gill morphology and acute hypoxia: responses of · gill morphology and acute hypoxia: responses of...

Gill morphology and acute hypoxia: responses of mitochondria-rich, pavement, and mucous cells in the Amazonian oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) and the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), two species with very different approaches to the osmo-respiratory compromise Victoria Matey, Fathima I. Iftikar, Gudrun De Boeck, Graham R. Scott, Katherine A. Sloman, Vera M.F. Almeida-Val, Adalberto L. Val, and Chris M. Wood Abstract: The hypoxia-intolerant rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792)) exhibits increased branchial ion permeability and Na + influx during acute exposure to moderate hypoxia (PO2 = 80 torr; 1 torr = 133.3224 Pa), manifesting the usual trade-off between gas exchange and electrolyte conservation. In contrast, the hypoxia-tolerant oscar (Astronotus ocellatus (Agassiz, 1831)) is unusual in exhibiting decreased branchial ion permeability to ions and Na + influx during acute exposure to severe hypoxia (PO2 = 1020 torr). These different physiological approaches to the osmo-respiratory compro- mise correlate with rapid, oppositely directed changes in gill morphology. In oscar, pavement cells (PVCs) expanded, parti- ally covering neighboring mitochondria-rich cells (MRCs), which were recessed and reduced in size. Those remaining open were transformed from shallow-basinto deep-holeforms with smaller openings, deeper apical crypts, and smaller num- bers of subapical microvesicles, changes that were largely reversed during normoxic recovery. In contrast, moderate hypoxia caused outward bulging of MRCs in rainbow trout with increases in size, surface exposure, and number of subapical micro- vesicles, accompanied by PVC retraction. These changes were partially reversed during normoxic recovery. In both rainbow trout and oscar, hypoxia caused discharge of mucus from enlarged mucous cells (MCs). Rapid, divergent morphological changes play an important role in explaining two very different physiological approaches to the osmo-respiratory compromise. Résumé : La truite arc-en-ciel (Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792)) qui est intolérante à lhypoxie montre une perméa- bilité branchiale accrue aux ions et un influx de Na + durant une exposition aiguë à une hypoxie modérée (PO 2 = 80 torr; 1 torr = 133.3224 Pa), ce qui représente le compromis habituel entre les échanges gazeux et la conservation des électrolytes. Àlopposé, loscar (Astronotus ocellatus (Agassiz, 1831)), qui est tolérant à lhypoxie, réagit de façon inhabituelle par une diminution de la perméabilité des branchies aux ions et de linflux de Na + durant une exposition aiguë à une hypoxie sévère (PO 2 = 1020 torr). Il y a une corrélation entre ces approches physiologiques différentes au compromis osmo-respiratoire et les changements rapides de la morphologie des branchies dans des directions opposées. Chez loscar, les cellules pavimen- teuses (PVC) prennent de lexpansion et couvrent partiellement les cellules riches en mitochondries (MRC) voisines qui se rétractent et rapetissent. Celles qui restent ouvertes se transforment dune forme de « bassin évasé » à une de « dépression profonde » avec des ouvertures réduites, de cryptes apicales plus accentuées et un nombre restreint de microvésicules suba- picales, des modifications qui en grande partie régressent durant le rétablissement de la normoxie. Au contraire, lhypoxie modérée chez la truite arc-en-ciel cause un ballonnement des MRC vers lextérieur et une augmentation de taille, de la surface dexposition et du nombre de vésicules subapicales, ainsi quun retrait des PVC. Ces changements régressent Received 16 April 2010. Accepted 11 January 2011. Published at on 12 April 2011. V. Matey. Department of Biology, Center for Inland Waters, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA 92182-4614, USA. F.I. Iftikar. Department of Biology, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, Canada. G. De Boeck. Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp, Belgium. G.R. Scott. Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada. K.A. Sloman. School of Sciences, University of West of Scotland, Paisley, Scotland, PA1 2BE, UK. V.M.F. Almeida-Val and A.L. Val. Laboratory of Ecophysiology and Molecular Evolution, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Manaus, Brazil. C.M. Wood. Department of Biology, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, Canada; Division of Marine Biology and Fisheries, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Miami, FL 33149, USA. Corresponding author: V. Matey (e-mail: [email protected]). 307 Can. J. Zool. 89: 307324 (2011) doi:10.1139/Z11-002 Published by NRC Research Press Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from by McMaster University on 06/21/11 For personal use only.

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Page 1: Gill morphology and acute hypoxia: responses of · Gill morphology and acute hypoxia: responses of mitochondria-rich, pavement, and mucous cells in the Amazonian oscar (Astronotus

Gill morphology and acute hypoxia: responses ofmitochondria-rich, pavement, and mucous cells inthe Amazonian oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) andthe rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), twospecies with very different approaches to theosmo-respiratory compromise

Victoria Matey, Fathima I. Iftikar, Gudrun De Boeck, Graham R. Scott,Katherine A. Sloman, Vera M.F. Almeida-Val, Adalberto L. Val, and Chris M. Wood

Abstract: The hypoxia-intolerant rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792)) exhibits increased branchial ionpermeability and Na+ influx during acute exposure to moderate hypoxia (PO2 = 80 torr; 1 torr = 133.3224 Pa), manifestingthe usual trade-off between gas exchange and electrolyte conservation. In contrast, the hypoxia-tolerant oscar (Astronotusocellatus (Agassiz, 1831)) is unusual in exhibiting decreased branchial ion permeability to ions and Na+ influx during acuteexposure to severe hypoxia (PO2 = 10–20 torr). These different physiological approaches to the osmo-respiratory compro-mise correlate with rapid, oppositely directed changes in gill morphology. In oscar, pavement cells (PVCs) expanded, parti-ally covering neighboring mitochondria-rich cells (MRCs), which were recessed and reduced in size. Those remaining openwere transformed from “shallow-basin” to “deep-hole” forms with smaller openings, deeper apical crypts, and smaller num-bers of subapical microvesicles, changes that were largely reversed during normoxic recovery. In contrast, moderate hypoxiacaused outward bulging of MRCs in rainbow trout with increases in size, surface exposure, and number of subapical micro-vesicles, accompanied by PVC retraction. These changes were partially reversed during normoxic recovery. In both rainbowtrout and oscar, hypoxia caused discharge of mucus from enlarged mucous cells (MCs). Rapid, divergent morphologicalchanges play an important role in explaining two very different physiological approaches to the osmo-respiratory compromise.

Résumé : La truite arc-en-ciel (Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792)) qui est intolérante à l’hypoxie montre une perméa-bilité branchiale accrue aux ions et un influx de Na+ durant une exposition aiguë à une hypoxie modérée (PO2 = 80 torr;1 torr = 133.3224 Pa), ce qui représente le compromis habituel entre les échanges gazeux et la conservation des électrolytes.À l’opposé, l’oscar (Astronotus ocellatus (Agassiz, 1831)), qui est tolérant à l’hypoxie, réagit de façon inhabituelle par unediminution de la perméabilité des branchies aux ions et de l’influx de Na+ durant une exposition aiguë à une hypoxie sévère(PO2 = 10–20 torr). Il y a une corrélation entre ces approches physiologiques différentes au compromis osmo-respiratoire etles changements rapides de la morphologie des branchies dans des directions opposées. Chez l’oscar, les cellules pavimen-teuses (PVC) prennent de l’expansion et couvrent partiellement les cellules riches en mitochondries (MRC) voisines qui serétractent et rapetissent. Celles qui restent ouvertes se transforment d’une forme de « bassin évasé » à une de « dépressionprofonde » avec des ouvertures réduites, de cryptes apicales plus accentuées et un nombre restreint de microvésicules suba-picales, des modifications qui en grande partie régressent durant le rétablissement de la normoxie. Au contraire, l’hypoxiemodérée chez la truite arc-en-ciel cause un ballonnement des MRC vers l’extérieur et une augmentation de taille, de lasurface d’exposition et du nombre de vésicules subapicales, ainsi qu’un retrait des PVC. Ces changements régressent

Received 16 April 2010. Accepted 11 January 2011. Published at on 12 April 2011.

