global warming essay 2

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  • 8/8/2019 Global Warming Essay 2


    Nowadays, our beloved planet, Earth occurs seriously by global warming. Global warming is theprocess of a gradual increase in the earth s atmospheric and ground temperatures throughout theentire planet. Day-to-day activities by humans since the beginning of the industrial era resulted inthe increased emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere, causing atrend of warming in our earth. Because of this global warming occur in our Earth. Here are some of

    the prominent global warming causes, effects, and solutions.

    The causes of global warming are broadly divided into two categories which are natural causes andanthropogenic causes. A natural cause is natural phenomena neither happened in our Earth either inearth crust nor in surrounding around us. As example, when a volcano erupts, a ton of ash is let outinto the atmosphere and traps various hazard gases. Furthermore, the most prominent cause beingman-made pollution by their activities which is called Anthropogenic causes. A large part of thispollution can be attributed to the burning of fossil fuels to combust the engine of vehicles andfactory. Even agriculture contributes to global warming too, owing to the extensive use of fertilizers,and the dung produced by cattle which is another source of methane.

    There are two effects of global warming. The effects of global warming range from a rise in sea levelsto the extinction of certain species of flora and fauna. As the temperature will increase, the ice coveron the planet will start melting. The water from these melting glaciers will end up in the oceans,which will lead to a rise in the sea level and will be drowned the low places in the world. It also willdestroy the rich biodiversity of various ecosystems. Many flora and fauna from the forests will

    extinct because the habitat will sink by water from melting of ice in north and south poles.

    This is three most suitable solutions of global warming. We can use the concept of car pooling by join hands with your colleagues and come together to work which use the highly fuel efficientvehicles. Whenever possible, use a cycle or walk to any nearby destinations. Another way is use thepublic transport such as bus, taxi, and light rail transit. By this way, we can reduce of carbonmonoxide released by the combustion. Plant a tree, it could be in your backyard or you can gatherwith a group of like-minded people and plant one in your neighbourhood. We all know how trees areessential to reduce the effects of global warming. In other hand, use an energy saving light bulb andhighly efficient model appliances to reduce of global warming.

    Global warming is harmful to humans, natures, and animals that will affect our food and watersupplies as well as our health conditions. These global warming facts can help you in realizing howserious the issue is. We have already done enough of damage, and hence it's high time weunderstand the global warming causes, effects and the future repercussions and work out someglobal warming solutions at the earliest. We may not live to face the dreaded consequences of global warming, but if we don't act fast, it will be our future generations who will have to bear the

    brunt. That, however, doesn't mean that we don't take any precautionary measures to save planetEarth. So, all human on earth must prevent any activities that can cause global warming!