. Today is about deliberation.


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September, 2014 - week #39September 28, 2014 - Sunday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

September 29, 2014 - Monday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.

September 30, 2014 - Tuesday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.


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You will be very motivated this month The number 8 personal month is about feeling a strong inner urge to achieve a great goal higher thanyourself. This month is not about idling; you need to work extremely hard. Incredibly intense energiesare at work within you that inspire you to implement your plans.

If you have a plan that you have been procrastinating to implement, then the time has now come tostart doing it and follow it through with full force. Once you start, there will be no stopping anywaybecause you will feel as if an inner engine was working inside you.

You need to make sure that at the very least, you are able to relax at night. I suggest you spend atleast one hour before going to bed with a soothing and soul-warming activity. Read a novel in the bathtub, for example.

If you do not have a plan yet, it is time you sat down and made one to start implementingimmediately. Take advantage of this opportunity because you will not always have such motivation. Doyour very best. Now you can finally think big since you are able to exceed all your fantasies. The sharing and implementing of goals may become an important aspect of your relationship as well,and it should be no surprise that you are the driving force behind it. Make sure that you always checkin with your partner before starting something that would be too much for them. Not everybody has theenergy you do, but this could certainly inspire your partner as well. If you have not found the one yet,you should enjoy life with full force. Take care with the self-confidence that this period is giving you sothat you do not set the bar so high that no one can bound over it. Try to show a little empathy for thechosen “prey.”

This will be a period of tough march in your work as well. If you have a concrete idea and you lovewhat you are doing, then you will be able to bring much more out of yourself than in an average month.Now you can even overextend yourself because by doing so, you inspire yourself to utilize the powerof this period to the max. If you have not found the ideal profession yet, then it is time you startedcreating plans and implemented them immediately. The drive within you defeats everyone around you.You will be able to tear down doors and walls with this energy, and also get into places you thoughtwas impossible to get in.


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October, 2014 - week #40October 01, 2014 - Wednesday

Take a step behind in your life . The number of your personal day is 9, which is about being anoutsider in the events of your life and being able to see things from a bird’s perspective. Take a stepbehind and you will be able to see the beauty and goodness in things you would not typically be able ofrecognizing. You may find a solution to a problem that has avoided your attention. Today you will get achance to summarize the experiences of the past period and draw conclusions from them. Do not try tostart something new today because you will have enough time to do so tomorrow.

This is the day of wise consideration . Today’s number is 9. Everything you start working on todayhas to serve the common interest of the people. Any initiative of yours that starts today will have abeneficial effect on your micro and macro environment as well. Base the decisions you are makingtoday on the experiences of the period behind you. Start working solely on long-term projects whereyou can invest yourself unconditionally, since today is not about personality, but community.

October 02, 2014 - Thursday

Today will be very illuminating for you . The number of your personal day is 10, which is about thesurfacing of an area of your life that you do not deal with much. Today may be very illuminating for you,but only if you are willing to accept the teaching. Today may have a double effect: your life may startmoving uphill, which is especially true if you are at rock bottom now; or it can start moving downhillquickly. Do not be frightened, because you will learn from both and will come out of it as a strongerperson. Otherwise, you will be very energetic and decisive today. You have nothing to fear, becauseeverything will turn out fortunate.

This is the day of preparation . Today’s number is 10. Whatever you start working on today will bean intense undertaking for you. You will learn a lot from it, however, and it will prepare you for the nextperiod of your life. Areas of your life that were previously unavailable to you will be revealed throughthe impacts of today’s events. It is time you met them now. Do not get scared if what you started todaywill turn your life into a rollercoaster. Today is very dynamic; act accordingly and do not hesitatebecause today promises luck as well.

October 03, 2014 - Friday

Today will be passionate . The number of your personal day is 11, which brings out the best in youif you allow it. The instinctive powers that have been given to you since you were born will awaken. Bebrave and wise enough today to give space to this power. If you cannot express it, it will strain youfrom the inside. Plan on intense exercise today so that you can get rid of this excess energy.

This is the day of power . The number of today is 11. Whatever you start working on today will befull of power and passion. Everything starting today in your life teaches you passion and shows you thepowers you have inside. You get power for your tasks that start today, as if the powers above wereholding your hands and were telling you constantly what you needed to do in order to be healthy. Allyou need to do is never over judge your intuitions; you should not follow your common sense now.


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October, 2014 - week #40October 04, 2014 - Saturday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.

October 05, 2014 - Sunday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.

October 06, 2014 - Monday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.


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October, 2014 - week #41October 07, 2014 - Tuesday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.

October 08, 2014 - Wednesday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.

October 09, 2014 - Thursday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.


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October, 2014 - week #41October 10, 2014 - Friday

Take a step behind in your life . The number of your personal day is 9, which is about being anoutsider in the events of your life and being able to see things from a bird’s perspective. Take a stepbehind and you will be able to see the beauty and goodness in things you would not typically be able ofrecognizing. You may find a solution to a problem that has avoided your attention. Today you will get achance to summarize the experiences of the past period and draw conclusions from them. Do not try tostart something new today because you will have enough time to do so tomorrow.

This is the day of wise consideration . Today’s number is 9. Everything you start working on todayhas to serve the common interest of the people. Any initiative of yours that starts today will have abeneficial effect on your micro and macro environment as well. Base the decisions you are makingtoday on the experiences of the period behind you. Start working solely on long-term projects whereyou can invest yourself unconditionally, since today is not about personality, but community.

October 11, 2014 - Saturday

Today will be very illuminating for you . The number of your personal day is 10, which is about thesurfacing of an area of your life that you do not deal with much. Today may be very illuminating for you,but only if you are willing to accept the teaching. Today may have a double effect: your life may startmoving uphill, which is especially true if you are at rock bottom now; or it can start moving downhillquickly. Do not be frightened, because you will learn from both and will come out of it as a strongerperson. Otherwise, you will be very energetic and decisive today. You have nothing to fear, becauseeverything will turn out fortunate.

This is the day of preparation . Today’s number is 10. Whatever you start working on today will bean intense undertaking for you. You will learn a lot from it, however, and it will prepare you for the nextperiod of your life. Areas of your life that were previously unavailable to you will be revealed throughthe impacts of today’s events. It is time you met them now. Do not get scared if what you started todaywill turn your life into a rollercoaster. Today is very dynamic; act accordingly and do not hesitatebecause today promises luck as well.