V. Matey. Department of Biology, Center for Inland Waters, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA 92182-4614, USA.F.I. Iftikar. Department of Biology, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, Canada.G. De Boeck. Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp, Belgium.G.R. Scott. Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada.K.A. Sloman. School of Sciences, University of West of Scotland, Paisley, Scotland, PA1 2BE, UK.V.M.F. Almeida-Val and A.L. Val. Laboratory of Ecophysiology and Molecular Evolution, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia(INPA), Manaus, Brazil.C.M. Wood. Department of Biology, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, Canada; Division of Marine Biology and Fisheries,Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Miami, FL 33149, USA.

Corresponding author: V. Matey (e-mail: [email protected]).


Can. J. Zool. 89: 307–324 (2011) doi:10.1139/Z11-002 Published by NRC Research Press


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Page 2: Gill morphology and acute hypoxia: responses of · Gill morphology and acute hypoxia: responses of mitochondria-rich, pavement, and mucous cells in the Amazonian oscar (Astronotus

partiellement durant la récupération normoxique. Tant chez la truite arc-en-ciel que chez l’oscar, l’hypoxie provoque une sé-crétion de mucus par les cellules à mucus (MC) élargies. Ces changements morphologiques rapides et divergents jouent unrôle important et expliquent les deux approches très différentes au compromis osmo-respiratoire.

[Traduit par la Rédaction]


IntroductionThe fish gill is the basic site of respiration, ionic regula-

tion, acid–base regulation, and excretion of nitrogenouswastes (Laurent 1984; Wilson and Laurent 2002; Evans etal. 2005). Three main cell types are present on the gill sur-face. Whereas mitochondria-rich cells (MRCs) have beengenerally well studied, much less is known about pavementcells (PVCs) and mucous cells (MCs). MRCs normally repre-sent <15% of the cells in the branchial epithelium, but aregenerally agreed to play a central role in ion regulation(Perry 1997; Marshall 2002; Evans et al. 2005; Kaneko etal. 2008). Alterations in the number and distribution ofMRCs within the gill epithelium of freshwater fish havebeen observed in response to a variety of environmentalstressors (Laurent and Perry 1991; Goss et al. 1995). PVCscover about 90% of the branchial epithelium and their majorfunction is generally considered to be gas exchange.However, the presence of an apically located proton pump,V–H+–ATPase, indicates they may also contribute to Na+ up-take (Laurent et al. 1994; Perry 1997; Wilson et al. 2000;Marshall 2002). PVCs have large polygonal surfaces coveredby microridges generated by folds of the apical membrane.These may serve to anchor mucus on the epithelial surface(Moron et al. 2009). They also increase gill surface area bymore than twofold (Olson and Fromm 1973), providing a re-serve of apical membrane (Avella et al. 2009) that allowsthem to expand or shrink, covering and uncovering adjacentMRCs and MCs in various circumstances (Goss et al. 1994;Daborn et al. 2001; Matey et al. 2008). MCs are low in num-bers but are thought to play an important protective role(Shephard 1994). Environmental stressors cause the releaseof stored mucous granules by exocytosis, and gel-like mucusspreads along the gills (Verdugo 1991). This highly anionic,negatively charged medium may contribute indirectly to ionuptake by creating a microenvironment rich in cations, whichis thought to facilitate active uptake and decrease passive ionloss (Handy 1989; Shephard 1994; Roberts and Powell 2003;Moron et al. 2009).The functional trade-off between two of the key branchial

functions, respiratory gas exchange and ionic regulation, hasbeen termed the osmo-respiratory compromise (Nilsson2007). This was originally studied in the context of exercise,where numerous investigations have demonstrated that whenfreshwater fish increase effective branchial permeability andsurface area to exchange more O2 and CO2 during activeswimming, they lose ions and gain water, and eventually im-plement compensatory measures (Randall et al. 1972; Woodand Randall 1973a, 1973b; Hofmann and Butler 1979; Gon-zalez and McDonald 1992, 1994; Postlethwaite and Mc-Donald 1995). More recently, this same trade-off has beenstudied in the context of the respiratory limitations causedby proliferation of MRCs in the branchial epithelium (Grecoet al. 1995, 1996; Henriksson et al. 2008). Another aspect is

the spectacular “remodeling” of the gill macrostructure thatcertain cyprinids such as the Crucian carp (Carassius caras-sius (L., 1758)) (Sollid et al. 2003, 2005; Sollid and Nilsson2006; Nilsson 2007), goldfish (Carassius auratus (L., 1758))(Sollid et al. 2005; Mitrovic and Perry 2009, Mitrovic et al.2009), and scaleless carp (Gymnocypris przewalskii (Kessler,1876)) (Matey et al. 2008) implement when exposed tochronic hypoxia or high temperatures. These fish appear to“grow lamellae” by losing interlamellar masses so as to gainsurface area for gas exchange.Recently, we have characterized the osmo-respiratory com-

promise in another context, during the responses to acute hy-poxia of two noncyprinid teleosts that belong to quite distantphylogenetic groups. The Amazonian oscar (Astronotus ocel-latus (Agassiz, 1831)) (local common name Acará-açu) is acichlid that routinely encounters severe hypoxia in its naturalhabitat and is extremely tolerant, surviving PO2 levels<30 torr (1 torr = 133.3224 Pa) for many hours (Almeida-Val and Hochachka 1995, Muusze et al. 1998; Almeida-Valet al. 2000; Sloman et al. 2006; Richards et al. 2007). Therainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792)) is asalmonid that is extremely intolerant of hypoxia, exhibitingstress responses at PO2 levels as high as 80 torr (Holetonand Randall 1967a, 1967b; Boutilier et al. 1988; Montpetitand Perry 1998; Lai et al. 2006). The ionoregulatory re-sponses of these two fish to acute hypoxia were fundamen-tally different. Oscar exhibited pronounced reductions inboth Na+ influx and efflux rates, as well as in ammonia ex-cretion and K+ net flux rates at the gills in response to acutesevere hypoxia (PO2 = 10–20 torr; Wood et al. 2007, 2009),whereas rainbow trout exhibited exactly the opposite changesin response to acute moderate hypoxia (PO2 = ~80 torr; Ifti-kar et al. 2010).Our preliminary scanning electron microscope (SEM)

studies of gills of the Amazonian oscar (Wood et al. 2009)and rainbow trout (Iftikar et al. 2010) were focused on grossbranchial morphology and on the examination of the surfacestructure of mitochondria-rich cells (MRCs). They revealedthat in either case, there was no gross “remodeling” at a mac-roscopic level, but there were rapid and oppositely directedchanges in number and surface morphology of the MRCs inhypoxic water. In gills of oscar, MRCs exhibited recessed ap-ical crypts, the number and size of which sharply decreasedduring hypoxic exposure, in a response that was quickly re-versed upon return to normoxia (Table 1). In gills of rainbowtrout, apices of MRCs were flat or slightly convex and boththeir numbers and individual surface areas initially increasedduring hypoxia (Table 1). Whereas MRC numbers later re-turned to normoxic levels, their apical surface area remainedhighly enlarged during continuing hypoxia as well as duringnormoxic recovery (Table 1). In both species, the mecha-nisms of regulation of the numbers and surface areas ofMRC exposure are still unknown; only SEM was used so

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internal subcellular changes were not investigated, and PVCand MC responses were not examined in these studies.The present investigation was performed to provide a more

comprehensive investigation of the morphological responsesof the gills of oscars and rainbowtrout, building on thestudies of Wood et al. (2009) and Iftikar et al. (2010). Trans-mission electron microscopy (TEM), light microscopy (LM),and more extensive SEM observations were employed to ex-amine the three major types of cells comprising the gill epi-thelium in oscar and rainbow trout, two species that differ intheir response to hypoxia. Our hypotheses were (i) hypoxiaaffects the ultrastructure, size, and shape of MRCs; (ii) PVCsstretch and retract their surfaces to cover and uncover apicesof MRCs in response to hypoxic exposure and recovery; and(iii) MCs respond to hypoxic exposure.

