golf swing tips and instructions - simple golf swing techniques to improve your golf swing


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“Golf Swing Tips And Instructions”

Simple Golf Swing Techniques To ImproveYour Golf Swing

Presented By: Douglas Hoover

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Page 2: Golf Swing Tips And Instructions - Simple Golf Swing Techniques To Improve Your Golf Swing

Improve Your Golf Swing by Improving Your Tempo

We have all heard the word tempo in relation to the golf swing. Announcers on television speak of the "great" tempo Ernie Els has in his golf swing. What does tempo mean to the amateur and their golf swing?

Tempo in the Golf Swing

Tempo in the golf swing is a combination of many parts. Tempo is part timing in all aspects of the golf swing. It is part sequencing of each position within the golf swing, and it is part "feel". Putting all thesegolf swing parts together creates tempo in your own golf swing.

Interconnecting each phase of the golf swing; address, take-away, backswing, transition, downswing, impact, and follow through is one part of tempo, Performing each of these phases with the correct timing is also tempo. And finally "feel" for the clubhead is part of tempo.

We can probably say tempo is the end goal of all our practice and time spent on our golf swing. Once we have developed tempo in the golf swing, there is definitely a level of mastery within it.

How Do We Develop Tempo in the Golf Swing?

A great question that does not have a simple answer: Developing tempo in the golf swing is a task that requires patience, practice, and time. There really are no short cuts to developing it within your golf swing. One practice session at the driving range will not do it. The use of a single training aide will not get you there. The implementation of a golf fitness program will not achieve this task on its own.

I say this because developing a PGA Tour type golf swing requires a "basket of tools" in your arsenal. Developing tempo and a silky smooth golf swing requires you to:

* Receive proper instruction on the fundamentals of the golf swing

* Maintain a consistent practice schedule with your golf swing

* Use swing drills to develop every as of your golf swing

* The possible implementation of training aides into your practice sessions

* Implementing of golf fitness program to develop your body around the golf swing.

The "basket of tools" listed above put together can lead you to developing great tempo in your golf swing. It requires a comprehensive approach in which no short cuts can be made. Let's take a look at the bullet points above to get a better understanding of how to go about this process.

Proper Instruction in the Mechanics of the Golf Swing

Learning the fundamentals of the golf swing is key to developing tempo. This can be achieved through quality instruction. This will allow your body to learn the nuances of the swing. This is the first step in developing tempo.

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Consistent Practice of the Golf Swing

As they say practice makes perfect. In order for your body to learn and be able to repeat to proper mechanics of the golf swing, you must practice on a consistent basis. The body learns biomechanical movements through repetition. The golf swing is no different. Repetition through proper practice session is the second key to developing tempo.

Swing Drills to Develop the Golf Swing

The golf swing as a whole is one of the most intricate athletic movements to perform. In its entirety, it is a very difficult movement to perform and master. It is best when learning the golf swing to break it down into parts. Breaking the golf swing down into segments allows you more easily to master each phase of the swing. This is accomplished through the implementation of golf swing drills. Swing drills break the swing down into manageable parts.

Training Aides in Association with Your Golf Swing Drills

Training aides assist the body in developing the golf swing. Think of training aides as "training wheels"on a bicycle. They simply help your body learn certain movements and positions associated with the golf swing.

Implementing a Golf Fitness Program

Your body swings the golf club and performs the biomechanics of the golf swing. In order to perform the biomechanics of the golf swing correctly. It is necessary for your body to have certain levels of flexibility, balance, endurance, strength, and power. If your body is lacking any of this aforementioned list learning the biomechanics of the golf swing correctly will be very difficult. A golf fitness program is the final key to developing tempo in your golf swing.


To summarize the development of tempo in your golf swing requires a "basket of tools". Tempo requires; proper instruction on the golf swing, consistent practice of your golf swing mechanics, the utilization of swing drills, training aides, and a golf fitness program. Put all of these aspects together and a golf swing with tempo will be yours.