October 12, 2014 - Sunday

Today will be passionate . The number of your personal day is 11, which brings out the best in youif you allow it. The instinctive powers that have been given to you since you were born will awaken. Bebrave and wise enough today to give space to this power. If you cannot express it, it will strain youfrom the inside. Plan on intense exercise today so that you can get rid of this excess energy.

This is the day of power . The number of today is 11. Whatever you start working on today will befull of power and passion. Everything starting today in your life teaches you passion and shows you thepowers you have inside. You get power for your tasks that start today, as if the powers above wereholding your hands and were telling you constantly what you needed to do in order to be healthy. Allyou need to do is never over judge your intuitions; you should not follow your common sense now.


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October, 2014 - week #42October 13, 2014 - Monday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.

October 14, 2014 - Tuesday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.

October 15, 2014 - Wednesday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.


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October, 2014 - week #42October 16, 2014 - Thursday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.

October 17, 2014 - Friday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.

October 18, 2014 - Saturday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.


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October, 2014 - week #42October 19, 2014 - Sunday

Take a step behind in your life . The number of your personal day is 9, which is about being anoutsider in the events of your life and being able to see things from a bird’s perspective. Take a stepbehind and you will be able to see the beauty and goodness in things you would not typically be able ofrecognizing. You may find a solution to a problem that has avoided your attention. Today you will get achance to summarize the experiences of the past period and draw conclusions from them. Do not try tostart something new today because you will have enough time to do so tomorrow.

This is the day of wise consideration . Today’s number is 9. Everything you start working on todayhas to serve the common interest of the people. Any initiative of yours that starts today will have abeneficial effect on your micro and macro environment as well. Base the decisions you are makingtoday on the experiences of the period behind you. Start working solely on long-term projects whereyou can invest yourself unconditionally, since today is not about personality, but community.

October 20, 2014 - Monday

Today will be very illuminating for you . The number of your personal day is 10, which is about thesurfacing of an area of your life that you do not deal with much. Today may be very illuminating for you,but only if you are willing to accept the teaching. Today may have a double effect: your life may startmoving uphill, which is especially true if you are at rock bottom now; or it can start moving downhillquickly. Do not be frightened, because you will learn from both and will come out of it as a strongerperson. Otherwise, you will be very energetic and decisive today. You have nothing to fear, becauseeverything will turn out fortunate.

This is the day of preparation . Today’s number is 10. Whatever you start working on today will bean intense undertaking for you. You will learn a lot from it, however, and it will prepare you for the nextperiod of your life. Areas of your life that were previously unavailable to you will be revealed throughthe impacts of today’s events. It is time you met them now. Do not get scared if what you started todaywill turn your life into a rollercoaster. Today is very dynamic; act accordingly and do not hesitatebecause today promises luck as well.

October 21, 2014 - Tuesday

Today will be passionate . The number of your personal day is 11, which brings out the best in youif you allow it. The instinctive powers that have been given to you since you were born will awaken. Bebrave and wise enough today to give space to this power. If you cannot express it, it will strain youfrom the inside. Plan on intense exercise today so that you can get rid of this excess energy.

This is the day of power . The number of today is 11. Whatever you start working on today will befull of power and passion. Everything starting today in your life teaches you passion and shows you thepowers you have inside. You get power for your tasks that start today, as if the powers above wereholding your hands and were telling you constantly what you needed to do in order to be healthy. Allyou need to do is never over judge your intuitions; you should not follow your common sense now.


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October, 2014 - week #43October 22, 2014 - Wednesday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.

October 23, 2014 - Thursday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.

October 24, 2014 - Friday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.


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October, 2014 - week #43October 25, 2014 - Saturday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.

October 26, 2014 - Sunday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.


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You need to trust yourself now If your personal year has been designated number 17, your life is about not losing your mostimportant values during this period. Your situation may seem beyond hope now, but you need to stickby what has always been the most important in your life. Always keep your guiding star in mind,because only this hope will help you when you get into the most difficult situations.

You need to examine your life and take what has always been important into account. Theaccumulation of these values will be the guiding star that follows you through life, giving you strengthand persistence in the most difficult moments. You cannot take any step further in this period withoutclarifying these within yourself.

You had plenty of opportunities during the previous period to get rid of worthless and fake things. Youneed to fill whatever is left clean and empty with value. Only the truth and real things remain, which willdefine your life in the following times.

Do not tolerate anything that is not in harmony with your most important values. Keep yourself lucid;do not allow fake things to blur your clear vision. Make sure that you do not let yourself be misguided.Do not let who you really are and what you want to achieve fall into oblivion.

It will be equally important in your relationship as well to clarify for yourself what you expect from lifeand what the most important values are that you require in a relationship. These are such importantvalues that you need to agree with each other 100%. You should never yield from these, otherwise youwould betray yourself. If you have not found the one yet, it is very important to clarify beforehand whatrelationship you want for real; what it is that you are expecting from your future partner and what it isyou may give to them. If you start a relationship without clarifying these, you will be disappointed againand again.

It is just as necessary to keep your most important values in mind, since if you are doing work thatinvolves giving up these values, you are actually demeaning yourself and you will never feel successfuland satisfied. The job that you are doing needs to be authentic for yourself. If you have not found yourdream profession yet, I suggest you make a list of things that need to be in your life in order for you tofeel happy and successful. It will be easy to decide afterwards, because you only need to look at yourlist and compare them to your values; thus you will be able to make excellent decisions.


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You need to evaluate the events of the previous period The number 9 personal month is about retreating a little and understanding the lesson of all that hashappened to you in the past eight months. You need this because you have to know what you havedone right and what you need to change, so that you can do more in the next period.

You need to start off with a completely blank sheet in the next month; therefore, you need to sum upthe results you have achieved in retrospect and draw the necessary conclusions. Do not try to start tooburdensome a task, but rather strive to finish as many as you can from your to-do list; this way, nothingstands in your way during the next dynamic period.

This closure up needs a degree of isolation; therefore, try not to have many people around you. Bysumming up these experiences, you will become wiser and perhaps even succeed in taking a stepforward in your own personal development. After this period, you will view the events of your life in thepast period from a little higher perspective and may understand things that you could not accept in thegiven moment.

