greytowngazettegg 20130828

033 413 2735 Fax 033 413 1933 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 e-mail [email protected] GAZETTE Greytown Greytown Umvoti | Kranskop | New Hanover | Msinga Magisterial Districts 10 000 copies weekly | Est. 1903 FREE T h e F a mil y St or e T h at Ca r e s Refreshh Cooldrink assorted 2litre 6 99 90 Voortrekker St, Greytown Tel: 033 413 1156 28 th August -1 st Sep 2013 Promotion valid 119 Sargeaunt Street Greytown 3250,Tel; 033 4171101 Fax 033 4172020 Promotion Valid From 28 August 2013 - 03 September 2013 99 34 Goldi Mixed Portions 2kg (6x2kg - 209.99) Tel: 033 413 2196 • Fax: 033-413 2100 GREYTOWN 120 Pine Street, Greytown Making home building simple POWER UP BUILD IT EXTENSION REEL 10 m x 10 amp BOSCH BLUE ANGLE GRINDER 660 watts x 115 mm 20 m x 10 amp ... R179 90 OFFERS AVAILABLE WHILE STOCKS LAST OR TILL 31st AUGUST 2013 R659 90 Congratulations to the Greytown ESKOM team on being presented with four top awards in the annu- al ESKOM provincial challenges. Senior Supervi- sor, Deon Joubert and his team are justifiably de- lighted that their hard work has been recognised -especially as they have been in number two slot for the past two years. Trophies won “housekeeping” -total appear- ance of the buildings and grounds;gardens; up- keep of vehicles etc. On a tour of the premises last week this reporter did not see one scrap of litter -everything is looked after and kept in absolutely impeccable condition. And the gardens have been so planned that there is plenty to look at and note Second trophy was for the best network services offered;third for the best performance in high risk areas (such as remote rural parts of Umvoti) and fourth was establishing the new Kranskop CNC from scratch to operational. In addition JD Smith of the team was awarded the title of best 4 x 4 driver in KZN! Obviously a feature of being the best is the excit- ing and creative gardens throughout the premises - thanks to Deon, Mara-Ann Burger,Trish Kohne and the ESKOM personnel. On being asked what next, Deon said “to make it even better!” Greytown Eskom tops KZN! Congratulations to team on being presented with four top awards in the annual ESKOM provincial challenges For the past 14 years Umvoti resi- dents have been fortunate enough to have been looked after by the comprehensive network of services covered by G911 -what makes this even more impressive is that the Greytown 911 control room is the on- ly surviving one of its kind in the Province. This is largely due to the calibre of the people involved in the running of this community based project - the committee and most of all the 911 operating team.of Dave Carroll,Jessica Barath,Kenny Pillay and Rias Cotwal . At the recent annual general meeting, Billy Fourie, who has served as chairman for many years, stepped down but will remain as a member of the committee. Newly elected committee members are : Julian Chaning-Pearce (Chairman), Dieter Meyer (Chairman UFPA), Andy Ma- son (Chairman UAS), IanRedfern (Chairman Dingwane Security) and V. Vilakazi together with current members, Dave Carroll (G911 Opera- tions Manager), Billy Fourie, Oscar Zondi, Ismail Moolla, D R Aheer and Deon van Rooyen. Nici Meyer has been appointed to handle adminis- tration. G911's achievements over the past 14 years are impressive.. Ra- dio operators, Riaz, Kenny and Jessi- ca, carry out an ongoing sterling job keeping G911 alive and operational 24 hours a day, every single day of the year. They are responsible for the morn- ing radio call ups, trice daily fire dan- ger indexes and working closely with the police, RTI, ambulances, private security companies and other emer- gency services. G911 is also the official Disaster Management Centre for the Umvoti Municipality, which is an impor- tant partnership for the com- munity. New to G911 is the coupling with SACAN and its facilities to assist in the event of an emergency by co-or- dinating all emergency services;is able to supply vital information ' as required, in any emergency. G911 is fortunate to be able to utilize SA- CAN's sms facility in the case of emergencies, enabling it to instantly broadcast important information and widen the net for a positive out- come. Other interest facts of note -dur- ing fire season, all fires must be re- ported to 911. - details are recorded in an occurrence register. Sniffer dog, Nitsi, is available in the event of deliberately set fires and other crimes. Contact Charles Haden, who is al- so on immediate radio call. G911 is run on donations, so an enormous thank you to every con- tributor. and special thanks to those who have been able to increase do- nations recently. Umvoti Municipality's contribu- tion is much appreciated. G911 contact numbers: 033 417 2 911 or 074 125 5756: email : [email protected] G911 looks after you all with TLC Line up of the Greytown ESKOM team and the well deserved trophies.

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Greytowngazettegg 20130828


Page 1: Greytowngazettegg 20130828

033 413 2735 Fax 033 413 1933 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 e-mail [email protected]

GAZETTEGreytownGreytownUmvoti | Kranskop | New Hanover | Msinga Magisterial Districts

10 000 copies weekly | Est. 1903FREE

The Family Store That Ca res


assorted 2litre


90 Voortrekker St,Greytown

Tel: 033 413 1156

28thAugust- 1st Sep 2013

Promotion valid

119 Sargeaunt Street Greytown 3250, Tel; 033 4171101 Fax 033 4172020Promotion Valid From 28 August 2013 - 03 September 2013


Mixed Portions 2kg(6x2kg - 209.99)

Tel: 033 413 2196 • Fax: 033-413 2100


120 Pine Street, GreytownMaking home building simple




660 watts x 115 mm

20 m x 10 amp ...R17990



Congratulations to the Greytown ESKOM team onbeingpresentedwith four topawards in theannu-al ESKOM provincial challenges. Senior Supervi-sor, Deon Joubert and his team are justifiably de-lighted that their hard work has been recognised-especially as they have been in number two slotfor the past two years.

Trophies won “housekeeping” -total appear-ance of the buildings and grounds;gardens; up-keep of vehicles etc. On a tour of the premises lastweek this reporter did not see one scrap of litter-everything is looked after and kept in absolutelyimpeccable condition. And the gardens have beenso planned that there is plenty to look at and note

Second trophywas for thebestnetworkservicesoffered;third for the best performance in high riskareas (such as remote rural parts of Umvoti) andfourth was establishing the new Kranskop CNCfrom scratch to operational.

In addition JD Smith of the team was awardedthe title of best 4 x 4 driver in KZN!

Obviouslya featureof being thebest is theexcit-ingandcreativegardens throughout thepremises- thanks to Deon, Mara-Ann Burger,Trish Kohneand the ESKOM personnel.

On being asked what next, Deon said “to makeit even better!”

Greytown Eskom tops KZN!Congratulations to team on being presented with four top awards in the annual ESKOM provincial challenges

For the past 14 years Umvoti resi­dents have been fortunate enoughto have been looked after by thecomprehensive network of servicescovered by G911 ­what makes thiseven more impressive is that theGreytown 911 control room is the on­ly surviving one of its kind in theProvince. This is largely due to thecalibre of the people involved in therunning of this community basedproject ­ the committee and mostof all the 911 operating team.of DaveCarroll,Jessica Barath,Kenny Pillayand Rias Cotwal .

At the recent annual generalmeeting, Billy Fourie, who has servedas chairman for many years, steppeddown but will remain as a memberof the committee. Newly elected

committee members are : JulianChaning­Pearce (Chairman), DieterMeyer (Chairman UFPA), Andy Ma­son (Chairman UAS), IanRedfern(Chairman Dingwane Security) andV. Vilakazi together with currentmembers, Dave Carroll (G911 Opera­tions Manager), Billy Fourie, OscarZondi, Ismail Moolla, D R Aheer andDeon van Rooyen. Nici Meyer hasbeen appointed to handle adminis­tration. G911's achievements overthe past 14 years are impressive.. Ra­dio operators, Riaz, Kenny and Jessi­ca, carry out an ongoing sterling jobkeeping G911 alive and operational24 hours a day, every single day ofthe year.

They are responsible for the morn­ing radio call ups, trice daily fire dan­

ger indexes and working closely withthe police, RTI, ambulances, privatesecurity companies and other emer­gency services.

G911 is also the official DisasterManagement Centre for the UmvotiMunicipality, which is an impor­tant partnership for the com­munity.

New to G911 is the coupling withSACAN and its facilities to assist inthe event of an emergency by co­or­dinating all emergency services;isable to supply vital information ' asrequired, in any emergency. G911 isfortunate to be able to utilize SA­CAN's sms facility in the case ofemergencies, enabling it to instantlybroadcast important informationand widen the net for a positive out­

come.Other interest facts of note ­dur­

ing fire season, all fires must be re­ported to 911. ­ details are recordedin an occurrence register.

Sniffer dog, Nitsi, is available inthe event of deliberately set firesand other crimes.

Contact Charles Haden, who is al­so on immediate radio call.