Materials and methods

Experimental animalsAdult oscars were obtained from Sitio dos Rodrigues (Km

35, Rod. AM-010, Brazil) and held for approximately1 month prior to experiments at the Ecophysiology and Mo-lecular Evolution Laboratory of the Instituto Nacional de Pes-quisas da Amazonia (INPA), in Manaus, Brazil. Fish massranged from 67 to 226 g. Fish were held with natural photo-period in 500 L tanks, where they were fed a daily 1% rationof commercial pellets (Nutripeixe Tr 36, Purina, Sao Paulo,SP, Brazil) until feeding was suspended 48 h before experi-mentation. The holding and experimental water was typicalAmazonian soft water taken from a well on the INPA campus(concentrations of 35 mmol·L–1 Na+, 36 mmol·L–1 Cl–,16 mmol·L–1 K+, 18 mmol·L–1 Ca2+, 4 mmol·L–1 Mg2+;0.6 mg·L–1 dissolved organic carbon; pH 6.5) with partial re-circulation and continuous filtration at 28 ± 3 °C. All exper-imental procedures complied with Brazilian and INPA animalcare regulations.Adult rainbow trout were obtained from Humber Springs

Trout Farm in Orangeville, Ontario, Canada. Fish massranged from 150 to 250 g. The trout were acclimated for atleast 2 weeks to 15 ± 0.5 °C in flowing dechlorinated Ham-ilton tap water, which served as the experimental medium(concentrations of 600 mmol·L–1 Na+, 700 mmol·L–1 Cl–,50 mmol·L–1 K+, 1000 mmol·L–1 Ca2+, 300 mmol·L–1 Mg2+,pH 8.0; concentration of 3.0 mg·L–1 dissolved organic car-bon) under a 12 h light : 12 h dark photoperiod. Fish werefed a commercial fish feed (2% ration) every 2 days until

feeding was suspended 48 h before experimentation. Animalswere cared for in accordance with the principles of the Cana-dian Council on Animal Care and protocols were approvedby the McMaster Animal Care Committee.

Experimental protocolsExposure conditions for oscar are described in detail by

Wood et al. (2009) (see series 9). Oscars were allowed to set-tle overnight in 2.5 L Nalgene chambers with flow-throughwater supply. During the actual experiments, the boxes wereoperated as closed systems at a volume of 1.5 L. Fish werekilled under normoxia (N = 6), and after 1 h of acute hypo-xia (PO2 = 10–20 torr; N = 6), 3 h of hypoxia (N = 6), and3 h of normoxic recovery (N = 6). Water was renewed in be-tween each treatment and severe hypoxia was maintained bygassing with N2. At sacrifice, oscars were anaesthetized in0.5 g·L–1 neutralized MS-222 and then killed by cephalicconcussion. The second gill arch from the right-hand side ofeach fish was excised, quickly rinsed in water, then immedi-ately placed in cold Karnovsky’s fixative for storage at 4 °C.Exposure conditions for rainbow trout are described in de-

tail by Iftikar et al. (2010) (see experiment 3). Adult rainbowtrout were transferred to 5 L black Plexiglas™ boxes with aflow-through water supply and left overnight. During the ex-periment, flux boxes were operated as closed systems at avolume of 3 L. Different groups were then killed under nor-moxia (N = 6), and after 1 h of acute hypoxia (PO2 =~80 torr; N = 6), 4 h of hypoxia (N = 6), and 6 h of nor-moxic recovery (N = 6). Water was renewed in betweeneach treatment and moderate hypoxia was induced by an N2/airmixture that was empirically adjusted using a gas mixingpump (Wosthoff 301a-F, Bochum, Germany). Rainbow troutwere rapidly killed with a lethal dose of anesthetic (0.5 g·L–1

neutralized MS-222). The second gill arch from the right sidewas dissected out, quickly rinsed in water, and immediatelyfixed in cold Karnovsky’s fixative. Both oscar and trout sam-ples were later transported to San Diego State University, SanDiego, California, USA, for SEM, TEM, and LM analyses.

Preparation for microscopyThe middle parts of the gills were postfixed in 1% osmium

tetroxide for 1 h and examined under electron and light mi-croscopy. The parts of the gill arches used for SEM studywere dehydrated in a series of ascending concentrations ofethanol from 30% to 100%, critical-point dried with liquidCO2, mounted on stubs, sputter-coated with gold–palladium,

Table 1. Number and apical surface area of mitochondria-rich cells in gills of the oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) and rainbow trout(Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to normoxia, acute hypoxia, and normoxic recovery.

Normoxia Hypoxia Hypoxia Return to normoxiaOscar (Wood et al. 2009)Time at each condition (h) 1 3 3No. of apical crypt openings/mm2 of filament trailing edge 1691±45 D 1157±33 B 897±28 A 1473±34 CApical surface area of individual crypt (µm2) 5.6±0.3 B 2.2±0.4 A 2.0±0.4 A 7.1±0.7 B

Rainbow trout (Iftikar et al. 2010)Time at each condition (h) 1 4 6No. of apical crypt openings/mm2 of filament trailing edge 3172±196 A 4090±236 B 2619±203 A 3013±242 AApical surface area of individual crypt (µm2) 19.4±1.6 A 60.7±6.0 C 42.3±3.3 B 38.2±3.2 B

Note: Values are means ± SE (N = 6). Within a category, mean values sharing the same letter are not significantly different (P ≤ 0.05).

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Page 4: Gill morphology and acute hypoxia: responses of · Gill morphology and acute hypoxia: responses of mitochondria-rich, pavement, and mucous cells in the Amazonian oscar (Astronotus

Fig. 1. Transmission (TEM) and scanning (SEM) electron micrographs of the apical crypts of MRCs in the filamental epithelium of the oscar(Astronotus ocellatus) exposed to normoxia (A), 1 h of acute hypoxia (B–C), 3 h of acute hypoxia (10–20 torr; 1 torr = 133.3224 Pa) (D),and after 3 h of recovery in normoxic water (E–F). (A) Normoxia. TEM of a shallow apical crypt with wide opening. Note numerous micro-vesicles in the subapical zone of cytoplasm, and mitochondria and tubular reticulum distributed below. (a, inset of A) SEM of a shallowapical crypt. Complex sieve-like surface pattern is composed of interdigitated and fused microplicae. (B) 1 h of hypoxia. TEM of a recessedMRC partially covered by PVCs. Note small opening and chamber-like structure of a deep apical crypt and few subapical microvesicles. (b,inset of B) SEM of a small apical crypt. Mucus seen on the PVC surface (black asterisk) and within the crypt (white asterisk). (C) 1 h ofhypoxia. TEM of an apical crypt of an MRC completely covered by flanks of PVCs. Fused and interdigitated cytoplasmic projections give thecrypt a sponge-like appearance. (D) 3 h of hypoxia. TEM of a deep flask-like apical crypt with a small opening. (d, inset of D) SEM of asmall and deep apical opening of an MRC. (E) 3 h return to normoxia. TEM of apical crypt with a large apical opening. (e, inset of E) SEMof a large apical crypt masked by mucus (white asterisk). Black asterisk designates patches of mucus attached to the microridges of PVC.(F) 3 h return to normoxia. TEM of a deep apical crypt with a wide opening and chamber-like compartments. The subapical cytoplasm isalmost free of microvesicles. (f, inset of F) SEM of the MRC. Note the wide MRC apical opening, a complex surface structure made byinterdigitated microplicae, and thin film of mucus on the PVC surface (black asterisk). AC, apical crypt; M, mitochondria; MRC,mitochondria-rich cell; PVC, pavement cell; TR, tubular reticulum. Whitehead arrows indicate subapical microvesicles and blackhead arrowsindicate intercellular junctions. Scale bars = 1 µm.

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and examined with a Hitachi S 2700 electron microscope(Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan) at the accelerating voltage of 20 kV.Samples used for TEM and LM were dehydrated in a gradedethanol–acetone series to 100% acetone and embedded in Eponepoxy resin. Semi-thin (1 µm) and ultra-thin (60–70 nm)sections were prepared parallel to the long axis of thefilaments and cut with an ultra-microtome (EM-Leicamicrotome, Bannockburn, Illinois, USA). Semi-thin sectionsfor LM analyses were mounted on glass slides, stained with0.5% methylene blue, and examined in a Nikon EclipseE200 microscope (Nikon, Melville, New York, USA).Ultra-thin sections for TEM analyses were mounted on cop-per grids, double-stained with 2% uranyl acetate, followedby 1% lead citrate, and examined in a Tecnai 12 transmis-sion electron microscope (FEI) at an accelerating voltage of80 kV.

