grafton public school · *presentation day, thursday, 8 december *year 6 farewell, thursday, 8...

In this week’s newsletter……. * Scholarships on Offer * Christmas Concert * Principal’s Message Upcoming events *Monday 21st November-Friday 2nd December: Swim School *Final Awards Ceremonies Primary 1 Dec and Infants 2 Dec *Presentation Day, Thursday, 8 December *Year 6 Farewell, Thursday, 8 December Term Calendar - Click Here School Website - Click Here Grafton Public School A Tradition of Excellence Term 4 Week 7: Monday 21st November 2016 Locked Bag 9024 Grafton 2460 PHONE: Primary - 66421000 Infants - 66422286 Email: [email protected] Swimming School It's that time of year, when all library books are now due to be returned ready for Library stocktake. How the year has flown! GPS will be running the annual 'Bring them back!' competition. Let's look under beds, in boxes, in bookshelves and anywhere else children like to place their library books. The first class on Mary Street and the first on Queen Street to return all library books and settle accounts for lost library books by Friday, 2nd December, 2016 will receive a PRIZE! This prize will be negotiated with the winning classes. Happy searching and returning. Best of luck to all of the classes. Library News A reminder to all Year 2 students and other selected Primary students that swim school starts TODAY, 21st NOVEMBER and will continue every day for 2 weeks. This is a compulsory activity for Year 2 students. Parents please ensure that your child has all they need packed in their bags each day ie. swimmers, towel, thongs (for walking to the pool), goggles etc. All notes and money should be returned ASAP.

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Page 1: Grafton Public School · *Presentation Day, Thursday, 8 December *Year 6 Farewell, Thursday, 8 December Term Calendar - Click Here School Website - Click Here Grafton Public School

In this week’s newsletter…….

* Scholarships on Offer

* Christmas Concert

* Principal’s Message

Upcoming events

*Monday 21st November-Friday 2nd December: Swim School

*Final Awards Ceremonies Primary 1 Dec and Infants 2 Dec

*Presentation Day, Thursday, 8 December

*Year 6 Farewell, Thursday, 8 December

Term Calendar - Click Here School Website - Click Here

Grafton Public School A Tradition of Excellence

Term 4 Week 7: Monday 21st November 2016

Locked Bag 9024 Grafton 2460 PHONE: Primary - 66421000 Infants - 66422286

Email: [email protected]

Swimming School

It's that time of year, when all library books are now due to be returned ready for Library stocktake. How the year

has flown! GPS will be running the annual 'Bring them back!' competition. Let's look under beds, in boxes, in

bookshelves and anywhere else children like to place their library books.

The first class on Mary Street and the first on Queen Street to return all library books and settle accounts for lost

library books by Friday, 2nd December, 2016 will receive a PRIZE! This prize will be negotiated with the winning

classes. Happy searching and returning. Best of luck to all of the classes.

Library News

A reminder to all Year 2 students and other selected Primary students that swim

school starts TODAY, 21st NOVEMBER and will continue every day for 2 weeks. This is a compulsory activity for Year 2 students. Parents please ensure that your child has

all they need packed in their bags each day ie. swimmers, towel, thongs (for walking to

the pool), goggles etc.

All notes and money should be returned ASAP.

Page 2: Grafton Public School · *Presentation Day, Thursday, 8 December *Year 6 Farewell, Thursday, 8 December Term Calendar - Click Here School Website - Click Here Grafton Public School

Our school P&C had been planning a Christmas Carols and BBQ night at the end of November. Due to unforeseen

circumstances and a crowded calendar we have cancelled the proposed Christmas Carols night and will combine a BBQ

with an amended version of our traditional Infants Christmas Concert. A Christmas Concert will be held on

Friday 9th December starting at 10am and will involve all students from Kinder to Year 3,

along with the school band, choir and dance groups.

For the comfort of our visitors and students this Christmas Concert will be held on the Queen St campus under the

larger COLA. An early BBQ/picnic lunch will follow, organised by Miss Bec our Canteen Supervisor. Years 4, 5 and 6

will come out to join us for the BBQ/picnic lunch.

We thank all the parents who returned their volunteer slips to help with the proposed carols night. There will be a

note coming home with your child thanking you and informing you of the changes.

