gratiot board of commissioners jan. 19 agenda packet

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Gratiot county board meeting agenda and material


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    Gratiot County Board of Commissioners

    George Bailey, Chairperson

    Jan Bunting Tim Lambrecht

    John Renneberg Sam Smith

    Jeff Huff, County Administrator

    Carol A. Vernon, Clerk

    214 E. Center Street

    Ithaca, MI 48847

    989-875-5215 (Clerk)

    Regular Full Board Meeting


    Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at 4:30 PM

    A. Call to Order

    B. Roll call of commissioners

    C. Invocation

    D. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

    E. Additions/Deletions to Agenda and Approval of Agenda




    F. Approval of the Agenda

    G. Brief public comment

    The Board welcomes all public input and appreciates adherence to the time limits

    established. Each period shall be limited to one 3 minute comment per period.

    H. Consideration of Consent Calendar: Board Minutes, Communications and

    recommendations from committees.

    1. Commissioner Minutes of January 5, 2016. 3

    2. Communications:

    a. Drain Notices No.111 and #090 8

    I. Consideration of Finance Matters.

    1. Budget discussions.

    J. Consideration of Unfinished Business.

    1. Clerk's Request to Restructure Office. 11

    K. Consideration of New Business.

  • 2

    1. Administrator Huff's Report.

    2. Application for Zoning Board of Appeals from Mike Browne. One vacant

    position for a three year term ending 12/31/2018. Also one partial terming

    ending 12/31/2017 to replace Bernie Barnes.


    3. Consideration to approve North Star's Resolution regarding approval of

    the deferral of late penalty charges to April 30, 2016.


    4. Greater Gratiot Tax Track presentation.

    5. Appointment of Commissioner Smith to the Greater Gratiot Board in place of

    Chair Bailey.

    L. Consideration of new business added at the meeting.




    M. Additional public comment and board comments.

    N. Adjournment

  • 1

    Gratiot County Board of Commissioners

    George Bailey, Chairperson

    Jan Bunting Tim Lambrecht

    John Renneberg Sam Smith

    Jeff Huff, County Administrator

    Carol A. Vernon, Clerk

    214 E. Center Street

    Ithaca, MI 48847

    989-875-5215 (Clerk)

    Tuesday, January 5, 2016 at 4:30 PM

    Organizational/Full Board Meeting

    Minutes Proposed for Approval on January 19, 2016

    A. Call to Order of the Organizational/Regular Meeting by Clerk Carol Vernon.

    B. Roll call of commissioners. Present: George Bailey, Jan Bunting, Tim Lambrecht,

    John Renneberg and Sam Smith. Absent: None. Also present: Deputy

    Administrator Rose Hubbard and Clerk Carol A. Vernon.

    C. Invocation by Commissioner Bailey.

    D. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

    E. Election of County Board Chairperson for current year in accordance with Gratiot

    County Board of Commissioners Policies and Procedures. Nominations received, or

    upon the adoption of a motion, the election of the chairperson may be conducted by

    secret ballot (MCL46.3).

    Nomination by Renneberg for George Bailey as Chairperson for a one year term

    ending 12/31/2016.

    Motion by Renneberg, second by Bunting to elect Bailey as Chairperson for a one

    year term ending 12/31/2016. Yes: Bailey, Bunting, Lambrecht, Renneberg and

    Smith. No: None. Motion carried 5-0.

    1. Chairperson presented the gavel by Clerk Vernon and presided over the meeting.

    F. Election of Vice-Chairperson. Nominations for Vice-Chairperson received and

    selected by majority vote of all the members present.

    Nomination by Renneberg for Jan Bunting as Vice Chair for a one year term ending


    Board Action: Motion by Renneberg, second by Smith to approve. Yes: Bailey,

    Bunting, Lambrecht, Renneberg and Smith. No: None. Motion carried 5-0.

    G. Appointment of Finance Committee Chairperson by Board Chairperson with the


  • 2

    consent of the majority of the Board.

    See below at H.

    H. Appointment of Finance Vice-Chairperson by Board Chairperson with the consent of

    the majority of the board present.

    Board Action: Motion by Renneberg, second by Lambrecht to appoint Bailey as

    Finance Chair and Lambrecht as Finance Vice Chair to keep the status quo. Motion

    carried 5-0.

    I. Consideration to adopt Gratiot County Board of Commissioners Policies and


    Board Action: Motion by Renneberg, second by Bunting to approve. Motion carried


    J. Consideration to adopt Robert's Rules of Order (Newly Revised).

    Board Action: Motion by Renneberg, second by Bunting to approve. Motion carried


    K. Appointment of Commissioner to the Mid-Michigan District Board of Health for a

    partial term ending 12/31/2016 to replace Laura McCollum.

    See below at L.

    L. Appointment to the Saginaw Bay Research Conservation & Development to replace

    Laura McCollum.

    Board Action: Motion by Renneberg, second by Lambrecht to approve Smith for

    replacement of Laura McCollums appointments of Saginaw Bay Research, Mid-Michigan District Health Department, EightCap and Michigan Works (has been

    dissolved). Motion carried 5-0.

    M. Consideration to set Regular Meeting Schedule for 2016 Current Year with a change

    from August 2 to August 1 due to the Primary election.

    Board Action: Motion by Renneberg, second by Bunting to approve the schedule

    with the noted change. Motion carried 5-0.

    N. Consideration to set the holiday schedule for the year as presented.

    Board Action: Motion by Renneberg, second by Bunting to approve. Motion carried


    O. Consideration to adopt the IRS mileage rate as presented.

    Board Action: Motion by Renneberg, second by Lambrecht to approve. Motion

    carried 5-0.

