greek embassy supplement

POWERING EUROPE AND ASIA: Greece’s emerging energy hub WINE AND DINE Greek style! ON THE PATH TO ECONOMIC RECOVERY GREECE: VISIT GREECE! 10 PLACES YOU HAVE TO VISIT! FROM THE ANCIENT TO THE MODERN Discover your Greece Explore Greece with us! The Greek Supplement was brought to you by The Copenhagen Post in association with the Greek Embassy

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This supplement is about Greece, from the history of the country through to energy innovation!


Page 1: Greek Embassy Supplement

powering europe and asia:greece’s emerging energy hub

wine and dinegreek style!

on THe paTH To eConomiC reCoVerYon THe paTH To greeCe:

VisiT greeCe!greeCe!10 pLaCes You

HaVe To VisiT!

From THe anCienT To THe moderndiscover your greece

explore greece with us!

The Greek Supplement was brought to you by The Copenhagen Post in

association with the Greek Embassy


Page 2: Greek Embassy Supplement
Page 3: Greek Embassy Supplement

On 25th March, Greeks around the world commemorate the decla-ration of the War of Independ-ence of 1821, and pay tribute to all those who contributed to

the establishment of the Modern Greek State. Among them, our special gratitude goes to the Philhellenes, who fought, died or supported the struggle of our nation to regain its freedom after four centuries of Ottoman yoke. In Denmark, the main forum of Philhellenism was the Students’ Association of the University of Copenhagen. The Greek nation will always be grateful to Danish Philhellenes, such as the famous poet Steensen Blicher, the well-known scientist Hernik Nicolai Kroyer and his fellow students who fought in the Greek War of Independence.

In the 19th century, great Danish personalities, such as architect Theophilus Hansen, author Hans Christien Andersen and composer Carl Nielsen, were attracted to Greece and inspired by the exceptional natural beauty, the rich cul-tural heritage and the joy of life that abounds the country.

Since then, Denmark and Greece have shared a close relationship; allies in NATO for six dec-ades and partners in the European Union (EU) for 33 years, the two countries have contribut-ed to the shaping of our continent. Greece has always been known to the Danish people: It is in their history books, in the curriculum of clas-sical studies and in their summer holiday plans. Likewise, Denmark is considered in Greece as a close friend and a progressive, stabilising and benevolent factor in Europe and an excellent destination for tourism and studies. The warmth

existing between the peoples of these two coun-ties cannot be overemphasised.

In a globalised environment, these strong ties are important when faced with swift changes. The recent global economic crisis which affected, though in different degrees, all European states, posed – as all crises – both challenges and op-portunities. In Greece, where the crisis was par-ticularly harsh, the challenges were extremely demanding and the need for adjustments ur-gent. Over the past four years, the Greek people have shown incredible stamina, determination and commitment to lead the country out of the economic crisis.

After four years of adjustment programmes, the hard efforts and sacrifices of the Greek people are starting to pay off. According to the latest estimates, 2014 will mark the exit of the country from the six-year recession while in the follow-ing years Greece will experience robust, grad-ually rising growth rates that will be based on sustainable factors such as exports, tourism, innovation, entrepreneurship and foreign direct investment. Simultaneously, major structural re-forms are underway within the product market, the business environment and the public admin-istration sectors.

Greece is changing in all areas of economic ac-tivity. Innovation, technology, energy and green and blue growth are now in the forefront of ef-forts along with the more traditional sectors of tourism, shipping, agriculture, construction and minerals. The traditional sectors are also diversi-fying and expanding.

MessagefRoM the gReeK aMbassaDoR to DenMaRK

Being the second most mountainous coun-try in Europe, Greece has developed its in-frastructure for winter tourism, with excel-lent ski facilities in areas of stunning beauty, unique architecture and exclusive food prod-ucts. Athens and Thessaloniki, with multiple air-connections, excellent shopping, eating and recreation opportunities, rich cultural activities and easily accessible clean beach-es are ideal city-break destinations, all year round. In areas known since antiquity for their mineral springs, state-of-art wellness and spa facilities combine a 3,000-year-long tradition with modern technology and equipment. The food industry has also been transformed, with the production of more bio and eco-friendly produce of excellent quality, thanks to the mild climate and the 250 sunny days per year.

Europe is also changing. During the cur-rent semester, Greece exercises the rotat-ing Presidency of the EU Council in a time of what can be described as a transitional phase for Europe. The debt crisis and the associated recession and unemployment undermined the confidence of EU citizens to the very idea of European integration. Greece will be representing a European Union that must show its commitment to great values such as solidarity, the Europe-an social state and the value of a European model for competitiveness and growth that can reaffirm the European project at the hearts and minds of the peoples of Europe.

The European Union is not, and should not become, a mere set of regulations drafted by bureaucrats. It is a community of peo-ples sharing a common heritage and shap-ing together their common future while maintaining and cherishing their distinctive national and cultural identities. And in this community, the commitment of the Greek people is unwavering. Greece’s inextricable link to Europe was masterfully summarised by ex French President Valerie Giscard d’ Estaing’s famous saying “Europe without Greece is like a child without a birth certif-icate.” I hope that this special Supplement in the Copenhagen Post, on the occasion of our National Day, will offer readers the oppor-tunity to discover or re-discover Greece, a country that changes by drawing strength from its roots, and a nation proud for its past, determined for its present and confi-dent in its future.

Eleni Sourani

President and Publisher: Ejvind Sandal ● Editor: David Nothling ● Layout: Lyndsay Jensen ● Sales Director Supplements: Hans Hermansen, [email protected], +45 2420 2411

Page 4: Greek Embassy Supplement

A developed country, the economy

of Greece is based on the service

sector (80.6%), mainly tourism

and shipping, and industry (16%),

while agriculture made up an esti-

mated 3.4% of the national economic output in

2012. With 17.5 million international tourist arriv-

als in 2013, Greece was the seventh most visited

country in the European Union and sixteenth in

the world. With an economy larger than all the

Balkan economies combined, Greece is an im-

portant regional investor: Number-two foreign

investor of capital in Albania, number-three for-

eign investor in Bulgaria, and among the top-

three foreign investors in Romania and Serbia

and the most important trading partner and

largest foreign investor of the Former Yugoslav

Republic of Macedonia.

The country is also a significant agricultural

producer within the EU. Greece is the European

Union’s largest producer of cotton and pistachi-

os, ranks second in the production of rice and

olives, and third in the production of figs, al-

monds, tomatoes and watermelons. Greece is

also the world’s third largest producer of edible

olives and olive oil, with a 16% share of the glob-

al olive oil market.

Greece produces agricultural products of

high-quality and unique taste. Between 2000

and 2007 organic farming in Greece increased

by 885%, the highest change percentage in the

EU. Numerous Greek products have received

PDO and PGI status, showcasing the quality and

diversity of Greek farming.

Greece produces around 150,000 tons of fish and

seafood every year, most of which is caught in

the Aegean Sea. Fish is the second largest food

export after olive oil, with 85% of total produc-

tion exported. Greece’s commercial aquaculture

sector is equally dynamic, ranking first among

European Union and Mediterranean countries.

Sardines, anchovies, sea bream, sea bass and

Mediterranean mussels are trademark products

of Greek waters.

Along with agricultural products, pharmaceuti-

cals, minerals, furs and petrochemicals top the

list of Greek exports. Greece is also ranked third

in the European Union in the production of mar-

ble after Italy and Spain.

