gk quiz questions for competitive exams

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  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    1. Who among the following enjoys the rank of Cabinet Minister in Union Cabinet?(A) Depty Chairman of !lanning Commission(") #$ge of %preme Cort(C) %e&retary to 'oernment of n$ia(D) !oliti&al A$isor to !MAnswer:  Depty Chairman of !lanning Commission

    *. Who gae the title of +Mahamana, to Ma$an Mohan Malaiya ?(A) "al 'anga$har -ilak (") Da$abhai aroji(C) 'opal /rishna 'okhale (D) Mahatma 'an$hiAnswer:  Mahatma 'an$hi 

    0. -he a&an&y of the offi&e of the !resi$ent mst be fille$ within

    (A) 0 months (") 2 months(C) 1* months (D) 1 monthAnswer:  2 months

    3. n whi&h part of the n$ian Constittion4 the 5n$amental Dties are enshrine$?(A) 6 (") 67A(C) 67" (D) 6Answer: 67A

    8. Who $es&ribe$ the 'oernment of n$ia A&t4 1908 as a new &harter of bon$age?(A) ". :. Ambe$kar (") Mahatma 'an$hi(C) :ajen$ra !rasa$ (D) !t. #awaharlal ehrAnswer:  !t. #awaharlal ehr

    2. Union Cabinet passe$ a :s. ;..8(C) 9 to 9.8 (D) 1< to 1. C$appah ranges lie between(A) 'o$aari an$ #amshe$pr (") !alar an$ /aeri(C) 'o$aari an$ !alkon$a range (D) %atpra an$ Moha$eo7Maikal rangeAnswer:  'o$aari an$ !alkon$a range

    9. Whi&h of the following s&hemes is not lan&he$ by the Ministry of :ral Deelopment4 'ot. of n$ia ?(A) ational @l$ Age !ension %&heme (") ational Maternity "enefit %&heme(C) ational 5amily "enefit %&heme (D) Mi$7Day Meal %&hemeAnswer:  Mi$7Day Meal %&heme


  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    11. -he $istan&e between two &onse&tie longit$es (91B an$ 9* B) at the !oles is(A) < km (") 1> km(C) *8 km (D) 111 kmAnswer: < km

    1*. a&k of atmosphere aron$ the Moon is $e to(A) low es&ape elo&ity of air mole&le an$ low graitational attra&tion.

    (") high es&ape elo&ity of air mole&le an$ low graitational attra&tion.(C) low graitational attra&tion only.(D) high es&ape elo&ity of air mole&le only.Answer:  low graitational attra&tion only. 

    10. Whi&h of the following fa&tors &ase(s) o&ean &rrents?(A) 6arying $ensity of sea water (") 6arying temperatre(C) Win$s (D) All of theseAnswer:  All of these

    13. n the &ontet of their formation4 whi&h of the following types of ro&ks is the most an&ient?(A) gneos (") Metamorphi&(C) !ltoni& (D) %e$imentaryAnswer: gneos

    18. -wo i$enti&al piano wires hae same fn$amental freEen&y when keptn$er the same tension. What will happen if tension of one of the wires is

    slightly in&rease$ an$ both the wires are ma$e to ibrate simltaneosly ?(A) oise (") "eats

    (C) :esonan&e (D) on7linear effe&tsAnswer: "eats

    12. /aFiranga ational !ark is sitate$ in

    (A) @$isha (") 'jarat

    (C) :ajasthan (D) AssamAnswer: Assam

    1;. Who is the athor of the book +f Cri&ket is :eligion4 %a&hin is 'o$, ?(A) 6ijai %anthanam (") %hyam "alasbramaniam

    (C) "oth (A) an$ (") (D) one of the aboe

    Answer:  "oth (A) an$ (")

    1>. Whi&h of the following statements is not &orre&t abot %n$er al

    "ahgna?(A) Ge is an eminent enironmentalist

    (") Ge was awar$e$ !a$ma "hshan in *

  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    19. -he three &ontries4 in serial or$er4 who won the highest nmber of 'ol$me$als in the "eijing @lympi&s 'ames were

    (A) China4 U%A4 :ssia (") China4 U%A4 'ermany

    (C) China4 'ermany4 Astralia (D) China4 'ermany4 U%AAnswer:  China4 U%A4 :ssia


  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    *8. Deman$ for labor is

    (A) Composite $eman$ (") Competitie $eman$(C) Derie$ $eman$ (D) #oint $eman$

    Answer:  Derie$ $eman$

    1. Bternality theory is the basi& theory of the following bran&h of B&onomi&s(A) Ma&ro B&onomi&s (") Bnironomi&s(C) 5is&al B&onomi&s (D) nternational B&onomi&s

    Answer:  nternational B&onomi&s

    *. Diamon$s are pri&e$ higher than water be&ase(A) &onsmers $o not by them at lower pri&es.

    (") they are sol$ by sele&te$ firms with monopolisti& powers.(C) their marginal tility to byers is higher than that of water.

    (D) their total tility to byers is higher than that of wafer.Answer:  their marginal tility to byers is higher than that of water.


    0. -ransbon$ary polltion (or) A&i$ rain is &ase$ by(A) itrogen oi$e an$ slphr $ioi$e (") Carbon monoi$e

    (C) Carbon $ioi$e (D) Gy$ro&arbonAnswer:  itrogen oi$e an$ slphr $ioi$e

    3. I5n&tional 5inan&eJ is asso&iate$ with

    (A) Abba +!, erner (") A$olph Wogner(C) A$am %mith (D) A$ams

    Answer:  Abba +!, erner

    8. @f the following lan$ ses4 whi&h is restri&te$ to %pe&ial B&onomi& Kones?(A) nformation -e&hnology Companies (") B$&ational nstittions

    (C) 5ree -ra$e Centres (D) Marketing Centres

    Answer:  5ree -ra$e Centres

    2. Who amongst the following has been appointe$ as the new &oa&h of the

    n$ian Cri&ket team for a perio$ of two years?(A) %tart aw (") Allan "or$er

    (C) 'ary /irsten (D) Dn&an 5let&herSee Answer:


  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    ;. Whi&h of the following $oes not hae an inflen&e oer the &limate inn$ia ?

    (A) Monsoons (") @&ean &rrents

    (C) earness to eEator (D) !resen&e of n$ian @&eanAnswer:  @&ean &rrents

    >. /. "ala&han$er4 who was awar$e$ the prestigios Da$a %aheb !halke Awar$7*

  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    10. Whi&h one of the following is not a lan$lo&ke$ &ontry in Afri&a ?(A) "otswana (") Kambia

    (C) esotho (D) igeria

    Answer: igeria

    13. -he imaginary line on the Barth,s srfa&e that &losely follows the 1>. IDeshban$hJ is the title of

    (A) ". :. Ambe$kar (") C. :. Das(C) ". C. !al (D) :abin$ranath -agore

    Answer:  C. :. Das

    19. -he n$ian folk $an&e ICherawJ is also known as the(A) "amboo $an&e of MiForam. (") "atkamma $an&e of An$hra !ra$esh

    (C) "ih $an&e of Assam. (D) 'arba $an&e of 'jarat.Answer:  "amboo $an&e of MiForam. 


  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams



  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    *. Who was the other Congress lea$er who joine$ with Motilal ehr to start

    the %waraj !arty in 19*0 ?(A) '. /. 'okhale (") ". '. -ilak

    (C) Chittaranjan Das (D) M. /. 'an$hi

    Answer:  Chittaranjan Das

    0. What is the first sermon of "$$ha &alle$ as ?(A) Mahapariniranstta (") "rahmajalastta

    (C) Dhamma&hakkapabattanastta (D) /a&h&hayanagottasttaAnswer:  Dhamma&hakkapabattanastta

    3. 5rom whi&h of the following banks $i$ Ma$an Mohan Malaiya take loans

    for finan&ing I-he Gin$stan -imesJ ?(A) %tate "ank of n$ia (") !njab ational "ank

    (C) "ank of Maharashtra (D) "ank of "aro$a

    Answer:  !njab ational "ank

    8. Who wrote the book IWhy %o&ialismJ ?

    (A) #ayaprakash arayan (") Mahatma 'an$hi(C) A&harya aren$ra De (D) M .. :oy

    Answer:  #ayaprakash arayan

    2. An online $is&ssion grop that allows $ire&t IlieJ &ommni&ation is knownas

    (A) Web&rawler (") &hat grop(C) regional seri&e proi$er (D) hyperlink

    Answer:  &hat grop

    ;. Whi&h of the following is a program that ses a ariety of $ifferentapproa&hes to i$entify an$ eliminate spam ?

