gsis benefits

Life Insurance One of the many benefits of being a GSIS member is life insurance. GSIS gives you and your loved ones that much needed peace of mind. GSIS has two insurance programs available: Enhanced Life Policy The GSIS provides life insurance coverage to you, GSIS member, even the very first day you entered government service after receipt of payment of the 1st monthly premium. If you entered the government service after uly !1, "##!, you are automatically covered with an $nhanced %ife &olicy '$%&(. )embers whose policies have matured will also be covered by the $%&. Life Endowment Policy *s a GSIS member, you automatically en+oy life insurance benefits, providing protection for you and your loved ones. If you entered the service prior to *ugust 1, "##!, you are entitled to the %ife $ndowment &olicy '%$&(. %$& also provides coverage against death whether due to natural or accidental causes, permanent total disability and other benefits upon maturity or separation from the service. *part from the superior life insurance pacages these programs offer, policy holders can also avail of policy loan. Policy Loan &olicy loan is a loan program which you can avail from your GSIS life insurance policy. The uni-ue features of the &olicy %oan are: 'a( payment is not mandatory 'unlie other GSIS loan  products( and 'b( it is renewable every year. Retirement Programs ou have spent years woring for the government. GSIS ensures that you are sufficiently rewarded when you finally decide to tae that big step towards retirement. The GSIS offers various retirement programs depending on the -ualifications of the member. GSIS has retirement pacages generally acnowledged to be one of the most generous in the country/ensuring financial freedom for its members, especially after they leave the service. Disability

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Life Insurance

One of the many benefits of being a GSIS member is life insurance. GSIS gives you and yourloved ones that much needed peace of mind. GSIS has two insurance programs available:

Enhanced Life Policy

The GSIS provides life insurance coverage to you, GSIS member, even the very first day youentered government service after receipt of payment of the 1st monthly premium.

If you entered the government service after uly !1, "##!, you are automatically covered with an$nhanced %ife &olicy '$%&(. )embers whose policies have matured will also be covered by the$%&.

Life Endowment Policy

*s a GSIS member, you automatically en+oy life insurance benefits, providing protection for youand your loved ones. If you entered the service prior to *ugust 1, "##!, you are entitled to the%ife $ndowment &olicy '%$&(.

%$& also provides coverage against death whether due to natural or accidental causes, permanenttotal disability and other benefits upon maturity or separation from the service.

*part from the superior life insurance pacages these programs offer, policy holders can alsoavail of policy loan.

Policy Loan

&olicy loan is a loan program which you can avail from your GSIS life insurance policy. Theuni-ue features of the &olicy %oan are: 'a( payment is not mandatory 'unlie other GSIS loan products( and 'b( it is renewable every year.

Retirement Programs

ou have spent years woring for the government. GSIS ensures that you are sufficientlyrewarded when you finally decide to tae that big step towards retirement.

The GSIS offers various retirement programs depending on the -ualifications of the member.GSIS has retirement pacages generally acnowledged to be one of the most generous in thecountry/ensuring financial freedom for its members, especially after they leave the service.


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0isability benefits are benefits granted to a member due to the loss or reduction in earningcapacity caused by a loss or impairment of the normal functions of the employees physicaland2or mental faculties as a result of an in+ury or disease.

The loss in earning capacity shall be determined on the basis of the following:

  1. The employees actual loss of income from the usual occupation  ". The capacity to engage in any other gainful occupation because of impairment

A disability may either be:  &ermanent Total

&ermanent &artial  Temporary Total

In+uries resulting in any of the following are deemed &ermanent Total 0isability '&T0(  a. 3omplete loss of sight of both eyes  b. %oss of two limbs at one or above the anle or wrist

  c. &ermanent complete paralysis of two limbs  d. 4rain in+ury resulting in incurable imbecility, insanity or other irreversible conditions

The benefits for &artial Total 0isability are as follows.1. If the member is in the service with less than 15 years of service, benefit can be either:

  a. 4asic )onthly &ension

  ". If the member is in the service with at least 15 years of service, benefit can be either:  a. 4asic )onthly &ension  b. 3ash payment of 16 times the 4asic )onthly &ension

  !. If the member is separated from service with !7 monthly contributions within the 58year period immediately preceding &T0, benefit can be either:  a. 4asic )onthly &ension

  9. If the member is separated from service with 16# monthly contributions prior to &T0, benefit can be either:  a. 4asic )onthly &ension

  5. If the member has at least ! years service with contributions, but &T0 occurs 5 years afterseparation from the service, benefit is:3ash payment e-ual to 1## of *)3 ; Service 'but not less than &1",###( payableimmediately. <o more separation benefit shall be paid in the future.

