greg ryberg's speech to investment commission

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  • 8/13/2019 Greg Ryberg's speech to Investment Commission



    November 21, 2013

    COO Comments

    Good morning. Let me start by thanking James

    Manning, our Investment Commission staff Director of

    Technology, for his work with SC ETV to enable us to be

    fully transparent in this Commission meeting.

    It was interesting for me to observe the

    entrepreneurial negotiations between 2 state agencies to

    deliver this much needed service.

    Many of you may not realize that James Manning

    also serves on the Richland 2 School District Board.

    Thanks James for your work here and your civic

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    involvement and commitment to make South Carolina a

    better place.

    I also wish to recognize the nearly 150,000 retirees

    for their involvement in the operation and accountability

    of the Investment Commission.

    We all work for their benefit and the benefit of the

    additional 223,000 working members of the Retirement

    System. The Trust Fund is their moneyall of them. I

    trust that we all will keep this in mind today and every


    Let me now give you my observations and

    expectations of the Investment Commission and my task


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    Many of you may know that I come to this position

    with what I consider a very deep background in this

    issue. I authored or co-authored every piece of

    legislation dealing with the Investment Commission

    going back to its creation in 2005. I authored or co-

    authored the recent major legislation concerning the

    Retirement Systems including the creation of the Public

    Employee Benefits Authority which is the trustee of the

    Fund that the Investment Commission invests. I had, and

    I have, a passion for this subject which for too long was a

    can kicked down the road.

    I have an intimate knowledge of the issues

    surrounding the SC Retirement System and the

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    Investment Commission and of the sentiments of

    decision makers in SC relative to those entities. One of

    those sentiments that I am compelled to point out is

    Section 9-1-1310 (A) of the South Carolina Code that

    provides that, The Retirement System Investment

    Commission shall invest and reinvest the funds of the

    retirement system. The General Assembly created the

    Commission as a whole to be the sole investment

    authority. No provision or authority exists for any lone

    public official to veto or amend an investment decision of

    the Commission.

    The General Assembly also provided that the

    Commissioners, with one exception, be qualified

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    individuals, that is that they have some sort of work

    experience or education that would inform them of just

    what is going on here. The point of that was to take the

    politics out of the investment of the participants in the

    plan, both employees and retirees.

    The one individual that may serve without those

    qualifications, of course, is the Treasurer of the State of

    South Carolina. It is the case that the holder of that office

    may appoint someone with those qualifications, just like

    the other members of the Budget and Control Board, but

    that is not mandatory. Now, my understanding is that

    there may be some confusion as to why the General

    Assembly decided to leave the possibility open for that

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  • 8/13/2019 Greg Ryberg's speech to Investment Commission



    war heroAND HE WAS QUALIFIED! For those reasons, I

    had no qualms about Mr. Patterson serving on the

    Commission. The General Assembly simply failed to

    anticipate in the statute the day when Mr. Patterson

    would be gone.

    The General Assembly nonetheless, as noted in

    Section 9-1-1310 (A) of the South Carolina Code, was

    clear about the fact that each individual, regardless of

    whether or not they hold one of the qualifications,

    simply serves as a voting member of the Commission,

    nothing more and nothing less. Each individual is one of

    six votes, period. An assertion to the contrary contradicts

    the law.

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    I tell you this as a person who was there when it was

    written and when it was voted into law almost

    unanimously by both Republicans and Democrats. I know

    what the law says and why it says it, and I will operate

    the Investment Commission accordingly. Those who

    want to operate differently will do so only following a

    decision by a court.

    I am pleased to have finished nearly six weeks as

    Chief Operating Officer at the Investment Commission. I

    also am pleased to report that the atmosphere in our

    office has been calm and steady. Our staff is working

    hard and functioning like I think you would envision any

    other investment office of our size.

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    In a recent discussion with an agency director, he

    said that if he were to list the 10 assignments that he

    wouldnt take, this job at the Investment Commission

    would be on that list. To me that was true irony because

    in retirement, if I had established my own bucket list of

    potential jobs, then this would be my number 1 pick


    I regret the conditions that led to my arrival, but

    those are past. I am committed to moving forward. I

    operate in the present with the eye to our future. My

    commitment includes my intention to address potential

    issues early and straightforwardly and to arrive at

    solutions quickly. This office is a business office and not a

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    political office, and, as such, it must enjoy proper

    decorum, mutual respect, and stability to function


    To date in my dealings with Investment Commission

    staff, I have found them to be honest, competent, hard-

    working and totally committed to maximizing our

    investment return within the risk profile that is

    consistent with the Annual Investment Plan. I am truly

    proud to have the opportunity to work with such

    dedicated public servants, and I believe that they will

    continue to succeed on behalf of the retirees and

    employees covered by the South Carolina Retirement


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    I have not discovered any evidence of assertions

    made by others including: altered financial statements;

    waste of state assets; inadequate internal controls;

    violation of state security laws; or ethics issues involving

    conflicts of interests.

    I have looked closely for evidence of the last charge

    concerning ethics, and I have found absolutely none. I

    have not found a hidden worldthat no one knows

    anything about. I have not found true the accusation

    that the Commission misleads the public at every turn

    or that it is deceitful. I have not found anyone here

    that is dishonorable orthat lacks a moral core.There

    is an excellent moral core at the Investment Commission

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    that has been unjustly belittled and demeaned. As I am

    certain you are aware this has had an adverse effect on

    our teamsmorale.

