glaciers and climate change chapter 13 geology today barbara w. murck brian j. skinner n....

Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley- Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

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Page 1: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glaciers and Climate ChangeGlaciers and Climate Change

Chapter 13

Geology Today

Barbara W. Murck

Brian J. Skinner

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Page 2: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

GlaciersGlaciersGlaciers are permanent bodies of ice (recrystallized snow) that show evidence of movement due to gravity.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999Fig. 14.11, p. 410

Page 3: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Types of GlaciersTypes of GlaciersIce sheets are continent-sized glaciers that overwhelm nearly all the land within their margins.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Antarctica, one of two present-day ice sheets (the other is Greenland)

Page 4: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Types of GlaciersTypes of GlaciersIce caps cover mountain highlands, or low-lying land at high latitudes

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999Ice caps in Iceland (Fig. 14.11, p. 410)


Page 5: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Types of GlaciersTypes of Glaciers

Types of glaciers are determined by their size and location -

Confined to a valley?

Spread over mountain tops?

Cover a continent?

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999Fig. 14.11, p. 410

Page 6: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Types of GlaciersTypes of GlaciersValley glaciers flow down valleys. Pressure of ice at higher elevations pushes them down below snowline.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Denali National Park, Alaska (Fig. 14.11, p. 411)

Page 7: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Types of GlaciersTypes of Glaciers Piedmont glaciers form large lobes where valley glaciers come together and flow onto lowlands.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Gorner Glacier, Swiss Alps (Fig. 14.11, p. 410)

Page 8: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Types of GlaciersTypes of GlaciersFjord glaciers occupy fjords: glacier-carved troughs in bedrock that fill with seawater as the glacier retreats

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999Southwestern Greenland (Fig. 14.11, p. 411)

Page 9: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Types of GlaciersTypes of GlaciersCirque glaciers are confined to cirques: bowl-shaped depressions where snow and ice accumulate on mountains.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Denali National Park, Alaska (Fig. 14.11, p. 410)

Page 10: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

How Glaciers FormHow Glaciers Form

1) Fresh snow is fluffy and porous. The delicate crystal points evaporate; their vapor fills pore spaces.

2) The ice crystals gradually become smaller, rounder, denser.

3) Successive snowfalls bury and compact the ice crystals until they recrystallize into a metamorphic rock - glacier ice

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999Fig. 14.13, p. 413

Page 11: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Alpine or valley glaciers form on high mountains at all latitudes, wherever snow remains all year.

Snow granular ice glacial ice (fused, massive)

Page 12: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacier Budgets Glacier Budgets Positive budget - glacier grows

Negative budget - glacier shrinks

Accumulation zone - snow builds up to form glacier ice at the head

Zone of ablation - snow melts and evaporates at the terminus

Lutgens & Tarbuck; N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 See Fig. 14.14, p. 414

Page 13: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacier will advance if more ice is added to head than is removed at terminus

Glacier will retreat if more ice is removed at terminus than is added at head.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999Fig. 14.14, p. 414

Glacier Budgets Glacier Budgets

Page 14: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacier Movement

Glacier Movement

Ice crystals move by internal creep.

Stress imposed by weight of overlying ice aligns the crystal axes.

Internal cleavage planes slip past each other like a deck of playing cards.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999Fig. 14.15, p. 415

Page 15: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glaciers flow by internal creep at the center, away from the sides.

Flow is slower along sides and base, where they are abrading.

Shallow ice is brittle, it cracks to form crevasses under tensional stress.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Fig. 14.14, p. 414

Glacier Movement

Glacier Movement

Page 16: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Basal sliding, in which the glacier slides along its bed, occurs when meltwater lubricates the base of the glacier.

Basal sliding may be one cause of glacial surges - very rapid advances.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Fig. 14.14, p. 414

Glacier Movement

Glacier Movement

Page 17: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacial LandscapesGlacial Landscapes

The landscapes that result depend on the type of glaciation.

Ice sheets and ice caps override nearly everything in their reach - they smooth out the landscape.

Valley or alpine glaciers carve valleys deeper and wider, and leave sharp ridges and peaks between the valleys.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Page 18: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacial ErosionGlacial Erosion Ice abrades on the upstream side; plucks on the downstream side.

