growth groups booklet 2015

Growth Groups Adult Ministries Fall 2015

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A guide to adult ministry opportunities at Missouri United Methodist Church


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Adult MinistriesFall 2015

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Imagine...Looking back over your life and celebrating that the times you grew in your faith were when you were in a group. A friend, who was disconnected for some time, still thanks you for inviting them to journey with you. Their life has never been the same. You discover the power of connection and in that, realize how much God loves you and desires you to serve others. Much is possible when we don’t go at it alone. Being in a group nourishes and strengthens us.

As we move into a new season together, I invite you to grow deeply as our worship series and Growth Groups (small groups) complement each other in theme and practice. We are offering Growth Groups because if we are not growing, we are, at worst, dying, or at best, stagnating.

Growth Groups connect people, grow them spiritually, and are fun. I believe groups are one way to propel us into our future by growing us deeply and widely (that is, spiritual depth and increased numbers). A Growth Group is a “sacred, welcoming space where individuals have the opportunity to meet new people, make new friends, learn something new and grow spiritually.”

As we build on the existing small group ministry, we will continue to have Wednesday Night Live starting Sept. 9. In both worship, and on Wednesdays, we will be following themes from the book, Real Followers: A Radical Quest to Expose the Pretender in Each of Us by Michael Slaughter, Pastor of Ginghamsburg UMC in Ohio.

NEW THIS YEAR In addition to Wednesday Night Groups, there will be three other groups following the worship series; two on Sundays and one Thursday morning. Look for the leaf symbol if you want to be in a group that’s focusing on the current worship sermon series.

To sign up for a group use one of these methods:• On the bulletin tear-off• Online at• At the Growth Group table in the Connector Sundays through Sept. 13.

Remember: These groups are a short term commitment and will end the week before Thanksgiving.


Pastor Charity

Charity Goodwin-Rosario, Pastor of Discipleship

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Growth GroupsGG


Wednesday Night LiveGrowth Groups start Sept. 9Wednesday Night Live (WNL) is a church-wide program full of ministry and learning opportunities for all ages, including our children and youth.

5 p.m. Informal meal and gathering: Meals for purchase or bring your own meal while enjoying the fellowship of others!6 p.m. Ministries for all ages begin*Nursery care available 6-8:30 p.m.

Spiritual DisciplinesFacilitators: Terri Williams & Julia GoodellIf you want to learn and practice a spiritual discipline related to the series theme this group is for you.

Women’s GroupFacilitator: Jo LeeJoin with other women in discussion as we allow the Holy Spirit to shape us.

Men’s GroupFacilitators: Rick Hart & David BarnesConnect with other men in conversation about and practice of Christian living.

Through the Eyes of MissionFacilitator: Meghan HatcherIn light of mission and service, we will discuss what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

New to MUMCFacilitator: Rev. Charity Goodwin-RosarioConnect with other new people in this time of learning and sharing.






Jo Lee

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Everyone Groups Everyone Groups are open to men, women and college age. These intergenerational groups are diverse and welcoming to anyone. Listed below are three groups and their facilitators.

Debbie Luchenbill & Connie Carpenter David & Anne Gifford

Elmer & Diana Revelle

MUMY: Missouri United Methodist Youth Sunday and Wednesday nights Using the Growing Deeply Scripture Guide, youth will hear and discuss scripture and ways to apply it to their lives. For more information, contact Rev. Hank Jenkins at [email protected].

Wednesday nights don’t work for you?Other groups following the worship series include:

Covenant (All Ages, Men & Women) on Sundays @ 10 a.m.

Crosswalk (Parents of Small Children: Singles & Couples) on Sundays @ 10 a.m.

Thursday Koinonia Group on Thursdays @ 8 a.m. in the Library

Wednesday Night WorkoutWednesdays @ 6:30 p.m. in MPR Atrium Join us at the end of a long day as we get our joints moving and our blood flowing! Wear comfy clothes, bring an exercise mat and a bottle of water, and be ready to move! Drop in and join us any time!

Choir Rehearsal For more information, contact Marty Hook, Director of Music, at [email protected] Singers Choir Rehearsal Wednesdays @ 6:15 p.m. in CLC 101 This choir rehearses to sing for the 8:50 a.m. Sunday worship service. Repertoire includes gospel, contemporary, and folk, usually accompanied by keyboards and drums. Chancel Choir Rehearsal Wednesdays @ 7:30 p.m. in CLC 101This is an adult, mixed ensemble that provides primarily traditional choral literature for the 11 a.m. worship service.