In 2012, the value of Greek exports totalled €27.6

billion, accounting for 14.2% of Greece’s GDP,

while, despite the crisis, there was a significant

increase in volume. Exports to the European Un-

ion (EU) reached 44% in 2012, highlighting the

importance of the EU market for Greek trade.

From food and beverages and beauty products

to agriculture, doing business in Greece is filled

with endless opportunity.

BEAUTY MADE IN GREECEGreece is home to approximately 60% of Eu-

rope’s vertebrate fauna and, thus, Europe’s most

biodiverse country in endemic herbs and medic-

inal plants. It is also home to more than 6,000

plant species, of which 750 can only be found

on Greek land, and figures among the world’s

top 10 countries in sea biodiversity. Greek nat-

ural cosmetics brands are conquering European

and international mainstream markets by taking

advantage of the Greek land’s treasures. When

it comes to skincare, there is so much to discov-

er in the Greek market; most companies incor-

porate natural, local ingredients into high-tech


GREEK INNOVATIONInnovation and entrepreneurship are key words

for Greece to boost its growth and employment.

Thanks to some great minds and ideas, Greece

boasts admirable potential in innovation. Ac-

cording to the EU Commission Innovation Union

Competitiveness Report 2011, Greek research-

ers stand out in scientific publications and the

country ranks ninth in terms of participants and

funding from the EU seventh Framework Pro-

gramme for Research.


In 2012, the economy of Greece ranked 42nd

largest in the world according to World Bank

statistics. As of 2013, Greece is the 13th larg-

est economy in the 28-member European Un-

ion. In terms of per capita income, Greece is

ranked 37th or 40th in the world at $22,083 and

$25,331 for nominal GDP and purchasing pow-

er parity, respectively.

Doing businessin greece

DID YOU KNOw? Almost half of the sea bream and sea bass consumed in the EU come straight from Greek seas.

DID YOU KNOw? 75% of olive oil production is extra virgin, which is con-sidered the best type.

Page 5: Greek Embassy Supplement

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Page 6: Greek Embassy Supplement

Rebalancing the financial sectoR

During the run-up to the glob-

al financial crisis, prior to 2009,

Greece’s financial sector was

particularly strong. High credit

growth was achieved and sus-

tained, Greek banks were expanding abroad,

and, in contrast to the experience of other Eu-

ropean countries, domestic financial institutions

were largely unaffected by the international fi-

nancial crisis. The Greek economy was thrown

out of balance post-2009, resulting in fiscal in-

stability and economic recession. However, as

a result of thoroughgoing fiscal and structural

reforms, the Greek economy is finding its feet


FROM FINANCIAl wOEs TO sTABIlITYThe deep recession that followed the 2009 fi-

nancial downturn, along with the ensuing un-

certainty, had a huge impact on the country’s

financial sector, especially the banking system.

Uncertainty was starkly reflected in the large

outflows of bank deposits that took place up un-

til June 2012. Furthermore, Greek banks incurred

losses from the private sector involvement (PSI)

bond write-off programme, while the number of

non-performing loans increased considerably.

The above factors aggravated the already tight

credit conditions in the economy. As a result,

annual rates of growth of credit to the domes-

tic private sector have been negative since the

beginning of 2011, contributing to a further slow-

down in economic activity.

As of 2012, the situation has started to improve

noticeably. Decisive steps have been taken to

stabilize the financial system and create a sound

and competitive banking sector. The articles in

this supplement comprise a summary of the

steps that the Greek Government and the Greek

financial sector have taken to rebalance the

Greek economy.

Throughout the crisis, strong bank-liquidity sup-

port measures have been provided by the Greek

state. In particular, state guarantees that do not

carry a cost for the state budget have been used

to obtain Eurosystem liquidity.

BANKING REFORMsIn 2010, the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund

(HFSF) was established as a safety net for the

banking sector. It was provided with €10 billion

to back capital support. Following the PSI bond

write-off, the amount was raised to €50 billion.

Since then, the recapitalisation of Greece’s four

core banks has been completed, and the HFSF

has become their largest shareholder. Three of

these banks remained under private control af-

ter fulfilling the prerequisite of raising at least

10% of their capital needs from private partici-

pation, while one was fully recapitalised by the

HFSF. All four core banks are expected to even-

tually re-enter the international capital markets.

In addition, the banking system has been con-

solidated and is currently under restructuring,

with domestic mergers resulting in stronger in-


Confidence is gradually being restored both

within Greece and in the international invest-

ment community. Since June 2012, net inflows

of deposits have been recorded, and a continu-

ing return of deposits will contribute to the im-

provement of liquidity conditions, giving a vital

boost to the real economy.

Page 7: Greek Embassy Supplement

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Page 8: Greek Embassy Supplement

FIsCAl CONsOlIDATIONIn 2010, the Greek government agreed with its

European Partners and the International Mon-

etary Fund (IMF) on a multiannual package

providing the necessary funding to Greece. This,

as Greece was then facing a debt crisis due to

a high fiscal deficit and an accelerating loss of

competitiveness that had led to its cut off from

the international capital markets. The financial

support reached approximately 200 billion Euro

and was followed by a strong conditionality with

respect to the necessary structural reforms that

Greece had to implement in order to return to

a sustainable growth track. After almost four

years of reforms and fiscal consolidation, the

level of adjustment is impressive by any means

of comparison.

In terms of fiscal consolidation, the general gov-

ernment deficit declined sharply from 15.6% of

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2009 to a pro-

jected 2.2% of GDP in 2013, thus, producing for

the first time after almost a decade, a primary

surplus of 1.2%. Greece’s fiscal consolidation ef-

fort was the largest ever recorded by a devel-

oped country, and remarkably, it was achieved

despite a sharp decline in output.

The negative gap in the current account, which

reached 14.9% of GDP in 2008, has been almost

entirely eliminated and is expected to reach a

surplus of 0.9% in 2013. This was due to strong

gains in competitiveness (Unit Labour Cost is

now lower than at the time Greece joined the

Euro), a sharp decline in imports and a gradual

rebound in the export activity.

The rebalancing of the financial sector which

was hit hard during the financial crisis of 2009

is currently underway. The four systemic Greek

banks have been recapitalised, while smaller

ones were restructured or resolved. Also savings

are gradually returning to the banking system.

sTRUCTURAl REFORMsIn line with the fiscal consolidation, Greece also

implemented a series of reforms that helped to

close the competitiveness gap and create an

investment-friendly environment. Important re-

forms were undertaken in almost all areas of economic activity, with the most significant of them

implemented in the labour market, the pension system, the health system and tax administration

system. As a consequence of these reforms, in recent years the Organisation for Economic Coop-

eration and Development (OECD) consistently ranks Greece as the most responsive of its member

countries in adopting its growth-friendly recommendations.

Greece’s competitiveness gains as well as the recently provided investment incentive offer significant

investment opportunities. Thus, foreign direct investment in Greece shows already a positive trend

upwards. Going forward, major structural reforms are planned for the product market, the business

environment and the public administration. As a result of these reforms, it is predicted that one of

the most worrying macroeconomic figures, the debt to GDP ratio, will radically de-escalate, while

unemployment is also expected to enter a downward path.

lOOKING FORwARD TO sUsTAINABlE GROwTHAfter four years of adjustment programmes, the hard efforts and sacrifices of the Greek people are

starting to pay off. According to the latest estimates, 2014 will mark the exit of the country from

a six-year recession, whilst it is forecast that in the following years Greece will experience robust,

gradually rising growth rates that will be based on sustainable factors such as exports, tourism, in-

novation, entrepreneurship and foreign direct investment.

