global nationalism nationalist movements in germany, italy and india

Global Nationalism Nationalist Movements in Germany, Italy and India

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Page 1: Global Nationalism Nationalist Movements in Germany, Italy and India

Global Nationalism

Nationalist Movements in Germany, Italy

and India

Page 2: Global Nationalism Nationalist Movements in Germany, Italy and India

Global NationalismNationalism

Devotion or concern for one’s nation, a movement or desire for national



A person who loves or defends his/her country.

Page 3: Global Nationalism Nationalist Movements in Germany, Italy and India

Global Nationalism

“Germany does not look to Prussia’s liberalism but to her power…The

greatestquestions of the day are not to be

decidedby speeches and majority

resolutions thatwas the mistake of 1848 and 1849-

but byblood and iron.”

--Otto von Bismark

Page 4: Global Nationalism Nationalist Movements in Germany, Italy and India

Global NationalismOtto von Bismarck

--He was a Prussian--ultra-conservative

landowning noble--He enters politics

in 1847--He becomes

minister president and imperial

Chancellor from 1862-1890

Page 5: Global Nationalism Nationalist Movements in Germany, Italy and India

Global NationalismBismarck followed the policy of

RealpolitikWhich translates to Realistic politics,


Politics based on the needs of the state.

Power is more important than principle

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Global NationalismBismarck’s Realpolitik Policies

Strengthening Prussia’s militaryAnd

Confrontation (Wars) as a means to an end

What was that end?

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Global NationalismAustro-Prussian War-Seven Weeks

War 1866

Prussia rules Schleswig

Austria rules Holstein

Prussia wins which demonstrates theirpower and military strength.

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Global NationalismSchleswig-Holstein

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Global NationalismZollverein

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Global NationalismFranco-Prussian War 1870

BeginningsQueen Isabella of Spain abdicates

her throne in 1868. A junior member of the Hohenzollern dynasty was approached as a

possible successor.

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Global NationalismFranco-Prussian War 1870

FranceFears this arrangement that a

German prince would become the next king of Spain. Napoleon III demands that King Wilhelm I of

Prussia dismiss this idea.

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Global NationalismEms Telegram

Sent by Heinrich Abken of the German Foreign Office under the instructions of

King Wilhelm I to Bismarck.

Bismarck makes alterations to the telegram to have people believe that insults were


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Global NationalismWhy?

France’s opposition to the Hohenzollern candidate was humiliating to Prussia.

Bismarck releases the altered telegram to the newspapers. The perception was that

France was viewed as the attacking power.

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Global NationalismResults

--France declares war on Prussia July 19, 1870

--Southern German states joined Northern states

--France defeated within two months

--January 1871, Palace of Versailles Hall Mirrors Wilhelm crowned Kaiser (Caesar—emperor) of

Second German Empire.

--France had to pay 5 billion francs in indemnity payment and loses Alsace and Lorraine.

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Global NationalismVideo

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Global NationalismItalian Unification

After the C.O.V.


North South

Controlled by Austria

Controlled by the French

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Global NationalismItalian Unification

Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-


--Founded Young Italy a

nationalist society

--By 1849, he set up a

revolutionary republic

in Rome.

--Known as the Soul of


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Global NationalismThe Revolutions of 1848


Springtime for Nations

Why are we back here again?

The question is what is happening in Italy during this time period?

After 1848, specifically by 1852 Italy is going through a Reawakening or


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Global NationalismItalian Unification

Count Camillo Cavour


--This Risorgimento or

Reawakening is led by

Cavour and he begins to

stir anti-Austrian feelings.

--He is appointed Prime

Minister by Victor

Emmanuel II Piedmont


--Known as the Brains of


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Global NationalismGiuseppe Garibaldi (1807-


--worked with Mazzini in

1830, fled to France then

Latin America, why?

--Helped Uruguay gain

independence from


--Returns in 1854, known as

the Sword of Italian


Page 21: Global Nationalism Nationalist Movements in Germany, Italy and India

Global NationalismIndian Nationalism—Sepoy Mutiny

Page 22: Global Nationalism Nationalist Movements in Germany, Italy and India

Global NationalismIndian Nationalism—Sepoy Mutiny


--Vasco da Gama reaches India in 1498

--Portuguese establish a factory at Calicut in the


--1637 Bombay becomes the headquarters for the B.E.I.C. (British East India Company)

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Global NationalismIndian Nationalism—Sepoy Mutiny

Social Order

No Reincarnation

Brahmin—priestly class

Kshatriyas—Rulers and Warriors


Sudras—Workers and servants


UntouchablesOutside of the caste system jobs included tanning leather and collecting


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Global NationalismIndian Nationalism—Sepoy Mutiny

British East India Company

How did they demonstrate their domination over


--Forced Indian states to pay subsidies (gift of

public money to a person or government) to

the B.E.I.C.

--Peasant landowners had to pay taxes. Many

turned to money-lenders who seized their


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Global NationalismSepoy Mutiny


--Hindu troops objected to lower caste soldiers

in their ranks

--Economic policy of the Raj had a bad effect on

Indian families

--Animal grease on the end of the Enfield rifle.

Indian soldiers had to bite off the end of the

cartridges. Hindu and Muslim troops refused.

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Global NationalismSepoy Mutiny

Page 27: Global Nationalism Nationalist Movements in Germany, Italy and India

Global NationalismSepoy Mutiny


--1857 three regiments were disbanded because

of this

--85 sepoys at Meerut imprisoned for

disobeying orders to load their rifles.

--Rebellion fails not enough support from all

groups of Indians

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Global NationalismSepoy Mutiny

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Global NationalismSepoy Mutiny

British Reaction

--Parliament replaces East India Company with

a secretary of state

--By 1858, the position is called Governor

General or Viceroy of India.