    (A) Dire&tory sear&h (") Anti7spam program(C) Web serer (D) Web storefront &reation pa&kage

    Answer:  Anti7spam program

    >. Conne&tion or link to other $o&ments or Web !ages that &ontain relate$information is &alle$

    (A) $ial7p (") ele&troni& &ommer&e


  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    (C) hyperlink (D) e7&ash

    Answer:  hyperlink

    9. Whi&h of the following is a programming langage for &reating spe&ial

    programs like applets ?(A) #aa (") &able

    (C) $omain name (D) et

    Answer: #aa7 %ee more atO


    1. Who was the 6i&eroy at the time of Nit n$ia Moement?(A) or$ rwin (") or$ Montbatten

    (C) or$ Waell (D) or$ inlithgowAnswer:  or$ inlithgow

    *. Who was the other Congress lea$er who joine$ with Motilal ehr to

    start the %waraj !arty in 19*0 ?(A) '. /. 'okhale (") ". '. -ilak(C) Chittaranjan Das (D) M. /. 'an$hi

    Answer:  Chittaranjan Das

    0. What is the first sermon of "$$ha &alle$ as ?(A) Mahapariniranstta (") "rahmajalastta(C) Dhamma&hakkapabattanastta (D) /a&h&hayanagottastta

    Answer:  Dhamma&hakkapabattanastta

    3. 5rom whi&h of the following banks $i$ Ma$an Mohan Malaiya take

    loans for finan&ing I-he Gin$stan -imesJ ?

    (A) %tate "ank of n$ia (") !njab ational "ank(C) "ank of Maharashtra (D) "ank of "aro$aAnswer:  !njab ational "ank

    8. Who wrote the book IWhy %o&ialismJ ?

    (A) #ayaprakash arayan (") Mahatma 'an$hi(C) A&harya aren$ra De (D) M .. :oy


  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    Answer:  #ayaprakash arayan

    2. An online $is&ssion grop that allows $ire&t IlieJ &ommni&ation is

    known as

    (A) Web&rawler (") &hat grop(C) regional seri&e proi$er (D) hyperlink

    Answer:  &hat grop

    ;. Whi&h of the following is a program that ses a ariety of $ifferent

    approa&hes to i$entify an$ eliminate spam ?(A) Dire&tory sear&h (") Anti7spam program

    (C) Web serer (D) Web storefront &reation pa&kageAnswer:  Anti7spam program

    >. Conne&tion or link to other $o&ments or Web !ages that &ontain

    relate$ information is &alle$(A) $ial7p (") ele&troni& &ommer&e

    (C) hyperlink (D) e7&ashAnswer:  hyperlink

    9. Whi&h of the following is a programming langage for &reating spe&ialprograms like applets ?(A) #aa (") &able

    (C) $omain name (D) et

    Answer: #aa


  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    (C) Gy$rogen &yani$e (D) Carbon monoi$e

    Answer:  Mstar$ gas

    1*. -he basis of Bropean Union began with the signing of

    (A) Maastri&ht -reaty (") -reaty of !aris(C) -reaty of :ome (D) -reaty of isbon

    Answer:  Maastri&ht -reaty

    10. ational in&ome ignores

    (A) sales of a firm. (") salary of employees.(C) eports of the - se&tor. (D) sale of lan$.

    Answer:  sale of lan$. 

    13. What are '. arborem4 '. herba&em4 '. hirstm an$ '.barba$ense4 whose all the for spe&ies are &ltiate$ in n$ia ? (' R

    'ossypim)(A) %pe&ies of wool (") %pe&ies of &otton

    (C) %pe&ies of silk (D) %pe&ies of jteAnswer:  %pe&ies of &otton

    18. -he soil forme$ by win$ $st in an$ aron$ hot $eserts is &alle$(A) silty soil (") loamy soil(C) san$y soil (D) loess soil

    Answer:  loess soil 

    12. Who was &hosen nanimosly as the !resi$ent of n$ia ?(A) /. :. arayanan (") Dr. A.!.#. Ab$l /alam

    (C) Dr. %. :a$hakrishnan (D) eelam %anjia :e$$yAnswer:  eelam %anjia :e$$y

    1;. -he Constittion of n$ia was passe$ by the Constitent Assembly


    (A) *2th oember4 1939 (") *2th #anary4 1939(C) 1;th @&tober4 1939 (D) 13th oember4 1939Answer:  *2th oember4 1939

    1>. -he power to $e&i$e an ele&tion petition is este$ in the(A) Gigh Cort (") Ble&tion Commission


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    (C) !arliament (D) %preme Cort

    Answer:  Gigh Cort 

    19. -he 1>8; Mtiny faile$ mainly be&ase

    (A) of la&k of planning an$ lea$ership (") it was prematre(C) the "ritish got 5ren&h spport (D) the "ritish nmbere$ more.

    Answer:  of la&k of planning an$ lea$ership


  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    Answer:  18*2 A.D.  7 %ee more atO

    httpOLL&rrentgk.&omLgkLEiFLgkPEiFPEB.$pf 2. 1. Mlti7prpose rier alley proje&ts are the Iew temples of mo$ern


    -he aboe statement is ma$e by(A) #awaharlal ehr (") Motilal ehr(C) Mahatma 'an$hi (D) :aji 'an$hi

    Answer:  #awaharlal ehr

    *. Where are the -o$as fon$?(A) Ma$hya !ra$esh (") -amil a$

    (C) :ajasthan (D) Arna&hal !ra$esh

    Answer:  -amil a$

    0. -he eastwar$ &ontination of the "raFil &rrent is &alle$(A) orth Atlanti& $rift (") %oth Atlanti& $rift

    (C) Conter BEatorial $rift (D) West Atlanti& $rift

    Answer:  %oth Atlanti& $rift 

    3. Whi&h of the following is an en$emi& spe&ies?

    (A) i&obar pigeon (") Gorn bill

    (C) n$ian :hino (D) !ink7hea$ $&kAnswer:  i&obar pigeon

    8. -he natral $isaster in whi&h &arbon7$ioi$e s$$enly erpts from a$eep lake water is known as

    (A) imini& (") a&astrine(C) 5lial (D) 'la&ial

    Answer: imini&

    2. %ystem software(A) allows the ser to $iagnose an$ trobleshoot the $ei&e (") is a

    programming langage(C) is part of a pro$&tiity site (D) helps the &ompter manage internal

    tesor&esAnswer:  helps the &ompter manage internal tesor&es


  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    ;. Compter an$ &ommni&ation te&hnologies4 s&h as &ommni&ation

    links to the nternet that proi$e help an$ n$erstan$ing to the en$ seris known as

    (A) presentation file (") information te&hnology

    (C) program (D) worksheet fileAnswer:  information te&hnology

    >. Whi&h of the following is &ontaine$ on &hips &onne&te$ to the systemboar$ an$ is a hol$ing area for $ata instr&tions an$ information ?

    (pro&esse$ $ata waiting to be otpt to se&on$ary storage)(A) program (") mose

    (C) nternet (D) memoryAnswer:  memory


  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    13. Whi&h one of the following is the type of the Comoros slan$s whi&hlie in the n$ian @&ean between orthern Ma$agas&ar an$ the Afri&an

    Coast ?

    (A) 6ol&ani& (") 'la&ial ero$e$(C) Bolian $eposite$ (D) 5ol$e$

    Answer:  6ol&ani&

    18. f news is broa$&ast from on$on at 1

  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    (") %haring of its reene by Central 'oernment with %tates

    (C) %ale an$ pr&hase of se&rities by :"(D) 'oernment taes4 epen$itre an$ borrowings

    Answer:  'oernment taes4 epen$itre an$ borrowings

    *1. Who is the e7offi&io Chairman of :ajya %abha ?

