gilbert messinger...2021/03/07  · in total, st. rita in the desert received $22,000.00 from the...


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Page 1: Gilbert Messinger...2021/03/07  · In total, St. Rita in the Desert received $22,000.00 from the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Tucson in the form of emergency funds to ensure
Page 2: Gilbert Messinger...2021/03/07  · In total, St. Rita in the Desert received $22,000.00 from the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Tucson in the form of emergency funds to ensure
Page 3: Gilbert Messinger...2021/03/07  · In total, St. Rita in the Desert received $22,000.00 from the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Tucson in the form of emergency funds to ensure

Gilbert Messinger

Please include our Elect and Candidates

in your daily prayers as they continue their journey

to full membership in the Catholic Church.

Airam Duarte Elect

Candace Muse Elect

Stephen Mach Elect

Josie Mach Candidate

Mya de la Torre Candidate

Page 4: Gilbert Messinger...2021/03/07  · In total, St. Rita in the Desert received $22,000.00 from the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Tucson in the form of emergency funds to ensure
Page 6: Gilbert Messinger...2021/03/07  · In total, St. Rita in the Desert received $22,000.00 from the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Tucson in the form of emergency funds to ensure
Page 8: Gilbert Messinger...2021/03/07  · In total, St. Rita in the Desert received $22,000.00 from the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Tucson in the form of emergency funds to ensure
Page 9: Gilbert Messinger...2021/03/07  · In total, St. Rita in the Desert received $22,000.00 from the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Tucson in the form of emergency funds to ensure



March 7, 2021

“Take these out of here, and stop making my Father’s house a marketplace.” (John 2:16)

Dear Parish Family,

When we consider a place of worship, a temple, or a church, it is a place where faithful gather to commune with their god and to offer various ritual sacrifices in order to receive graces, or favors from said god. For the followers of Judaism, the Temple was the focal point of Jewish worship, but those who were left in charge of the liturgical ceremonies, unfortunately did not have the best interest of their fellow Jews in mind. Sadly, those who were in charge of the sacrifices and burnt offerings, were cheating, lying, and stealing from those who would come to worship God. As a result of seeing this, Jesus became angry, a righteous anger and drove out of the temple those things that would demoralize the people.

Jesus makes a shocking statement that He is in fact the true Temple and that the spirit of God does not merely dwell within temples and places of worship, but resides in those who are fully open to oneness with God. We are all called to be living temples of the Holy Spirit. As such, we are called to be open to that spirit of God that moves us to repentance to drive out those sins that keep us bound up and enslaved to the world of consumerism, dishonesty, bitterness, anger, jealousy, and immorality.

This Lenten journey is a time for us to become aware of the same courage, humility, and strength. A time to rid ourselves of those things that destroy the image of God within us. Those sins that stifle the movements of the Holy Spirit to dwell within each of us so that we are free to live in the peace, joy, and love of God. May we be set free knowing how much we are loved by God, who sent His only Son to die upon the cross for us to give us new and everlasting life today and for always! God be praised!

I want to thank you all for your attention to the Annual Catholic Appeal last week. I know that I can count on you to do your part in making sure that St. Rita in the Desert does their part to assist those who are in need. I would like to give you all an update on an emergency grant that the parish subsequently received as well. I sought a grant from the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Tucson in the amount of $10,000.00 and as such, the Catholic Foundation granted us $15,000.00! In total, St. Rita in the Desert received $22,000.00 from the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Tucson in the form of emergency funds to ensure we keep our employees. Kindly, consider giving what you can to the Annual Catholic Appeal. I too will be contributing some on behalf of our parish family. Thank you and God bless you for your kind consideration!