Golf Swing Guidelines: Ten Guidelines For Beginners and Professional Golf Players

The early years of golf proven that the game was not very easy to play. People who play the game formerly play it utilizing an ordinary ball and a leather stick. We can maybe able to estimate that the golf courses those times were not that serene similar to those we have nowadays. Sand traps were bumpy, and the grasses are not that adequately maintained. Golf swing strategies, if made at that time, will be mostly composed of the main tip - hold the club/stick and hit the ball as close as possible to the hole.

Page 4: Golf Swing Tips And Instructions - Simple Golf Swing Techniques To Improve Your Golf Swing

Golf looks easy to the average person, normally they'd think that it's simple to strike the golf ball and make it go to the hole. However, numerous things are needed to be done to be able to effectively play golf. Golf swings are one of the aspects that needs to be properly done when playing golf. As effortless as it can seem to be, it will not only consist of just holding the golf club and hitting the golf ball. It's more than it seems to be. You can find several tips and hints on golf swings everywhere, however, here is another set of recommendations to better your golf swings that can be very helpful for novice and professional players alike.

The Proper Grip: Anyone can hold a golf club, but not always in a correct way. You should utilize your stronger hand (lead hand), either left or right, to grip the golf club with the thumb pointing downwards. After which, you need to place your hand below it to ensure it is secure. You need to keep a gentle and solid hold of the club so that you will have better control over the golf club's movement. The vardon grip, interlocking grip, and the ten finger are just three of the several types of grips that you can utilize. The proper grip can help you be familiar and accustomed to the amount of force that is required. These grips have been used by professional golfers too.

The Correct Stance: You will usually see this idea in every golf book or golf website. The correct stance is very important as it tremendously influences the result of the golf swing. When viewing an expert golfer, every swing he or she make is apparently so natural as frying eggs. On the other hand, a newbie will have the tendency to miss the ball and even slip because of the force. Use caution in your stance. You need to align your feet correctly, make sure that the golf ball is parallel to hole, slightly spread out your feet, slightly bend your knees, and balance your weight. Relax and avoid becoming rigid.

The Actual Swing: The large number of speculations of what the proper "golf swing" is provided the way for the emergence of the variations of the actual golf swing. Nevertheless for golf swing tips, it is advised to first learn golf swing basics before actually trying the other variations. During your backswing, you should turn your shoulders toward your spine, shift your weight to the front of your back foot, and hinge your arm up into a 90-degree angle. During the downswing, you have to release your arm from the 90-degree angle form toward the target as you transfer your weight to the front foot in a smooth and balanced motion.

The Follow Through: As soon as the club hits the ball, don't go back to the standard stance quickly as itresults in muscle strain. Maintain your head behind the golf ball and should come along with your shoulder whilst facing the target.

Flow: Finding the "good rhythm" is a wise way of perking up yourself for the swing. Prior to doing the actual swing, you will need to practice. Have two golf balls and place them on the ground one behind the other. Place your club right between the balls and swing. If the ball behind rolls far away, you're rushing the swing. It is okay when the ball rolls just a few feet away.

Dare The Rough Sports: In golf swing technique tips, the key target is only on the swing itself. You need to prepare yourself for the unforeseen screw ups like being on the rough. The fairways perhaps mind-blowing, but when the golf player is in the rough, it is totally different. You can learn to adjust on the rough by keeping away from hacking or chopping on the golf ball. You must have a wider stance and be slightly close to the golf ball. This allows a greater angle when you swing.

The Sand: This is another obstacle for many golfers. The sand can be a real challenge particularly after the rain got it shallow and wet. However, you need to focus on your balance and be sturdy in angled

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sand traps. You should hit the sand under the ball so that it will go up the air and be back on safe ground. In a shallow and wet trap, hit the ball squarely as you would normally do in a shot.

Closing in on the Putt: Golf swing tips may only focus on the actual swing, but it is also suggested to be prepared for the putt shot. A player may have a good swing for getting close to the green, but puttingis another game. You need to learn to adjust to the change from delivering drives to making the putt. Practice good putting and be accustomed to adjust to a specific grip. Your grip may be the same for both, it may be different for putting.

