ghizlan zohair bijlage

2012-2013 Ghizlan Zohair SOLution SUI Bosstraat 9 6BEC GIP Bijlage

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Ghizlan Zohair



Bosstraat 9




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Ghizlan Zohair



Bosstraat 9




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Beste lezer

Met veel trots en enthousiasme kan ik mijn geïntegreerde proef voorstellen. Voor de richting handel

hebben we een fictief bedrijf moeten opstellen. Mijn groepje was SOLution. Ik had als functie

‘personeelsdirecteur’. Samen met de andere directeurs hebben we ons best gedaan om SOLution draaiend

en succesvol te houden. Het was zeer moeilijk voor ons, maar het is ons gelukt en we zijn er trots op!

Als eerst wil ik, de GIP-coördinator, meneer Fierens bedanken voor al zijn hulp. Hij heeft ons altijd geholpen

in goede en in slechte tijden.

Als tweede wil ik ook andere leerkrachten bedanken namelijk mevrouw Verwulgen, meneer Delcourte,

mevrouw Van De Fonteyne, mevrouw Verheyen en meneer Clerick. Deze personen hebben ons altijd verder

geholpen. Ze hebben al onze vragen beantwoord en gaven ons altijd feedback.

Als laatst zou ik graag mijn groepsleden, vrienden en familie willen bedanken. Ze hebben me altijd

aangemoedigd om verder te gaan. De GIP is een zware opdracht. Ik wil hun extra bedanken voor hun steun.

Zonder hen was het me nooit gelukt!

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Inleiding ........................................................................................................................................... 4

Bijlage 1: Operationele en financiële doelstellingen ........................................................................... 5

Bijlage 2: Samenvatting personeelsdirecteur ...................................................................................... 7

Bijlage 3 : PowerPoint websites vergelijken ...................................................................................... 12

Bijlage 4 : Eigen website mind-map ................................................................................................... 17

Bijlage 5 : Aankoopfacturen ............................................................................................................... 19

Bijlage 6: Aankoopdagboek, verkoopdagboek en financieel dagboek .............................................. 29

Bijlage 7 : Financiële rapporten boekjaar 2011, 2012 en 2013 ......................................................... 40

Bijlage 8: An Article ............................................................................................................................ 59

Bijlage 9: Typical vocabulary solar energy ......................................................................................... 63

Bijlage 10 : Curriculum vitae English .................................................................................................. 65

Bijlage 11: Job ad Solarflux for my application letter ........................................................................ 67

Bijlage 12: Curriculum Vitae Français ................................................................................................ 69

Bijlage 13: La meilleure affiche .......................................................................................................... 71

Bijlage 14: L’offre d’emploi de Solarflux (lettre de motivation) ........................................................ 73

Bijlage 15: Vacature voor ‘Lebenslauf’............................................................................................... 75

Besluit ......................................................................................................................................... 77

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Alle leerlingen van 6 Business Economics kregen als opdracht om een bedrijf op te stellen. Alle bedrijven

waren gespecialiseerd in zonnepanelen. We zijn onderverdeeld in 3 groepen. Mijn groepjes is SOLution. We

hebben ons best gedaan om het bedrijf zo goed mogelijk te runnen.

Via Ecoman konden we allerlei informatie halen over de zonnepanelen. Ik heb ook andere sites

geraadpleegd voor informatie.

De geïntegreerde proef bestaat uit 3 delen. Een structuur met de individuele opdrachten, een structuur

met de groepsopdrachten en een structuur met de bijlage. Dit werkje bestaat uit de bijlage.

In dit werkje vindt u al de gegevens die mij hebben geholpen om een opdracht succesvol te voltooien. Dit is

zowel informatie uit Ecoman als informatie vanuit het internet of boeken.

De opdrachten die ik hier heb gemaakt zijn niet enkel voor het vak bedrijfseconomie, maar ook voor de

andere taalvakken. We hebben zowel schriftelijke als mondelinge opdrachten gekregen.

SOLution is een groepje dat uit 6 leden bestaat. Michiel De Smedt is de algemeen directeur, Evelyne Van de

Broeck financieel directeur, Axelle Jacobs productie directeur, Maarten De Wachter logistiek directeur,

Ilona Ceulemans marketing directeur en ik zelf personeelsdirecteur.

Op het einde van het schooljaar zullen we onze GIP voorstellen aan een jury.