MorphometrySeveral major parameters of the gill filamental epithelium

were measured in five fish from each treatment. (1) Thecross-sectional areas of individual MRCs were measured inboth oscars and rainbow trout on five randomly selected thicksections for each of five fish under magnification × 600 onlight microscope slides. (2) The depth of individual apicalopenings of MRC crypts and (3) the diameter of individualapical openings in oscars only were measured on four ran-domly selected cells of each of five fish on TEM microphoto-graphs under magnification × 5400. (4) The number ofmicrovesicles per MRC profile in oscar and rainbow troutwas counted in eight cells for each of five fish for each spe-cies under magnification × 11 000. (5) The surface areas ofindividual PVCs in oscars and rainbow trout were measuredon three randomly selected cells from each of five fish onSEM microphotographs under magnification × 5000.(6) The density of microridges on the PVC surface was cal-culated in oscars and rainbown trout on three randomly se-lected cells from each of five fish as the number ofintercepts of microridge profiles with a segment of test gridsuperimposed on the SEM microphotographs at a magnifica-

tion × 5000. (7) The number of openings of MCs per mm2

was calculated on five randomly selected areas for each offive fish on the trailing edge of the filamental epithelium onSEM microphotographs under magnification × 2000. (8) Thecross-sectional areas of individual MCs were measured onfive randomly selected thick sections for each of five fishunder magnification × 600 on light microscope slides.Note that for all surface-area measurements, we tilted our

samples in a such a way that each measured cell was posi-tioned “en face”, i.e., so that the full cell surface was visibleto us. The present morphometric measurements comple-mented the previously published measurements of Wood etal. (2009) and Iftikar et al. (2010) summarized in Table 1.

Statistical analysisAll data are reported as means ± 1 SE (N = number of

fish). Relationships within each species were assessed byone-way ANOVAs, followed by Bonferroni multiple compar-ison tests. A significance level of P ≤ 0.05 was usedthroughout.


Oscar in normoxiaTEM revealed that MRCs were large elongated cells with

small and shallow apical crypts containing a few thick cyto-plasmic projections (Fig. 1A; Table 2). Interdigitated folds ofapical membrane (microplicae) seen by SEM gave the crypts’surfaces a sieve-like appearance (Fig. 1a). The MRCs exhib-ited a light cytoplasmic matrix where numerous mitochondriawere associated with an extensively branched tubular reticu-lum (Fig. 2A). Abundant microvesicles were distributedunder the apical membrane (Fig. 1A; Table 2). The junctionalcomplexes typically observed under normoxia included atight junction (0.3–0.4 µm) and one or two small desmo-somes that linked MRCs to neighboring PVCs (Fig. 2C).The large polygonal surface of the leaf-like PVCs had longunbranched and concentrically arranged microridges sepa-rated by narrow microgrooves (Fig. 2E; Table 2).

Table 2. Morphometric characteristics of cells in gills of the oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) exposed to normoxia, acute hypoxia (10–20 torr;1 torr = 133.3224 Pa), and normoxic recovery.


Normoxia 1 h 3 h Return to normoxia (3 h)Mitochondria-rich cells (MRCs)Cross-sectional area of individual cell (µm2) 51.3±1.8 C 39.0±1.4 A 36.9±1.3 A 44.1±1.6 BDepth of individual apical crypt (µm) 0.9±0.1 A 1.9±0.1 B 2.8±0.1 C 2.4±0.1 CDiameter of individual apical opening (µm) 3.5±0.2 B 1.3±0.1 A 1.1±0.1 A 3.8±0.2 BNo. of microvesicles per cell profile 42±5 A 21±4 B 19±3 B 31±4 C

Pavement cells (PVCs)Surface area of individual cell (µm2) 103.9±5.9 A 124.2±5.5 B 126.3±7.7 B 113.9±5.8 ABDensity of microridges per test grid 83±3 C 45±2 A 43±3 A 69±3 B

Mucous cells (MCs)No. of MC openings/mm2 on filament trailing edge 4 71±28 A 509±34 AB 570±35 AB 579±34 BCross-sectional area of individual MC1 (µm2) 38.2±1.4 A 43.6±1.9 AB 53.7±1.8 C 47.8±2.3 BCCross-sectional area of individual MC2 (µm2) 29.4±0.5 C 28.9±0.5 C 24.7±0.5 A 26.5±0.4 B

Note: Values are means ± SE (N = 5). Within a category, mean values sharing the same letter are not significantly different (P ≤ 0.05).

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Fig. 2. Transmission electron micrographs of MRCs (A–B) and intercellular junctions between MRC and PVC (E–G), and scanning electronmicrographs of PVCs (E–H) in the gills of the oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) exposed to normoxia, acute hypoxia (10–20 torr; 1 torr =133.3224 Pa), and recovery in normoxic water. (A) Normoxia. Cytoplasm of MRC contains numerous large mitochondria associated withbranched tubular reticulum. (B) 3 h return to normoxia. Note slightly enlarged mitochondria and less branched tubular reticulum. (C) Nor-moxia. Intercellular junctional complexes composed of a long tight junction and two desmosomes. (D) 3 h return to normoxia. Junctionalcomplex with shorter tight junction. (E) Normoxia. Surface pattern of PVC showing long, unbranched, and concentrically arranged micro-ridges separated with narrow microgrooves. (F, G) 1 h and 3 h of hypoxia exposure, respectively. Note the reduction of surface relief to alarge smooth central area and a few microridges at the edge of the cell. (H) 3 h return to normoxia. Note partial restoration of microridgedensity and contraction of smooth central area. D, desmosome; M, mitochondria; MRC, mitochondria-rich cell; PVC, pavement cell; TJ, tightjunction; TR, tubular reticulum. Scale bars = 1 µm (A, B), 0.2 µm (C, D), and 5 µm (E–H).

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Page 7: Gill morphology and acute hypoxia: responses of · Gill morphology and acute hypoxia: responses of mitochondria-rich, pavement, and mucous cells in the Amazonian oscar (Astronotus

Fig. 3. Transmission electron micrographs of two types of mucous cells in the gills of the oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) exposed to normoxia(A–C), 1 h of acute hypoxia (10–20 torr; 1 torr = 133.3224 Pa) (D), and after 3 h of recovery in normoxic water (E, F). (A, B) Normoxia.Typical form of the type 1 mucous cells (MC1s) exposed to the water, with cytoplasm filled with large granules of low electron density(double black asterisks) (A) and the MC1 form found in the border region between filamental and lamellar epithelium, with cytoplasm con-taining large mucous granules of medium electron density (black asterisk) and smaller granules of high electron density (white asterisk).(C) Normoxia. Type 2 mucous cell (MC2s) in the inner layer of the filamental epithelium. The approximately round cell is filled with smallelongated granules of extremely high electron density (double white asterisks). (D) 1 h of hypoxia. Note large granules of low electron density(double black asterisks) and smaller granules of medium electron density (black asterisk) within the goblet-shaped MC1. (E) 3 h return tonormoxia. MC1 contains mostly large granules of medium (black asterisk) and low (double black asterisk) electron density. (F) 3 h return tonormoxia. MC2 is more elongated than in the control (C) with larger and less dense granules. Note the apical crypt of the MRC located in theupper layer of filamental epithelim. AC, apical crypt; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; GA, Golgi apparatus; MRC, mitochondria-rich cell; N,nucleus. Scale bars = 1 µm.

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As revealed by LM, MCs were less abundant than MRCson the filamental epithelium (Table 2). Two types (MC1,MC2) could be distinguished (Figs. 3A–3C). MC1s were lo-cated in the outer epithelial layer and opened onto the epithe-lial surface. Most of these were large oval-to-oblong cellscontaining flattened basally located nuclei and their cyto-plasm was packed with large (1.0–1.2 µm), uniform mucousgranules of low electron density (Fig. 3A). In addition tothese large, lucid granules, the MC1s located in the borderregion between filamental and lamellar epithelia also con-tained granules of medium electron density (0.8–1.3 µm) andsmall granules (0.3–0.5 µm) of high electron density(Fig. 3B). MC2s were revealed in the inner epithelial layerswith no access to the water (Fig. 3C). These were generallysmaller than MC1s (Table 2), almost circular and containedlarge nuclei, well-developed endoplasmic reticulum andGolgi complexes, and small either elongated (0.3–0.7 µm) orspherical (0.4–0.6 µm) granules of a high electron density(Fig. 3C).

