guar gum - a sticky answer to a sticky problem?

Guar Gum -A Sticky Answer to A Sticky Problem? The plant derivative may play an important role in atherosclerosis prevention A single-blind crossover experiment involving 44 moderately hypercholesterolaemic men was conducted to investigate the effect of guar gum on lipoprotein cholesterol levels, the effect of high vs medium viscosity liquid guar gum on plasma lipoprotein concentrations and preference for solid vs liquid formulations. All treatment groups received 15g of guar gum daily over 4 or 8 weeks. Results showed an 80% preference for the liquid guar gum Medium viscosity guar gum caused approximately 10% reductions in LDL- and total cholesterol after 4 weeks. These reductions tended to return towards baseline over the ensuing 8 weeks Changes were more marked for high viscosity guar gum recipients. There were no changes noted in triglyceride or HDL-cholesterol levels. Side effects were mild and included increased flatulence and loose stools but these tended to resolve towards the end of the trial. Guar gum is thought to act by 'coating' the intestinal mucosa which inhibits lipid absorption. 'Dietary supplements such as guar gum are relatively inexpensive and may provide an intermediate step in plasma lipid management between that of lifestyle alteration and drug therapy.' Further research on long term efficacy, drug interactions and optimum delivery modes are required . Superko HR Has kell WL. Sawrey· Ku blcek L Fargllhar JW A meri can J ourn al of Cardiology 62 5 1·55. Jut 1988 1.192 0156-2703/ 88/ 0827-0013/ 0$01 .00/0 © ADIS Press INPHARMA' 27 Aug 1988 13

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Page 1: Guar Gum - A Sticky Answer to A Sticky Problem?

Guar Gum - A Sticky Answer to A Sticky Problem? The plant derivative may play an important role in atherosclerosis prevention

A single-blind crossover experiment involving 44 moderately hypercholesterolaemic men was conducted to investigate the effect of guar gum on lipoprotein cholesterol levels, the effect of high vs medium viscosity liquid guar gum on plasma lipoprotein concentrations and preference for solid vs liquid formulations. All treatment groups received 15g of guar gum daily over 4 or 8 weeks .

Results showed an 80% preference for the liquid guar gum Medium viscosity guar gum caused approximately 10% reductions in LDL- and total cholesterol after 4 weeks . These reductions tended to return towards baseline over the ensuing 8 weeks Changes were more marked for high viscosity guar gum recipients. There were no changes noted in triglyceride or HDL-cholesterol levels . Side effects were mild and included increased flatulence and loose stools but these tended to resolve towards the end of the trial.

Guar gum is thought to act by 'coating ' the intestinal mucosa which inhibits lipid absorption. 'Dietary supplements such as guar gum are relatively inexpensive and may provide an intermediate step

in plasma lipid management between that of lifestyle alteration and drug therapy.' Further research on long term efficacy, drug interactions and optimum delivery modes are required . Superko HR Haskell WL. Sawrey·Kublcek L Fargllhar JW A merican J ournal of Cardiology 62 51·55. Jut 1988 1.192

0156-2703/ 88/ 0827-0013/ 0$01 .00/ 0 © ADIS Press INPHARMA' 27 Aug 1988 13