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Bijlage 1: Operationele en financiële doelstellingen

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Bijlage 2: Samenvatting personeelsdirecteur

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Bron : Ecoman

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Bijlage 3 : PowerPoint websites vergelijken

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Bijlage 4 : Eigen website mind-map

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Bijlage 5 : Aankoopfacturen

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Bron : Facturen van concurrenten

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Bijlage 6: Aankoopdagboek, verkoopdagboek en financieel dagboek

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Bijlage 7 : Financiële rapporten boekjaar 2011, 2012 en 2013

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Bron: Smartschool

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Bijlage 8: An Article

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Solar Energy

Updated: Oct. 11, 2012

Through the centuries, scientists have found innovative ways to harness the power of the sun — from magnifying glasses to steam engines. Converting more solar power into electricity is high on the political agenda in many countries, amid the push to find domestic energy sources that are less polluting than fossil fuels.

Solar is growing quickly in the United States.

Assisted by technological innovation and years of government subsidies, the cost of solar power — and wind power — has fallen sharply, so much so that the two industries say that they can sometimes deliver cleaner electricity at prices competitive with power made from fossil fuels.

At the same time, solar and wind power companies are telling Congress that they cannot be truly competitive and keep creating jobs without a few more years of government support.

The growth of solar power was helped by a federal stimulus package that extended a tax credit and provided other investment incentives for the industry. A one-year extension of the 1603 tax-grant program is expected to create an additional 37,000 solar industry jobs in 2012, according to a report by EuPD Research.

But the lobbying by the wind and solar industries comes at a time when there is little enthusiasm for alternative-energy subsidies in Washington.

Overall concerns about the deficit are making lawmakers more skeptical about any new tax breaks for business in general. And taxpayer losses of more than half a billion dollars on Solyndra, a bankrupt maker of solar modules that defaulted on a federal loan, has tarnished the image of renewable power in particular. Solyndra was financed under a now-expired program, part of the 2009 stimulus package, that provided government loan guarantees for clean-energy projects, some of which administration officials expected to be risky.

But solar and wind companies argue that the tax breaks they are seeking are different. The tax credits can be taken only by businesses that are already up and running, so taxpayers are less likely to be stuck subsidizing a failing company, proponents say.

Without the new breaks, industry executives warn, they will be forced to scale back production and eliminate jobs in a still-weak economy.

Glut of Solar Panels is a New Test for China

China in recent years established global dominance in renewable energy, its solar panel and wind turbine factories forcing many foreign rivals out of business and its policy makers hailed by environmentalists around the world as visionaries.

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But now China’s strategy is in disarray. Though worldwide demand for solar panels and wind turbines has grown rapidly over the last five years, China’s manufacturing capacity has soared even faster, creating enormous oversupply and a ferocious price war.

The result is a looming financial disaster, not only for manufacturers but for state-owned banks that financed factories with approximately $18 billion in low-rate loans and for municipal and provincial governments that provided loan guarantees and sold manufacturers valuable land at deeply discounted prices.

China’s biggest solar panel makers are suffering losses of up to $1 for every $3 of sales in 2012, as panel prices have fallen by three-fourths since 2008. Even though the cost of solar power has fallen, it still remains triple the price of coal-generated power in China, requiring substantial subsidies through a tax imposed on industrial users of electricity to cover the higher cost of renewable energy.

The outcome has left even the architects of China’s renewable energy strategy feeling frustrated and eager to see many businesses shut down, so the most efficient companies may be salvageable financially. The government also wants to see the country’s more than 20 wind turbine manufacturers, many of which are losing money, consolidate to five or six.

Chinese solar company executives blame their difficulties partly on the United States’s decisions in spring 2012 to impose antidumping and anti-subsidy tariffs on solar panel imports, and on the European Union’s recent decision to start its own antidumping investigation of imports from China.

A Volley of Trade Cases

The solar panel manufacturing industry in the United States and Europe has begun a volley of trade cases against imports, following the same track as the steel industry before it — and for many of the same reasons.

The U.S. Commerce Department issued a final ruling on Oct. 10, 2012, that would impose tariffs of 24 percent to 36 percent on solar panels imported from China. The department concluded, despite China’s denials, that Chinese manufacturers had received government subsidies and had “dumped” solar panels on the U.S. market for less than it cost to manufacture and ship them.

Solar panel manufacturers in the United States are now lobbying the Obama administration to broaden the tariffs to include solar panels made partly in China and partly in other locations, notably Taiwan. And the American industry is not ruling out further trade cases against other Asian solar panel exporters.

In Brussels, the European Union has started a trade investigation into solar panel imports from China — the world’s largest case ever involving allegations of dumping, covering imports worth $26.5 billion last year. And the European industry is seeking a second case against Chinese solar panel exports, accusing them of benefiting from government subsidies.

The tariffs imposed by the U.S. cover about $3 billion a year in imported solar panels and were imposed after a quasi-judicial process at the Commerce Department. U.S. law does not allow the White House to intervene in the process of calculating duties. But the duties can be replaced with a negotiated settlement that also satisfies the domestic industry.