  In+uries resulting in any of the following are deemed &ermanent &artial 0isability '&&0(3omplete and permanent loss of the use of: any one finger, any toe, one arm, one hand, one foot,one leg, one or both ears, sight of one eye or such other cases as may be determined by theSystem

The benefits for Permanent Partial Disability are as follows:

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  1. If member is in the service, benefit is:  3ash payment 3& = 4)& ; nos. of &T0 months as recommended by the GSIS medicalevaluator 

  ". If the member is separated from the service but has paid !7 monthly contributions withinthe last 5 years immediately preceding the disability or has paid at least 16# monthlycontributions, benefit is:

3ash payment 3& = 4)& ; nos. of &T0 months as recommended by the GSIS medicalevaluator 

Employees' ompensation


The $mployees 3ompensation '$3( benefits or disability benefits is a compensation pacage for public and private sector employees and their dependents in the event of wor8related in+ury,sicness, disability or death. The $3 is a purely employer8based contribution benefit. Thus, theemployee is not re-uired to contribute any amount to the program. The employee compensation benefits are in the following options:

1. 3ash income benefits for disability or death". )edical and related services for in+ury or sicness

!. >ehabilitation services ' in addition to monthly cash income benefit( for permanentdisability

The benefits gi!en to the employee or his beneficiaries are in the form of:

1. 0aily cash income benefit for temporary total disability 'TT0(". )onthly cash income benefit for permanent total disability '&T0( on a lifetime basis

!. )onthly cash income benefit for permanent partial disability '&&0(

9. )onthly cash income benefit for death, also on a lifetime basis, e?cept for benefit paid tosecondary beneficiaries, which is a monthly pension not to e?ceed 7# months but not lessthan fifteen thousand pesos

5. )edical services, appliances and supplies for in+ury or sicness

7. >ehabilitation services for permanent disability

@. 3arers allowance for permanent disability.

The ompensability onditions are as follows:

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1. In+ury must be the result of accident arising out of and in the course of employment.". Sicness must be listed 2considered an Aoccupational diseaseAB or even if not listed as one,

it must be shown that the ris of contracting the sicness is increased by the woringconditions.

!. 0isability20eath is caused by wor8connected in+ury or sicness

There are e"ceptions to ompensability or in#ury$ sic%ness$ disability or death& Thesee"ceptions are applicable when any of these is due to the employee's:

1. Into?ication or drunenness". Cillful intention to in+ure or ill himself or another 

!. <otorious negligence

9. <ot wor8related

ere are the (ccupational Diseases under PD)*)

1. &apilloma of the bladder ". 3ancer, epithellomatous or ulceration of the sin or of the corneal surface of the eye

!. 3ataracts

9. 0eafness

5. 0ecompression sicness, 3aisson disease, and *eroembolism

7. 0ermatitis due to irritants and sensitiDers

@. Infections, namely: *nthra?, 4rucellosis, Glanders, >abies, Tuberculosis, Tularemia,Ceills disease, E Fever or e-uine encephalomyelitis, )ite dermatitis

6. IoniDing radiation disease, inflammation, ulceration or malignant disease of the sin orsubcutaneous tissues of the bones or leuemia or anemia of the aplastic type due to ;8rays, ioniDing particles, radium or other radioactive substances, namely: *cute radiationsyndrome: 3hronic radiation syndrome and Glass blowers cataract

. &oisoning

1#. &neumoconiosis

11. 0iseases caused by abnormalities in temperature and humidity

1". Hascular disturbance in the upper e?tremities due to continuous vibration from pneumatictools or power drills, riveting machines or hammers

1!. Hiral hepatitis

19. &oisoning by cadmium

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15. %euemia and lymphoma

17. 3ancer of the stomach and other lymphatic and blood forming vessels, nasal cavities andsinuses

1@. 3ancer of the lungs, liver and brain

16. 3ardio8vascular diseases

1. 3erebro8vascular accidents

"#. )alaria and schistosomiasis

"1. &neumonia

"". ernia

"!. 4ronchial asthma

"9. Osteoarthritis

"5. Hiral encephalitis

"7. &eptic ulcer 

"@. &ulmonary tuberculosis

"6. Hiral hepatitis

". $ssential hypertension

!#. *sbestosis

+urial +enefits

0eath, although inevitable, is always an unpleasant incident in every ones life. It can also becostly to those who we leave behind. 4ut with GSISs funeral benefit, our survivors will haveless to worry about.

