gorham nickel

Three case studies demonstra0ng Gorham & Partners’ recent work on nickel market and product strategies Summer 2013 Gorham and Partners Nickel Case Studies

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Three  case  studies  demonstra0ng  Gorham  &  Partners’  recent  work  on  nickel  market  and  product  strategies  

 Summer  2013  

Gorham  and  Partners  Nickel  Case  Studies    

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What  Gorham  does  

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• Over  20  years’  experience  • 10  years  focusing  exclusive  on  mining  and  metals  

Global  metals  and  mining  consultants  

• We  supplement  engineering-­‐led  evalua>on  projects  with  • Data-­‐driven  compe>tor  analysis  • Deep  understanding  of  end-­‐users  and  other  par>cipants  in  the  value  chain  (gained  through  face  to  face  mee>ngs  and  economic  modelling)  

Focus  on  strategic  ques0ons  

• For  junior  miners,  securing  finance  post  the  global  financial  crisis  is  the  key  challenge  • Gorham  has  a  twofold  approach  to  assist  in  the  search  for  funds  • Through  our  rigorous  work  down  the  resource  value  chain,  we  are  able  to  iden>fy  and  introduce  non-­‐tradi>onal  investors  who  will  directly  benefit  from  the  development  of  your  project  

• We  also  have  a  rigorous  process  to  introduce  exci>ng  mineral  projects  to  a  wide  range  of  high  net  worth  global  investors,  currently  struggle  to  iden>fy  higher  risk/return  opportuni>es  for  their  porMolios  

Alterna0ve  paths  to  funding  

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Evalua0ng  the  product  and  commercial  op0ons  for  nickel  and  the  cobalt  by  product  from  the  Alpha  mine  

 May  2012  

Gorham  and  Partners  Nickel  Case  Studies  1      1

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What  we  set  out  to  deliver  

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Accurate  and  detailed  analysis  to  support  detailed  feasibility  


1.  Market  analysis  for  nickel  hydroxide  

precipitates  (NHP)  vs  nickel  market  2014-­‐2018  

2.  Customer  tes0ng  and  development  for  

NHP  and  cobalt  (10-­‐20  interviews  for  NHP,    5-­‐10  for  cobalt)  

3.  Op0mal  strategy  for  commercialisa0on  of  cobalt  by-­‐products    

4.  Price  outlook  NHP/nickel  metal/selected  

cobalt  product  op0ons  

5.  Recommended  strategy  for  Alpha  

6.  Sales  forecast  for  Alpha,  2014-­‐18  

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How  we  went  about  it  

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What  we  found  

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Drivers  of  global  

Ni  market  

Ni  price  outlook  2014-­‐21  

Market  impact  of  non-­‐ferrous  Ni  alloys  

Impact  of  nickel  pig  iron  on  

ferronickel  market  

Economics  of  direct  feed  vs.  intermediate  products  

Customer  preferences  

for  intermediate  Ni  products  

Economics  of  alterna0ve  cobalt  


Op0mal  product/market  

strategy  for  Alpha  

Price  forecasts  for  

chosen  strategy  

Resultant  sales  

forecasts  for  Alpha    

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What  we  wrote  

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What  happened  

•  Reframed  Alpha’s  view  of  the  market  for  intermediate  products  

•  Opened  possibility  for  radically  different  go-­‐to-­‐market  op>ons,  with  huge  implica>ons  for  feasibility  study  •  Increased  price  forecasts  for  contained  Ni  and  Co  metal  •  Improved  compe>>ve  outlook  •  Changed  geographic  focus  for  marke>ng  effort  •  Opened  doors  to  new  sources  of  partnership  and  finance  

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Evalua0ng  the  product  op0ons  for  laterite  nickel  from  the  Sigma  mine  

 December  2012  

Gorham  and  Partners  Nickel  Case  Studies  2      2

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What  we  set  out  to  deliver  

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Evaluate  alterna0ve  product  op0ons  for  new  laterite  nickel  project  (Sigma  mine)  

1.  Quan0fy  degree  to  which  stainless  steel  producers  will  shi]  towards  lower  grade  

Ni  feeds  

2.  Evaluate  feedstock  alterna0ves  for  relevant  stainless  steel  producers  

3.  Outline  latest  view  of  global  nickel  

outlook  and  client’s  posi0on  within  that,  including  compe0tor  


4.  Price  for  nickel  based  on  refreshed  understanding  of  

supply  and  demand  

5.  Compara0ve  evalua0on  of  product  op0ons  for  the  Sigma  


6.  Evalua0on  of  strategic  op0ons  for  

Sigma’s  parent  company  

7.  Recommended  course  of  ac0on  for  


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How  we  went  about  it  

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Ni   NPI   FeNi   STS   Scrap  

Associa0on  +  Expert   9   9   8   9   9  

Ni  Producer   2   1   1   1   0  

STS  Producer   13   7   9   13   9  

Trader   2   2   1   0   1  

Recycler   1   0   0   0   1  

Product  Info  Value  

Chain  Level  

Structure  of  the  inves0ga0on  

Interviewing  5  experts  on  the  G&P  nickel  expert  panel  

Market  inves>ga>on    •  8  Interviews  in  China  

•  8  Interviews  in  India  

•  5  Further  Asian  interviews  

•  5  Interviews  in  ROW    

Desktop  research    

Quan>ta>ve  and  qualita>ve  analysis  

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What  we  found  

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1.  Will  STS  producers  switch  feeds?  