Oscar after 1 h of hypoxiaCells comprising the gill epithelium demonstrated a quick

response to the severe hypoxia (10–20 torr). TEM revealedthat apical crypts of MRCs exposed to the water became par-tially or completely covered by expanded flanks of neigh-bouring PVCs (Figs. 1B, 1C). LM measurements showedthat MRCs decreased in cross-sectional area by 25% com-pared with those in the control normoxia gills (Table 2). Par-tially covered MRCs had crypts that were deeper by twofold,whereas the diameters of the apical openings were only about35% of those seen in normoxia (Table 2). Fused cytoplasmicprojections formed a few small chamber-like compartmentswithin the crypts (Fig. 1B). By SEM, the surface structureof the crypts was barely visible owing to the depth of thecrypt and small patches of mucus masking microplicae(Fig. 1b). MRCs completely covered by PVCs had large andalmost symmetrically built multichamber crypts (Fig. 1C).No substantial changes were seen in the ultrastructure of mi-tochondria and tubular reticulum but there was a twofold re-duction in the number of subapical microvesicles (Table 2).MRC–PVC intercellular junctions remained unchanged.PVCs showed a significant 20% expansion in their individualsurface areas and a sharp 45% decrease in the density ofmicroridges, leaving only a few on the cell edges (Table 2;Fig. 2F). MC1s became slightly enlarged, assuming a goblet

shape, and contained only large mucous granules (0.9–1.4 µm) (Table 2; Fig. 3D). A film of mucus was stuck tothe PVC surface and patches of mucus were seen withinMRC crypts (Fig. 1b). No changes were found in MC2s.

Oscar after 3 h of hypoxiaAs after 1 h of hypoxia exposure, the population of MRCs

was represented by both partially and completely coveredcells. Their individual cross-sectional areas remained 25%lower and apical crypts more than threefold deeper than innormoxia (Table 2). Apical crypts presented a flask-likeshape and their openings with a few exceptions were verysmall and circular (Figs. 1D, 1d; Table 2). Similar to 1 h ofhypoxia exposure, the subapical zone of cytoplasm containeda small amount of microvesicles (Table 2). The crypt ofMRCs that were completely covered with flanks of PVs re-mained large. No further changes were revealed in the ultra-structure of MRCs and MRC–PVC junctional complexes.Similarly, no further changes were seen in the surface area,microridge density, or topography of PVCs (Table 2;Fig. 2G). However, approximately 20% more openings ofmucous cells were observed on the filamental surface whenobserved by SEM. The cross-sectional area of individualMC1s increased by about 40%, whereas MC2s were reducedin size by about 15% (Table 2).

Oscar after 3 h return to normoxiaTEM revealed that the most MRCs had apices exposed on

the filament surface and LM demonstrated that cells ex-panded in their cross-sectional area (Table 2; Figs. 1E, 1F).Diameters of apical openings increased to normoxic valueswhile depth of crypts remained threefold deeper than in con-trol (Table 2). Although patches of mucus masked the surfaceof many apical crypts (Fig. 1e), mucus-free crypts showed asurface design that highly resembled those found in control(Fig. 1f). MRC ultrastructure displayed a more fragmentedtubular reticulum (Fig. 2B). The number of subapical micro-vesicles increased to almost twice that in hypoxic treatments(Table 2). The length of the tight junctions between MRCsand PVCs was approximately 80% of those in control and hy-poxic treatments (Fig. 2D). The surface area of PVCs wasslightly smaller and microridges became more dense, but the“normal” architecture of these cells was only partially re-stored (Table 2; Fig. 2H). MC1s remained numerous andlarge and were packed with huge granules (0.8–1.5 µm) of

Fig. 4. Transmission (TEM) and scanning (SEM) electron micrographs of apices of MRCs in the filamental epithelium of the rainbow trout(Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to normoxia (A, B) and 1 h of acute hypoxia (80 torr; 1 torr = 133.3224 Pa) (C–D). (A) Normoxia. TEM ofthe apical part of the cluster composed of two MRCs. Note the relatively flat apical surfaces of the cells, bearing long and straight microvilli.(a, inset of A) SEM of apical surface of two-cell cluster of MRCs. MRCs are marked by one and double white asterisks. (B) Normoxia. TEMof the apical part of a solitary MRC with a slightly convex apical surface and stright microvilli. (b, inset of B) SEM of an MRC. In A and B,note numerous mitochondria and tubular reticulum and MRC–MRC and MRC–PVC intercellular junctions indicated by blackhead arrows.(C) 1 h of hypoxia. TEM of the apical part of a solitary MRC with a highly convex “dome-like” apical surface, with few knob-like microvilliand microvesicles located in the subapical zone of cytoplasm. (c, inset of C) SEM of the dome-like apical surface of a solitary MRC. Noteglob of mucus discharging from the mucous cell (designated by black asterisk) and the thin film of mucus on the MRC surface. (D) 1 h ofhypoxia. TEM of the apical part of a solitary MRC showing a “carpet- like” appearance with a flat apical surface bearing short and slightlyramified microvilli. Abundant microvesicles and prominent bundles of microfilaments are located beneath the apical membrane. (d) SEM ofthe MR surface. Note receptor cell bordering MRC. M, mitochondria; MC, mucous cell; mf, microfilaments; MRC, mitochondria-rich cell;PVC, pavement cell; TR, tubular reticulum. Whitehead arrows indicate subapical microvesicles; blackhead arrows indicate intercellular junc-tions. Scale bars = 1 µm (A–D) and 5 µm (a–d, insets).

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low and medium electron density (Fig. 3E; Table 2). MC2sremained smaller than in the normoxic treatment and con-tained larger and less dense granules than during hypoxia ex-posure (Fig. 3F; Table 2).

Rainbow trout in normoxiaIn rainbow trout, MRCs were either gathered into clusters

(Figs. 4A, 4a) or appeared solitary (Figs. 4B, 4b). They werelarge ovoid cells with apices bearing long and straight micro-villi, as characterized by both SEM and TEM (Table 3;Figs. 4A, 4a). We note that the term “crypt” is not used herefor the MRCs of rainbow trout, as they tended either to lieflat to the surface or to bulge out, which is in contrast to therecessed MRCs of the oscar. MRCs had light cytoplasm,abundant mitochondria, loosely branched tubular reticulum(Fig. 6A), and only a small amount of subapical micro-vesicles (Figs. 4A, 4B; Table 3). These cells had similarcross-sectional size to those of oscars as measured by LM(Table 3). MRCs were typically joined to PVCs with shorttight junctions (0.2–0.3 µm) followed by a large desmosome(Fig. 6E). In addition, TEM revealed the presence of smallerMRCs with no access to the water below the outermost epi-thelial layer. PVCs had large individual surface areas, compa-rable with those in oscar (Table 3 vs. Table 2) but displayeda more complex surface pattern composed of long, branched,and interdigitated microridges separated by wide and shallowmicrogrooves (Fig. 7A). In contrast to oscar, only one type ofMC could be seen by TEM, and the number of their apicalopenings revealed by SEM were comparable in the two spe-cies (Table 3 vs. Table 2). As seen by TEM, MCs in troutwere generally round, larger than either MC1s or MC2s inoscar, and filled with mucous granules of medium electrondensity and varying size (0.4–1.2 µm) (Table 3 vs. Table 2;Fig. 7E). Smaller and less dense granules were also seen inthese cells and some granules bore an equatorial band(Fig. 7E).