    I have reviewed previous Commission meetings not

    only thru the videos but also thru the minutes, and it

    appears that the meetings very easily can be made more

    efficient and effective. Very often allegations are made

    that at a very minimum are misleading and upon further

    review are discovered to be untrue. In addition there are

    topics that are mentioned as an aside but that deserve

    more attention than a sound bite or a non-productive

    argument. The statement from the September meeting

    that a discovery was made of a previously unreported

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    $1 billion loss is an example. That statement was not

    supported by any evidence at the time, but it certainly

    qualified as political red meat for the cameras. I learned

    in my previous life as a politician of 20-plus years that

    sometimes the truth doesnt get in the way of a good

    sound bite, but responsible adults handling someone

    elses retirement money cannot operate in that fashion.

    I suggest going forward that such non-agenda items

    be identified by the Chairman to be noted in the minutes

    as a Pending Question. Upon conclusion of the meeting

    all Pending Questions will be listed and sent to all

    Commissioners. Staff then will provide the relevant facts

    that address the question and those will be included with

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    the finalized minutes. This, of course, is at the discretion

    of the Chairman and is only a suggestion on my part, but

    it may help us avoid lengthy distractions during the

    scheduled business of a Commission Meeting.

    I was privileged to own and operate my own

    business for twenty-two years, and I was honored to

    employ at its height over five hundred wonderful

    individuals. I always felt that my employees, whether

    there were five or five hundred, worked with me and not

    for me.

    My policy toward employees will be exactly the

    same here as it was in my business. I will demand respect

    and congeniality among all, and I cannot allow hostility,

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    intimidation or threats from any, especially

    management. Efforts to control or blame Investment

    Commission employees or to be intolerant of their views

    likewise will not be allowed. My hope is that such

    situations never will arise, but I believe that my record on

    these issues is clear. Investment Commission employees

    will work in a safe environment.

    Again my intention is that the Investment

    Commission be about the business of maximizing our

    investment return within the risk profile which is

    consistent with the Annual Investment Plan. It has been

    my experience thus far that Investment Commission staff

    also has this as their number one priority. This fact is a

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    tribute to those Commissioners who have hired and

    developed the administration and staff despite the

    politics thru which they have had to navigate.

    Our ultimate bosses, the over 370,000 South

    Carolina retirees and employees, deserve no less. This is

    my sole focus, and it is shared by Investment Commission

    staff. I will not allow that focus to be diverted.

    I have noted that some press accounts have cast my

    hiring as a prelude or indeed an invitation to some sort of

    combat. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have

    said, and I will say again, that I came here to work for the

    over 370,000 participants in the South Carolina

    Retirement System, retirees and active employees, such

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    as you see on the screen. I am working to keep the smiles

    on their faces, and combat is not going to achieve that.

    I attempted to begin my tenure on the right foot by

    sending a letter to Commissioner Loftis that contains

    many of these sentiments. I welcomed him in the letter

    to visit my office at any time going forward to inform

    me of your concerns, complaints or grievances. I said

    that, I will listen, and I will act in accordance with what

    is best for [the Investment Commission]. I have had no

    reply to that communication, and I only can conclude

    therefore that all is well.

    My belief is that differences of opinion are not

    personal and can be constructive. This was quite evident

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    when we in the General Assembly developed the

    Investment Commission and when we later adopted

    revised benefits that were consistent with our ability to

    fund them. Constructive differences were resolved thru

    dialogue and not thru an uninterested intermediary such

    as the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times.

    I have been asked about my work schedule, and my

    reply is that I am on the job 24/7. When I had the honor

    of serving in the South Carolina Senate my home phone

    number was always listed and my personal cell phone

    number was and still is on my home answering machine.

    Whether I am in the Commission office, or a Senator or

    House members office, I am never out of reach by phone

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    or email, and I know that those who have contacted me

    have found me responsive.

    This is not a part-time job for me. I cannot work part-

    time and repair what the Inspector General calls an

    increasingly toxic workplace that undermines RSICs

    energy and focus on its core mission. I want to repeat

    that the Inspector General called the offices of the

    Investment Commission an increasingly toxic

    workplace. I have told you, and I believe, that such an

    atmosphere is not a result of any of the staff in this

    office. Too much damage has been done for me to give

    this job anything less than my full-time attention and my

    full-time effort.

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    I fully understand the job ahead in all its

    components. I will not stop until that job is finished, and I

    will not allow distractions to further undermine the good

    people here and the work that they do on behalf of the

    employees and retirees of South Carolina. Those familiar

    with my tenure in business and in the South Carolina

    Senate know that I dont seek confrontation- however

    backing away when confronted, especially with petty and

    non-constructive matters, is not an option for me. The

    Senators that I served with know that the one attribute

    that I took into elected officeand the one that I left

    elected office withis my integrity. I did not allow that

    to be questioned then, and I will not allow it now.

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    I appreciate the people who work here. I appreciate

    the stakeholders with whom I have met and whose

    concerns I have heard. I appreciate those who have

    entrusted to me the task of preventing further harm to

    the Trust Fund and indeed setting the Commission on a

    positive path. I hope that everyone in this room shares

    that goal. We have limited time for those who do not.

    I want to close with a couple of items. The

    Commission voted for a budget proposal that seeks to

    add several FTEs in the coming fiscal year. The FTE

    request not only seeks to establish the proper personnel

    level for an investment office with our particular mission

    but also to reduce the amount of fees that we pay to

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    external managers for the same service. I am optimistic

    about the reception that we might receive from the

    General Assembly.

    Later today Andrew will discuss management

    policies regarding conflicts of interest, personal trading

    and other topics concerning internal ethics and ethical

    conduct. I am pleased with Compliances work to reduce

    our practices into written policies. Reducing present

    practices to writing in no way suggests that any conduct

    other than strictly ethical conduct now occurs here at


    I will leave you with an invitation to look for a draft

    strategic plan for RSIC that will be coming to you soon via

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    email. I hope that the chairman will want to discuss it at

    the February meeting. We ask for your thoughts and

    comments prior to that time.

    Thank you