Lutgens & Tarbuck; N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999Ice flow on uneven bedrock surface

Page 19: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacial Erosion Glacial ErosionAbrasion smooths rock surfaces to form glacial polish; scrapes surfaces to make grooves, striations

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999Glacial polish, Sierra Nevada Range, California

Striated cobbles, Peyto Glacier, Alberta

Page 20: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Erosion by Pleistocene ice sheets:

Scooped out Great Lakes

and the Finger Lakes of New York

U.S.G.S., N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Page 21: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Produced the smooth, scoured topography of the Canadian Shield

Erosion by Pleistocene ice sheets:

U.S.G.S., N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Page 22: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacial ErosionGlacial Erosion Landscapes shaped by valley glaciers

= Alpine glaciers

Houghton-Mifflin, 1998; N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

V shape

U shape

CirqueHorn TarnArete

Hanging Valley

U shape

Steep, straight valley walls

Page 23: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska



Crevasse zone




U.S.G.S., N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Page 24: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacial ErosionGlacial Erosion Alpine glaciation is signaled by:

glacial horns and aretes

glacial grooves and striations

U-shaped valleys

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Pilot Peak, WY/MT

The Matterhorn, Switzerland

Page 25: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

U-shaped valleys carved by glaciers have broad, flat floors and steep walls.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Glacial ErosionGlacial Erosion

Beartooth Range, Montana

Page 26: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacial ErosionGlacial ErosionYosemite Valley was carved by a glacier. The famous waterfalls are streams that flow down hanging valleys and fall to the valley floor.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Yosemite National Park, California

Page 27: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacial erosion may indicate flow direction

Striations -- parallel grooves and scratches gouged into bedrock by rock fragments embedded in the glacier

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Page 28: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Roche moutonee -a glacially carved rock knob that is smooth on the upstream side, steep and rough on

the downstream side.

Ice Flow

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Page 29: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacial DepositsGlacial Deposits

The stone walls of New England, immortalized by poet Robert Frost, were built by European settlers clearing glacial boulders from their fields. (The surface layer is till with little or no soil.)

Mt. Chocorua, White Mountains, NHN. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

“Stone walls do not good neighbors make...”

Page 30: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacial DepositsGlacial DepositsTill - a heterogeneous mixture of

crushed rock deposited by a glacier.

Poorly sorted: boulders, cobbles, pebbles, sand, silt, rock flour

No layering; may be angular or rounded; striated or grooved.

Deposited far from source; may rest on striated surface.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Pavement outcrop and till, central Maine

Page 31: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacial DepositsGlacial DepositsMoraines - ridges or piles of debris deposited along glacier edges.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Lateral moraine

Terminal moraine


Medial moraine

Page 32: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacial DepositsGlacial

DepositsTerminal moraines form at the ends of glaciers as they retreat.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Terminal moraine left behind by retreat of Lobuche Glacier

(Fig. 14.17D, p. 418)

Lateral moraine

Page 33: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacial DepositsGlacial


Lateral moraines are deposited along the sides of valley glaciers.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Grand Plateau Glacier, St. Elias Mts., Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska (Fig. 14.17, p. 418)

Page 34: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacial DepositsGlacial


Lateral moraines are deposited along the sides of valley glaciers.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Grand Plateau Glacier, St. Elias Mts., Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska (Fig. 14.17, p. 418)

Page 35: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacial DepositsGlacial


Medial moraines form where two valley glaciers merge, joining their lateral moraines into a stripe of debris in the middle of the glacier.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Grand Plateau Glacier, St. Elias Mts., Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska (Fig. 14.17, p. 418)

Page 36: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacial DepositsGlacial


Medial moraines form where two valley glaciers merge, joining their lateral moraines into a stripe of debris in the middle of the glacier.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Grand Plateau Glacier, St. Elias Mts., Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska (Fig. 14.17, p. 418)

Page 37: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacial DepositsGlacial DepositsBesides moraines, retreating glaciers leave behind kames and kettles, drumlins, eskers, outwash plains

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999


DrumlinOutwash Plain


Braided stream

Page 38: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacial DepositsGlacial


N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Drumlin - streamlined, elongate hill of glacially deposited sediment, parallel to ice flow. Blunt end is upstream, tapered end points in direction of ice flow.

Drumlin field, Alaska

Page 39: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacial DepositsGlacial DepositsEsker - ridge of sand and gravel deposited by a subglacial stream.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Kettle-Moraine State Park, Wisconsin (Fig. 14.17B, p. 418)

Page 40: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacial erratics, isolated boulders deposited by glaciers, are different than the underlying bedrock.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Glacial DepositsGlacial Deposits

Denali National Park, Alaska (Fig. 14.17 A, p. 418)

Page 41: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Kame and kettle topography, Alaska

Kame - mound of stratified drift deposited by water under or within glacial ice

Kettle - depression formed when a buried ice block melted after the glacier retreatedU.S.G.S.; N. Lindsley-

Griffin, 1999

Page 42: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacial DepositsGlacial Deposits

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Glacial Outwash - stratified sediments deposited by pools or streams of glacial meltwater.