Greece’s second Economic Adjustment ProgrammeTowards a more inTegraTed europe:

Greece is changing, and as such the coun-

try has introduced new reforms and invest-

ment opportunities so to reignite growth in

its economy.

Page 9: Greek Embassy Supplement

GREECE’s sTRUCTURAl REFORMs AT A GlANCE■ Pension reforms: The average pension income has been cut by 21% and

high-end pensions by over 40%. The statutory retirement age has been

pushed up to 67 years across the board, and 40 years of work is required

for full pension. This pension system is amongst the most viable in the EU

according to European Commission peer review, as pension benefits are

tightly linked to lifetime contributions.

■ Labour market reforms: There has been a 22% reduction in the min-

imum wage (32% for young workers) and new minimum wage setting

mechanism. The average public sector salary was cut by 23% between

the years 2010-12, and there is a reduced length of collective contracts, the

removal of “tenure” in all existing legacy contracts, primacy of firm level

agreements over other collective agreements as well as a cut in severance


■ Public Administration reforms: Public sector employment has been cut

from over 950 000 in 2009 to less than 750 000 in 2012, and is project-

ed to fall by further 90 000 (13%) by 2016, according to an International

Monetary Fund (IMF) estimate. In addition there has been introduction

of a unified wage grid and staffing plans for the entire public sector with

evaluation of all employees by end-2013. There has been an establishment

of a mobility scheme and mandatory exit targets have been put in place.

■ Health Care reforms: Eight social insurance funds have been merged

into one, covering almost the entire population (nine million insured and

dependents). The introduction of automatic claw-back mechanisms for

pharmaceuticals, diagnostics and private clinics have been put in place to

ensure compliance with spending ceilings, monitoring of hospital perfor-

mance and wider use of generics/off-patent pharmaceuticals, as well as

the establishment of an e-prescription system.

■ Social Protection reforms: There has been a rationalisation of social

benefits, increased use of means testing for the provision of social pro-

tection benefits, and the introduction of policies targeted at the long-term


■ Fiscal Structural reforms: A strengthened fiscal framework, as well as

automatic corrective mechanisms when targets are missed has been put in

place. This will ensure that Greece remains on a sound fiscal path to future


■ Tax reforms and Tax Administration reforms: Extensive use of IT sys-

tems (compulsory electronic submission of tax declarations, new IT sys-

tem interconnecting all tax offices) and code simplifications are the main

achievements to the tax system reform. A series of measures have also

been introduced to fight tax evasion and enhance the efficiency of the tax


■ Business environment: The most significant reform in this respect has

been the establishment of a “one-stop-shop” to set up a business in one

day. Other reforms include the removal of the 30 most important barriers

to entrepreneurship and a fast track process for investments.

■ Regulated professions: The elimination of minimum fees for services

and the abolition of cabotage (home porting) rules related to cruise vessels

flying non-EU flags, the liberalisation of road haulage sector, the repeal of

unnecessary restrictions in retail (sanitary, labour, and transport) and the

liberalisation of fuel and energy markets, are the main reforms regarding

regulated professionals.

■ Privatisations: Immense infrastructure work has been concluded that

will safely lead the development of privatisation projects to the next level,

some 29 privatisation projects have either been completed (with a total

value of four billion Euro) or been put to track resulting in the following


◗ More than 80 000 properties have been initially accessed.

◗ More than 3 000 properties have been pre-selected for development.

◗ 84 of regulatory, administrative and technical barriers, slowing down

privatisations, have been lifted.

◗ Implemented electronic auction for medium and

small real estate assets.

Page 10: Greek Embassy Supplement

NEOlITHIC: 10TH MIllENNIUM B.C. - ABOUT 2100 B.C.Some Neolithic communities in southeastern Europe, such as Sesklo in Greece, were living in heavily fortified settlements of 3,000–4,000 people. In about 2100 B.C, the Proto-Indo-Eu-ropeans overran the Greek peninsula from the north and east. These Indo-Europeans, known as Mycenaeans, introduced the Greek language to present-day Greece.

BRONzE AGECYClADIC AND MINOAN CIVIlIsATION (2700 B.C. - 1450 B.C.)One of the earliest civilisations to appear around Greece was the Minoan civilisation in Crete. They were primarily a mercantile people engaged in overseas trade, taking advantage of their land’s rich natural resources.

MYCENAEAN CIVIlIsATION (1600 B.C. - 1100 B.C.)The Proto-Greeks arrived in the Greek peninsula during the late 3rd to early 2nd millennium B.C., and by the 16th century B.C. Mycenaean Greece was established. Mycenaean Greece lasted from the arrival of the Greeks in the Aegean around 1600 B.C. to the collapse of their Bronze Age civilisation around 1100 B.C. It is the histor-ical setting of the epics of Homer and of most Greek mythology. The Mycenaean period takes its name from the archaeological site Mycenae in the north-eastern Argolid, in the Peloponne-sus of southern Greece. Athens, Pylos, Thebes, and Tiryns are also important Mycenaean sites.

EARlY IRON AGE (CA. 1100 B.C. - 800 B.C.)The Greek Dark Ages refers to the period of Greek history from the Dorian invasion and end of the Mycenaean civilisation in the 11th century B.C. to the rise of the first Greek city-states in the 9th century B.C. and the epics of Homer and earliest writings in alphabetic Greek in the 8th century B.C.

ARCHAIC GREECE (8TH CENTURY B.C. - 6TH CENTURY B.C.)From about the 9th century BC, written records begin to appear. Greece was divided into many

small self-governing communities, a pattern largely dictated by Greek geography.

ClAssICAl GREECE (6TH CENTURY B.C. - 323 B.C.)The basic unit of politics in Ancient Greece was the polis, sometimes translated as city-state. “Politics” literally means “the things of the po-lis”. Each city was independent, at least in theo-ry. Two major wars shaped the Classical Greek world. 500–448 B.C.: The Persian Wars (are recounted in Herodotus’ Histories). The notable battles of this war include Marathon, Thermo-pylae, Salamis, and Plataea.

458 B.C.-404 B.C.: The Peloponnesian War be-tween the allies of Athens and those of Sparta, while the Persian Wars were still ongoing. The war had left devastation in its wake and a tre-mendous political dispute among the city-states that some of them called upon Philip II of Mac-edon for aid. He forced the city states into being united by the League of Corinth which led to the conquering of the Persian Empire by Philip’s son Alexander the Great. Under the leadership of Alexander the Greeks conquered the Persian Empire and reached India.

HEllENIsTIC GREECE (323 B.C. - 146 B.C.)The Hellenistic period of Greek history begins with the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C. and ends with the annexation of the Greek peninsula and islands by Rome in 146 B.C. Al-though the establishment of Roman rule did not break the continuity of Hellenistic society and culture, which remained essentially unchanged

until the advent of Christianity, it did mark the end of Greek political independence. That peri-od set the foundations for the millennium-long rise of Greece, in the form of the Eastern Ro-man Empire, as a major power in Europe and the Mediterranean in the Middle Ages.