Elmer & Diana Revelle

GG David & Anne Gifford

Rev. Hank Jenkins

Marty Hook

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More Growth Opportunities

SundaysAdult Bible Study (All Ages, Men & Women)Sundays @ 10-10:50 a.m. in CLC 107-109We share a passion for the Scriptures. Class opens with shared prayer concerns then moves into reading and discussion of the Scriptures looking both at the Biblical context and the application of Scripture to our own lives as Christians. Besides the Bible we use the Uniform Series for study. We also serve local missions on several Saturdays such as The Wardrobe. Sometimes we gather for lunch during the week at a downtown restaurant. Facilitator: Julia Goodell, 875-1028, [email protected]

CONNECT (All Ages, Men & Women) Sundays @ 10-10:50 a.m. in CLC 111 Join us as we discover how we can understand current events in relation to our Christian faith and United Methodist heritage. Facilitator: Karen Hayden, [email protected]

Covenant (All Ages, Men & Women) Sundays @ 10-10:50 a.m. in CLC 108 The Covenant group is a free-wheeling discussion group based on Christian study and books. In fall 2015, Covenant will be following the worship series using the book Real Followers. We freely give our thoughts and opinions on some challenging questions. Facilitators: Lisa and Bruce Miles, [email protected]

Crosswalk (Parents of Small Children: Singles & Couples)Sundays @ 10-10:50 a.m. in CLC 110You are invited to join this group of adults as they gather to share in life and faith together. On Sunday mornings, the format of Crosswalk varies, utilizing Bible study, book studies, and current events to lead into lively conversation about how faith applies to real-lived life. The group enjoys meeting outside of class for fellowship and service opportunities. Leadership is shared among the class participants. Following the Sunday worship series using the Real Followers book, we will discuss the implications and practices of following Jesus as parents.Facilitator: Jerry Dowell, [email protected]

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Seekers (All Ages, Men & Women)Sundays @ 10-10:50 a.m. in Room 302The Seekers Class is an adult group that fosters open thinking and works to provide meaningful faith development for each class member. The class format generally involves a specific subject or area of study either from a book or video series on spiritual issues. There is always time for class discussion and questions. This fall the class will be studying the following: The Call: Life and Message of the Apostle Paul by Adam Hamilton, comparing Islam and Christianity and Making Sense of the Bible also by Hamilton. Facilitator: Mark Headley, [email protected]

WeekdaysSocial Justice Book Club Tuesday, Sept. 8 at 7 p.m. in CLC 106/108What does social justice look like? How does the church advocate for equality, fairness and dignity? Read Becoming a Justice Seeking Congregation by William McElvaney, then meet with others to discuss the book, build relationships and take the challenge to walk humbly with God. Books are available for purchase in the church office for $15. For more information, contact Anne Gifford at [email protected] or Melissa Clark at [email protected].

Thursday Koinonia GroupThursdays @ 8 a.m. in the Library Groups meet weekly for study, conversation and reflection and are focused on developing fully-formed disciples for Jesus Christ through acts of prayer, learning, worship, service and giving. This group shares leadership and will join other Growth Groups in studying Real Followers and the current sermon series. For more information, contact Jo Lee at [email protected].

Friday Koinonia GroupFridays @ 11:30 a.m. in the LibraryWe welcome progressive Christians who are seeking to discern what it means to have a relationship with God. The tagline of the popular DVD series Living The Questions has become our motto: “...a safe environment where people have permission to ask the questions they’ve always wanted to ask but have been afraid to voice for fear of being thought a heretic.” Previous study materials have included works by Rob Bell and Marcus Borg. For more information, contact Bill Allen at [email protected].

Run for Your Life!Wednesdays @ 6 a.m. at the MKT trail off Stadium Blvd (MLK Park)Runners greet the day with running, conversation and discipleship. For more information, contact Rev. Trista Soendker Nicholson, [email protected].


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Service OpportunitiesMissouri UMC is a church rich in service opportunities as we reach into our surrounding community and the global community. There are a variety of ways to be in mission and service – through small groups, all-church efforts and individual interest. Some service opportunities include (but are not limited to):

• Serve Days/Weekend• Festival of Sharing• CROP Hunger Walk• Loaves and Fishes• Buddy Pack Program• Saturday Morning Cafe (April & June) • PET (Personal Energy Transportation)• The Wardrobe• Panera Doughnation• Central Missouri Food Bank/Buddy Packs

Feel free to contact Rev. Trista Soendker Nicholson with any questions about missions and service opportunities at [email protected].