    (A) ea$er of @pposition (") Minister of !arliamentary Affairs(C) !resi$ent (D) 6i&e7!resi$ent

    Answer:  6i&e7!resi$ent 

    **. A&&or$ing to the Constittion4 whi&h 5n$ will be n$er the &ontrol

    of the !resi$ent of n$ia?(A) Contingen&y 5n$ of n$ia (") !bli& !roi$ent 5n$

    (C) Consoli$ate$ 5n$ of n$ia (D) %tate,s Consoli$ate$ 5n$ of n$iaAnswer:  Contingen&y 5n$ of n$ia

    *0. Who is &hosen by the members of :ajya %abha ?

    (A) !resi$ent (") 6i&e7!resi$ent(C) Chairperson (D) Depty Chairman

    Answer:  Depty Chairman

    *3. -he bon$ary line between n$ia an$ China is &alle$(A) M&Mahon ine (") :e$ ine

    (C) :a$&liffe ine (D) Dran$ ine

    Answer:  M&Mahon ine

    *8. 98 of worl$,s $iamon$ reseres are fon$ in

    (A) 'hana (") /imberley(C) #ohannesbrg (D) Kambia

    Answer:  /imberley 7 %ee more atOhttpOLL&rrentgk.&omLgkLEiFLgkPEiFPEBHp

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    (C) 5ish %tar&h an$ 6itamin (D) Milk 5ibre an$ Mineral

    Answer:  Bgg yolk !rotein an$ 5at 

    0. "loo$ is a

    (A) repro$&tie tisse (") &onne&tie tisse(C) epithelial tisse (D) ms&lar tisse

    Answer:  &onne&tie tisse

    3. D!- a&&ine is a$ministere$ to preent $iseases like(A) Diphtheria4 !ertssis an$ -yphoi$ (") Diphtheria4 !ertssis an$-etans

    (C) Denge4 !ertssis an$ -yphoi$ (D) Denge4 !olio an$ -etans

    Answer:  Diphtheria4 !ertssis an$ -etans

    8. -he $isease that has been era$i&ate$ from the worl$ is(A) %mallpo (") eprosy

    (C) !oliomyelitis (D) Chi&kenpoAnswer:  %mallpo

    2. -he main &ir&it7boar$ of the system nit is the

    (A) &ompter program (") &ontrol nit

    (C) motherboar$ (D) :AMAnswer:  motherboar$

    ;. Whi&h of the following is billionth of a se&on$?(A) 'igabyte (") -erabyte(C) anose&on$ (D) Mi&rose&on$

    Answer:  anose&on$

    >. @nline Marketing is the fn&tion of whi&h of the following ?

    (A) !r&hase %e&tion (") !ro$&tion Department(C) .-. Department (D) A &olle&tie fn&tion of all staff

    Answer:  A &olle&tie fn&tion of all staff  

    9. Cstomisation is sefl for(A) Designing &stomer spe&ifi& pro$&ts (") Call &entres

    (C) !bli&ity (D) Motiating the staff 


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    Answer:  Designing &stomer spe&ifi& pro$&ts

    18; was not spporte$ by the iFam of Gy$eraba$

    (") Dinaban$h Mitra was the athor of the book4 Unhappy n$ia(C) -he %in$hias of 'walior gae shelter to the :ani of #hansi

    (D) Mangal !an$ey le$ the %epoys Mar&h to DelhiAnswer:  -he :eolt of 1>8; was not spporte$ by the iFam of


    13. Who among the following 'oernors7'eneral forme$ the -riple

     Allian&e against -ip %ltan ?(A) Warren Gastings (") or$ Cornwallis(C) or$ Wellesley (D) or$ William "entin&k

    Answer:  or$ Cornwallis

    18. -he lo&al time at a pla&e is 2 A.M. when the '.M.-. is 0 A.M. What is


  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    the longit$e of that pla&e ?

    (A) 38 $egrees B (") 38 $egrees W(C) 1*< $egrees B (D) 1*< $egrees W

    Answer:  38 $egrees B

    18. !bli& opinion gets an athoritatie epression in a $emo&ra&y

    throgh(A) !ressre grops (") !bli& meetings(C) ewspapers (D) !arliament

    Answer:  !arliament 

    12. Whi&h one of the following is not a $etermining fa&tor of a &ontrySsforeign poli&y ?

    (A) Cltral &on$itions (") :eligios &on$itions(C) ational interests (D) nter$epen$en&e

    Answer:  nter$epen$en&e

    1;. What is the epansion of the term WA in &ompter terminology?(A) Wi$e Area etwork (") Wi$e Angle etwork

    (C) Wor$ Appli&ation etwork (D) Wor$ Appli&ation o$eAnswer:  Wi$e Area etwork

    1>. -i$es in the sea hae store$ in them

    (A) 'raitational potential energy (") A &ombination of all the threeforms of energy

    (C) Gy$rali& energy (D) /ineti& energy

    Answer:  /ineti& energy

    19. Deliery of $eelope$ foets is s&ientifi&ally &alle$ as

    (A) Abortion (") @lation(C) !artrition (D) @iposition

    Answer:  !artrition


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    *1. -he most $angeros &onseEen&e of e&essie $eforestation is

    (A) $estr&tion of wil$ animal habitats (") soil erosion(C) loss of forest wealth (D) loss of many alable plants

    Answer:  soil erosion

    **. I'reen hose effe&tJ means

    (A) -rapping of solar energy $e to atmospheri& &arbon $ioi$e(") !reention of ltra7iolet ra$iations by oFone layer(C) !olltion in hoses in tropi&al region

    (D) one of these

    Answer:  -rapping of solar energy $e to atmospheri& &arbon $ioi$e

    *0. -he most stable e&o7system is

    (A) Desert (") @&ean(C) 5orest (D) Montain

    Answer: @&ean

    *3. An i$eal eample of sstainable resor&e is(A) Afforestation (") 5arming

    (C) :eforestation (D) AgroforestationAnswer:  Agroforestation

    *8. What is the re&ent sor&e of polltion of n$ergron$ water?

    (A) -hermal !ower %tations (") "iogas !lants(C) %ewage (D) an$fills

    Answer:  an$fills 7 %ee more atOhttpOLL&rrentgk.&omLgkLEiFLgkPEiFPE

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    0. %teel is more elasti& than rbber be&ase it(A) is har$er than rbber (") reEires larger $eforming for&e

    (C) is neer $eforme$ (D) is $eforme$ ery easily

    Answer:  reEires larger $eforming for&e

    3. Commni&ation satellites are se$ to(A) transmit &ommni&ation signal only(") re&eie &ommni&ation signal only

    (C) re&eie an$ re$ire&t &ommni&ation signal(D) proi$e information of natral resor&es only

    Answer:  re&eie an$ re$ire&t &ommni&ation signal 

    8. What type of information system wol$ be re&ognise$ by $igital&ir&its ?

    (A) Gea$e&imal system (") "inary system(C) "oth hea$e&imal an$ binary system (D) @nly :oman system

    Answer:  "inary system

    2. Bffe&tie %elling %kills $epen$s on(A) %iFe of the sales teams (") Age of the sales teams(C) !eer strength (D) /nowle$ge leel of the sales team

    Answer:  !eer strength

    ;. 'eneration of sales lea$s &an be improe$ by

    (A) "eing ery talkatie (") n&reasing personal an$ professional &onta&ts(C) "eing passie (D) Bngaging :e&oery Agents

    Answer:  n&reasing personal an$ professional &onta&ts

    >. A Market !lan is(A) !erforman&e Appraisal of marketing staff (") Company !rospe&ts