BYzANTINE EMpIRE (4TH CENTURY – 1453)The division of the empire into East and West and the subsequent collapse of the Western Ro-man Empire were developments that constant-ly accentuated the position of the Greeks in the empire and eventually allowed them to become identified with it altogether. The leading role of Constantinople began when Constantine the Great turned Byzantium into the new capital of the Roman Empire, from then on to be known as Constantinople, placing the city at the cen-tre of Hellenism a beacon for the Greeks. The Empire stood as a defensive wall against the numerous efforts of various peoples to invade Europe (Arabs, Persians, Lombards, Avars and Slavs).

OTTOMAN RUlE (15TH CENTURY – 1821)When the Ottomans conquered Constantinople (1453), two Greek migrations occurred. The first migration entailed the Greek intelligentsia mi-grating to Western Europe and influencing the advent of the Renaissance. The second migra-tion entailed Greeks leaving the plains of the Greek peninsula and resettling in the moun-tains. The Ottomans ruled Greece until the early 19th century.

The history of Greece encompasses the his-

tory of the territory of the modern state of

Greece, as well as that of the Greek people

and the areas they ruled historically.

the history of


Page 11: Greek Embassy Supplement

MODERN GREEK sTATE (1821–TODAY)1821-1829: wAR OF INDEpENDENCEIn the early months of 1821, the Greeks declared their independence but did not achieve it until 1829. The Great Powers first shared the same view concerning the necessity of preserving the status quo of the Ottoman Empire, but soon changed their stance. Scores of non-Greeks volunteered to fight for the cause, including Lord Byron.

On 20 October 1827, a combined British, French and Russian naval force destroyed the Ottoman armada in Navarino, the most crucial moment for Greek independence. The minister of foreign affairs of Russia, Ioannis Kapodistrias, himself a Greek, returned home as Presi-dent of the new Republic. After his assassination, the European powers helped turn Greece into a monarchy; the first King, Otto, came from Bavaria and the second, George I, from Denmark.

During the 19th and early 20th centuries Greece sought to enlarge its boundaries to include the ethnic Greek population of the Ottoman Em-pire. The Ionian Islands were returned by Britain upon the arrival of the new King George I in 1863 and Thessaly was ceded by the Ottomans. As a result of the Balkan Wars of 1912–13 Epirus, southern Macedo-nia, Crete and the Aegean Islands were annexed into the Kingdom of Greece. Another enlargement followed in 1947, when Greece annexed the Dodecanese Islands from Italy.

1914-1923: wORlD wAR I AND GRECO-TURKIsH wARGreece participated in World War I, in the side of the Allies (Entente Powers). Following victory the war, the Great Powers agreed that the Ottoman cities of Smyrna (Izmir) and its hinterland, both of which had large Greek populations, be handed over to Greece.

Greek troops occupied Smyrna in 1919, and in 1920 the Treaty of Sevres was signed by the Ottoman government, which stipulated that in five years time a plebiscite would be held in Smyrna on whether the region would join Greece. The overthrow of the Ottoman government resulted in the Greco-Turkish War (1919-1922). The war was concluded by the Treaty of Lausanne, according to which there was to be a population exchange between Greece and Turkey on the basis of religion. Over one million Orthodox Christians left Turkey in exchange for 400,000 Muslims from Greece.

1940-1945: wORlD wAR IIDespite the country’s numerically small and ill-equipped armed forces, Greece made a decisive contribution to the Allied efforts in World War II. At the start of the war Greece sided with the Allies and refused to give in to Italian demands. Italy invaded Greece by way of Albania on 28 October 1940, but Greek troops repelled the invaders after a bitter struggle, marking the first Allied victory in the war.

After the Italian defeat and in order to secure his strategic southern flank, Hitler was compelled to send his troops to invade Greece. The German forces succeeded in occupying Greece, after facing heavy resistance, which delayed the Nazi assault against the Soviet Union and was a deci-sive contribution to the Allied efforts to the final victory. During the Nazi Occupation (1941-1944), hundreds of thousands of Greeks died in direct combat, in concentration camps, in massive executions or of starvation, while the economy of Greece was devastated.

GREEK CIVIl wAR (1944–49)After liberation from Nazi occupation, the country was plunged into a bloody Civil War between the Governmental forces, supported by Britain at first and later by the U.S., and the Democratic Army of Greece, the military branch of the Greek communist party.

pOsT-wAR ERAThe first post-war decades are characterised by rapid economic growth initially with the help of the U.S. Marshall Plan’s grants and loans, and later through growth in tourism, shipping and small industry. In 1952, Greece acceded to NATO and, in 1961, became the first associate mem-ber of the European Economic Community. In 1967, the Greek military seized power in a coup d’état that established the Greek military junta of 1967-1974. After the collapse of the regime, in 1974, and the restoration of democracy, a referendum confirmed the abolition of the monarchy and a democratic republican constitution came into force.

Since the restoration of democracy, stability was entrenched and eco-nomic prosperity of Greece remarkably increased. The country joined the European Community as a full member in 1981, became a member of the Economic and Monetary Union in 2001 and adopted the common European currency, the Euro, in 2002.

Eugene Delacroix, The massacre at Chios (1824). The massacre took place during the War of Independance (Louvre Museum in Paris)

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Page 12: Greek Embassy Supplement

Greece is a traditional maritime country. Its commercial shipping, one of the most globalised industries in international trade, is a source of national

pride and a bulwark of the national economy, accounting for 7.3% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In addition to the economic benefits it pro-

vides, Greek shipping plays a key role in the country’s social development, raising the country’s international profile and bolstering social cohesion.

A sEAFARING NATIONShipping is the second largest contributor to the Greek domestic econ-

omy. Together with tourism, it accounts for almost a quarter of total

economic output.

A GROwING FlEETThe merchant fleet under Greek flag ranks sixth in the world and second

in the EU (in terms of dry weight and gross tonnage, respectively). Boast-

ing over 4,000 cargo vessels, of which more than 3,700 are oceangoing,

Greek ship owners lead the global merchant marine market: of over one

trillion tons of global capacity, the EU fleet totals 199.12 million tons, of

which 133.21 million tons are accounted for by Greek-owned vessels. This

is mirrored by Greek ship owners’ equally commanding presence in the

global tanker, bulk, and chemical product carrier fleets.

What’s more, Greek shipping keeps an eye on the future. By the end 2012,

Greek interests had ordered 304 new vessels, and the 2013 Greek shipping

order book continued to indicate diversification into specialised ships like

LNG vessels, containerships, as well as offshore platforms and drilling

ships. So the outlook for Greek shipping is as impressive as its storied past.

THE BUsINEss OF sHIppINGFrom 2002 to 2012, shipping contributed a total of €140 billion to the

Greek Economy. The foreign exchange input from shipping activities

reached an impressive €13.28 billion in 2012. Maritime transport provides

over 192,000 jobs, both directly (1,352 shipping management companies

are active in the Greek shipping sector) and in shipping-related activities.

This is an impressive number at a time when unemployment is at very

high levels.