Practice: There isn't any other way than to practice your learning. You'll need to practice more in an actual golf course, not always on a driving range. The chief purpose of playing is for the course itself and facing the challenges that can be met at the course! Always play like you're in a tournament, and always put yourself in situations that are new to you, particularly when you get to master being adaptive to handicaps in golf.

Conditioning The Mindset: After learning and mastering the fundamentals of the game, you need to face another hurdle- YOU. After weeks and months of practice and training, you might probably develop your personal style of playing the game. Don't shy away in wanting to be unusual - as long as you are aware of the basics. Golf is a mental game, with the interruptions all around, it is easy for these to affect your shot. Clear your thoughts, trust your adaptive abilities and make the swing. You need to own your game.

Golf swings are easy to carry, yet you will need more than a good golf club to hit the ball. You need to relax and enjoy your game!!

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Amazing Ways To Improve Your Golf Swing

It's important to remember, your golf swing is what drives your score; not your clubs or ball. When you're playing golf badly it isn't a lot of fun. It takes a great deal of skill, mental fortitude and perseverance to excel at golf.

If you've hit with your golf driver perfectly once, you can do it every time; the subconscious mind knows the correct number and sequence of muscle contractions and nerve impulses needed, called muscle memory. Always be aware the mental aspect of the game contributes one way or another to the difficulty of the golf swing. It's been proven that thinking positively about bettering your golf game will benefit you more than playing to compete with your partners and trying to win for winnings sake.

At the end of a swing, the weight has shifted almost entirely to the left foot, the body is fully turned to the left and the hands are above the left shoulder with the club hanging down over the players' back. Putts and short chips are ideally played without much movement of the body, but most other golf shots are played using variants of the full golf swing. Accomplished golfers purposely use sidespin to steer their ball around obstacles or towards the safe side of fairways and greens.

Use the muscles in your legs and trunk when you swing. When you swing if you have problems with your left knee buckling, imagine you're holding a soccer ball between your knees. As the body matures,the ability to rotate the upper torso is affected by age, and the hand action can also slow down requiringa slightly stronger grip.

The most important thing about the golf swing is the angle and not the strength that's applied to it. Swing slowly and steadily using a nice rhythm. Sidespin occurs when the clubface is not aligned perpendicularly to the plane of swing.

The backswing is a rotation to the right, consisting of a shifting of the player's body weight to the right side, a turning of the pelvis and shoulders, lifting of the arms and flexing of the elbows and wrists. After the ball is hit, the follow-through stage consists of a continued rotation to the left.

It's no secret; most of the professional players actively participate in workouts. To prevent injury and improve swing speed and distance requires your body to be both strong and flexible. Hold a medicine ball and turn back and forth; it must be rotational to improve your driving distance.

Sporting goods stores have golf aids to improve your game. Ask an expert, who is not associated with the shop you would buy your golf swing aid from, for advice on the right aid for you. There are a number of good golf swing aids on the market today.

You can find golf swing aids that will help you with your wrist and arm position. Before buying any golf swing aid, check with an expert to get an idea of what problem you need to work on first; backlift of golf swing, momentum of downward thrust or stance for example. Overall, investing in golf swing aids will greatly improve your golf swing and your golf game.

Whether you're a seasoned golfer or just starting out, pick just one golf swing aid and go to work on your swing. If you're looking for an aid to improve your stance they're not hard to find. Keep in mind that with some golf swing aids, you may still need advice or help from an expert.

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Most of all don't waste your money on a golf swing aid you don't need or will never use. Be careful about the claims on TV commercials and magazine ads; seek expert advice before you buy because they may not live up to their claims.

Get some golf DVDs and commit yourself to a time to practice what you learn. Try to concentrate on one golf swing weakness at time. If you apply both physical and mental workouts, golf swing improvement will be your reward.

A Super Golf Swing - How To Get It

It's important to remember, your golf swing is what drives your score; not your clubs or ball. You may receive all the greatest golf tips in the world, take countless lessons and get superior instruction and stillmay not be able to gain consistency. As we all know, golf is probably the most difficult sport in the world.

Don't worry about what others think or may say about your swing; work to improve it at your own speed. A common mental error golfers make when driving the ball is to hit it as hard as possible. Overall, you generally want to play golf with confidence.