,chedule of A!ailability of ,er!ice

)onday to Friday, 6:## a.m. to 5:## p.m. with no noon brea 

Eligible to A!ail of the ,er!ice

1. Surviving Spouse

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". *ny of the following persons who can present receipt2s of e?penses, provided that thesurviving spouse, if still living, has acnowledged that this person shouldered the funerale?penses

o J 3hildren of the deceased member or pensioner 

o J For single deceased member or pensioner, relatives up to second degree of

consanguinityB and

o J *ny claimant other than children

Documentary Re-uirements

1. If claimant is the spouse

o J 0eath 3ertificate issued by the %ocal 3ivil >egistrar '%3>( or <SO

o J )arriage 3ontract of member issued by <SO

o J 4irth 3ertificate of spouse issued by the <SO or %3> or two '"( valid

government issued I0s with date of birth and picture if claimant is not a GSIS member 

o J 3ertification of %ast 0ay of *ctual Service '%0*S(, if member died in active


". If claimant is other than the spouse

o J *ffidavit of Funeral $?pensesB

o J 0eath 3ertificate of member issued by the %ocal 3ivil >egistrar '%3>( or <SO

o J 0eath 3ertificate of spouse issued by the %ocal 3ivil >egistrar '%3>( or <SO

o J If legal spouse is living, duly notariDed waiver of the legal spouse in favor of the


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o J Two '"( valid I0s of the legal spouse with signature

o J If claimant is not a GSIS member, 4irth 3ertificate of claimant issued by the

 <SO2%3> or two '"( valid government issued I0s with date of birth and signature

o J Official >eceipt issued to the claimant

o J3ertification of %ast 0ay of *ctual Service '%0*S(, if member died in active



1. *dditional documents may be re-uired by the Operating Knit 3oncerned 'OK3( ifdocuments submitted have discrepancies 'e.g. name, appellation(

". Original documents should be submitted by the claimant. If photocopy, original should be presented to the Frontline Staff for authentication

!. *dditional documents may be re-uired by the OK3 if with adverse claim


&rint this &age

Chen a member or pensioner dies, his or her beneficiaries are entitled to cash and2or pension benefits, sub+ect to the e?isting rules and regulations on survivorship and policies on thema?imum amount of survivorship pension.


L *ll primary and secondary beneficiaries residing in the &hilippines or abroad who are e?istingsurvivorship pensioners or claiming for survivorship benefitB

L Those who were receiving survivorship benefits but were suspended when the policy on thesame was amended and implemented in *ugust "##B and

L Those who applied for survivorship benefits but were disapproved due to theissuance2approval of )anagement Implementing Guidelines ')IG( #18"## dated October "","## that too effect as early as *ugust "##, and )IG #98"#1# dated *pril "7, "#1#.

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 Eligibility Requirements

1. Chen a member or pensioner dies, the primary beneficiaries 'surviving legal spouse anddependent children( or secondary beneficiaries, as the case may be, shall be entitled to theapplicable survivorship benefits.

". The primary beneficiariesM1N shall be the following:

o J The legitimate spouse, until s2he re8marries, or co8habits2engages in common8

law relationshipB and

o J The dependent legitimate, legally adopted or legitimated children, including

illegitimate children, who have not reached the age of ma+ority, or, have reached the age

of ma+ority but incapacitated and incapable of self8support due to a mental or physical

defect ac-uired prior to age of ma+ority!. The secondary beneficiaries shall be the dependent parents and, sub+ect to the restrictions

on dependent children, the legitimate descendantsM"N.

The secondary beneficiaries shall only be entitled to survivorship benefits if there are no primary beneficiariesM!N.

/a"imum Amount of ,ur!i!orship Pension

1. The surviving spouse shall be entitled to basic survivorship pension which is fifty percent'5#( of the 4asic )onthly &ension '4)&( but not to e?ceed fifty percent '5#( of the

current Step 6M9N salary of an Kndersecretary, pursuant to the Salary StandardiDation %awand its amendments.For e?ample, if the salary of an Kndersecretary is e-ual to &7!,!6#.## and the 4)& ofthe deceased member2pensioner is e-ual to &@#,###.##, the ma?imum amount ofsurvivorship pension is &!1,7#.## '5# of &7!,!6#.##( for the surviving spouse, not&!5,###.## '5# of &@#,###.##(.owever, the e?isting survivorship pensioners 'surviving spouse( who are receiving morethan the said limit shall not be sub+ected to this policy.For survivorship pensioners whose survivorship pensions were suspended as a result ofthe previous policy, the amounts accruing for the period they were suspended shall berestored by the GSIS, sub+ect to the ma?imum amount of survivorship pension provided

under this policy.On the other hand, for surviving spouse whose applications forsurvivorship benefits were denied as a result of the previous policy, their applicationsmay be submitted to GSIS, and if found to be -ualified, their benefits shall be granted andcomputed retroactively, sub+ect to the ma?imum amount of survivorship pension provided under this policy.

