graphical password authentication system with association of sound

Graphical Password Authentication System with association of Sound Signature Under the Supervision of By Shilpi Sharma Vikram Verma (Assistant Professor) (A2300912017)

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Page 1: Graphical password authentication system with association of sound

Graphical Password Authentication System with

association of Sound Signature

 Under the Supervision of ByShilpi Sharma Vikram Verma(Assistant Professor) (A2300912017)

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Implement a system to generate graphical password & associate

sound signature to enhance security.

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Existing Graphical Password Systems

• Recognition Based Technique• Passfaces• Convex Hull of Pass Objects• Et- al Graphical Password• Draw a secret

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Recognition based technique

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Convex Hull of Pass Objects

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Et-al Graphical Password

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Draw a Secret

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Present Systems ComparisionTechnique Usability Drawback

Text based Passwords Typing alpha numeric password

Dictionary attack, brute force search, guess, spyware,

shoulder surfing.

Recognition based technique Pick several pass-pictures out of many choices.

Takes longer to create than text password, creates heavy load

on database to store many images.

Passface technique Recognize and pick the pre-registered face images.

Very much predictable, creates load of decoy faces on


Convex hull formed by pass objects

Click within an area bounded by pre-registered

picture objects

Hard to remember when large numbers of objects are


Man et-al graphical password Type in the code of pre-registered picture objects

Needs to memorize both picture objects and their codes. More difficult than text-based


Draw a secret Users draw something on a 2D grid

User studies showed the drawing sequence is hard to


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Proposed System

The system intends to create a graphical password using a single/multiple images and associate a sound file.Password is generated by assigning click points in each image and associating sound file above that SQL server is used to maintain users and provide another security layer. 

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Proposed System Modules

• User Maintenance The users are registered with the SQL 

Server database.• Graph password Generator

The module allows the user to generate password from image. The user clicks on the image to generate strokes, which are stored in database. 

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• Associate Sound SignatureThis module allows the end user to choose 

an audio file at runtime. The file is converted to binary form and then it is associated with the graphical password. • Data Protection and Non-protection

This module allows the user to specify text content or file at runtime for whom data protection is to be provided and also specifies the container image to perform steganography.

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Use Case Diagram

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Activity Diagram

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Advantages of proposed system

• Click points are used as passwords thus load on database is very low.

• Matrix of images for creating graphical passwords is used which adds an additional level of security.

• Sound signature strengthens graphical passwords• Encoding and decoding hides data in unreadable

form.• User accounts stored in RDBMS which further

enhances security as hacker cannot access or create own account.

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Thank you!!