    P. Commence regular meeting agenda.


  • 3

    Q. Additions/Deletions to Agenda and Approval of Agenda.

    1. None.

    R. Approval of the Agenda.

    Board Action: Motion by Renneberg, second by Lambrecht to approve the agenda.

    Motion carried 5-0.

    S. Brief public comment

    The Board welcomes all public input and appreciates adherence to the time limits

    established. Each period shall be limited to one 3 minute comment per period.

    Sheriff Wright described the Emergency Management Coordinator position and

    introduced Dan Morden as retiree Richard Harrells replacement.

    T. Consideration of Consent Calendar: Board Minutes, Communications and

    recommendations from committees.

    1. Commissioner Minutes of December 22, 2015.

    2. Communications:

    a. Greater Gratiot Development Reports.

    b. Personal Property Tax Notice.

    c. Drain No. 111 Notice of Letting of Drain

    d. Veterans Affairs Report.

    Board Action: Motion by Renneberg, second by Lambrecht to approve the

    Minutes and receive the communications. Motion carried 5-0.

    U. Consideration of Finance Matters.

    1. Budget discussions.

    2. Accounts Payable Reports.

    Board Action: Motion by Renneberg, second by Lambrecht to approve. Motion

    carried 5-0.

    V. Consideration of Unfinished Business.

    1. Appointment to the Construction Board of Appeals for a 3 year term ending

    12/31/2018. Three current vacancies. Application from Dale Sherman for


    Board Action: Motion by Smith, second by Renneberg to approve Dale

    Sherman. Motion carried 5-0.

    2. Appointment to the Parks & Recreation Commission for a 3 year term ending

    12/31/2018 for one position. Memo of interested received from Jaccii

    Maylee. (Note - Jaccii Davis is currently serving member and whose last known

    address the letter was sent to regarding the application.)

    Board Action: Motion by Lambrecht, second by Renneberg to reappoint Jaccii

    Maylee. Motion carried 5-0.


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    3. Appointment to the Planning Commission for a 3 year term ending 12/31/2018

    for one position. Interested parties include Danny Manley and Karla Childers

    (commissioner vacancy applicants.)

    Board Action: Motion by Renneberg, second by Smith to approve Karla

    Childers. Motion carried 5-0. (See W-2 below.)

    4. Appointment to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a 3 year term ending

    12/31/2018, three positions are vacant. No applications received.

    W. Consideration of New Business.

    1. Administrator Huff's Report.

    2. Appointment to the Commission on Aging Board, District 3 for one position for a

    partial term ending 12/31/2017, to fill the vacancy left by Josephine Kissane.

    Application from Karla Childers.

    Board Action: Motion by Lambrecht, second by Renneberg to appoint Karla

    Childers to the Commission on Aging board to replace Josephine Kissane and

    appoint Dan Manley to the Planning Commission instead of Karla Childers with

    the notation that the Planning Commission does have a partial term available for

    Childers as well. Motion carried 5-0.

    3. Appointment of Breckenridge Village President Charles Seeley to the Brownfield

    Redevelopment Authority, Economic Development Authority and Hospital

    Finance Board for a 6 year term ending 12/31/2021.

    Board Action: Motion by Bunting, second by Renneberg to approve Charles

    Seeley. Motion carried 5-0.

    4. Appointment of Administrator Huff to the Hospital Finance Board for a 6 Year

    Term ending 12/31/2021.

    Board Action: Motion by Renneberg, second by Bunting to approve

    Administrator Huff. Motion carried 5-0.

    5. Information on Restructure of Clerk's Office for discussion at second January

    2016 meeting.

    Chair Bailey asked Clerk Vernon to contact the Sheriff and the Courts to get their

    response regarding the restructure.

    X. Consideration of new business added at the meeting.

    Y. Additional public comment and board comments.



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    Z. Adjournment.

    Board Action: Motion by Renneberg, second by Lambrecht to adjourn at 5:02 p.m.

    Motion carried 5-0.

    Carol A. Vernon, Gratiot County Clerk





    Phone (989) 875-5207 214 E Center St., Ithaca, MI.



    Fax (989) 875-5262

    Notice is further g iven, that on T uesday, January 26, 2016, at the Office of the Grati ot County Drain Commis ioner, 2 14 East Ce nter Street, Ithaca, Michigan or at such time and pl ace thereafter, to which I, the Gratiot County Drain Ca mmi sioner or my designated representati ve may adj ourn the same, a day o f rev iew will be conducted to review tentative apporti onment fo r benefits received and lands compri sed within the No. 111 Drain and said tentati ve apportionment and lands will be subj ect to review on said day from 9:00 a. m. until 5 :00 p.m. local time.

    At the meeting to review the apporti onment of benefits, the Drain Commissioner will have avail able to review the tentative apporti onments against parcels and municipalities with in the drainage di strict. The computation of cos t of construction of the Drain will also be open for public inspec ti on by any parties interested .

    The drain assessments against land in the drainage district will be collec ted in the same manner as property taxe . If the drain assessments against land are collec ted by installme nt, the landowner may pay the assess ments in full with any interes t to date at any time and thereby avoid further interes t charges. Please contac t the office of the Gratiot County Drain Commissioner with any questions about payments of drain assessments.

    Pursuant to Sec ti on 155 of the Michigan Drain Code of 1956, as amended, any owner of land within the special assessment di strict for the NO. 111 DRAIN or any municipality aggri eved by the apportionments of bene fits made by the Drain Commissioner may, within ten ( 10) calendar days o f January 26, 2016, make application to the Grati ot County Probate Court for appointment o f a Board of Review.