    (C) Do&mente$ marketing strategies (D) "siness targets

    Answer:  Do&mente$ marketing strategies

    9. Marketing &hannels mean

    (A) Deliery obje&ts (") %ales targets(C) Deliery otlets (D) Deliery boys

    Answer:  Deliery otlets


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    (C) %A (D) -%C@

    Answer: %A

    12. -he $igestie ji&e whi&h has no enFyme is

    (A) ntestinal ji&e (") 'astri& #i&e(C) "ile (D) %alia

    Answer: "ile

    1;. An essential featre of see$ germination is the presen&e of

    (A) ight (") -emperatre(C) Minerals (D) Water

    Answer: Water

    1>. !lants that grow on stones an$ ro&ks are(A) !sammophyt&s (") ithophytes

    (C) Galophytes (D) AerophytesAnswer:  ithophytes

    19. Who among the following ma$e the 'anapari festial ery poplar in

    Maharashrra ?(A) Maha$e :ana$e (") "al 'anga$har -ilak(C) 'opal /rishna 'okhale (D) Annie "esant

    Answer:  "al 'anga$har -ilak


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    *0. -he man who le$ the Mtiny in "ihar was(A) :anjit %ingh (") !ratap %ingh

    (C) Amar %ingh (D) /nwar %ingh

    Answer:  /nwar %ingh

    *3. Dring whose reign $i$ Gien -sang isit /an&hipram (the &apital of!allaas) ?(A) Mahen$ra 6arma (") arasimha 6arman

    (C) Mahen$ra 6arma (D) :ajasimha

    Answer:  arasimha 6arman  

    *8. -he %eF Canal &onne&ts the Me$iterranean %ea with the

    (A) Caspian %ea (") !ersian 'lf(C) :e$ %ea (D) "la&k %ea

    Answer:  :e$ %ea 7 %ee more atOhttpOLL&rrentgk.&omLgkLEiFLgkPEiFPE

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    8. Bthanol &ontaining 8 water is known as(A) Absolte al&ohol (") Dilte al&ohol

    (C) !ower al&ohol (D) :e&tifie$ spirit

    Answer:  :e&tifie$ spirit 

    2. %eri&e Marketing is the same as(A) nternet Marketing (") -elemarketing(C) nternal Marketing (D) :elationship Marketing

    Answer:  :elationship Marketing

    ;. Market7$rien strategies in&l$e(A) i$entifying problems

    (") !lanning marketing ta&ti&s of peers(C) !ositioning the organisation an$ its bran$s in the market pla&e

    (D) nternal marketingAnswer:  !ositioning the organisation an$ its bran$s in the market


    >. nnoation in marketing is same as(A) Motiation (") !erspiration(C) Aspiration (D) Creatiity

    Answer:  Creatiity

    9. !ersonal oans &an be &anasse$ among

    (A) %alarie$ persons (") !ensioners(C) 5oreign ationals (D) : &stomers

    Answer:  %alarie$ persons


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    for the first time won the presi$ential ele&tions for the se&on$ term ?

    (A) "raFil (") 6eneFela(C) Urgay (D) Argentina

    Answer:  Argentina

    1*. Whi&h one of the following famos eents is being hel$ in #aipr4

    :ajasthan in #anary eery year sin&e *

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    1>. -he rate of erosion in a stream is lowest where(A) the rier joins the sea (") $epth is greater

    (C) brea$th is greater (D) elo&ity is more

    Answer:  the rier joins the sea

    19. -he name +%ahya$ri, is relate$ to(A) A rain7bearing win$ (") Gimalayan !eak(C) Western 'hats (D) Cy&lone haFar$s

    Answer:  Western 'hats


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    (A) photosynthesis. (") fat metabolism.

    (C) transpiration. (D) respiration.Answer:  photosynthesis.  7 %ee more atO


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    ;. nterest payable on saings bank a&&onts is(A) not reglate$ by :". (") reglate$ by %ate 'oernments.

    (C) reglate$ by Central 'oernment. (D) reglate$ by :".

    Answer:  reglate$ by :". 

    >. Co&hin an$ 6isakhapatnam sea ports of n$ia are sitate$ on the(A) Bast an$ West Coasts4 respe&tiely (") Bast Coast(C) West Coast (D) West an$ Bast Coasts4 respe&tiely

    Answer:  West an$ Bast Coasts4 respe&tiely

    9. What is the main a$antage of transplantation metho$ of sowingri&e?

    (A) t helps in early haresting(") -he $raining of water from the fiel$ before haresting is ma$e easy

    (C) t is helpfl in a&hieing an e&onomi&al se of water an$ a higheryiel$ of grain

    (D) -his metho$ ensres maimm tilisation of lan$Answer:  t is helpfl in a&hieing an e&onomi&al se of water an$ a

    higher yiel$ of grain


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    Answer:  barim is a goo$ absorber of H7rays an$ helps stoma&h to

    appear $early. 

    1*. -he elements of a grop in the perio$i& table

    (A) hae similar &hemi&al properties. (") hae &onse&tie atomi&nmbers.

    (C) are isobars. (D) are isotopes.

    Answer:  hae similar &hemi&al properties. 

    10. Whi&h one of the following polymers is se$ for making blletproofmaterial ?

    (A) !olyinyl &hlori$e (") !olystyrene(C) !olyethylene (D) !olyami$e

    Answer:  !olyethylene

    13. -he pG of hman bloo$ is normally aron$(A) 3.88.8 (") 8.82.8

    (C) ;.8>.< (D) >.89.<Answer: ;.8>.<

    18. -he pG of fresh gron$water slightly $e&reases pon eposre to air be&ase(A) &arbon $ioi$e from air is $issole$ in the water.

    (") oygen from air is $issole$ in the water.(C) the $issole$ &arbon $ioi$e of the gron$water es&apes into air.

    (D) the $issole$ oygen of the gron$water es&apes into air.

    Answer:  &arbon $ioi$e from air is $issole$ in the water. 

    12. Whi&h of the following a&ts as photosensitiFer $ring photosynthesis

    ?(A) Chlorophyll (") Chlorine

    (C) @ygen (D) itrogen

    Answer:  Chlorophyll 

    1;. What happens when blea&hing pow$er is left epose$ to air ?

    (A) t gra$ally loses its oygen (") t gra$ally loses its &hlorine(C) t trns $ark brown in &olor (D) t trns yellow in &olor

    Answer:  t gra$ally loses its &hlorine


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    1>. Arseni& polltion lea$s to(A) Dysleia (") Allergy

    (C) White foot $isease (D) "la&k foot $isease

    Answer: Allergy

    19. Whi&h one of the following $oes not &ontribte to polltion ?(A) Gy$roele&tri& !ower !lant (") Atomi& !ower !lant(C) -hermal !ower !lant (D) &lear !ower !lant

    Answer:  Gy$roele&tri& !ower !lant 


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    Answer:  an operation an$ an a$$ress

    *8. %oftware nee$s to be prote&te$ against

    (A) fire4 floo$4 lightning an$ ro&k sli$es (") nathorise$ a&&ess

    (C) worms an$ irses (D) "oth (") an$ (C)Answer:  "oth (") an$ (C) 7 %ee more atO

    httpOLL&rrentgk.&omLgkLEiFLgkPEiFPE.htmlQsthash.8Aa*%20n.$pf 3. 1. Ang %an % /yi is a natie to

    (A) -ibet (") China(C) Myanmar (D) Arna&hal !ra$esh

    Answer:  Myanmar

    *. n$ia an$ #apan inke$ two agreements $ring oember *

  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    (C) orth /orea (D) -hailan$

    Answer:  -hailan$

    ;. Whi&h of the following is &orre&t statement ?

    (A) ormally no interest is pai$ on &rrent $eposit a&&onts.(") nterest is pai$ on &rrent a&&onts at the same rate as term $eposit

    a&&onts.(C) -he rate of interest on &rrent a&&ont an$ saings a&&ont are thesame.

    (D) o interest is pai$ on any $eposit by the bank.

    Answer:  ormally no interest is pai$ on &rrent $eposit a&&onts. 