G911 is run on donations, so anenormous thank you to every con­tributor. and special thanks to thosewho have been able to increase do­nations recently.

Umvoti Municipality's contribu­tion is much appreciated.

G911 contact numbers: 033 417 2911 or 074 125 5756: email :[email protected]

G911 looks after you all with TLC

Line up of the Greytown ESKOM team and the well deserved trophies.

Page 2: Greytowngazettegg 20130828

Page 2 The Greytown Gazette, Wednesday, August 28, 2013

GreytownPoliceare looking for in-formation from members of thepublic on a skeleton found in awattle plantation alongside Grey-town Quarry on 21st August.

It is hoped that someone mightbe able to identify the skeletonfrom the clothing on it -blue jeanswith a Daniel Hechter label;greenjersey;brown Grasshoppers.

Invetigating officer,senior De-tective W/O Khoza told the Grey-town Gazette an inquest dockethadbeenopened -it appeared thatthe bones hadbeen there for sometime.Theboneswouldnowbesentto the Foresenic Science Lab inPretoria.

Anyone who might recognisethe clothing is asked to contact theinvestigating officer on 073 6487438 or 033 413 9030


Celebrating its 21st birthday the NGKannual tent bazaar takes place on Fri-day with a range of activities startingat lunch- time.

In thebig tent lunches, chickencurryand salads, boerewors rolls andmincefilled pancakes will be available from12.30 to 2 p.m.Tea, coffee and pan-cakes will also be available until2 p.m.

All the stalls will open at 5 p.m.-on sale will be cakes, breads, jams,koeksusters, milk tarts, fresh vegeta-bles,plants, meat market, white ele-phant table, second books andCD’s.

On the entertainment front, a haunt-edhousecompletewithghostsandoth-er scary spooky apparitions will pro-vide lots of screams...and fun.

For the young,a super selection ofhomemade sweets,popcorn,candyfloss and fun and games to entertainthem.

For supper to enjoy at the Bazaaror take away, mutton or chicken curryandrice;porkwithvegandsalads;worsrolls; and homemade trifle and pud-dings.

Pancake fanspleasenote that ordersfor this special treat must be made toAnnatjie (082 8717074) by 12 noon to-day for delivery tomorrow, Thursdayas there is no delivery on the day of theBazaar.


Shri VishnuMandir extends an in-vitation to all to a transformationand healing to take place on 3rdSeptember in Greytown at Bruid-havan Hall from 6.30. This isbased on ancient spirtiaul knowl-edge of Bramhavidya from Indiaby Sadguru Ahri SuratantradeojiMaharajandSaintShriNaamdeojiMaharaj.Supper will be served.

Shri VishnuMandirinvite

An important workshop for allmembers of the Umvoti com-munity takes place this Fridayat 9 a.m. in Greytown TownHall.Umvoti Municipality to-gether with the KZN Legisla-

ture has extended an invita-tion to Councillors, ward com-mittees,Amakhosi, ndunas,CDworkers, religious leaders, Su-kuma Sakhe members, NGO’sand people with disabilities to

attend this Community Readi-ness & Awareness workshop .

Any queries please contactMr L Mngadi on 033 413 9102or Futhi Mkhize on 033 3557655 during office hours.



GSS familyfun fairA reminder that the Grey-town Secondary Schoolfamily fun fair takes placeon Saturday at theschool.

Therewill be lots and lotsof activities for all ages, aswell as competitions frombabies upwards; games for

the young;darts and thuneeand beauty stalls for the la-dies. Lots of entertainmenttoo - dancing, singing, idolsetc.

No need to cook thisweekend - there will be lotsof food on sale throughoutthe day.

Time for the fun day of the year!Daddy’s garage sponsored 4-A-SIDE Family Fun Day on Sunday8 September. Entries R120 perteam and a bring and braai lunchto follow. Lots and lots of prizes fornames, dress and play! EnterASAP to Pierre 0/821 772 5504.


Page 3: Greytowngazettegg 20130828

The Greytown Gazette, Wednesday, August 28, 2013 Page 3

All other stalls open at 5 pm.Meat market, koeksisters, cakes, homemade bread,

bottled preserves, plants, vegetables, handwork,second-hand CDs and books, curry and rice, spit braai

with veggies plus salads, boerewors rolls.White elephant table with fascinating

second-hand items!The pudding table with tasty trifle and

malva pudding!At the games yard ... ball pond, jumping

castle, haunted house!Sweets and Treats stall for homemade sweets!

Popular cooldrink table with lots of prizesto be won!






Come and Join us on the 31st August at ...




Hip HopFreestyle

Gospel Crew

Idols competition


Sarafina Group

Mr/Miss GSS


Kantharuby DanceAcademy

Face Painting

Fashion Parade

Baby Competition



Thunee Competition

Jumping Castle

DJ Kid

Toddler Dash

Tantalizing Food

And so much more...


Family FunDay!

Onaday thatwasmost certainly a har-bingerofSpringa largegroupofenthu-siastic Garden Club members spent avery productive morning discoveringthe delights of creating beautiful,bright hanging baskets to adorn theirhomes. A cheerfully planted basket isan ideal way to bring a splash of brightcolour into the garden in Winter andalso makes a special “living’ gift.

The meeting, which took the formatof a workshop, was in the tranquilgrounds of aptly named Tranquili-tea,adjoining the Country Nursery. After abrief presentation by Pippa Harris onthe various do’s and don’t’s of creatingand caring for hanging baskets, mem-bers eagerly donned their gardeningglovesandbeganplantingup theirownbasketsusingsuperiorqualityplantingmedium donated by Organics for Afri-ca. Once the planting was completedmembers and guests were treated totea and an array of delicious tea-timetreats provided by the staff of Tranqui-li-tea.Please note that thenextGardenClub meeting will again be a“traveling” meeting in Septemberwhen we will be visiting the magnifi-cent gardens of “Benvie” on the Kark-loof road. The date for this meetingwill not be the usual second Tuesdayof the month but will be later to coin-cide with the flowering of the massesof Clivia, Azaleamollis and Rhododen-drons.

Brightbeautifulhangingbaskets Keeping his cool a 70 year old

robbery victim followedhis at-tackerandthenalertedthePo-lice who later arrested a man.

Early on the morning ofThursday 22nd August, a 70year oldman on the farmKop-perbult inWartburg.went out-side . On his return to thehouse he was confronted by aknife wielding man whostabbedhiminthearmandde-mandedthekeys tohisvehicle,anOpelCorsabakkie.Thesus-pectdroveoff in thebakkie fol-lowed by the victim on foot, Ashort while later the thiefstopped the vehicle alongsidea cane field and fled into thecane.

Wartburg Police were con-tacted by the victim and wentto the farm where with thehelp of workers blockaded thevicinity forcing the suspect outof hiding in the cane field.

Further investigations ledPolice to the suspect’s house intheMpolweni areawhere theyrecovered electrical equip-ment, jewellery and clothingbelieved to have been stolenfrom a house in Wartburg theday before.

Thesuspecthasappeared intheNewHanoverMagistrate’sCourt on charges of burglariesat residential premises andhouse robbery

Arrest infarmattack

Members of the public from theWartburg, Harburg, Ematima-tolo, Mapumulo, Muden, NewHanover, Nsuze, Kranskop, Ri-etvlei and Greytown area, whohave made applications for li-censes at the Greytown SAPSFirearm Center, and have notcollected their certificates or li-censes are requested to contactthe SAPS Designated FirearmOfficer on 033 413 9003/ 67 orvisit theirofficesatRoom29and30 SAPS Greytown, between

08:00 and 16:00 from Mondayto Friday, with their identitydocuments and old firearm li-censes.

Applicants canalso e-mail theoffice at [email protected] to verify if theirnew licenses are ready for col-lection.

Members of the public whoare in possession of firearms forsafekeeping on behalf of otherlicense holders, must ensurethat they are in possession of a

SAP 539(permission to store afirearm) which is issued only bya designated firearmofficial.

Applicants who applied in2008 are requested to renewtheir competency certificates asthe period of 5 years expires inDecember 2013.

Kindly note that licenses andcertificates not collected before6th September 2013 will bereturned to theNational CentralFirearm Registry Office.

Urgent! Collection of firearm licensesand competency certificates


Umvoti maidens held a two day camp over the weekend in preparation for the forth­coming Royal reed dance.The maidens were honoured to be visited by professionals Mrs S Hlongwane fron the South African QualificationsAuthority, Ms B Chabelidie a prosecutor based in Newcastle, Ms P Dlamini an attorney and Ms H Hlengwa who isa social worker ­ they spoke on career guidance, education, drugs and substance abuse, detention of juveniles tothe hundred or so maidens present.

Page 4: Greytowngazettegg 20130828

Page 4 The Greytown Gazette, Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Umvoti MunicipalityClosure of Corporate

Services Department andTheodore Menne Library

Umvoti Residents are hereby advised that the UmvotiMunicipality’s Corporate Services Departmentand the Theodore Menne Library will be closedon Thursday, 29th August 2013 but will re-openfor normal duties on the 30th August 2013.

