grapevine - trinity lutheran church- westbrook, mainegrapevine august 1, 2012 trinity lutheran...

1 GRAPEVINE August 1, 2012 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 612 Main Street Westbrook, ME 04092 Karen Indorf, Pastor Elsie Reese, Editor Phone (207) 854-5653 Phone (207) 854-5653 Email [email protected] Email [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PASTOR’S REFLECTIONS This summer we have been celebrating our 130 th anniversary as a congregation with several events that have all included invitations to members of the community. Our ice cream social, outdoor worship in the park, and the upcoming Desserts from Around the World on August 14, are events whereby hospitality is extended to members of our communities. This fall there are plans in the works for an Ethiopian Festival and a special 130 th anniversary worship service with the same goal of inviting our community members to celebrate with us. We are grateful for the many blessings that we have been given over the years. Everything that we have comes from our God who loves us. We are part of a great cloud of witnesses (Hebrews 12:1) who are followers of Jesus. As blessed people, we are also encouraged to share our blessings and the love of God with others. As you keep your church in your prayers, first and foremost give thanks and praise. Then ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in the ways that you can share your blessings with others. Gratefully, Pastor Karen

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Page 1: GRAPEVINE - Trinity Lutheran Church- Westbrook, MaineGRAPEVINE August 1, 2012 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 612 Main Street Westbrook, ME 04092 ... the newest member of their family, a 7


GRAPEVINE August 1, 2012


612 Main Street Westbrook, ME 04092 Karen Indorf, Pastor Elsie Reese, Editor

Phone – (207) 854-5653 Phone – (207) 854-5653

Email – [email protected] Email – [email protected]



This summer we have been celebrating our 130th anniversary as a congregation with several events that have all included invitations to members of the community. Our ice cream social, outdoor worship in the park, and the upcoming Desserts from Around the World on August 14, are events whereby hospitality is extended to members of our communities. This fall there are plans in the works for an Ethiopian Festival and a special 130th anniversary worship service with the same goal of inviting our community members to celebrate with us. We are grateful for the many blessings that we have been given over the years. Everything that we have comes from our God who loves us. We are part of a great cloud of witnesses (Hebrews 12:1) who are followers of Jesus. As blessed people, we are also encouraged to share our blessings and the love of God with others. As you keep your church in your prayers, first and foremost give thanks and praise. Then ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in the ways that you can share your blessings with others. Gratefully, Pastor Karen

Page 2: GRAPEVINE - Trinity Lutheran Church- Westbrook, MaineGRAPEVINE August 1, 2012 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 612 Main Street Westbrook, ME 04092 ... the newest member of their family, a 7



VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2012 – Sponsored by Trinity Lutheran Church and St. Ansgar Lutheran Church. 7/9/12-7/13/12. 18 children were registered from Trinity and 14 from St. Ansgar. There were 5 counselors from Camp Calumet. Noah Frie, Sierra Cameron, and Mariah Cameron were volunteers. The coordinators were Julie Davidson from St. Ansgar and Doug Moreshead from Trinity. The children enjoyed a week packed with fun, games, making friends, doing crafts including tie dyes, water slide, movies, time at the park, and learning how

much Jesus loves them with the theme being about the Holy Spirit with a different emphasis each day. They worshiped at the end of the day with singing, a skit on the theme of the day and the children doing the prayers. Parents and friends were treated to a closing ceremony on Friday. A great week for all.

BREAKING BREAD WITH FRIENDS: A few times a month, Pastor and members of the Parish Care Committee visit with one or more of our “Care Friends.” Usually, a lunch is prepared and brought to them along with lively conversation and a fun visit.

Breaking bread with Emma and Lillian

WORSHIP IN THE PARK – July 15, 2012

We were so fortunate to have such lovely weather for our worship in Westbrook Park followed by a Pot Luck Brunch.