It is important to understand that you need all these experiences to be able to grow. However, youwill understand many experiences afterwards. The puzzle pieces will fall into place and a much morecomplex picture will appear than before.

It is worth stopping for a minute and summing up everything that has happened in the past period inyour relationship. Joint changes will be needed in certain things if it is necessary, but remember thatthis is about you first and foremost; therefore, you need to make the first steps of the change yourself.Never wait for your partner, because everybody has to walk their own paths, even if it is hard toaccept. If you have not found the one yet, you need to draw the proper conclusions in connection withyourself. You need to examine what mistakes you are making again and again that prevent you fromfinding happiness. Immerse yourself in reflection and recognize what you need to change in the future.

Strive to complete all the work you have started in your job. Do not begin any new long-term goals.Evaluate the events of the previous period and see where you have to grow and how you couldimprove your earlier accomplishments. The next period will be dynamic, so start gathering energy for itright away. If you have not found your dream profession yet, you need to examine the steps you tookin the previous period and see what you should do differently so that success can crown yourendeavors in the future. Perhaps you need to learn something new. Perhaps you need to get rid of abad habit that is only wasting your time and acquire a successful habit instead that will take you closerto your goals.


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October, 2014 - week #44October 27, 2014 - Monday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

October 28, 2014 - Tuesday

Today will be very illuminating for you . The number of your personal day is 10, which is about thesurfacing of an area of your life that you do not deal with much. Today may be very illuminating for you,but only if you are willing to accept the teaching. Today may have a double effect: your life may startmoving uphill, which is especially true if you are at rock bottom now; or it can start moving downhillquickly. Do not be frightened, because you will learn from both and will come out of it as a strongerperson. Otherwise, you will be very energetic and decisive today. You have nothing to fear, becauseeverything will turn out fortunate.

This is the day of wise consideration . Today’s number is 9. Everything you start working on todayhas to serve the common interest of the people. Any initiative of yours that starts today will have abeneficial effect on your micro and macro environment as well. Base the decisions you are makingtoday on the experiences of the period behind you. Start working solely on long-term projects whereyou can invest yourself unconditionally, since today is not about personality, but community.

October 29, 2014 - Wednesday

Today will be passionate . The number of your personal day is 11, which brings out the best in youif you allow it. The instinctive powers that have been given to you since you were born will awaken. Bebrave and wise enough today to give space to this power. If you cannot express it, it will strain youfrom the inside. Plan on intense exercise today so that you can get rid of this excess energy.

This is the day of preparation . Today’s number is 10. Whatever you start working on today will bean intense undertaking for you. You will learn a lot from it, however, and it will prepare you for the nextperiod of your life. Areas of your life that were previously unavailable to you will be revealed throughthe impacts of today’s events. It is time you met them now. Do not get scared if what you started todaywill turn your life into a rollercoaster. Today is very dynamic; act accordingly and do not hesitatebecause today promises luck as well.


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October, 2014 - week #44October 30, 2014 - Thursday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of power . The number of today is 11. Whatever you start working on today will befull of power and passion. Everything starting today in your life teaches you passion and shows you thepowers you have inside. You get power for your tasks that start today, as if the powers above wereholding your hands and were telling you constantly what you needed to do in order to be healthy. Allyou need to do is never over judge your intuitions; you should not follow your common sense now.

October 31, 2014 - Friday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.


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You need to get to know a new side of yours The number 10 personal month is about you dealing with a part of your soul that you may beunfamiliar with. This month is about you needing to discover and get to know a yet unknown emotionalarea. If you ignore it, you may feel as if you were sitting on a roller coaster, destined to go up and downad infinitum. This emotional rollercoaster is made possible because the areas of your life which you aretrying to keep submerged appear from time to time, dragging you down into the depths to confront allthe things you have previously swept under the carpet.

Everything that you are trying to avoid or get away from will sooner or later find you to demandcompensation. During this period, you will have to pay off your debts to life so that you can get rid ofthis onerous burden.

The emotions that you would prefer not surface frequently drain a lot of unnecessary energy fromyou, preventing you from being free and energetic. Everything that you are postponing is tying down anenormous emotional energy. It is time you took out those things that you have been sweeping underthe rug. This will be like an emotional spring cleaning.

In your relationship, you need to face everything that you have been trying to ignore. It is time youclarified the emotional misunderstandings and talked openly about how you were feeling. Perhaps ifyou dealt with a certain area more, your relationship would have even more depth. If you have notfound the one yet, the time has come to cleanse yourself emotionally and face the areas in your soulthat prevent you from opening up; perhaps you still have feelings towards an unresolved relationship,or some other emotional injury is preventing you from moving on.

There may be areas in your work that you need to develop. If you want to be really successful, youstill have a lot to learn; you can never say that you are ready. Now you need to see what you haveneglected the most, because huge opportunities may open up for you if you start developing in theseareas. If you have not found your dream profession yet, then studying is essential, since it is notenough to have an excellent profession. Perhaps you need to learn something that you thought was faraway from you. The solution is often brought to your life by accepting things that have been beyondyour radar till now.


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November, 2014 - week #44November 01, 2014 - Saturday

Today will be passionate . The number of your personal day is 11, which brings out the best in youif you allow it. The instinctive powers that have been given to you since you were born will awaken. Bebrave and wise enough today to give space to this power. If you cannot express it, it will strain youfrom the inside. Plan on intense exercise today so that you can get rid of this excess energy.

This is the day of preparation . Today’s number is 10. Whatever you start working on today will bean intense undertaking for you. You will learn a lot from it, however, and it will prepare you for the nextperiod of your life. Areas of your life that were previously unavailable to you will be revealed throughthe impacts of today’s events. It is time you met them now. Do not get scared if what you started todaywill turn your life into a rollercoaster. Today is very dynamic; act accordingly and do not hesitatebecause today promises luck as well.

November 02, 2014 - Sunday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of power . The number of today is 11. Whatever you start working on today will befull of power and passion. Everything starting today in your life teaches you passion and shows you thepowers you have inside. You get power for your tasks that start today, as if the powers above wereholding your hands and were telling you constantly what you needed to do in order to be healthy. Allyou need to do is never over judge your intuitions; you should not follow your common sense now.

November 03, 2014 - Monday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.


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November, 2014 - week #45November 04, 2014 - Tuesday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.