All other departments will be operating as normal.Should you have any queries please contact theMunicipal Offices on 033 413 9100 during officehours. Any inconvenience is regretted.

Mr B.A. Xulu Notice No. 1835Municipal Manager PO Box 71

Greytown 3250

One of themost sucessful and enjoyablemat-ric farewells took place on 23rd August atGreytown Lodge with all taking part dressedin style and having a great time.

Academic achievement awards presentedas follows:

Best in accounting;business studies;eco-nomics;maths literacy;Nkosinathi Dani-sa;EGD;Mamuli Zuma;electrical tech;hospi-tality;Thabile Dlamini;English (FAL) Lung-isani Ntombela;geography;lifesciences;l.o.;physical science;Sphelele Zibu-la;history;Nkululeka Buthele-zi;maths:Nomthandago Gumede;isizu-lu:Mkhululi Makhunga.

Matric overall:Sphelele Zibula and Nkosi-nathi Danisa.

Sport and cultural awards: Chess;karateNjabulo Khanyile;netball:Ntombenhle Dlad-la;rugby: Nkosinathi Danisa;soceerboys:Nkosinathi Myaka;girls: ThabileDlamini; cultural,gospel:Xoslisile Sibiya;cul-tural ,mshado Nkanyiso Mzila.

Leadership acheievements: Nosipho Zon-di;Nothando Zondi;Mfundo Khuzwayo;Tha-bile Dlamini;Lindokuhle Myaka;LindokuhleMkhize.

Guest speaker, past pupil,MrsN.D.D.Mazu-bane, now an educationist, emphasised theimportance of book studies and learning andthat the learners must focus on their goals.

On Friday the school’s cultural teams takepart in the level at Eshane having come firstin Umshado, Indlamu, gospel and second inisicathamiya categories.

Grade 12awards atBuhlebuyeza

Page 5: Greytowngazettegg 20130828

The Greytown Gazette, Wednesday, August 28, 2013 Page 5

165 Shepstone Street, Greytown.Tel: 033 413 2451




SPECIALS VALID FROM 28 Aug - 3 Sept 2013




We caterfor all



WINDOW ON WEMBLEYInter houseathleticwinners: (fromleft toright);CamrynMinnaar,RiaanSwanepoel,Joshua Meyer,Kobus vanRooyen, RietzShabalala andThobeka MzilaFront:JessicaMare and BrettJarvie

WINDOWONWEMBLEYTheHighSchool Arts festival once againshowed off the visual and dramat-ic skills of its young participantsto parents, staff and friends. Con-gratulations to all concerned - it'samazing what creative abilitiescometothe foreat times like these.

Wembley was very pleased tohavebeenabletosendtheprimaryschool staff to the Isasa (Indepen-dent Schools' Association) 'Proud-ly Primary' conference which washeld at Cordwalles PreparatorySchool inPietermaritzburg.Therewere over a thousand delegatesand it was awonderful opportuni-ty to network with teachers fromall over South Africa. ProfessorJonathan Jansen, from the Uni-versity of the Free State, openedthe conference with an illuminat-ing and inspiring address. His talkwas based on seven ways to be asuccessful leader in the class-room. There were break-awaysessionswhere the teachers couldattend workshops of their ownchoice.Thespeakers includedTim

Barry, Jes Foord(rape victim), andvarious other experts from aroundthe country on different fields of in-terest. On the final day, there wereaddresses by two ex-Headboysfrom Hilton College.

Mr Johan Wolmarans would liketo thank the Board, Mr Norris, Mr-Swart, colleagues, parents, and thescholars of Wembley College for allthe support, thoughts and prayersduring the past week and a half. Heis on the road to recoveryandhopesto return to school on Tuesday27thAugust.

Wembley College High Schoolstaff recently attended a Cam-bridge Level 1 course. The purposeof the course was marking, paperexplanations, and ideas to use asimprovement, etc.

OnAugust15th theU15girls' ten-nis team played against GHS anddrew3-3.Well done toKylaBuchanand Brogan Mason who won theirsingles and to Kyla Buchan andIvanna Dede for winning their dou-bles.

U16 girls' soccer played TWC on

15thAugust at Wembley College. Itwas a tough gamewith the outcomebeing a 4-0 loss to the home team.The U13 boys' and girls' hockeyteams went on their annual hockeytour from Saturday 10thAugust toTuesday 13th.

On the Saturday, the boys playedthe girls on the AB Jackson Fieldsin Pietermaritzburg, with the finalscorebeing1-1.They then travelledto the animal flag farm to drop offtheir bags and freshen up before afun afternoon at the beach. On theSunday, the whole day was spent atUshakawhere theysawthePenguinfeeding, the Seal show and the Dol-phin show.

After lunch, they enjoyed an af-ternoonat 'Wet 'nWild'.OnMonday,their day started at the ice rink,where they were given a tour of theice machines followed by a sessionof ice skating.

The boys and girls then went toHillcrest to take on the HillcrestChristian School where they lostboth their matches.Extreme P.Ewas on the agenda for the Tuesday

morning.This bunch of activities, or-

ganisedby theWaveHouseandthoroughly enjoyed by thescholars, included the WavePool, the Climbing Wall, SuperTubes and soccer. The after-noonwas spent playing hockey

againstAshtonCollegewherebothteams lost again. .

OnWednesday, August 21st,theU11s, and the U10s boys' hockeyteams travelled to Epworth toplaymatches there. The U11sdrew their match 1-1, theU10sdrew theirs 3-3.

Congratulationsto the u16Hockey girls whohad a victoriousseason winningevery matchthey played.

Page 6: Greytowngazettegg 20130828


Cooking Oil5lt


Super Maize Meal10kg

9974Aunt Caroline



9959Super SureCake Flour



White Sugar10kg

9930Top Lay

Eggs Large30's


Baked Beans410g


Mixed Portions 2kg(6x2kg - 209.99) 9926

Ellis BrownCreamer1kg




Mooi River Butter500g


Fish Fingers600g

9915All Gold

Apricot Jam900g



9919Black Cat

Peanut Butter400g





French Polony2kg

9918Crosse & Blackwell



Nespray Sachet500g






Low Price


Smooth Yoghurt2lt

9913All Gold

Tomato Sauce700ml


Southern Fry250g

9912John West

Shredded Tuna160g

Bigger Savings Better Living119 Sargeaunt Street, Greytown 3250Tel: 033 4171101 Fax 033 4172020

Valid While Stock Last. E&OE. No TradersWe Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities

Promotion ValidFrom: 28 August 2013 -03 September 2013

9919Sunshine DMargarine


997Fatties & MonisSpaghetti OrMacaroni 500g

Page 7: Greytowngazettegg 20130828


Corn Flakes1kg







French Fries1kg


3 Way Mixed Veg1kg


9911KnorroxSoup Box



Soya Mince Bag400g


Instant Poriridge1kg

0010De Vries

Ginger Biscuit200g




Washing Powder2kg


Dish Liquid Bag750ml



Sleep & PlayLarge Packs


Toothpaste + FreeToothbrush




2nd Foods125ml











Asst Flavours


Gouda CheeseP/kg

9912Top One

Corned Meat300g


Light & Crispy500g

RumpT/Bone Steak



1/2 OrWhole Lamb








Pre Packed1kg





64.99 49.99

59.99 34.99 14.99

29.99 9.99 4.99 3.99

9.99 5.993.99

Bigger Savings Better Living119 Sargeaunt Street, Greytown 3250Tel: 033 4171101 Fax 033 4172020

Valid While Stock Last. E&OE. No TradersWe Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities

Promotion ValidFrom: 28 August 2013 -03 September 2013


Salad Dressing375ml

Page 8: Greytowngazettegg 20130828

7am to 7pm90 Voortrekker St, Greytown

Tel: 033 413 1156 • Fax: 033 417

28 August - 1 Sep 2013


Promotion valid

363days a year

Pond’s VanishingCream 50ml 1699



• Prices valid while stocks last. E&OE • No traders • Pension Payouts • We reserve the right to limit quantities • Glocell prepaid cellphones • Prepaid airtime - available at till points • ABSA ATM for your convenience

Kellogg’s InstantPorridge 750g 1999 Bokomo Morn-

ing Oats 1kg 1499 HeartlandMuesli 750g 2399

Fruity or Special ONLY

NescafeCappuccinoSticks 10x18g


FreshpakRooibos 80’s


Nestle Nespray500g sachet


Custard 1litre

1799Simb Nik Naks


699Cadbury Bubbly

Mint 87g


Joko Tagless TeaBags 100’s


Ellis BrownCreamer 1kg

2699Cadbury Bubbly

Mint 150g


Lucky StarPilchards in

Tomato 400g


Nandos Hot /Med Peri Peri


1899All Gold Tomato

Sauce 700ml




Knorr SaladDressing 340ml

1699 Lucky StarShredded Tuna

in Brine 170g

1099Sofia PeeledTomatoes 400g

599All Gold Tomato

& Onion Mix410g

799Smash Original

ONLY 104g


Top Class SoyaMince 500g

1299Knorrox Stock

Cubes 24’s

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Milano ButterBeans 410g


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Flora Regular1kg tub


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assorted 200g 599Oily/Very Oily Skin ONLY