Rainbow trout after 1 h in hypoxiaThe responses of MRCs of rainbow trout to acute moder-

ate hypoxia (80 torr) were fundamentally different from thoseof oscar to severe hypoxia (10–20 torr). In contrast to the25% reduction in MRC cross-sectional area seen in oscars(Table 2), there was a 55% increase in individual MRC

cross-sectional area in rainbow trout as seen by LM (Table 3).Rather than being covered over by PVCs, apical exposure ofMRCs greatly expanded. Most MRCs now had huge dome-like apices with highly reduced knob-like microvilli (Figs. 4C,4c). A few MRCs exhibited a flat “carpet-like” surface pat-tern composed of very short and slightly ramified microvilli(Fig. 4D, 4d). Regardless of the MRC surface structure, thetubular reticulum appeared less branched and more frag-mented, mitochondria were more polymorphic (Fig. 6B), andsubapical microvesicles were more abundant than in controls(Figs. 4C, 4D; Table 3). Intercellular junctions were notchanged. In contrast to oscar, MRCs expanded, PVC surfacearea was reduced by 25%, and their microridge density in-creased by 20% (Table 3 vs. Table 2). Wide and short micro-ridges separated by gap-like microgrooves now tightlycovered the PVC surfaces (Fig. 7B). MCs tended to becomemore numerous in the filamental epithelium (Table 3) andsome of them even appeared on the lamellar bases. All MCscontained elongated to spherical large (0.7–1.2 µm) granulesof medium electron density and smaller (0.5–0.6 µm) gran-ules of high density (Fig. 7F). Extrusion of granules fromMCs was often seen in cells opening onto the filamental sur-face (Fig. 4c).

Rainbow trout after 4 h in hypoxiaMRCs existed exclusively as solitary cells; clusters were

not seen. Individual cross-sectional areas (by LM) were sig-nificantly reduced compared with 1 h of hypoxia exposurebut remained larger than in normoxia (Table 3). There werea variety of surface patterns observed on MRCs. In mostMRCs, the apices became less convex, almost smooth, orbearing rudimentary microvilli (Figs. 5A, 5a). These cellshad an unusually high concentration of subapical microve-sicles beneath the apical membrane (Fig. 5A; Table 3). OtherMRCs had a flat surface either with a “carpet-like” design al-ready seen after 1 h exposure, or a “ridged” surface made upof a combination of long and short microplicae (Figs. 5B,5b). All MRCs exhibited a reduced tubular reticulum com-posed of thin unbranched tubules and slightly enlarged mito-chondria (Fig. 6C). The individual PVC surface areasexpanded and were no longer significantly different from thenormoxic control areas (Table 3). The microridge densitysimilarly returned to control values, with fine lace-like

Table 3. Morphometric characteristics of cells in gills of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to normoxia, acute hypoxia(80 torr; 1 torr = 133.3224 Pa), and normoxic recovery.


Normoxia 1 h 4 h Return to normoxia (6 h)Mitochondria-rich cells (MRCs)Cross-sectional area of individual cell (µm2) 49.7±2.3 A 77.2±2.2 C 63.3±2.1 B 59.6±1.8 BNumber of microvesicles per cell profile 20±3 A 32±3 B 49±4 C 24±4 A

Pavement cells (PVCs)Surface area of individual cell (µm2) 129.5±5.2 B 99.4±4.5 A 140.3±5.0 BC 150.4±6.4 CDensity of microridges per test grid 341±5 A 407±7 C 353±5 AB 360±4 B

Mucous cells (MCs)Number of MC openings/mm2 on filament trailing edge 547±34 A 687±33 B 760±30 B 675±39 BCross-sectional area of individual cell (µm2) 58.3±1.6 A 55.0±2.1 A 71.5±2.0 B 61.1±1.6 A

Note: Values are means ± SE (N = 5). Within a category, mean values sharing the same letter are not significantly different (P ≤ 0.05).

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Page 11: Gill morphology and acute hypoxia: responses of · Gill morphology and acute hypoxia: responses of mitochondria-rich, pavement, and mucous cells in the Amazonian oscar (Astronotus

patterns (Table 3; Fig. 7C). The number of MCs openingonto the filamental surface was now significantly elevated byabout 40% above normoxic control values (Table 3). Theirindividual cross-sectional areas as seen by LM were also sig-

nificantly increased (Table 3) and they were filled with uni-form granules (0.7–0.9 µm) of medium electron density(Fig. 7G). Smaller MCs were also now visible, spreading upto the mid-sections of lamellae (Fig. 7H).

Fig. 5. Transmission (TEM) and scanning (SEM) electron micrographs of apices of MRCs in the filamental epithelium of the rainbow trout(Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to 4 h of acute hypoxia (80 torr; 1 torr = 133.3224 Pa) (A–B) and after 6 h of recovery in normoxic water(C). (A) 4 h of hypoxia. TEM of an apex with slightly convex and almost smooth surface and a large population of subapical microvesicles.(a, inset of A) SEM of the slightly convex and almost smooth surface of an apex. Note thin film of mucus on MRC surface and opening ofMC with mucous rim (designated by black asterisk) located in close proximity to the MRC. (B) 4 h of hypoxia. TEM of an apex with a flatand “ridge-like” surface. (b, inset of B) SEM of the flat and ridge-like surface of an apex. (C) 6 h return to normoxia. TEM micrograph of acluster formed by two MRCs with carpet-like apical surfaces. (c, inset of C) SEM micrograph of two-cell cluster. M, mitochondria; mf,microfilaments; MRC, mitochondria-rich cell; PVC, pavement cells; TR, tubular reticulum. Whitehead arrows indicate subapical micro-vesicles; blackhead arrows indicate intercellular junctions. Scale bars1 µm (A–C) and 5 µm (a–c, insets).

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Rainbow trout after 6 h return to normoxiaIn contrast to oscar, the changes seen during hypoxia in

rainbow trout were not as clearly reversed after return tonormoxia. For example, cross-sectional individual size (byLM) that was significantly above control values remained at

the 4 h hypoxia level (Table 3). However, MRC clusters re-appeared in the filamental epithelium as in normoxia and api-ces of solitary or clustered cells resumed their usual flat orslightly convex shape (Fig. 5C). Solitary MRCs were deco-rated by straight protruding microvilli, whereas the surfaces

Fig. 6. Transmission electron micrographs of the cytoplasm of MRCs (A–D) and intercellular junctions between MRCs and PVCs (E–F) inthe gills of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to normoxia, acute hypoxia (80 torr; 1 torr = 133.3224 Pa), and 6 h recovery innormoxic water. (A) Normoxia. Note numerous well-shaped mitochondria and elaborated tubular reticulum. (B) 1 h of hypoxia. Note poly-morphic mitochondria and fragmented and less branched tubular reticulum. (C) 4 h of hypoxia. Note tubular reticulum composed of thinunbranched tubules and less numerous and enlarged mitochondria. (D) 6 h return to normoxia. Note the higher density of mitochondria andmore developed reticulum than after 4 h of hypoxia exposure. (E) Normoxia. Intercellular junctional complex composed of a short tight junc-tion followed by a prominent desmosome. (F) 6 h return to normoxia. Intercellular junctional complex. D, desmosome; M, mitochondria;MRC, mitochondria-rich cell; PVC, pavement cell; TJ, tight junction; TR, tubular reticulum. Scale bars = 1 µm (A–D) and 0.2 µm (E–F).

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of MRCs joined into clusters were covered by short micro-villi organized in a “carpet-like” pattern (Fig. 5c). Mitochon-dria in MRCs exhibited their regular structure and the tubulesof the reticulum displayed a more branched network thanafter 4 h exposure to hypoxia (Fig. 6D). The number of sub-apical microvesicles dropped to their control value (Table 3).No changes were seen in the junctional complexes (Fig. 6F).The surface areas of individual PVCs increased slightly moreand now were significantly greater than the normoxic value(Table 3). Microridge density remained at the 4 h hypoxiaand normoxic level (Table 3). They formed a more looselyorganized pattern on the cell surface (Fig. 7D). MRC–PVCintercellular junctions remained stable (Fig. 6F). The numberof MCs in the filamental epithelium fell only slightly fromthe 4 h hypoxia level and remained higher than normoxicvalues (Table 3). MCs were now typically oblong to goblet-shaped and were smaller in cross-sectional area than after 4 hhypoxia (Table 3), but MCs did not differ from control cells,containing granules of varying size, shape, and electron den-sity (Fig. 7I).