November 05, 2014 - Wednesday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.

November 06, 2014 - Thursday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.


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November, 2014 - week #45November 07, 2014 - Friday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.

November 08, 2014 - Saturday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

November 09, 2014 - Sunday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.


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November, 2014 - week #46November 10, 2014 - Monday

Today will be passionate . The number of your personal day is 11, which brings out the best in youif you allow it. The instinctive powers that have been given to you since you were born will awaken. Bebrave and wise enough today to give space to this power. If you cannot express it, it will strain youfrom the inside. Plan on intense exercise today so that you can get rid of this excess energy.

This is the day of preparation . Today’s number is 10. Whatever you start working on today will bean intense undertaking for you. You will learn a lot from it, however, and it will prepare you for the nextperiod of your life. Areas of your life that were previously unavailable to you will be revealed throughthe impacts of today’s events. It is time you met them now. Do not get scared if what you started todaywill turn your life into a rollercoaster. Today is very dynamic; act accordingly and do not hesitatebecause today promises luck as well.

November 11, 2014 - Tuesday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of power . The number of today is 11. Whatever you start working on today will befull of power and passion. Everything starting today in your life teaches you passion and shows you thepowers you have inside. You get power for your tasks that start today, as if the powers above wereholding your hands and were telling you constantly what you needed to do in order to be healthy. Allyou need to do is never over judge your intuitions; you should not follow your common sense now.

November 12, 2014 - Wednesday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.


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November, 2014 - week #46November 13, 2014 - Thursday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.

November 14, 2014 - Friday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.

November 15, 2014 - Saturday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.


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November, 2014 - week #46November 16, 2014 - Sunday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.

November 17, 2014 - Monday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

November 18, 2014 - Tuesday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.


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November, 2014 - week #47November 19, 2014 - Wednesday

Today will be passionate . The number of your personal day is 11, which brings out the best in youif you allow it. The instinctive powers that have been given to you since you were born will awaken. Bebrave and wise enough today to give space to this power. If you cannot express it, it will strain youfrom the inside. Plan on intense exercise today so that you can get rid of this excess energy.

This is the day of preparation . Today’s number is 10. Whatever you start working on today will bean intense undertaking for you. You will learn a lot from it, however, and it will prepare you for the nextperiod of your life. Areas of your life that were previously unavailable to you will be revealed throughthe impacts of today’s events. It is time you met them now. Do not get scared if what you started todaywill turn your life into a rollercoaster. Today is very dynamic; act accordingly and do not hesitatebecause today promises luck as well.

November 20, 2014 - Thursday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of power . The number of today is 11. Whatever you start working on today will befull of power and passion. Everything starting today in your life teaches you passion and shows you thepowers you have inside. You get power for your tasks that start today, as if the powers above wereholding your hands and were telling you constantly what you needed to do in order to be healthy. Allyou need to do is never over judge your intuitions; you should not follow your common sense now.

November 21, 2014 - Friday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.


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November, 2014 - week #47November 22, 2014 - Saturday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.

November 23, 2014 - Sunday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.

November 24, 2014 - Monday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.


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November, 2014 - week #48November 25, 2014 - Tuesday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.

November 26, 2014 - Wednesday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

November 27, 2014 - Thursday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.


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November, 2014 - week #48November 28, 2014 - Friday

Today will be passionate . The number of your personal day is 11, which brings out the best in youif you allow it. The instinctive powers that have been given to you since you were born will awaken. Bebrave and wise enough today to give space to this power. If you cannot express it, it will strain youfrom the inside. Plan on intense exercise today so that you can get rid of this excess energy.

This is the day of preparation . Today’s number is 10. Whatever you start working on today will bean intense undertaking for you. You will learn a lot from it, however, and it will prepare you for the nextperiod of your life. Areas of your life that were previously unavailable to you will be revealed throughthe impacts of today’s events. It is time you met them now. Do not get scared if what you started todaywill turn your life into a rollercoaster. Today is very dynamic; act accordingly and do not hesitatebecause today promises luck as well.

November 29, 2014 - Saturday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of power . The number of today is 11. Whatever you start working on today will befull of power and passion. Everything starting today in your life teaches you passion and shows you thepowers you have inside. You get power for your tasks that start today, as if the powers above wereholding your hands and were telling you constantly what you needed to do in order to be healthy. Allyou need to do is never over judge your intuitions; you should not follow your common sense now.

November 30, 2014 - Sunday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.


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You can develop your passion this month The number 11 personal month is about moving the emotional powers inside you. Passion is not onlyabout love. Passion is a lifestyle you can make yours if you are fully aware of your inner emotionalenergies and have no blocks preventing the free flow of your energies.

For you, passionate life means that you are able to mobilize your inner powers and opportunities inevery conceivable way. When passion awakens in you, your whole life changes from it. You will nolonger be able to separate your private life from work, because they will become a unified whole.

In order for this flow to commence in your life, you will have an opportunity this month to make youremotions more conscious. Passionate life means that you are always able to act according to youremotions, and social expectations or fears do not hinder you.

A lower manifestation of passion is the instinctual world, which can rule your life if you prevent youremotions from flowing freely. You might suppress your emotions because you are afraid of whatpeople would think if you let your emotions go without restrictions.

Tremendous powers start moving within you this month. If you cannot give space to them, they willcause huge tension in you. I suggest you insert intensive exercise into your schedule so that you canget rid of this incredible tension and energy.

This power will affect your relationship as well. If you are able to make space for them, big changesmay happen in this area as well. If your relationship is strong and stable, this power may take you to aneven higher level. If you are experiencing problems and are having difficulties in accepting yourselvesand each other, then the conflicts may intensify. If you have not found the one yet, it is time you gavespace for your real emotions because these feelings may lead you to the person with whom you will beable to build a passionate relationship.

You need to make space for passion in your work as well. If your life is only about constant soulcrushing work, then the wish to change professions immediately may intensify in you. If you like whatyou are doing, you will be able to do special things during this period. Listen inwards and you will seewhat these powers bring out in you. If you have not found your dream profession yet, tear down yourinner boundaries and let something start moving within you. If your feelings are telling you to actspontaneously, break away from the usual rut because your inner powers will guide you to your goal.