". The dependent children shall be entitled to dependent childrenPQs pension for ama?imum of five '5( children, e-uivalent to 1# of the 4)& for each child but not to

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e?ceed fifty percent '5#( of the 4)&, counted from the youngest and withoutsubstitution.

!. The ma?imum amount of basic survivorship pension prevailing at the time of death of themember or pensioner shall apply.R *ny subse-uent increase2s in the Step 6 salary of anKndersecretary will not result in any ad+ustment to the survivorship pension already being received by the surviving spouse.

 Disqualification / Discontinuance to Entitlement to Survivorship Pension of Dependent

 Spouse and/or Children

1. The payment of survivorship pension to the surviving spouse shall be discontinued whens2he re8marries, cohabits2engages in common8law relationship.

". In the case of the dependent children, survivorship pension shall be discontinued uponreaching the age of ma+ority.

!. Chen the dependent spouse and dependent children are already receiving the basicsurvivorship pension and dependent childrenPQs pension, respectively, any subse-uentdeath, emancipation or dis-ualification of any one of them shall not result in the accrualof that portion of benefits to the other beneficiaries.

 Documentary Requirements

+asic Documents

1. *pplication Form". Ombudsman 3learance

!. 0eath certificate of member2pensioner issued by the <ational Statistics Office '<SO(

9. %ast 0ay of *ctual ServiceB and5. Two '"( valid I0s of payees

If /arried1. )arriage certificate between the deceased and his2her spouse issued by <SO". *ffidavit of Surviving spouse

!. If spouse is not a GSIS member, 4irth 3ertificate issued by <SO

9. 4irth 3ertificate2s of minor2incapacitated children issued by <SO

5. If with minor2incapacitated children, *ffidavit of Guardianship

7. If the legal guardian is not the natural parent, the affidavit should be supported by a3ertification from the 4arangay and 0SC0

If ,ingle

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1. If with minor2incapacitated children, *ffidavit of Guardianship". If the legal guardian is not the natural parent, the affidavit should be supported by a

3ertification from the 4arangay and 0SC0B and

!. If guardian is not a GSIS member, 4irth 3ertificate issued by <SO

If without primary beneficiary 0with Parents11. 4irth 3ertificate of member issued by <SO". )arriage 3ontract of memberPQs parents issued by <SO

!. 4irth 3ertificate of memberPQs parents issued by <SO if parents are not GSISmembers2pensioners.

If without primary beneficiary 0without Parents2 with ,iblings1

1. 4irth 3ertificate of member issued by <SO". )arriage 3ontract of members parents issued by <SO

!. 0eath 3ertificates of members parents issued by <SO

9. 4irth 3ertificate of members parents issued by <SO

5. *ffidavit of Surviving %egal eirs stating among others that affiants are the onlysurviving legal heirs of the deceased member, their date of birth and relationship to thedeceased member and that they are e?ecuting the document for the purpose of claimingthe benefit from GSIS

7. 4irth 3ertificate of all the siblings of the deceased member issued by <SO

@. )arriage 3ontract of all the female siblings of the deceased member issued by <SO

6. If with deceased brother or sister, e?tra +udicial settlement among the legal heirs of thedeceased brother 2 sister of the member designating one payee

Additional Re-uirements for /uslim /embers1. &roof of Surviving legal heirs indicating all the wives and children". If only one '1( spouse is claiming: submit duly notariDed affidavit that her husband has

no other marriages2wife

!. 3ourt Order for Guardianship should be issued in the absence of parent for minorchildren

9. *pplication for survivorship must be duly endorsed by the office and a certificationindicating the legal spouse2s and children2s of the deceased

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The above policies on survivorship benefits shall be implemented retroactively from the time thee?isting policies on eligibility re-uirements of a surviving spouse to survivorship benefits wereadopted.

M1N Sections " 'f( and 'g(, >epublic *ct <o. 6"1

M"N Sections " 'h(

M!N Section "1 'c(

M9N Step 6 is e-uivalent to &7!,!6#.##.