    The following is a description of the land constituting the No. 111 Drain Drainage District:

    That part of Sumner Township, T.11 N .-R.4W . as described : Southeast 1A of Sec tion 24 ; Sec tion 25 ; Southeast 1A of Sec ti on 26; South Yi of Sec tion 34; Sec tion 35 ; Section 36.

    That part of Arcada Township , T. I IN.-R.3W. as described : Southwest 1A of Sec ti on 17 ; Southeast 1A of Southeast 1A of Section 18; South 1/2 and Eas t 1/2 of Sec tion 19; West 1/2 of Section 20 ; W est Yi of Sec ti on 29 ; Section 30 ; North 1/2 and Southwes t 1A of Sec ti on 3 1; W est 1/2 of West 1/2 o f North wes t 1A Secti on 32.

    That part of New Haven Township, T. I ON.-R.4W. as described: North 1/2 of Secti on 2; Section 3; South 1/2 and South Yi of Northeast 1A o f Sec ti on 4; East % of Sec ti on 9 ; West Yi and We t 1/2 of Northeast 1A of Section 10.

    The fo llowing is a listing of the Public Corporati ons to be assessed at large fo r a porti on of the cost of co nstructing said drain: SUMNER TOWNSHIP, ARCADA TOWNSHIP, NEW HA VEN TOWNSHIP, COUNTY OF GRATIOT (for benefit to county roads), and MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION.

    NOW THEREFORE, all owners and persons interested in the above-described spec ial a essme nt di trict are hereby notified that, at the time and place afo resaid , or at such time and place thereafter to which said bid letting may be adj ourned , I shall proceed to receive bids fo r the construction of the No. 111 Drain , in the manner hereinbefore stated , and, al o, that at such time and place as stated above from 9 :00 a.m. until 5 :00 p.m. local time, the apportionment of benefits fo r the lands comprised within No. 111 Drain special assessment district will be subj ect to review.

    Proceedings conducted at the pre-bid conference, bid opening and day of review are subj ec t to the Michigan Open Meetings Act. Persons with di sabilities needing accommodations for effec ti ve partic ipation should contact Brian Denman, the Gratiot


  • County Drai n Commissioner at (989) 875-5207, or through the Michigan Relay Center at "7 11 " at least fourteen ( 14) days before each meeting to request mobili ty, visual, hearing or other ass istance.

    AND YOU AND EACH OF YOU, owners and persons interested in the aforesaid lands and Publ ic Corporati ons are cited to appear at the time and place of such bid letting and day of review of apportionments aforesaid, and be heard with respect to such spec ial assessments and your in terests in relati on thereto, if you so desire.

    nn.~~ments is consistent with Section 154 of the Michigan Drain Code of 1956, as amended.

    Brian Denman Gratiot County Dra in Commiss ioner




    In the Matter of

    #090 County Drain


    Notice Is Hereby Given to you as a person liable for an assessment that the Board of Determination, composed of Howard Poindexter, Clare McCollum, and Scott Friesen or alternate Fran Barnes, will meet on January 28, 2016 at 9:00 AM at Lafayette Township Hall , 2909 Barry Rd. , Breckenridge, Michigan, to hear all interested persons and evidence and to determine whether the #090 Drain, as prayed for in the Petition for cleaning out, relocating, widening, deepening, straightening, tiling, extending or relocating along a highway of the following drain: #090 Drain and all established tributary drains, located and established in the Townships of Emerson, Hamilton, and Lafayette, County of Gratiot, State of Michigan, dated August 25, 2014 is necessary and conducive to the public health, convenience or welfare of said Townships in accordance with Act No. 40, P.A. 1956, as amended, and for the protection of the public health of the following cities, villages and townships: Emerson, Hamilton, and Lafayette Townships.

    Proceedings conducted at this public hearing will be subject to the provision of the Michigan Open Meetings Act and you are further notified that information regarding this meeting may be obtained from the Gratiot County Drain Commissioner. Persons with di sabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in the meeting should contact the County Drain Commiss ioner at the number noted below (voice) or through the Michigan Relay Center at 1-800-649-3777 (TDD) at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting to request mobility, visual, hearing or other assistance. Minutes of the meeting will be on file in the office of the Gratiot County Drain Commissioner.

    You Are Further Notified, that persons aggrieved by the deci sions of the Board of Determination may seek judicial review in the Circuit Court for the County of Gratiot within ten (I 0) days of the determination .

    Brian Denman Gratiot County Drain Commiss ioner 214 E. Center Street Ithaca, MI 48847 989-875-5207



    To: Administrator Jeff Huff

    Commissioners: Jan Bunting, Tim Lambrecht, John Renneberg,

    George Bailey and Sam Smith.

    From: Carol A. Vernon, Gratiot County Clerk

    Date: December 29, 2015

    RE: For Discussion at the January 19, 2016 Board Meeting

    Request to Restructure County Clerks Department to Accommodate All Court Duties in the Current Clerks Office and Relocate Vital Records to New Location as Noted in the Building Utilization Plan

    Purpose: To create efficiencies and expertise in handling all court duties by three

    designated court clerks rather than duties spread across four employees and myself

    to ensure consistency and accuracy of document preparation, processing and

    reporting of court records. Reassign management of bonds, restitution and jury to

    the three court clerks on a rotating basis to promote cross-training. Separate the

    telephone inquiries, mail and walk-in traffic congestion of vital records to just

    Court duties. Reduce the number of different computer software programs trying

    to run on each work station to alleviate issues with different programs requiring

    different versions for each program.