DiscussionThe freshwater gill is known to alter its morphology in re-

sponse to environmental variations, thereby adapting itsstructure and function to suit its environment (Laurent andPerry 1991; Goss et al. 1995; Wilson and Laurent 2002; Fer-nandes and Mazon 2003; Kaneko et al. 2008). Acute hypoxiacan now be added to the list of stressors that cause rapidmorphological change, effecting dynamic and well co-ordinatedresponses in all three major cell types exposed to the ambi-ent water in the filamental epithelium. In both the hypoxia-tolerant Amazonian oscar and the hypoxia-intolerantrainbow trout, morphological alterations developed rapidly,were partially reversible (more so in the oscar), and wentin opposite directions.

OscarAs originally reported by Wood et al. (2009), the number

and surface area of MRCs in the Amazonian oscar sharplydecreased during 3 h of hypoxia exposure and these changeswere partially reversed during normoxic recovery (Table 1).In the present study, we have shown that individual cross-sectional areas of MRCs underwent similar changes, withshape and size of their apical crypts changing dramatically(Table 2). Using the MRC classification of Lee et al. (1996)and Chang et al. (2001) based on surface morphology, MRCsin oscars under normoxia were of the “shallow-basin” type;they were transformed into “deep-hole” MRCs after 1 h and3 h of hypoxic exposure and returned to “shallow-basin”morphology after 3 h of normoxic recovery. Modification ofthe apical surfaces of the MRCs may involve reorganizationof the cytoskeleton, membrane turnover, and (or) other intra-cellular alterations (Shieh et al. 2003). Exposure to hypoxiadid not affect but caused a sharp decrease in the populationof subapical microvesicles that was partially restored duringnormoxic recovery (Table 2). Thus, our first hypothesis thathypoxia affects the size, shape, and ultrastructure of MRCswas confirmed. We suppose that during hypoxia exposure,MRCs with deeply recessed small apical crypts have lessarea available for ion leakage through the apical membrane;

this phenomenon may explain the large reduction of transcel-lular permeability that was observed (Wood et al. 2007,2009). Indeed, as argued below, the reduced apical exposureof MRCs could explain the fairly uniform reduction of efflu-xes of many different substances that has been observed. Asnoted in the Introduction, it remains unclear to what extentMRCs vs. PVCs contribute to active Na+ uptake, but it ispossible that these same changes may also help explain theobserved decrease in Na+ influx during hypoxia and subse-quent restoration upon return to normoxia (Wood et al.2007, 2009). The reduced number of apical microvesicles inparticular may indicate reduced trafficking of transporters orchannels to the apical membrane, in accordance with the ob-served reductions in apparent transcellular fluxes of numer-ous molecules during hypoxia (Wood et al. 2009).The present observations demonstrate that these alterations

in MRC exposure were a result of a cross-relationship be-tween PVCs and MRCs. Exposure to hypoxia caused expan-sion of PVCs through stretching of their apical surface at theexpense of microridges (Table 2), in accordance with the in-terpretation of Avella et al. (2009) that PVC microridges pro-vide a functional reserve of surface area. Expanded PVCswere able to cover and to push down neighbouring MRCs.When the protruding flanks of PVCs joined over the top,MRCs apices appeared to be buried underneath, isolatedfrom the water, and very probably could not perform theirtransport functions. When PVC flanks were not completelyjoined together, MRCs were left with only small apical open-ings. Apical membranes of MRCs became recessed andfolded, forming deep crypts with chambered-like internalstructure. Therefore, in oscar, MRCs shrink and are coveredover by pavement cells, reducing their exposure to the ambi-ent hypoxic water and increasing the diffusion distances tothe water. Upon return to normoxic water, both MRCs andPVCs exhibited high plasticity of their apical membranes.Retraction of the PVC surface allowed a large number ofMRC apical crypts previously covered by PVCs to re-appearon the filamental surface, with increased apical exposure (Ta-bles 1, 2). Therefore our second hypothesis that PVCs maystretch and retract their surface to cover and uncover apicesof MRCs in response to hypoxia exposure and normoxia wasfound to be true in oscars.The present observations provide additional evidence for

an important morphological component in the unusualosmo-respiratory compromise of the oscar in which ionicpermeability is reduced (Wood et al. 2007, 2009) while O2permeability is unaffected (Scott et al. 2008) during acute se-vere hypoxia. Based on the fluxes of several permeabilitymarkers (PEG-4000, ammonia, Na+, K+, 3H2O, urine flow—a marker of branchial osmotic water permeability), Wood etal. (2009) concluded that gills of oscar responded to severehypoxia by a greatly reduced transcellular permeability with-out change in paracellular permeability. Notably, no structuralalterations during hypoxia were found in the MRC–PVC tightjunctions of oscar, the probable paracellular route for move-ment of ions. As reduced transcellular fluxes of Na+, K+,ammonia, urea, and water would all likely occur throughmembrane channel proteins, Wood et al. (2009) speculatedthat hypoxia causes a form of “channel arrest” in gills of os-car. This would be analogous to the “channel arrest hypothe-sis” proposed to explain survival of the brain and liver in

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other hypoxia-tolerant animals such as Crucian carp and tur-tles (Hochachka 1986; Boutilier 2001). If the MRCs are theprimary sites of these channel-mediated fluxes, then closureof many apical crypts and narrowing of the rest byco-ordinated PVC extension and MRC recession would pro-vide a unifying mechanism by which all transcellular fluxescould be reduced during hypoxia, rather than invoking theneed for O2 sensitivity of each different type of channel pro-tein. The increased depth and mucification of the crypts thatwas observed during hypoxia could supplement this effect,further reducing effective transcellular permeability. In addi-tion, as Na+ influx was also reduced during severe hypoxiain the oscar (Wood et al. 2007, 2009), these results arguethat the MRCs and not the PVCs are the sites of active Na+uptake in this species.A recession of apical crypts and PVC-mediated decrease in

MRC surface exposure formed part of a more complex mor-phological response (“remodeling”) during hypoxic exposurein the highly hypoxia-resistant scaleless carp (Matey et al.2008). PVC-mediated reductions in MRC exposure may be acommon response mechanism to unfavorable environmentalconditions, as it was also used by brown bullhead (Ameiurusnebulosus (Lesueur, 1819)) exposed to hypercapnia (Goss etal. 1994), Magadi tilapia (Alcolapia alcalica (Hilgendorf,1905)) exposed to less alkaline water (Laurent et al. 1995),killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus (L., 1766)) exposed to os-motic stress (Daborn et al. 2001), and white sturgeon (Aci-penser transmontanus Richardson, 1836) exposed tohypercarbic water (Baker et al. 2009).In accordance with our third hypothesis, MCs clearly re-

sponded to hypoxia exposure in the oscar. Hypoxia led to acopious deposition of mucus on the surfaces of PVCs andwithin apical crypts of MRCs. This mucus was produced bylarge cells (MC1s) opening onto the epithelial surface andfilled with granules of varying electron density and, probably,varying “maturity”. The number and size of MC1s increasedduring hypoxia exposure (Table 2), and after 3 h, they con-tained large “mature” granules ready to be released. The pop-ulation of large MC1s did not drop when fish weretransferred back from hypoxic to normoxic water and mucusremained on the filament epithelium surface. The pool ofsmaller MC2s with small and extremely dense granules andno access to the filament surface may represent young andunderdeveloped MCs. These suggestions correspond to recentdata obtained on the gills of another cichlid fish, the Nile ti-

lapia (Oreochromis niloticus niloticus (L., 1758)) (Monteiroet al. 2010). Using immunohistochemical approaches, Mon-teiro et al. (2010) revealed two subpopulations of MCs withdifferent localization in gill epithelium (large cells in the out-ermost layer and smaller cells in the deeper layers, as in theoscar) and dissimilar chemical composition. They also sug-gested that smaller MCs may be not fully differentiated cellsthat were still migrating to the upper epithelial layers.Excessive mucus production is considered a generalized

response of fish gills to a number of environmental stressors,including hypoxia (Mallatt 1985; Evans 1987; Shephard1994; Fernandes and Mazon 2003; Matey et al. 2008). It hasbeen assumed for years that mucus may help regulate bothtranscellular and paracellular permeability of the gills, but di-rect evidence has yet to be obtained.