2.  Alterna>ve  STS  feeds:  

2a.  Stainless  steel  scrap  

2b.  Nickel  Pig  Iron  

2c.  Ferronickel  

2d.  Nickel  Oxide  

2e.  MSP  and  nickel  metal  

3.Nickel  supply,  demand  

compe>tor  analysis  

4.  Nickel  price  


5.  Evalua>on  of  op>ons  for  Sigma  project  

5.  Strategic  op>ons  &  


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What  we  wrote  

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What  happened  

•  Sigma  project  is  under  development  for  one  of  the  top  5  global  Nickel  producers  

•  Clarified  product  op>ons  available  to  Sigma,  highlighted  importance  of  considering  end  user  economics  and  preferences  in  final  decisions  

•  Established  framework  for  client  to  make  that  decision  when  needed  

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Evalua0ng  the  Commercial  and  Processing  Op0ons  for  the  Lambda  Nickel  Project    

 October  2008  

Gorham  and  Partners  Nickel  Case  Studies  2      3

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What  we  set  out  to  deliver  

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Evaluate  alterna0ve  product  op0ons  for  new  laterite  nickel  project  (Lambda)  

1.  What  markets/applica0ons  should  Lambda  aim  at?  

2.  Which  products/process  routes  should  

Lambda  make/follow?  

3.  What  compe00ve  environment  will  

Lambda  be  facing  in  2015  onwards?  

4.  What  price  structure  will  Lambda  be  able  to  achieve  for  its  full  product  range  in  2015  onwards?  

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How  we  went  about  it  

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Forecasted costs for the duration

of the investment Revenue stream from

selected product - market combination (s)

NPV of each product - market combination

Sales forecasting Demand forecasting

Benchmarking the forecasted sales

(Competitor Analysis) Price forecast for Ni

products in their selected markets

Expert interviews on the forecasted sales

Interest rate forecast

Nickel price forecast

Market characteristics Supplier power • Company size • Financial strength • Resource bank • Potential for

differentiation • Specific customer ties • Power of suppliers’


Customer power • Customer concentration • Financial health • Ability to switch materials • Ability to switch suppliers • Sensitivity to price • Access to captive supply

Strength of Ni Product • Availability of substitutes • Relative price of

substitutes • Range of substitute

application • Environmental regulation • Technical vulnerability

Degree of rivalry • Strength of competition • Potentially realisable sales • Sustainability of sales

Market & sales evaluation model - Porter’s 5 Forces or

Product market dynamics analysis Competitor analysis Demand supply price


Client’s task G&P task

• Size • Growth • Stability • Geography • Demand - supply balance • Uniformity of product • Barriers to entry

Value chain and process option analysis

simplified versions of the Porter model

What Markets/Applications should SNP aim at ?

Which Products/Process Routes should SNP


What Competitive Environment will SNP

be facing in 2015 onwards ?

What Price Structure will SNP be able to achieve for its full product range in

2015 onwards?

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What  we  found  

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1.  Which  are  the  most  aerac>ve  

products  and  markets  

2.  How  compe>tors  

will  be  posi>oned  

3.  Impact  of  new  wave  of  

laterite  producers  on  produc>on  op>ons  

4.  Medium  term  price  outlook  and  scenarios  

5.  Outlook  for  sulphur  

6.  Outlook  for  Cobalt  

7.  Strategic  evalua>on  of  

product  op>ons  for  Lambda  

8.  Recommended  


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What  we  wrote  

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What  happened  

•  Lambda’s  owners  subsequently  sold  a  controlling  stake  in  the  project  to  one  of  the  global  nickel  majors,  beeer  posi>oned  to  exploit  the  market  opportuni>es  iden>fied  

•  The  project  remains  on  track  for  development  

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About  Gorham  and  Partners  

A  specialist  consul>ng  prac>ce  with  a  successful  20  year  track  record  advising  the  global  metals  and  mining  sector  on  strategic,  commercial,  financial  and  marke>ng  issues.    In  addi>on  

to  the  nickel,  we  advise  clients  across  all  the  main  metals  and  precious  metals  sectors  including  copper,  zinc,  lead,  chromium,  molybdenum,  cobalt,  steel,  stainless  steel,  gold,  

pla>num  and  diamonds  

We  address  the  big  strategic  issues  faced  by  nickel  businesses,  

especially  product  mix  and  market  strategy.  Our  insights  into  rapidly  changing  markets  have  

led  to  a  new  approach  to  seeking  finance  for  early  stage  projects  

Demand/supply  and  pricing  studies  not  just  for  Ni  and  Co  metal,  but  all  alterna>ve  intermediate  products  |  In-­‐depth  understanding  of  end-­‐user  demands  and  trends  |  Customer  segmenta>on  and  alterna>ve  ‘go-­‐to-­‐market’  strategies  |  

Analysis  of  the  product  and  market  strategies  of  compe>tors  |  Commercial  and  marke>ng  

sec>ons  of  pre-­‐feasibility  and  feasibility  studies  |  Market  entry  strategy  

Successful  consul>ng  projects  for  our  nickel  and  base  metals  sector  clients  which  add  value  to  their  


Including        Rio    Tinto    |    Sherrie    |    ENK    |    BHPBilliton    |    Corus    |  Rotex  


Deep  experience  advising  and  managing  strategic  projects  in  the  sector  –  we  partner  you  to  find  the  answers  you  


Alec  Campbell  –  25+  years  advising  senior  management  with  special  focus  on  metals  

and  sales  and  marke>ng  strategies                                  J-­‐P  Mar0ns  -­‐    20  years  advising  senior  

management,  ex  senior  strategic  manager  in  Rio  Tinto                                                                                                              

Khush  Nathadwarala  –  6  years  consul>ng  exclusively  to  the  mining  and  metals  sector  

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Contact  us  

A  |  104  Lancaster  Gate  London  W2  3NT  

P  |  +44  (0)20  7298  5180  

F  |  +44  (0)20  7298  5189  

E  |  [email protected]    

W  |  www.gorhampartners.com  

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