It's difficult for a golfer to practice hitting shots longer than short pitch shots unless one pays to play golf or pays to practice at a driving range or indoor golf training facility.

Standing over the ball for too long a time and wondering whether you're going to swing the club correctly can easily result in a skewed shot, or completely missing the ball. One of the problems that most inexperienced golfers share is they think too much about their swing.

Ask your golf pro to evaluate your posture while swinging. The most important thing about the golf swing is the angle and not the strength that's applied to it. When you swing if you have problems with your left knee buckling, imagine you're holding a soccer ball between your knees.

Accomplished golfers purposely use sidespin to steer their ball around obstacles or towards the safe side of fairways and greens. Use the basic 'hitchhiker' position when you're working on your backswing. The backswing is a rotation to the right, consisting of a shifting of the player's body weight to the right side, a turning of the pelvis and shoulders, lifting of the arms and flexing of the elbows and wrists.

Trust your golf club to do the job it was intended to do. Putting can become a nightmare and a condition called the 'yips' has affected not only amateurs but professionals as well; get expert advice and consider a golf swing aid.

It's no secret; most of the professional players actively participate in workouts. Many golfers have improved their golf game by concentrating on golf fitness. The state of the physical condition is very often overlooked as a possible cause of golf swing problems.

If you're looking for an aid to improve your stance they're not hard to find. Sporting goods stores have golf aids to improve your game. Look for golf swing aids at your local golf course.

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Be careful about the claims on TV commercials and magazine ads; seek expert advice before you buy because they may not live up to their claims. Overall, investing in golf swing aids will greatly improve your golf swing and your golf game. Whether you're a seasoned golfer or just starting out, pick just onegolf swing aid and go to work on your swing.

Most of all don't waste your money on a golf swing aid you don't need or will never use. In any case, stick to just one golf swing aid at a time; don't load up on them. Golf swing aids come in all shapes andsizes including apparel type accessories to correct alignment or a golf club add-on accessory to monitoryour swing. Golf swing aids will improve your golf game. There are golf swing aids that will help you with swing alignment.

If you apply both physical and mental workouts, golf swing improvement will be your reward. Try to concentrate on one golf swing weakness at time. With plenty of practice, a better golf swing will be the end result.

Build a Consistent and Reliable Golfing Swing With These Three Principles

When Australian and international golfers arrive at my golfing school one of the first things I explain tothem is that there are just three principles they need to fully understand and learn to help them develop a powerful and repeating golfing swing. I'm sure that as you read this you might be a little skeptical because let's face it, there is a lot of conflicting and ambiguous advice surrounding the best golfing swing method to learn.

It can be quite mysterious, and with all the advice on offer the question that might be running through your mind right now is "why should you listen to me?" Good question. Like you, I've read lots of golf instruction books, golf magazine articles and I've been to countless golf websites looking at the systems, methods and techniques on offer.

The difference is that I have spent more than twenty thousand hours on the golf range (you read correctly) helping golfers like you to improve their game. So I'm not confused about what you need to do to develop a consistent and reliable golfing swing. I've tried and tested many approaches in my search to find a straightforward, rational and well-organized way to improve the golfing techniques of my students.

The answer I discovered is that you begin your quest for improvement by defining the ground rules of the game. Since golf is a stick, ball and target game the place to start would be to understand how the stick (golf club) influences the ball to fly towards your chosen target. You see, learning how to build a consistent golfing swing need not be confusing or difficult because every single golfer from a novice player to a PGA tour professional has to do just three things.

Since the ball is on the ground and to the side of you, you can appreciate why the golf club when restedupon the ground behind the golf ball is built on an inclined plane angle. From driver to putter the shaft of the golf club is on an angle of inclination. Think about a house for a moment and you can imagine a floor which is a horizontal plane; next add some walls which is a vertical plane; and finally add a roof which is an inclined plane.

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This inclined plane guides the direction of your golfing swing as it goes backwards and forwards. Every golf club in your bag follows this plane. In fact because the golf club is built this way it becomesa law unto itself.