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December, 2014 - week #49December 01, 2014 - Monday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of power . The number of today is 11. Whatever you start working on today will befull of power and passion. Everything starting today in your life teaches you passion and shows you thepowers you have inside. You get power for your tasks that start today, as if the powers above wereholding your hands and were telling you constantly what you needed to do in order to be healthy. Allyou need to do is never over judge your intuitions; you should not follow your common sense now.

December 02, 2014 - Tuesday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.

December 03, 2014 - Wednesday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.


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December, 2014 - week #49December 04, 2014 - Thursday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.

December 05, 2014 - Friday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.

December 06, 2014 - Saturday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.


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December, 2014 - week #49December 07, 2014 - Sunday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

December 08, 2014 - Monday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.

December 09, 2014 - Tuesday

You may be reborn today . The number of your personal day is 20, which means that you may bereborn physically, emotionally and intellectually today. You will find an unexpected solution or remedyto your problem that resolves everything with a single blow. Be open and listen to your intuitions,because you may need to be at the right place at the right time, meet someone or have an unexpectedguest. Do not say no to anything today; be wise enough to recognize and accept help.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.


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December, 2014 - week #50December 10, 2014 - Wednesday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of power . The number of today is 11. Whatever you start working on today will befull of power and passion. Everything starting today in your life teaches you passion and shows you thepowers you have inside. You get power for your tasks that start today, as if the powers above wereholding your hands and were telling you constantly what you needed to do in order to be healthy. Allyou need to do is never over judge your intuitions; you should not follow your common sense now.

December 11, 2014 - Thursday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.

December 12, 2014 - Friday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.


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December, 2014 - week #50December 13, 2014 - Saturday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.

December 14, 2014 - Sunday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.

December 15, 2014 - Monday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.


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December, 2014 - week #51December 16, 2014 - Tuesday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

December 17, 2014 - Wednesday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.

December 18, 2014 - Thursday

You may be reborn today . The number of your personal day is 20, which means that you may bereborn physically, emotionally and intellectually today. You will find an unexpected solution or remedyto your problem that resolves everything with a single blow. Be open and listen to your intuitions,because you may need to be at the right place at the right time, meet someone or have an unexpectedguest. Do not say no to anything today; be wise enough to recognize and accept help.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.


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December, 2014 - week #51December 19, 2014 - Friday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of power . The number of today is 11. Whatever you start working on today will befull of power and passion. Everything starting today in your life teaches you passion and shows you thepowers you have inside. You get power for your tasks that start today, as if the powers above wereholding your hands and were telling you constantly what you needed to do in order to be healthy. Allyou need to do is never over judge your intuitions; you should not follow your common sense now.

December 20, 2014 - Saturday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.

December 21, 2014 - Sunday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.


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December, 2014 - week #52December 22, 2014 - Monday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.

December 23, 2014 - Tuesday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.

December 24, 2014 - Wednesday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.


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December, 2014 - week #52December 25, 2014 - Thursday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

December 26, 2014 - Friday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.

December 27, 2014 - Saturday

You may be reborn today . The number of your personal day is 20, which means that you may bereborn physically, emotionally and intellectually today. You will find an unexpected solution or remedyto your problem that resolves everything with a single blow. Be open and listen to your intuitions,because you may need to be at the right place at the right time, meet someone or have an unexpectedguest. Do not say no to anything today; be wise enough to recognize and accept help.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.


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December, 2014 - week #52December 28, 2014 - Sunday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of power . The number of today is 11. Whatever you start working on today will befull of power and passion. Everything starting today in your life teaches you passion and shows you thepowers you have inside. You get power for your tasks that start today, as if the powers above wereholding your hands and were telling you constantly what you needed to do in order to be healthy. Allyou need to do is never over judge your intuitions; you should not follow your common sense now.

December 29, 2014 - Monday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.

December 30, 2014 - Tuesday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.


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December, 2014 - week #01December 31, 2014 - Wednesday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.


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You need to evaluate the events of the previous period The number 9 personal month is about retreating a little and understanding the lesson of all that hashappened to you in the past eight months. You need this because you have to know what you havedone right and what you need to change, so that you can do more in the next period.

You need to start off with a completely blank sheet in the next month; therefore, you need to sum upthe results you have achieved in retrospect and draw the necessary conclusions. Do not try to start tooburdensome a task, but rather strive to finish as many as you can from your to-do list; this way, nothingstands in your way during the next dynamic period.

This closure up needs a degree of isolation; therefore, try not to have many people around you. Bysumming up these experiences, you will become wiser and perhaps even succeed in taking a stepforward in your own personal development. After this period, you will view the events of your life in thepast period from a little higher perspective and may understand things that you could not accept in thegiven moment.

It is important to understand that you need all these experiences to be able to grow. However, youwill understand many experiences afterwards. The puzzle pieces will fall into place and a much morecomplex picture will appear than before.

It is worth stopping for a minute and summing up everything that has happened in the past period inyour relationship. Joint changes will be needed in certain things if it is necessary, but remember thatthis is about you first and foremost; therefore, you need to make the first steps of the change yourself.Never wait for your partner, because everybody has to walk their own paths, even if it is hard toaccept. If you have not found the one yet, you need to draw the proper conclusions in connection withyourself. You need to examine what mistakes you are making again and again that prevent you fromfinding happiness. Immerse yourself in reflection and recognize what you need to change in the future.

Strive to complete all the work you have started in your job. Do not begin any new long-term goals.Evaluate the events of the previous period and see where you have to grow and how you couldimprove your earlier accomplishments. The next period will be dynamic, so start gathering energy for itright away. If you have not found your dream profession yet, you need to examine the steps you tookin the previous period and see what you should do differently so that success can crown yourendeavors in the future. Perhaps you need to learn something new. Perhaps you need to get rid of abad habit that is only wasting your time and acquire a successful habit instead that will take you closerto your goals.


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January, 2015 - week #01January 01, 2015 - Thursday

Today will be very illuminating for you . The number of your personal day is 10, which is about thesurfacing of an area of your life that you do not deal with much. Today may be very illuminating for you,but only if you are willing to accept the teaching. Today may have a double effect: your life may startmoving uphill, which is especially true if you are at rock bottom now; or it can start moving downhillquickly. Do not be frightened, because you will learn from both and will come out of it as a strongerperson. Otherwise, you will be very energetic and decisive today. You have nothing to fear, becauseeverything will turn out fortunate.