Frequently Ased !uestions on Survivorship "enefits3hy did the 4,I, re!ise the e"isting policy on the grant of sur!i!orship benefits5  

The e?isting policies on the grant of survivorship benefits were revised by )anagement with thegoal of granting e-uitable benefits to survivorship pensioners, taing into consideration thespecific provisions under the Family 3ode, such that dependency for support of the survivingspouse to the deceased GSIS member shall not be dictated by the surviving spousePQsfinancial status or capability.R

Given the said revisions, members and pensioners are secured of their future benefits in GSIS

without compromising the financial viability of the Social Insurance Fund.

3ho will be co!ered by this new policy5

The following shall be covered by this new policy:

1. *ll primary and secondary beneficiaries residing in the &hilippines or abroad who aree?isting survivorship pensioners or claiming for survivorship benefitBR

". Those who were receiving survivorship benefits but were suspended when the policy onthe same was amended and implemented in *ugust "##B and

!. Those who applied for survivorship benefits but were disapproved due to theissuance2approval of )anagement Implementing Guidelines ')IG( #18"## datedOctober "", "## that too effect as early as *ugust "##, and )IG #98"#1# dated *pril"7, "#1#.

3ho are the primary and secondary beneficiaries5

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The primary beneficiaries shall be the following:

1. The legitimate spouse, until he2she re8marries, or co8habits2engages in common8lawrelationshipB and

". The dependent legitimate, legally adopted or legitimated children, including illegitimatechildren, who have not reached the age of ma+ority, or, have reached the age of ma+ority but incapacitated and incapable of self8support due to a mental or physical defectac-uired prior to age of ma+ority.

The secondary beneficiaries shall be the dependent parents and, sub+ect to the restrictions ondependent children, the legitimate descendants.

3hen will a sur!i!ing legal spouse or dependent children be dis-ualified from recei!ing thesur!i!orship pension5

The payment of survivorship pension to the surviving dependent spouse shall be discontinuedwhen he2she re8marries or cohabits2engages in common8law relationship.

On the other hand, the dependent children shall be dis-ualified from receiving the survivorship pension once he2she reaches the age of ma+ority.

3hat will happen to the sur!i!orship pension being recei!ed by the sur!i!ing spouse anddependent children when any of them dies or becomes dis-ualified from recei!ing thesur!i!orship pension5

Chen the surviving spouse and dependent children are already receiving the basic survivorship pension and dependent childrenPQs pension, respectively, any subse-uent death, emancipationor dis-ualification of any one of them shall not result in the accrual of that portion of benefits tothe other beneficiaries.

ow will the beneficiaries claim for sur!i!orship benefits5

The application for survivorship benefits should be filed together with the documentaryre-uirements, including the following affidavits:

1. *ffidavit of Surviving SpouseB". *ffidavit of Guardianship of Incapacitated 0ependent 3hild.R The *ffidavit shall be

supported by a court order.R In the absence of a court order, the *ffidavit shall besupported by a 3ertification of Guardianship from the 4arangay 3aptain and the3ity2)unicipal Social Celfare ead where the incapacitated dependent child is residingBand

!. *ffidavit of Guardianship of )inor 0ependent 3hild.R The *ffidavit shall be supported by a court order. In the absence of a court order, the *ffidavit shall be supported by a

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3ertification of Guardianship from the 4arangay 3aptain and the 3ity2)unicipal SocialCelfare ead where the minor dependent child is residing.

3ill the secondary beneficiaries and legal heirs be re-uired to comply with the submission

of the Affida!its5

The secondary beneficiaries and legal heirs, since they are not entitled to pension, shall not bere-uired to comply with the submission of the said affidavits.

ow can a child of minor age or with physical or mental incapacity claim for sur!i!orshipbenefits5

The guardian of the minor child or child with physical or mental incapacity should secure a courtorder.R In the absence of a court order, the *ffidavit shall be supported by a 3ertification of

Guardianship from the 4arangay 3aptain and the 3ity2)unicipal Social Celfare ead where thedependent child is residing.R This should be submitted to the GSIS as a supporting document tothe application for survivorship benefits and to the *ffidavit of Guardianship of )inor0ependent 3hild or Incapacitated 0ependent 3hild.

3hat will happen if the sur!i!orship pensioners fail to e"ecute the Affida!it of ,ur!i!ing,pouse6hildren for that year5

Failure on the part of the survivorship pensioner2s to submit the re-uired affidavit shall be a

ground for the suspension of the survivorship pension.