    Carol A. Vernon

    Gratiot County Clerk 214 E. Center Street, Ithaca, MI 48847

    989-875-5215 Fax: 989-875-5254

    [email protected]

    Chief Deputy: Rene Rubin Deputies: Teresa Bushre,

    Jan Donley and Alyssa Lynch


  • Support: Three cross-trained court clerks will provide support to all four

    judiciary, MDOC and Specialty Courts by attending required court hearings,

    documenting all court actions, preparing Judgments of Sentence, imaging and

    filing all court records, preparing notices for Judge McDonald, entering all

    scheduled hearings for Judges Tahvonen and Rick and managing all bonds and

    restitution accounts. Their concentration on court records will provide the

    expertise needed to stay in compliance with reporting requirements,

    fines/costs/fees assessments, bond management, restitution distribution and

    transmittals. Clerk staff will be prepared to handle additional duties and

    responsibilities in conjunction with legislation to reduce the number of judges in

    the Circuit.

    Consideration: Due to the increased duties of Concealed Pistol Permits and high

    traffic and telephone call volume of processing births, deaths, marriages, military

    discharge and assumed names, two clerks are required to handle the volume and

    allow for cross-training. These duties require knowledge and expertise totally

    separate from court expertise and follow an entirely different set of statutes and

    procedures, while the responsibility level meets that of court clerks. Staff can

    concentrate on statutory requirements and ensure compliance across all vital

    records responsibilities and attend trainings specific to vital records. The

    separation channels non-court customers to their own area of the courthouse and

    reduces the number of computer software programs trying to run at work stations.

    The separation creates efficiencies and consistency in processing confidential

    records, reporting requirements and legislative updates of vital records. In

    addition, the separation provides accurate revenue and cost data associated with

    court versus non-court duties assigned to the County Clerk.

    Fiscal Impact: Increase staff by one to accommodate three court clerks and two

    vital records clerks working in different locations. Relocation to suitable office

    space. Possible purchase of a small copy machine. The Clerk CPL Fund chart

    attached provides information on current and future monies available to assist with

    additional staff funding.

    Overview: The Clerks Office has been impacted by the following changes made by administration, addition of other departments and recent legislation:

    1. Accounts Payables. Administration took over Accounts Payable in 2005/06, the

    Circuit Court accounting duties remained with the Clerk. A third to a half a

    persons work load was absorbed and included all bonds, restitutions, jury pays,


  • billings, jury notices, assumed name expiration notices, some court filings and

    election work.

    2. Addition of Voucher Entry by Departments. Administration required

    departments to enter their own vouchers into accounts payable. This had a

    substantial impact. Data entry includes input of names, addresses, amounts,

    descriptions, line items and scanning into BS&A for each bond, restitution, juror

    pay and bill payment, including report verification.

    3. Addition of Assignment of Judge McDonald to Circuit Court Cases. Clerk staff

    now performs Assignment Clerk duties of scheduling and sending notice of

    hearings for Judge McDonald, attends hearings held in District Court and prepares

    Judgments of Sentence, abstracts and creates criminal history reporting for a third


    4. Addition of Swift & Sure Program, Specialty Courts and Office of Community

    Corrections. These programs have impacted my office with an increase in court

    hearings, specialized filings and documentation.

    6. Addition of Collections Department Under Administration. All Circuit Court

    monies are received in the Clerks office. Restitution is the bulk of the monies due and restitution monies received must be disbursed to victims within 30 days even if small amounts are received. Staff time increased to accommodate the processing

    of restitution checks to victims through entering information into our MiCourt

    system, creating vouchers, entering data into accounts payable system, verifying

    reports and balancing to general ledger and researching returned restitution checks

    and tracking down victim information for set up.

    7. MiCourt. The new court system required substantial initial and on-going

    training. Scheduled hearings are not being entered into MiCourt at the time

    hearings are set, Clerk staff must first enter the scheduled hearings, then enter the

    actions taken before documents can be entered and imaged for each courtroom

    event increasing staff time.

    8. Concealed Pistol Permits. The new legislation assigning CPL duties to the

    County Clerk had an overwhelming impact on staff, the second legislation that

    changed pistol premises exemptions has had an even greater impact. Those who

    now qualify to carry in no-carry zones are seeking updated permits along with new

    applications and reapplications. Additional duties include full review of


  • applications, photo identification, verification of valid CPL training certificate,

    entering all application data into the MSP portal, checking the portal for approvals,

    denials, suspensions, revocations and pending applications. Updating status and

    sending out renewal letters, denial letters or notifications of revocation/suspension

    were added duties.

    9. Future Reduction of Judiciary In the Circuit. Legislation to reduce the number

    of judges in our Circuit will create situations where Clerk staff will be covering

    hearings in more than one courtroom/hearing room at a time.

    The above-named staff duties do not take into account the responsibilities that are

    performed by myself. Staff is not crossed trained because of the volume of their

    workloads: Board of Commissioner packets, Board Minutes, advertisements for

    board vacancies, expiring term letters to members, letters of approval denial to

    applicants and the boards, notice of meetings, county directory and updates,

    election inspector/clerk trainings, campaign finance reporting, filing for office

    procedures, review of petition signatures and filing materials, mandatory election

    advertisements, ordering precinct kits, updating, billing precincts, submitting

    reimbursements to state and schools, Election Magic programming, qualified voter

    file reports, verifying election candidates and proposals for ballot production in

    SOS E-Wizard program, determining number of ballots for precincts, ballot

    proofing, burning of memory packs for voting machines and AutoMARK,

    uploading election night results, Board of Canvasser procedures and Minutes,

    distribution of canvass to state, precincts and schools, including out of county,

    preparation of Certificates of Nomination and Certificates of Determination,

    mailing of proof ballots to candidates, conducting recounts, post-election audits

    and I currently handle all restitution disbursements in Circuit Court cases. The

    separation will allow staff to assist with these duties as needed.