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Lotion 250ml 1799Stayfree PadsMaxi Thick 10’s 699

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Page 9: Greytowngazettegg 20130828

Carrots1kg bag 499 Jam Tomatoes

1kg bag 599 Lettuceeach 499 Dhania

per bunch 100 Spinnachper bunch 399





• Prices valid while stocks last. E&OE • No traders • Pension Payouts • We reserve the right to limit quantities • Glocell prepaid cellphones • Prepaid airtime - available at till points • ABSA ATM for your convenience

Nu Dawn eggsTaxi Pack

Nu Dawn eggs 5999

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Tevo Silky GardenCoil Hose 15m


Vegetable Rack3 tier


Simply ChickenPolony 1kg


Rainbow WalkyTalky 1kg


YD VegetarianPrawns 300g

1999McCain French

Stir Fry 1kg


Country Mix 1kg

2299McCain Garden

Peas 250g


Exotic SeafoodPrawns C&D 500g

5500Super Gold

Mixed Veg 1kg


I&J Tasty FishFingers 600g


Fry’s Hot Dogs500g


RainbowDrumsticks 1.5kg


Jam Swiss Rollseach 1299Eggless Mini

Doughnuts each 200

T-Bone Steakper kg 5999 Bulk Lamb Curry

Packs per kg 4999

Farmstyle Worsper kg 4999

BP1 Potatoes3kg bag 1499 Gemsquash

3kg bag 1299 Oranges3kg bag 1499 Cauliflower

each 599 GreenPepper 1kg 699 Onions

3kg bag 1499

Page 10: Greytowngazettegg 20130828


90 Voortrekker St, GreytownTel: 033 413 1156

30thAug2013 ONLY


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Aug 2013 ONLY


Rump/PorterhouseSteak per kg 5999

Serving suggestion

Spar-lettaCool Drink

assorted 2litre


Moir’s Tea LoversCoconut Biscuits 200g


Royal WhiteSugar 10kg


Sunlight WashingPowder 3kg


Premium ToiletRolls 10’s


Goldi MixedPortions 2kg

3399Huggies Dry

Comfort Jumbo58’s / 68’s

12299Rama Spreadfor Bread 500g


Clover Mooi RiverButter 500g


Five RosesTagless TeaBags 100’s


Farmgate UHTMilk 6x1litre


Koo BakedBeans 410g


LiquiFruit Juiceassorted2litres


Mealie KingMaize Meal


9900Royal Rice


6699Sunfoil Cooking

Oil 5litre


Bokomo CornFlakes 1kg


BUY 2get


PLUS SunlightDishwash400ml FREE

Handy AndyCream 750ml


Page 11: Greytowngazettegg 20130828

The Greytown Gazette, Wednesday, August 28, 2013 Page 11

On Tuesday20th Augustthe Grade 1 and2 hockey boystraveled to Ho-wick to partici-pate in a Mini-Hockey Festi-val. They playedwell and tried

their best.The grade 1'slost all 4 gamesand the grade2's lost all 3games.


Greytown JuniorGr R learnersthoroughlyenjoyed a funfilled visit to

Brenda'sBarnyard ­ oneof thehighlights wasthe handling ofthe sheepdogsand sheep byBrendaMunitich.

Christél Brooks has been selected to represent KwaZulu-Natalat the annual National SANESA Championships in September.

She has been representing Hermannsburg on HelderfonteinVelocity in the Core League Shows,which test and judge eques-trian disciplines, where she has competed in both the CoreLeague and in the Eventing League, achieving various first andsecond places to accumulate the required points to representour province in the Equitation, Working Hunter and WorkingRiding Horse categories.

In the process, she has earned Hermannsburg top points inthe schools category, ahead of seven other schools in KwaZulu-Natal.

High drama and moving speeches confronted the adjudica-tors from the Speech andDramaAssociation of SA, AlanHaganand Garth Anderson, as they judged 72 individual and fourpaired items presented by Primary and High School learnerson Friday, 16 August. In all, 21 A’s were awarded, over andabove theA’s going to all twelveGrade 1 learners. JulianKönig-krämer(Grade1)andThandisiweZuma(Grade5)bothexcelledand achieved A+ ratings.

Other noteworthy performances were the choral verses ofthe Grade 5/6 class and of the Grade 8 class, which bothachieved A symbols.

Well done to all who participated, and special thanks to theadjudicators, for their constructive criticism, to Yvonne Klin-genberg and Henriette Röttcher for their clerical assistance,and to the teachers who prepared the children so well.


Page 12: Greytowngazettegg 20130828

UMVOTI MUNICIPALITYGreytown is Head Office of the Umvoti Municipality and is situated 75 km north of Pietermaritzburg. The area of jurisdiction is 2508

sq. km with greenery, timber, sugar cane, maize and abundant investment opportunity.

Applications are invited from suitably qualifiedpersons to fill the following contractual and permanent



SERVICES(Fixed term employment contract for three (3) yearslinked to a performance contract)REMUNERATION: A total inclusive negotiableremuneration package per annum.

QUALIFICATIONS:• Matric plus an appropriate three year degree in Civil orElectrical Engineering/B Tech: Engineering or equiva-lent qualification at (NQF Level 6) from a recognisedtertiary institution.

• A postgraduate degree or equivalent will be an addedadvantage.

• Registration as Pr. Eng. or Pr. Tech with ECSA and anyother relevant registration.

• Minimum of 5 years’ experience at senior managementlevel, preferably in the public sector/local governmentenvironment.

• Computer literacy in MS Projects.• Code B driver’s licence.

ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS• Experience at manager level; as programme/projectmanager.

• A certificate in Municipal Finance ManagementProgramme will be an added advantage

• Core managerial and occupational competencies, asdescribed in the Municipal Performance Regulationsissued in terms of the Municipal Systems Act.

• Successful candidate must be prepared to undertakecapacity building programmes pertaining to the mini-mum competency levels as published in the Govern-ment Gazette No. 29967 of 15 June 2007.

COMPETENCIES:• Excellent communication skills.• Technical aptitude and businesses acumen.• Strategic and visionary leadership, excellent writtenand verbal communication skills, ability to work underpressure and adhere to tight deadlines, clear under-standing of legislation governing local governmentwhich, amongst others, is Municipal FinanceManagement Act, Systems Act, Structures Act.

• Project/programme management skills.• Problem solving skills.• Action driven and innovative.• Exceptional strategic planning and organizationalskills.

• Sound understanding of the legal and legislativeframework in which local government operates.

KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS:• Fulfil the role of Administrative Head for Engineering

Services Department.• Manage complex civil infrastructure project from

conceptualization, design, contract management,quality assurance and compliance, and ensure theirproper integration to the local municipality’s overallplan (IDP).

• Manages the key performance areas and resultindicators associated with the rehabilitation andmaintenance of road infrastructure, storm waterdrainage and the adequacy of traffic signage androad markings through investigation, analysis andinterpretation of developmental requirements againstthe capacity and capability of the department toaccomplish immediate, short and longer term servicedelivery objectives.

• Electrical infrastructure.• Waste Management and Refuse removal.• Overall maintenance.• Fleet management and mechanical workshop.• Cemeteries.• Perform financial monitoring through commissioning,operations and maintenance to ensure effective andefficient functioning of the department within thebudgetary constraints of the municipality.

• Manage the budget and assets assigned to theDepartment.

• Monitor the performance of contractors and serviceproviders.

• Oversee construction management and maintenance.• Prepareandcompile tenderdocumentsforengineering

and infrastructure projects.• Provide professional advisory services to themunicipality.

• Manage all the department’s contracts and tendersaccording to the approval of SLAs, councilrequirements, ensuring adherence to the SLAs, termsof reference, letter of appointment and contractedproject time lines as per specification

• Lead and direct staff in the department to ensure thatthey meet the objectives in line with the municipality’srequirements and resources.

• Provide Strategic Financial Management and Budgetcontrol.

• Oversee building compliance in terms of NationalBuilding Regulations and Building Standards Act of1977.

• Provide council support on issues related tolegislation.

• Ensure that projects reflecting to IDP are registered inaccordance with CIDB requirements.

• Execute any other lawful duties that may be assignedby the Municipal Manager.


(Fixed term employment contract for a period notexceeding one year after the next Local GovernmentElections)REMUNERATION: A total inclusive negotiableremuneration package per annum.