More details about the concert will be forthcoming in future newsletters and on Facebook.

The GPS P & C will be holding a Christmas Raffle which will be drawn during the concert. There are 3 major prizes

and you can choose which prize your ticket is in the running for: G- Gadgets Prize (value $500), P- Party Prize (value

$500), S –Sports Prize (value $1000).

We look forward to seeing you there and enjoy celebrating the end of the year with us.

GPS Christmas Concert - 9th December

GPS Christmas Appeal

Our annual Christmas appeal to assist local

charities help families in need commences

on both campuses this week.

Each family is asked to donate one grocery

item and these may be left at either office.

This item may be edible or an everyday

household essential such as soap, shampoo

or toothpaste, but please no out of date

products or perishable items.

The appeal will close Wednesday 7th

December, when hampers will be assembled

from all of the donated items and present-

ed to families in need on behalf of GPS.

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Unfortunately, due to supply issues, there will be no more pizzas from the Canteen until 2017.

Order forms for the sausage sizzle which will be held in conjunction with our Christmas Concert

on 9 December, will be going home this week. On offer will be two different meal deals—a

sausage sandwich and drink or a steak sandwich and drink for $5. each. These will need to be


Canteen News

Our last award ceremonies for the year will be held next week on Thursday, 1st December and Friday, 2nd December.

Letters will issue to recipients after the last of the grade assemblies later this week.

Brief But Important…….

As we move into the final stages of the year we are preparing for our Presentation Day which is on Thursday, 8th

December, at the Saraton Theatre. One prize on this day is the Marie White Scholarship which offers a current Year

5 boy and Year 5 girl $150 towards their Year 6 education expenses such as stationery, textbooks, school uniform and

clothing, tuition and/or excursions. There is also the Riverside Church Scholarship, also for $150, for a Year 5

student to be used in the same manner.

Scholarship Criteria: All current Year 5 students may apply for this scholarship. These are all-rounder scholarships

available to students who have a proven record of consistent academic achievement and positive school participation.

Evidence of participation in the wider school community should be provided along with evidence of academic

achievement. Specific achievement in co-curricula areas will also be recognised. The application is to be no more than a

total of two pages which address: Personal Attributes; School and Community Citizenship; Academic Achievement;

Other Information; and a personal handwritten answer to: Why I deserve this scholarship.

Scholarship Process: The scholarships are based on and assessed following the review of the application and

supportive material and an interview. Students are expected to maintain their interest, work effectively and behave

appropriately in order to maintain the scholarship. If the student transgresses this expectation, the scholarship panel

will meet to review the suitability of the student maintaining the scholarship.

Applications should be addressed to Mr Randall and close on Friday 25th November with interviews in Week 8.

P & C Pie Drive Scholarships on Offer

Canteen Roster

Infants Roster

22/11/16 Help Needed

23/11/16 Kelly James

24/11/16 Bonnie & Tracy

25/11//16 Paula and Ingrid

28/11/16 Kelly James

Primary Roster

22/11/16 David & Cheryl Maunder

23/11/16 Help Needed

24/11/16 Help Needed

25/11//16 Jayne Grieve

28/11/16 Kate Kratz

Page 4: Grafton Public School · *Presentation Day, Thursday, 8 December *Year 6 Farewell, Thursday, 8 December Term Calendar - Click Here School Website - Click Here Grafton Public School

On the weekend my friend Dianne cooked this it was scrummy!!

Chicken Dorito Roll

Get a chicken breast slice it in half and beat with meat cleaver so it's half the thickness.

Spread over the top a slice of ham, cream cheese and grated cheese then simply roll up.

Flour the roll in a little flour then dip in a little beaten egg then roll in crushed Doritos.

Place on baking tray and bake in over, moderate temp, for about 45 minutes.

Serve with a crispy salad.

Cheers and healthy eating


From Deb’s Desk

Each week we will try to acknowledge the children who received awards at their grade assemblies in the previous

week. Congratulations to the following students who received awards last week:

Kinder: Andrew Bultitude, Hannah Plunkett, Charlotte Evans, Polly Robertson, Charlotte Windon-Borg, Logan Mawson,

Ivy Clifford, Ardra Rautenberg, Miah Taylor, Matilda Collins, Roseanna Marsh, Dekotah Newton, Mannix Anderson,

Dakota Armstrong, Romey Castle, Preston Larkin, Malakai Donnolley, Bryce Collins, Qwayde Collins.