    >. -he okaykta of whi&h of the following %tates ha$ sbmitte$ a report

    on illegal mining of iron ore in the %tate?(A) An$hra !ra$esh (") -amil a$

    (C) /arnataka (D) @$ishaAnswer:  /arnataka

    9. %ome of the ro&k7&t temples4 known as the seen pago$as4 were

    bilt by the(A) !allaas (") Cholas(C) :ashtraktas (D) one of these

    Answer:  !allaas


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    (A) U%A (") China

    (C) U/ (D) #apanAnswer: China

    10. Whi&h one of the following is the fastest n$ian %per&ompter$eelope$ by %:@ ?

    (A) Aakash7A1 (") %aga7**<(C) #agar7Cray (D) -ianhe7lA

    Answer:  %aga7**<

    13. n 5ebrary *

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    19. "anking of &res on roa$ or railway tra&k is $one to proi$e

    (A) graitational for&e (") anglar elo&ity(C) &entripetal for&e (D) &entrifgal for&e

    Answer:  &entripetal for&e


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    Answer:  A5BD

    7 %ee more atOhttpOLL&rrentgk.&omLgkLEiFLgkPEiFPE

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    ;. eap ti$es are &ase$ by the graitational pll of the(A) Moon only (") %n only

    (C) Moon an$ the %n in the same $ire&tion (D) Moon an$ the %n in

    opposite $ire&tionsAnswer:  Moon an$ the %n in opposite $ire&tions

    >. Who amongst the following was impea&he$ in Bnglan$ for a&ts&ommitte$ as 'oernor7'eneral of n$ia?

    (A) Wellesley (") Warren Gastings(C) Cornwallis (D) Caen$ish "entin&k

    Answer:  Warren Gastings

    9. #apan won the women,s 5ootball Worl$ Cp *

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    (A) -ereFa 5ajksoa (") %nita Williams

    (C) Chan$a /o&hhar (D) Bllen #ohnson %irleafAnswer:  Bllen #ohnson %irleaf  

    8. Gypothermia o&&rs $e to loss of e&essie heat from bo$y $e tos$$en low bo$y temperatre in

    (A) %nakes (") 5rogs(C) Gman beings (D) iFar$s

    Answer:  Gman beings

    2. Whi&h of the following is not a Millennim 'oal set by the U@?

    (A) Bra$i&ate etreme poerty an$ hnger (") :e$&e &hil$ mortality(C) Bnsre enironmental sstainability (D) Combat terrorism an$ bring

    people in main stream of so&ietyAnswer:  Combat terrorism an$ bring people in main stream of so&iety

    ;. eap ti$es are &ase$ by the graitational pll of the

    (A) Moon only (") %n only(C) Moon an$ the %n in the same $ire&tion (D) Moon an$ the %n in

    opposite $ire&tionsAnswer:  Moon an$ the %n in opposite $ire&tions

    >. Who amongst the following was impea&he$ in Bnglan$ for a&ts

    &ommitte$ as 'oernor7'eneral of n$ia?(A) Wellesley (") Warren Gastings

    (C) Cornwallis (D) Caen$ish "entin&k

    Answer:  Warren Gastings

    9. #apan won the women,s 5ootball Worl$ Cp *

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    (C) 'jarat (D) /arnataka

    Answer:  /arnataka

    11. All of the following riers flow into or join the 'anges on its left si$e4

    e&ept(A) 'omti (") %on

    (C) 'an$ak (D) /osi

    Answer: %on

    1*. Whi&h of the following riers $oes not originate in n$ian territory?(A) "rahmaptra (") Mahana$i

    (C) :ai (D) one of theseAnswer:  "rahmaptra

    10. -he phenomenon &alle$ +BEino, is $e to the

    (A) rotation of the Barth on its own ais(") reoltion of the Barth on its in&line$ ais

    (C) oblate spheroi$ shape of the Barth(D) graitational pll of the planet

    Answer:  reoltion of the Barth on its in&line$ ais

    13. Whi&h of the following statements is not &orre&t ?(A) -he aerage height of the Western 'hats goes on $e&reasing

    towar$s the soth(") A part of the n$s basin is share$ by !njab an$ Garyana

    (C) -he n$s an$ the 'anga "rahmaptra rier systems together formthe great plains of northern n$ia

    (D) -he Gima$ri range lies soth of the Gima&hal rangeAnswer:  -he aerage height of the Western 'hats goes on $e&reasing

    towar$s the soth

    18. With regar$ to the powers of the :ajya %abha4 whi&h one of the

    following statements is not &orre&t ?(A) A Money "ill &annot be intro$&e$ in the :ajya %abha(") -he :ajya %abha has no power either to reje&t or amen$ a Money

    "ill(C) -he :ajya %abha &annot $is&ss the Annal 5inan&ial %tatement.(D) -he :ajya %abha has no power to ote on the Deman$s for 'rants


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    Answer:  -he :ajya %abha &annot $is&ss the Annal 5inan&ial


    12. A floppy $isk is

    (A) se$ as the primary memory in &ompter systems (") ma$e p ofmagneti& material

    (C) a semi&on$&tor ran$om7a&&ess memory (D) an B!:@M

    Answer:  ma$e p of magneti& material 

    1;. MD stan$s for(A) Mltiple Design ntera&tion (") Mltiple Do&ment ntera&tion

    (C) Mltiple Do&ment nterfa&e (D) Mltiple Design nterfa&eAnswer:  Mltiple Do&ment nterfa&e

    1>. 5in$ the o$$ one ot

    (A) 5C 5inan&ial assistan&e to &ommer&ial instittions(") BHM "ank 5inan&ing of eport7import tra$e

    (C) D" n$strial 5inan&e(D) %D" 5inan&ial assistan&e to small in$stries

    Answer:  5C 5inan&ial assistan&e to &ommer&ial instittions

    19. -he -welfth 5ie7=ear !lan will be operatie for the perio$(A) *

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    (C) 1929 (D) 19;1

    Answer: 19;9

    *0. As per *

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    (A) Akhi'esh 2ada& (B) Mayaati

    () ,a'yan *inh (D) +a3nath *inh

    Answer:  Akhi'esh 2ada&

    4. 0hich one of the fo''oin o5ser&ations is not true a5out the 6uit #ndia Mo&e$ent of 17/"

    (A) #t as a non8&io'ent $o&e$ent (B) #t as 'ed 5y Mahat$a Gandhi

    () #t as a spontaneous $o&e$ent (D) #t did not attract the 'a5our c'ass in enera'

    Answer:  #t as a spontaneous $o&e$ent

    9. 0hen a 5ank returns a che:ue unpaid; it is ca''ed–

    (A) pay$ent of the che:ue (B) drain of the che:ue

    () cance''in of the che:ue (D) dishonour of the che:ue

    Answer:  dishonour of the che:ue

    s hihest ?+ai' Bride> is 5ein constructed in the *tate of @a$$u ,ash$ir i'' 5e on hich of the

    fo''oin ri&ers

    (A) @he'u$ (B) hena5

    () #ndus (D) +a&i

    Answer: hena5

    7. 0hich reion in #ndia is knon as the ?+ice Bo' of #ndia>

    (A) orth8east reion (B) ,era'a and Ta$i' adu

    () #ndo8Ganetic p'ain (D) ,rishna8Goda&ari De'ta reion

    Answer:  ,rishna8Goda&ari De'ta reion

    7 %ee more atO


    1. -he &rren&y of Bropean Union is(A) Dets&he Mark (") 'reat "ritain !on$ ('"!)

    (C) Bro (D) 5ran&s

    Answer: Bro

    *. n$ia has the maimm olme of foreign tra$e with

    (A) U%A (") :ssia(C) China (D) U/

    Answer: China

    0. Most of the weather phenomena take pla&e in whi&h of the following layers

    of the atmosphere?(A) %tratosphere (") Mesosphere


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    (C) onosphere (D) -roposphere

    Answer:  -roposphere

    3. Who isLwas the yongest Chief Minister of Uttar !ra$esh?

    (A) Akhilesh =a$a (") Mayawati(C) /alyan %ingh (D) :ajnath %ingh

    Answer:  Akhilesh =a$a

    8. Whi&h one of the following obserations is not tre abot the Nit n$ia

    Moement of 193* ?(A) t was a non7iolent moement (") t was le$ by Mahatma 'an$hi

    (C) t was a spontaneos moement (D) t $i$ not attra&t the labor &lass ingeneral

    Answer:  t was a spontaneos moement 

    2. When a bank retrns a &heEe npai$4 it is &alle$(A) payment of the &heEe (") $rawing of the &heEe

    (C) &an&elling of the &heEe (D) $ishonor of the &heEeAnswer:  $ishonor of the &heEe

    ;. Mortgage is a(A) se&rity on moable property for a loan gien by a bank.(") se&rity on immoable property for a loan gien by a bank.