QUALIFICATIONS:• Matric plus an appropriate three-year degree in Public

Administration/Management Sciences/Law/HumanResources Management or equivalent (NQF Level 6)from a recognised tertiary institution.

• A postgraduate degree or equivalent will be an addedadvantage.

• Minimum of 5 years’ experience at senior managementlevel, preferably in the public sector/local governmentenvironment.

• Computer literacy in MS Office.• Code B driver’s licence.• Extensive knowledge of local government legislationpolicies, standards and procedures including FinanceManagement Act.

ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS• Core managerial and occupational competencies, as

described in the Municipal Performance Regulationsissued in terms of the Municipal Systems Act.

• Have proven successful senior managementexperience in administration.

• The ability to develop, implement and managestrategic goals, policies procedures and plans forthe directorate and aligned them to with the strategicobjectives of the municipality.

• Strategic and visionary leadership, excellent writtenand verbal communication skills, ability to workunder pressure and adhere to tight deadlines, clearunderstanding of legislation governing local govern-ment which, amongst others, is Municipal FinanceManagement Act, Systems Act, Structures Act.

• Successful candidate must be prepared to under-take capacity building programmes pertaining to theminimum competency levels as published in theGovernment Gazette No. 29967 of 15 June 2007.

COMPETENCIES:• Sound knowledge and interpretation of key and

related local government Acts and Regulations (e.g.MSA, MFMA etc.).

• Good knowledge of Local Government PerformanceManagement System.

• Good knowledge of Municipal Supply Chain Manage-ment Regulations and the Preferential ProcurementPolicy Framework Act, 2000.

• Labour Relations Act.• King III Code and legal background.• Strategic and leadership capabilities.• Policy formulation.• Good communication skills.• Sound understanding of the legal and legislativeframework in which local government operates.

KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS::• Fulfil the role of Administrative Head for Corporate

Services Department.• Provide operational and strategic management andprocesses in the areas of

• Human Resources, Administration, Committees,Records Management, Library and Museum Services.

• Provide strategic support to the Municipal Managerand Senior Management Team.

• Provide Strategic Financial Management and Budget

control.• Promote and administer organizational developmentand inter-governmental relations.

• Ability to support and implement good governance,ethics and values for financial management.

• Manage and advise on internal and externalcommunications

• Manage the performance management system(IPMS) and human resource policy functions withinthe Municipality.

• Manage and advise on the registry and auxiliaryfunctions of the Municipality

• Provide strategic leadership and superior expertisein the development of management informationsystems for effective decision making.

• Formulate and review policies in line with applicableLegislations.

• Ensure compliance to legislative requirements,e.g. EEA, BCEA, LRA, SDLA, MFMA etc as well ascollective agreements.

• Manage and drive the transformation process withinthe organization.

• Manage and drive the organization development,change management and administrative processesand systems.

• Be responsible for institutional support to the Councilstructures and its Committees.

• Be responsible for corporate strategic and forwardplanning and communication.

• Manage and drive local economic development(plans, project, programmes and implementation)

• Administer Risk Management and internal control andensure that internal audit is operating in accordancewith the prescribed norms and standards.

• Managing the directorate’s budget planning,implementation and budget review to supportpriorities and deliveries in the context of IDP.

• Advising the Municipal Manager timeously andeffectively on matters pertaining the Directorate

• Preparing and Controlling the Directorate’s budget.• Provide visionary and innovative leadership todiverse workforce, to ensure optimal utilisation of theCouncil’s resources in terms of implementing itsstrategic objectives articulated in the IDP and in thefulfilment of its legislative mandate.

• Implement integrated development plan and strategicgoals of the budget and treasury.

• Provide support and advice to the Council andmunicipal manager.

• Implement service delivery budget implementationplan.

• Execute any other lawful duties that may be assignedby the Municipal Manager.


(Fixed term employment contract for a period notexceeding one year after the next Local GovernmentElections)REMUNERATION: A total inclusive negotiableremuneration package per annum.

REQUIREMENTS:• Matric plus an appropriate three-year degree in Social

Sciences or equivalent (NQF Level 6) from arecognised tertiary institution.

• A minimum of 5 years’ experience in a seniormanagerial position.

• Code EC driver’s licence.• Computer literacy in MS Office.• Professional Registration with relevant bodies.

ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS:• A postgraduate degree or equivalent will be an addedadvantage.

• Diploma and Registration as Traffic Officer.• Diploma and Registration as Examiner of Motor

vehicles and Drivers Licence.• Core managerial and occupational competencies, as

described in the Municipal Performance Regulationsissued in terms of the Municipal Systems Act.

• Conflict Management and Problem Solving.• Successful candidate must be prepared to under-take capacity building programmes pertaining to theminimum competency levels as published in theGovernment Gazette No. 29967 of 15 June 2007.

COMPETENCIES:• Knowledge and understanding of Traffic and Local

Government legislations and Policies that governsMunicipalities.

• Thorough knowledge of NRTA 93/96 and Regulations.

• Knowledge of Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002and related legislation.

KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS:• Fulfil the role of Administrative Head for Protection

Services Department.• Manages the implementation, monitoring, evaluationand reporting sequences of outcomes associatedwith plans and programmes designed to accomplishkey service delivery objectives with respect to publicsafety and disaster management through theco-ordination of operations associated with theenforcement of Municipal Policing Laws and By-laws and, the provision of an Emergency Fire andRescue Services in order to ensure the risk ofdamage to property and/ or loss of lives is limitedthrough prompt and efficient execution of sequencesand applications.

• Aligning the departmental key performance areas.• Compilation of the Departmental SDBIP, monitor andreport on programme implementation.

• Ensure the development of appropriate Strategies,Policies and plans for all relevant areas.

• Direct the implementation of specific procedures,systems and controls associated with key func-tional areas embodied in the Protection Servicesdepartmental structure.

• Provide Strategic leadership and planning for thedepartment.

• Responsible for public safety, which amongst otherthings includes traffic management, security, fireand rescue service, disaster management and LawEnforcement.

• Monitoring expenditure against budgetary provisionsand preparing motivations with reasons to seekapproval for additional funding for specificprogrammes or activities.

• Participating in the establishment and, providingsupport to Community Policing Forum with regardsto roles, responsibilities and methodology.

• Evaluating current levels of performance with respectto the guarding, investigations and public order andaddresses deviations or adjustment to plans and/or co-ordinating joint efforts (South African PoliceService) to eliminate/ minimize security and safetyrisks.

• Assessing the adequacy of control procedures withrespect to firearms and ammunition and assets and,addressing/investigating specific deviations with aview to instituting disciplinary measures.

• In order to ensure unsafe conditions and/or hazardsare identified and rectified minimizing the threat ofinjury to persons and/or damage to property.

• Execute any other lawful duties that may be assignedby the Municipal Manager.

Detailed CVs with relevant attachments can beforwarded to The Municipal Manager, Mr B.A. Xulu,Umvoti Municipality, P.O. Box 71, Greytown 3250,and can be contacted on 033 413 9100.

Umvoti Municipality adheres to the provisions ascontained in the Employment Equity Act to ensure therepresentivity through the process of affirmative action.

Canvassing for appointment will automaticallydisqualify an applicant.

If no reply to your application has been received within60 days of the closing date, you should consider yourapplication as being unsuccessful.

The municipality will not take responsibility forinformation not mentioned in applications.

NO late, faxed, emailed applications will be accepted.

The municipality will not be held responsible for lostapplications unless proof of submission can be given.

All applicants may be required to undergo a proficiencytest.

NO applications shall be considered without certifiedcopies of the original documents of qualifications.

Reference checks will be done.

Foreign qualifications accredited by the South AfricanQualification Authority only will be considered.

SHOULD the candidate be successful in the inter-views and thereafter decline the offer, such candidatewill be liable for all costs incurred to have the positionre-advertised.

Closing date: 13 September 2013

Mr B.A. XuluMunicipal Manager Notice No. 1834

Page 13: Greytowngazettegg 20130828

The Greytown Gazette, Wednesday, August 28, 2013 Page 13

Sir,The residents of Muden would

like to thank all those involvedin the clearing of the Muden/Greytown road;also theUmvotiAgricultural Society;Kwanalu;Golf911;Department of Trans­port;Greytown SAPS for all yourtime and effort spent regardingthe un­fortu­nate sit­uation.

Mu­den resi­dent.