Sorted by size; layered. Look like other alluvial or lacustrine deposits

Glacial outwash, Vermont

Page 43: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacial Deposits Glacial Deposits

Varves tend to form in glacial meltwater lakes with seasonal fluctuations in sediment supply and wintertime freezing.

Each varve consists of: one light sand-silt layer (deposited in summer when streams are active)

one dark clay layer (deposited in winter when lake is frozen and quiet)

1 varve = 1 year

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Page 44: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacial DepositsGlacial Deposits

Glacial outbursts occur when an active volcano erupts under an ice cap or sheet.

Lava melts ice, meltwater forms large pool under ice cap.

Explosive eruption of volcano splits glacier open, releases water in a catastrophic flood.

Vatnajokull volcano, Iceland - 1996 (Frontispiece p. 397)

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Page 45: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Periglacial LandformsPeriglacial LandformsIce wedges form in regions of permafrost when surface meltwater seeps into open cracks in the ground and freezes.

Wedges grow wider each season as more meltwater flows in during the summer and freezes in winter.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Fig. 14.18, p. 420

Page 46: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Periglacial LandformsPeriglacial Landforms

Individual ice wedges join together to form polygonal patterns.

After hundreds of seasons patterned ground results.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Patterned ground, Alaska

(Fig. 14.18, p. 420)

Page 47: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Pluvial lakes are formed by increased rainfall in outlying regions adjoining large ice sheets.

In the Western U.S., during the cooler and wetter climate of the late Pleistocene, Lake Bonneville and Lake Lahontan were the two largest pluvial lakes.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999; Lutgens & Tarbuck, J.R. Griffin , 1999

Periglacial LandformsPeriglacial Landforms

Page 48: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Periglacial LandformsPeriglacial Landforms

Lake terraces (wave-cut benches) formed by wave action when Lake Lahontan was at high water levels during the Pleistocene.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999Pluvial lake terraces, Nevada

Page 49: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Three major factors: Tectonic plate motion

Long term cyclical variations in solar

radiation (Milankovitch cycles)

Changes in Earth’s atmosphere

Causes of Climate Change

Causes of Climate Change

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Page 50: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Houghton Mifflin 1998; N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Plate motions: Continents at high latitudes favor growth of ice sheets :

Ice sheets on Gondwana when located overSouth Pole 276 m.y.a.

Ice sheets on Eurasiaand North Americaduring Pleistocene

Evidence of Gondwanalandice sheets found onsouthern continents today

Causes of Climate ChangeCauses of Climate Change

Page 51: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Temperatures normally cycle from warm to cold and back again. Glaciation occurs when global temperatures drop a few degrees and remain low long enough for ice sheets to form.

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Fig. 14.19, p. 421

Causes of Climate ChangeCauses of Climate Change

Page 52: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Global Climate ChangeGlobal Climate Change

Astronomic basis for climatic cycles (Milankovich cycles):1) variations in Earth’s orbital distance from the sun, 2) tilt of Earth’s axis varies slightly, 3) Earth’s axis wobbles slowly like a spinning top

All 3 act on different time scales that combine in a complicated way to alter amount of solar energy reaching Earth’s surface

N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Fig. 14.21, p. 425

Page 53: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Lutgens & Tarbuck, J.R. Griffin , 1999

Maximum extent of glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere during the ice age

Pleistocene Ice AgePleistocene Ice Age

Page 54: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

Tarbuck & Lutgens, J.R. Griffin , 1999

North America Coastline during maximum Pleistocene glaciation

Location of coast line if all the present ice sheets melt

Pleistocene Ice AgePleistocene Ice Age

Page 55: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

W. Wayne, J.R. Griffin, N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Northern Midwest

Blue line = Maximum extent of latest period of glaciation (Wisconsin)

Red = Maximum extent of earlier Pleistocene glaciation

Pleistocene Ice AgePleistocene Ice Age

Page 56: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

W. Wayne, J.R. Griffin, N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999

Blue line = Maximum extent of latest period of glaciation (Wisconsin) in Nebraska

Red = Maximum extent of earlier Pleistocene glaciation in Nebraska

Pleistocene Ice AgePleistocene Ice Age

Page 57: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

NE Conservation & Survey, J.R. Griffin , 1999 Light green area -Glaciated area

Page 58: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

In Alaska, loess is forming today

Loess, wind-deposited silt, is common near glaciers because of abundant rock flour

Loess, Indian Cave State Park, NE Thick Pleistocene loess, AK

Page 59: Glaciers and Climate Change Chapter 13 Geology Today Barbara W. Murck Brian J. Skinner N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Mount Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska

NE Conservation & Survey, J.R. Griffin , 1999 Olive green - Area covered by Loess