    (C) &on&ession on immoable property for a loan gien by a bank.(D) fa&ility on immoable property for a loan gien by a bank.

    Answer:  se&rity on immoable property for a loan gien by a bank. 

    >. -he worl$,s highest +:ail "ri$ge, is being &onstr&te$ in the %tate of #ammV /ashmir will be on whi&h of the following riers ?

    (A) #helm (") Chenab(C) n$s (D) :ai

    Answer:  Chenab

    9. Whi&h region in n$ia is known as the +:i&e "owl of n$ia,?(A) orth7east region (") /erala an$ -amil a$

    (C) n$o7'angeti& plain (D) /rishna7'o$aari Delta regionAnswer:  /rishna7'o$aari Delta region


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    (C) t is &ase$ by rapi$ &on$ensation of ery high &lo$s

    (D) t refers to a thn$erstorm with little rainAnswer:  t refers to s$$en an$ &opios rainfall oer a small area whi&h often

    lasts for only a few mintes

    12. I"etter to reign in hell than sere in heaen.J Who sai$ these wor$s?

    (A) William Wor$sworth (") or$ -ennyson(C) William %hakespeare (D) Milton

    Answer: Milton

    1;. Comprehensie -est "an -reaty (C-"-) is asso&iate$ with the ban on

    whi&h of the following ?(A) "an on n&lear tests for $eeloping arsenals (") "an on terrorism

    (C) "an on &ertain organisations n$er U aws (D) "an on moneylan$ering a&tiities

    Answer:  "an on n&lear tests for $eeloping arsenals

    1>. -he !litFer !riFe is asso&iate$ with whi&h of the following?(A) #ornalism (") @lympi& 'arnes

    (C) Bnironmental !rote&tion (D) Ciil AiationAnswer:  #ornalism

    19. Whi&h one of the following is not an eample of oti& e&osystem ?

    (A) !on$ (") Bstary(C) %tream (D) agon

    Answer: !on$


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    (A) reerse osmosis (") fra&tional $istillation

    (C) $iffsion (D) osmosisAnswer:  reerse osmosis

    *0. -he man7ma$e str&tre on Barth isible from spa&e is(A) 'reat Wall of China (") 'iFa,s !yrami$

    (C) 'ol$en 'ate "ri$ge (D) Biffel -ower

    Answer:  'reat Wall of China

    *3. Whi&h one of the following a&tors was awar$e$ the Da$a %aheb !halke Awar$ at the 89th ational 5ilm 5estial?

    (A) %omitra Chatterjee (") /etan Mehta(C) %hekhar /apoor (D) Mahesh "hatt

    Answer:  %omitra Chatterjee

    *8. Whi&h is the only host team to win the CC (8< oer) Cri&ket Worl$ Cp?(A) %oth Afri&a (") n$ia

    (C) Astralia (D) West n$iesAnswer: n$ia 7 %ee more atO


    1. Whi&h one of the following books is written by an n$ian Athor?(A) 5ie !oint %omeone (") Garry !otter

    (C) "eatifl Min$ (D) Animal 5armAnswer:  5ie !oint %omeone

    *. Whi&h one of the following n$ian Moies ma$e it to the final nominations of "est 5oreign 5ilm Category at the @s&ars?

    (A) !aheli (") 193; -he Barth(C) %alaam "ombay (D) "la&k

    Answer:  %alaam "ombay

    0. %affron is obtaine$ from whi&h part of plants?

    (A) leaf (") stem(C) anther an$ whole flower (D) stigma an$ style

    Answer:  stigma an$ style


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    3. Department of !harma&eti&als &omes n$er whi&h of these ministries?

    (A) Ministry of Gealth (") Ministry of Chemi&als an$ 5ertiliFers(C) Ministry of 5oo$ !ro&essing (D) Ministry of Consmer Affairs

    Answer:  Ministry of Chemi&als an$ 5ertiliFers

    8. Who was the athor of the book name$ %etbji?

    (A) %hobha De (") Arn$hati :oy(C) Chetan "hagat (D) %alman :sh$ie

    Answer:  %hobha De

    2. Gow many mintes for ea&h $egree of longit$e $oes the lo&al time of any

    pla&e ary from the 'reenwi&h time?(A) -wo mintes (") 5or mintes

    (C) %i mintes (D) Bight mintesAnswer:  5or mintes

    ;. -he bla&k hole theory was $is&oere$ by

    (A) Gargobin$ /hrana (") C. 6. :aman(C) %. :amanjan (D) %. Chan$rashekhar

    Answer:  %. Chan$rashekhar

    >. Who amongst the following won the Wimble$on Men,s 5inals *

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    Answer:  o pper limit is pres&ribe$

    11. Whi&h one of the following is not &orre&t regar$ing -snami ?

    (A) -snamis hae a ery long waelength

    (") -snamis hae a slight swell of abot twele in&hes aboe the normal seasrfa&e

    (C) -snamis grow in height when they rea&h shallower water(D) -i$es also play an important role in the generation of -snamis

    Answer:  -i$es also play an important role in the generation of -snamis

    1*. Whi&h of the following ranges separates the /ashmir 6alley from the n$s

    6alley?(A) Dhala$har (") 'reat Gimalayan range

    (C) !ir !anjal range (D) %iwalik rangeAnswer:  'reat Gimalayan range

    10. -he ma&ro7ntrients proi$e$ by inorgani& fertilisers are

    (A) &arbon4 iron an$ boron. (") magnesim4 manganese an$ slphr.(C) magnesim4 Fin& an$ iron. (D) nitrogen4 phosphors an$ potassim.

    Answer:  nitrogen4 phosphors an$ potassim. 

    13. -he ltimate &ase of water moement in a plant stem against graity is(A) osmosis (") transpiration

    (C) photosynthesis (D) $iffsion

    Answer:  transpiration

    18. 6ermi&ompost is aLan

    (A) inorgani& fertiliser (") toi& sbstan&e(C) organi& biofertiliser (D) syntheti& fertiliser

    Answer:  organi& biofertiliser

    12. "enaFir "htto4 the former !akistan !rime Minister4 was assassinate$ in

    (A) :awalpin$i (") slamaba$(C) Gy$eraba$ (D) /ara&hiAnswer:  :awalpin$i 

    1;. Who was affe&tionately known as the 'ran$ @l$ Man of n$ia ?(A) "al 'anga$har -ilak (") Da$abhai aoroji


  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    (C) 'opal /rishna 'okhale (D) Mahatma 'an$hi

    Answer:  Da$abhai aoroji 

    1>. n$ia test7fire$ s&&essflly its Agni764 srfa&e7to7srfa&e C"M from

    Wheeler slan$ on(A) 1;th Mar&h4 *

  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    (D) A &ompany hol$ing a monopoly oer the sale of a &ertain &ommo$ity in

    seeral &ontries.Answer:  A &ompany haing operations in many &ontries. 

    *3. Bpli&it mpli&it Costs R(A) !riate Costs (") A&&onting Costs

    (C) B&onomi& Costs (D) %o&ial Costs

    Answer:  B&onomi& Costs

    *8. Whi&h of the following is not releant to Gman :esor&e Deelopment ?(A) B$&ation (") Women an$ Chil$ Deelopment

    (C) Caste %ystem (D) =oth Affairs an$ %portsAnswer:  Caste %ystem

    7 %ee more atOhttpOLL&rrentgk.&omLgkLEiFLgkPEiFPE1*.htmlQsthash.AhnB"D1.$pf 

    1. Whi&h of the following &ontries are faorably inflen&e$ by the tra$ewin$s?

    (A) West n$ies an$ 5lori$a (") Malagasy an$ "raFil(C) Bast Coast of Mei&o4 an$ 'yana (D) All of these

    Answer:  All of these

    *. 5ormation of potholes in rier be$s is an eample of

    (A) Gy$ration (") Brosion(C) Corrosion (D) Corrasion

    Answer:  Corrasion


    0. -he pashmina is a ariety of wool obtaine$ from(A) %heep (") Cow

    (C) 'oat (D) Gorse

    Answer: 'oat

    3. Whi&h of the following is the main &onstitent of biogas?

    (A) Methane an$ &arbon $ioi$e (") Methane an$ &arbon monoi$e(C) Gy$rogen an$ &arbon $ioi$e (D) "tane an$ &arbon $ioi$e

    Answer:  Methane an$ &arbon $ioi$e


  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    8. Who is the writer of the nternational "estseller +-he White -iger,?