How Solar Power Works

There are several ways to use the sun’s power to generate electricity. One of the most promising is called concentrating solar power. This involves using mirrors to reflect and focus the sun’s rays, providing heat, which in turn helps power a generator. Another is photovoltaic panels, such as the displays on the rooftops of homes and office buildings (some of these displays, especially in California, have experienced problems with theft).

Solar energy is also used to heat water and pools — and of course a properly designed house will optimize the light and heat qualities of as it floods through the windows.

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Making a solar panel, also known as a solar module, requires four main steps. The first is to use molten polysilicon to grow crystals or cast blocks of polycrystalline silicon. The second step is cutting and polishing the material into thin, smooth wafers.

The next step involves chemically treating the wafer and adding electrical contacts to turn it into a solar cell. The last step involves connecting 60 or 72 solar cells together, covering them with glass, enclosing them in an aluminum frame and adding an electrical junction box.

The Solyndra Scandal

Even with government support, American companies have a hard time competing with foreign producers. In August 2011, three U.S. solar power companies — Solyndra of California, Evergreen Solar of Massachusetts and SpectraWatt of New York — all filed for bankruptcy. In the case of Solyndra, the company had received $527 million in loans from the federal government.

On Sept. 13, 2011, a House subcommittee released documents suggesting that a final review of the $527 million in loan guarantees for Solyndra may have been rushed so that Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. could announce its approval at a groundbreaking.

But at a subcommittee hearing, officials of the Energy Department’s loan office and the White House budget office defended their decisions, which they said were carefully reviewed and not politically inspired.

The collapse of the Solyndra deal turned what was once portrayed by some as a shining example of the promise of federal subsidies to stimulate economic growth through green jobs into a grim lesson in what others call the futility of federal meddling in the marketplace.


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Bijlage 9: Typical vocabulary solar energy

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Fossil fuels: any hydrocarbon deposit that may be used for fuel; examples are petroleum, coal and

natural gas.

Wind turbine: an advanced type of windmill designed to convert wind energy into electrical energy.

Photovoltaic: photo means light. Voltaic means electricity. Photovoltaic means getting electricity

from light. It’s the solar panels that are made of silicon or other semiconductor. Every time a photon

(piece of light) hits it, an electron is knocked loose, which is usable as electricity.

Polysilicon: silicon with many single-crystal regions of different sizes and orientations.

Electrical junction box: is a container for electrical connections, usually intended to conceal them

from sight and deter tampering.

Concentrating solar power: systems use mirrors or lenses to concentrate a large area of sunlight, or

solar thermal energy, onto a small area.

Clean energy: energy, as electricity or nuclear power, that does not pollute the atmosphere when

used, as opposed to coal and oil, that do.

Glut of Solar Panels: too much of solar panels.

Renewable energy: natural energy which does not have a limited supply. Renewable energy can be

used again and again, and will never run out.

Electrical contact: contact that allows current to pass from one conductor to another.

Source: Internet

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Bijlage 10 : Curriculum vitae English

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Personal Details Name: Ghizlan Zohair Date of birth: 30 December 1980 Marital status: married

Education 1993-1999 1999-2004

Sint-Ursula-Instituut Business Economics VUB Commercial Economy

Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Waver Brussels

Professional Experience

Computer Skills Excel, Microsoft Word, Access, PowerPoint, Internet and e-mail

Languages Dutch Mother tongue English Fluent German Fluent French Fluent Spanish Basic


Ghizlan Zohair Grote Nieuwedijkstraat 81

2800 MECHELEN Belgium

015 41 18 32 [email protected]

2010- present HR Brussels, BE

Employer: KBC Responsibilities: Overseeing department functions and managing

employees Skills: Organization and multitasking

2005-2010 Sales Manager Amsterdam, NL

Employer: H&M Responsibilities: Motivating team members, meeting the sales

targets, devise strategies, … Skills: Speaking and listening

Sports Swimming, tennis and dancing

Various Cinema, music, reading and travelling

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Bijlage 11: Job ad Solarflux for my application letter

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Solarflux Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Waver | 14 January 2013

SALES MANAGER Company description Our company, Solarflux is situated in Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Waver (Belgium). We produce and sell solar panels. We want to create a greener environment by working with equipment and materials that are good for the environment. We want to achieve a long-term relationship with our customers. Solarflux works with motivated people in a pleasant environment. To strengthen our team, we are looking for a sales manager. Job description We are looking for an enthusiastic woman or man. You are responsible for the sale of solar panels and you will lead a team of sellers. You have to communicate with potential clients and you have to work with the marketing department. Profile

At least 2 years experience in this branch;

Bachelors degree;

You can speak the following languages fluently: English, Dutch, French and German;

You are able to function well in a team;

Computer skills: word, excel and access.