Spiritual Connections Let’s celebrate the joys of everyday life as part of our spirituality, interlacing fellowship, stillness, prayer and attentiveness to God. Opportunities to participate, such as a fellowship dinner, Advent event and Lenten event, will be announced throughout the year. For more information, please contact Debbie Luchenbill at [email protected] or Terri Williams at [email protected].

• Voluntary Action Center• Warm Up Columbia• Angel Tree• Partners in Education• Room at the Inn Homeless Shelter• Mozambique Initiative• Guatemala Medical Missions• Haiti Clean Water• Container Project• SERRV International

They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream.

Jeremiah 17:8

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United Methodist WomenFor more information, email Georgia Nolph, president of UMW, at [email protected].

UMW CirclesUMW Circles gather for fellowship and support, pray together, and study and learn about the needs of and ministry with women and children around the world. The women of UMW also raise money and give their time and talents for mission.

Breakfast Group Circle 2nd Tuesday of the month @ 7:30 a.m. at Upper Crust, 3107 Green Meadows Way

Esther Circle 2nd Wednesday of the month @ 9:30 a.m. in room 302/303

Bratton-Cunningham Circle 3rd Wednesday of the month @ 9:30 a.m. at members’ homes

Searcy-Feely Circle 3rd Wednesday of the month (January-May and September-November) at 9:30 a.m. in the Parlor

Gibson Circle 3rd Thursday of the month @ 9:30 a.m. in CLC 106/108

Wesley Circle 2nd Thursday of the month @ 1 p.m. in the Parlor

Sophia Circle 2nd Thursday of the month @ 7 p.m. in the members’ homes

Val’s Circle 3rd Thursday of the month @ 5:30 p.m. at a downtown restaurant followed by a meeting and program at 6:30 p.m. in the Parlor

Eagle Online Circle Anytime, all the time! A devotion is posted online weekly.

Monday Evening Book ClubFirst Mondays @ 7 p.m. in members’ homesJoin us for fellowship and conversation as we share in reading a variety of books from various genres. This group also joins together in various service projects. For more info, contact Sondra Flaker at 443-3501 or Paula Donoho at 441-0023.

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MUMC Book ClubSecond Wednesdays of odd-numbered months @ 10 a.m. in the MPR AtriumBooks are chosen by the group and lively conversation always ensues. For more info, contact Marsha Sergent at [email protected] or 529-0104.

Prayer Shawl MinistrySecond Wednesdays of September, November, January, March, May @ 1:30 p.m. in the ParlorThis group exists to knit/crochet prayer shawls for people in our church and the community to provide warmth and comfort to those who receive them. We ask everyone in our church family to let us know when someone would like to receive a prayer shawl. For more information, contact Betty Dillard at [email protected].

QuiltersThursdays in Room 303Anyone interested in hand-quilting is welcome to join us as we quilt and fellowship together. We charge for hand quilting and all proceeds are donated to UMW mission projects. For more information, contact Lauri Murphy at [email protected].

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Check Out the Growing Deeply Guide Online or by Email

If you can’t participate in a Growth Group, stay connected with the flow of the Spirit by continuing to attend worship, as well as reading and praying along with the Growing Deeply Guide. Read or subscribe to the weekly email at

Missing Sunday Worship?You may also listen to a sermon or read the Sunday bulletin online at Subscribe to the Messenger newsletter to keep up with the latest news and upcoming events!

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College Age & Young Adult Ministry We invite you to join us as we learn, serve, worship, pray and wrestle with spiritual questions together. Would you like to know more about our opportunities? Contact Rev. Kim Parker at [email protected].

Weekly Activities

Tuesday Nights at 7:30 p.m. Find us in the Cornerstone Coffee Shop (inside the church) for an informal time of study and worship.

Wednesday Night Live Free Dinner & Bible Study Eat with the church in the Cornerstone Coffee Shop at 5 p.m. The meal is free for college-age students and there are several options for faith formation.

Sunday Worship Services Worship in a traditional service at 8, 8:50 or 11 a.m.

Spirit on Tap Join us at 6 p.m. Sunday at The Heidelberg for theological and spiritual discussion.

Ongoing ActivitiesMentor Program Get paired with someone in your area of interest, passion, hobby or profession.

Service Projects As a group, we do two or more service projects each month, from Dance Marathons to serving meals at Loaves and Fishes. We are also planning a mission trip to Haiti during winter break.

Special Events Come to monthly relationship-building events such as game nights and barbecues.

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Adult MinistriesFall 2015

204 S. Ninth St. Columbia MO [email protected]


Three ways to register for Growth Groups:• On the tear-off in the bulletin• Online at• At the Wednesday Night Live/Growth Group table

in the Connector on Sunday mornings