Year 1: Jett-Anthony Chapman, Elsie Stewart, Damon Irving, Gabriela Coffey, Ashleigh Bulmer, Jesse Martin,

Matthew Hoade, Elisabeth Kennedy, Aiden McBeath, Olivia Kenny, Eliana Jackson, Paige Tilse, Travis Smidt.

Year 2: Neve Rhodes, Jack Munro, Tiana Ryan Thornton, Mikayla Gray, Joel Warburton, Clementine Eaton, Chelsea

Winters, Chloe Wills.

Year 3: Mia Nagle, Shelera Williams, Scahlotte Morgan-Saurine, Sienna Connell, Shelera Williams, Elle Fisher, Sasha


Year 4: Rugeesthan Kumaradasan, George Holmes, Julia Hennessy, Travis Unitt, James Collins, Rugeerthana

Kumaradasan, Tyson Hartog, Catie Holloway, Jackson Duroux, Mia Fahey, Summer Loadsman, Anicka Peters, Zac

Maginnity, Chloe Russell, Zoe Penfold, Kasumi Fisher, Ethan Howe, Kayleb Williams,

Year 5: Chelsea Scott, Megan Smith, Anneka Carlsson, Marissa Menzies, Mikayla Chambers-Ward, Caitlin Chevalley,

Grayson Reimer, Tyler Brady, Jude Kreis.

Year 6: Nickolas Connell, Karson Russell, Cindy Counsell, Grace Fels, Lachlan Linsket, William Swadling, Flynn Power,

Lili Kreis, Shayla Holloway, Scot Strachan, Jack Hay, Whitney Moon.

Assembly Awards

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Library News

It's that time of year, when all library books are now due to be returned ready for

Library Stock take. How the year has flown! GPS will be running the annual 'Bring them back!'

competition. Let's look under beds, in boxes, in bookshelves and anywhere else children like to

place their library books.

The first class, on Mary stand Queen s, to return all library books and settle accounts for lost

library books by Friday 2nd December, 2016 will receive a PRIZE! This prize will be negotiated

with the winning classes. Happy searching and returning. Best of luck to all of the classes.

Book Club issue 8 is also due on Friday 2nd December, 2016. Thank you for the support of

Book Club. Through the year GPS has been able to purchase @$600 worth of books for the

students use through the commissions earnt from sales. Thank you.

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are fast approaching Christmas, a period which has reflection as one of its themes. It is at times difficult to

find the time to honestly reflect and set one’s revised goals. I do hope you can find time to tune out and tune in to

reflecting upon that which is essential for a ‘good life’.

We are also in the process of completing our end of year school reports. As I have stated many times – there

should be no surprises. Application and attitude along with ability give one attainment. There are those who can not

sustain the application, thus, a result that may not reflect the true ability yet does reflect the current position. I

once heard an interesting saying – “ The world is full of educated derelicts” – those with unfulfilled potential.

Opportunity abounds for those who are willing to apply themselves. From the most humble of beginnings come so

many who have made everlasting changes to our lives.

This week we commence our yearly Swimming School. It is compulsory for all Year 2 students to participate.

Opportunity exists for those from Y3 to Y6 who cannot swim 25 meters. This has been advertised and for those

who have identified and paid or sought to arrange alternative payments it is all systems go. Parents please ensure

that your child has all they need packed in their bags each day ie. swimmers, towel, thongs (for walking to the pool),

goggles etc.

Archie Roach, one of Australia’s legendary musicians has a new album- “Let Love Rule” with a song titled ‘Spiritual

Love’. I was fortunate enough to hear him perform this last weekend. For me, the lyrics were indeed special and

worth a long moment or two to reflect upon.

I hope you enjoy a beautiful week and well done to all our mothers, grandparents and community members who

undertook the strenuous task of the Northern Excursion last weekend.

Will Randall


From the Principal

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Community Notices

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