Our offers

A full time job;

Mobile phone;

An attractive salary;

Several benefits: meal vouchers, group insurance and hospitalization insurance.

If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact us by telephone or e-mail. telephone : 015 76 78 60 e-mail : [email protected] address : Bosstraat 9 2861 ONZE-LIEVE-VROUW-WAVER Source : Job ad Solarflux

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Bijlage 12: Curriculum Vitae Français

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Information Nom: Ghizlan Zohair Date de naissance: 30 Décembre 1980 Etat civil: mariée Nationalité: Belge

Formation 1993-1999 1999-2004

Saint-Ursula-Institut Commerce VUB Sciences commerciales

Wavre-Notre –Dame, Belgique Bruxelles, Belgique

Expérience professionnelles

Compétences informatiques Excel, Microsoft Word, Access, PowerPoint, Internet et e-mail

Langues français néerlandais

langue maternelle courant

anglais courant allemand courant espagnol Bonne expression

Centres d’intérêts

Ghizlan Zohair Grote Nieuwedijkstraat 81

2800 MALINES BelgIique 015 41 18 32

[email protected]

2010- Présent: Directrice du personnel - Recrutement du personnel - Etablissement de la paye - Gestion des congé, accident du travail - Négociations salariales

Bruxelles, BELGIQUE

2005-2010 Assistante directrice générale - Participe à la définition d la stratégie de l’entreprise - La déclinaison de la stratégie - Appuie les activités relatives à la recherche

Hollande, PAYS-BAS

Sports voyager, nager et danser

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Bijlage 13: La meilleure affiche

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Bijlage 14: L’offre d’emploi de Solarflux (lettre de motivation)

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Solarflux Wavre-Notre-Dame | 14 janvier 2013

Employé(e) administratif(ve) Notre entreprise Solarflux est une entreprise qui est active dans la vente des panneaux solaires. Nous créons un environnement plus vert en travaillant avec des installations et des matériaux qui sont bien pour l’environnement. Pour renforcer notre équipe nous cherchons un(e) employé(e) administratif(ve). Description de la fonction

Gérer les agendas;

Assurer la distribution du courrier;

Elaborer un calendrier de présence obligatoire;

Préparer des documents et des invitations requis;

Préparer des présentations ;

Vérifier la distribution et l’archivage des rapports. Profil

Vous avez plusieurs années d’expérience dans un poste similaire ;

Vous êtes résistant au stress et vous êtes discret ;

Vous avez une bonne communication et sens de l’organisation ;

Vous maîtrisez couramment le néerlandais, l’anglais, le français et l’allemand ;

Vous possédez les compétences de Microsoft Office comme Word, PowerPoint, Excel et Acces. Offre Nous vous offrons un salaire attrayant assorti d’avantages extralégaux : chèques-repas, assurance groupe et assurance hospitalisation. Contact Si vous êtes intéressé n’hésitez pas à nous contacter par e-mail ou par téléphone. Numéro de téléphone : 015 76 78 60 E-mail : [email protected] Adresse : Bosstraat 9, 2861 WAVRE-NOTRE-DAME Source d’information : L’offre d’emploi de Solarflux

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Bijlage 15: Vacature voor ‘Lebenslauf’

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Brunnen: Stellenangebot von Solarflux

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Vorig jaar kregen we al te horen wat er van ons verwacht werd voor de GIP in het 6de jaar. Ik zag het

helemaal niet zitten omdat ik dacht dat ik het werkje nooit in elkaar zou krijgen. Nu denk ik daar heel

anders over. Voor mij is de GIP zeker een positieve ervaring.

Ik heb veel bijgeleerd. De individuele opdrachten hebben mij zelfstandiger gemaakt. Je wilt het werkje zo

perfect mogelijk afmaken. Ook de groepsopdrachten hebben mij veel bijgeleerd. Je leert je team beter

kennen en je leert ook hoe je beter moet samenwerken.

Er waren veel up’s en down’s in mijn groepje, maar dat hoort er nu eenmaal bij. In het echte bedrijfsleven is

dat ook zo. Voor de groepsopdrachten heb je een grote verantwoordelijkheid. Je mag niet rekenen op de

anderen. We hebben ons best gedaan om elke opdracht zo goed mogelijk af te werken.

De GIP was voor mij zeker een grote uitdaging. Ik heb veel tijd gestoken in de afwerking van mijn GIP, maar

uiteindelijk ben ik er toch trots op!

Ik zie het als een voorbereiding op het echte bedrijfsleven!

Veel leesplezier!