Shipping and GreeceBlue economy:

Page 13: Greek Embassy Supplement

Greece promotes a national port policy

through the improvement of port infrastruc-

ture and port management, and is also in the

process of consolidating its maritime offerings

into a cohesive transit hub, thus strengthening

and improving the pivotal position of Greek

ports in maritime transport and services.

sHIppING, MARITIME pOlICIEs AND THE HEllENIC pREsIDENCYAs a traditional merchant marine power,

Greece plays an important role in the shaping

of all EU policies on maritime transport, which

is a vital component the European economy

and world trade. The shipping sector contrib-

utes significantly to sustainable economic de-

velopment while strengthening the strategic

position of the European Union, and Shipping

and sea-related issues are a high priority for

the Hellenic Presidency of the Council of the

EU. Maritime policy, blue growth and maritime

transport comprise a horizontal priority for the

Hellenic Presidency, which has programmed a

number of relevant actions and initiatives, one

of which is the Informal Maritime Ministeri-

al Council being hosted in Athens, on 7 May

2014, to review EU maritime transport policy.

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Analysis and Advice


Page 14: Greek Embassy Supplement

Reaching out west to the Ionian Sea, east to

the Aegean Sea, south to the Mediterranean

Sea, and standing at the crossroads of three

continents, Greece is a true gateway to Eu-

rope, Africa and Asia..

Greece is located in south-eastern

Europe, on the southern end of

the Balkan Peninsula (Haemus

peninsula); it lies at the meeting

point of three continents – Eu-

rope, Asia and Africa. Greece borders to the

North on Bulgaria and the Former Yugoslav Re-

public of Macedonia (F.Y.R.O.M.), to the North-

west on Albania, to the Northeast on Turkey;

to the West it is washed by the Ionian Sea; to

the South by the Mediterranean Sea and to the

East by the Aegean Sea.

wORlD-ClAss TRANspORT INFRAsTRUCTUREGreece’s unique location offers the country ac-

cess to many and diverse trading partners, as

well as a destination for peoples of the world to

meet. Greece has always been the focal point of

civilisations meeting and interacting with each

other, leaving an indelible mark on the country.

Thessaloniki, the country’s second biggest city,

is historically the ultimate urban meeting point,

where Europe meets the Middle East and the

Balkans meets the Mediterranean.

Access to Greece is made easy through its many,

and impressive transport infrastructure network

of road, sea and air. Greece boasts 39 ports,

with Piraeus being undoubtedly the crown jew-

el. The country’s main port has and continues

to achieve impressive growth rates, rendering

it a major gateway for European Union (EU)

commerce. By air, Greece has 82 airports, many

of them handling international flights; Athens

International Airport alone handled 13 million

people in 2012. The state-of-the-art Egnatia

motorway stretches from Greece’s westernmost

edge close to Italy to its easternmost borders

close to Turkey, connecting the EU with Asia.

EU AND AsIAN ExCHANGEGreece is evolving into an energy hub for the

whole of the European Union (EU). The Trans

Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) was selected to trans-

port natural gas from Azerbaijan via Greece,

Albania and Italy to Europe. It is estimated that

it will provide enough energy for as many as

seven million EU households. The Euro-Asia In-

terconnector, an underwater electric cable, con-

necting Israel, Cyprus and Greece, is expected

to change the energy agenda in the Southern

Mediterranean region.

Border security is also a top priority for Greece

and the European Union, as its South-eastern

border receives major migration flows. Since

2010, Greece has been cooperating with Fron-

tex (EU border monitoring agency), in survey-

ing the EU’s external borders and confronting

cross-border crime.

AFRICA AND THE MIDDlE EAsTThe countries of the Middle East and North Afri-

ca (MENA) are a vital zone for Greek trade and

entrepreneurship, since antiquity. MENA is the

fourth most important trade region for Greece,

based on the trade volume of the past years.

While trade with MENA usually lags behind

trade with Europe (EE and the Balkans) and

North America, in the last couple of years there

has been impressive progress in boosting the

trade volume between Greece and the MENA

countries. In the first half of 2012 Greek exports

in the Middle East increased by 37.86% com-

pared with the first half of 2011. In North Africa

Greek exports increased by 28.41% compared

with the first half of 2011.



Page 15: Greek Embassy Supplement

Greek-owned tankers are already carrying natural

gas to Greece’s state-of-the-art liquefied natural gas

terminal at Revithoussa, a small island near Athens.

Revithoussa has significant strategic advantages, lo-

cated only 650 nmi from the Suez Canal, through

which Qatari natural gas is transported to Europe. The

current upgrading of the Revithoussa facilities and of

LNG storage facilities in Northern Greece is aimed at

making Greece a major European gateway for LNG

and a vital supply link in Europe’s Central Corridor, which will give the country another key role in

the diversification of energy supplies for the Balkans and Central and Eastern Europe.

A further development with the potential to alter the regional energy landscape decisively – fol-

lowing the recent discoveries of large offshore hydrocarbon deposits by Israel and Cyprus – is the

Greek government’s intention to move ahead with exploration for and exploitation of its offshore

mineral wealth. Norway’s PGS has already carried out the initial seismic surveys in the maritime

regions of western Greece and southern Crete, and the Greek government has now made the

resulting “Greece MegaProject” database available for purchase by prospective investors, before

it moves ahead with the next round of licensing for exploration and exploitation of offshore fields.

The Greek government is optimistic, and Energy Minister Maniatis stated in January that “it arises

from the initial evaluation of the data that there are interesting geological structures that exhibit

significant similarities with corresponding structures in neighbouring countries that are already

producing hydrocarbons.”

All of these developments – construction of the TAP and IGB, operation and upgrading of Re-

vithoussa, efforts to confirm and exploit Greek hydrocarbon deposits – indicate that energy may

well have a key role to play in Greece’s recovery, as the country emerges as a regional energy hub

while making an important contribution to European energy security.

Greece is capitalising on its geo-

graphical position, upgrading its

energy infrastructure, and emerg-

ing as an up-and-coming regional

energy hub that can contribute

to European energy security, an issue brought

to the fore once again by the current crisis in


The Shah Deniz II Consortium’s June 2013 deci-

sion in favour of the construction of the Trans

Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) – which will carry Aze-

ri natural gas to Italy and Central Europe, via

Greece, Albania and the Adriatic Sea – was a

major turning point on Greece’s path to becom-

ing a regional energy hub.

The choice of the TAP as the conduit for carrying

Caspian natural gas to European markets signif-

icantly upgraded Greece’s status on the energy

map and was a vote of confidence in a recover-

ing Greek economy, contributing to the improve-

ment of the economic climate.

With an annual capacity of 10 bcm, the TAP rep-

resents a foreign direct investment of €1.5 billion

and, as part of the European strategy for creat-

ing a southern natural gas corridor, will strength-

en Greek and European energy security. In ad-

dition to promoting regional synergy between

Greece, Italy, Albania, Turkey and Azerbaijan,

other countries in the region will benefit from

the TAP, as a cooperation platform, as they are

linked to the project in the future, via planned

branch pipelines. These countries include; Croa-

tia, Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Another major energy infrastructure project, set

to begin construction in 2015, is the Interconnec-

tor Greece-Bulgaria (IGB), a reverse-flow pipe-

line that will supply Bulgaria and Central Euro-

pean countries with natural gas from the TAP

and Greek LNG imports.

an emerging regional

energy hub

Page 16: Greek Embassy Supplement

lANGUAGEAlphabet, democracy, philosophy, academy, theatre, physics, astronomy,

athletics: Is it all Greek to you? Well, maybe because it is…

Thousands of words used in European languages come from the Greek

language; it is estimated that 12% of the English vocabulary is of Greek

origin, while 25% is borrowed indirectly from Greek.