ON UMVOTI MUNICIPALITY DATABASEUmvoti Local Municipality is inviting all accredited Service Providers who wish to register on itsService Providers Database to send applications, as per Section 14 (1) (b) of Umvoti MunicipalSupply Chain Management Policy and hereby invites suppliers of goods and services to apply forregistration on our Supplier Database.Service Providers who have registered before are requested to update their information.Applications are invited from suppliers of the following goods and services:

1.Building contractors 15. Project management consultants

2. Carpenters 16. Property valuators

3. Catering 17. Media consultants

4.Cleaning material 18. Shuttle services

5. Courier services 19. Stationery

6. Design and printing 20. Training providers

7. Fencing contractors 21. Travelling and booking

8. Financial advisors/consultants 22. Construction equipment and materials

9. Gardening services 23. Fuel suppliers

10. Human resource management consultants 24. Sports equipment

11. IT services 25. Office cleaning

12. Advertising agency 26. Office equipment and furniture

13. Architects 27. Plumbing

14. And otherA hard copy of the application form is available at the Umvoti Municipal Offices, or can bedownloaded from Umvoti Municipal website. . A completed original applicationform must be hand-delivered or posted to the following address:Attention: The SCM Manager, Supplier Database, P.O. Box 71, Greytown, 3250Direct all enquiries to the following people: E.V. MDLALOSETel: 033 413 9100B.A. XULUMunicipal Manager



Frozen StewingBeefPer kg





ONLYPer kg


TEL: 033 413 3153




PARTS SALESMANTWK Agriculture Ltd. with its head office in Piet Retief,Mpumalanga, wishes to fill the abovementioned vacancy atthe Trade Department - GREYTOWN.

Preference will be given to applicants:• With a Grade 12 senior certificate.• Are honest and reliable.• Have tractor and Implement spares experience.• Stock control skills will be to your advantage.• With a valid driver’s license.• Must be able to interact with people.• Must be able to comply with deadlines.• Successful candidates must be goal driven.

CLOSING DATE: 2 September 2013If you are not invited for an interview within two weeks fromclosing date, please consider your application unsuccessful.

All CVs can be forwarded to the following:The HR ManagerTWK Agriculture LimitedPO Box 128Piet Retief2380Tel : 017 824 1000Fax : 017 824 1077E-mail: [email protected]

Sir,Your headline “WHY KZN CABINET IN­

TERVENED” of 21Aug. refers.The Umvoti Municipality has been in

“Melt Down” since the ANC lead alliancegained control of this Council in 2011. Thepolitical appointment of the MunicipalManager, who had no experience in thisvital position, was the catalyst. What fol­lowed was a steady decline in the admin­istration of the Municipality, other ques­tionable appointments, expenditure notbudgeted for, the “banning” of the IFPfrom Council and the 2012/13 budgetwhich has to date not been passed, etc.etc.

The writing was on the wall! The Demo­cratic Alliance, back then and on a numberof occasions, requested the MEC for Co­Operative Governance to intervene. TheMEC chose to ignore our concerns, the“melt down” continued and Umvoti nowfinds itself in this avoidable situation, hadthe MEC and her department heeded ourconcerns. To say “ we told you so” willnot change the unenviable situation ourCouncil now finds itself in.

The Administrator has the full co­oper­ation of the DA to remedy the situationand provide an effective administrationand service delivery to all residents of Um­voti. Cllr. P Buss.(DA)

Sir,Our small avocado farm of 100 hecta­

cres pays rates to Umvoti Municipalityto the tune of R4732 per annum. I calcu­late therefore that the roads P151 andD583 which have a combined length of35kms and service the farms for at least2 kilometers on either side making upa total of at least 14000 hectares (prob­ably a lot more!) This must thereforegenerate in excess of R662 480 revenuefor the municipality each year. This areais among one of the highest income turn­overs of any in the country and fromwhich pour thousands of tons of timber,maize, sugar cane, soyas, avocados andbeef. The area employs around 100,000people and there are probably that manypeople again who are dependant onthose bread winners – to say nothing ofthe children supported in the area too.

Despite the above, no maintenancework has been done on the D583 by themunicipality for in excess of ten years andonly the goodwill of timber companiessuch as Sappi and private farmers haskept the road serviceable.

Of that tarred section of the P151, nomaintenance has been carried out on theever increasing number of potholes in the

road for at least 18 months, when onlya half hearted attempt was made in May2011 (more than 50% were left un­touched.)

The sand sealed portion of the tarredroad between the 10km and 17km markof the P151 now has 147 potholes mostof which have reached the stage of beingso large that one is unable to straddlein a vehicle, and some indeed stretchacross the whole road. The first 10kmsof this road which was tarred to full spec­ification when the road was first upgrad­ed has a further 48 potholes some ofwhich have now reached a depth thatdoes serious damage to a vehicle if any­one is unlucky enough to hit them. It hasnow become impossible to travel thelength of this road without hitting oneof these ‘graveyards’ no matter on whichside of the road we attempt to drivedown.

I would like to enquire what the inten­tions of the municipality are with regardsto upkeep and repairs to these roads andfor what reason are we paying rates ofalmost a million rand a year if not tobenefit the communities that live hereby at least maintaining the road system.

In the last twenty or so years these

roads which are a national asset havebeen allowed to deteriorate to a stagewhere they would be an embarrassmentto any other country in the world exceptus, where we now tolerate poor servicedelivery including non maintenance ofour rural road systems as a matter ofcourse.

Last year the gravel section of theP151 was re­shaled but only when it be­came impassable.(and that with sub­grade material that has completely col­lapsed again!)

As dissatisfied rate payers do we nowresort to the common practice of block­ing off the main arterial roads before weget any sort of satisfaction or notice tak­en of our plight.

It surely can’t be too difficult to sched­ule a crew of competent and motivatedpeople to come two or three times a sea­son to repair our roads—over the last fewyears we have already generated themoney to at least give us some servicefor what we are forced to pay in, or hasthis money disappeared into another un­accounted for (pot)hole?

Phil SwanEDITOR’S NOTE;This letter has been


READERS WRITECorrespondence ­ Names and addresses of correspondents must in allcases, accompany the communications, not necessarily for publication,but as a guarantee of good faith. A free interchange of matters of pub­lic interest will be encouraged but we are not held responsible as en­dorsing the opinions of our correspondents.

READERS WRITE ...More potholes than roads!

A Muden thanksDA on Umvoti intervention

Page 14: Greytowngazettegg 20130828

Page 14 The Greytown Gazette, Wednesday, August 28, 2013

GAZETTESMALLSSomething for everyone

Sunday Lunch1st September 2013

Roast Lamb • Paprika Potatoes• Mint and Pea Couscous • Seasonal Vegetables

• Apple Crumble and Cream

R85 p.p

Tranquili – Tea

Booking Essential • Contact 082 964 0612


Contact Rajan 082 460 9341,033 413 2912.

For all your diesel repairson trucks, vehicles,

hydraulics on Tipper trucks,air brakes on trucks, trailers

and wheel bearings,etc.


For all your tyre and batteryrequirements

BEST PRICES, BEST SERVICETel: 033 413 1870, 413 2521Fax: 033 413 196555 Shepstone StreetGreytown

174 Voortrekker StreetGreytown 3250

Tel no: 033 417 1489Fax No: 033 413 1510

Email: [email protected]

Partners• All VehicleMakes

• Repairs• Services• Auto Electrical• Suspensions• Brakes• Electronics• Diagnostics

Auto CrewA Bosch

AutomotiveWorkshop Brand

INSINGISIIndigenous Nursery and Nature-scapesQuality indigenous plants grown in the

KZN Midlands.Creating water-wise wildlife gardens.

– Grasses, grassland aloes and flowering plants– Shrubs and aloes– Indigenous Trees in 9l, 20l and 40l bags– Consultations and sourcing of indigenous plants

By appointment:Jen Cowie: 082 921 2134

Gardening with a Conscience

123 Durban Street, Greytown. Tel: 033 413 3378/9

Need A Battery?Need A Tyre?


50 Shepstone StreetTel: 033 413 3380, 033 413 3370



Built-in Cupboards, Kitchens, 3D Plans,Decks, Shop Displays and Solid Wood Furniture.

Individual Requests Welcome 886 8480


* TLB HIREContact Nick033 444 1783



10 am • PHONE 033 413 2735

12 Thanks

THE Rabe Familywould like to expressits gratitude to all whosupported them in thelast few weeks. It hasbeen wonderfullyheart-warming to seehow the district ralliedaround to help andsupport in whicheverway was needed. Wefelt so humbled by thelove and kindnessshown to us and ourDad, at Arcadia, bythe staff of Pidelta, Dr.Roodt, Barry Kruger,the HermannsburgLutheran Congrega-tion and the manyfamily friends, whohelped in so many dif-ferent ways. Thankyou!

18 Clubs andMeetings

NOTICE is hereby givenfor an A.G.M. on 21 Sep-tember 2013 at HarmonyRetreat, starting time12.30 pm

20 Lost andFound

DIARY found. Please con-tact the Greytown Gaz-ette ASAP.

ID found outside StandardBank. Please contact theGreytown Gazette ASAP.

22 Personal

BEV the hairdresser willbe at the Arcadia Salonon Sunday 1/9/2013 andMonday 2/9/2013. Pleasephone 079 436 2438 tomake an appointment.