    (A) Arain$ A$iga (") !al Coelho(C) Chetan "hagat (D) %alman :sh$ie

    Answer:  Arain$ A$iga

    2. Distribtion of insran&e pro$&ts an$ insran&e poli&ies by banks as

    &orporate agents is known as(A) 'eneral insran&e (") on7life insran&e(C) "an&assran&e (D) nsran&e banking

    Answer:  "an&assran&e

    ;. n or$er to attra&t more foreign e&hange4 the 'oernment of n$ia $e&i$e$to allow foreign inestment in ! firms. What is fll form of I!J as se$ in

    this referen&e?(A) o&al abor !romotion (") ow abor !roje&ts

    (C) imite$ oan !artnership (D) imite$ iability !artnershipAnswer:  imite$ iability !artnership

    >. B5- means

    (A) ational Ble&troni& 5n$s -ransfer system(") egotiate$ Bffi&ient 5n$ -ransfer %ystem(C) ational Bffi&ient 5n$ -ransfer %oltion(D) on Bffi&ient 5n$ -ransfer %ystem

    Answer:  ational Ble&troni& 5n$s -ransfer system

    9. Who among the following has been appointe$ as a $ire&tor on boar$ of"ank of Ameri&athe first non7Ameri&an on the boar$ of one of the largest

    finan&ial instittions in the worl$?(A) AFim G. !remji (") :atan -ara

    (C) Mkesh Ambani (D) C. 6. /amathAnswer:  Mkesh Ambani 


  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams



    11. All of the following &aes are lo&ate$ in Maharashtra4 e&ept

    (A) Ajanta Caes (") Amarnath Caes(C) Blephanta Caes (D) Bllora Caes

    Answer:  Amarnath Caes

    1*. Dn&an !assage is lo&ate$ between

    (A) %oth an$ ittle An$aman. (") ittle an$ 'reat i&obar.(C) orth an$ Mi$$le An$aman. (D) Mi$$le an$ %oth An$aman.

    Answer:  %oth an$ ittle An$aman. 

    10. -he main area of pro$&tion of i&ebergs is fon$ in(A) the West Coast of 'reenlan$. (") the Bast Coast of #apan.

    (C) the orth Coast of %iberia. (D) the West Coast of Afri&a.Answer:  the West Coast of 'reenlan$. 

    13. -he @peration !olo was asso&iate$ with the anneation of whi&h one of

    the following !rin&ely %tates into n$ian Union?(A) /ashmir (") #naga$h(C) -raan&ore (D) Gy$eraba$

    Answer:  Gy$eraba$

    18. -he name of :am !rasa$ "ismil is asso&iate$ with

    (A) /anpr Conspira&y Case (") Alipore Conspira&y Case(C) /akori Conspira&y Case (D) Meert Conspira&y Case

    Answer:  /akori Conspira&y Case

    12. Who has written the biography of the Congress lea$er %onia 'an$hi4+%onia 'an$hiO An Btra7or$inary ife4 An n$ian Destiny,?

    (A) :ani %ingh (") Anjali #oseph

    (C) :ana Dasgpta (D) Moni MohsriAnswer:  :ani %ingh

    1;. Who among the following has won the *2th n$ira 'an$hi Awar$ forational ntegration?(A) "alraj !ri (") %hyam "enegal


  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    (C) Mohan Dharia (D) #ae$ Akhtar

    Answer:  Mohan Dharia

    1>. Arti&le4 0* of the n$ian Constittion stan$s for

    (A) :ight to Constittional :eme$ies (") :ight Against Bploitation(C) :ight to :eligion (D) :ight to BEality

    Answer:  :ight to Constittional :eme$ies

    19. +!eepli ie, is a film $ire&te$ by

    (A) Ansha :iFi (") Aamir /han(C) /iran :ao (D) Dai$ Dhawan

    Answer:  Ansha :iFi 

    *< (") 19;<

    (C) 198< (D) 192<

    Answer: 198<

    *3. n$ia witnesse$ single party $omination till

    (A) 192* (") 192;(C) 19;1 (D) 19;;

    Answer: 192;


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    *8. Whi&h part of the Constittion of n$ia has been $es&ribe$ as the sol ofthe Constittion ?

    (A) 5n$amental :ights (") Dire&tie !rin&iples of %tate !oli&y

    (C) !reamble (D) !an&hayatsAnswer:  !reamble 7 %ee more atO


    1. A present grop of nations known as '7> starte$ first as '7;. Whi&h oneamong the following was not one of them?

    (A) Cana$a (") #apan(C) taly (D) :ssia

    Answer: #apan

    *. -he %e&rity Con&il of U &onsists of 8 permanent members4 an$ theremaining 1< members are ele&te$ by the 'eneral Assembly for a term of

    (A) 1 year (") * years(C) 0 years (D) 8 years

    Answer: * years

    0. Whi&h one of the following planets has largest nmber of satellites or

    moons?(A) #piter (") Mars

    (C) %atrn (D) 6ensAnswer: #piter

    3. Whi&h one of the following riers $oes not originate in n$ia?(A) "eas (") Chenab(C) :ai (D) %tlej

    Answer: %tlej 

    8. Whi&h one among the following %oth Asia &ontries has the highestpoplation $ensity?

    (A) n$ia (") !akistan(C) %ri anka (D) epal

    Answer: n$ia


  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    2. !@%C@ is in the pro&ess of establishing its plants in n$ia. What $oes the

    letter +!, $enote in the name !@%C@?(A) !oplar (") !allin

    (C) !ohang (D) !ara$eep

    Answer:  !ohang

    ;. Who amongst the following has be&ome the Chief Minister of a %tate inn$ia thir$ time &onse&tiely ?(A) -arn 'ogoi (") itish /mar

    (C) #. #ayalalithaa (D) Mamta "anerjee

    Answer:  -arn 'ogoi 

    >. Who amongst the following is the winner of Man "ooker nternational !riFe

    7 *

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    1*. Whi&h one of the following nontoi& gases helps in formation of enFymeswhi&h ripen frit?

    (A) A&etylene (") Bthane

    (C) Methane (D) Carbon $ioi$eAnswer: Bthane

    10. Age of fossil may be fon$ ot by $etermining the ratio of two isotopes of&arbon. -he isotopes are

    (A) C71* an$ C710 (") C710 an$ C713(C) C71* an$ C713 (D) C71* an$ &arbon bla&k

    Answer:  C71* an$ C713

    13. Who among the following Chinese traellers isite$ the king$oms ofGarshaar$hana an$ /mar "haskar 6arma?

    (A) 7tsing (") 5a7Gien(C) Gien -sang (D) %n %hyn

    Answer:  Gien -sang

    18. Whi&h one of the following n$s &ities was known for watermanagement?(A) othal (") Mohenjo7Daro(C) Garappa (D) Dholaira

    Answer:  Mohenjo7Daro

    12. -he asteroi$s reole ron$ the %n in between(A) Mars an$ #piter (") #piter an$ %atrn

    (C) Barth an$ Mars (D) %atrn an$ UransAnswer:  Mars an$ #piter

    1;. +5ree throw, is gien in whi&h of the following games ?