Words and concepts of modern Europe derive from the Greek language,

even down to the very name of the continent itself! The continent was

named after the mythical Europa, who was abducted by Zeus and carried

to Crete, a well known story of Greek mythology. Europe’s core values can

also be traced back to classical Greece. The Enlightenment, the essence of

modern European civilisation, is also founded on Greek classical heritage:

Reason, Humanism, Democracy, Liberty – the very basis of many modern

European countries.

CUlTURAl lIFEDaily cultural life is very vivid in Greece and representative with the joy of

simple and natural life. The Greeks are particularly proud of their culture

and speak of their country with an intense passion, feeling that their Greek

culture is a definition of their national and ethnic belonging. Traditions,

religion, music, language, food and wines are the major composites of the

culture of Greece and constitute the base for those who wish to visit and

understand today’s Greece.

Since 1985, three Greek cities, Athens (1985), Thessaloniki (1997) and

Patras (2006) have been selected European Cultural Cities, a choice that

reflects their significance for Europe’s cultural identity, but also Greece’s

vibrant contemporary arts scene, with avant-garde theatre and cinema,

a lively music scene, frontline visual arts, and some of the world’s most

pioneering museums. In 2014, Thessaloniki is the EU Youth Capital.

Greece has more archaeological museums than any other country in the

world. The sheer number of museums and sites are testament to Greece’s


From prehistoric times to the establishment of the Modern Greek

state, Greek culture is a continuum of a unique civilisation evolving

over thousands of years, not only on Greek soil, but wherever the

Greeks have lived and prospered. Arts such as architecture, sculpture,

pottery, weaving, music, jewelry making and painting have a long

tradition in Greece, from Prehistoric Times till now.

Page 17: Greek Embassy Supplement

immense cultural heritage, a cornerstone of European civilisation. The new Acropolis Museum

ranks among the 10 best museums in the world, while its restaurant among the top five. A large

number of monuments from a variety of periods are designated UNESCO World Heritage sites.

Many cultural events take place in Greece all year round. Particularly famous is the Athens Ep-

idaurus Greek Festival, with events in the Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus, the Herodeion Theatre

in Athens and other venues. Such festivals with music concerts, theatre performances, lectures

and custom revivals take place in all Greek islands and towns, usually in summer, presenting the

local culture and occasionally hosting international participations.

MODERN ARTsAfter the emergence of the new independent Greek state and throughout the 19th and 20th cen-

turies, painting, sculpture and literature flourished in the every corner of the country. Earlier ex-

amples of Greek art, in the period between 14th and 18th centuries can be found mainly in Greek

islands such as Crete, and the Ionian Islands as well as in the Greek diaspora.

Modern Greek art began developing around the time of Romanticism. Both academic and per-

sonal bonds developed between early Greek painters and Munich artistry giving birth to the

Greek “Munich School” of painting, whose most representative Greek painters were Nikolaos

Gysis Ioannis Altamouras, Theodoros Vryzakis, Nikiphoros Lytras, Georgios Jakobides, Georgios

Roilos and Konstantinos Volanakis.

At the beginning of the 20th century landscape painting held sway and the interest of painters

turned toward the study of light and colour. Demetrios Galanis, Nikos Engonopoulos, Dimitris

Mytaras and Yiannis Psychopedis, Konstantinos Parthenis, Konstantinos Maleas, Yiannis Tsa-

rouchis, Yiannis Moralis, Nikos Hadjikyriakos-Ghikas, Spyros Vassiliou, Alekos Kontopoulos all

achieved international recognition.

In literature, two Greek poets were awarded the Nobel Prize: Giorgos Seferis, in 1963, for his

eminent lyrical writing, inspired by a deep feeling for the Hellenic world of culture, and Odys-

seus Elytis, in 1979, for his poetry, which, against the background of Greek tradition, depicts with

sensuous strength and intellectual clear-sightedness modern man’s struggle for freedom and



Nikiphoros Lytras Expectance 1895-1900

Oil on canvas, National Gallery of GreeceGeorge Iakovidis Grandma’s favourite 1893Oil on canvas, National Gallery of Greece

Constantinos Volonakis, Moored ships (1895), at the National Gallery, Athens

Herodeion Theatre

Theatre of Epidaurus

Page 18: Greek Embassy Supplement

Top 10

➊ smaLL CYCLadesBetween Naxos and Amorgos, a small island complex referred to as the Small Cyclades is a small

piece of paradise in the Aegean. Its beautiful waters are best explored on a sailing boat.

➋ meTeora (CenTraL greeCe)Meteora is an area in Thessaly (Central Greece) and Kalampaka is the city under the rock towers

of Meteora. What makes Meteora so special are the monasteries at the top of the rock towers. The

monasteries, the climbing possibilities and the hiking paths make this a very unique destination.

➌ sounio (aTHens)About one hour’s drive from the centre of Athens, you will reach Sounio where the famous Temple

of Poseidon is located, built during the Golden Age of Pericles. A temple at the most southern point

of Athens, offering magical golden sunsets on a site where the Ancient Greeks worshiped Poseidon,

God of the Sea.

➍ oTHonoi (ionian)An island in the Ionian Sea with a pure beauty, worth visiting if you travel to one of the big Ionian

Islands. A cave, near the Aspri Ammos (white sand) beach, is traditionally believed to have been

the place where Calypso kept Ulysses captive.

➎ THe eXCaVaTions aT aKroTiri (sanTorini)Santorini’s geomorphology is the result of hundreds of thousands of years of volcanic activity. The

ongoing excavations at Santorini have uncovered one of the most prehistoric settlements of the

Aegean. Worth a visit for any Santorini visitor.

greeCe originaLs

➊smaLL CYCLades

➋ meTeora

➌ sounio

Page 19: Greek Embassy Supplement

➏ ZagoroCHoria (CenTraL greeCe)Zagorochoria constitutes a unique residential, historical and cultural unity of vil-

lages north of the basin of Ioannina. Today Zagorochoria maintains their cultural

heritage in an effort to continue the traditions and customs of the region. The par-

ticular architecture, the traditional music, the natural beauty, the wild beauty of

the mountains and rich flora and fauna of the region are those characteristics that

distinguish it.

➐ masTiCHoHoria (CHios isLand)Masticha or Mastic is an agricultural product removed by chipping mastic bushes.

Masticha looks like rock candy and has a distinctive taste and chewiness. It is a

100% Greek product, and as such is registered by the European Union as PDO (PGI)

name. Chios Mastic, popular since ancient times, was and still is a highly commer-

cialised product due to its cosmetic, pharmaceutical and industrial applications. It is

only produced on the island of Chios, in the Aegean Sea, and especially in the South-

ern part in the Mastic villages or the so called ‘Mastichohoria’. Even though people

tried to take mastic to different countries in the past, amazingly enough mastic is

impossible to grow in any other part of the world except Chios.

➑ eLaFonisos (peLoponnese)Elafonissos is a very small island, just 19km2, on the Southern Eastern Tip of

Peloponnese. The distance from the mainland is a mere 570 meters of crystal clear

turquoise water on top of thin gold-coloured sand. Frango (Simos) - Saracenico are

the majestic twin beaches, the small and large bays on the south eastern tip of the

island, opposite the Kythera and the Spathi tip.