SECRETARIES Day,Wednesday 04 Septem-ber. For fresh flowersphone Frieda 072 4617695

STEWARTS Electrical. Iwill be on leave from06/09/13 to 29/09/13 andlook forward to being ofservice to you on my re-turn.

30 BuildingServices

BRICKS, blocks, sand,stone, cement and rooftiles. Telephone 033 4171237, 084 999 4336.Free delivery in town.Kuhlangane konke noku-diliva edolobheni.

ISIHLABATHI amatshekanye nanablocksngentengo yasewholesale. Telephone033 413 1414 /0 8 2 7 8 3 6 0 3 5kuhlangene konkenokudilivaedolobheni.

SAND stone and blocks atwholesale prices. Pricesinclude delivery in town.Tel: 033 413 1414 Cell:082 783 6035.

31 BusinessServices

MAHLATINI blocks. Sup-pliers of sand, stone, ce-ment. Eugene: 082 7444561 or G: 082 445 2471.We deliver.

33 Catering andFunctions

NG Kerk Basaar. Friday30 August on churchgrounds. Pancakes onsale and Cafeteria: 10.00- 14.00. Lunch - 12.30 -14.00. Other stalls openat 5pm. Delicious homemade koeksisters, cakes,tasty variety of pudding,sweets, meat market, lotsto choose from for sup-per, white elephant table,2nd hand books andCD’s. Ballpond, hauntedhouse & jumping castlefor the young ones.Come and experience apleasant day with us.

NG Kerk Basaar. Vrydag30 Augustus op ker-kgronde! Kom kuier ge-sellig saam en beleef onsgemeente se gasvryheid!Pannekoek en kafeteriavanaf 10.00 - 14.00 Mid-dagete: 12.30 - 14.00:Hoenderkerrie & rys,worsbrode & pannekoekmet maalvleis vulsel! An-der stalletijies open 17.00Almal baie welkom!

34 CleaningServices

CARPET/UPHOLSTERYCleaning. Experiencedowner supervised andquick. Phone Nola0833204008.

UMVOTI Carpets @ LaFontana Centre for allcarpets, laminate floor-ing, vinyls and blinds.Come see me or contactIngrid 0823190972.

37 ElectricalAppliance Repairs

ALLEN’S Refrigeration foryour household repairse.g. fridges, deep freez-ers, chillers, microwavesetc. Contact Allen 160Durban Street, 073 3232139, 084 354 0590.

38 FencingServices

FAIRVIEW fencing qualityworkmanship andback-up service onautomated gates and alltypes of game,agricultural amd securityfencing. Contact KeithCowie 082 772 5436.

WELDING and wroughtiron incl. burglar guards,gates, carports, palisadefencing, structural etc.Call Brian 073 212 6627.

39 For Hire

10 Seater round tables,patio gas heaters, whitemarquees, decor, cook-ing. Greytown HiringServices. 033 417 1157,082 957 2812, 082 3156653.

AMATAFULA. 10 Seaterawo round nama tendeamasha amplophe. Tel.082 957 2812 / 082 3156653.

41 GardenServices

PROFESSIONAL tree fell-ing. Phone Brian 073 2126627.

47 PersonalServices

ABORTION alternative -Wednesday 2 - 5pm.Free counselling byappointment. Call or SMS078 879 7484.

73 General Sales

4 man inflatable Seahawkboat, as new, R1 000.Desktop PC 500 mpgraphics car, R1 000. HiFi, R800. Decoder, R200.DVD machine, R300.Playstation 2 and 26games, R1 600. PSP andgames, R800. Phone 073640 5637.

AFRICA Wendy houses.Grade A pinewood, big,small, low prices, louvrestyle. Sylie 0839960526.

ASSORTED golf clubs forsale. 082 301 4135.

CHICKEN fat and skinsideal for pet food availa-ble at Honcho’s. Contact:033 413 3122. 10kg R30,20kg R50.

FOR all your butter bis-cuits, fancy cupcakes,cake pops & more con-tact 033 413 2786, 083845 5416 to place yourorder.

79 Pets/Aquariums/Tropical Fish

DOG and cat boarding.SPCA. Tel: 072 0969634.

85 Wanted toBuy

ARE you selling your caror bakkie??? Immediatedeals & we give you thebest prices???. 033 4132007, 082 769 4695.

LOOKING for a good un-used adult bicycle thatsno longer needed. Pleasephone Wynand 083 2908998.

WANTED. Accident dam-aged & non running cars& bakkies wanted - topprices paid. 033 4132007, 082 769 4695.

126 Houses to Let

2 Rooms, lounge, diningroom, fully fitted kitchen,prepaid electricity, ga-rage, R3 000. Contact072 869 6354.

HOUSE for rent, bottomYork Street - 2 bedroom,R2 000, excludes lights &water! Contact Jessica076 972 1973.

TWO bedroom house, 10km from Greytown, forrent. R2 500 / month exclelec. Contact 082 5542493.

161 Servicing andSpares

MOTOR Chapps UsedSpares. Pop in for yourfree licence disc holders.

162 Trailers

TRAILER for hire. Contact0 8 2 5 3 1 2 0 6 6 /079 032 9520. 51 YorkStreet.

164 Used Cars

2002 Fiat Seicento Sport-ing, a/c, p/s, e/w, leather,CD, R39 000. 082 6248682.

173 GeneralEmployment

LOOKING for people withrestaurant experience.Drop off CV’s at El Sul-tan.

179 Work Wanted:Domestic

ETHEL seeks domesticwork. Contact 076 2005345.

GREYTOWN Gazette publishes amonthly Shadow Column listingevents to take place throughout theyear. Main objective is to notify thepublic of what events are scheduledto take place, or about to, so toavoid,as far as possible,“double dating” -that is two eventson the same day which could createproblemsnotonly for theorganisersbut also for the public.

Anappeal therefore to all Church-es, ngo’s, sports bodies, clubs etc. tosubmitdates and event details to the Grey-town Gazette for publication asap -from now until the end of the yearthere are so many events social,sporting, prizegivings etc-so pleasenotify either verbally or electroni-cally in time for thenextShadowcol-


AUGUST28th:Krishna Asthmee29th:Pmbg and Midlands YouthChoir:Wembley College30th:Wembley pre­school open day30th: NGK Bazaar31st: Greytown Secondary School familyfun day31st: Wembley College golf daySEPTEMBER6th:Casual Day9th:Ganesh Chaturth13th and 14th: Hermannsburg Schoolgolf day:St Cathryn’s14th;Spring market at Country Nurseryand Tranquili­Tea19th:Pitha Paksa20th: Schools close for Michaelmas hol­idays

24th:Heritage Day (Tuesday)OCTOBER1st:Schools open for last term5th:Navraathree13th:Durgaa Pooja15th:Garden club:Tarr Roses27th:Senior Service Centre membersbring and share picnicNOVEMBER3rd: Deepavali4th:Gobardhan Pooja12th:Garden club Christmas at Beehive30th:Wartburg W.I. Xmas fair

DECEMBER4th:Schools close for Christmas holidays16th:Day of Reconciliation (Monday)18th: Christmas issue GreytownGazette20th:U mvoti Carol Service:St Peter’sLutheran Church25th:Christmas Day (Wednesday)


Greytown doctorshave set up a call reg­ister to ensure that ifanyone needs afterhours assistance, andtheir own doctor isnot available, theycan contact the doc­tors on call. 911 OpsCentre and Arcadiawill have list which isalso printed in theGreytown Gazetteeach month.Please cut out andkeep accessible:Cell numbers:Dr Ally:083 786 7138Dr Mkhize:079 645 5964Dr Ntombela:082 751 7024Dr Owen:082 859 9307Dr Roodt:084 679 6300Dr Hartwig:071 676 6810Greytown Hospital:033 413 9400


Dr Owen:2nd;3rd;13th;16th;17th;19th;23rd;24th;26th;30th

Dr Roodt:4th;9th;11th;18th;25th;27th;28th;29th;

Dr Ally:5th;10th;12th;14th;15th;19th;

Dr Ntombela:6th;7th;8th;

Dr Hartwig:20th;21st;22nd;


Page 15: Greytowngazettegg 20130828

The Greytown Gazette, Wednesday, August 28, 2013 Page 15

Creative MindsGreytown


It worked for me!

Fun and EasyComputer Training• You want friendly and appropriate training.• You want to set your own pace.

• You want personal attention.• After hours training available.

Training from Beginner to Advanced Levels.

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Special offerfor Beginners

Call Nombali today for a free consultingsession and see what we can do for you!

033 417 1575Shop No. 3 • 40 Bell Street • Greytown •

E-mail: [email protected]

Authotised Training Centre

. Seventy adults are learning to read andwrite thanks to a positive approach bytheir employer, Thuthugani Contractorsin Seven Oaks The sixmonth course cov-ers numeracy, isizulu and learning tospeak and read English . Similar to theABET initiative this course is the Kha RiGude .For the training of the teachers,Lucky Zondi took Sizwe Prosenta, Tho-bile Ngidi and Zinhle Mchunu to the De-partment of Education in Pietermaritz-burg where they were instructed on theliteracy campaign and the teaching re-quirements thereof.

