ghandi and nelson mandela

Mahatma Ghandi & Nelson Mandela : By Samantha Baker 8, 2010 August

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Page 1: Ghandi and nelson mandela

Mahatma Ghandi

& Ne lson Mande la

: By Samantha Bake r 8 , 2010Augus t

Page 2: Ghandi and nelson mandela


• , -Ghandi practice d satyag raha total non viole nce

He be lie ved that mass c ivil disobedie nce was

the be s t way to g e t the voice of the pe ople

he ard

• He was assass inate d jus t a few short months

afte r India be came a dominion

Page 3: Ghandi and nelson mandela

Ne lson Mande la

• Ne lson Mande la was involved in

many of the s te ps toward ending

the aparthe id South Africa was

suffe ring from

He was influenced by Ghandi but

came to a point whe re he be lie ved

viole nce was ne ce s sary to move


• , Afte r be ing re le ased from prison

Ne lson partic ipate d in the final

- negotiations to have a multi rac ial

e le c tion

Mande la was e le c ted pre s ident

to s e rve as the countrie s firs t

black pre s ident

Page 4: Ghandi and nelson mandela

Mande la in Prison

• Ne lson Mande la se rve d a total of

27 ye ars in prison

18 of those we re se rve d on

Robben Is land whe re he

pe rformed hard labor

• Black prisone rs be ing he ld for

political re asons we re g iven the

fewe s t privile g e s

• - , He was a D lis t prisone r the

, lowe s t ranking so he was allowed

only one le tte r and one vis itor in

6 e ach month pe riod

• He re ce ive d his Bache lor of Laws

from the Unive rs ity of London

while in prison by corre spondence