    Please consider this as a request to create the necessary efficiencies to provide

    professional mandated services to your Board of Commissioners, District, Circuit,

    Family Division and Specialty Courts, federal, state and local candidates and your


    Please contact me with questions, discussions, a tour of the office or anything I can

    provide to assist you in this request.


  • Clerks Annual Report 2015 Amended for Courthouse Building Use Assessment

    The yellow highlights below designate Vital Records processing.

    Many counties have separate offices for Vital Records and court business. The separation of

    these two high volume divisions will create efficiencies in both areas. Court record processing

    requires significant detail and numerous steps must be followed to accurately prepare, receive

    and file legal documents. Additionally, the assessment of costs, receipt of monies and proper

    distribution is essential. The Vital Records division processes over 2,000 documents a year and

    brings in heavy traffic flow and telephone calls to our office. Vital Record processing also calls

    for attention to detail and verification. The constant flow of work from these two unrelated

    duties into one office space creates continuous interruptions and an inability to concentrate on

    essential details and effectively complete all required steps.

    The number of Vital Records walk-in, telephone and internet customers come in to our office

    to request and receive their vital record while they wait. This creates heavy traffic flow

    through the Courthouse building. Youll note on the information listed below, most of the monies receipted in for Vital Records remains in the county through the general fund.

    The current vacant office space next to the main entry door would be an ideal location for the

    Vital Records division. It would allow for two work stations, a transaction window and a small

    waiting area. It would allow high traffic volume to be contained at the entrance door. An

    open window to accept requests, documents and allow for payment would be ideal, with the

    potential for accepting court payments at the same counter in the near future. The Clerks office vault would still house the permanent records as the vault meets state requirements.

    These details must be considered when assessing Vital Records processing:

    Room for two small work stations with a computer, scanner, telephone accessible to a

    transaction window; small copy machine; customer counter space for completing forms

    request; locking cash drawer and receipt printer; locking file cabinets for in-process requests,

    safety paper and embossers and small waiting area.

    Carol A. Vernon

    Gratiot County Clerk 214 E. Center Street, Ithaca, MI 48847

    989-875-5215 Fax: 989-875-5254

    [email protected]

    Chief Deputy: Rene Rubin Deputies: Teresa Bushre, Jan Donley

    Kendra Beard


  • Gratiot County Clerks Office August 2015 Elected Official: Carol Vernon, Elected 2005; Employed January 1982

    Chief Deputy: Rene Rubin Hired March 2013 Deputy: Teresa Bushre Hired May 2014 Deputy: Jan Donley Hired September 2014 Deputy: Kendra Beard Hired June 2015 Annual Co-Op Student

    Monies Processed:

    Receipts for 10/1/2013 through 9/30/2014

    $539,854.96 Grand Total on 6,009 receipts

    $290,871.67 to General Fund

    $ 11,010.00 to FOC

    $ 24,273.59 Fines

    $213,699.70 Balance to State

    New Vital Records Received and Processed:

    540 New Births

    425 New Deaths

    257 New Marriages

    248 New Assumed Names

    490 New Concealed Weapons Permits

    72 New Notary Records

    2,032 New Vital Records Processed

    Badges and ID Cards:

    Prepare Badges For: Employees, Commission on Aging Volunteers, Juvenile Transporters, Juvenile

    Volunteers, St. Louis PD, Sheriff Department Employees and other Law Enforcement Employees as

    Requested and Veterans ID cards.

    Court Caseload: Pending 1/1/2013 Opened: Closed:

    Appeals 7 27 126

    Criminal 48 251 282

    Civil 40 63 62

    *Domestic 84 343 360

    PPOs 0 132 132 TOTALS 179 816 962

    Attended Circuit Court hearings for criminal matters and processed Judgments of Sentence and abstracts.

    Attended District Court hearings for criminal matters Judge McDonald is hearing for Circuit Court and

    prepared notices to appear. Attended jury selection for ten jury trials.

    *Domestic cases with children are closed at the time of the Judgment, but remain active for collections until

    the last child support is paid for the last child in the case. Paperwork continues to generate well after the

    cases are closed, in some cases for years. The above numbers do not reflect the post judgment activities and

    filings for child support collections as they occur after a case is closed.

    Court Document Records: Need Images

    14,379 Documents Filed (Does not include individual pages)

    26,871 Data entries in JIS Through Audit Report by Username


  • Juror Questionnaire Forms Mailed, Returned, Entered into JIS, Sorted, Paneled, Attended Jury Board

    Meetings, Entered Juror Vouchers and Jury Board Payroll:

    2,800 Juror Questionnaires

    Commissioner Packets for October 2013 September 2014: Prepared 12 packets Clerked 12 Meetings, Prepared Minutes, Prepared Letters and Advertisements for Boards & Commission Members Upon Appointment and Terms Ending, Updated County Directory

    Conducted Elections October 2013 September 2014:

    Trained 182 Election Inspectors July 2014

    November 2013 Cities & Gratiot-Isabella RESD

    May 2014 Special Election 9-1-1 & Sumner Township Proposals, along with Alma, St. Louis, Carson-City Crystal, Ovid-Elsie and Montcalm RESD Proposals

    August 2014 Primary with County Senior Citizens & Library Millages, along with Township and Ithaca High School Proposals

    Carol A. Vernon, Gratiot County Clerk


  • Gratiot County Clerks Office Sample Monthly Snapshot

    Computers are trying to run all these programs,

    software, websites all at the same time as we are waiting on customers

    through the telephone, e-mail, counter and by mail. All programs

    must be open and ready to wait on the next customer.