So the first principle is to control the direction of the golf club as it swings backwards and forwards in relation to your target by keeping your golf club on or as close to this plane as you can. You can do this by placing a flat piece of cardboard (or similar) the width of your seven iron shaft from the bottom of the club head to the base of the grip on the same angle the seven iron is built on. Prop it on its angle against something so that it will stay there as you practice swinging your golf club backwards and forwards along it slowly.

The second principle relates to the club heads relationship to the golf shaft that it's attached to, and its ability to rotate on the end of the golf shaft as it travels backwards and forwards. When your golf club travels backwards to the top of your golf swing it turns a little bit like a door turns on hinges. When it swings forwards towards the golf ball it rolls back to its original position, which should be timed precisely as the ball departs from the club face.

Mind you, you only need enough rotation (turn and roll) around the shaft to achieve this straight clubface post-impact position. Any more or less and you're in big trouble. You can achieve this by making sure that your left hand (for a right hand golfer) is positioned in such a way that you can roll the head more than you can turn it. If you held your golf club in front of you in a horizontal position and you turn it, the clubface would turn towards 2 o'clock. When you roll it, it will roll to nearly 9 o'clock. In other words, you want your club face to close more on the follow through than you can openit on the back swing.

The majority of golfers I've worked with at my golfing school over the years tend to open the club face more than they should in the back swing and as such they find it difficult to close it enough in the forward swing. This leads to shots that travel off to the right of the target.

The third principle relates to delivering sufficient force at the correct time in the down swing so you can hit your golf ball a satisfying distance. This principle relates to developing sufficient speed of the club head as close to impact as possible. When you watch a PGA tour golfer on television, if you look carefully you will notice how the left arm and golf club work in unison with one another during the back swing and forward swing phases.

In the address position they are almost in line with one another, but as they travel backwards the left wrist starts to hinge and the golf club moves out of line with the left arm. Ultimately an acute angle is formed between them at the top of the back swing. This angle has stored up the potential energy of the golf swing and is waiting briefly before it transfers it into kinetic energy in the down swing.

The key is to maintain this acute angle for longer so that the energy that's being released into the down swing is released slowly like a slow release fertilizer for your lawn. If the energy releases too early you move into the deceleration phase too early which will lead to shorter-less powerful drives and irons.

You can store this acute angle for longer by following this advice. Since a force can be defined simply as a push or pull, you need to decide how your hands (which are in front of your golf club at the top of the back swing) move down the plane (see principle # 1) towards your golf ball. Some golfers at the topof the swing will push on their golf club more with their right hand to accelerate the golf club into the

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down swing, whilst others will pull more with their left hand to accelerate the golf club.

So which is right? Well, image for a moment a line that extends vertically upwards from your golf ball at address; we'll call this the impact line and it's a point of reference for us to determine which is the best hand to use to maintain the angle between the left arm and club shaft. At the top of your swing how far would you say your hands are from the impact line? Try it now and find out. You will discover that they're anywhere from three to five feet.

If you pull the golf club past this impact line the golf club and its energy will be released later than if you push on it with your right hand. In other words, hands first-club head second. You do not want yourclub head to catch up to your hands before you strike the ball. The best way to do this is to keep the club head following your right elbow in the down swing for as long as you can. The further that your right elbow travels across the front of your body the more likely that the golf club will strike the golf ball at the correct time. Also, you'll find that by positioning your hands just above your waist at about 9o'clock that it's easier to get your hands to pass the impact line well before your golf club can strike the ball.

So there you have it, three principles that will help you to develop a consistent and repeating golfing swing.

Before You Go, Don't Forget To Check Out How You CanImprove Your Golf Swing In Just 15 Minutes

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Content Credited To:

Improve Your Golf Swing by Improving Your TempoArticle Source:

Golf Swing Guidelines: Ten Guidelines For Beginners and Professional Golf PlayersArticle Source:

Amazing Ways To Improve Your Golf SwingArticle Source:

A Super Golf Swing - How To Get ItArticle Source:

Build a Consistent and Reliable Golfing Swing With These Three PrinciplesArticle Source: