god's greatest gift

Bro. Chris Abraham

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Page 1: God's Greatest Gift

Bro. Chris Abraham

Page 2: God's Greatest Gift
Page 3: God's Greatest Gift
Page 4: God's Greatest Gift



Page 5: God's Greatest Gift

Salva5on  Needed  

Step  1  

Page 6: God's Greatest Gift

Why    Does  a  person    

Need  to  become  a    


Page 7: God's Greatest Gift

.  .  .because  of    

Page 8: God's Greatest Gift

What  is  Sin?  

Page 9: God's Greatest Gift

Sin  is  doing  anything  that  breaks  God’s  laws.  


Everyone  who  sins  breaks  the  law;  in  fact,  sin  is  lawlessness.    

1  John  3:4  (NIV)    

Page 10: God's Greatest Gift

 Sin  is  anything  we  say  that  is  

displeasing  to  God.    

But  I  say  to  you  that  for  every  idle  word  men  may  speak,  they  will  give  account  of  it  in  the  day  of  

judgment.  For  by  your  words  you  will  be  jus5fied,  and  by  your  words  you  will  be  condemned.”    

MaY  12:36-­‐37  NKJV  


Page 11: God's Greatest Gift

Sin  is  anything  we  think  that  is  displeasing  to  our  Loving  God.    

The  thought  of  foolishness  is  sin:.  .  .    Prov  24:9  KJV  


Page 12: God's Greatest Gift

Sin  is  not  doing  some  things  we  should  do.      

Therefore,  to  him  who  knows  to  do  good  and  does  not  do  it,  to  him  it  is  sin.    

James  4:17  NKJV  

Page 13: God's Greatest Gift

Sin  is  Universal  

• Rom  3:23  says,  “For  all  have  sinned  and  fall  short  of  the  glory  of  God,      

• According  to  this  verse  who  sins?  


Page 14: God's Greatest Gift

                                                             If  Sin  is:  

• Breaking  God’s  laws  

• Thinking  that  does  not  please  God  

• Words  that  are  not  pleasing  to  God  

• Not  doing  the  good  we  know  to  do.  .  .  

It  is  preYy  EASY  to  SIN!  

Page 15: God's Greatest Gift

What  are  the  Consequences    of  our  sin?  

•  Sin  MUST  be  punished  by  a  perfect  and  good  GOD  

For  the  wages  of  sin  is  death,  but  the  gid  of  God  is  eternal  life  in  Christ  Jesus  our  Lord.    Rom  6:23  NKJV  


Page 16: God's Greatest Gift

Do  you  know  what  the  word    WAGES    means?  

• Wages  are  what  we  get  for  what  we  do  

Page 17: God's Greatest Gift

Rom  6:23    For  the  wages  of  sin  is  death.  .  .  


So  our  wages  (what  we  get  for  what  we  do)    for  our  sin  is  


Page 18: God's Greatest Gift

The  only  punishment  God  has  for    

SIN  is  the  death  penalty.  

• Death  for  sin  is  not  about  dying  physically  

•  It  refers  to  a  placed  we  call  Hell  

 14  Then  Death  and  Hades  were  cast  into  the  lake  of  fire.  This  is  the  second  death.  15  And  anyone  not  found  wriYen  in  the  Book  of  Life  was  cast  into  the  lake  of  fire.  

Rev  20:14-­‐15  NKJV  


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 The  good  news  is.  .  .  


• God  does  not  want  you  to  die  for  your  sin  

• God  does  not  want  you  to  go  to  Hell  

Page 20: God's Greatest Gift

So  What  Has  God  Done    in  His  Love  for  US  

To  HELP  US?  

Page 21: God's Greatest Gift


God  Loves  us!  

He  did  something  to  help  us!  

He  provided  for  our  salva5on.  

Page 22: God's Greatest Gift


• God  provided  for  our  salva5on  by  sending  His  son  into  this  world.  

• He  sent  His  son  to  be  our  Savior.  

For  God  so  loved  the  world  that  He  gave  His  only  begoYen  Son,  that  whoever  believes  in  Him  should  not  

perish  but  have  everlas5ng  life.    John  3:16-­‐17  NKJV  

Page 23: God's Greatest Gift

Who  is  God’s  Son?      


• Jesus  is  God’s  Son  whom  God  sent  to  save  the  world  from  their  sin  

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One  Solitary  LIFE…..  

Page 25: God's Greatest Gift

Jesus  lived  the  perfect  life  

•  Because  Jesus  is  God  He  is  the  only  person  who  never  sinned.    

• Heb  4:15    For  we  do  not  have  a  High  Priest  who  cannot  sympathize  with  our  weaknesses,  but  was  in  all  points  

tempted  as  we  are,  yet  without  sin.    NKJV  

•  Because  He  had  no  sin  of  His  own  He  did  not  have  to  be  punished  for  sin.  

•  Because  He  had  no  sin,  He  could  take  the  punishment  I  deserved  for  My  Sin  upon  himself.  


Page 26: God's Greatest Gift

Jesus  Died  for  our  sins    

• Jesus  died  on  the  cross  

• For  I  delivered  to  you  first  of  all  that  which  I  also  received:  that  Christ  died  for  our  sins  according  to  the  Scriptures,      1  Cor  

15:3  NKJV  

• He  died  for  our  sins!  

Page 27: God's Greatest Gift

Jesus  arose  from  the  dead!  

• Jesus  defeated  death  and  hell  

• His  resurrec5on  promises  us  everlas5ng  life!  

Page 28: God's Greatest Gift

Jesus  Ascended  to  Heaven  and  is  there  preparing  a  place  for  us!  

• "Let  not  your  heart  be  troubled;  you  believe  in  God,  believe  also  in  Me.2  In  My  Father's  house  are  many  mansions;  if  it  were  not  so,  I  would  have  told  you.  I  go  to  prepare  a  place  for  you.  3  And  if  I  go  and  prepare  a  place  for  you,  I  will  come  again  and  receive  you  to  Myself;  that  where  I  am,  there  you  

may  be  also.                                      John  14:1-­‐3  NKJV  

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                       Jesus  is  coming  again  soon!  

• .  .  .  if  I  go  and  prepare  a  place  for  you,  I  will  come  again  and  receive  you  to  Myself;  that  

where  I  am,  there  you  may  be  also.      John  14:3  

Page 30: God's Greatest Gift

Jesus  is  present  now  in  His  Holy  Spirit    and  wants  to    

Come  into  your  Heart!  

For  where  two  or  three  are  gathered  together  in  My  name,  I  am  there  in  the  midst  of  them.”                                        MaY  18:20      NKJV  

Page 31: God's Greatest Gift


• Why  do  we  need  to  be  saved?      

• Because  of  Sin!  

• How  did  God  provide  for  our  Salva5on?    •     

• He  sent  Jesus  Christ  to  be  our  Savior.  

Page 32: God's Greatest Gift

The  Whole  Gospel  in  4  Minutes…  

Page 33: God's Greatest Gift

Step  3  Salva5on  Offered  

• How  does  God  offer  His  salva5on  to  Us?  

Page 34: God's Greatest Gift

Salva5on  is  a  free  gid!  

• Do  you  like  gids  for  birthdays  or  Christmas?  

Page 35: God's Greatest Gift

God  has  a  gid  He  wants  us  to  have!  


For  the  wages  of  sin  is  death,  but  the  gid  of  God  is  eternal  life  in  Christ  Jesus  our  Lord.                                  

Rom  6:23      NKJV  

Page 36: God's Greatest Gift

God’s  GIFT  is  Eternal  Life!    

• That  means  we  life  for  ever  and  ever.      

• That  is  a  long  long  5me.      

Page 37: God's Greatest Gift

I  have  a  gid  I  want  someone  to  Have!      

Page 38: God's Greatest Gift

So  what  do  you  do  if  someone  wants  to  give  

you  a  gid?  

             You  TAKE  it!  

Page 39: God's Greatest Gift

God  has  a  gid  for  you  that  He  wants  you  to  take!  

• His  gid  is  everlas5ng  life.  

• He  wants  us  to  receive  it.  

• The  problem  is  that  this  gid  is  invisible,  but  is  very  real.  

Page 40: God's Greatest Gift

How  do  we  receive  this  invisible  gid  from  God?    

• Repentance  Toward  God!  

• FAITH  in  Jesus  Christ!  

Page 41: God's Greatest Gift

Repentance  means  to  CHANGE!  

 It  may  be  a  change  in  direc5on  or  in  mind  or  


Page 42: God's Greatest Gift

So  Repentance  Means:  

• To  be  sorry  for  our  sin,  but  it  is  more...  

• It  means  to  be  sorry  and  to  tell  God  you  are  sorry  for  your  sins,  but  it  s5ll  means  more…  

• It  means  to  say  we  are  sorry  and  to  turn  toward  God  and  start  living  to  please  Him!  

Page 43: God's Greatest Gift

SO  .  .  .WHAT  IS  FAITH?  

• Faith  is  res5ng  on  God’s  promise.      • (Like  simng  on  a  chair)  

• Faith  is  taking  God  at  His  Word.  • (Like  jumping  into  a  Fireman’s  net)  

• Faith  is  trus5ng  God  to  do  what  He  said.  

Page 44: God's Greatest Gift

 The  Bible  Says:  

• 8  For  by  grace  you  have  been  saved  through  faith,  and  that  not  of  yourselves;  it  is  the  gid  

of  God,  

• 9  not  of  works,  lest  anyone  should  boast.            Eph  2:8-­‐10        NKJV  

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God  offers  us  salva5on    As  a  free  Gid!      

• We  receive  this  gid  by  repentance  toward  God  for  our  sins  .  .  .  

• .  .  .and  faith  in  Jesus  Christ  as  our  Savior.      

Page 46: God's Greatest Gift


Salva5on  Needed  -­‐  Because  of  Sin  Salva5on  Provided  -­‐  Jesus  Christ  Salva5on  Offered  -­‐  A  Free  Gid  

Salva5on  Accepted  

Page 47: God's Greatest Gift

The  Ques5on  of  the  Day    

Do  you  want  God’s  gid  of  salva5on?  

Page 48: God's Greatest Gift

Naan  Naanahave…….  

Page 49: God's Greatest Gift

How  do  we  accept  God’s  gid  through  repentance  and  


 We  do  it  through  prayer.      

Page 50: God's Greatest Gift

What  is  prayer?  

• Prayer  is  talking  to  God.  • Prayer  is  telling  God      

• how  we  feel…  • what  we  believe…  • what  we  need…  • what  we  want.  

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Through  Prayer  we  express  our  faith  to  God  and  call  on  Him.  

       For  "whoever  calls  on  the  name  of  the  LORD  shall  be  saved.”                Rom  10:13      NKJV  

Page 52: God's Greatest Gift

The  Bible  Says:  

       For  God  so  loved  the  world  that  He  gave  His  only  begoYen  Son,  that  

whoever  believes  in  Him  should  not  perish  but  have  everlas5ng  life.      

John  3:16  

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•   For  God  did  not  send  His  Son  into  the  world  to  condemn  the  world,  but  that  the  

world  through  Him  might  be  saved.      John  3:17  

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 "He  who  believes  in  Him  is  not  

condemned;  but  he  who  does  not  believe  is  condemned  already,  because  he  has  not  believed  in  the  name  of  the  only  begoYen  

Son  of  God.  John  3:19  

Page 55: God's Greatest Gift

         Does  this  make  sense  to  You?  • Have  you  sinned?  

• Do  you  believe  Jesus  Died  for  your  sin?  

• Do  you  believe  you  need  to  be  saved.    •     • Do  you  want  to  receive  His  gid  of  salva5on?  

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Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  The Bridge to Salvation

Page 57: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  


The Bridge

Copyright @ Vic Rader 2003

Man has a problem…

Page 58: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  

Man God

The Bridge of Salvation

Copyright @ Vic Rader 2003

He is separated from God

Page 59: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  

Man God


The Bridge

Copyright @ Vic Rader 2003

Sin has separated every person from God

Page 60: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  

Man God

Sin Death

The Bridge

Copyright @ Vic Rader 2003

Sin brought Death to mankind

Page 61: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  

Man God

Sin Death Hell

The Bridge

Copyright @ Vic Rader 2003

If we die on the wrong side we go to Hell

Page 62: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  

Man God

Sin Death Hell

The Bridge

Copyright @ Vic Rader 2003

We think we can jump the gap by our Good Works

Page 63: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  

Man God

Sin Death Hell

The Bridge

Copyright @ Vic Rader 2003

Even though some do more Good Works than others...

Page 64: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  

Man God

Sin Death Hell

The Bridge

Copyright @ Vic Rader 2003

Everyone’s Good Works fall short

Good Works (Fall Short)

Page 65: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  

Man God

Sin Death Hell

Good Works (Fall Short)

The Bridge Diagram

Copyright @ Vic Rader 2003

We need help to cross over the gap…

Page 66: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  

Man God

Sin Death Hell

Good Works (Fall Short)

John 14:6

The Bridge

Copyright @ Vic Rader 2003

God Himself has provided a Bridge

Page 67: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  

Man God

Sin Death Hell

Good Works (Fall Short)

John 14:6

The Bridge

Copyright @ Vic Rader 2003

Jesus Christ is God’s only bridge!

…no one comes to the Father except

through me.

Page 68: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  

Man God

Sin Death Hell

Good Works (Fall Short)

John 14:6

The Bridge

…no one comes to the Father except

through me.

Copyright @ Vic Rader 2003

Jesus declared Himself to be the ONLY savior

Page 69: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  

Man God

Sin Death Hell

Good Works (Fall Short)

John 14:6

The Bridge

Jesus Christ

…no one comes to the Father except

through me.

Copyright @ Vic Rader 2003

His death on the cross became the Bridge to God

Page 70: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  

Man God

Sin Death Hell

Good Works (Fall Short)

John 14:6

The Bridge

Jesus Christ

…no one comes to the Father except

through me.

Copyright @ Vic Rader 2003

Jesus loves you and wants you to Cross Over

Page 71: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  

Man God

Sin Death Hell

Good Works (Fall Short)

John 14:6

The Bridge

Jesus Christ

…no one comes to the Father except

through me.

Would you like to cross over to God’s side?

Copyright @ Vic Rader 2003

Page 72: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  

Man God

Sin Death Hell

Good Works (Fall Short)

John 14:6

The Bridge

Jesus Christ

…no one comes to the Father except

through me.

Copyright @ Vic Rader 2003

Would you like to Start a New Life on God’s side?

Page 73: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  

Man God

Sin Death Hell

Good Works (Fall Short)

John 14:6

The Prayer To Cross Over

Jesus Christ

…no one comes to the Father except

through me.

Copyright @ Vic Rader 2003

Pray - “Lord Jesus, I am a sinner and I am sorry for my sins.”

Page 74: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  

Man God

Sin Death Hell

Good Works (Fall Short)

John 14:6

The Prayer To Cross Over

Jesus Christ

…no one comes to the Father except

through me.

Copyright @ Vic Rader 2003

“I believe you are God’s Savior sent to the World.”

Page 75: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  

Man God

Sin Death Hell

Good Works (Fall Short)

John 14:6

The Prayer To Cross Over

Jesus Christ

…no one comes to the Father except

through me.

Copyright @ Vic Rader 2003

“I believe you died for my sins and rose again from the dead.”

Page 76: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  

Man God

Sin Death Hell

Good Works (Fall Short)

John 14:6

The Prayer To Cross Over

Jesus Christ

…no one comes to the Father except

through me.

Copyright @ Vic Rader 2003

“I confess my sins to you.”

Page 77: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  

Man God

Sin Death Hell

Good Works (Fall Short)

John 14:6

The Prayer To Cross Over

Jesus Christ

…no one comes to the Father except

through me.

“And now Lord Jesus, I want to receive you into my heart.”

Page 78: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  

Man God

Sin Death Hell

Good Works (Fall Short)

John 14:6

The Prayer To Cross Over

Jesus Christ

…no one comes to the Father except

through me.

“I am opening my heart and asking you to come in.”

Page 79: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  

Man God

Sin Death Hell

Good Works (Fall Short)

John 14:6

The Prayer To Cross Over

Jesus Christ

…no one comes to the Father except

through me.

“Thank you Jesus, for coming into my life.”