➒ diros CaVesThe Diros Caves are perhaps the most important natural site in Greece and in their

own way as spectacular as the caldera of Santorini. Enjoy a half hour boat tour in-

side the caves with stalactites and stalagmites where the tourguide uses just a long

pole to journey through the caverns and tunnels. An experience not to be missed.

➓ CHaLKidiKiOne of the most fertile and beautiful regions of Greece. Kassandra, Sithonia and

Athos are the three peninsulas that make up the prefecture of Chalkidiki. A tran-

quil combination of beaches, unique coves and picturesque villages. After a stay in

Thessaloniki, Greece’s second biggest city in the north, take a trip and explore what

Chalkidiki has to offer. You will not be disappointed.

➍ oTHonoi


➒diros CaVes



➐ CHios isLand ➑eLaFonisos

Page 20: Greek Embassy Supplement

greek gastronomy has a rich history, dating back some 4000 years, with its especial characteristics based on pure and unique qual-

ity goods. in fact, it was archestratos who wrote the fi rst cookbook in history (330 b.c.). today greece is famous for its simple yet

fl avoursome cuisine, made with the best produce from the fertile land – produce such as grapes used to blend the country’s many

top-quality wines.

Food and wine from the land

greeceon a Plate

Page 21: Greek Embassy Supplement

naTuraL, simpLe Foods and FLaVoursThe Greek diet is the perfect example of traditional Mediterrane-

an eating. It’s based around a variety of colourful and flavoursome

foods that are high in nutrients and low in animal fats. It is said that

Greek cuisine has four secrets: Good quality fresh ingredients, correct

use of flavourings (herbs) and spices, the famous Greek olive oil and


Most of the Greek produce, including its vegetables are cultivated in

natural ways and they therefore maintain their aroma and their fla-

vour. The Greeks will tell you that after tasting a Greek tomato, cab-

bage, carrot, onion, parsley and garlic, your palate will be content.

Some of the other natural Greek ingredients you will find in most

traditional dishes include fruits, such as grapes, apricots, peaches,

cherries, melons, watermelons, honey, legumes and not forgetting

olives. Kalamata olives have a rich and fruity flavour and are one of

the most popular eating olives in Greece.

Greek olive oil deserves a special note. It accompanies almost all

Greek dishes, it is used abundantly in most of them, it is of excellent

quality and Greeks will tell you it is good for your health.

CLassiC greeK disHesThese are the dishes that are at the top of the request list for lovers

of Greek food. From simple to elaborate, they are the classic dishes

that delight Greek food enthusiasts the world over. Come explore

the rich culinary traditions of Greece as you sample the best of Greek



Perhaps the most widely recognised of all

Greek dishes, this oven-baked casserole of lay-

ered eggplant and spiced meat filling topped

with a creamy bechamel will be the highlght of

any Greek meal.


A perennial favorite, this classic Greek pastry

is made with flaky phyllo dough layered with

a cinnamon-spiced nut filling, and bathed in

sweet syrup. It’s crunchy and sweet and very



A tangy cucumber dip flavoured with garlic is

the perfect accompaniment to grilled meats

and vegetables. It’s served on the side with

warm pita bread triangles for dipping, and is

also used as a condiment.

CLeanse Your paLaTeAlthough wine producing in Greece dates back thousands of years, in

recent years, the Greek wine industry has undergone tremendous im-

provements with serious investments in modern wine making tech-

nology. The new generation of native winemakers is being trained in

the best wine schools around the world and their efforts are paying

off as Greek wines continue to receive the highest awards in interna-

tional competitions as well as the recognition they deserve through-

out the world.

Once such winery, that produces wines of high quality and sold in-

ternationally including in Denmark, is Manousakis Winery. Located

in the Lefka Ori mountain range of western Crete, this winery has re-ab-

sorbed the quiet cycle of life for thousands of the islands wild flowers

and herbs; carefully cultivating their vines to allow them to absorb these

unique aromas and essence of the terroir, filling the grape clusters with

their unique character, thus capturing and preserving the incredible Lefka

Ori of Crete in each bottle of their Nostos Wines.

What makes Greek wine so unique are the more than 300 indigenous

grape varieties grown there, some of which have been cultivated since

ancient times. Many of the world’s best wine critics agree that the dis-

tinct flavors that come from these native grape varieties are a strong

marketing advantage for the Greek wine industry. Many well-known

international grape varieties are also used in Greek wine making. This

extensive variety of grapes together with the moderate Greek climate,

plentiful sunshine, low average rainfall and soils of moderate fertility

combine to provide an excellent environment for the production of high

quality wines. Maria Tsalapati, from Oinofilia says that her company

makes available high quality Greek wines to the Danish public. Made

of indigenous varieties, organic and biodynamic, by dedicated highly

educated oenologists and winemakers, Greek wine she says is a good

alternative to the top wine producing countries. “You get very good value

for money, and important, also, Greek wine can be enjoyed not only

with Greek food, but with all kinds of foods,” she explains. In the wine

world, they say, Greece is one of the most interesting wine countries in

Europe - so why not give Greek wine a whirl. Dane’s can buy Greek wine

from Maria’s company, and can contact her on [email protected] or

+45 27160069.


Did you know?Feta, which is made from goat milk is Greece’s national cheese.It dates

back to Homeric ages and the average per capita consumption of feta

cheese in Greece is the highest in the world.

Perhaps the most widely recognised of all

A perennial favorite, this classic Greek pastry

A tangy cucumber dip flavoured with garlic is


Page 22: Greek Embassy Supplement


Whether you have travelled to Greece before or you are considering it now, an amazing cluster of islands will make it worth your while. Some of the oldest Eu-ropean civilisations developed on the Greek islands (Cycladic, Minoan civilizations, etc.), so therefore the

islands have unique archeological sites, a distinctive architectural heritage and the fascinating local traditions of a centuries-old and multifaceted civilisation.

Many of these Greek beaches have been awarded the blue flag under the Blue Flags of Europe Program, providing not only swimming, but also scuba diving, snorkeling, water skiing, sailing and windsurfing. Most of the islands are found in the Aegean Sea with the most well-known being the Cyclades

Who hasn’t heard of the amazingly romantic sunsets on Santorini, or seen the mesmerising deep blue from Amorgos? If you are looking for a heav-enly spot, the “Small Cyclades” cluster of islands will take your breath away. One visit to Greece is never enough. Every time one visits there is more and more that is discovered. The idea of exploring new coves, new tastes, new experiences is a temptation in itself. Here are only a few ideas of what the Cyclades have to offer.

aCTiViTies in THe isLand oF amorgosWhen it comes to hiking, there are many signaled pathways on the island as Amorgos is considered to be one of the most organised Cycladic islands for trekking. Swimming in Aigialis bay is bound to leave you breathless. Finally, one should definitely not miss out on visiting Hozoviotissa Monas-tery built in the mountain and providing the most magical sea view

BeaCHes in KouFonisiaThe southeastern coasts of the island include most of the island’s beaches

such as Finikas, Fanos and Platia Pounta and are the most visited. Contin-uing you will see small gulfs between rocks where you can swim in quiet. You will also see Pori which is considered to be the most beautiful beach in the island. The rocky caves in the north coasts of Koufonisi and Kato Koufonisi are ideal fishing places for amateur fishermen.