    (A) "asketball (") Cri&ket

    (C) 5ootball (D) 6olleyballAnswer:  "asketball 

    1>. Who &reate$ the new form of information presentation known as Worl$Wi$e Web ?(A) :obert Morris #r. (") Mi&hael DertoFas


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    (C) -im "erners7ee (D) "ob /ahn

    Answer:  -im "erners7ee

    19. Whi&h &ity is also known as the I"ig AppleJ?

    (A) ew =ork4 U%A (") Canberra4 Astralia(C) Ma$ri$4 %pain (D) asanne4 %witFerlan$

    Answer:  ew =ork4 U%A


  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    Answer:  %wami 6iekanan$a

    7 %ee more atOhttpOLL&rrentgk.&omLgkLEiFLgkPEiFPE13.htmlQsthash.l9EH"jC.$pf 

    1. Who won a "ronFe me$al for n$ia in "oing at the *

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    ;. Whi&h of the following is not &onsi$ere$ a money market instrment ?(A) -reasry "ills (") :epr&hase Agreement

    (C) Commer&ial !aper (D) %hares an$ "on$s

    Answer:  %hares an$ "on$s

    >. %pring ti$es are &ase$ as a reslt of the(A) Moon plling the Barth graitationally(") %n plling the Barth graitationally

    (C) Moon an$ the %n plling the Barth graitationally in opposite $ire&tions(D) Moon an$ the %n plling the Barth in the same $ire&tion

    Answer:  Moon an$ the %n plling the Barth in the same $ire&tion

    9. -he 'oernment of whi&h of the following states has agree$ to gie &aptiemines of iron ores to all the &ompanies who are willing to establish plants

    there?(A) West "engal (") @$isha

    (C) #harkhan$ (D) "iharAnswer: @$isha


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    (C) 8 $egree latit$e towar$s the north an$ soth

    (D) 18 $egree latit$e towar$s the north an$ sothAnswer:  8 $egree latit$e towar$s the north an$ soth

    10. Ashokan ins&riptions of Mansehra an$ %hahbaFga$hi are written in(A) !rakrit langage4 /haroshthi s&ript. (") !rakrit langage4 "rahmi s&ript.

    (C) !rakrit7Aramai& langage4 "rahmi s&ript. (D) Aramai& langage4/haroshthi s&ript.

    Answer:  !rakrit langage4 /haroshthi s&ript.

    13. %abin Awar$ is gien for the &onseration of

    (A) amphibians (") reptiles(C) bir$s (D) &orals

    Answer:  amphibians

    18. -he n$ian resear&h station Gima$ri is lo&ate$ at(A) %ia&hen (") Darjeeling

    (C) Ar&ti& :egion (D) Antar&ti&aAnswer:  Ar&ti& :egion

    12. Absolte Fero is(A) a state when an obje&t is non7eistent (") a state when an ailing personloses all hope

    (C) last stage of the $ying star (D) the lowest temperatre theoreti&allypossible

    Answer:  the lowest temperatre theoreti&ally possible

    1;. Whi&h of the following o&eans has the shape of Bnglish alphabet % ?(A) Ar&ti& @&ean (") n$ian @&ean

    (C) Atlanti& @&ean (D) !a&ifi& @&eanAnswer:  Atlanti& @&ean

    1>. What is +"arak, ?(A) :esi$ential &omple of an Army nit (") A barrage on rier "rahmaptra(C) A ship7base$ missile system (D) A peak in /argil

    Answer:  A ship7base$ missile system

    19. Where is the "an$ipr ational !ark?


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    (A) An$hra !ra$esh (") /arnataka

    (C) Assam (D) @$ishaAnswer:  /arnataka


  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    *. Who amongst the following a&tors has neer won an @s&ar for the "est A&tor in a Gollywoo$ film?

    (A) Al !a&ino (") #a&k i&holson

    (C) Daniel Day ewis (D) eonar$o Di CaprioAnswer:  eonar$o Di Caprio

    0. -he salaries an$ allowan&es of the #$ges of the Gigh Cort are &harge$ to

    the(A) Consoli$ate$ 5n$ of n$ia (") Consoli$ate$ 5n$ of the %tate(C) Contingen&y 5n$ of n$ia (D) Contingen&y 5n$ of the %tate

    Answer:  Consoli$ate$ 5n$ of the %tate

    3. Dring the time of whi&h Mghal Bmperor $i$ the Bnglish Bast n$ia

    Company establish its first fa&tory in n$ia?(A) Akbar (") #ahangir

    (C) %hahjahan (D) ArangFebAnswer:  #ahangir

    8. Who took oer the &hairmanship of the -ata 'rop ?

    (A) AFim !remji (") Cyrs Mistry

    (C) :atan -ata (D) A$i MisryAnswer:  Cyrs Mistry

    2. "anks in or &ontry normally pbli&ise that a$$itional interest rate isallowe$ on retail $omesti& term $eposits of(A) Minors (") Marrie$ women(C) %enior &itiFens (D) 'oernment employees

    Answer:  %enior &itiFens

    ;. argest sharehol$er (in per&entage sharehol$ing) of a nationalise$ bankis

    (A) :" (") A"A:D(C) C (D) 'oernment of n$ia

    Answer:  'oernment of n$ia

    >. U%A has aske$ n$ia to re$&e its $epen$en&e on &r$e oil spply from


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    whi&h of the following &ontries whi&h is also a member of the @!BC ?

    (A) 6eneFela (") raE(C) ibya (D) ran

    Answer: ran

    9. Whi&h of the following is the most, essential finan&ial seri&e whi&h shol$

    be proi$e$ to the poor people to bring them in the network of finan&ialin&lsion?(A) nsran&e for life

    (") nestment plan for ftre(C) !ension for ol$ age

    (D) A bank a&&ont where heLshe &an sae small amontAnswer:  A bank a&&ont where heLshe &an sae small amont 


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    &an inslate &ells of brain.

    (C) &laims for fastest preention of ba&terial infe&tion. (D) is a $istant galay.Answer:  is a natral preseratie an$ &an eten$ foo$,s life for seeral years.

    13. n the year *. U Day is &elebrate$ on

    (A) @&tober4 *3 (") #anary4 *3(C) #ne4 *3 (D) %eptember4 *3

    Answer:  @&tober4 *3

    19. What are the bloo$ &orps&les that help to bil$ p resistan&e against

    $iseases?(A) Mono&ytes (") etrophils(C) e&o&ytes (D) ympho&ytes

    Answer:  e&o&ytes


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    (A) *3 (") 32

    (C) 3> (D) 8<Answer: 32

    *1. /aFiranga Wil$ ife %an&tary is in the %tate of(A) "ihar (") -amil a$

    (C) Assam (D) /erala

    Answer: Assam

    **. :esin is etra&te$ from(A) !apaya (") !ine

    (C) :bber (D) "anyanAnswer: !ine

    *0. A &ommon plant fon$ in tropi&al rainforest is

    (A) !ine (") B&alypts(C) @r&hi$ (D) 5ir

    Answer: @r&hi$

    *3. Whi&h of the following itamins is ne&essary for &lotting of bloo$ ?(A) / (") C(C) A (D) "

    Answer: /

    *8. nflenFa irs &ontains

    (A) :A only (") DA only(C) "oth :A an$ DA in eEal proportion. (D) DA with ery small

    proportion of :A.Answer:  :A only

    7 %ee more atOhttpOLL&rrentgk.&omLgkLEiFLgkPEiFPE12.htmlQsthash.

  • 8/9/2019 GK Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams


    Answer:  %aina ehwal 

    *. n whi&h &ontry $i$ the first Marist reoltion take pla&e

    (A) 'ermany (") taly

    (C) 'reat "ritain (D) :ssiaAnswer: :ssia

    0. Whi&h one of the following &ontries was neer taken oer by any

    Bropean power as a &olony?(A) -hailan$ (") "rnei(C) n$onesia (D) %ingapore

    Answer:  -hailan$

    3. Whi&h of the following statements is &orre&t? :elatie hmi$ity

    (A) aries with latit$es seasonally (") is maimm in sbtropi&alanti&y&lones

    (C) is lowest at the eEator in&reasing towar$s the poles (D) one ofthese

    Answer:  aries with latit$es seasonally

    8. Monetary !oli&y $e&isions in n$ia are taken by