This is the day of preparation . Today’s number is 10. Whatever you start working on today will bean intense undertaking for you. You will learn a lot from it, however, and it will prepare you for the nextperiod of your life. Areas of your life that were previously unavailable to you will be revealed throughthe impacts of today’s events. It is time you met them now. Do not get scared if what you started todaywill turn your life into a rollercoaster. Today is very dynamic; act accordingly and do not hesitatebecause today promises luck as well.

January 02, 2015 - Friday

Today will be passionate . The number of your personal day is 11, which brings out the best in youif you allow it. The instinctive powers that have been given to you since you were born will awaken. Bebrave and wise enough today to give space to this power. If you cannot express it, it will strain youfrom the inside. Plan on intense exercise today so that you can get rid of this excess energy.

This is the day of power . The number of today is 11. Whatever you start working on today will befull of power and passion. Everything starting today in your life teaches you passion and shows you thepowers you have inside. You get power for your tasks that start today, as if the powers above wereholding your hands and were telling you constantly what you needed to do in order to be healthy. Allyou need to do is never over judge your intuitions; you should not follow your common sense now.

January 03, 2015 - Saturday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.


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January, 2015 - week #01January 04, 2015 - Sunday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.

January 05, 2015 - Monday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.

January 06, 2015 - Tuesday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.


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January, 2015 - week #02January 07, 2015 - Wednesday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.

January 08, 2015 - Thursday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

January 09, 2015 - Friday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.


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January, 2015 - week #02January 10, 2015 - Saturday

Today will be very illuminating for you . The number of your personal day is 10, which is about thesurfacing of an area of your life that you do not deal with much. Today may be very illuminating for you,but only if you are willing to accept the teaching. Today may have a double effect: your life may startmoving uphill, which is especially true if you are at rock bottom now; or it can start moving downhillquickly. Do not be frightened, because you will learn from both and will come out of it as a strongerperson. Otherwise, you will be very energetic and decisive today. You have nothing to fear, becauseeverything will turn out fortunate.

This is the day of preparation . Today’s number is 10. Whatever you start working on today will bean intense undertaking for you. You will learn a lot from it, however, and it will prepare you for the nextperiod of your life. Areas of your life that were previously unavailable to you will be revealed throughthe impacts of today’s events. It is time you met them now. Do not get scared if what you started todaywill turn your life into a rollercoaster. Today is very dynamic; act accordingly and do not hesitatebecause today promises luck as well.

January 11, 2015 - Sunday

Today will be passionate . The number of your personal day is 11, which brings out the best in youif you allow it. The instinctive powers that have been given to you since you were born will awaken. Bebrave and wise enough today to give space to this power. If you cannot express it, it will strain youfrom the inside. Plan on intense exercise today so that you can get rid of this excess energy.

This is the day of power . The number of today is 11. Whatever you start working on today will befull of power and passion. Everything starting today in your life teaches you passion and shows you thepowers you have inside. You get power for your tasks that start today, as if the powers above wereholding your hands and were telling you constantly what you needed to do in order to be healthy. Allyou need to do is never over judge your intuitions; you should not follow your common sense now.

January 12, 2015 - Monday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.


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January, 2015 - week #03January 13, 2015 - Tuesday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.

January 14, 2015 - Wednesday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.

January 15, 2015 - Thursday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.


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January, 2015 - week #03January 16, 2015 - Friday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.

January 17, 2015 - Saturday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

January 18, 2015 - Sunday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.


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January, 2015 - week #04January 19, 2015 - Monday

Today will be very illuminating for you . The number of your personal day is 10, which is about thesurfacing of an area of your life that you do not deal with much. Today may be very illuminating for you,but only if you are willing to accept the teaching. Today may have a double effect: your life may startmoving uphill, which is especially true if you are at rock bottom now; or it can start moving downhillquickly. Do not be frightened, because you will learn from both and will come out of it as a strongerperson. Otherwise, you will be very energetic and decisive today. You have nothing to fear, becauseeverything will turn out fortunate.

This is the day of preparation . Today’s number is 10. Whatever you start working on today will bean intense undertaking for you. You will learn a lot from it, however, and it will prepare you for the nextperiod of your life. Areas of your life that were previously unavailable to you will be revealed throughthe impacts of today’s events. It is time you met them now. Do not get scared if what you started todaywill turn your life into a rollercoaster. Today is very dynamic; act accordingly and do not hesitatebecause today promises luck as well.

January 20, 2015 - Tuesday

Today will be passionate . The number of your personal day is 11, which brings out the best in youif you allow it. The instinctive powers that have been given to you since you were born will awaken. Bebrave and wise enough today to give space to this power. If you cannot express it, it will strain youfrom the inside. Plan on intense exercise today so that you can get rid of this excess energy.

This is the day of power . The number of today is 11. Whatever you start working on today will befull of power and passion. Everything starting today in your life teaches you passion and shows you thepowers you have inside. You get power for your tasks that start today, as if the powers above wereholding your hands and were telling you constantly what you needed to do in order to be healthy. Allyou need to do is never over judge your intuitions; you should not follow your common sense now.

January 21, 2015 - Wednesday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.


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January, 2015 - week #04January 22, 2015 - Thursday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.

January 23, 2015 - Friday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.

January 24, 2015 - Saturday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.


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January, 2015 - week #04January 25, 2015 - Sunday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.

January 26, 2015 - Monday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

January 27, 2015 - Tuesday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.


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January, 2015 - week #05January 28, 2015 - Wednesday

Today will be very illuminating for you . The number of your personal day is 10, which is about thesurfacing of an area of your life that you do not deal with much. Today may be very illuminating for you,but only if you are willing to accept the teaching. Today may have a double effect: your life may startmoving uphill, which is especially true if you are at rock bottom now; or it can start moving downhillquickly. Do not be frightened, because you will learn from both and will come out of it as a strongerperson. Otherwise, you will be very energetic and decisive today. You have nothing to fear, becauseeverything will turn out fortunate.

This is the day of preparation . Today’s number is 10. Whatever you start working on today will bean intense undertaking for you. You will learn a lot from it, however, and it will prepare you for the nextperiod of your life. Areas of your life that were previously unavailable to you will be revealed throughthe impacts of today’s events. It is time you met them now. Do not get scared if what you started todaywill turn your life into a rollercoaster. Today is very dynamic; act accordingly and do not hesitatebecause today promises luck as well.

January 29, 2015 - Thursday

Today will be passionate . The number of your personal day is 11, which brings out the best in youif you allow it. The instinctive powers that have been given to you since you were born will awaken. Bebrave and wise enough today to give space to this power. If you cannot express it, it will strain youfrom the inside. Plan on intense exercise today so that you can get rid of this excess energy.

This is the day of power . The number of today is 11. Whatever you start working on today will befull of power and passion. Everything starting today in your life teaches you passion and shows you thepowers you have inside. You get power for your tasks that start today, as if the powers above wereholding your hands and were telling you constantly what you needed to do in order to be healthy. Allyou need to do is never over judge your intuitions; you should not follow your common sense now.

January 30, 2015 - Friday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.


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January, 2015 - week #05January 31, 2015 - Saturday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.


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You need to get to know a new side of yours The number 10 personal month is about you dealing with a part of your soul that you may beunfamiliar with. This month is about you needing to discover and get to know a yet unknown emotionalarea. If you ignore it, you may feel as if you were sitting on a roller coaster, destined to go up and downad infinitum. This emotional rollercoaster is made possible because the areas of your life which you aretrying to keep submerged appear from time to time, dragging you down into the depths to confront allthe things you have previously swept under the carpet.

Everything that you are trying to avoid or get away from will sooner or later find you to demandcompensation. During this period, you will have to pay off your debts to life so that you can get rid ofthis onerous burden.

The emotions that you would prefer not surface frequently drain a lot of unnecessary energy fromyou, preventing you from being free and energetic. Everything that you are postponing is tying down anenormous emotional energy. It is time you took out those things that you have been sweeping underthe rug. This will be like an emotional spring cleaning.

In your relationship, you need to face everything that you have been trying to ignore. It is time youclarified the emotional misunderstandings and talked openly about how you were feeling. Perhaps ifyou dealt with a certain area more, your relationship would have even more depth. If you have notfound the one yet, the time has come to cleanse yourself emotionally and face the areas in your soulthat prevent you from opening up; perhaps you still have feelings towards an unresolved relationship,or some other emotional injury is preventing you from moving on.

There may be areas in your work that you need to develop. If you want to be really successful, youstill have a lot to learn; you can never say that you are ready. Now you need to see what you haveneglected the most, because huge opportunities may open up for you if you start developing in theseareas. If you have not found your dream profession yet, then studying is essential, since it is notenough to have an excellent profession. Perhaps you need to learn something that you thought was faraway from you. The solution is often brought to your life by accepting things that have been beyondyour radar till now.


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February, 2015 - week #05February 01, 2015 - Sunday

Today will be passionate . The number of your personal day is 11, which brings out the best in youif you allow it. The instinctive powers that have been given to you since you were born will awaken. Bebrave and wise enough today to give space to this power. If you cannot express it, it will strain youfrom the inside. Plan on intense exercise today so that you can get rid of this excess energy.

This is the day of power . The number of today is 11. Whatever you start working on today will befull of power and passion. Everything starting today in your life teaches you passion and shows you thepowers you have inside. You get power for your tasks that start today, as if the powers above wereholding your hands and were telling you constantly what you needed to do in order to be healthy. Allyou need to do is never over judge your intuitions; you should not follow your common sense now.

February 02, 2015 - Monday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.

February 03, 2015 - Tuesday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.


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February, 2015 - week #06February 04, 2015 - Wednesday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.

February 05, 2015 - Thursday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.

February 06, 2015 - Friday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.


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February, 2015 - week #06February 07, 2015 - Saturday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

February 08, 2015 - Sunday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.

February 09, 2015 - Monday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.


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February, 2015 - week #07February 10, 2015 - Tuesday

Today will be passionate . The number of your personal day is 11, which brings out the best in youif you allow it. The instinctive powers that have been given to you since you were born will awaken. Bebrave and wise enough today to give space to this power. If you cannot express it, it will strain youfrom the inside. Plan on intense exercise today so that you can get rid of this excess energy.

This is the day of power . The number of today is 11. Whatever you start working on today will befull of power and passion. Everything starting today in your life teaches you passion and shows you thepowers you have inside. You get power for your tasks that start today, as if the powers above wereholding your hands and were telling you constantly what you needed to do in order to be healthy. Allyou need to do is never over judge your intuitions; you should not follow your common sense now.

February 11, 2015 - Wednesday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.

February 12, 2015 - Thursday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.


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February, 2015 - week #07February 13, 2015 - Friday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.

February 14, 2015 - Saturday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.

February 15, 2015 - Sunday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.


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February, 2015 - week #08February 16, 2015 - Monday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

February 17, 2015 - Tuesday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.

February 18, 2015 - Wednesday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.


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February, 2015 - week #08February 19, 2015 - Thursday

Today will be passionate . The number of your personal day is 11, which brings out the best in youif you allow it. The instinctive powers that have been given to you since you were born will awaken. Bebrave and wise enough today to give space to this power. If you cannot express it, it will strain youfrom the inside. Plan on intense exercise today so that you can get rid of this excess energy.

This is the day of power . The number of today is 11. Whatever you start working on today will befull of power and passion. Everything starting today in your life teaches you passion and shows you thepowers you have inside. You get power for your tasks that start today, as if the powers above wereholding your hands and were telling you constantly what you needed to do in order to be healthy. Allyou need to do is never over judge your intuitions; you should not follow your common sense now.

February 20, 2015 - Friday

Your life may turn upside down today . The number of your personal day is 12, which will test bothyour faith in yourself and your patience. It is possible that everything will turn out exactly the oppositeway that you planned. From this, you may learn never to let the reins fall out of your hands; you shouldalways control your life and do not let others tell you what to do. Believe in yourself; you are able tosolve any difficulties alone. The minute you understand this, order will be restored in your life.

This is the day of the new perspective . Today’s number is 12. Everything that you start doingtoday is guaranteed to turn your life upside down. The long-term events that will begin today will teachyou to see life from another, new perspective. It is possible that everything will happen exactly oppositeto way you have imagined, but this is only testing your faith. It shows you that you need to control theevents of your life. You cannot always expect the solution to come from the outside. Otherwise, youwill be full of ideas and creativity today; do not lock yourself up from the outside world today.

