getting into the it decision maker's inbox

Discover Discover Org Org Getting Into the IT Decision Maker’s Inbox Henry Schuck Co-Founder & CEO -@HenryLSchuck

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Getting Into the IT

Decision Maker’s Inbox

Henry SchuckCo-Founder & CEO


DiscoverOrg at a Glance

The DiscoverOrg DifferenceEvery DiscoverOrg profile is personally verified every 90 days providing accurate:

Decision maker org charts Direct dial phone numbers Verified email addresses Technology backgrounds Relevant personnel moves IT Projects and initiatives Revenue and IT Budget intelligence LinkedIn and CRM Integration Physical and HQ address locations

SLA Guaranteed Accuracy Our data is guaranteed 95% accurate and is backed by our Quality Assurance team with a 24 hour turn-around time

for any data verification requests.

60% report that a Cold Call or Email has bumped a new vendor into consideration

75% of IT Execs have taken an appointment from a cold call or email

DiscoverOrg Study Jan. 2013 of 1,000 F5000 IT Mgrs, Dir, VPs

Using the Power of EmailObjectives of the presentation:

Helpful tips on escaping filters and navigating gatekeepers

Crafting the most effective Subject Line

Compelling Email Body

Being CAN-SPAM Compliant

Goals of a Lead Generation Piece

Recipient makes a decision about deleting your email in 2.7 seconds, plan wisely!

Start a dialogue

Could be other interests, familiarity with product, etc.

Thought provoking questions to generate responses

Encourage a response

Get acceptance for offer

BIGGEST MISTAKE: Focusing on your product or service instead of the offer

Getting Stuck?Remove these items to stay out of the spam filter

Graphically rich

Complex HTML Message


Promotional word(s) such as “free”

Symbols (!)


Run your email through a SPAM Score

Image FAIL

Common Themes in Deleted Emails

Sending emails around long weekends

“Salesy” sounding emails

Generic “firebomb” content

Now’s Your Chance!

Key Readability Tips:Use Arial 10pt - most readable size and font across Outlook and

mobile devices.

This is important considering 36% of DiscoverOrg emails are opened on mobile devices.

Best Times to send email

Most emails are read between 8 and 9 am and 3 to 4 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Prospects will be most engaged during these hours as well.

Crafting Your Subject Line This is the most important part of your email! People are busy but they are drawn by the subject line. You want to make sure to cover these areas:

Create curiosity

Provide Utility

Subject Line Goals:

Tell prospect why you chose them. Request for a specific actionRelevant to prospects wants and needsHow product can benefit them (mention pain-points)Never more than 50 characters, not words.Only 27 characters display on an iPhone Subject Line

Successful Subject Lines“Can we talk March 12th?”“Connect with key IT Decision Makers”“<Company Name> <Person’s Title or area> Information Security”“Should we talk?” or “Can we set up a call?”

“<John> - Can I get 15 mins?”

“Following Up”For emails after the initial email

“Widget Corp.”Good since Widget Corp. is a competitor or the recipient or a company that would otherwise be familiar to the person.

“John Smith”If John Smith is a mutual contact or internal referral, or if it is someone at the organization you’ve spoken to previously.

The Body: The “Meat” of your Email

Show you’ve done your homework.First Name (informal salutation)Bold relevant content

Tell why you chose themGive them Value.

Highlight Sphere of InfluenceExpress gratitude – A little thanks goes a long way.

What Not To Do

The Email Structure: The “Bones”

Informal SalutationShort SentencesMultiple BreaksBullet/key points175 words or less.Keep it above the fold.

The Action: “Next Course”

Offer Examples

GoodDiscountDemo requestTrialDownload

BadFor more information…To learn more….

Concrete ResponseDon’t leave it up to the recipient to make the next step

Sense of Urgency:“I will call you tomorrow at 3pm, let me know if that works..”

The Close:“I look forward to your reply (name)”“I’ll give you a call on…(day)”“I will be in your area on Friday…

Mail Merge – Big Picture

• Linking Fields in Excel to Emails

Target Your Audience, Tailor your Message with DiscoverOrg

Pro Tip: Watch a full-length tutorial on creating a mail merge using Word 2007 and DiscoverOrg here

The Follow-UpWhat happens after sending? Wait it out?

NO! Execute the dynamic duo of Email and Voicemail.Email again

Track your responsesAverage of 300% increase on responses when sending follow up emails.Get an internal referral• “John – Thanks for the response. Do you know who would be

charge of Storage at XYZ Corp.?”

Internal Referral“Don’t sell to the CIO or VP level? Send them an email asking for a referral” – Aaron Ross – Predictable Revenue

Subject: Can you point me in the right direction?Email Body:

[First Name],I'm sorry to trouble you. I know you’re the <Title> at <Company> and was hoping you would be so kind as to tell me who is responsible for [insert your biggest pain point here that resonates with your ideal customer; OR insert function such as “Networking” or “Information Security”] and how I might get in touch with them?Thank You,Henry

CAN-SPAMCAN-SPAM does not prohibit the sending of unsolicited email for commercial purposes – what it does require is that companies stop sending emails to recipients who have indicated they want to “Opt-out.”

Be compliantDon’t use false or misleading header informationDon’t use deceptive subject linesGive your location to recipientsGive clear instructions on how to OPT-out, and honor requests promptly.

Pro Tip: Read the complete compliance standards CAN-SPAM