3hen will the secondary beneficiaries be entitled to sur!i!orship benefits5

The secondary beneficiaries shall be entitled to survivorship benefits only if there are no primary beneficiaries and shall be sub+ect to limitations defined by GSIS.

3ho will be entitled to recei!e the sur!i!orship benefits if there are no primary andsecondary beneficiaries5

In the absence of primary and secondary beneficiaries, the legal heirs, as defined under the >uleson Succession, <ew 3ivil 3ode of the &hilippines, shall receive the applicable cash benefitdepending on the eligibility of the deceased member or pensioner.

The cap on the amount of basic sur!i!orship pension is fifty percent 07891 of the current,tep ; salary of an <ndersecretary$ pursuant to the ,alary ,tandardi=ation Law and itsamendments&; 3hat is the basis for this5

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The position of an Kndersecretary is the highest career position in the government, hence, themost appropriate basis when putting a cap on the basic survivorship pension.R *s of 0ecember"#1#, there is only #."9 of the general membership who is receiving more than the current Step6 salary of an Kndersecretary, and, conse-uently, will be affected by this policy.

3hy did the 4,I, put a cap on the amount of basic sur!i!orship pension5

>* 6"1 mandates the periodic review of its rules and regulations to ensure their responsivenessto its members as well as to safeguard the financial viability of the System.

*pplying a ceiling on the basic survivorship pension, particularly for those who have receivedsalaries more than that of an Kndersecretary, is a measure to guarantee the actuarial soundness ofthe System. )ore importantly, it is a mechanism to bring about e-uity and fairness among

members and their survivors, regardless of whether they come from an agency within or e?emptfrom the Salary StandardiDation %aw 'SS%(.

The pension is derived from the basic monthly pension '4)&( of a member. The 4)& is basedon the average monthly compensation '*)3( which is determined from the aggregatecompensation received by the member during his2her last !7 months.R Generally, the last !7months of service of a government employee corresponds to higher compensation as comparedto his service prior to the said period. ence, the premium contributions that were collectedduring the prior services are lower than those for the last !7 months.R This results to adisproportionate relation between the aggregate contributions with the last compensation and,

conse-uently, any pension, including survivorship pension.

To put a cap on the amount that certain income groups in SS%8e?empt agencies at the level of thehighest career position of SS% agencies is intended to avert an unfair situation where members ortheir survivors in regular SS% agencies, who are already receiving less, will eventually besubsidiDing the pensions of members or their survivors, who are already receiving more.

ow will the sur!i!orship pension of the dependent children be computed$ >89 of the+/P or >89 of the cap5

The survivorship pension of the dependent children shall be computed at 1# of the 4)&.

3hen will the sur!i!ors of a retiree who a!ailed and was paid the 7?year lumpsum benefitrecei!e the sur!i!orship pension5

Chen the old age pensioner dies within the 58year period after receiving the five8year lump sum,the survivorship pension shall be paid only after the end of the said five8year period. owever,

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the claim for survivorship benefits should be filed together with the claim for funeral benefit, andthis should be done within four '9( years from the date of death of the retiree.

ow will 4,I, determine if the sur!i!orship pensioners are still -ualified to recei!e thesur!i!orship pension5

The GSIS eServices 0epartment 'for 3entral Office( 2 Frontline Services Knit 'for >egional and4ranch Offices( shall schedule and conduct home visitation as part of the investigation process todetermine if the primary or secondary beneficiaries should continue to receive the survivorship pension.

3ho will be responsible for cleansing and tagging the records of sur!i!orship pensioners5

The )embership Group shall undertae data cleansing and tagging every si? '7( months toensure that the pension records of all dis-ualified or suspended primary beneficiaries are taggedaccordingly.

3ho will be responsible for updating the cap in the computeri=ed system5

The )embership Group shall be responsible for updating the cap in the computeriDed system.

3hen is the effecti!ity of this new policy5

This new policy shall be implemented retroactively from the time the e?isting policies oneligibility re-uirements of a surviving spouse to survivorship benefits 'dis-ualifying a survivingspouse who is gainfully employed or engaged in any gainful activity or receiving pension fromGSIS or any other local or foreign institutions from receiving the survivorship pension( wereadopted.