    Word JIS & Court Imaging

    Excel MiCOURT & Court Imaging

    Adobe Full Version Citrix

    CherryLAN Imaging & Filer Xerox

    Deketo & Imaging IceWarp E-Mail


    EDRS Boardbook

    Vital Check Election Magic

    Gov Pay General Ledger

    Dymo Labelwriter Accounts Payable

    Receipt Printer Identiphoto Printer

    Apr. 28 May 28, 2015

    Vital Records Other DBA CPL Notary



    Transferred Total

    Telephone Calls 269 161 176 223 829

    Counter Clients 285 116 253 121 775

    Data Entries 132 59 2,648 2,839

    There is no way

    to track




    538 Receipts


    To General



    To General




    General Fund

    $36,218.80 Total

    $19,327.45 GF

    $16,89.35 State

    FY 2013/2014

    6009 Receipts






    To General






    $$539,854.96 Total

    $290,871.67 GF

    $48,983.29 State



    GRATIOT COUNTY 2003-2011


    BUDGET REPORT FOR GRATIOT COUNTY CLERK 2015/16 Budget Forecast2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013/14 134 4/15

    GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Elected 1st Budget REVENUES101-215-476.03 BUSINESS PERMIT FEES (Passports/DBA/Notary * 20,600 * 17,763 * 21,572 34,030 21,638 17,174 13,238 8,649 $4,546 $4,149 $3,580 $4,009 $3,600101-215-478.00 MARRIAGE LICENSE FEES ($15 to FOC/$5 Clerk) * 9,757 * 13,909 * 11,026 4,057 3,577 4,020 3,408 3,360 $3,495 $3,503 $3,792 $4,113 $3,500101-215-544.02 DRUG CASEFLOW-CIRCUIT COURT 0 0 0 0101-215-602.01 ATTORNEY FEES 3,284 2,334 3,681 1,360 2,027 2,023 2,267 2,008 $980 $889 $1,035 $2,547 $500101-215-602.02 Assessed Atty Fees - New 10/2014 Actual Reimb. $510 $5,429 $3,500101-215-603.00 JURY FEE REIMBURSEMENT - From State 12,828 14,951 10,921 3,700 11,604 9,883 7,534 $3,685 $7,973 $6,087 $5,000101-215-606.00 BOND FORFEITURES 1,304 200 10,500 650 4,100 2,500101-215-607.00 CLERKS PATERNITY FEE 0 18 18 145 $214 $396 $786.00 $500101-215-607.02 COURT COSTS 55,670 58,999 65,755 89,545 96,308 96,201 77,927 57,504 $80,776 $84,881 $108,565 $73,342 $85,000101-215-607.01 Court Costs H.A.M. - New 10/2014 $20,094 $18,000101-215-607.03 SERVICE FEES - CLERK (Certified/Copies/MF/Jury) 80,468 97,966 122,294 137,193 140,689 127,816 118,330 114,487 $110,636 $115,271 $116,444 $126,566 $116,000101-215-607.04 PHOTO FEES (Was passports, then only CCW 0 270 3,852 7,938 5,580 6,537 5,736 4,633 $4,596 $9,468 $5,076 $5,412 $400New Dec 2015 CPLs Using Driver's License Photos 460 SERVICE FEES - PROBATE COURT 90 340 261 392 310 300 354 270 $310 $690 $460 $180 $400101-215-607.10 Death Certificate Postage Fee $117 $175 $100101-215-607.12 MARRIAGE CEREMONY FEE $25 - If Clerk Performs 475 595 $775 $150 $25 $50101-215-607.19 FORENSIC LAB FEES 583 265 112 69 2 51 23 $8 $2 $25 $25101-215-607.22 DNA RETAINAGE - 10% 433 143 80 25 12 10 18101-215-607.23 DNA Sample - Eff. 7/1/2015 $60 Each $2101-215-607.36 20% PENALTY=-CIRCUIT COURT 0 0 31 363 1,043 3,739 4,262 3,159 $2,615 $2,936 $4,634 $3,4,35 $2,500101-215-650.00 GUN PERMIT FEES (Renew Every 5 Years) $26 to CPL Fund Starts 6/2/2015)0 4,586 2,366 1,482 2,444 7,436 7,748 7,514 $6,942 $19,240 $12,818 $0New 6/2/2015 Gun Permit Fees to #263 Fund for Clerk $9,412 FUND money

    CCW-Fingerprints - Only if Clerk takes Prints $4,005101-215-653.03 CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT - Use Own 0 0 0 0 100 44101-215-656.01 10% FORFEITURE-CIRCUIT CT 720 550 1,600 40 1,250 1,450 $1,980 $6,865 $1,000101-215-675.01 COMM. FOUNDATION GRANT STIPEND 1,500 3,000 1,375101-215-680.00 REIMB. FOR ELECTIONS 1,059 0 0 0101-215-682.02 VICTIMS RIGHTS - 10% 1,228 950 736 842 768 757 717 882 $1,476 $1,505 $1,915 $2,090 $1,800Totals for Dept 215-COUNTY CLERK 188,024 213,244 254,805 281,831 280,097 281,903 249,731 210,636 $221,160 $248,563 $274,232 $260,242 $241,875