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UPCOMING AT TRINITY LIFE IS SHORT – EAT DESSERT FIRST! As we continue to celebrate our 130th anniversary with community outreach, save the date of Sunday, August 12 from 4:00-6:00. We will be inviting all members of our communities to “Desserts Around the World.” Weather permitting, it will be held in our parking lot, or in

fellowship hall in the event of rain. We ask that you consider bringing a dessert to share for this event. Also, if you have native dress, please come in that dress and help to serve or greet our guests. And don’t forget to invite your friends and neighbors.


WORSHIP AT TRINITY on Sundays at 9:00 until after Labor Day.

ETHIOPIAN AND ERITREAN FELLOWSHIP IN SONG AND PRAYER – Our Ethiopian and Eritrean brothers and sisters from Westbrook and greater Portland are meeting weekly at Trinity every Saturday at 3:00pm in the fellowship hall for a Celebration of Prayer and Praise in their native


REJOICING SPIRITS – Third Sunday in the month at 4:00pm: Casual and user friendly for those with disabilities or mental challenges. We have a sign language interpreter. Sister Carol Weaver, Lutheran Deaconess is assisting with this ecumenical ministry. Families and caregivers , as well as anyone else who would like to attend is

invited. A fellowship meal follows. Looking for volunteers... perhaps to play keyboard, guitar, drums, or any other musical instrument. Contact Pastor Karen.

PRAYER GROUP – Meets Wednesday at 11:15. Many prayer concerns have been lifted up and many thanksgivings raised. We invite all who cannot attend to consider praying

with us at 11:15 on Wednesday from wherever you are at that time. There are prayer request cards and a box to place them in after they are filled out on the table next to the office door.

COMMUNITY MEAL: Every Wednesday at the Mission Possible Teen Center, from 5:00-6pm, a free meal is served for anyone in the community. It is sponsored by Trinity Lutheran Church doing food prep, serving and cleanup, and the Wayside

Food Programs providing the ingredients. BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS are also offered at the community meal. An R.N. has volunteered her time. Trinity will be expanding this program to help promote healthy life styles. Thank you to all the volunteers who make this Community Meal possible. Total meals served: 542; Cumulative Volunteers: 75; Total Volunteer Hours: 222.

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CHOIR: Recessed until after Labor Day. ADULT FORUM: Recessed until after Labor Day. SUNDAY SCHOOL: Recessed until after Labor Day. PAUL’S PALS AND SENIOR SAINTS: Recessed until after Labor Day.

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY: Recessed until after Labor Day. ARTS AND CRAFTS NIGHT: Recessed until after Labor Day.


CONGRATULATIONS TO THE SMITH FAMILY. On July 2nd the Smith Family welcomed the newest member of their family, a 7 lb. baby boy whom they named Felix.

CONGRATULATIONS AND BLESSINGS to Virginia and Royden Cote on their 60th anniversary of their marriage on August 2.

CONGRATULATIONS AND BLESSINGS to Pastor Norman and Tricia Bumby: AN INVITATION FOR YOU – Pastor Norm & Tricia Bumby are celebrating their 50th anniversary on Sugust 4th with an open house between 2:00 – 4:30pm. Come and celebrate with us.

DID YOU KNOW???? That Trinity has a lending library? It is located in the Sunday School hall. There are two sets of shelves. The general library shelves include autobiographies, biographies, fiction, inspirational, scriptural insights, non-fiction, and poetry. The books are arranged in the general reading section by author. There are sections on Bibles, Bible Research, Children’s Books, Children’s video, Church History,

Home Crafts, and Parenting.

There is a book title index (purple box) to look up the name of the author if unknown. A few new additions to the library are:

1. At Home in Mitford by Jan Karon. orphan named Dooley, a dog named Barnabas and a new neighbor named Cynthia, Father Tim begins to understand the true significance of Philippians 4:13 – “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.” “For readers yearning for a cozy, neighborly read, the town created by Karon’s fine descriptive style has much to recommend it.” 2. Each New Day by Corrie Ten Boom.

3. Tramp for the Lord by Corrie Ten Boom.

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JOIN THE FOSTER GRANDPARENT PROGRAM: The Foster Grandparent Program is acepting applications from men and women 55 years of age and older interested in volunteering as a Foster Grandparent. More details are available on the bulletin board in the Sunday School area.