February 21, 2015 - Saturday

You need to close something in your life . The number of your personal day is 13, which meansthat you may either put an end to something that has been going on for a long time, or you may close apart of your life that is not helping you anymore. If you are planning on a closing conversation orquitting your job, today may be ideal for you to do so. If it is necessary, it is worth doing the abovementioned on this day, because the energy of today is giving you stability and confidence.

Today can be the beginning of the end . Today’s number is 13. Everything that is happening toyou today may be the closure of a certain period of your life. It is necessary so that you can allow newthings to enter your life from time to time. Everything that you start working on today will place your lifeon new foundations in the future and requires you to close an earlier phase of your life. This can be theend of a learning process, a task or a relationship. Remember that every closure makes way for thebirth of something new in your life. Do not be fearful because you will be very stable and confident. Allyou need is a little courage. Listen to your common sense if you are doubtful.


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February, 2015 - week #08February 22, 2015 - Sunday

You need to step further in your life today . The number of your personal day is 14, which meansthat you have an opportunity to move upwards from a previous state, be it about your job, relationshipor any other area of your life. If you can take advantage of today’s energy properly, you may leave aproblem that has been occupying your attention behind you. Be open and flexible because the solutionmay not necessarily arrive in the form you would think. It is possible that you are in for a surprise.

Today may open up new dimensions in your life . Today’s number is 14. Everything that happenstoday may begin a new chapter in your life. Every initiative that you begin today could mean a bigbreakthrough. Anything that starts today can bring balance into your life and contribute to making yournext big step. Be open and do not hold on anything forcefully, because today holds many surprises instore for you. Be ready because the previously laid out plans will change, but the outcome will be foryour advantage in the long-run.

February 23, 2015 - Monday

You may have to make a difficult decision today . The number of your personal day is 15, whichmeans that you may need to make a difficult decision today. No matter what you take a stand on, youneed to remember that you can use your willpower to answer either yes or no. Perhaps a relationshipstarts today or you agree to do a new job or task. The decision is only yours; you need to make it withyour heart and you must not let others influence you. You can get out of a commitment that is nolonger taking your life forward today.

You may agree to a long-term commitment today . Today’s number is 15. Everything thathappens with you today will start a process that brings commitments into your life. You can decide toagree to it or decline it, but you need to know that certain things in life are unimaginable withoutcommitments. It is important to remember that you are making a decision through your own free will,and you can get rid of the possibly burdensome commitments with the same free will later on. Alwayslisten to your heart concerning such questions.

February 24, 2015 - Tuesday

It will turn out today that you have deceived yourself in something . The number of yourpersonal day is 16, which means that it may turn out that you have been chasing illusion in some areaof your life. Something that you did not want to acknowledge manifests itself with full force today. Thismay be the consequence of a bad decision that you need to change immediately. If you recognizewhat it is about in time, do not hesitate to quit, otherwise you may have to bear the responsibilities ofthe outcome.

Be careful, as you may step on the wrong track today . Today’s number is 16. You need to payclose attention to whatever you start working on because it may be something that only seems good. Itis possible that you build imaginary castles in the clouds with the initiative you start today, and it couldbe blown away by the wind at any time. Perhaps it is a relationship, a job or a venture that you begintoday. Be circumspective and say no if you want to. Look inside a little bit, take a deep breath andconsider all your steps.


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February, 2015 - week #09February 25, 2015 - Wednesday

It only matters what you really want today . The number of your personal day is 17, which meansthat no matter how hard of a situation you are in, what you deem as valuable in your life is the onlyimportant thing because this helps you pull this period through. Perhaps you feel that you are notgetting any outside help, because you need to find it within yourself now. Look up at the sky and do nottake your eyes off your guiding star, or in other words, your most important values, because you aregoing to be able to solve any difficult tasks with their help.

Concentrate on your most important values today . Today’s number is 17. No matter what youstart working on today, remember to take the most important thing in your life into consideration. Youwill need to keep this value in mind constantly while walking the path that you are stepping on today.You must not forget about your values whatever may happen to you today because they will give youstrength. If you do not take your eyes off of your guiding star, then you will be able to overcome theobstacles that get in your way. It is important to clarify your goals before you make any decisions; onlylisten to your mind now.

February 26, 2015 - Thursday

You must not sound a retreat today . The number of your personal day is 18, which means thatyou need to believe in yourself strongly today. Perhaps you find yourself in a seemingly hopelesssituation, but in spite of this, you must not beat a retreat; finish what you have started. You will find thesolution even if the road will be long and rough. Rely on the experiences you have gained and you willfind the way out of the difficulties.

Everything will seem very hopeless today . Today’s number is 18. Whatever may start in your lifetoday, you can be sure that a difficult period is waiting for you, a period where you can only rely onyour faith. It will be as if you had to walk through a long dark tunnel without knowing when it would end.You need to climb out of the stagnant water no matter how scared you are and walk through this path,because you will reach the finish line eventually. Do not count on outside help; you need to find thelight within yourself.

February 27, 2015 - Friday

The Sun will shine in your life today . The number of your personal day is 19, which means thatyou may undertake any intuitive with assured victory; you are in possession of a fantastic energy thatcan shoot you towards your goals like a rocket. If you are preparing for a big step in life, today will beperfect for doing so. It is not worth hesitating today; be determined and take the initiative; todaypromises success.

This is the day of victory . Today’s number is 19. Whatever begins today in your life will beguaranteed to end with victory. It is as if you possessed the incredible energy of the sun today. Yourlong-term initiatives that start today keep this power within themselves and follow you till completion, ifthat ever happens. Start any initiatives you desire; today promises success. Be very determined andbrave; all powers are standing beside you.


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February, 2015 - week #09February 28, 2015 - Saturday

Today will be passionate . The number of your personal day is 11, which brings out the best in youif you allow it. The instinctive powers that have been given to you since you were born will awaken. Bebrave and wise enough today to give space to this power. If you cannot express it, it will strain youfrom the inside. Plan on intense exercise today so that you can get rid of this excess energy.

This is the day of power . The number of today is 11. Whatever you start working on today will befull of power and passion. Everything starting today in your life teaches you passion and shows you thepowers you have inside. You get power for your tasks that start today, as if the powers above wereholding your hands and were telling you constantly what you needed to do in order to be healthy. Allyou need to do is never over judge your intuitions; you should not follow your common sense now.