There are also small boats departing from Chora which can take you to the far away beaches of the island, as well as in the nearby islets of Pra-soura, Glaronisi, Voulgari, Tsouloufi, Lazaros and Megali Plaka in reason-able prices. All these islets have been announced places of unique natural beauty.

sigHTseeing miLosA walk through the town will give you the chance to visit its main sights: The Venetian castle dating back to the 13th century and offering a great view and an enchanting sunset. Don’t forget to visit the Archaeological Museum, hosting a replica of the famous statue “Aphrodite of Milos”, the masterpiece discovered during the 19th century on the island.

Also of cultural interest is the Folklore and History Museum, situated in a 19th-century mansion and hosting traditional objects, a collection of min-erals extracted in Milos and photographic material. Last but not least, a must-see on Milos is Sarakiniko, a coast of unique natural beauty, with white smooth rocks, 5km east.

Irakleia – Schoinousa – Donousa – Koufonisia: these Lilliputian islands, along with uninhabited Keros Island, make up the magic group of the Minor Eastern Cyclades. Golden sand beaches washed by turquoise pellu-cid waters, lee coves, amazing geological formations, white cube-shaped little houses with flowerbeds in their yards, open-hearted people, fun and merry-making, special delicacies, fish that’s always fresh and above all a relaxed rhythm of life. In short: everyone’s dream of a summer vacation.

In Greece, you are at a crossroads of colours and cultures. A coun-

try with a uniquely affluent historical past, a country of beautiful

contradictions, a constant journey in time, from the present to the

past and back again.


Page 23: Greek Embassy Supplement

KouFonisiaKoufonisia islands are a beloved destination for those seeking to enjoy the original laid-back Greek lifestyle: peaceful and relaxed atmosphere, sun-drenched beaches with azure waters and…plenty of tavernas with fresh fish!

Koufonisia is a small group of two islands, Pano Koufonisi (Upper Koufoníssi) and Kato Koufonisi (Lower Koufonisi), that are separated by a narrow strait. They are located southeast of Naxos and west of Amorgos; Pano Koufonisi is inhabited, with a land area of 5.5 sq. km and a population of 366 residents. Their name comes from the numerous caves the waves have shaped along their shores, which, when seen by pirates, gave them the impression that the islands (in Greek “nissia”) were hollow (in Greek “koufio”) – therefore Koufionisia and later Koufonisia.

The deserted island of Keros lies next to Koufonisia and is a protected archaeologi-cal site as major finds of Cycladic art have been unearthed here , such as the figure of Big Mother (1.40 m tall), and the famous statuettes “the Piper” and “the Harpist”, now exhibited at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens.

Swimming: On Pano Koufonisi, the best beaches are at Loutro, Parianos, Foinikas, Fanos, Italida, and Pori where you can windsurf as well. On Kato Koufonisi, visit the solitary paradise sandy beaches at Panagia, Detis, and Nero. You can also tour the island by boat (either yours or an excursion boat) and admire the sea caves as well as the nearby islets Glaronisi, Prasoura, Voulgari, Tsouloufi, Lazaros and Megali Plaka; all of them have been designated as areas of great natural beauty.

Must see: The white windmill which stands at the harbour entrance as if welcom-ing visitors. Chora is further up: a typical Cyclades village with white-washed houses and picturesque alleys. In the centre you will see Agios Georgios church, the island’s patron saint. Rent a bicycle and tour the island following the shoreline. Visit the inland area and hike along the paths from Chora to Pano Meria.

Feasts: Locals simply love a good feast. On April 23 (Agios Georgios feast day), the ‘feast master’ takes the Saint’s icon around and is escorted by fishing boats which sail along the shoreline. The “fisherman’s feast” takes place on June 24 and delicious kakavia soup is offered to all. On August 15 the locals sail to Kato Koufonisi for the big feast in honour of Panagia (Virgin Mary).

donousa isLandThe northernmost island of the Minor Eastern Cyclades group lies between Naxos and Amorgos. Donousa or Stavros is the capital town and a tourist destination. Mersini, Charavgi (Mesaria) and Kalotaritissa villages are picturesque and definitely worth a visit. Tourists will enjoy hiking across the countryside that is sweet-smelling with herbs, as the island area is just about 13 km2.

Swimming: A lovely golden sand beach lies next to the harbour: start your beach exploration from there. In the south shores you will find amazing sandy beaches such as Kedros – with a German shipwreck lying at the bottom of the sea – Vathy Limenari, Livadi and Fykio, where underwater life and seabed are particularly im-pressive; in the north shores you will see three pebble beaches in Kalotaritissa, re-sembling a turquoise aquarelle amidst transparent waters.

Must see: Head NW for the impressive Cave of the Wall and its marvellous stalactites; Fokospilia is located in the east shores and the natural beauty within is exceptional as the light blue reflections on the seabed are truly impressive. There is access to the caves only by excursion boats.

Feasts: Enjoy yourself and dance till dawn on August 15 (Panagia’s feast), on Sep-tember 14 (Exaltation of the Holy Cross feast), and on September 17 (Saint Sophia’s feast). You will then taste the famous patatato dish (kid with potatoes, cooked with tomatoes and herbs).

iraKLeia isLandLocated between Ios and Naxos, with a ring of islands around it, Irakleia is endowed with rolling hills, picturesque coves, a particularly interesting flora and old stone-

paved pathways which make it the ideal place for relaxed

summer holidays. Populations of monachus monachus, the

Mediterranean monk seal, and caretta – caretta, the sea

turtle, live by the island’s shores. Life follows a particular

pattern here on its two villages – both pretty as a picture:

Agios Georgios (where the island’s harbour is) with a lovely

sea view and Panagia with white cube-shaped little houses.

Swimming: Try the following sandy beaches: Agios

Georgios with the shady tamarisks, Vorini Spilia with an

impressive underwater life and seabed, Livadi and Alimia

where you will see a World War II plane wreckage. Other

options include pebble beaches such as Tourkopigado, Am-

moudi tou Mericha, Karvounolakkos and Merichas cove; or

the rocky shores at Xylompatis and Trimpounas and the

steep and rugged beaches at Vala, Strongylos, Kavos tou

Thodorou and Kathreptis.

Must see: The fortress (rising above Livadi beach), which

was built on the ruins of the ancient temple of Zeus; the

towering Merichas boulders against the infinite blue sea;

Agios Ioannis cave – the biggest one in Cyclades - where

geological formations are remarkable; Agios Athanasios,

an old village with a few traditional stone-built houses;

Agios Georgios church (1834), Taxiarchis church with a su-

perb iconostasis, Profitis Ilias church on Papas which is the

highest peak on the island offering a panoramic view of

the Major and Minor Cyclades and the impressive Panagia

church, dedicated to the Entry of the Virgin Mary to the


Feasts: A great feast takes place on August 15 in Pana-

gia with violin playing and scrumptious titbits on offer. On

August 28, the eve of Agios Ioannis Prodromos feast day,

an evening service is held inside Agios Ioannis Prodromos

cave and hundreds of candles light up the place creating a

spectacular sight. A feast takes place later on.

Greece is a country blessed with incredible history, culture,

a very rich cultural background that goes centuries back

but also continues to develop in the most extraordinary

way, amazing nature and landscapes that can offer mo-

ments of adventure and harmony depending on what the

traveler seeks. Greece is far from being just a “sun and sea”

destination as it has been known for years. Challenge your

sense of exploration by travelling to Greece and discovering

it over and over again. WELCOME HOME!

Page 24: Greek Embassy Supplement