3hat is the effect of this new policy to the sur!i!ors who were disappro!ed6stopped fromrecei!ing their sur!i!orship pension due to the issuance6appro!al of /I4 8>?*88@ dated(ctober **$ *88@ that too% effect as early as August *88@ and /I4 8?*8>8 dated April *)$*8>85

For survivorship pensioners whose survivorship pensions were suspended as a result of the previous policy, the amounts accruing for the period they were suspended shall be restored bythe GSIS, sub+ect to the ma?imum amount of survivorship pension provided under &&G <o. "#@811 dated February 17, "#11.

On the other hand, for surviving spouse whose applications for survivorship benefits were denied

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as a result of the previous policy 'dis-ualifying a surviving spouse who is gainfully employed orengaged in any gainful activity or receiving pension from GSIS or any other local or foreigninstitutions from receiving the survivorship pension(, their applications may be submitted toGSIS. If found to be -ualified, their benefits shall be granted and computed retroactively, sub+ectto the ma?imum amount of survivorship pension provided under &&G <o. "#@811 dated February

17, "#11.

3ill the e"isting sur!i!orship pensioners be sub#ected to the ma"imum limit of basicsur!i!orship pension5

 <o, the e?isting survivorship pensioners 'surviving spouse( who are receiving more than the saidlimit shall not be sub+ected to this policy.

If a claim was filed prior to the end of the prescription period$ but was denied due to thepre!ious policy$ can the sur!i!ing spouse still file the sur!i!orship benefit claim under thisnew policy5

The claim is not considered prescribed since it was filed prior to the end of the prescription period.R ence, the claim may be submitted to the GSIS, and if found to be -ualified, the benefit shall be granted and computed retroactively, sub+ect to the ma?imum amount ofsurvivorship pension provided under &&G <o. "#@811.

If the sur!i!orship benefit claim has prescribed$ under what condition can the claim for

sur!i!orship benefit be allowed to be filed to the 4,I,5

If a survivorship benefit claim has prescribed, the said benefit may still be claimed from theGSIS provided that there was a claim for funeral benefit which was previously filed within the 98year prescription period.R The claim for funeral benefit shall be considered as a constructivenotice for the survivorship benefit claim. If found to be -ualified, the benefit shallR be grantedand computed retroactively, sub+ect to the ma?imum amount of survivorship pension providedunder &&G <o. "#@811.

3ill the other e"isting policies on sur!i!orship benefits be affected by this PP45

*ll other policies which are not affected by the approved &&G, including the >estructuredSurvivorship 4enefits under >* 6"1, as approved by the 4oard through 4oard >esolution <o.166 dated *ugust 1!, "##!, shall still apply.R owever, the policy on the ma?imum amount of basic survivorship pension payable to the surviving spouse, as provided under the approved &&G,shall apply to the >estructured Survivorship 4enefits under >* 6"1.

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onsolidated Loan


* member who has been in government service for at least 1# years can avail of a 3onso8%oane-uivalent to 1# months of their monthly salary. The minimum creditable years in service amember has to have to -ualify is "# months, with the 3onso8%oan proceeds e-uivalent to threemonths of his monthly salary. The gross loan amount shall be a multiple of the basic monthlysalary '4)S(, depending on the members accumulated record of creditable service '>3S(, towit:

>3S )a?imum %oan *mount

%ess than "# months <one

"# months or more ! 4)S

9# months or more 9 4)S5 years or more @ 4)S

1# years or more 1# 4)S

/a%ing life easier for a!ailing members

The GSIS offers you with an award systemU when availing of the 3onso8%oan.

The 3onso8%oan is a consolidation of five different loan products into one/Salary %oan,>estructured Salary %oan, $nhanced Salary %oan, $mergency %oan *ssistance, and SummerOne8)onth Salary %oan. 4y availing of the 3onso8%oan, you automatically fully settle yourobligations from these loans.

ou liewise receive an automatic condonation from the outstanding penalties or surchargesincurred from the abovementioned loans.

Thus, the 3onso8%oan provides you with the opportunity to restore your status as a member ingood standing and lower your monthly amortiDation, especially if you are e?periencing difficultyin paying your loans and have incurred arrears, penalties, and surcharges.

The privilege of having the penalties condoned can be en+oyed only during the first availment ofthe 3onso8%oan.

The 3onso8%oan is renewable as long as there are proceeds available. The loan is payable in si?years. The loan will be charged a minimal rate of 1" based on diminishing balance.

3ho can a!ail of the onso?Loan51. *ctive members with no pending administrative or criminal case are -ualified to apply

for the loan, provided their agency remitted at least ! correct monthly premium payments

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'both personal and government share( within the last 7 months prior to the filing of theapplication.

". )ust not be on leave of absence without pay.