MONTHLY GRIEF SUPPORT MEETINGS IN WINDHAM: VNA Home Health Hospice offers monthly grief support meetings in Windham on the first Tuesday of the month from 6:00 – 7:30 PM at the North Windham Union Church, 723 Roosevelt Trail, Rt. 302, Windham.

GORHAM CANCER PRAYER AND SUPPORT GROUP meets the first Tuesday of every month at 6:00 to 7:30 pm. “If you’re looking for the support during or after your involvement with cancer, please join us.” Phone: (207) 839-3111. Website:

MAINE CONFERENCE: On Saturday, September 8th, the Maine Conference of the New England Synod will hold its fall meeting at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Bangor from 10:00 to 2:30. During the course of the day, we will be doing two service projects: packaging Kid's Care meals and making fleece blankets. Pastor Karen will be attending and would love to have some people join her. Also, please let her know if you would like to contribute a donation toward either one of these service projects.



Thanks to Trinity Lutheran Church. Our “fill the gap” lunch program was a great success. We are so blessed in this community to have so many people who care for our children. Sue Salisbury, Families feeding Families.

Thanks to those who made Vacation Bible School possible: Doug Moreshead, coordinator for Trinity, Julie Davidson, coordinator for St. Ansgar, and the Calumet Team. Special thanks to campers Fente, Jillian, and Mathieu along with volunteers Sierra and Mariah for helping with younger kids. Special thanks to Pastor Karen and Jane Sinclair for their help which

included extra clean-up work. Thank you also to those who provided meals for the Calumet Team.

Thanks to all those who made the library user friendly: JoAnn Graffam for organizing all the books, videos, etc., Hazel Maloney for filing all the book title index cards for the library and Elsie for making the labels.

Thanks to Dieter who made it possible for the screens in the back by the parking lot to be repaired.

Thank you to Trinity: On Behalf of the Good Samaritan Fund, I wish to thank everyone for the generous check – Once again, Thank you, Ann Bittner

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Sally and Roger Knight: For the many calls, cards, and gifts of food we have received, for the prayers offered to God by all our dear friends at Trinity for our health and well-being, we send our humble thanks. With Love, Roger and Sally Knight.

Joe DeRoy: Trinity Lutheran Church – Thank you for the wonderful lgift you all have given to me. I’m so grateful to know that I have the caring support of the church congregation. It is truly a blessing, and this gift will help me achieve my goals for the future. Thank you! Joe DeRoy.

PRAYER LIST Pray for those among us who ask for our intercessions


Enid Smith, Karen Griffin Kilmer, Carol Henigan, Barbara Henry, Mary Ann Gagnon, Irma Magnusson, Sue Sheloske, Tricia Bumby, Jane Sinclair & Family,

Family of Tom Erskine, Karen Henigan, Zachary Burns, Peggy Wohltjen, Nathan Petersen, The Wildes Family, Family of Sena Herbert, Family of Frances Webb, Doug Wallace,

Family of Flavilla Knight Billings, Howard Langille

Family and Friends of Members: Taja Sieber, Pat Milligan, Fatuma Boru, Joe Query, Michael Walton, Carol Blake, Joyce Cole, Belfe, Dan

Mjolsness, Theresa Morrison, Peg Stark, Fred Fernald, Lorraine Junkins, Lauretta Babkirk, Bruce Churchill, Gina, Faith Richards, Brady & Jimmy Densmore,

Anthony Brooke, Captain Anthony King, Michael Maloney, Diane Hammond, Barbara Miller, The Family of Ed Barnes, Keith Minton, Jeanette Walker, Sheryl Foltz, Levi Foltz, Jill Crosby, Jerry, Family

of Pat Becker, Family of Sylvia Nelson, Alysia Fields, Theresa Morrison, Estelle Antonsson, Kathie Letarte

JUST FOR LAUGHS Life is like a hot bath. The longer you stay in it, the more wrinkled you get.