Page 80: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  

Man God

Sin Death Hell

Good Works (Fall Short)

John 14:6

The Prayer To Cross Over

Jesus Christ

…no one comes to the Father except

through me.

“Thank you for giving me Your Power to live a new life.”

Page 81: God's Greatest Gift

Explaining  The  Plan  Of  Salva2on  

Man God

Sin Death Hell

Good Works (Fall Short)

John 14:6

The Prayer To Cross Over

Jesus Christ

…no one comes to the Father except

through me.

If you prayed this prayer, we want to help you get started right.

Page 82: God's Greatest Gift

If  you  have  never  asked  Jesus  to  save  you,  would  like  to  do  that  today?    Just  bow  your  head  and  

say  this  prayer.        

Page 83: God's Greatest Gift

From Salvation!

To Baptism !!!

Page 84: God's Greatest Gift

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Christ too was baptised!

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In those days, the people were eagerly waiting

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and  each  one  wondered    in  his  heart  whether    


John  was  the  Messiah.  

Page 87: God's Greatest Gift

Therefore  John  spoke  and    said  to  all:  


“I  am    bap2sing  you  with  water,    

Page 88: God's Greatest Gift

but  one  migh2er  than  I  is  coming,  

whose  sandals  I  am  

unworthy    of  untying.    

Page 89: God's Greatest Gift

He  will  bap2se  you  with  the  Holy  Spirit  and  fire.    

Page 90: God's Greatest Gift

It  happened  that  aIer  all  the  people  were  bap2sed,  Jesus  

too  was  bap2sed  

Page 91: God's Greatest Gift

And  as  He  prayed,    

the  heavens  opened  and  the  

Holy  Spirit  descended  upon  

Him    in  the  form    of  a  dove.  

Page 92: God's Greatest Gift

And  from  the  heavens  there  came  a  Voice  which  said:      

"You  are  My  Beloved  Son;    in  You  I  am  well  pleased!"  

Page 93: God's Greatest Gift

The Word of God!

Praise be to


Page 94: God's Greatest Gift

What Does Salvation by grace through

faith Have To Do With Baptism

Grace Salvation


Page 95: God's Greatest Gift

Ø  When baptized, Col. 2:9-13 Ø  Ephesian Christians, Acts 19:4-5

When are we saved by grace?

Grace Salvation


Ø  Obey Jesus, Heb. 5:9 Ø  Made alive with Christ, Eph. 2:4-5

When are we made alive with Christ?

Page 96: God's Greatest Gift

What is baptism?

Grace Salvation


Ø  Baptizo to dip, to immerse Ø  Process: immersion / emergence Ø  Acts 8:38-39


#2 #1

Page 97: God's Greatest Gift

What is baptism?

Grace Salvation


Ø  Baptizo to dip, to immerse Ø  Process: immersion / emergence Ø  Acts 8:38-39


#2 #1

Page 98: God's Greatest Gift

What is baptism?

Grace Salvation


Ø  Baptizo to dip, to immerse Ø  Process: immersion / emergence Ø  Acts 8:38-39


#2 #1

Page 99: God's Greatest Gift

What is baptism?

Grace Salvation


Ø  Baptizo to dip, to immerse Ø  Process: immersion / emergence Ø  Acts 8:38-39


#2 #1

Page 100: God's Greatest Gift

What is baptism?

Grace Salvation


Ø  Baptizo to dip, to immerse Ø  Process: immersion / emergence Ø  Acts 8:38-39


#2 #1

Page 101: God's Greatest Gift

What is baptism?

Grace Salvation


Ø  Baptizo to dip, to immerse Ø  Process: immersion / emergence Ø  Acts 8:38-39


#2 #1

Page 102: God's Greatest Gift

Why are we saved by grace when we’re baptized?

Grace Salvation


Ø  Salvation by grace through faith is in Christ Ø  Eph. 2:4-7; Rom. 6:3-5

Christ Baptized into

Page 103: God's Greatest Gift

If you believe this YOU need to be baptized

Grace Salvation


Ø  Salvation by grace through faith is in Christ

Ø  Eph. 2:4-7; Rom. 6:3-5 Christ Baptized


Page 104: God's Greatest Gift

And Finally…………..

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           Our  Heavenly  Father’s  LOVE  LETTER