    TOTAL REVENUES 188,024 213,244 254,805 281,831 280,097 281,903 249,731 210,636 $221,160 $248,563 $274,230 $260,242TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 298,613 332,109 328,913 245,786 252,191 262,349 279,728 287,347 $293, 074 $312,145 $320,145 $325,367NET OF REVENUES/APPROPRIATIONS - FUND 101 -$110,589 -$118,865 -$74,108 $36,045 $27,906 $19,554 -$29,997 -$49,798 -$71,914 -$63,582 -$71,582.00 ($65,125)Removing the Audits (31,855) (27,575)

    (78,734) (91,290)* Payment Coding was Incorrect to Reflect Marriage LicensesTax Intercepts StartedFee Increased to $26/12; Passports Increased & Proof of Dependents for Insurances

    Passports moved to Register of DeedsNew Services/Fees Started - Total $68,753Passport Photos moved to Register of Deeds

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344



    GRATIOT COUNTY 2003-2011


    APPROPRIATIONS - Clerk's Office 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15101-215-702.00 DEPARTMENT HEADS SALARY 43,101 44,394 45,726 45,726 46,412 47,340 47,340 49,161 47,340 $47,813 $48,291 $50,774101-215-703.00 SALARIES & WAGES 110,018 114,068 123,480 86,940 87,631 93,674 92,600 94,920 97,830 $116,813 $118,909 $120,666101-215-703.10 PER DIEM Y 520 0 50 150 300 300 1,096 $150 $100 $200101-215-704.10 BONUS PAY 2,100101-215-705.00 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE WAGES $5,365 $9,173101-215-712.00 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 237 241 240 172 171 170 172 172 170 $206 $186 $215101-215-715.00 SOCIAL SECURITY MATCH 10,130 10,445 10,956 8,476 8,548 8,796 8,632 9,066 8,862 $10,233 $10,859 $11,592101-215-715.10 MEDICARE 2,369 2,443 2,562 1,982 1,999 2,057 2,019 2,120 2106 $2,393 $2,540 $2,711101-215-716.00 HOSPITALIZATION - Varies with Employee 13,933 28,827 35,772 25,346 32,175 39,995 43,149 47,408 48,492 $38,229 $20,030 $28,225101-215-716.02 HEALTH INS. BUY-OUT - Changed 8,800 9,575 7,000 3,500 3,375 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 $1,591 $3,750 $8,141101-215-716.10 RETIREE HEALTH INSURANCE 3,121 3,037 3,003 2,568 2,568 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 $3,000 $3,541 $3,658101-215-717.00 LIFE INSURANCE 348 324 324 259 258 243 235 235 233 $243 $249 $301101-215-717.10 RETIREE LIFE INSURANCE 28 26 40 33 33 33 33 33 38 $38 $35 $55101-215-718.00 RETIREMENT 19,048 24,301 26,727 21,227 22,043 15,826 22,277 24,875 29,282 $34,698 $36,320 $23,000101-215-718.01 RETIREMENT-DEFINED CONTRIBUTION 4,771 3,232 2,376 2,483 2,161 2,505 2,548 (101) 2,658 $4,054 $3,838 $7,336101-215-719.00 WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION 721 801 543 343 412 503 507 415 389 $447 $468 $514101-215-720.00 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 0 0 7,852 0101-215-721.00 DENTAL/OPTICAL 1,802 2,406 2,372 2,000 1,162 1,185 1,250 1,504 1,160 $1,808 $1,547 $2,182101-215-727.05 SOFTWARE & UPDATES - CherryLAN, Boardbook, Deketo, Jury9,245 9,953 12,440 8,439 6,732 6,795 8,572 9,212 9,400 $7,649 $14,322 $14,438 $ 17,000.00101-215-727.10 OFFICE SUPPLIES -POSTAGE 8,066 19,323 17,368 15,078 12,402 15,999 15,265 17,774 16,025 $14,459 $14,164 $15,992 $ 16,000.00101-215-727.12 OFFICE SUPPLIES-COURT 3,011 7,934 0 0101-215-727.25 OFFICE MACHINE LEASE & MAINT - Xerox, Scanners 8,886 8,955 5,970 5,665 5,460 3,779 3,795 3,568 6,109 $3,516 $3,504 $3,545 $ 4,000.00101-215-801.00 AUDITS Y - Removed to Admin. 31,855 27,575 0 0101-215-815.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES - MACC, UCOA, Newspapers 310 668 485 575 556 631 585 624 350 $873 $623 $577 $ 1,000.00101-215-818.15 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION STIPIEND 1,500101-215-818.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - Co-Op - Now Temporary 704 0 0 1,556 1,500 3,481 3,341 2,866 5,305 $4,800 $163101-215-825.00 JURY FEES & MILEAGE Y 8,519 3,897 20,170 9,943 13,045 8,563 10,749 7,474 6,707 $13,305 $24,262 $16,347 $ 18,000.00101-215-825.02 JURY FEE PRISONERS - (Will be Riembursed) 5,010 2,446 1,048101-215-825.01 JURY BOARD Y (Cost savings measures) 8,176 7,397 1,766 1,633 753 824 818 276 1,368 $1,152 $3,328 $859 $ 4,000.00101-215-850.01 CELL PHONE EXPENSES (Use my own) 0 231 220 252 339 253 130101-215-860.00 TRAVEL - Conference, trainings 702 1,690 1,029 736 471 900 507 904 678 $1,897 $1,281 $1,448 $ 2,500.00101-215-900 ADVERTISING - Board of Commissioners $1,165 $ 1,000.00101-215-930.00 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 518101-215-931.00 OFFICE EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 0 174 250 0101-215-940.00 MICROFILM STORAGE RENTAL - File Safe & Retrievals 192 192 192 186 186 996 4,174 4,569 3,024 $2,242 $2,472 $2,253 $ 4,200.00Totals for Dept 215-COUNTY CLERK 298,613 332,109 328,913 245,786

    TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 298,613 332,109 328,913 245,786 252,191 262,349 279,728 287,347 293,074 $312,145 $320,145 $325,367Removing the Audit from Clerk's Budget (31,855) (27,575)

    Accounts Payable to Administrator. This position also provided Circuit Court Accounting & Transmittals/Jury/Elections/Assumed Named assistance for Clerk's Office. `Accounts Payable back to Clerk = Increase of $34,492 & Payroll Training in Travel Line Item

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P45464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687



    GRATIOT COUNTY 2003-2011


    2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P



  • CPL Fund 263 Created by Carol A. Vernon 12/30/2015

    2016 2017 2018 2019 2020CCW Applications Set to Expire - $36 Each 553 x 36 = $19,908 267 x 36 = $9,612 515 x 36 = $18,540 553 x $36 = $19,908 498 x 36 = $17,928Plus New Ones - $26 Each 150 x $26 =$ 3,900 150 x 26 = $3,900 150 x 26 = $ 3,900 150 x 26 = $ 3,900 150 x 26 = $ 3,900

    Estimated Revenue by Year for CPL Fund 263 $23,808 $13,512 $22,440 $23,808 $21,828Current Balance as of 12/30/2015 $7,978



    PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: Gratiot County Clerk's Office, 214 E. Center St., Ithaca, MI 48847 Phone (989) 875-5215; Fax (989) 875-5254

    l . _~2~0_/?_t_\r-z.-------,7 ________ 3. ______________ _ 2. 4. -------------- ----------------

    Name of Board or Commission to which appointment is desired . (If more than one, please list in order of preference.)

    I. Name )JC h 6 ~lv ;u.__ 2. Occupation _ __._~_.""""'-J---'----'; ::___/.__~---'----3. Employer ________ _ 4. E-mail address ________ _

    5. Homeaddress //,JZ TJ/1~5 5ufr\M.ev-; Lf!86/) Street City / zip

    6. Home Telephonef]:"f8 7Y)YbtP 7. Business Telephone ______ _ 8. Length of residency in Gratiot County b if 9 County Commissioners District ___ _

    l 0. List other community organizations/commissions that you are a member. Z>oe

    11. Please indicate on a separate page the experience you have which will have value if you are appointed. Also, indicate any reasons for desiring to serve on the requested board or commission.

    / - //-!? Date of Application Signature


  • Resolution #2016-1-11

    RESOLUTION: Payment of Tax Penalties Extension

    BE IT RESOLVED, that the North Star Township Board approves the deferral of late penalty

    charges to April 30, 2016, for the Winter Property Taxes, for senior citizens of 65 years or older,

    paraplegic, quadriplegic, veterans, qualified service persons, widows and permanently disabled

    persons, who make claim to the North Star Township Treasurer, that they made proper

    application to the State of Michigan for a property tax credit before February 29, 2016.

    The foregoing resolution was offered by Board Member Heidi Drowley

    and supported by Board Member John Hardman

    Upon a roll call vote, the following voted

    aye 5 nay 0 absent

    I hereby certify that this is a true and complete copy of a resolution offered and adopted by the

    North Star Township Board at a regular meeting held on January 11, 2016.

    Heidi Drowley Heidi M. Drowley, Clerk

    North Star Township

    3064 S. Crapo Rd.

    Ithaca, MI 48847


    AgendaCall to OrderRoll call of commissionersInvocationPledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.Additions/Deletions to Agenda and Approval of Agenda

    Approval of the AgendaBrief public commentThe Board welcomes all public input and appreciates adherence to the time limits established. Each period shall be limited to one 3 minute comment per period. Consideration of Consent Calendar: Board Minutes, Communications and recommendations from committees.Commissioner Minutes of January 5, 2016.Commissioner Minutes January 5 2016.rtf

    Communications:Drain Notices No.111 and #090Drain Notices No 11 and No 090.pdf

    Consideration of Finance Matters.Budget discussions.

    Consideration of Unfinished Business.Clerk's Request to Restructure Office.Agenda -Clerks Office Separation Request Jan 2016.docxAnnual Report of County Clerk 2015 Updated for Vital Records Split Out.docBudget History December 2015 and CPL Estimates.xls

    Consideration of New Business.Administrator Huff's Report.Application for Zoning Board of Appeals from Mike Browne. One vacant position for a three year term ending 12/31/2018. Also one partial terming ending 12/31/2017 to replace Bernie Barnes.Application for Zoining Board from Browne.pdf

    Consideration to approve North Star's Resolution regarding approval ofthe deferral of late penalty charges to April 30, 2016.Agenda - Senior Tax Payment Extension Resolution North Star Twp.docx

    Greater Gratiot Tax Track presentation.Appointment of Commissioner Smith to the Greater Gratiot Board in place of Chair Bailey.

    Consideration of new business added at the meeting.

    Additional public comment and board comments.Adjournment