There has been amazing amount of in-terest shown and the response was bigand instant with 70 learners signing upfor the course. Classes are held on Tues-days, Thursdays and Saturdays afterhours at the Mondi Mistley Eastate Spal-ment in Seven Oaks

Becauseof theenthusaisticandpositiveresponse Thuthugani is inviting employ-ees of neighbouring farms to join in thisexciting campaign. For further informa-tion please ocntact Lucky Zondi on 072827 6600 or Sizwe Prosenta on 072 4482794.

The project would also appreciate do-nations of white chart paper;3 3 leggedchart holders;red;blue and black perma-nent markers; white paint to paint theclassrooms and strong locks for the threeoutside doors.Anyone who can assist is asked toplease Sizwe Prosenta on 072 4482794.


Congratulations to Sensi XboneloNgubane of Greytown on beingplaced second at the Ky-okushinkai national tournamentheld at Molweni on 24th August.he fought superbly in the under65kgcategorytobeplacedsecond

ahead of the 67 in this division!.Sensi Sbonelo is a 2nd Dan blackbelt.

Umvoti Shorin-Kempo Kaikan-ki karate meets from 4.30 to 6p.m. at Enhlalakahle old hall .

Report: Sempei S.Cele


Placed second in the recent naitonal tournament 2nd Dan black beltSensei Xbonelo

WATCH OUT is an acronymused to remind fire fightersof potential dangers to theirsafety and to give advice onsafe work practices. Under-standing the meaning of theacronym will help you per-form amore comprehensiverisk assessment.

Weather dominates firebehaviour, so keep in-formed.

Actions must be based oncurrent and expected firebehaviour.

Try out at least two safeescape routes.

Communicate with yourFPO, your crew and adjoin-ing crews.

Hazards-bewareofvaria-tions in fuels and steepslopes.

Observe changes in windspeed and direction, tem-perature, humidity andcloud.

Understand your instruc-


Think clearly, be alert andact decisively before yoursituation becomes critical.

Managing the FireThe safety and success of

fire suppression hinges onthe command, control andcommunications systemsthat are set up to control theincident.

Communications: Com-munications are vital to thesuccessful outcome of firesuppression or any other in-cident. A communicationsplan is developed to providecommunications for thewhole of the incident, as de-termined by its size andcomplexity.



Greytown Child Welfare islooking for information as tothe whereabouts of themotherand fatherofNobuh-le Mdawonde from Eshanearea. Also the whereaboutsof the father of Amahle Ngu-

bane,whosemother PamelaNgubane is deceased.

Anyone with any infor-maiton is asked to contactsocialworker,MissS.F.Mng-onyama on 033 4133174


Page 16: Greytowngazettegg 20130828

Page 16 The Greytown Gazette, Wednesday, August 28, 2013

NOW stockist of wide range offishing accessories (Tackle,Rods, Reels, Lures, Hooksetc)


For all bicyclespares, Repairsand Accessories

In-storeSPECIALS and lots,

lots more!35 Bell StreetPO Box 561Greytown 3250

Cell: 072 610 9267Tel: 033 417 1452Fax: 033 417 1891

There was a good turn out at bowls bothWednesday and Saturday .New bowler Alva Pis­tor is doing well ­ any readers who have thoughtabout playing bowls ­ please come along ­ youill be very welcome

Most of our bowlers are going to visit Vryheidthis weekend ­wishing them an enjoyable annualvisit and good bowls. And there will be bowlsfor those staying here!

Our last big bash is the Umvoti Tyres fun tripsscheduled for Sunday 15th September ­lots offun, chatter...and of course bowls. Its a bring andbraai ­R40 a head so make a note now to phoneBryan on 033 413 2751;Jack: 082 555 3518 orRoy 082 777 9039 to enter.


BennievanZyl lostoutonthemoneyas he was not present at the timeof the draw. The next attendancedraw will be on Friday 6th Septem-berwith R800 up for grabs. .

Friday night is our monthly Hap-py Hour, come and enjoy yourevening with friends and family.Buy a R20 tickets to win a R1000or a bottle of Chivas Regal, this tick-et includes your meal. GreytownDrug Store will sponsor the mealand Greytown Beer Distributors issponsoring the SAB Beer at halfprice. DJ Robwill providemuch en-joyable dancing music, so be sureto wear your dancing shoes.

The “Sunday 9@9” entry fee isR25 to play 9 holes.

Wembley College golf day is onSaturday 31 August! Entries arenow closed.

DATES TO DIARIZEThurs 29 Aug – ladies leagueFri 30 Aug – Happy Hour meal spon­sored by Greytown Drug storeSat 31 Aug – Wembley College golf day

Thurs 5 Sept– Ladies open daySat 7 Sept – Mascor monthly mug16 – 27 Sept – Course closed for SPRINGTREATMENT


Pigeonsdonotall come inoneshapeor size. There are so many varia-tions among the fancy types, thatone’smindboggles. Therearesomeas small asadoveandsomeas largeas a fowl and they all derive fromone species. But as we are mainlyconcerned with the racing pigeon Iwill leave these sometimes weirdand wonderful birds to anothertime.

As mentioned in last week’s arti-cle, pigeon racing as we know it to-day , has been around for a longtime.

In Belgium, where it all started,it has become a national sport, sec-ond only to cycle racing. In manycase it has become a business , with

fanciers betting vast sums ofmoneyand sometimes winning enough tobuy a small house! It is much thesame in England and even here inSouth Africa we have our breedingstations. Once upon a time pigeonracingwasknownas thepoorman’sracehorse .All that has changedbutthe small fancier can keep it withinhis financial range.

Thekeepingofpigeons isnomoreexpensive that any other sport to-day. The keeping and racing of pi-geonsisbasicallyafamilysport-youdon’t have to go away from hometo participate and its an all weathersport. Rain or shine your hobby isat home and the whole family canbe involved with the same interest.


The Farmers Agri­ care Monthly Mugwas played over the weekend andsome of the golfers made use of theopportunity for a practice round inpreparation for the next day, whenthey were to play in the Sanlam Can­cer regional finals.

The golfers playing in the mugcould select to play the medal com­petition or the Individual stablefordcompetition, bearing in mind, thatonly a medal score would qualify yourentry to win the Farmers Agri­ caremug.

Golfers found the greens holdinga high lofted ball ­­ but were also slick

and fast. The fairways are starting toshow a” greenness” in colour, with therough still a veld khaki brown colour.


1st Liekie Steyn Nett 68 oco2nd Merwin Rabe3rd Barry Oehme Nett 70.

Best Stableford Liekie Steyn 43points.Nearest to pin 9/180: Richard CyrusNearest to pin for 2 on the 12th: DarrinManserCaptains Putter: Dad ­ Neil Manser.

Last week in the local paper we readabout the doings of the Pigeon Clubin Greytown and all the uses that pi­geons were bred for all those yearsago.A very irate golfer came off the courseand he was going to remind the re­porter from the Pigeon club that theyalso spread organic fertilizervery well…………and with pin point ac­curacy…. when splash….on his fore­head as he was about to tee off…... After complaining to the club cap­tain he was told, “if you had kept yourhead down, the organic fertilizerwould have landed on the back ofyour head!

The results of our golfers in theSanlam Regional Finals at PrincesGrant and Maritzburg golf club are asfollows;

Liekie Steyn 2nd with 34 Points.The winning score was 35 points.

Paul Els 32 Points, Barry Oehme 29points and Justin Harrison 30Points.

Thank you for representing ourclub at the finals.

Members and golfers are remindedof the Hermannsburg Golf Day to beheld on 13th/14th September , pleasecontact Piet should you wish toplay.

This Friday 30 August , everyoneis invited to supper at the NGK Bazaarin the “ Tents” in Greytown ­ therewill be Chicken curry, Lamb curry andPig on the spit with veggie bake –as well as the usual wors rolls etc.There will also be cakes, puddingsand everyone’s favourite ­­ panne­koek.

St Cathryn’s will be closed for theevening but will be open all weekendfor golf. To book for golf please phone


Results of the lastround played in Um­voti Work and Playsoccer league are asfollows:Departmentof Education beatCorrection Services by1 goal to nil as did De­partment of Healthagainst GreytownTaxi Rank.. It was aone all draw in the Po­lice and Pannar Seedsmatch while the Mu­nicipality had a con­vicing 5 ­0 win overEMRS

Fixtures to beplayed today, 28thAugust:Taxi association vsSAPS;Correctional Services vs Umvoti Munici­pality;EMRS vs Health; andPannar Seed vs Edu­cation


UMVOTIUMVOTIWork and Play league

Piet 083269 1661.