Lastly, I would like to let you know that we finally managed to update our parish website! It has been a collaborative effort by Deacon Ron and Sue Lakosky in ensuring that we had all information necessary and that all the information is helpful. Please let us know how you like the changes to our website. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to let us know as well. We are here to serve you! Thank you and God bless.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Reverend Alonzo M. García


Page 10: Gilbert Messinger...2021/03/07  · In total, St. Rita in the Desert received $22,000.00 from the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Tucson in the form of emergency funds to ensure


OFICINA DEL PASTOR …Con Dios, todo es posible! Mateo 19:26

7 de marzo de 2021

"Quiten todo de aquí y no conviertan en un mercado la casa de mi Padre". (John 2:16)

Querida Familia parroquial:Usualmente pensamos en un lugar de culto, un templo o una iglesia como un lugar donde los fieles se reúnen para estar en comunión con su dios y ofrecer sacrificios rituales con el fin de recibir gracias o favores de dicho dios. Para los seguidores del judaísmo, el Templo era el punto focal del culto, pero, desafortunadamente, aquellos que estaban a cargo de las ceremonias litúrgicas no siempre tenían como objetivo el interés de todos sus compañeros judíos. Lamentablemente, los que estaban a cargo de los sacrificios y holocaustos, estaban engañando, mintiendo y robando a los que venían a adorar a Dios. Cuando Jesús vio esto, se enojó. Era una ira justa que lo llevó a expulsar del templo aquellas cosas que desmoralizan a la gente. Jesús hace una declaración impactante de que Él es el verdadero Templo y que el espíritu de Dios no sólo habita dentro de los templos y lugares de adoración, sino que reside en aquellos que están completamente abiertos a la unidad con Dios. Todos estamos llamados a ser templos vivientes del Espíritu Santo. Por lo tanto, estamos llamados a estar abiertos a ese espíritu de Dios que nos mueve al arrepentimiento y a expulsar aquellos pecados que nos mantienen atados y esclavizados al mundo del consumismo, la deshonestidad, la amargura, la ira, los celos y la inmoralidad. La Cuaresma es un tiempo para que tomemos conciencia de la valentía, la humildad y la fuerza. Un tiempo para deshacernos de esas cosas que destruyen la imagen de Dios dentro de nosotros. Esos pecados que sofocan los esfuerzos del Espíritu Santo para habitar dentro de cada uno de nosotros para que seamos libres de vivir en la paz, el gozo y el amor de Dios. ¡Que seamos libres sabiendo cuánto somos amados por Dios, quien envió a Su único Hijo a morir en la cruz por nosotros para darnos vida nueva y eterna hoy y para siempre! ¡Alabado sea Dios! Quiero agradecerles a todos por su atención a la Campaña Católica Anual la semana pasada. Sé que puedo contar con ustedes para que colaboren con esta campaña para asegurarse de que Santa Rita en el Desierto aporta su parte para ayudar a los más necesitados. Me gustaría hacer de su conocimiento que nuestra parroquia recibió por parte de la Fundación Católica de la Diócesis de Tucson una subvención de emergencia . ¡Les pedí una subvención por la cantidad de $10,000.00 y, muy generosamente, la Fundación Católica nos otorgó $15,000.00! En total, Santa Rita en el Desierto ha recibido $22,000.00 como fondos de emergencia por parte de la Fundación para ayudarnos a mantener a todos nuestros empleados. Por favor, consideren hacer una donación a la Campaña Católica Anual. Yo también contribuiré en nombre de nuestra familia parroquial. ¡Gracias y que Dios los bendiga por su amable consideración! Por último, me gustaría informarles que finalmente hemos logrado actualizar el sitio web de nuestra parroquia. El Diácono Ron y Sue Lakosky se esforzaron mucho para asegurarse de que teníamos toda la información necesaria y que dicha información es útil. Hágannos saber si les gustan los cambios en nuestro sitio web. Si tienen alguna sugerencia, no duden en hacérnoslo saber también. ¡Estamos aquí para servirle! Gracias y que Dios los bendiga.

Sinceramente Suyo en Cristo,

Reverendo Alonzo M. García
