gis/gps technology as a catalyst to enterprise competitiveness of smallholder farmers in ghana

GIS/GPS Technology as a Catalyst to Enterprise Competitiveness of Smallholder Farmers in Ghana Syecomp Business Ser vices Ltd, Accra-Ghana

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Post on 25-Jun-2015




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Presentation by Solomon Elorm Allavi, Founder, Syecomp Business Services, Accra-Ghana on 6 Nov 2013 Session Capacity Development, Grassroots Organisations, and ICTs in Agriculture ICT4Ag, Kigali, Rwanda


  • 1. GIS/GPS Technology as a Catalyst to Enterprise Competitiveness of Smallholder Farmers in Ghana Syecomp Business Ser vices Ltd, Accra-Ghana

2. About Syecomp Ltd Website: Syecomp Business Services Ltd + Registered in 2009 in Ghana as a Private Company VAT/IRS Registered Currently 4 staff + 2 Regional officers Focus: GIS/GPS Applications, Survey and Mapping, Knowledge Management, Project Support + Clients GIZ/MOAP, IFAD, Smallholder Farmer Organisations, Commercial Farms, Agricultural development projects, Private investors Email: [email protected] / [email protected] 3. Areas of Work Areas of Work 4. GPS Mapping of farms GPS Mapping of farms GIS is a combination of hardware, software and data. GPS is a is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather conditions, anywhere on or near the EarthGPS mapping of farms provides identification, transparency, and information on crop volumes under production and facilitates logistics planning between producer and buyer 5. Farmers/FBOs Training in GPS use Empowering Mango Farmers in Ghana 6. Farmers mapping their own farms Body copy: Sum hilique consequam, suntibus non cus minctem rectatem et veni in cum quiat maximpore name diatibus modissunt fuga. Onseque la dolo dolende num inihici picatur? Bullet points: Sum hilique consequam, suntibus non cus rectatem et veni in cum quiat maximpore name diatibus modissunt nseque la dolo dolende num inihici picatur? 7. Export Certification Requirements Export Certification Requirements Geo-Traceability Required Farm information -area -coordinates -shapefiles -other essential farm attributes 8. Sample Maps produced 9. Farm Maps produced for farmers Farm Maps produced for farmers Picture of raymond, alex and Edem holding a printed farm map Sample farm maps produced 10. Added benefits Added Benefits 11. Team: Syecomp Ltd, Ghana Team: Syecomp Ltd, Ghana DonaldEdem JoyceElorm