Rainbow troutIn contrast to the oscar, exposure to more moderate hypo-

xia in rainbow trout caused quick expansion of the MRCsand their transformation from “shallow-basin” to “wavy-convex”cells. Stretching of MRC’s surface occurred at the expenseof the outfoldings of apical membrane, the long and straightmicrovilli. Like microridges of PVCs, these could be usedas a reserve of surface area. As originally reported by Ifti-kar et al. (2010), by 1 h of hypoxic exposure, the numberof exposed MRCs increased 1.3 times and their individualsurface area was elevated more than threefold (Table 1),making more sites available for ion transport on the gill ep-ithelium than in normoxic fish. MRCs was highly enlargedso that their cross-sectional area increased by 55% (Table 3).Huge apices of MRCs previously covered by thin flanks ofPVCs bulged out and appeared on the filamental surface,increasing the total population of exposed MRCs. In con-trast to the oscar, there were ultrastructural alterations intubular reticulum (less branching) and mitochondria (morediversity in morphology) commonly associated with lessfunctionally active MRCs. However, subapical microvesiclesbecame more abundant than in control. After 4 h of hypo-xia, MRCs number dropped to control values, but their sur-face area reported by Iftikar et al. (2010) remained nearlydouble that in normoxia (Table 1). MRCs became smallerin cross-sectional area than after 1 h exposure (Table 3)and appeared as both “wavy-convex” and “shallow-basin”forms. Most MRCs contained obviously reduced tubular re-ticulum and abundant subapical microvesicles. After 6 h of

Fig. 7. Scanning electron micrographs of the surfaces of PVCs (A–D) and transmission electron micrographs of MCs in the gills of the rain-bow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to normoxia, acute hypoxia (80 torr; 1 torr = 133.3224 Pa), and 6 h recovery in normoxic water.(A) Normoxia. Complex surface pattern composed of thin and highly interdigitated microridges. (B) 1 h of hypoxia. Surface pattern com-posed of wide microridges separated by gap-like microgroves. (C) 4 h of hypoxia. Note that the width of the microridges is decreased andthat lace-like assembled microridges form a complex surface architecture. (D) 6 h return to normoxia. The PVC with a surface covered byramified microridges is the most common morphology in the filamental epithelium. (E) Normoxia. Large MC in the filamental epitheliumfilled with granules of medium electron density and high electron density. Some granules show an equatorial band of lower density than therest of the granule matrix (white arrows). (F) 1 h of hypoxia. Goblet-shaped MC on the border of the filamental and lamellar epithelium. Notethe presence of mucous granules that differ in size and electron density, while large granules of medium electron density predominate. Thenucleus and well-developed endoplasmic reticulum are located on the bottom of the cell. (G, H) 4 h of hypoxia. Huge MCs filled with gran-ules of medium electron density in filamental (G) and lamellar (H) epithelia. (I) 6 h return to normoxia. Elongated MCs in the filamentalepithelium. They contain huge granules of medium electron density and small granules of high electron density. ER, endoplasmic reticulum;MC, mucous cell; N, nucleus; PVC, pavement cell; RBC, red blood cell. White asterisks designated mucous granules of medium electrondensity; double white asterisks designated granules of high electron density. Black asterisks in A–D designated glob of mucus releasing fromthe MCs. Scale bars = 5 µm (A–D) and 1 µm (E–I).

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normoxic recovery, changes in surface morphology and cellultrastructure were partially reversed. Both the exposed sur-face area of individual MRCs (Table 1) and their individualcross-sectional areas (Table 3) remained substantially ele-vated relative to normoxic values. Therefore, our first hy-pothesis was again proven to be true: in the rainbow trout,hypoxia affected the size, shape, and ultrastructure of MRCsin the opposite direction to the effects observed in the oscar.Iftikar et al. (2010) measured an increase in branchial Na+

influx and efflux rates in rainbow trout during exposure tothe same level of hypoxia. Using the same arguments as forthe oscar, the increased density of subapical microvesicles inMRCs in particular may indicate increased trafficking oftransporters or channels to the apical membrane, and the in-creased apical exposure of MRCs could explain the increasedefflux rates of Na+, K+, and ammonia that were observed,assuming that these were transcellular phenomena. Increasedinflux and efflux rates may be also supported by a largernumber of MRCs exposed to the water. Thus, the branchialepithelium of the rainbow trout exhibits clear morphologicalcorrelates of the traditional osmorespiratory compromise inwhich ion exchange rates are elevated at a time of increasedrespiratory demand (Randall et al. 1972; Nilsson 2007).Although it may seem counterintuitive that Na+ influx (aswell as efflux) should increase at a time of decreased O2availability, Iftikar et al. (2010) discuss several possible ex-planations, including changing blood flow patterns, exchangediffusion, acid–base status, and homeostatic compensation forincreased Na+ efflux; the latter has been seen during exercise(Postlethwaite and McDonald 1995).Although changes were opposite those in the oscar, altera-

tions in MRC exposure to the ambient water were againclearly a result of a reciprocal relationship between PVCsand MRCs. As the MRCs expanded during the first hour ofhypoxia, the individual surface areas of the PVCs were re-duced by 25% and their surface architecture showed an in-creased density of microridges (Table 3). Later, at 4 h ofhypoxia and during recovery, these changes were reversed.Therefore our second hypothesis that PVCs may alter theirsurface to cover and uncover MRCs in response to hypoxia ex-posure and normoxia was also found to be true in rainbow trout.Finally, one important similarity to the response of the os-

car was the increased discharge of mucus and its markeddeposition on the epithelial surface during hypoxia, provingthat our third hypothesis was true in both species. MCs be-came larger and clearly more active. However, in trout after4 h of hypoxia exposure, distribution of MCs was not limitedto the filamental epithelium, with some migrating up the la-mellar epithelium. Again, this increased mucous secretioncould be a mechanism to control ion leakage and (or) supportion uptake without unduly restricting O2 diffusion.

Concluding remarksOverall, our results indicate that there is a rapid and im-

portant morphological component to the branchial permeabil-ity and transport responses to hypoxia in two species withvery different approaches to the ionoregulatory compromise.Gills of both oscar and rainbow trout exposed to hypoxia ex-perienced structural alterations at the tissue level (number ofMRCs and MCs exposed to the ambient water), cellular level(size and shape of the MRCs, MCs, PVCs, surface structure

of MRCs and PVCs), and subcellular level (number ofsubapical microvesicles, state of mitochondria and tubular re-ticulum in the MRCs). However, the oscar lives in an envi-ronment that is frequently hypoxic (Val and Almeida-Val1995) and appears to rely more heavily on metabolic depres-sion as a strategy for tolerating hypoxia. This strategy, incombination with the morphological changes that we havedescribed, ensures that ionic homeostasis is maintained dur-ing severe hypoxia in the oscar (Wood et al. 2007, 2009). Incontrast, the rainbow trout, which is a species normally re-stricted to well-oxygenated environments, invokes responsesaimed at maintaining or increasing oxygen uptake resultingin augmented ion transport and leakage rates during evenmoderate hypoxia (Iftikar et al. 2010). The rapid yet diver-gent responses of pavement cells are probably an importantbasis for these differences between species. Other obviousmorphological responses, such as those exhibited by mucouscells, are more similar between species. It is therefore clearthat the gills exhibit many important responses to hypoxia,some of which we are only beginning to appreciate.

AcknowledgementsThis work was funded by a Natural Sciences and Engineer-

ing Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grantto C.M.W. and a Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa (CNPq) –Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas(FAPEAM) – Programa de Apoio a Núcleos de Excelência(PRONEX) Grant to A.L.V. C.M.W. is supported by the Can-ada Research Chair Program and his travel to Brazil wasfunded in part by the International Congress of ComparativePhysiology and Biochemistry. A.L.V. and V.M.F.A.-V. are re-cipients of research fellowships from CNPq. K.A.S. was sup-ported by a grant from the Association for the Study ofAnimal Behaviour and the Royal Society (UK). G.D.B. wassupported by a grant from the Research Foundation – Flan-ders (FWO). G.R.S. was supported by an Izaak WaltonKillam Predoctoral Fellowship and was the recipient of aJournal of Experimental Biology travelling fellowship. Wethank Maria de Nazaré Paula da Silva, Richard Sloman,Linda Daio, Sunita Nadella, Andrea Morash, and John Fitz-patrick for excellent technical assistance; Steven Barlow(SDSU) for his valuable consultations on electron micro-scopy; and two anonymous reviewers for constructive com-ments on the manuscript.

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