!. )embers net tae8home pay should be sufficient to cover the regular monthlyamortiDation.

9. )embers from suspended agencies are not -ualified to avail of the 3onso8%oan.

ow can members apply for a onso?Loan5

)embers with a GSIS e3ard &lus can apply for the 3onso8%oan via the GSIS Cireless*utomated &rocessing System or G8CV&S ios placed in all GSIS servicing offices and selectgovernment agencies. Those still using the old e3ard can apply for the loan, over8the8counter, intheir servicing GSIS offices.

To apply for a 3onso8%oan loan using the ios, members need to first place their e3ard &lus on

the card reader of the ios. Then, they need to place any of their pre8selected fingers on thefingerprint biometric scanner of the ios. Ksing the touch screen monitor of the G8CV&S,members must select 3onsolidated %oanU from the list of loans available on the loan menu andfollow the simple instructions that will be displayed on the screen to complete the transaction.

Policy Loan

&olicy loan is a loan program which you can avail from your GSIS life insurance policy.

There are two inds of compulsory GSIS life insurance programs which are automaticallygranted to you the day you enter government service: the $nhanced %ife &olicy '$%&( andthe %ife $ndowment &olicy '%$&(.

$%& provides cover for you if you entered the service after uly !1, "##!. )embers whose policies have matured will also be covered by $%&. The ma?imum loanable amount you canavail of under $%& is up to # percent of the accumulated termination value of this policy.

On the other hand, %$& refers to the life insurance policy issued to you if you entered the service prior to *ugust 1, "##!. The ma?imum loanable amount you can avail of under %$& is up to 5#

 percent of the accumulated termination value of this policy.

ou can choose to either pay your &olicy %oan through monthly amortiDation or have it countagainst your e?isting life insurance policy contract.

The &olicy %oan bears an interest of 6 compounded annually.

ow can a member apply for the Policy Loan5

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* member can apply for the &olicy %oan using the GSIS Cireless *utomated &rocessing System'G8CV&S( ios installed in all GSIS servicing offices and select government officesnationwide.

3ho are eligible to a!ail of the Policy Loan5

* member who has been insured for at least one year may be granted the &olicy %oan. Theavailing member must also have updated premium payments and has an active policy to beeligible under this loan product.

(ptional Policy Loan* member has an option to avail of an additional life insurance without any limit to his lifeinsurance coverage. Chen availing of the Optional &olicy %oan, a member can choose to either pay it through monthly amortiDation or have it count against his optional policy life contract.

Emergency LoanThe $mergency %oan is payable in three years or !7 e-ual monthly installments at an interestrate of si? percent per annum.

If an emergency loan is renewed, the balance of the outstanding loan will be deducted from the proceeds of the new loan.

3ho can a!ail of the Emergency Loan5

To -ualify for the emergency loan, the member8applicant must be: a bona fide resident or

employee of the government office within the declared calamity areaB be in active service andnot on leave of absence without payB has no pending criminal or administrative chargesB has noarrearages in the payment of mandatory social insurance contributionsB and has no loan that has been declared in default.

For a calamity8hit area, it must be declared in a state of calamity by its Sangguniang&anlalawigan2&anglungsod and approved by the GSIS 4oard of Trustees before membersworing in government offices in the said area become eligible for the $mergency %oan.

ow can members apply for the Emergency Loan5

$ligible members can avail of the $mergency %oan using their e3ard &lus on any GSIS Cireless*utomated &rocessing System 'G8CV&S( ios installed in all GSIS servicing offices and inselect government offices in different parts of the country.

To apply for the $mergency %oan using the ios, a member needs to first place his e3ard &luson the card reader of the ios. Then, he needs to place any of his pre8selected fingers on thefingerprint biometric scanner of the ios. Ksing the touch screen monitor of the G8CV&S, a

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Wnow your membership records, record of creditable services, loans and otherimportant facts about your GSIS membership. eres how.

Eard Replacement

eres how you can get a new e3ard &lus in case you lose or damage the one youhave.

(nline ban%ing

  )anage your e3ard &lus *T) account or pay bill online.

4are Plans

G83are offers motor vehicle insurance, personal accident insurance, and fire insurance with themost affordable rates in the country.


)y Shield, the lowest insurance premium rate against personal accident in the maret with about&hp9# for every &hp5#,### annual coverage. * minimum coverage may range from &hp5#,###to a ma?imum of &hp5 million.


&rovides insurance coverage against fire.


&rovides a comprehensive insurance coverage for vehicles at "# less than the prevailing rate inthe maret